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Worksheet 1 5. Jefferson has been travelling around the world thanks

A. (1) are; (2) ’m; (3) am attending; (4) have; (5) love; (6) to friends he has met online. / 6. You have been writing
has; (7) start; (8) stop; (9) am getting; (10) know; (11) messages for two hours. / 7. has been
have; (12) is; (13) is working; (14) is investing; (15) expanding rapidly this year. / 8. members
suppose; (16) have; (17) is calling have been promoting foreign language learning.
B. 1. do … get / 2. do … catch / 3. are … having /
4. Are … going Worksheet 8
A. Continuing situation – 2; 4; 5
Worksheet 2 Something completed – 1; 3; 6
A. (1) enjoyed; (2) was; (3) was; (4) was; (5) could; (6) tried; B. 1. has been having; 2. have been exchanging;
3. has invited; 4. has been working; 5. have … started /
(7) drank; (8) became; (9) couldn’t; has been telling; 6. have been asking; 7. have carried
(1) was preparing; (2) knocked; (3) could; (4) were out; 8. has written
unpacking; (5) went; (6) was; (7) was chewing;
(8) was talking; (9) told; (10) needed; (11) blew; (12) was; Worksheet 9
(1) woke up; (2) was swimming; (3) was; (4) went; (5) A. 1. a) John had never done that before. b) He had never
sailed; (6) was; (7) had; (8) ate; (9) danced; (10) been to London before. c) He had never tried such an
sunbathed; (11) tried; (12) loved experience before. d) He had never studied abroad
Worksheet 3 2. a) He had never travelled by plane before. b) He had
A. 1. has become; 2. has developed; 3. have always never been away from his family before. c) He had never
influenced / have reproduced; 4. has been considered; stayed in a boarding school before. d) He had never
5. has won; 6. have performed; 7. has been; 8. has shared his room with others before.
focused; 9. has become; 10. have embraced 3. a) He had never been to Oxford before. b) He had
B. have seen / since; 2. has made / since; 3. has been never visited libraries and museums before. c) He had
married / for; 4. has been / for; 5. has had / since; 6. have never practised water sports before. d) He had never
lived / for; 7. have waited / for / has finally arrived; 8. spoken English with native speakers before.
have been / since; 9. has been / for; 10. has been B. 1. had helped; 2. had had; 3. had talked / had done; 4.
had done; 5. had accepted; 6. had found
Worksheet 4
A. (1) have decided; (2) have prepared; (3) left; (4) had; Worksheet 10
(5) arrived; (6) took; (7) have stayed; (8) visited; A. 1. Louis had had a party without permission.
(9) have tasted; (10) has been divided; (11) saw; (12) 2. He had invited people he didn’t know.
went; (13) have swum; (14) (have) sunbathed; (15) have 3. He and his friends hadn’t tidied up the house.
spent; (16) wanted; (17) left; (18) hired; (19) drove; (20) 4. The neighbours had complained about the noise.
have ridden; (21) (have) toured 5. He had missed his football training that morning.
B. 1. R; 2. R; 3. W (were); 4. W (became); 5. R 6. He hadn’t studied for the test on Monday.
B. 1. had been planning; 2. had been chatting; 3. had been
Worksheet 5 partying; 4. had been waiting; 5. had been sleeping;
A. 1. native; 2. foreign; 3. barriers; 4. global; 5. lessons; 6. had been doing
6. skills; 7. official C. 1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b
B. 1. takes after; 2. took … off; 3. take up; 4. take … back;
5. took off; 6. take … in; 7. took … out; 8. take … down; Worksheet 11
9. taking … on A. 1. who; 2. whom/who; 3. which; 4. which; 5. whose;
6. which
Worksheet 6 B. 1. whose album Thriller is the best-selling ever.
A. 1. a; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. b; 7. a 2. which teenagers usually prefer.
Worksheet 7 3. whom he hired to dance in his music video.
A. 1. b / 2. e / 3. a / 4. f / 5. c / 6. d 4. who has won the most Grammy Awards.
B. 1. I have been chatting online for a long time. / 5. which teenagers prefer to watch music videos.
2. They have been using for two years. 6. who plays Jesus in the musical Jesus Christ
3. Paula has been contacting people all over the world. / Worksheet 12
4. has been working well so far. / A. 1. at; 2. –; 3. on; 4. at; 5. in; 6. –; 7. In; 8. on; 9. At; 10. –
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B. 1. On; 2. On; 3. In; 4. In; 5. At; 6. At; 7. On; 8. In the Universe was his place of work and that he wouldn’t
C. 1. The film started on a spring morning. / 2. Christmas is be unemployed; 6. repeated that she didn’t believe in
celebrated on the 25th of December. / 3. An earthquake aliens and she had never seen War of the Worlds; 7. said
