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Name: Venus Rovie C.

Laque Subject: Purposive Communication

Course: BSHM1



Task 1: COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS. Instruction: The input above reports about the use
of social media by Filipinos. Sharpen your understanding of the reading text by answering the
following questions:

1. How much time is spent on social media sites by Filipinos? Japanese? Brazilians?
Americans? Argentinians?
Answer: Filipinos spend most of their time social media for four hours and 17 minutes a
day . Next in lines are Brazilians and Argentinians which spend 3 hours and 32 minutes of
their time using social media . Next is Americans spend 2 hours and six seconds of their
day using social media . Lastly , Japanese only used social media for only 40 minutes daily

2. What conclusion can you draw from your answer in no.1?

Answer: We know that foreign countries have busy citizens where they always work and
they don't spend their time doing nothing , maybe that is why they could only use their
social media platforms during their free time . While in the Philippines where a lot of people
are lazy and don't have work tend to use social media often to kill their boredom . Another
is , according to Isberto " Filipino like to keep in touch " that is why Filipinos are always
online in order to communicate with their friends .

3. How would you compare the internet speed in the Philippines with that in Brazil?
Argentina? South Korea?
Answer:Philippines have the slowest internet connection with an average of 4.2 mbps per
second. In Brazil their internet connection speed is 5.5 mbps per second. In Argentina their
internet speed is 5mbps and in South Korea they have the fastest internet connection with
the speed of 26.3 mbps. If we compare the Philippines to South Korea, Filipinos used
social media for four hours a day while Koreans used social media for just one hour a day.
That is why the speed of the internet can be depending on the usage of people to social
media platforms.

4. What conclusions can you draw from your answer in no.3?

Answer: In terms of culture and attitudes, Filipinos are really drowning into social media
where they check and open their social media accounts after they open their eyes in the
morning and if they don’t have anything to do they spend their time browsing and surfing in
any social media platforms. It looks like social media is a part of necessity in daily living of
the Filipinos where they can’t live a day without checking their social media accounts.
While in foreign countries, I’ve never been in any foreign country but I know and I am
aware that they have busy citizens working from time to time and they don’t want to spend
their time doing nothing and they can only use their phones when they rest. Foreign
countries are more responsible in using social media platforms than Filipinos. We can see
in our own social media accounts such as Facebook where sometimes Filipino teenagers
are arguing through online where they both exchange inappropriate words without realizing
that a lot of people can see their post.

5. The author claims that global Internet use is on the rise. What facts does the author
provide to support this claim?
Answer: Miguel R. Camus is the author that claims that global internet use is on the rise.
The author did not support any of his claims, he only used “according to the report” which
can’t be a support to his claims because what kind of report he is talking about. The author
should cite sources and research to give proof and support his claims.

Task 3: SHARE IT!. Instruction.Imagine that you had just won the top award in a prestigious
international contest. You would like to express your thoughts and feelings about this big event.
Share these thoughts and feelings through one of the following forms of communication (20

Paste a copy of your work on the box.

Option 1: A handwritten letter to your parents or teachers

Option 2: An e-mail message to your parents or teachers

Option 3: A public Facebook post

Option 4: A public Twitter post; and a text message to your parents or teachers

Facebook Post

Thank you God, as I am now fulfilled

For the past few months, I have been working with different sectors to finish the greatest story that I
will tell the world-a story of life. I decided to join the World Peace Day International video making
contest so that I can show how the modern heroes of today are sacrificing their lives for others,
particularly in this time of the pandemic.

It is with great honor to announce that I won the prestigious contest! First of all I would like to send my
biggest gratitude to God. Secondly to you the nurses and doctors whom I featured. Your contributions
changed many lives and inspired mine. Lastly, I'm forever grateful to my parents for supporting me in
this journey. For my dad who lend me his camera and laptop and mom who give me food to keep me

The video will be posted soon and I hope you share it with other people to spread positivity around. I
hope you can learn something in my video-that we can be heroes in our own ways.

I'm am emotional right now but God's time is indeed the best. May He bless us all!

1. Many global companies operate in the Philippines. These companies have Filipino
counterparts which compete with them. An example of a global company is
Mcdonald’s; its Filipino competition is Jollibee.
Answer: I chose Greenwich Pizza and Pizza hut. Greenwich Pizza, also known as
Greenwich, is a pizza and pasta chain in the Philippines. It founded in 1971 by Cresida
Tueres while Pizza Hut is an American restaurant chain and international franchise
founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas by Dan and Frank Carney. I already experienced
dining in both restaurants and I can say that the menu is quite similar. They were both
serving pizza and other Italian-American dishes, including pasta, side dishes and
desserts. However, though they offer similar set of meals, still I find the flavors very
different. In my own perspective, the flavors of Greenwich Pizza is more connected to
the taste buds of the Filipinos since it is a sister company of Jollibee which is also a
favorite Filipino-fast food chain. On the other hand, when it comes to service, Pizza Hut
is more of a fine dining restaurant than Greenwich which is a fast-food restaurant type.

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