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ACTIVITY #3: Media Habits, Lifestyles, and Preferences Performance

Task: Project Direction: Create a POSTER (digital/hand drawn) that will
influence other people to be a responsible user and competent
producer of media information.



ACTIVITY #4: Being a Responsible Media Creator and Consumer

Direction: Using your kowledge on the responsible use of media and

information. As a responsible media creator and consumer, how would
you respond or act in the following situitions below?

1. You received a forwarded message with an unknown original source about how
eating raw eggs and gargling water with salt kills the COVID-19 virus. The message
claim it is confirm by the World Health Organization but you have never heard news of it
from huge media networks. What would you do?
 Probably I will wait for the official announcement or the recent news to come
for me to claim whether it is right or wrong information.

2.The shutdown media company ABS-CBN has been the hottest issue in the previous
months. As such,you post your opinion about the issue on facebook. However, a
Facebook friend, whom you know by name but is not friends with, comments on your
status strongly disagreeing with your opinion. What would you do?
I will respect his/her opinion about commenting in such disagreeing about my
post and I understand that we all have different opinions. So, we should respect
each other’s opinions. Respecting from each other’s opinion is important
because it helps us to feel safe and express ourselves even if we have

3. A video scandal of two teenage students has been circulating in social media.
Unknowingly, one of your schoolmates forwarded such video in one of your GC’s. Being
the talk of the town, another schoolmate messaged you asking if you have a copy of the
said video candal. What will you do?
I would tell to my classmate about asking that I do never have a copy of it
because I do never watch a scandal and What I will do is that I will be advised
everyone that whatever you see or watch about the scandal you should never
spread such things because it will affect your mind. I believe that whatever you
see or watch just like the spread of the scandal is just like the way you see your
wrong doings and yourself in the future.

4. In your research group, you were tasked to write the Review of Related Literature. As
you browse the web, you have stumbled upon many books and articles that you may
use for your review of related literature. How would you manage all the information you
 I would verify first if the sources are all real and can be use for our review of
the related literature. I’ll check the dates or the year it’ll published because
sometimes RRL will based on what year it’ll published. I will also organize
each of them, just include those that are higly needed, also I include the
authors for references for me to not be acused of Plagiarism.

5. As you are scrolling through your newsfeed, you come across a news article from a
certain unfamiliar website. You wanted to share the news article but hesitated as to its
truthfulness. How would you verify its validity?
 I will verify it’s validity by knowing if the websites are true and also by
examining the language features used, taking into account other data or
information from other reliable sources, and consulting a professional.




ACTIVITY #4: Poster/Scrapbook Making

Direction: Create Direction: Create a timeline of your exposure to traditional and new
media through a creative poster or scrapbook. For each item of media, you should
include the following:(a) Poster Title, (b) image, (c) year of exposure, (d) short
description and (e ) personal insight aboutthe function/significance of that media in your


Activity #5: Media and Technology in the Society (Short Answer)

Direction: Provide your answers to the following questions.

1. Do you support or defy the premise that access to technology leads to greater
opportunities??If your answer is No why? If Yes, How have you noticed technologyused
and opportunity to be linked,or does your experience contradict this idea?Why/How?

The use of technology is good as it provides opportunities. Technology

fastened us and make us reliant on them. In addition People in the modern world
are more reliant on technology to make their lives as simple as possible.
However, excessively linking to it is not a good idea. As for example in using
cellphones Many individuals rely on their cellphones in their everyday lives;
without them, they wouldn't be able to get through the day since they don't tend
to broaden their way of life beyond it. When it comes to interacting with family or
neighbors, most individuals nowadays prefer to use their smartphone. As for
conclusion,Technology is good as it makes peoples daily lives easier, however
relying on it for such things is too much.
2.Should a government be responsible for providing all citizens with access to the
internet?Or is gaining internet access an individual responsibility?

For me it is necessary that the government should be the responsible for

providing all the citizens with access to the internet that is why we are allowed to
vote for them because we believe in the platforms they present throughout their
campaign. We need to see instances where they can contribute something and
analyze where they can provide something as they are in their higher positions
on the government.

3. How has digital media (other term for social media) changed social interactions? Do
you believe it has deepened or weakened human connections? Defend you answer.

Since we are in the modern technology, I believe that the digital media have
weakened the human connections and changed in a way since we are in these
trying times of the pandemic,So we cannot socially interact with other people or
friends that is why we usually use more in social media in order to have
communications but it has drastically lessen the amount of time people spend
with each other in real environment.

4. Where and how do you get your news?Do you watch network television?Read the
newspaper?Go online?How about your parent’s or grandparent’s?Do you think it
matters where you seek out information?Why or Why not.

I get my news through online media and by watching television.However in my

parent’s and grandparents they read in the newspaper.I think it matters where
you seek those informations because   different sources have a bigger risk of
spreading false information.

5.Where are you most likely to notice advertisements?What causes them to catch your

I notice that it most likely to notice advertisements on television since this is the
people’s number 1 source for entertainment and television is most likely watched
by the people in the world. What causes them to catch my attention is that if they
advertise those products with the famous artist I idolized.
6.In what way does affect your life (personal,professional,academic,social,others)?

I think digital media has great impact on todays society especially on the
individual like me. It affects my personal life in a good and bad ways. Firstly,
media is best way to transmit knowledge, information, and news throughout the
world. Second thing is that people are educated through the media about their
basic rights and how to exercise them. Lastly, People are educated through the
media about their basic rights and how to exercise them. It affects my life in a bad
way about sharing your thoughts or opinions in a media people will judge you,
because we all have differences. Second thing is that media that we receive from
the Internet is especially likely to contain misinformation. Then, Media can even
influence our thoughts and feelings about other people including friends, family
members, co-workers and companies we patronize. The media even affects our
behavior in surprising ways, Media also affects cognitive processes such as
memory and attention, shaping our experience of the world. However in my
academics it affects me through over using it instead of having a hard time in the
school works and online classes, and lack of sleep and substance abuse.

Activity #6: Table Completion (My Media Favorites)

Direction: Fill out the table with significant information on your media favourites.

Local Foreign How did you Why do you
Media Product Examples examples discover like them?
Bulgar New York I discover it They can give
Times trhough my me information
PRINT grandpa who in the world.
reading it.
Heneral Luna Premium Rush They were both They inspire
FILM Historical me in my
everyday life.
Ang American Idol My parent’s are The ang
Probinsyano watching it. Probinsyano is
a trueto life and
TV the American
Idol is full of
Before it sinks Dancing with Through I like them
in your ghost YouTube because they
RADIO/MUSIC are a good
singers and
their voice are
so beautiful.
Gloco Gaming Troydan Through They are funny
ONLINE searching on and also it has
the internet a lesson.



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