destroyed Lisbon in the 18th century. / 4. Neil Armstrong that Space Cowboys benefitted from the performance of
walked on the moon for the first time in 1969. / 5. The four successful actors; 8. explained Clint Eastwood
alarm clock went off at 6.30 a.m. / 6. My son was still directed and also starred in the film.
online yesterday at midnight. / 7. They always sing
Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. / 8. I go for long Worksheet 18
walks in the summer. A. 1. where I had bought my new i-Phone; 2. when that
gadget would be available; 3. how many gadgets had
Worksheet 13 been released that year; 4. if he intended to keep all his
A. 1. must; 2. would; 3. mustn’t; 4. will; 5. can; 6. may; vinyl records; 5. if he/she had shopped for that cell phone
7. should; 8. shouldn’t online; 6. what had happened to the old typewriter which
B. 1. should stop buying new clothes. was in his office.
2. may start soon. B. 1. asked who had invented the phone; 2. questioned
3. couldn’t buy anything on that sale. There were too me/them about the murder; 3. wondered if it would be my
many people. Xmas present; 4. wanted to know how much it had cost;
4. must remember to dress your school uniform. 5. wanted to know what time the spacecraft had been
5. can’t be Tom; he’s much taller. launched; 6. asked why it had been delayed; 7.
wondered who had flown in Freedom 7, thus becoming
Worksheet 14 the first American in space; 8. wanted to know what the
A. 1. highest (a); 2. best (a); 3. most (b); 4. most expensive positive sides of space exploration were
(a); 5. greatest (c); 6. biggest (c)
B. 1. the biggest; 2. more famous; 3. better; 4. worse; 5. the Worksheet 19
happiest A. 1. press; 2. starts; 3. stops; 4. breaks; 5. freezes; 6. get
B. will let / see / stops / will go / don’t leave / won’t get
Worksheet 15 C. 1. were you; 2. wouldn’t be thriving; 3. weren’t a
A. 1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. e; 5. c technophobe
B. but – however D. 1. can’t swim, they sink in deep waters.
although – even though 2. see Jim, I will give him the message.
in spite of – despite 3. had an Internet connection, I would do the research.
however – nevertheless
though – although (at the beginning of the sentence) Worksheet 20
C. 1. In spite of being very determined; 2. Even though the A. 1. b; 2. a; 3. e; 4. d; 5. c
food bank; 3. nevertheless, they can’t cope; 4. Despite B. 1. will allow / 2. will be able to / 3. is releasing / 4. is going
the fact that other people to take place / 5. opens / 6. is organising/is going to
explore / 7. will visit / 8. leaves / 9. are going to be /
Worksheet 16 10. am meeting
A. 1. f); 2. c); 3. b); 4. e); 5. a); 6. d)
B. 1. were used to/are used to; 2. got used to; 3. are used Worksheet 21
to; 4. were not used to; 5. were used to / are used to; 6. A. 1. will be working/ 2. will be giving/ 3. will be thinking/
are … used to; 7. got used to; 8. aren’t used to 4. will be developing/ 5. will be driving/ 6. Will you be
C. 1. used to/is used to; 2. used to/ isn’t used to; working/ 7. won’t be organizing/ 8. will be teaching
3. used to/is used to; 4. used to/got used to B. 1. My friend Toby will be using the new RX100 on his
birthday next week. / 2. By shopping in outlets people will
Worksheet 17 be saving lots of money. / 3. ES Super Audio CD will be
A. 1. that day she was going to buy one of her favourite taking digital sound to a new level. / 4. The installation
books by Carl Sagan; 2. that Sara had never visited a team will be offering free service over the next two
spacecraft before; 3. that time he would ask for a trip in a months. / 5. This brand will be giving free music and
space shuttle for his birthday; 4. that her brother had been movies on the purchase of any tablet. / 6. Remote
offered a trip in a balloon; 5. the month before they had macros on tablets will be making life easier as you can
received a sample of stones from Mars; 6. that after (…) forget the remote controls in your living room. / 7. When
Sergei was returning to Earth the following day. buying a Cyber-shot RX100, you will be getting an
B. 1. said he didn’t like science fiction films; 2. promised he additional accessory free. / 8. They will be working with
was not going to spend his time with nonsense about us on a new project over the next weeks. / 9. My children
aliens; 3. apologised for telling Susan how the film had will be playing games on their PS3 at this time
ended; 4. explained that the day before her sister had
come there to see the eclipse of the sun; 5. told us that
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tomorrow. / 10. Students will be using new tablets next


