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A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars
and researchers. In writing the literature review, our purpose is to convey what knowledge
and ideas have been established on the above mentioned topic, and what are their strengths
and weakness.

1. Kotler P. (2003) Writer in this book has stated that before positioning the product in the
market, the entrepreneur venture should have a look at who your customers are? What
they buy? And why they buy? Detailed study of how customers buy, benefits of a product
or services and objective & subjective reasons of their buying decision. Before
positioning product in the market, one needs to have some idea of the size of the market,
who competitors are operating in it, what are they positioning & in relation to that where
you’re positioning.
2. Gupta (2007) Author has reported in this article that improving access to electricity
improves the living standards in rural India and gives an opportunity for socio-economic
development. Rural electrification is possible by formulating right policies and permitting
stand-alone systems based on renewable sources of energy. Hence, Power producers that
use renewable sources of energy should be given interest subsidies as their project costs
are front-loaded whereas operation cost are almost negligible. Also, Private ownership
will result in good service standards, efficiency, competition, etc.
3. Ostaseviciute R. and Sliburyte L., (2008)The paper has focus on theoretical aspects of
product positioning in the market. Positioning is STP model is the most key element as it
determines the successful product positioning accomplishment in the market. For
successful product positioning, identification of the competitor’s product and its analysis
is must. It is the best means to understand the market, competitor’s product, customer’s
perception and so on. Positioning has a great role to play when it comes to placing a
product in the mind of the potential as well as existing customers.
4. Arora etal (2010) Authors discuss about the significance of renewable energy on the
growth of Indian economy. India needs to focus on the energy challenge which will
impact all citizens and across all sectors. Currently, the quality of electricity supply is
impeding and issues like voltage fluctuations, blackouts and various other disruptions
impact the commercial and residential consumer. Addition of grid-tied renewable energy
can bridge this gap. It provides buffer against energy security concerns and can bring
hedge against fossil fuels and price hikes. Also, it will support in climate change goals.
5. Wong S. and Mathur V., (2011)This paper has studied two solar lanterns projects in
rural areas of Rajasthan and has examined success and limitations of entrepreneuralising
development model in providing energy services in rural areas of the country. The paper
has promoted a genuine bottom-up approach in energy service provision by getting
entrepreneur and villagers involved at the beginning of the projects. Thus adopting
bottom-up approach and getting the entrepreneurs and villagers involved before projects
started, should be able to identify obstacles that might constrain the success of the project.
6. Singh SN, (2012)In this journal, author has focused on use of LED lamps which is one of
the solar power devices. Solar (PV) photovoltaic home lighting system can be used for
portable lantern lighting, street lighting and home/community house lighting applications.
The comparison of CFL and LED is done under this study and it was found that LEDs are
more penetrating with its downsizing of the lamp size, low power requirement as
compared to conventional lighting system.
7. Momotaz and Karim (2012) Paper summarizes that rural electrification through solar
system is becoming more popular in remotes & inaccessible areas but the intensified
competition challenges make customer satisfaction an essential prerequisite for achieving
a sustainable competitive advantage & overall success of solar lighting systems. It may
have a profound and far-reaching economic, socio-cultural and demographic impact on
life and living of rural people.
8. Arvizu and Balaya (2012)The study says that of all renewable sources of energy if used
in best of its potential will impact the environment. It is stated that if direct solar energy is
the most abundant of all and also provide opportunities for positive social impact. Over
the last 30 years, there has been cost reduction in solar technology and hence potential
deployment scenario for solar energy to become one of the major sources of energy
supply by 2050.
9. Sinha and Joshi (2012) Authors study the status of solar PV research in India in relation
to its aspect pattern of output, impact of research, etc. It focuses on comprehensive
mapping of solar PV R & D capability of India that should be taken on priority bases to
make effective strategies to take advantage of supportive policies of the govt. Even being
the first country in the world to have dedicated ministry of renewable energy, India still
lags far behind in solar energy technology competence, generation and utilization.
10. International Finance Corporation (2012)The research is focused on the off grid
households of India. Total annual consumption of kerosene in India for lighting is 2.2
billion USD of which 1.8 billion USD is consumed by rural household for electrification.
Even though kerosene is subsidized, off grid solar lighting is a cost effective option for
the consumer. Currently, the penetration of solar lighting products is only 4-5% of its
total potential. MNRE has subsidized the solar device market which will support to create
the market tremendously as the potential is huge for Solar Lanterns and SHS. SELCO is
the most prominent manufacturer in the market currently. Report suggests the companies
to partner with regional rural banks for consumer financing.
