Mashak Demand For Relief - Exhibit 9

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DISTRICT COURT OF MINNESOTA TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Wnycnt County Susmice Cexrie CATHERINE MCPHERSON 3700 BRADDOCK ALESE NE, Roo 1100 Jep6e oF DistRict Cover 10, MINNESOTA SS313 (53) 682-7558 Fa (753) 643-1300 August 17, 2022 Donald Mashak Route |, Box 231 Albertville, MN 55301 Kevin Dobie 4500 Park Glen Road, #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Re: MTGLQ Investors, L.P. v. Donald Mashak, Provident Bank, John Doe and Mary Roe Court File No.: 86-CV-15-1271 Mr. Mashak, Court Administration received your correspondence dated August 15, 2022, | am returning your letter as it constitutes “ex parte” communication. Under Rule 2.9(A) of the Minnesota Code of Judicial Conduct, a {judge shall not permit, consider, or take any action on an ex parte communication. Rule 2,9(A) of the Minnesota Code of Judicial Conduct prohibits the Court from reading, reviewing, or taking action on any such party communication outside the presence of other parties and/or their counsel Please be advised that simply copying opposing counsel of the other party does not make it an acceptable form of communication with the Court, Rule 2.9(B) provides, in relevant part: “If a judge inadvertently receives an unauthorized ex parte communication Bearing upon the substance of the matter, the communication should be noted as received and returned to the sender.” As such, the Cour is ethically prohibited from commenting on your correspondence or acting upon any request therein. Ifyou wish to schedule a motion, please e-mail the scheduling division at 10thwrightcourtscheduling(@courts state, If you need assistance or have questions regarding how to file a motion, the Wright County Law Library or the Self-Help Center may be able to provide guidance. The law library's phone number is 763-682-7592. The Self-Help Center's phone number is 763-760-6699. Please be advised that any future correspondence notin compliance with the rules stated above will be retumed. Sincerely, Law Clerk to the Honorable Catherine McPherson ce: Kevin Dobie; File From 1.877.233.3839 Fri Aug 12 16:44:20 2022 POT Fage 2 of 10 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF WRIGHT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT MTGLQ, CASE TYPE: 14 OTHER CIVIL John and Jane Doe Corporations, & John and Jane Doe Appraisers & Mortgage Brokers Court Case No. 86-CV-15-1271 Plaintit. FENDANT € ISETO Vs. D 2AUG2022 BUT D/ ET.AL. Donald Mashak, The Provident Bank, John Doe, and Marie Roe, Defendantis). Filed in District Court Enjoined Indispensable Parties: Gokiman Sachs Group, Inc., Base 5 Federal National Mortgage Association, and Deutsche Bank {USA) NA, Residential Credit Solutions, Inc, Fst Frenkin Financial Services, Federal Reserve Bank Board of Govemors, John andlor Jane ‘Doe Appraiser, John andior Jane Doe Mortgage Broker. To: Clerk of Wright County Courts, 763-682-7539 Fax: 763-682-7300, 3700 Braddock Ave, Room 1100 Buffalo, MN 55915, Plaintil NNTGLO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Federal National Mortgage Association (heteatter “Fannie Mae’, Deutsche Bank, NA, Residential ‘Credit Solutions (hereafter “ RCS") First Franklin Financial Services (herealter “First Franklin) via ther atlomeys Liebo, Weingarden, Dobie & Barbie(L WDB), PLLP 952-925-6888 fax 952-925-5879 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapots MN 55416, The Provident ‘Bank (hereafter Provident) at 201 East 5 Street, Cincinnati OH 45202 and Indispensable party Federal Reserve Bank Board of ‘Govemors, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W. Washington, O.C, 20551 TO; LAW CLERK TO Ju verine McPherson via Fax 763-682-7300 12AU Wright County Government Center 3700 Braddock Ave, Room 1100 Buffalo, MN 55313 ‘Re: DEFENDANT MASHAK’S RESPONSE T TEST CORRESPOND) ‘BUT DATED 25JUL2022, ET.AL. Because Defendant Mashak, a5 previously documented, has been part of a group that each year from circa 2003 to 2018, asked for but was denied a hearing dedicated to receiving testimony and evidence of systemic corruption in the Minnesota Courts, Defendant Mashak asserts the right to hold the Courts accouniable on the recordin this matter. Forced to try to attend hearings on related matters for an opportunity to testy, other members of Judicial TAR (Transparency, Accountabilty and Reform) had brief opportunities to try to testy and provide evidence of said corption. One of the lessons and paradoxes leamed was that State Legislatures would ask the person testing it they won or lost their case. When the person said they lost, the State Legislator would impugn their credibilty saying, “They were just bad losers’, and their testimony and evidence would be ignored, ‘Yet common sense says, “Don't question the integrity of the Courts, while your matter is being tigated. But since the MN Judicial Review Board acts as an investigation “Black Hole, and as “Public Relations" rather than as an agency of v6 From 1.877.233.3839 Fri Aug 12 