Final Exam

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English 101

Final Examination

Type your answers in RED below each question/prompt. 5 pts. each


Explain what the importance of the Rhetorical Triangle as described in your handbook.

The Rhetorical Triangle is a tool that successful writers keep in mind when producing drafts. According to the handbook the main importance of the triangle, as I will refer to it as, is that it influences the purpose of the paper. The triangle makes a writer contemplate what response the writer wants to evoke from his audience and what things need to be said about the topic.


Briefly describe three different prewriting techniques.


According to the handbook, there are three different kinds of prewriting techniques, are brainstorming, free writing, and outlining. Brainstorming is where one has the topic in mind and jots down ideas in a semi-organized manner. Free writing is where a writer just writes about the topic without planning anything and sees if anything meaningful comes of it. Outlining is a plan of what needs to be said when and how.


Describe what a writer does when revising a paper.


When revising a paper a writer looks to edit the content of the paper. They look to restructure, and change things that interfere with flow, pace, and ease of readability. Giving a paper to a friend is the best way Ive found to locate these problems, but if it must be gone at alone, then so be it. Reading the paper a few days after its been written is another way to find such mistakes.


Describe the difference between revising and editing.

English 101
Final Examination


There are two key differences between revising and editing. First that revising is changing the actual content of a paper, where as editing is correcting grammatical errors of the paper. The second is that editing can be performed by anyone, where revising should be left to the writer.


What is a comma splice? A fused sentence? How can these errors be repaired?

A comma splice is a punctuation error in which two or more independent clauses in a compound sentence are separated only by a comma and lack a coordinating conjunction, according to the hand book. The way to fix this is to add a word like but, however or and in order to make the sentence correct. A fused sentence is a punctuation error in which there is no punctuation between independent classes in the sentence, according to the hand book. The way to mend this grievous error is to put punctuation in-between the two independent clauses


Define paraphrasing as applied to a research paper.


As defined by our handbook, restates information from a source using your own words.


In a research paper, what should be cited?


Everything in a research paper that is not the writers original thought or opinion on someone elses thought should be cited in one way or another, things like quotes, paraphrases, and pictures all must be cited.


Explain four reasons why plagiarism is wrong.


According to a paper I wrote about plagiarism, Plagiarism is the act of intellectual theft on an extremely broad scale. It should be avoid because it can lead to a misrepresentation of intelligence. It is, like most things of questionable

English 101
Final Examination

ethics, the easy way out. How can one learn if they can choose not to? Misrepresentation of ones work is a blight on academia; it forfeits learning and by doing so, causes evolutionary concerns. We as an animal cannot move forward if we cannot learn on our own merits. This means less intelligent humans, the decline of our species, and ultimately knowledge will become an archaic device, deemed worthless by the patrolling idiot masses that could soon populate the earth. (Justus 2011) According to Prentice Hall Reference Guide, Plagiarism is unethical means a lost learning opportunity diminishes your credibility may result in serious penalties (Harris, Kunka 378-379)


Describe the purpose of signal words and phrases in a research paper.


Signal phrases serve the purpose of indicating when a quotations is about to be used and how the writer feels about the data being shared. It also allows for smoother transition from the writers ideas to the sources.


Give three reasons for using a direct quote in a research paper.


The three reasons as described in our hand book are: if you want to emphasize the expertise or authority of your source, kind of a having a smart guy say something smart to prove his validity. The writers words are especially vivid and memorable, like MLK say that he has a dream. The words the source uses are important to the discussion, like if youre writing a paper on the holocaust and someone says something factually interesting about it.

Reflective Essay - 50pts. Write an essay that considers the following:

English 101
Final Examination

Take some time to consider your experience in ENG 101 and, using the various writings you have produced and the comments and marks made by your instructor as a guide, discuss what you have learned about academic writing, in general, and your own writing, specifically, over the course of the semester. Describe how the use of technology in the classroom has impacted your learning in this class. What do you think could have been done to enhance your experience this semester?

I dont know if I can say that Ive learned a lot, mostly because I think I can say didnt listen a whole lot. I came into this class looking for something to get me one step closer to realizing my dads dream of me having a piece of paper that says to the world, Validated. So maybe I had an attitude problem, I didnt listen, didnt show up on time. But what I did do I enjoyed. A lot. You know I could easily write this as a letter, but I dont feel like making anyone feel unincluded. Over the course of these weeks Ive had a lot of shit happen that I wasnt expecting, but I tried my hardest to never put this class on the back burner. I have a wonderful tendency of starting strong, sucking in the middle, and catching up at the end, and whether I did that or not, dont really matter to me this time. I hate school, mostly because what were being taught always seemed to be what I had naturally came to the conclusion of years earlier. I had a teacher in seventh grade find out that the six page essay I wrote on the Swiss Family Robinson was based on me reading it in the second grade. I was always told I was special, and frankly it just pissed me off. So I was not expecting this class.

English 101
Final Examination

There were never throw away classes, or well, I mean there were, but they were still entertaining which made it ok. It wasnt like high school, where the hung over 45 year old would create work out of thin air. I mean yeah we drilled, but come on, it could have been so much worse. So I guess what Im saying is thank you for letting me know that if a teacher gives me a inch on the creative side, Ill take the mile on the bull shit. So now that Ive gotten that out of my system, I will say that I learned how to format correctly for the first time. Mind you Ive been taking college level classes since I was fourteen but somehow no one managed to teach me how to format a paper hmmm Right, seems very advanced. I appreciated that we were almost paperless, being that were all going green crazy these days. Mind you I still printed off all my papers multiple times, but I like the feel of crisp paper. Man, I have no idea where I am going with this. Alright, Im just going to wrap this up. Class = enjoyed. Sorry = sucking in the middle. Oh and falling asleep during the holocaust video, it was dark and I was sleepy. Because of the video thing I will be, depending on my grade, be taking this class again or the next step with Mr. N. Yeah. The wonder thing about clever things people say is that you dont get to see the hours of tired frustration that it takes to come up with one simple line of wit. So Oscar Wilde is flying in to JFK, he is stopped by customs and they ask him if he has anything to declare, he says, I have nothing to declare, but my own genius.

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