11. Srivastava Swami &ShrivastavaSurvat (2013) Electricity is one of the core
components in industrial growth & economic progress. India being one of the most
populated countries is now facing acute energy scarcity. The time has come for the
country to think on utilization of abundant of renewable energy resources such as solar
energy. it is one of the prime renewable energy sources. There are few challenges &
constraints with regards to the solar energy power system such as land scarcity, slow
progress, Govt. support and so on. However, the Jawaharlal Nehru National solar
mission is aiming at development and deployment of solar energy technologies in the
country by 2022. Considering other facts such as economic growth, rural electrification
abundant source of energy solar power is economically viable. Thus, there is lot of scope
in positioning solar energy devices in rural & urban areas of the Pune region.
12. Asinda S. (2013)There is no such product in the world which does not hold any position.
Especially in such a market where there is intensive rivalry and competition. Buyers have
no. of choices. To know what consumers want and position the product in their minds as
per the perception has become critical. It can be concluded that marketing, positioning
and its strategy are closely related. It involves creating uniqueness, consistency and a
competitive weightage in the market.
13. Agrawal R. K., Markanda S. (2013)In this paper, authors have focused on usage of
thermocouple energy. Solar heat & thermal energy which generates from natural hot
water sources combined together generates thermocouple power. Though thermoelectric
technology has been in use for over 50 years in commercial and industrial use, there is not
much advancement in the technology as it has been truly underestimated.
14. Biswas B., Mukherjee S., (2013)The study has emphasized on comparative study of
solar based lighting system and fuel based lighting system in remote areas where grid
connection is yet to get installed on larger scale. Thus, the use of fuel based lighting
system is used in such areas. To meet the power demand of these areas solar energy can
play a vital role. When solar based lighting system was compared with conventional fuel
based lighting, it was found that solar system is much cost effective, efficient and eco-
15. Dash A., (2013)In this paper, author has given importance on having competitive
advantage. There are various aspects of competitive advantage that bring out its
importance in order to achieve a better performance that is sustainable over a longer
period. There are new opportunities as well as new challenges to be countered in order to
be successful. Thus there are different strategies that are focused on, which shows
importance of having competitive advantage in positioning the product.
16. Kumar A.,,(2013)It has been observed that India has huge potential of being one of
the leading nations in usage of renewable sources of energy. Solar energy shares 13%
availability in India. An efficient energy management can help in optimum utilization of
potentials of renewable sources. After considering these facts, it can be concluded that
economic growth of any country depends in the long term availability of energy from
sources that are affordable, accessible and secured.
17. Rajkumar and Balasubramaniam (2013) Author has observed that India has huge
potential of being one of the leading nations in usage of renewable sources of energy.
Solar energy shares a 13% availability of all the renewable sources available in India. An
efficient energy management can help in optimum utilization of the potentials of
renewable sources. Having an exclusive ministry of non-conventional energy sources
(MNES) is an advantage for India, that will bring reforms to put in place the resources for
renewable energy development.
18. Srivastava and Srivastava (2013) It has been summarized through the paper that acute
energy shortage can hamper India’s industrial and economic growth, thus Indian govt. is
recognizing the importance of solar power. Also, decreasing cost of solar investments
suggest it to be the right time for solar power revolution in the country. JawaharLal Nehru
Solar Mission aims at development and deployment of solar energy technologies in the
country. It focuses to see solar energy as a viable energy source, not just an alternate to
other renewable sources. It can be concluded that India’s solar market can grow to a
billion dollar level over a decade which would require right project execution, financing
and localization.
19. Arora (2013) Researcher has studied the bright potential of India through various usages
of solar photovoltaic in Rural India which will fulfill electricity requirement at reasonable
and affordable rates. Solar Lanterns, Solar Home Lighting System, Solar PV Micro-grid,
Solar PV based irrigation pump sets, Solar PV for Telecom towers are devices that can
reduce the usage of costly fossil fuels (kerosene and diesel) in rural areas.
20. Burogohain (2013) Author has summarized that rural electrification through solar
devices has huge impact on the living standards of villagers. It gives them safety and
security over kerosene lamps with an economic advantage, light for children to study,
hence boasting child education, reduction in crime rates due to availability of light in
village surroundings, etc.
21. Okeetal (2013) Authors discuss the concerns of street lighting system currently due to
manual work of switching on & off lights. Authors give an automated street light
suggestion that will switch on automatically when the visibility goes below a certain
level. Thus, this will help in reduction of energy consumption as well. Hence, installing of
charge controller and sensors will help in prevention of damage of battery and optimum
utilization of energy.
22. Shakhshir G., (2014)Under this study, the more light is thrown on the effects of
economic crisis on the consumer’s positioning perception and various retailers trends in
developing his own product positioning. The reason behind choosing Romanian market
was, it was new for opening towards the external market compared to any other Western
countries. They were new to multiple brands of the same products. The author has aimed
to track the perception of the consumers with regards to the particular product. This
strategy restricts the potential customers range, as main focus is given to high quality,
high price, promotion, advertising and so on.
