Kodak, Instructions For Processing Kodak Process E-6

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30817-003 No. 401 Instructions for processing ‘Kodak’ EKTACHROME Films in ‘Kodak’ EKTACHROME Film Processing Chemicals, Process E-6 (Sizes larger than 3.8 litres) Noti he following sections supplement the extensive information on the general care, use and control of Process E-6 contained in the Eastman Kodak publication No. 2-119. For information on Process E-6P, see publication No. 2-119? (Supplement). (See Page 8 for details) GENERAL INFORMATION FILMS PROCESSED IN PROCESS E-6 CHEMICALS, These le canbe procased wit Process E-6 Chemica using the processing conditions recommender Kodak’ EKTACHROME 64 Professional Fim (Daylight) ‘Kedai’ EKTACHROME 50 Profossional Fim (Tungsten) ‘Kocs’ ERTACHROME 100 Professional Film (Dayight) ‘ocak’ EKTACHROME 200 Professional Fir (Oaylig) ‘Kodsk’ EKTACHROME 160 Professional Fim Tungsten) ‘Kodak EKTACHROME G4 Professional im 6117 (Oaviigh) Kodak’ EKTACHROME 100 Profeslonal Film 6122 (Dayight) Kodak EKTACHROME 200 Professional Firm 6176 (Dayligh}) Kodak EXTACHROME Professional Film 6118 (Tungsten) Rodek EXTACHROME Sie Duplicating Flim S07" (Process E-6) Kodak EKTACHROME Duplicating Film 6121 (Process E-0) Kedek’ ERTACHROME 64 Film (Dayigh) Kodak ERTACHROME 100 Fie (Oayigh) Kodak EXTACHROME 160 Film (Tungsten) Kodak ERTACHAOME 200 Fm (Day) Kodak’ EKTAGHROME 400 Fim (Oayight) Kodak’ EKTACHROME PE00/ 1600 Professional Film NOTE: Requires Process £-6P. See publeation No. Z-119P tor tulthe information PROCESSING CHEMICALS. The following chemicals are normally required to un Procoss E-6 and aro supolig in prepared torn: To make: 40 tes 2x20 tres) Titre concentrate Kodak’ Fst Developer Replonisher, Process E-6 ‘Kodak First Developer Starter, Process E-0 Kodak Reversal Bath & Roplerisher, Process E-& 20, 100 tres. ‘KodaW’ Colour Dovelopor Repionisher, Process €-6 40 ios (2320 lias) ‘Kodak’ Colour Developer Starter Process E61 ire concontrate, ‘Kodak’ Conditioner & Replensher, Process €-8 20, 50 ites. ‘Kodak’ Bleach Replenisher, Process E-C 1O'tres concentrate. Kodak Bleach Starter, Proceas E-6 ites concantrate. Kodak Finer & aplenishor Process E-6 20, 100 tives Kodak’ Stabiizer &Replenisher, Process E-6 20.100 ives, Kodak’ Defoame, Process €-8. U5 nude (nly required in rack and tank processors when excessive faring secur) The following chemicals are availabe n 20 ite exible contaners. They ‘atte used for in-line dun replenishment or, the directions bn the ‘contsinors are followed. they can be sed for other proves moses "Fo make: Kodak’ First Developer Replonisher Process E-GaR 100 tees ‘Kodak Reversal Bath & Replenishe, Process E-CAR 400 ites, Kodak Colour Developer Replensher, Part A Process E-6AR 100 ites Kodak’ Colour Developer Replenisher. Part 8, Process E-SAR 100 ites Kodak Conationer& Replenisher, Process E-6AR 100 ites. ‘Kodak Bloach Roplonianer, Process E-GAR 20 ites concentrate, Kodak Fixer &Replenishor, Process E-6AR 200 ites. ‘Kodak Stabilzor& Replonisher Process E-GAR 1282 Ites. PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING CHEMICALS \With appropriate care al chamicals ean be handled in safety ard with ceonfigence. Kodak photocamical products present no more ofa nazard {han the normal range of chemicals which ara In everyey use in he home. The general principles tobe followed are: {2 Keep al chemicals auto he reach of wrauperviged chile, 1 Before mixing or using any cherie Information onthe cantsners snd (Use clean, eutsbly protective cloves and taco/aye protection, especialy when mixing or pouring solutions or wren cleaning mixing or Storage tanks, Take care fo avoid splashing, {Uta the event of accidental contact with solutions oF sold chemical, Immediately rinse the skin or ayes wth plenty of running water, or eyes, tinge fora leat 15 minutes and aoek medioal advice 1 Engure good general vention throughout the work aces. Consider the red for local exhaust ventilation over mia ane processing take 1 Ke9p all oquipment, working surfaces and work areas eee trom chemical contamination, Never smoke where chemicals ae handed or used 1 Never take f00d oF dink ato sueh areas ont use empty chemical container for storing food or drink ane never store chemicals food or drink containers. CAUTIONARY INFORMATION FIRST DEVELOPER STARTER. Contains acetic acid 12%. ob. Irritant litating to eyes and skin In case of contact with eyes, rnee inmodiately with ateny of water and Seek medical vice. FIRST DEVELOPER REPLENISHER E-6 and E-6 AR Contains potassium hydroquinone monosulphonate. pH9—12. leritant iitating to eyes and sci. incase of contact with eyes, rinse Immediately with plenty of weler and Seek medial acvie. Working solution: total water GO% COLOUR DEVELOPER STARTER. Contains acetic aid 20%, puts, Irritant itating to eyes and skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse ‘mmadiatoly with plonty of wstor and spk medioal acviee COLOUR DEVELOPER REPLENISHER E-6 and E-6 AR Part A contains alkali equivalent to potassium hycroxige 810%. peta ‘Corrosive. Causes burns In ease of contact wth eves, nae Immodiately win plenty of water and sank medical sevice Part B contains a p-phonylened ive (©D-3). DHT ESAR PHT eS) Irtant. erating to ays and skin. In cate of contact with eye, rings Immodlately with plenty of wstor and