Effects of Gay Language in Understanding

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Effects of Gay language in understanding the meaning

of English words

A Research Proposal

Presented to

Miss Ellen Noveras

Taytay United Methodist Christian School Inc.

San Isidro, Taytay Rizal

In Partial Fulfillment

of the requirements for English Research 10

Camalig Sean Crisnanti T.

Concepcion John Lui N.

Padayao Domenique R.

February 2016
Chapter I


According to Merriam-Webster dictionary is defined as mother tongue. Each language is very

unique as it reflects a country’s own culture and its own individual identity (LanguageOne,

2016). A mother tongue has a major influence in one’s development. However, this seems to be

misunderstood by some, especially by those who belong to the LGBT group. Gays are members

of this group who seek an identity of their own and as such they develop a language which is

considered an influence to society. Gay language affects student’s vocabulary and their

understanding to the words which made them misunderstood the real meaning of the words.

Admit it that everyone could not escape the alluring and colorful language used by gays because

it is funny and it’s more fun to say it that’s why some of us influence by gay language


Statement of the problem:

The study focuses on the effects of Gay language in ones understanding to the English

words. Many students had a problem in understanding the gay language because the

problem is how the gay language affects was the students.

• Are students of TUMCSI familiar with gay language?

• What gay language they are familiar with?

• How their knowledge of gay language does affects their understanding of the

meaning of the word in English meaning.

Significance of the study:

The study will benefit the following:

• Students in TUMCSI, the students will benefits by they will know the real

meaning of the English word. They will determine the meaning of the gay

languages and the real meaning of the words. There English vocabulary will be

enlightened in concepts of words.

• Homosexuals, they can establish the real meaning of the words they expressed.

Homosexuals will get the real meaning of the words; they will use the real

meaning of the words instead of using their own meaning in every word. People

will understand them.

• People they will understand what homosexuals says and they can easily

determine what the gays are trying to say. They can express their feelings.
Scope and limitations

Gay language is introduced to us in early 21 st century. Gay language affects the students

in giving the real meaning of the words. The use of gay language should be stopped to

reduce the confusion between the difference of the real meaning and gay interpretation

of the English words. The confusion between the real meaning and gay’s interpretation

had a great impact on students.

A study on English language gay’s interpretation covers a wide scope thus the

researchers focus on giving the students the real meaning they should know to stop the

confusion between the real meaning and gay’s interpretation.

Definition of terms

The following terms used in this paper are operationally defined to provide a complete

understanding of the study:

Gay language is a language that the homosexuals use and give their own meaning and

interpretation in every word they say. Gay language is a word that gay’s gives a

colorful meaning in every words.

Gay is a person who is sexually attracted to same sex. Homosexual is the other term

for gay. It stands for the people who want to be a woman.

Vocabulary according on learner’s dictionary Vocabulary is a word that makes a

language. Vocabulary is all of the word known and used by a person. It stands to the

words used in everyday.

Code according to the free dictionary a system of signals used to represent letters or

number in transmitting messages. The homosexuals also use gay language as their own code.

When the talk the other people will not understand what they are talking about.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Gay Language to Society

Gay lingo has really gone a long way since the start of the 21stcentury. The propagation of this

language and form of communication is unstoppable. A once not- so- secret language used solely

by gays is now infiltrating both worlds of the media and the academe. Its exclusivity to gays,

much to our diva’s dismay, is now broken and gay lingo is being used by every girl, closet gays,

young and old, and even straight guys in town.

 Almost everyone could speak and use this once hard to break “code of communication”.

Everyone could not escape the alluring and colorful language used by gays. Funny, witty,

creative yet irreverent all at the same time was how people describe this language. (Scribd, 2016)

Gay Language as Adapted by Students

According to a Philippine Star journalist, Samantha King, “In the world of language, young

people who find it too torturous to expound on ideas simply invent new words — or butcher the

meanings of old ones instead.”. Students will never be loss for words when they got a universal

substitute for just about every noun, adverb or adjective in existence--- like the use of the word

“chorva.” This is very popular among some students. They use it when they lack of the right

words to say. Some words from the gay lingo are used by the students as fillers when they have

to express something and they can’t or won’t find the formal words to say. With gay lingo,

students can speak easier. They can express themselves easily now that they have gay lingo.
Based on the college experience of Eunice Beatrice H. Braga, a magna cum laude of University

of the Philippines, Diliman now a journalist of The Philippines Star, gay lingo is easy to be

adopted. Her essay about it says that she had learned it when she was associating with University

of the Philippine’s resident members. She explained that she had no intention of speaking queer

being the grammar geek that she is but she just couldn’t help to adapt gay lingo during her stay

in UP. Gay lingo is very influecial. (TermPaper Warehouse,2016)

Like volleyball players they can speak gay language that can help them communicate each other

and to insult the other team in different language. Gays use gay language when they are in public

places to private their conversation because not all people know what’s the real meaning of the

words their using. The popular stereotype about gay language is that there is this secret coded

terms so other people misunderstood the real meaning of the words. New words are created and

the others disappear because of the gay language the real meaning of the words is changed.

