The Brain Questions

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Name:___________________________________________ Period:_____________

Parts of the Brain

Locate and label the lobes of the brain below.

Functions of the Brain: Write what the various lobes are responsible for (for example, which
part of the brain is responsible for voluntary movement and balance?).

Temporal Lobe:_________________________________________________________________
Cerebellum: ___________________________________________________________________
Parietal Lobe: _________________________________________________________________
Occipital Lobe: _________________________________________________________________
Frontal Lobe: __________________________________________________________________
Brainstem: ____________________________________________________________________

Name:___________________________________________ Period:_____________

Parts of the Brain

Locate and label the parts of the brain on the 2 diagrams below. Use the key in the boxes to help
you know what to label.

Hypothalamus, Pons, Brain Stem, Corpus Callosum, Ventricles, Thalamus, Midbrain,
Cerebellum, Pituitary Gland, Cerebrum, and Medulla

Main Sections of the Brain

Locate and Label the three main sections of the brain: Forebrain, hindbrain, and midbrain.
Name:___________________________________________ Period:_____________

A Quick Guide to the Brain

Our brain is the most complex system, natural or human made, in the world and it is all housed
in a three pound mass within our skull. It holds more than 100 billion nerves that communicate
through trillions of connections known as synapses.

The brain has separate areas that specialize in various tasks. The following is a summary of the
various areas.

The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of our brain. It gives us the ability to think and to
reason, to have an imagination and use language. The cortex is also responsible for human

The Four Lobes

The cerebral cortex has four main sections or lobes. Each one has
different functions from processing sensory information to interpreting

The frontal lobe rests at the front of the brain and is responsible for
reasoning, high-level behaviors, judgment, emotions, creativity, impulse
control, and expressive language. Damage to this area of the brain can lead to changes in
socialization, behavior, and attention of the person.

The parietal lobe sits in the middle section of the brain and helps to interpret sensory
information like touch, pressure, and pain. The somatosensory cortex that lies within this lobe
is essential for processing the body’s senses.

The temporal lobe is located on the side of the head around the same level with one’s ears. Its
main functions include visual memory, verbal memory, helping us to hear, and interpreting other
people’s emotions and reactions. It contains Wernicke’s area that helps us to understand

The occipital lobe rests at the back of the brain and interprets visual stimuli and information.
For example it helps you read as it recognizes letters.

The brain stem is composed of the midbrain, the medulla, and pons.
The midbrain is the smallest region of the brain and relays visual and
auditory information while also assisting with eye movement.

Pons is the largest part of the brain stem and consists of a group of
nerves that help facial movements and relaying sensory information.

The medulla oblongata lies right behind the spinal cord in the lower
area of the brain stem. It is in charge of the autonomic functions that
maintain one’s heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.
Name:___________________________________________ Period:_____________
The Cerebellum or “little brain” is located at
the back of the brain below the occipital lobes.
It is involved with balance and coordination of
movement as it receives information from the
balance system of the inner ear and sensory
nerves combines with information from the
auditory and visual systems. This one location
makes up 10% of the brain but has 50% of the
total number of neurons.

The diencephalon rests at the base of the brain

and holds the thalamus, hypothalamus, and the epithalamus. The thalamus is another relay
station for the brain carrying signals that involve sleep, memory, and consciousness. The
hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the limbic system as it regulates the body’s
maintenance system. It tells a person when they are hungry or thirsty, regulates the body’s
temperature and reacts to stress. The epithalamus is the connection point between the limbic
system and the other areas of the brain.

The limbic system is composed of the amygdala, the hippocampus, the regions of the limbic
cortex, and the septal area. These areas are important to memory, learning and controlling one’s

Finally, the basal ganglia is a group of nuclei that surrounds part of the thalamus. These nuclei
are involved with the control of movement and have connections to the midbrain.

Checking for Understanding

Identify the area of the brain that the prompt is referring to.

1. The _________________________ of the brain is responsible for emotions, reasoning, and

impulse control.

2. Known as the “little brain,” the ________________________ is involved with coordination

and balance.

3. A football player was having vision issues when they sustained an injury to this lobe.

4. The ___________________________ is extremely important as it regulates the body’s

temperature and alerts us to eat and drink.

5. The ___________________ system contains four areas and is involved with memory,
learning, and regulating one’s emotions.

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