soak medical vies Working solution: total wator “90%. pHO~12. leita REVERSAL GATH AND REPLENISHER E-6 ond E-6 AR Contains propioni acid pHS~6 Inrtant. erating to eyes an skin. n case of contact with eyes, rinse Immorkatoly with plonty of wator and soe medaal edvice, Working solution: total water 95% CONDITIONER AND REPLENISHER E-Gand €-6 AR Contains thioglyeerol pH6—3.eritant Working solution: total water ~95%, BLEACH REPLENISHER E-6 and E-6 AR Contains an EDTA call p36. Wirking solution: total water 50-60%. p36. BLEACH STARTER Contains an EDTA salt. 9. FIXER AND REPLENISHER E-6 and E-6 AR Contains inorganic thiosulphate. pHE~9 Working solution: otal water 90%, STABILIZER AND REPLENISHER E-G and E-6AR Contains formaldehyde 29% (E-6 AR 15%).pH3—6 Turan. itating to eyes and rospiratory system. May cause Sonsitizaton by skin contact. In case of contac! with eyes, rinse immediately with plonty at welor ané sek medical avi. ‘Working solution: total water 99%. DHE. KEEP ALL CHEMICALS OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN HANDLING OF SOLUTIONS Cleanliness and contamination “The photographie quality produced and the ife ofthe processing solutions epane upon the cloantiness otha equipment and containers Used for ‘xing, storing and.using the Solutions. Betore and after ube through lean Grocessing reels, racks, hangers, tanks and siting equiprent, preferaiy before the olution has had the apportunity of arying. Likewise, void ine contamination of any chemical solution by any thr except fe normal ears at procossing. The Bos! procedure i360 the samo tank forthe same olution each time, an fo use one tank ‘or mixing the ‘developers ane another for ether sakitions Likewise tiers should ears be mixed using separate equipment, since smal amounts in other processing solutions wil eae large processing variations Working solutions shouldbe fitered trequenti to remove particles, Note: Any equlpment previously in cortact with Process E-4 Colour Developer must be cleaned thoroughly with Kodak Liguid Develon ‘System leanor and tharoughly washed before using it fc Process 6 solutions. Before mixing or using the cleaner read the procautionary Information provided 09 label Storage of concentrates and solutions Stor the concentrates beteen 5°C and 30°C, on an impervious, Washable surface and inspect periodical or possibie leakaze cr spllece. ‘Avoid freezing the chemicals or solutions, Once mixed the solutions ‘Should be stored st normal room temperature, 1. 21°C approximately, To reduce oxidation, evaporation and contamination of colvtions, keep {torage and processing tanks covered. Use lloating covers for Developers Reversal Bah, Conetioner and Fixer. The following table incites the maximum storage timos forthe solutions ‘once thay have bean miced. For best results donot exceed these times, Por eos {tanterepnsnen Frat Developer ‘Bwoeks 4 wooks week Reversal Bath Bweeks 4 wooks week Cnsitioner Sweets 4 weoks week Colour Developer 12 weeks EB woake Gwrecke Fier 2eweeks 2a woaks 24 weeks Stabilizer Dawoeks —2awosks 2a weeks “ru tant tapped gas bota wth proper repleehnen and with raben Preparing the solutions ‘Tao mixing instructions are supplied eithor on the case or bottle lb ‘Thowe instructions enous be folowed earetully. The recommended water temperature for moang Is 35°C. This temperature ensures that ne mixed Soliton wi be near mat require for use. Apart rom the Starter Solutions, do not attempt fo vide the chemicals fo make quantties of Soltionssmaler than these epoca. For successful mbing, clear, sediment-free water is essemia. It may be neseseary to instal fers inthe water eupoty ine Containers mace fram one othe following materials are recommends for ‘rung or storing solutions: tainlage ste! to ISO 689/19, eutable pasties {(€. high density palyetnyene, polypropylene, rigid PYG), glass and hare rubber. Novar use containers cr equipmant mado from aluminium, copper, tinned or gavanizes ware Bleach aeration ‘Oxygon ig ngoded to activate the Blaach uso in Process E-6, Fresh-mixed Bleach solition should be abratas for Ua t0-30 minutes, ‘depending on the volume. Use vigorous manual atten or bursts fai. Furthor aeration is required during processing This s provided by ait Satation inthe Bieseh tank on rapksane-tark machines, helicl-path ‘ontinaous precoetors, and shaot-lim tank nos. Aeration aso ‘ceasary in roller transport processing machinos when the troushput of ‘wore is very Ion In tank ines uses to process rol ims on reels sucient {oration is cblained by manual gfttion. Inthe rotary-tube processors the ‘eating drum provides the necessary ato the Bleach. Processing solution evaporation During periods when the process sie, evaporation can occur causing & ‘op of solution ove i tanks this ean bo reduces by using Hosting I) ‘After such periods the solution levels shoul be checked anc 1 necessary the levels restored by topping-ub" siowiy with water atthe operational tomparature ‘Note: Water should nor be added sirectly to 2 seasoned Bleach because wil cause precptation. Top up Bleach by adding repleishor solution. HW avaporation of the Bleach cauese cn unacceptable risa in specific ‘gravity. orf further information on the eanrol of evaporation through Specie gravity. inary ofthe solutons is required, coneul tne Eastman Kodak Publeation No 2-199, ‘Check that any abnormal lve! losses