Many gay affects the other people because of their language because it easy to analyze what they

say. It also affects the English language because of the gay language. It influence the other

people because of the way they speak compared to the English Speaker they speak normally but

the way that Gay speak is not normal. Gay language is used by Homosexual. These are more

different than English Language which makes the other people hard to understand because the

way of they speak specially for teenagers and students.


This chapter presents the research methods and sources to be employed.

Research Method

To know the result, the researchers made a survey for the gay to know who can

relate in our research. This survey use to gather data from gay students if gay

language affects their language.

Sample Plan

The researchers made a survey to know if gay student affects other students to

learn the English language.

The Object of the Research

The object of the research is the people who have been

Statistical Method

Data will be analyzed in response to each of the research questions


In light of the stated findings, the following conclusions are drawn.

1. The researchers understands that based on the surveys there are 7/18 students

said that they are affected by gay language and understanding of English words.
2. The respondents that are affected by the gay words didn’t understand the real

meaning of the terms because of the gay words.

3. Respondents that are familiar with gay language sometimes get confused because

gay language has broad definition.

4. Staying away from gay people does not guarantee you to avoid the confusion of

the gay words.


As conclusions were made, the researcher hereby presents the following


1. Respondents that are not familiar with gay language should disregard in

tolerating gay language for it will only it will result in confusion in

understanding the statement.

2. The gay friend should not tolerate them to speak in gay language.

3. If you know some gay words you should come up with the real English words

rather than those gay words to avoid confusion to others that didn’t know that


4. You should expand your vocabulary because having a wider vocabulary is easy to

avoid those words because you know many words.

5. Avoid using gay words because some people might ruin the true meaning of other

6. Don’t let teenagers use gay words for it tolerates other teenager to use gay

language also.

Results and Discussion

The instrument – questioner – contained the items based on the following purposes:

1. To check if the Grade 9 students of TUMCSI have gay and if they go with their

gay friends.

2. To check the knowledge of the Grade 9 students of TUMCSI about gay language.

3. To determine if gay language affects Grade 9 students in understanding the

meaning of the English words.

4. To determine if the Grade 9 students can understand some gay language.

As answers the first items were checked, the researchers got the following



Do you have a gay friend? 15 3

Based on the survey first question 15 students said that they have a gay friend. And 3

students said that they don’t have a gay friend. The answer on the question number 1
shows that the most of the Grade 9 students have a gay friend. It indicates that there is a

chance that students can be influenced by the gay language.

The second table shows the answers of the students in question 2.


Do you usually go with

gays? 5 13

In the second question, 5 respondents said that they usually go with gays and 13 others

said that they don’t go with gays. The second table shows that few of the Grade 9

students go with their gay friends. Many Grade 9 students of TUMCSI said that they

don’t go with gays.

The third table shows the answers of the students in question 3.


Does your gay friend

influence you to use gay 3 15

The third table shows that few of the Grade 9 students of TUMCSI were influenced by

the gay language. And more of the Grade 9 students of TUMCSI were not influenced by

gay language.

The fourth table shows the answers of the students in question 4.


Are you familiar with gay

language? 12 6

The fourth table shows that 12 of the respondents are familiar with gay language and 6

of the respondents said that they are not familiar with gay language.

The fifth table shows the answers of the students in question 5.

Gay language Number of check Gay language Number of check

Bigalou 4 Carrou 0

Pamenthol 0 Bufra 0

Keri bells 16 Chanel 2

Warla 10 Sunshine Dizon 2

Lungiril 0 48 years 0

The table shows some gay language and if the respondents are familiar with the

following words. In the examples respondents said that they are not familiar in 5 gay

language. The gay word “keribells” was the most familiar word for the respondents.

The sixth table shows the answers of the students in question 6.


How often you use 0 9 9

gay language?

This table shows if the respondents use gay language. 9 respondents are sometimes

using gay language and the other 9 respondents are never using gay language.

The seventh table shows the answers of the students in question 7.


Does Gay language affects 7 11

you in understanding the

meaning of the word?

The table shows how the respondents are affected in the gay language. The 7

respondents are vote for yes and the other 11 respondents are vote no.

The eighth table shows the answers of the students in question 8.


If you know the meaning of the words below give the meaning of the word.

Quality Control Attached Case Sisteret Backstreet Halls


2 3 8 4 8

X-men Antibiotic Boy Band Hammer Red Alert

5 5 7 4 6

This table shows how many respondents know the word we give. The 18 respondents

choose the word they know. 2 vote for Quality Control, 3 for Attached Case, 8 for

Sisteret, 4 for Backstreet Boy, 8 for Halls, 5 for X-men, 5 for Antibiotic, 7 for Boy

Band, 4 for Hammer and 6 for Red Alert.


This study aims to know if the Grade 9 student of TUMCSI is influenced by the gay

language and how gay language affects the understanding the meaning English words.

1. In the survey, the researchers prove that not all the students in TUMCSI

are familiar with gay languages.

2. There is only little gay language that the students know. Some gay

languages were showed in the survey question. The respondents are asked

to give the meaning of the gay language if they know the meaning. Only

few of the students know the all the gay language presented in the survey


3. The students also answered the question if they are influence by the gay

language and if this affects their understanding of English words. 7 out of

8 said that gay language affects them in understanding the English words.

The gay language gives them different meaning from the real meaning of

the English words.


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