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kayaHow to do you treat our client?

1. Allen Kristian Vasquez- RCTI president
In Rakso CT, we treat our clients as business partners. It is a top priority that we make our
clients valued. The nature of our business is primarily anchored to client servicing; thus, we
ensure that everyone is client-oriented and practicing the following traits:

1. Listens to client needs.

2. Identify and anticipate needs.
3. Gives additional value to everything we do.
4. Asks for feedback.
2. Noreil Dela Cruz- Senior Marketing Specialist

Personally, I treat our clients equally. I believe that in a business there is no big or small clients.
A client is still a client.

As a marketing specialist, our main goal is to make our clients feel equally important. I believe that our
creative idea to a project should not be based on how big or small their brand is or how big or small
their budget is. They deserve to be treated equally.

Marketing is about building a good relationship with clients. In addition, I treat my clients as friends, I
should understand them, I should know where they’re coming from, I should always be with them when
they need me, because that’s what makes them go back to you.

For 4 years in the business, I realized there are 2 keypoints to keep a client, (1) PRODUCE OUT OF THE
BOX IDEAS and (2) BUILD TRUST. With these 2 keypoints, surely client will stay in the company.

And I thank you. :)

3. Anjo Tuba- Team Leader Web Development

Put your customers first. Seeing things from customer’s perspective is easy but delivering
everything to meet their needs is another leap. We should do things for their convenience and
always make sure that the process is efficient. Always acknowledge your customers. A simple
eye contact, smile or a nod to the customer can make all the difference. Nobody wants to be feel
ignored or made feel they’re nobody. Always listen to your customers. Not just listening but high
quality listening is one of the most important things we can do for our customers. It will not always
be finding out solutions for the customers, sometimes they just need a simple chat. Be willing to
‘go the extra mile’ for your customers. Often it’s the small things that can make a considerable
difference, doing something the customer did not expect. At other times it may mean pulling out
all the stops to resolve an issue.

4. Alecxandra Sayon- Senior Marketing Specialist

I take care of my clients by fully explaining to them the services that we can offer. Making sure
they get the best of our service and update them every time there is a new trend in the market.
5. Eunice Estolatan- Team Leader Marketing
We treat clients more as a personal colleague rather than just customers that we need to report
and submit requirements to. We treat them with the same respect and dignity that We expect to
be given. Having this mindset and thinking of them this way allows is to create an interpersonal
relationship with them that makes them feel valued beyond business relations. Knowing them on
a personal level and vice versa, creates a connection that makes the client feel at ease. In as
simple as asking how they are or greeting them on their special day. It shows that we care and
enforces our position as the top of mind choice for our customers. Aside from that, we strive to
always be on top of our game by constantly expanding our knowledge about our field and
proactively recommending new ideas and strategies for the brands. If client can see the authority
and certainty in the recommendations that we give, client will feel that we care about making sure
we are helping them grow continuously over time. Not only client benefits but also the company
over time. Since we are in the business of advertising, client relations define the company. It can
make or break business. And if client is happy, we are also happy.
6. Alexandria De Castro – OIC Marketing
We treat our clients professionally by putting them first always. We listen and take note of
everything they want for their business and make sure that each strategy that we propose is
aligned to their vision. We always try to go the extra mile when it comes to offering them other
services that we think would be best for their brand and be available whenever they need to
consult anything whether it may be during work hours or weekends. It's also important for us that
we show appreciation to our clients for the partnership that they gave us by always thanking them
and maintaining a good relationship with them.
7. Felix San Jose- Creative Director
Ideally as partners. I try to understand and respect their business and their challenges the best i
can, so I can determine the best way to help them. For me doing what’s best for the brand or
project versus doing what’s best for the client as a person is the best way to gain their respect
and be of value to them.
An agency is only as good as client will allow it, client will allow the agency anything if they’re that
8. Tiffanny Cher Cuevas- Design Manager
I treat clients as I would treat my co-workers, professionally. Treat them with respect and honesty.
As much as possible, respond to their messages with little or no delay and with concrete

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