are not eausod by ales rather than bby evaporation. ‘TANK LINES ‘Top-up" by bringing elutions upto ther correct processing temperature, and tnen adcing water sow tothe solutions unt mney reach the inateatea levels MACHINE PROCESSING Bring solutions upto temperature withthe circulation on fan where ‘Sppicabla. oseous agitation on) te saluton levels ae below ths tank ‘veri level Top-Up" with water at epproximatoly 38°C. The water must ‘bo added slomy to prevent cnomical prociiation Ad the wator to aah tank unt he surface ofthe sluton is brought back the overiw level ‘without ary actual overiow. Process monitoring ‘To monitor the qualty ofthe processing and estas processing cord tions appropriate to your usage, itis essential fo process ‘araitomotriesrps regularly. Pre-exposed Kodak Contol Strips, Process E-6, aro prepared especialy for aualiy conto Fer securate contr, vse a donsitometer. ‘Comprehensive instructions on the use of Control Strias and process ‘control are given inthe Eastman Kodak Publication No 2110 "Using Prosess £6" and in NoZ-09, Introduction fo Color Procors Moritorn. Process control ‘Adjustment of eotenishment rates is no recommended for centraling this process. The recommended technique sto control process speed BY {5justing Fret Dovelonor time and tomporature, ana contol colour ‘Balance by acdng sulphuric ack er sodium hycroxie fo the Colour Developer CONTROLLING PROCESS SPEED Using Kodak Control Strins, Process E-8, bring the process into control by adlsting tne Fist Developer time and temperature conaitions within the range givan in tho tables of processing specifications. If hero is no {Good reason to da otherwise, use tha mispatnt ofa rangas; tat is ‘nutes at 38°C. The conditions that you soe! should bo hed within the following tolerances from run fo-rur * 5 seconds ure + 0.886 For convenience, the Calour Doveloper can be similarly adjusted. For txampla, i the First and Colout Dovoloper are Roatad by tho samo ‘system, the Colour Developer temperature wil be determined bythe First [Developer temperature. The tolerances for te Colour Developer are ime * 18 seconds Temperature * 06°¢ \ density values forthe spees (LD) step on the Control Strip for Process 6 deviate from the reforenco line on tho ol, the First Dovelopor me sheuld oe clusted To remady a density inereaea, rerease the ist Develooer time. To remedy a Gacrease. decrease the ritst Developer time. Alteratively tre Fist Davoloper temperature can be sila adjustee CONTROLLING COLOUR BALANCE Coleraine of ‘erosinat sanasn process compared nner "our HO) reterenee ata ‘ution sere on contol oh Yellow ‘ue danaty nets above Sulphuric eid mie 005 Fed and graen densities (er.S0,) for celour IHD) stop (ealour spread excoode 0-131n olour HO step) Bue ‘ue donsty pots below Sodium Hydroxide Tee “008 Fed'and groen donates (eniNaor for colour HDI steo (colour spread exceeds (33 im colour THO S00) CONTROLLING COLOUR BALANCE \Winenever Process E-5 I in control for speed but out of contra or colour balance, correction can be made by adding clther SNormal sulphuric acid {GN H.80,} or § Normal sodium hydroxide (EN NaOH tothe Colour ovelopor ark luton, Sulphure acid solution Warning: Note the precautionary intarmation provided by the Suppl “To prepare SNH,S0, Take 700ml of cold watar and pace in atwe-litve hestcresstant glass beaker ‘Then SLOWLY age, wih extreme caution ne Constant string, 189ml af concentrated suphurte acid (36N). Cool to ‘oom lomperstuie and then ada water to make 1 litre. Store in a gas Botte with a glass stoppor and label clearly. “To prevent a violent reaction, with boing and spatterig, always aéd tho aid to tho watar, NEVER the water to tho eld Sodium hydroxide solution Warning: Note the precautionary information provided by the Supplier. Ta prepara SNNaOH Tako 600ml of cold wator and placa in a two-itre eat-reistantolats beaker Than SLOWLY 20d, wih extreme caution and Constant sting. 2009 of sodium hydroxide Cool to room temperate Sand than add water to make 1ltre. Store n a lass bette with rubber ‘topper or ina plastics (polyethylene) bottle an label clearly ‘To prevent a violent reaction. with boling and spattering, always add {the sodium hydroxide to the water, NEVER tho water to the sodium hyeroni Dont weigh the sodium hydeoxide in an aluminiam ash SUGGESTED STARTING POINTS FOR FIRST DEV To calculata tho amount of suiphure acid or sodium hydroxide to correct an ut-cf-cortrel colour balance, ad | mile of 2d (H,50,) 0" skal {N20} per lite of solution for every 0.05 density change in colour (HD) prond requires 80, colour {HD} excess colou” spread 008 ‘colour (HD) excess colour spread - 20 =namber of ml per Iire of H,S0, or NaOH to ade Example Ifyou wish to correct be colour imbalance and dacresse the Spread betwean rod ard blue by 0.14 uri danity on the higher cones (0.16 » 20 2.8m 5N NaOH tobe adted foreach ire. Colour Developer tank solution Process adjustments for under-exposed and over-exposed film NOTE: For Kodak EKTACHROME P00/1600 Professional Film (Oaylighe), use Process £-6P/ Push’ See publcaton no. 2-119 fot forthe information, For the best quaity from Kodak EKTACHROME Camors Films, normal Fir-spaed ratings and nernal Process E-6 recommendations should be used. fe compromise in qual i acceptable, frat devoloper time or Tomporature vanatons can provide 2 ochniqua far + Intentionally under or ovarexposing fms 1 top. “Salvaging ime which wore eroneausly under or overexposed by upto Sa orca stops /ELOPER TIME OR TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT (UNDER- EXPOSED AND OVER EXPOSED FILN}) 3 stope under * Capoten mites) : Fist Deveoner increase by 10 mn increase by 89°C 2 tops under * Increase by 8 min Increase by 6 7°C 1 stop under ineraase by 2 min Increase by 48°C stop over ocrease by 2 min. Secrease by 35°C 2etope over* ‘Sooreaso By 3 mn ‘decrease by 7206 Stops over* fot recommenced Secrease by BOC 3 slope over* fot recommenced ‘ecrease By 106°C “These recranendations ae tended or avaging vce or PROCESS E-6 SINK LINE PROCESSING ‘In Following information apples to manual processing in large tanks. Irocessin in smaif tanks diferent rstuction ae required~please contact Kouahin your county Tor deta, Caution. Care should be taken to prevent abrasions, scratches, kinks and traases’ When processing an reels load only one fim per rel Ie Important to minirize factors tna an impait image aualty during processing, suc as dior water spotting, Squoegee belare drying 10 feduce ths tendency. necessary liter or repace the Stabiizer bath ‘roauontiy to ved dirt build up AGITATION Uniformity of resuls depends upon correct, content atation Gaseous burst aitation ‘Tha method is ony eutable for sheet flrs. Itie not sutabe for rll ns con reais Because i may result in an unaconetabie lack oF unformty. Only ritrogen should be Used'n the Developer saluions an only a should be Used in te Bleach and Fix soluters. The rttogen must be hurseied and both nitrogon end air supplies must bo ol rae and aonteolod ta ve a2 Secene buts! avery 10 seeands. The prassure should bo suicion! Yo raise {ne solution avel about 15mm In First Developer. Colour Developer, Blaach, Fixer and Washes: Inia Lower the loadac tim hangers into the solution ara tap them ‘sharply against the tark fo catogge eit bubbles. Then i the hangars ‘about three-quarters of the way out ofthe solution and re-immeree them, Repeat tor 18 eeconds—about eight iting cycles, Subseauent First and Colour Davelopers—2 second burst of mirogen ‘ovary 10 seconds. ‘Subsequent Sioach and Fixer—Air agitation may be continuous of butt But the aut rat should not be fos than 8 2 second burst every 10 ‘seconds. Only use ir agtation inthe Bleach and Fixer wa fl sn the Suibsoquent itashes— Ai agitation may be used a2 forthe Bleach ane Fhier ori tne hangors about trrae-quarters of ha way out of tna solution and re-inmerse them twice every 20 seconds Reversal Bath, Conditioner and Stabilize: Inia! Lover the loc flm rangers nto the tan ane tap them shataly ‘agarst the ten to dislodge air bubbles Subsenuent Nono Manual agitation “Thi tachnigue must be Used for rl fim on reel ane ean ba used for sheot fms. There are two sultable methods Both resuln satstactory Ursformity and sensitometric sults In First Developer. Colour Developer. Bleach Fixer, and Washes Initial Lower the loaded fim hangers or reels int the solution ane tap ther sharply against the tank tg dislodge alr bubbles. Then it te hangers oF eels about three-cuarters of the way out ofthe solution and recinmerse them Repost for "8 seconde about iting eles. on Initial Lower the rack int the solution and ta it sharply against the tan {o dislodge air bubbles. Then carry out the following cyle twice during the ist 18 secon: in rapid succession 15 it the rae coar ofthe colton, ETititte 60 degrees or more ono direction. 1 Resimmerse ‘SLi te rack clear again Tit itto 60 degrees or more in the opposite direction Re-immere [Note that two tits ae given in each eyle, with no pause for draining (otal time for each cycle 7 seconds). Subsoquontly very 20 seconds. It the losded hangors 0° roele {three-quarters ofthe way out ofthe solution ang then lower again, Repeat foriwe iftcycies- about seconds. In Reversal Bath, Contin and Stabilizer: Initial Tap the loaded rees or hangers sharply to islodge air bubbles. No Tether agitation should be given WASHES: Note: Inadequate final washing wil esult in reduced dye stilt. ‘Allash tanks should be ematies when processing is complete atthe end ‘of each day and itt empty overnight to prevent the growth of gaa, For agitation inthe washes cee under “Agitation” Flowing washes “Thete may be uted ‘or First and/or Final Washes. It wing washes are used for both. the same tank may be used, Time (rn) 2 a Tempec 3s—a95 3-205 Flow B lves/min Stires/min Astation Ina ‘Non-flowing washes ‘Those are ttsfactory and conserve water and eneray. First Wash Washing time 2 minutes. Use a single tank filled wth water at 25°C—30.5°C. Replace every 2 processing runs, regardless cf tne ‘quantity of fim processed. Nover Uso any ofthe Final wash tanks a6 First Wash tank Drain larks each da after processing ard leave empty overnight Final Wash Washing time 6 minutes. Use three tanks, two minutes each, flea ith water at 20°C -98.5°C Replace tre water inal fee weshes very 4 processing rans, regardless of te quantity offi processed, Drain tanks eacn day ater processing an leave empty overnight GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR TANK-LINE PROCESSING Solation Tine Temperature estes ‘oiaton "Note:The fiat tree stops sould be performed toll darkness aaaan First S—Taets 965-295 280 Trak Manual Developer Subsequent, Nivogen=2s burst every 10s Ti: ‘or Manual eyste every 20 ret Wash ‘amin 35-895 owing) ‘see Wash Inia: Manual or ‘section Subsequent. Air~2s burst every 108 _ 2min 25-985 (norflowing) ‘ole every 208. Roversar ‘amin 24-205 1100 NONE: Tap rack to eilode Bar| “The remaining sleps Gan be done ln normal room ight Colour 5=Tmink 365-205 2160 inital Manvel Boveloper Subeoqvent Nitrogen 2s burst every 102 u or Manual™teyele every 208 Cconaitionsr 2m 238s 100 NONE: Tap rack to alstodge air bubbles only Bieseh ‘emin 35-305 270" ‘pital Manvel Subsequent: Air 2¢ buret every 105 for Manual™1 eyoie avery 208 Fier amin cary Ti00 ina: Marval Subsequent: Ar—2s burst every 105 ‘or Manual—1 cycle every 208 Final Wash ay 35-395 Mowing) ‘00 Wash ‘ei: Manca oremin 28-33 (lowing). ‘section Subsequent: Air—1 burst every 105 eremin 20-385 (non-owing) ‘or Manual cycle every 20s Siablizer ate ‘Ambient 1100 NONE: Tap rack fo lalodgo cir bubblos only Oy, 20-60 = 4 Sovelopertimes ana tomsoreteron canbe acute + Kina oi comenart teas the orn coats ring process into conto (S90 "Cortrling presse pees" earlerintrctions) Once the opium tine or tamecative ~ For process wih a6 ripe bach tine, Bleach Retenihorconcantate (Toma used units) can ba conserved cing 2 pats concentrate wih pat water. ‘plenshment rte ein he ar 4 rereme by 15 vecencs when ony ual wplaion used Volar snes) ‘Modifications for Process E-8P “The general process cycle for ‘Kodak’ EKTACHROME P909/1600 Protesconal Films sumo to Provess E-6 bu requires madeations to {he specifeations for Frat Developer The speciation forall ol steps remaina the same 25 for Process €-6 ‘The First Developer time wil be increased depending upon the effective ‘Sxpoeure index at which the fim was exposed. rer seme processors may alse be necessary to increase ihe temperature of he First Developer. “Tne folowing table lists the changes recited trom the standard E-6 First Developer conditions ose Development Process ESP ST min Puan t Process ep *6-90in 1600 Push 2 Process er. “10-1970 3220 200 ash 3 Procoss Eo s219min 660 Seis in ocean 86 e howe provauny detsrmaee Do nt Secreto eplonshment ate or prcstsors wih ach tenes fet an 6 ute Iftho green density in chadow areas of properly exposed trangparenci to light desreaze First Developmen time Il tho groan denaiy i t00 dark, increase First Davelopment time, Actual tins will eperd upon ‘al conctions but once establnea shouls be adore fe It its not possible to obtain correct processing time with your equipment. ILmay be ecessaty to ineroase Fist Developer temperate An increase ‘11.720 wil reduce the required First Dovoloper ta by approximetoly ‘minute: The exact efecto! temperature chengea must be determines Using Kod Push-Precoss Selup Step Process 6. For further information on diagnosing process ficulties contact Kedak in your country. REPLENISHMENT ‘When using processing equipment witha capacity areator than lites, Use replenisiment procedures for greater solution capasty. process-0- process uniformity and economy. Consistently sasiactory photographic ‘ual is obtained by using the recommendad replenishment ates and aleulating carafuly the actual quantities af Reploninor solutions equi. Whether manvaly or by automatic metering devices, Feplerisher solutins should be ade a rauerty as possible. For hand (parated processas, Replenisher should be added just before processing ‘he next bate Batch replenishment method Determine the average area of fim processed in each batch. Mutiply this by thereplanishment rates inthe lable to obtaln the replenishment ate bor batch, Preferably replenish mmesiatey before araceasing the nest Batch of tim Keap a regular check of te araa of im per batch his may ‘vary Adjust rapienishment rates accordingly, Adking replenishers: Uniess suitably designed equiomertis used to ‘Petar Roplerishers into the solution, use the following method First remove rom each ank, but retain. slightly more solution than the cetleulated volume of Replenisher needed. Alter aading tothe tank the hceesary ameunt of Replonisher, top up f tha orginal lave withthe foltion frst removed. Stir theraughly Diseard the balance athe retained solution REPLENISHMENT RATES FOR TANK LINES (PROCESS E-6) ‘See below fr Process E-GP CeteurBevlopar Blaseh Other Soltions Fim oe ‘ree @isomniy (Oram) (OOM 279-356 ‘oo06s ae mse 203-254 008s 10 ia7 ‘sag jonas dosss ‘Ter 95 Saa errs 00228476 eo | (ae eres oie 428 Sabha 302-127 00s = 268 348 B12 0018 282 2000 140 1348 oct = 503 6387 es come asa 17 Dos 6x0 7 S08 220, ois 218 22 108 30-20 Soroe “Be 2a te 126-20 Oo2s1 B40 6s 270 198224) tongue 9.001874 7a 302 ssmm=tnipert) 09100 214 27 or Bémm-im(pet) 00328702 Ee FIRST DEVELOPER REPLENISHMENT RATES PROCESS E-6?. {Colour Devaloper and ather solutions replenish as for Process 6-6 waa86 22 265 sis «S80. 