Module 3 - Topic3

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Name: Venus Rovie C.

Laque Subject: Purposive Communication

Course: BSHM 1


Task 1: Comprehension Questions: Instruction: Check your understanding at the input by
answering the following questions:
1. What is the importance of intercultural communication?
Answer: It is important because it seeks to understand how people from different countries
and culture act and communicate and perceive the word around them. It enhances our
ability to communicate because we also adapt the other cultures.

2. Are you familiar with some English varieties? If so, what are some vocabulary words
present in this varieties but are not present in the variety that you speak? Aside from
lexicon, are there other features that you are familiar with?
Answer: No, because I haven’t heard about the other varieties of English yet.

3. How do you become more aware of the language features of the post-colonial
Answer Through recognizing and understanding their culture as I need to be sensitive to
the people around me who belong to different culture. So that if I encounter them, I’ll be
able to avoid misunderstanding, avoid communication breakdown, and overcome
language barriers with less difficulty since I am exposed to their language features.

4. How do you think can you begin to communicate with people from other cultures and
avoid conflicts and misunderstandings?
Answer: Through active listening to ensure that you understand what he/she talking about.
Treat them with respect, do your best to communicate clearly and give them
encouragement when they respond.

5. Have you talked to people diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds? Have you
experienced any difficulty? If so, how did you manage the conversation? What
strategies did you employ?
Answer: Assuming you would like tips for talking to people of diverse linguistic and cultural
backgrounds: You can start by making an effort to learn about the person's culture and
customs. This will show that you are interested in understanding them and their
background. You can also try to learn some basic phrases in their language. This will help
to break the ice and make the conversation more comfortable for both of you. If you do
encounter any difficulties, try to remain calm and patient. It is important to remember that
not everyone will be able to communicate perfectly in a language that is not their own. If
you can, try to help the person by rephrasing your question or statement in a different way.
overall, the most important thing is to be respectful and open-minded. By doing this, you
will make the conversation much more enjoyable for both parties involved.

6. How do formal and informal registers affect the way one speaks? How do they affect
one’s way of writing?
Answer: Formal and informal registers can affect the way one speaks in a few different
ways. Formal registers tend to use more complicated and technical language, while
informal registers tend to use more colloquial and slang terms. Formal registers also tend
to be more formal in tone, while informal registers can be more casual. The way one writes
can also be affected by formal and informal registers. Formal registers tend to use more
complicated and technical language, while informal registers tend to use more colloquial
and slang terms. Formal registers also tend to be more formal in tone, while informal
registers can be more casual. The choice of register can also affect the audience one is
speaking to or writing for. Formal registers are typically used when speaking to or writing
for an audience that is unfamiliar with the topic at hand, while informal registers are
typically used when speaking to or writing for an audience that is already familiar with the
topic. Finally, the choice of register can also affect the relationship between the speaker or
writer and the audience. Formal registers are typically used in "situations where the
speaker or writer wants to" maintain "a" distance from the audience, while informal
registers are typically used in "situations where the speaker or writer wants to" establish a
closer relationship with the audience.

7. What are other communicative situations in which one uses formal and informal
registers? Why do you think so?
Answer: There are many different communicative situations in which one might use a
formal or informal register. For example, you might use a formal register when giving a
presentation at work, or when writing a cover letter for a job application. Alternatively, you
might use an informal register when chatting with friends, or when posting on social media.
"The reason for this is that different" communicative situations require "different levels" of
formality. "For example", a job interview is a very formal situation, so you would need to
use a formal register in order to sound professional and competent. On the other hand,
social media is a much more informal setting, so you can use an informal register without
sounding out of place. It's important to be aware of the different registers, and to use the
appropriate one for the situation. If you use too formal a register in an informal setting, you
might come across as stiff or awkward. Similarly, if you use too informal a register in a
formal setting, you might come across as unprofessional or unprepared. In general, it's
always best to err on the side of formality, especially if you're not sure which register to
use. That way, you can be sure that you won't say anything inappropriate or sound out of

8. Do you know of other types of registers similar to legalese and textese? How do they
differ from each other?
Answer: Different types of registers can be used for different purposes. For example,
legalese is a register often used in legal documents, while textese is a register often used
in text messages. Each register has its own set of rules and conventions that govern how it
is used. Legalese is characterized by its use of formal language and technical terms. It is
often used to communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise way. This register is
often used in legal documents, such as contracts, because it can be difficult to understand
if it is not used correctly. Textese is characterized by its use of abbreviations and informal
language. It is often used to communicate in a quick and efficient way. This register is often
used in text messages because it can save time and space. Both legalese and textese
have their own benefits and drawbacks. Legalese is often seen as being difficult to
understand, while textese is often seen as being too informal. It is important to choose the
right register for the situation.
Task 2: BRITISH ENGLISH VS. AMERICAN ENGLISH. Instruction. Watch news on BBC and
CNN International. Compare the two varieties of English you listened to. Make a list of
vocabulary items that each variety uses and provide their counterparts.
BBC (British English) CNN International (American English)
Trading State Industrial Park
Public Transport Public Transportation
Social Security Welfare
Autumn Fall
Filling Station Gasoline Station
Managing Director Chief Executive Officer
Holiday Vacation
Headmaster Principal
Flyover Overpass
Film Movie
Bank Holiday Legal Holiday
Casualty Emergency Room
Chairman President
Corporation Tax Income Tax
Danger Money Hazard Pay
Goal Jail
Chemist Pharmacy
Pedestrian Crossing Crosswalk
Curriculum Vitae Resume
Marks Grades

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