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5. He was given a new computer last Christmas.

6. She will be sent some letters next Tuesday.
Worksheet 22 B. (1) was offered / (2) was told / (3) was sent / (4) was
A. 1. a) would have remained; b) wouldn’t have known; promised / (5) would be given / (6) wasn’t being paid /
c) wouldn’t have built; d) wouldn’t have known (7) had never been shown / (8) hadn’t been given
2. a) wouldn’t have sent; b) wouldn’t have seen; C. (Suggestions) 1. has been given a mobile phone /
c) wouldn’t have been able; d) wouldn’t have known 2. any expensive gifts / 3. a cup / 4. was asked /
B. 1. had paid 20 million dollars, he could have flown 5. were given / 6. were told
2. had suffered from space sickness, she wouldn’t have
enjoyed Worksheet 26
3. hadn’t invested a lot of time and money in exploring A. 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a
Mars, they wouldn’t have discovered B. 1. improve; 2. listening; 3. to surf; 4. feeling; 5. to use;
4. may not have been inspired to make ‘ET’ if he had not 6. watch; 7. lending
heard C. (Suggestions)
5. wouldn’t have explored the moon if the Apollo Program 1. to send the email?
hadn’t 2. explaining him the situation.
6. hadn’t set foot on the moon, he wouldn’t have said 3. driving my motorbike.
7. had not been able to correct a defect in its optical 4. shopping with my friends.
system … would not have revealed 5. having lied to her parents.
8. had attempted manned spaceflight, it would have 6. take your car tonight?
Worksheet 27
Worksheet 23 A. 1. c; 2. d; 3. f; 4. e; 5. a; 6. b
A. 1. to; 2. in order to; 3. so as to; 4. so that; 5. in order that B. 1. about; 2. at; 3. from; 4. with; 5. on; 6. from
B. 1. so that/in order that – d; 2. to/so as to/in order to – f; C. 1. doesn’t belong to me
3. to/so as to/in order to – a; 4. to/so as to/in order to – b; 2. dream about of travelling
5. so that/in order that – e; 6. to/so as to/ in order to – c 3. depends on you
C. 1. Harry is studying to be an electrical engineer. 4. comments on what
2. They are saving money so as to buy a top smart TV. 5. laugh at me
3. The manual has lots of pictures so that users can 6. could agree with
install the device without difficulty.
4. You have to register in order to participate in the show. Worksheet 28
5. Film directors use special effects to make films more A. 1. c) / 2. b) / 3. b) / 4. c) / 5. a) / 6. a)
impressive. B. (1) Being / (2) Owing to / (3) because / (4) Because of /
6. He turned off the lights in order that the horror movie (5) Because / (6) due to / (7) Since / (8) The reason why /
would be scarier. (9) because / (10) as

Worksheet 24
A. 1. has known; 2. has been left; 3. signed; 4. to be given;
5. was backed; 6. was forced; 7. claimed; 8. had been
beaten; 9. can be easily explained; 10. will be transported
B. 1. The news has been heard by millions of people.
2. A new bridge will be built next year.
3. Their house was sold for 300,000 euros.
4. The work must be completed before you go home.
5. Comments have been sent by readers using
6. The robbers were arrested two hours later.
7. The war will be covered by reporters 24 hours a day.

Worksheet 25
A. 1. We were brought an Internet contract to sign.
2. The viewers were read Facebook comments about the
3. I have been lent a new Internet device for a week.
4. The winner of the online contest was given a prize.

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