203-254 310 jors ies tar ies-2ie 787 e818 180 rare 76 ses 714 809 Bates 429 S84 720 102-127 268 sas 402458 9 “12 232 2048 240 503 @o 785 ass 18-24 oe 130158 127 10 75 sis tr 20/020 103) xe ea8 tes 220 218 23 0 ran 410-20 28 2 age a8 126-20 sao esa 318 135-24 | tongue wea so 10188 438-06] removed ” ra) ier ta 38mm tf per) 2h 28 321364 5mm (per) 702 ae ena Evaporation solutions nave been unused for some time, eg. overnight or over tha ‘weekend, the solution levels may drop because of evaporation. This loss ‘canbe compensated for but corti restricts apply tothe Bleach solution, Bleach regeneration “The Bleach used in Process E-6 requires oxlsatlon for regeneration This igmormaly provided by gaseous ar agitation inte Bleach tank in tank Ines, rack-ané-tankprocessers ond cantinucus processors. However, in tank ines uses to process ral fms on rools, utfictont aeration fe tained by manual sguation Sliver recovery ‘iver can be recovered from the Fixer overflow. A Kodak” Chemical ocovary Carriage, Typo 1, presides a metal exchange svar Fecavery mettog suitable or ths precess. tie leo possible to use ‘leciolvi or arecatation methods. Further information on siver Fecovery can be obtained from Kodakin vour country. RACK-AND-TANK MACHINES Agitation ‘Niragon agitation ia roquired for the developers. Oil-roe air agitation is ecessary for the beach, fang wash solutions: Use NO AGITATION in the reversal path, conditoner. ane stabilizer solutions. Uniformity is very dependent uoon proper agitation inthe developer ane fist wasn. A dale ofa tie as Sseconcs nthe color developer bute 9 the fm entrs the Color developer wil eantibutet yellow oF ue ‘Streaks Gaseous-burstegiation inthe developer an irs wash should be sajusted so that {the volume of gas during the burt rates the solution evel about 1.6m, 2. the burst ison for 15 to 2 seconds and of for 6 to 6 seconds. 83. the burst is uniform throughout me tank. 4: the burst is activated as scon as possibio ator tho film entors the tank. For conservation of gas and minimum evaporation of solution, gaseous agitation shouldbe turned on cely while fm is boing processed. Air ‘Sgitation also regenerates the blowsh and thus makes possbl avery low Dleach replenishment rate. Because of he low bleach replenshmant rato, Beach Solutan oss by evanoretion wil be sionticant.Sinos a Considerable amount of bleach s carried sto the fix alr agtation isa ‘eqwire forthe ix solution, But should be lite to avoid fixer Sulphurzaton Defoamer: Whon gaseous-burst agitation Is used, the First and Colour Bevetooor may become foamy. fhe fouming excessive, processed fle ‘ualty may be affectes and chemiesl deposits may occur On races ans tanks. Other processing solutions may also become contaminated. Ta Control foaming, Kodak Defoaer Process E-8 can be Used. Apply thin {im of Defeamer tothe edes af the tanks above solution fevel, using 2 cotton swab. Repeat tho application whon necessary. To avoid grease Spots forming an the precestad transparencies, donot allow shy Defeamer to spl into tne solution. GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR RACK-AND-TANK PROCESSORS. Foton wens cen eine” Tad eerie ‘euavocar tow me ota, Soaton Lower eee Seine seo na erowsure ‘im —__econmenaoa me ‘ated ‘oto: Th fit treo ope shoudl be pavorned In total Savinees Fst smi min? Tring —“SES OOP 2180 None Ss burt every 108 Devovoner Recreate andere Fie Wash anes in “aia Baws aves ‘Air=one 2s burt every 105 Reversal Tmingoe amin ain 24-296 100 None. ‘Note:The remaining steps canbe done in normal oom ht : a atour Smit Smit ——Tming—« SB S=305F 2180 None burt every 108 Devooper Recirelate and or, Constoner tminads min min ay 00 None Bleach min oo amin a9-08, 215 ‘Aron 2s Durst evary 1058 Fis 7 nin émin 39-005 F100 ‘Airsone Bs burst every 103 wasn 5 minds min amin a8 ae ae {countertom inros ‘Arona 2s burst every 103 Wash 2°5 Amin 305, 22min Amin 33-995 en Sabiizer etme ann Aebient Toe Nene Diy TEMPERATURES UPTO aC + Bavclopor tos na tomosrtros con ada 9 bing Meneo mo conol. (te Conaling recat sped eater ienasona) Once th oir ne tpt fastonsloctog shou be hid wih sSsan¢ "OSHC fer Fat Oeveloor Sn "ssn "Gave tha Caar Doveloper xt necssany ost hn Cc BBewstoper conto for racecar ut may for pata eon be ound canersand, Kemp er ne fone miele ot ose + Recreation an atonepions bit reconmendea Fore proceate tha tomate Beach tre bia reeiser can be save by ting ars of Kodak Bleach Roose, Pooses EAR, wih pr of ster The ‘epienntateso aforei nzonns roman ha came a previous dotrmitod ashe wth an nino -Ghon repens sre ste lean ase tHe re-ltodseaes conconte ote some eenctnont essed orevousy. erate te machine canbe oaeswih an ato water pr ots Blea ak The lod ets shuld be scent ech oho fo aod ca prostion a arte ik The eclenserant tat ofthe leah eorcenate st. 0 owt of ne prewouremch rae, aa replansimert ate! the wate shoul eho the beach ate. Bee eseace reponse ats ar ocesrs wth $ioecr mest tess mone mimes 17 Wann aptaen ot rotanestyfanbe» -sacons burt ear Seconds may be esate F Aenatetminae waco ed wh ae, ou aS ea S0°,an eflewed Wy 42-trte Sote Bah Ahrens rae ot © ig timemey way at ostrato acne depen on karte time an apatton eon. The ni ye tm shou acted necesaryt bin peed math Terine contol saan he elerence si, nplanng sonvorsena cr sew macnn, ep rater nest ae minute es “The spestications for Process E-6P are deseribed onthe preveding pages, REPLENISHMENT RATES FOR RACK-AND-TANK PROCESSORS For Process E-6P the following renlenishment rates shouldbe used fo FOR PROCESS ES the Fist Developer only. fee z ‘miper rotor shost tim ‘it Developer replnisimentrstae mi pr rollehest im waso8 aaa 5 755 peace ier 305-384 2 03s as = BB. bees ae 206-608 208 aad—CiSSSC woaaea Ho, 8) tees 305-381 one 20 Bs 35 1 " x ‘ 79-988 Soo Bee 08 B78 ae 585 Tia B08 goaaee Sew ne Ate a ia-t08 3 8g 78 Wo-218 cose Yer 7a 38a 102-127 ze 80 402458 wart 00a are 4 Be 218 B20 Bo MB a w2i-108 oo 42848 ie 1338 503 S755 abs