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English 101

Final Examination

Type your answers in RED below each question/prompt. 5 pts. each 1. Explain what the importance of the Rhetorical Triangle as described in your handbook. -According to Prentice Hall Reference Guide, the Rhetorical Triangle consists of three parts: the topic, audience and purpose. Writers use the Rhetorical Triangle to integrate their topic idea with the audience.

Briefly describe three different prewriting techniques. -Organizing. Certain materials that are put together in a way that makes sense to the writer helps in putting information of the topic -Visualizing. To keep an image of what your paper would consist of or resemble. -Listing. Placing the pros and cons for your paper.


Describe what a writer does when revising a paper. -Usually the writer would re-read their existing rough draft from the beginning of the paper up to the point where they find themselves omitting the paper. On some programs they have a track changes feature, which is a useful tool in reviewing the rough draft revisions. Prentice Hall Reference Guide also points out the productivity of creating more than one draft if you dont have a track changes feature convenient to your use. Utilizing the print preview feature is another tool proven useful in reviewing hard copies. Acknowledging long sentences gives an idea of what changes may need to be made as far as the use of content existing in the rough drafts.


Describe the difference between revising and editing. -The Prentice Hall Reference Guide points out revising is a way for the writer to review and edit existing paper, and editing consists of tedious tasks of refining or removing items that dont need to be seen in the final paper.


What is a comma splice? A fused sentence? How can these errors be repaired? -Prentice Hall Reference Guide defines the comma splice as a punctuation error that can occur in one of two ways: When independent clauses are joined only by a comma but are missing a

English 101
Final Examination

coordinating conjunction, and when a comma is used instead of a semicolon between two independent clauses. -In the same book stated above, a fused sentence is acknowledges as a punctuation error that occurs when there is no punctuation between independent clauses. -Correction of these errors can be made by using connecting words.

Define paraphrasing as applied to a research paper. -Paraphrasing is to re-iterate a previous statement made in regards to the same topic shared. Proper acknowledgement is needed to avoid plagiarism of any kind available.


In a research paper, what should be cited? -works/resources utilized


Explain four reasons why plagiarism is wrong. -Unethical. In the real world, this means theft. Using someone elses work and not giving any credit is considered stealing. -Lost learning opportunity. There is nothing gained from copying someone elses work. -Loss of credibility. Plagiarism is an act of stealing, as someone who cannot provide their own work for themselves, there is no credibility available for that person.


Describe the purpose of signal words and phrases in a research paper. -The purpose of signal words and phrases is to give ease into acknowledging credibility where needed as well as give room for personal opinion.

10. Give three reasons for using a direct quote in a research paper.

-gives credibility, avoiding plagiarism -explains in more detail words written -illustrates authors point of view in comparison to topic written Reflective Essay - 50pts. Write an essay that considers the following: Take some time to consider your experience in ENG 101 and, using the various writings you have produced and the comments and marks made by your instructor as a guide, discuss what you have learned

English 101
Final Examination

about academic writing, in general, and your own writing, specifically, over the course of the semester. Describe how the use of technology in the classroom has impacted your learning in this class. What do you think could have been done to enhance your experience this semester?

After you have finished your exam, publish to Scribd and embed in both blogs. My time in ENG 101 has been a very rushed experience. I had found many useful techniques that helped me in my writing and the inconvenience of having to miss several occasions that would have made me further improve what skills I already had. Writing has always been a hobby for me and to know how to write in ways that were accepted by most of the real world was a fun trial to go through. The technology used in this class has been most effective to me as far as getting a point across. Videos, and internet resources (not to mention a teacher who is actually up to date with the electronic world) were quick and productive resources used for this class. The technology shared in the class has been very helpful. It opened my eyes to what ideas my mind can muster and how they can be real through the sources utilized through the internet. I developed a sense of confidence through my writing from this class and found the methods of teaching to be sympathetic to the realities of the 21st century. To have enhanced my experience in this class, well of course would have been for me to attend on a regular basis. I do feel that I had missed out on a lot when I show up for class the following day; I tried to keep up by following the class blog. It helps put me on the same page as everyone else, but it kind of makes me feel like the last kid to be picked for dodge ball, seeing as how I wasnt around the last class. I feel that if my attendance had been more consistent then I wouldnt be the last person in line to know how things went. It was a great pleasure to have had this course during the summer, and I look forward to expanding my writing skills with so much more motivation. This class has been most productive in its methods of applying the techniques the 21st century demands of us as individuals today.

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