23. Panwar V. and Kaur T., (2014) Authors have studied renewable energy resources of
India and its importance to generate power in near future. From this literature it can be
concluded that the sun provides 1000 times more power than we need. If we can use 5%
of this energy, it will be 50 times what world will require. Solar thermal principles can be
used to produce hot fluids or air to produce electricity. Using solar power to produce
electricity can be a great option of replacement to fossil fuel based energy systems.
24. Cristea A., (2014)Under this study the focus is on brand positioning. It is highly essential
to position your brand in such a manner where it will give you a brand differentiation and
which will help in building brand equity. The study has revealed positioning strategies for
the brand for obtaining and sustaining competitive advantage. A strategic positioning is a
timely process which should focus on laddering the means-ends-chain and deepening
brand associations.
25. Ahmed A., Khalid S., Qussain S. and Tiwari G.,( 2014)The development of renewable
energy source is an alternate to achieve the challenge of sustainable energy development.
At present 87% of power is generated through conventional sources in India. Most parts
of India have approx. 300 clear sunny days in a year. This solar energy is either utilized
by solar thermal power system or solar photovoltaic. Hence it can be concluded that solar
energy sources can take sources which will lead towards the exploration and development
of technologies for power generation from renewable resources.
26. Reichheld (2014) Author has summed up in his book that a simple question like “would
you recommend us to a friend?” allow companies to track promoters and detractors. If an
organization’s Net Promoters Score (NPS) is higher by a dozen points than its
competitors, it can double the company’s growth rate. Hence, NPS helps top management
to make its employees accountable for treating their customer’s right.
27. ThilagavathiandMownica (2014) It can be stated from the study that solar power is
emerging as one of the best alternatives to electricity. It comes up as the clean green
electricity. Its various applications have become saviors to power cuts, lower availability
of grid electricity, etc. Solar water heater has evolved as the most popular device that
reduces electricity consumption to more than 30%. Study has evaluated the customer
satisfaction and factors influencing customer sot purchase these products, etc. It focuses
on customer’s needs and wants and hence, manufactures can achieve customer
satisfaction by giving more user friendly, innovative and cost effective products.
28. Venkatraman and Sheeba (2014) The findings of the paper suggest that customers
attributes toward solar devices is changing and there has been an increase in the
awareness of the benefits of solar energized devices over electric devices. Report
concludes that customer’s attitude is influenced by many factors including changing
trends, education qualification of customer, standard of living of people, etc.
29. Ahmad (2014) Author has summarized that the development of renewable energy
source is an alternate to achieve the challenge of sustainable energy development.
Currently, 87% of power in India is generated through conventional sources. Most parts
of the country have approx. 300 clear sunny days in a year. This solar energy can be
utilized by either solar thermal power system or solar photovoltaic. Thus, large scale
installation of photovoltaic will give huge contribution to sustainable development of
30. Harinayarana and Kashyap (2014) Authors in this study have discussed on various
parameters that effect the solar energy generation apart from radiations. These factors
include weather and topographic conditions life earth sun movement, tilt of earth’s
rotation axis, atmosphere parameters, etc. Study indicates that total generation in India is
between 510000 KWH to 800000 KWH per acre of land. Least energy generation
potential lies in eastern states of India and highest generation potential lies in eastern part
of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand. Combination of higher altitude and low ambient
temperature plays a crucial role in the efficient performance of PV Modules.
31. Sharma etal (2014) Author in this study are focusing on optimization of solar
electrification to charge of power, cost efficient and efficiency effect. Also, study has
stated the advantage of LED over CFL lighting in solar street lighting system. Solar Street
light is a friendly behavior to save energy and reduce criminal cases on roads at night.
Thus this study is focused to optimize the cost of solar street light installation and to
identify optimum areas for the same in Rajasthan state.
32. Smaila, Divya and Regi (2014) Authors discuss about the unawareness of solar energy
products and its high cost. Authors promote the use of these devices because of its
effectiveness and usage in advanced world. Various products are solar cell phone charger,
Solar air conditioners, solar fans, solar street lights, solar traffic lights, solar lamps, etc.
Though solar lamps would not provide as much light as the line powered lighting system
but they are easily installed and maintained and are cheaper alternative to wired lighting
33. Munaga R. (2015) The author has emphasized on perpetual mapping under this study. It
is a means of graphing or displaying in more than two dimensions, the brand, product
location or the group of products in the minds of the consumer. It can be used by the
firms to develop their market positioning strategy for the products or services. This can be
a great tool for product positioning.
34. Brown (2015) Author has stated that the risk of extinction of fossil fuels and climate
instability is being replaced by wind, solar and geothermal energy alternatives and
revolutionizing the global energy platform. Energy investors are focusing on utility-scale
solar projects.
35. Chaudhury (2015) Author through this research talk about the energy crisis in
Bangladesh which can be solved only through a renewable energy revolution that can
help in eradication of poverty and other problems of the citizens of the country. Being a
small country, it can focus on the renewable energy which can help in managing energy
crisis with the help of right implementation policies.

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