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Teens 4 - Module 2 (Units 6, 7, 9, 8)

Write sentences in the second conditional.

What/you do/if/win/the lottery? ________________________________________________________________________
If you/not have/a TV, /you miss it?
If he/lie to me, I/ (may) not trust him again.
If I/win/the prize, I/ (can) treat you all to a the pizza
You/scream if you/see a spider in your room?

Complete with the gerund or infinitive.

I’ve already started _____________ (think) about the summer. If I manage _____________ (pass) my exams, I’ll
be really pleased. Then I hope ___________ (find) a summer jo0b, because I don´t enjoy __________ (sit) around
with nothing to do. I don’t mind____________ (do) a boring job as long as I earn some money. I’ll carry on
____________ (work) until I get enough money to go on holiday.

Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.
pick up / put on / switch off / turn up / take off / give back / ask out

James: So, did you 0 ask Judy out yesterday, Ian?

Ian: No, I didn’t. I was too tired after the exam.
James: Oh, how did the exam go?
Ian: Really well. I was very organised. When I sat down I 1 _____ my jacket _____, 2 _____ my pen _____ and
started to write.
James: I hope you remembered to 3 _____ your phone _____.
Ian: Ha, yes, I did. Anyway, I answered all the questions and when it was done, I 4 _____ my test paper _____ to
the teacher.
James: Great. Did you feel pleased?
Ian: I felt tired. I wanted to relax so I 5 _____ my headphones _____, 6 _____ the volume _____ and walked home.

Change the verbs and adjectives into nouns and write them in the correct column.
decide / accurate / imagine / improve / real / explain / able / difficult / disappoint

-ion -ment -ity -y

0 decision 3 5 7

1 4 6 8

Complete the sentences with the words below.
editor / broadsheet / headline / report / podcast / magazines / channels
0 The report on celebrity children was very interesting.
1 For more serious news stories, you should read a __________ newspaper.
2 We downloaded the __________ yesterday and we’ll listen to it tonight.
3 The __________ has to decide which stories to publish.
4 On the front page there was an article with an unusual __________.
5 __________ are usually sold weekly or monthly.
6 There are so many TV __________. It’s difficult to decide which one to watch!

Write sentences using the second conditional.

0 I / be rich / would / give millions to charity If I were rich, I would give millions to charity.
1 I / might / travel to India / have enough money
2 you / not have to study / we / could / go to the shops
3 you / not already busy / would you / play
4 they / be taller / could / be supermodels
5 would you / get bored / play computer games all
6 he / ask his mum / she / might / say yes
7 she / have a bigger house / could / have party
8 you / would / not feel ill / sleep more
Circle the correct word(s).

From: Tim
To: Bob
Hi Bob,
I forgot 0 to tell / telling you that I’m taking a computer games design course one night a week. I’ve always enjoyed 1 to
play / playing computer games, so I thought it might be interesting to see how they are made. Originally the school hoped
2 to have / having twenty students, but fifty have joined! Apparently, they didn’t expect 3 to get / getting so many
people and they weren’t sure they would have enough space. But they have managed 4 to find / finding a famous game
designer who said he wouldn’t mind 5 to help / helping teach the course. I’m very excited because he’s worked on some
great games. I’m really glad I’ve started 6 to learn / learning about computer games.


Complete the sentences with the words below.

editor / broadsheet / headline / report / podcast / magazines / channels
0 The report on celebrity children was very interesting.

1 For more serious news stories, you should read a __________ newspaper.

2 We downloaded the __________ yesterday and we’ll listen to it tonight.

3 The __________ has to decide which stories to publish.

4 On the front page there was an article with an unusual __________.

5 __________ are usually sold weekly or monthly.

6 There are so many TV __________. It’s difficult to decide which one to watch!
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

play / be / come / drive / discuss / lie / take / talk

0 We invited them to play tennis.

1 She suggested that he __________ a taxi.

2 They ordered her __________ home immediately.

3 She complained that he __________ too much.

4 He denied __________ his car too fast.

5 We promised __________ quiet next time.

6 She apologised for __________ about coming home late.

7 She agreed __________ the problem.

Circle the correct linker.

0 Although / In spite of my mum trusts me, I can’t stay out late.

1 However / Despite having a good relationship, we don’t talk about serious problems.

2 I argue with my brother occasionally. However / In spite of, we normally get on well.

3 I love travelling, but on the other hand / although I love staying at home too.

4 I have many friends however / despite being shy.

5 In spite of / Although the traffic, we arrived early.

Complete the voicemail messages with the sentences below.