16:44:20 2022 POT Page 3 of 10 accountabily, it seems approgtiate to post these matters tothe intemet i real ime so the pubic can see the true nature of their courts. And, this wil also futher document yet again, another avenue of peaceful remedy has been closed fous. Quite simply, Defendant Mashak credibly alleges Conspiracy to Commit Treason (httprebrand ly/ProgsLaugh), Seditious Conspiracy {}, Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy Against Rights, elt. inthe background, the Courts are deliberately and maiciously advocating circulating a fraudulent COINTELPRO Dossier on Defendant Mashak to justify their departures from the Rule of Law and taint the jury pool. But every effort that Defendant Mashak has made to discovery the contents of this false COINTELPRO Dossier have been thwarted whether they were by inquiries with law enforcement, Freedom of Information Act Requests or Subpoenas. And even, the request fr the Court to conduct a Discovery Conference because the issues cannot be resolved. The general public indeed finds it strange that the ‘government would share tis dossier with everyone inthe world, but the person the fake COINTELPRO Dossier is about So much for Constitutional Rights to Due Process, to know your accuser and the evidence againsl you, etc. etc. Gossip is so much easier than actual law. Itis amazing how Norwest Bank, NA now renamed Wells Fargo Bank, NA. engaged in witness tampering against Defendant Mashak, then went onto steal milions of dollars from milions of Americans, but Wright County MN is focused on alleged ‘wrong doing by Defendant Mashak (even though no one will produce the evidence). Why are there any Wells Fargo Banks, Ain Wright County IAN. Why haven' you run them out ofthe county. They have admitted guilt on the record. They were involved in Mortgage Fraud, Student Loan Fraud, Chumed investments of MN Churches, ID & Checking account Fraud and taundering Mexican Drug Cartel Money from 2008-2018. Could it be the reason you don't go after Wells Fargo Bank, NA but do go after the person who tested against Wells Fargo Bank, NA isthe same? Bribes, politcal contibutions and other consideration? But | digress. 26 From 1.877.233.3839 Fri Aug 12 16:44:20 2022 POT Page 4 of 10 Th MNCAC 2.9(4) and 2.946) which kK to ing nor 7 ynunication and theres ity of being retumed. NO PLACE DID iT INDICATE THE ALLEGED DEFICIENCY. ‘The closest to an explanation the letter only signed, “Law Clerk to the Honorable Judge Catherine McPherson” was. accompanied he docu natn tote dram wre sewed un bess cout ‘The Cours “Let's make sell-epresented litigants guess charade", is just another tactic that violates the Natural and Constitutional Rights of Defendant Mashak and all other selt nled ltigants, A tactic intended to derail ymmitted sui vil animal judges and ane! ink ant Progressive h 36 From 1.877.233.3839 Fri Aug 12 16:44:20 2022 POT Page 5 of 10 One or more of the Court letters suggest ting various legal wt id, “We can't al Defendant's that the court Quite simply, this is not Due Process pursuant to the Rule of Law, Defendant Mashak is entitled to Discovery. The General Public has certain expectations of how Judges and the Courts should actin ruling in matters before Progressive Globalst Coup have decided When average people see these communications, some are dumbfounded and others outraged. From my many years with Judicial TAR, Defendant Mashak heard those giving testimony being destroyed because they broke down in age at the dolberately calculated acts of Judges to deny them justice. And, Defendant Mashak is familar withthe annual retreats by [UN judges on the Taxpayers dime where they discuss new rules and tactic to ustate persons representing themselves. Is that what you get paid to do? Defendant Mashak has even heard of Judges gathering and laughing about who screwed sell-represented citizens over the worst. The Law Clerk and Judge must have laughed together hysterically after they sent another letter refusing to simply state the deficiency, and directing Defendant Mashak, once again back fo the same resources, they aeady knew had told Defendant Mashak, “We cari give legal advice” ‘When average foks see Defendants Mashak credible evidence of Treason, Sedition, Obstruction of Justice, et a. they are ‘outraged. Some even blurt out, Don't judges take an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. They are ‘shocked to hear Judges are colluding to prevent evidence of Treason, Sedition and Obstruction of Justice on the record. ‘And | understand the need forthe coconspirafors in the Progressive Globalist Coup to keep evidence of their treason off the public record. But the general public does not understand nor accept that criminal behavior. tis not Defendant Mashak’s faut that friends ofthe courts and coconspirators in the Progressive Globaist Coup have commited crimes and are going to be adversely affected when these facts get on the record. And, that does not give the ‘cours free reign to protect their friends and ales from the truth. Defendant Mashak did no tell