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Originally launched on Oct 17th, 2021 as Squidanomics, CryptoHeadz has transformed to become something much
more important than a meme token. It is the first project under the HOLD2PLAY Labs umbrella. CryptoHeadz is where
Gaming, NFTs, and Passive Income merge together to directly benefit its active community members. It is a close
community of active cryptocurrency traders and developers that are always striving to create the safest community on
the Binance Smart Chain. Members are encouraged to bring up any questions or concerns they may have so that the
community can grow and learn together.

CryptoHeadZ has HOLD2PLAY, HOLD2EARN, and PLAY2EARN mechanics. The game is Free-To-Play and has three
default characters for new players to choose from. This means that anyone can try out the game before investing.
However, in order to participate in BUSD prizes there is a General Admission NFT that will need to be held by the
player. This is one of the ways in which CryptoHeadz is HOLD2PLAY. There are also additional character NFTs to buy
that will give the user different traits and weapons. The NFTs are fan-made representations of the hottest pop culture
characters, and also characters that epitomize DEFI culture. Addictive and humorous gameplay will allow users to
laugh and learn as they experience the game.

The tokenomics are also set up to reward those who share the long-term vision of CryptoHeadz. BUSD rewards are
paid out to holders based on their holdings and the amount of volume that occurs. By HOLDing their tokens they will
gain a stable reward that gives a great passive income. There is also a tax that adds to the liquidity to create less of a
price impact when people enter or leave the project. The marketing tax makes sure that the token gets the exposure
required to grow and find new investors and the development tax ensures that there will always be exciting things right
around the corner for investors. As the first project of the developers, holders can rest assured that they will always be
at the forefront of innovation and receive all the benefits of HOLD2PLAY labs.

To ensure that every project has a solid base of support, the team will extend an invitation to all long-time holders of
their original project to participate in all the exciting features and future collaborations that the team has to offer. A
certain percentage of every project (to be determined) will be set aside to be distributed to those holders who achieve
Diamond Hand Status, which means they do not sell more than 20% of their total supply in each month or more than
5% in one day. The benefits for the Diamond VIP Club can range from token airdrops, NFT airdrops, beta access to
games, or exclusive access to features only available to holders of CryptoHeadZ token and its preceding project. The
sky is the limit as far as these benefits are concerned and the team is committed to creatively rewarding its core sup-
porters. Also, as upgrades and additions are made to the ecosystem, our holders will receive the updates, improve-
ments, and benefits thereof at no extra cost to themselves. HOLDers are valued and can feel safe knowing that they
will always be at the forefront of the team’s constant innovation. ​

CryptoHeadZ and symbol HEADZ, including but not limited to the overall project, token, website, smart contracts, and any apps (“CryptoHeadz”) as
presented in this conceptual paper is not a licensed, unlicensed, or exempted financial or payment service of any kind and in any jurisdiction. Any
terminology used in this Whitepaper, on the Website, or within the app is intended only as a basic reference, without any effective or legal meaning
of the same terms in a regulated and/or financial environment. HEADZ, is a decentralized and community-driven project and does not have owners,
shareholders, promoters, marketers, managers, directors, or other figures or entities exerting any form of governance. The CryptoHeadz smart contract
is open-source, security audited, permanent, and non-modifiable in any way. The HEADZ token is strictly a utility token in all jurisdictions and is not
and cannot be considered to be a “security” or otherwise regulated token of any kind. CryptoHeadz is not in any way e-money and/or fiat money, or an
asset-backed stablecoin, whether global or limited in scope. This Whitepaper taken by itself is not a contract or a contractual agreement of any kind, nor
is it an invitation, solicitation, or offer to invest in HEADZ or acquire or use HEADZ tokens in any way and with any expectation of profit therefrom. Any
user of HEADZ represents and warrants that such user has received appropriate technical, administrative, regulatory, and legal advice before and are
accessing and/or reading this Whitepaper or the Website, and/or using any portion or element of CryptoHeadZ (including the HEADZ token). The user
hereby acknowledges and accepts that there is an inherently high risk in accessing, acquiring, or using any kind of blockchain and/or cryptosystem, to-
ken, platform, software, or interface, including CryptoHeadz (HEADZ token), and further disavows any claim of any kind against any community member
directly or indirectly involved with CryptoHeadz, for any damage suffered, including total loss.

Token Distribution

Token Name: CryptoHeadz

Token Supply: 1 000 000 000 000 000

Token Symbol: HEADZ

Max Wallet: 3% of supply

Max TXN: 1% of supply

Liquidity: To Be Locked For 1 Year

Contract Address: TBA


BUY TAX = 8% SELL TAX = 15%

5% reflections ($BUSD to holders) 5% reflections ($BUSD to holders)

1% marketing 5% marketing
1% liquidity 3% liquidity
1% development 2% development

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