wo2a7 ooo 28 aP faa 18 24 m9 6188s ot Soe 382 or ries 36 Soe 503 ba 287 ae ja 20 Ooas2 82883 aS 12 e073 «SS ton ees se *20,620 we 38k Fite ~ 220 eMart zB ue ite 3 a tea0 So stot 1201820 Sos08 108309 Bar : 1 ES ae 2 ¢ 135-24 | tongue jas Ona Ti-20 ane “tye Fe 436:56 | removes 14133) HBr HD Seon ney + ead) sees Ae Samm= per) ne 125-20 | tongue 90818 689 Bk ey Ssmm-imiper) 70278105118 tas—2s | (0008, Oooo B88 400 ‘aoter stoners elena ess Roca 8 338-98 Gosia 1st et 553 Bemminipert) Goro ara “Bt Sor Sémm-im(oort) 00328 70270 384 Replenishment ‘Thevolume a replnishor naedod for each rack icaleulated by adding together the volumes of replenisher for all tha pieces of lm on the ack. It {he myo im sizes varies from rack ta rack the replenisner MUST D2 falulated for an average rack Determine he confers of an average rack ‘tom your procassing records. For some rack-and-tenk machines the Bleath end Finer tims can bo reduced (e80 tables below). This procedure requires an increase in tank. {encentration and repianirent rate ee shown below. Furher information ‘Stoundin the Eastman Kodak Pulieation Ne-2-1 70, Bleach: Time Fomalsieniive Reoianahent| irom itn te 4 ‘Dm conoactrate BBmine 280ml water Zomivitre Starter (0% Bioach) ‘500m concenteate ism ‘480ml water Zomiitre Starter (0% Bleach) Freer: inn et a 725ml eoncentiato 1BAD mime 7m wat a “0am! eoncenteate 00min S60 water iT suipnurization occurs in he Fixer, he raplenishmont ate canbe Inereased unt t's cleared up CONTINUOUS PROCESSING MACHINES Woshes ‘The flow rae forthe First Wash depends upon the volume of the tank, the amount of developer carr-in and tha saiaton int waen, Tre prine recommendetion forthe Final Wash is two 2-mirute mashes, counterflowed: However, ifs ret poesibi to ace two tanks for thi wash, tne tank ean be used but only uncer specific conditions, 9, higher flow Fates, onger Stabiizor times and increased replenishment rate See footnote fo table ROTARY DISCARD (TUBE TYPE) PROCESSORS Frocostng times ae baal he same asforrack and tank machines exceot ‘that some neroase in heist development tne 30-60 seconds] may be ‘necatsay andthe colour development times shouldbe reduced to 4 minutes Use bioaen rom tise-type precessor ean trauteaivecerstte by acuing fresh concetrate to bleach tat has been collected ard aves ater ocr process Avastring point aratio of part res concentat tos arts ‘troamores bleach auagestad Detaled itatruion lor vsng Process € Gin Those prosatsor ar guen'n the Easman Kodak Publication NO. 2-1 194, GENERAL PROCESSING SPECIFICATIONS ~~ Selution/Stop* "Bolton wet time ane ae a Temperature ‘Solution Replenishment/ Replonishment Ratest eae ae ite oe ma nite Gan eeemantea a % ee ee as Frakes eps Toa Gaines First Developert§ 5 6 7 86510085 a 28 764 ree hires ee ia 4 owes ‘00 in ar 7 eee aa ua yet i 4 24010385 1100 14 aT 8 @ 33010995 — 2 a a amines 70 va arr ‘Wash (Counterton) 3 4 Saige sre wes tore 24 ‘Stabilizer % 1 4 ‘Ambiant 4100 aA a7 Dry = = = Upto 63°C ae ui = — “Total Processing Tine: approximately 30 mines, plus drying. “Squeegees botwoon a ooesaing eps are very important oh recs Weimiwated longer ives or hgh relanihmen ales willbe equed oat Golo Process 8, ca be acd Lo cont loam neces. Avid peg Deloaer no processing sousions,becsuve it may cause creze spots onthe 4, For ost processing an aston 2 minutes can be vain te Ft Developer It maybe rece lo extnd ts teeta ta he oor process soxton. 2: Wistar temperatura sect hero ana method of neauning susionstaaiy sue ompermture So practioner ssn. ropenaner tes can We MresES 12 ‘Forte proceso wa 6-mine leach imo, beach coplenshr car be saved by dting 2 crs of Kode each Replonshr Froese E-GAF nh 1 Fart of water The Feplonihmen aie ferent machines romain the sane se review determined. Machines with an leven opine tho prrdiutoo ween concenrag at tne cae repanotnent cous ses ereviualy. Atamatvey inemasvre can be maid wha aa ahora ater pr ah fo tnfes tthe erovious len at, ae ebenhrant ae ete war should be ctf a! ha beach te a ha SereaseFealeatnet rte or oot Hh ‘To spectators fr Process E-EP are described onthe precoding pages. Agitation Flow distributors may be used in pace of ntrogen-burstaptation inthe Developer. 1 gasoous-burst agitation a used, supply nitrogen at OGeimiin’of him peoceegod or €.23m'/hr wbiohovor is areator. In sinusoidal machines, or helica-path machines whose top rollers are Suomerged ar shouldbe supplied to the Bleach an eer at 08m /m= of fim processed or 023m°/hr, whichever is greater. Gaseous agitation ‘e'sl desea he eserzirent ate for socesing machine wth Sach tins oes han @ mints should be used only while im s being processed. Generally alr agitation |S ot rosommenged for Bleach and Fier caluvons in hehesl-path Continuous machines whose top rollers are raised above the slution level, Individual machine configurations may require tha! the necessary dogtoo (far agitation bs cetera experimentally Bleach ‘Wash Bleach time may be reduces to 4 minutes on processors designed to Asin. 4-minute Final Wash may bo use if its wot agitated, has a ‘nclude afta’ squsegees and igerous continuous ir agitation (while wale rato of 84 Ites/m feat 38°C andi fllowad bya minute tis bang srocessed). This requis an hreave of 20 por contin Bleach Stalizer Bath with e high replerishment ate of 27 res However. Reslenshor rote and staring concentration. The minimum