• Hi, you’re through to Jamie.
• Can you give me a ring when you get this message?
• I’m not around to answer the phone, so please leave a message.
• Hi Jamie, it’s Frank here.
• I’m just calling for a chat.
• I’m afraid I can’t take your call right now.

Message 1
Voicemail: 0 Hi, you’re through to Jamie. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you.
Frank: 1 ____________________ I’m calling to let you know that our match has been cancelled. I’ll see
you at practice on Tuesday.

Message 2
Voicemail: Hello, this is Tom. 2 ____________________ But if you leave a message after the beep, I’ll
get back to you as soon as I can.
Karen: Hi, Tom. 3 ____________________ Give me a ring soon. Bye.

Message 3
Voicemail: Hello, this is Karen’s line. 4 ____________________
Dad: Karen, it’s Dad. I need to talk to you about something. 5 ____________________ Bye. I hope to
hear from you soon.
Complete with the correct passive form.
0 Look! The film is being shot (shoot) now.

1 At ten o’clock yesterday the costumes _______________________ (discuss).

2 The film ________________________ (release) soon.

3 At the moment the car __________________________ (drive) by Daniel Craig.

4 The streets _______________________ (clean) by the film crew at this time yesterday.

5 Next week the actors ________________________ (interview) by the press.

6 Lunch _____________________________________ (serve) now.

Order the sentences to make two dialogues.

0 What do you think about young people voting, Bill?

00 Do you think we get a lot of homework?

1 I don’t agree. We need a lot of homework to prepare for exams.

2 I take your point, but most young people aren’t interested in politics.

3 I think that seventeen-year-olds should be able to vote. What about you?

4 Yes. I think we get too much homework. What do you think?

5 How can you say that, Jane? Young people are very interested in politics.

6 I’m not sure I agree. I think seventeen is too young to vote.

7 I disagree! You need to pass exams to get a good job. Being healthy is just a hobby.

8 I see what you mean but too much work is unhealthy. Your health is very important.

9 That’s rubbish! Seventeen-year-olds are old enough to pay taxes.

10 No way! What’s the point of a good job if you aren’t healthy?

Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2
Jane: __0__ John: _00__
Bill: _____ Lee: _____
Jane: _____ John: _____
Bill: _____ Lee: _____
Jane: _____ John: _____
Bill: _____ Lee: _____
Rewrite using the correct passive form.
0 Catherine Zeta-Jones invited photographers to the wedding.
Photographers were invited to the wedding by Catherine Zeta-Jones.
1 The paparazzi had followed Princess Diana.
Princess Diana
2 Celebrities often accuse the paparazzi of putting lives in danger.
The paparazzi
3 The police arrested the photographer.
The photographer
4 The paparazzi have followed him everywhere.
5 Michael Douglas did not give the guests the location of the wedding.
The guests
6 The paparazzi do not pay celebrities.

Choose the right option.

1) She’d like to get/give away to a paradisiac place.

2) What a mess! Please put/throw your clothes away in the wardrobe.

3) My sister never does the cleaning-up. How does she always gets/gives away with it?

4) Did you really run/look away from home when you were 14 years old?

5) Sometimes magazines throw/give away free gifts.

6) I could watch the accident. I had to give/look away.

7) I am going to get/give away to a peaceful town.

8) You shouldn´t get/throw away old clothes.

Complete the sentences with must, can’t or Use the prompts to make deductions with must have,
might/could. can´t have, might/could have + past participle.

1) They are in the same team. I´m sure they ✓= almost sure it´s true
__________ each other. X= almost sure it´s not true
?= possible, but not sure
2) Jason got a 10 in his exam. He __________ very
1) The burglar/break/the door lock. (✓)
3) she´ve worked hard all day. She__________ feel
tired. _______________________________________________

4) My cousin has won the first prize. He _________ 2) It/rain/during the night. (✓)
be pleased.
5) I think this is her telephone number, but I
_________ be wrong. 3) The burglar/travel/by car. (x)

6) Mario is from Mexico, but he __________ speak
German (I’m not sure).
4) He/wash his hands. (?)
7) I can´t hear the children talking. They__________ _______________________________________________
Be asleep.
5) He/steal/the TV. (✓)
8) You´ve just had breakfast. Surely you
_________be hungry! _______________________________________________

6) He/have/an accomplice to help him. (?)


7) He/see/the jewellery. (x)


8) he/make/ a phone call. (✓)


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