Social Media (MIL)

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I can pretty much assume that most of us here, if not all, have their own social media accounts.

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Those are just a few out of all social media platforms
across the internet. But, how do you really utilize your social media besides communicating with your
friends and family? Do you use it for educational purposes? Entertainment purposes? Or do you use it to
vent about how irritating your neighbor is?

For some, they use social media as their source of news as everything is just one click away from
their busy lifestyle. Others commit their time to social media, staying updated on everything, from their
friends to their favorite artists. However, we cannot deny the fact that negativity does not only exist in
real life but it’s also spreading rampantly in social media. Many people, mostly teenagers develop
certain mental illnesses because of the harsh society that they have been exposed to. Developing these
certain mental illnesses is not a joke and should not be taken as a joke as people are continuously faced
with this every single day of their lives and could even carry it as they grow up.

So, have you ever participated in spreading hate towards someone? What did you feel when you
posted something bad about that person? What do you think they felt when they knew it was directed
towards them? On the offense’s part, yes it is somehow relieving however, the damage it causes to the
victim is worse than we could ever imagine. From crippling self-doubt to suicidal thoughts and most
people just don’t realize how deadly a person’s thoughts can be.

There’s not a day where I don’t come across a hate comment on the internet but instead of
dwelling on that, I come to convince myself that they must have a lot of time on their hands to spend all
day picking out everyone’s flaws where other people are working their way to success. What I mean by
this is the ones who stay out of spreading hate is working to improve themselves better to become more
of what they currently are and the ones who choose to bash everyone, remain in their own spot,
possibly unable to move forward.

So, are you using your platforms wisely? You have the potential to be the voice of someone who
is in great need. You can be a great influence to other people who seek guidance and inspiration. You
can be more than what you are right now. The world is out there, waiting for you to make a change.
Let’s start by spreading positivity.

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