temperature tWO 2-minute washes, counteriowod. ae recommendod. the Biosoh srould be raed to 380°C = a ——jeepatmew” ~~: ROLLER-TRANSPORT PROCESSING MACHINES I ‘an ‘te Details for processing using this method ae given in Eastman Kodak 6 ‘amt water ‘Twomwn— Euntlalion WOLZ-158 Soom!" Bleach Even tha ama amaunts of aie that normally accumulate ina procose and teens ‘et between the rolrs andthe matora bone procassee. can resin SS damage tothe fim surface. To avd these bamshes, recirculation and 7 BeoAmI water WTOmlim™ — _fitraton are required for both the First and the Colour Developers and are 600m!” Bleach recommended fo tho Per andthe Bleach Asesand reason for song : __ “Temi Starter Teerculationin the develooes i temperature contol inadequate bleaching an be caused by neiiet aqubegees hat allow _‘Fierschould have a porosity ating of 10-20 microns. They should be sxcestive Colour Developer tobe carried ito the Bleach. This can be Feplased once a week unless your experience shows thatthe soldions ‘emoonsatod for by Soubing te eplonshment rate ofthe Conationer. remain lean and reesrdlton romaine font mtn lens requent hanges The floming estnctons apply totter selection. Fixer 3 py titer select Fixer tme may be reduc to 2 or 8inutosonprocosor ith efcent doTat ws vices rayon, wool or plastic sponge fier materials or Squeegees and eftective ai agitation (while ms bing processed) Ths evsloper soktions Scusegees and fective a agitation (wh fim is being procassee) TMS gorsot ump rd brat o”frrous cores (other than stainless tea to ISO ie ae ee eee a 1683/13) for fters in any solution, ee ee Reslesahmert Op nat continuously recreate the conditioner ae he reversal bath —ft___tamensrepeniten _feie__causo they are averaulyafectod by acral otal. Theae solitons 4 1 par concentrate Toon? Raves wid tomperature toerence which kes eoyulain to rantin asi Spacewatar thot temperature unnecessary posible use pus and fters tat can Ents 7 part SSTcac ‘Baonvme __botumned on for30 mrnes each day 30 hat thes eoutone canbe Tarts water ered If suiphurization ocours in the Fixer, the replenishment rate can be Inoreased unt the suiphurzation clears Un. — _Inmary rolar-transport processing machines, the solution circulation and the action of the tp rallrs provide adequate agitation forthe fm ar aso provide aeration Tor the Bleach and Fiver In soma machines with slow roller action, it my be necessary to provide ‘assinoral aeration the Bleach to contrat the ferrous on concentration, ‘Tne need tor aeration is indicated by area balance (minus ed) in the imax control pots GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROLLER-TRANSPORT PROCESSING MACHINES ime mine Procodre to one “Temperature °C lim “The fist ree steps should be performed in otal darkness = First Developert 3 a 365-308 380 Wash a 2 = 33-005 re oles ‘Reversal Bath 1 2 2 24-305, 11005 “The remaining steps can be done in normal room light ‘ wa “Colour Developer 5 é 7 e505 2180 Conditioner a ee ee “Bieacn= 6 aa 8 3-905 270) Fue fae e 332305) 100; Wiehe 2 a 05 ‘Boies Wiser 2 4 s3305 Boutros Stablizer ra i A gn A Dey TEMPERATURES UPTO 63°C © Pane operating a ourtriow wash 5 evoisor mes ana tempertures cn be ante oti process ta conte ane Corrina proces snd parr = tutions) Once the optimum tine or temperate fas bean susted @snoulsn nes wtin “be ana “0 ortho at Devsopar sn Tae and 06 to Coser Boveloper te ot necessary oat he Cour Denton contton fr prenes om but ay for preteens bind conser ¢ Abvter ate 700'o 2200rm’ nay be needed compensate er oxcaton especaly a ow th tyouahoxt {Faroe sto pst prosessna. naa tonal 2 minutes car be use in heist Developer tm betes to exe his nreqe to the otter processing ution For process wit 2.6 minut loch tine Bach Replenshorconcenfats (rary usou sulted) cat bo orwoved Uy ating 2 pugconcentate part weet eplensrmer rater mathe smear Thos roo cetrmned Bono deceaes pennant ate Brocssas wih ach fine as far &mntes ‘Tho spaniications for Procaas E-6P are described on the proveding pages ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ‘The folowing Enstman Kodak publeations can provide luther information J10B Directory of Siver Services ‘onrunning this process. For detail of how to orger cortact your lacal as Tysee Wider ke Prcboprechle Beoeatbas Koda Company oF dbus of Kodak products 112 Construction Materials for Photographic Processing E-57 Gaseous Burst Agitation in Processing Equipment J3 Introduction to Color Photographie Processing ¥.55 _Kodale Color Process Contral-Plat Record Form (lor use with 44 Safe Haneling of Photographic Chemicals Monitoring Programs) Sat of 100, 38 The Kodak Siiver Recovery Program 2.99 _ Introduction to Color Process Manstoring 39 _Siver Recovery with the Nodal Chemical Recovery 2.119 Using Process E-6 (includes monitoring procedures): Cartage, Type P- 2-119 Special netetions for Using Rotary Tube Procoseor® for 4:94 Silver Recovery with the Kodak’ Cnomicel Recovery Process E-, Cartrage, Tyne 3 Z-119P PROCESS DATAFILE-Supplomont Using Process 410 Recovering Svar from Photograehic Materile; Ec6P/'Push with ‘Kodak EXTAGHROME PBD/1600 JOA Potential Sivor Viels rom Kodak Photographic Products: Professional Fim Kodak and Ektachrome aa trade marke Printed in England = KODAK LIMITED Homel Hempstead, Englard, HPI NU. 4086(145)1-06

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