ludge Halsey to enter into @ Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice against Mashak. Judge Halsey did that all on his own or as a coconspirator inthe Progressive Globalst Coup. (htp:/rebrand1y/ProgsLaugh or hiipJ/rebrand 'y/CoupWardrobe) Once again, the general public is shocked thal the courts don't have intemal procedures for holding judges accountable when credible proot of ‘criminal activity is alleged. Ae From 1.877.233.3839 Fri Aug 12 16:44:20 2022 POT Page 6 of 10 ‘As | have said, | am just going to start posting these pleadings on the interest, so all American realize how corrupt our ‘Judges and government have become. Ifthe Mainstream Media, Social Media and the Poltcal Establishment won't allow it {o be discussed, in this forum America needs to see rampant corruption and injustice like this So they realize, Congress and ‘State Legislators are in bed with the Judges, and they are al commiting crimes against WE THE PEOPLE. Our Government has become a domestic enemy. To the general public reading this, yes, our courts are just this evil and comupt. How many of you would have been tom up ‘and destroyed going through something like this by now. Remember what Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Kings, Jt. said from his prison cel, ‘Never forget everything Hitler did in NAZI Germany was legat’. Jefferson once sad he bebeved their needed to be a revolution every 20 years. They rigged election 2020, and the courts lt it stand by ignoring the merits and invoking technicality. Technicality over Merit is a tactic of the unconventional Progressive Globalist Coup. In their litte Mutual ‘Admiration Society meetings behind closed doors, judges may think no one can hold them accountable, but Defendant Mashakis about to ry fo prove them wrong. DARE TO SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER! In conttonting Power do not be ataid thal you are not polished enough, or wil end "up looking the fool. Because, somebody with less confidence than you wil take heart, leam from your mistakes, and try to hold them accountable again Like the smal leck inthe dam, eventually, so many people wil be moved to action thatthe tyrants will be overwhelmed and have accountabity forced upon them, Even i Defendant Mashak loses in this matter, mitkons of Americans will know our government, courts and law enforcement have become domestic enemies before Defendant Mashak is done. Hf not now, when? I not me, who? For ll you other Lawyers and Judges out there that read this and do nothing to hold your professions accountable, don't be surprised when you to get held accountable in trails for Treason, Sedition and Crimes Against Humanity. At every continuing legal education seminar, this should be a topic of discussion, No whining you did't know or you were just following orders ‘when the counterrevolution prevais and holds you all accountable for ignoring your oaths to support and defend the ‘organic original constitution of our country. 5/6 From 1.877.233.3839 Fri Aug 12 16:44:20 2022 POT Page 7 of 10 CONCLUSION There is no reason for the Law Clerk to not respond to this pleading. They made the errr inthe deficiency of not stating exactly and specifcaly the deficiency in the inital contrived finding that these subject documents were Ex parte communications. The rules must permit thal deficiency to be corrected and not be a basis for compounding the injury to Defendant Mashak caused by this error. Defendant expects prompt redress of this issue. Even the MNCJC advises the Court to allow Self Represented persons some lee way in complying with the rues, I does not violate any rule nor injure the Plant's in any way to provide Defendant Mashak exactly, specifically, clearly ‘and precisely what the exact deficiencies of the subject documents are that make them Ex parte’ communications. Defendant futher expects Court Rules and Case Cites which specifically address what the alleged deficiencies were. America, mark this as exhibil 1 in documenting that WE THE PEOPLE have exhausted al of our peaceful remedies. ‘The Courts are corrupt and our elections are rigged. This pleading should also be an exhibit in future trials for sedition, treason and crimes against humanity withthe counter-revoluton tothe Progressive Globalst Coup consolidates power. These folks are acting with malice and intent and need fo be held accountable when we have the power to do so. Those were my thoughts, Thank you for your time Respectfuly submited, In Liberty: Baa abe Don Mashak, 612-249-3299 ogr12/2022 Rl. 1 Box 231, Albertville, MN 55301 Defendant, As a Free Person and State National under the Organic Constitution of the United States of America 6/6 From 1.877.233.3839 Fri Aug 12 16:44:20 2022 POT Page 1 of 10 Fax To: Court Admin - Wright County MN FROM: Don Mashak ‘COMPANY: COMPANY: FAK 7636827300 FAK: SUBJECT: Re Exparte 2AUG2022 oa Friday, August 12, 2022 TOESS NW ‘aIlMusaiV Tez XOg ‘T aINOY, yeysewn pleuod Ag wATZOT NOSWEHGOW ANAAHLYD JTAVBONOH £55 NW SIWOdINNIN

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