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1. Nitrogenous bases constitute the alphabet of genetic information.

At the DNA level, these bases are

linked in a complementary way through hydrogen bridges. Thus, if in a DNA molecule there are 30%
thymines, the percentage of cytosines would be
A) 5%
B) 30%
C) 10%
D) 20%
E) 40%

2. Nucleotides are the repetitive units on the basis of which both DNA and RNA are formed.
However, deoxyribonucleotides differ from ribonucleotides in that the former lack a
A) Adenine
B) Guanine
C) Cytosine
D) Thymine
E) Uracil

3. Nucleic acids are polymers linked by phosphodiester bonding.

A] Nucleotide
B) Amino acids
C) Monosaccharides
D) Fatty acids
E) Polysaccharides

4. From the isolation of the "nuclein" nucleic acids were discovered by

A) Watson
B) Crick
C) Miescher
D) Franklin
E) Chargaff

5. The DNA sequences that constitute the fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity are called
Each urea of these units contains a part that is transcribed to RNA and another that is responsible for
defining when and where they should be expressed.
A) Codons
B) Anticodons
C) DNA polyRNA polyrenases
D) Genes
E) RNA polymerases

6. Nucleic acids are macromolecules that have as a representative linkage the

A) glycosidic.
B) hydrogen bridge.
C) ester.
D) phosphodiester.
E) peptide.
7. The important nucleotide in energy metabolism, considered the energy currency, is.
C) glucose.
E) amino acid.
8. The union of a pentose sugar+a base+a phosphate is called a
A) nucleotide.
B) deoxyribonucleotide.
C) ribonucleoside.
D) dinucleotide.
E) nucleoside.

9. The nitrogenous bases that differentiate DNA and RNA are, respectively,
A) thymine and cytosine.
B) guanine and uracil.
C) adenine and thymine.
D) thymine and uracil.
E) uracil and thymine.

Which of the following statements does not correspond to DNA?

A) It is complementary.
B) It is bidirectional.
C) It has a double helix.
D) The thymine base differentiates it from RNA.
E) The bond of its nitrogenous bases is phosphodiester.

11. State the complement of the nitrogenous base sequence A-G-C-C-T-A-C-G-G-A.

A) A-A-C-G-T-C-G-T
B) T-C-G-A-T-G-C-T
C) T-C-G-A-T-C-G-T
D) A-T-C-A-T-C-T-A
E) T-C-G-A-T-C-C-T

12. Chargaff's law, with respect to nitrogenous bases, states that

A) U+C=A+G.
B) A+T=G+C.
C) A+U=T+G.
D) A+G=T+C.
E) U+T=A+G.

13. One difference between DNA and RNA is that ............... is a polyribonucleotide containing ...............
instead of deoxyribose.
A) DNA - ribose
B) RNA - ribose
C) RNA - glucose
D) DNA - ribulose
E) RNA – hexose

14. The monomers, known as deoxyribonucleotides, lack in their composition of

A) phosphoric acid.
B) guanine.
C) pentose.
D) ribose.
E) pyrimidine.

15. The structural unit of nucleic acids is composed of three components and is called
A. Nitrogenous base
B. Phosphoric acid
C. Ribose
D. Nucleotide
E. Deoxyribose

16. Nitrogenous bases with monocyclic structure

a. Purines
b. Pyrimidines
c. A and B are correct
d. None

17.It is a function of nucleotides

a. Energy transporters
b. Involved in metabolic regulation
c. Functions as a coenzyme
d. All are correct
e. None of them are correct

18. Most of the naturally occurring nucleotides are

a. 5' adenosine-monophosphate
b. 5' inosine-monophosphate
c. 5' guanosine-monophosphate
d. 5' phosphate esters

19. Nucleotides are made acidic by

a. The nitrogenous base
b. The sugar
c. Phosphate group
d. A nucleic acid

How many nucleic acids there are
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Pregunta Claves
1 D
2 E
3 A
4 C
5 D
6 D
7 A
8 A
9 D
10 E
11 B
12 D
13 B
14 D
15 D
16. b
17 d
18 d
19 c
20 b

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