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Bastard Days

By: Agheron

Agheron here. THIS is a spin off of sorts of my other story with Nikolai. It
has some smutty chapters that will fill some voids in the story, and also will
have the original "canon" vetsion of it. OC x girls mostly, this will
definitely be a bit darker in regards to the girls. Except maybe Sasha, cuz
you can bribe her with food.

Status: ongoing

Published: 2018-01-11

Updated: 2020-05-25

Words: 49885

Chapters: 18

Rated: Fiction M - Language: English - Genre: Romance/Angst - Reviews:

5 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 33

Original source:

Exported with the assistance of

Bastard Days
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 1
Agheron here wassup! I know, i'm really, really delayed. And sorry.
Anyways, this is the thing: This will be spin-off of sorts from Bastard's
Chronicles, where i will make more lemonish episodes, explaining
some of the events in the training camps between Niko and the girls,
and also i'll show you guys the original canon version of this story,
before i gave this sonovabitch a decent background. You'll
understand when we get to Trost. It'll be darker at some points, and
i'll play more with the "bastard" notion i had in mind at first. But i
digress; here you have the pilot episode with Krista, who i must
admit, is much more of a bitch in my series XD!

This can also be considered "canon" with the other story.

Episode 1: A Test of Historia.

Nikolai huffed under the scorching sun, balancing the heavy box on
his shoulder as he carried them from one building to the other. He
knew Shadis had left a while ago, but he wouldn't give him the
pleasure of knowing he'd taken a rest from his punishment, as short
as it may be: the old man would have more luck trying to teach a
titan to speak than making Niko show any weakness. He was half
way back from the second warehouse when he spotted a petite
blonde trotting towards him. He raised an eyebrow without stopping
his walk.

_Nikolai! -Krista chirped, looking at him with big blue eyes that
showed a certain degree of pity that made him narrow his grey orbs-
How long have you been here? Are you alright?

_Like three hours and a bit and yes. -he replied drily- What's the
matter? -he asked while passing beside her, Lenz following him like
a puppy.
_I-uh, i was just thinking you'd be thirsty after what Instructor Shadis
said you'd have to do - she explained, showing him a waterskin- So i
guessed i could bring you some water when i saw he was returning
to the officers barracks. -he gave a slight nod, still walking- Don't you
want it?

_My orders were not to stop until all this stuff -he said as they neared
the first building and grabbed one of the biggest and heaviest boxes-
was in the other warehouse. So i can't stop to drink, or rest or
whatever. -He put the box on his shoulder and got out, feling Krista's
gaze on him as he strode back- This is supposed to be a
punishment. And no, you can't help. -he added when she opened
her mouth to talk.

_Uh… well… i guess i'll go back then. If you don't need it…

_Wait. Stay here.

Leaving the curious blonde, the young man strode all the way and
while returning he snatched the bag from her hands. Not stopping a
single moment, he gave a few long sips before pouring the rest of
the water on his head and chest. Without his jacket, his drenched
shirt stuck to his skin, revealing his muscles on every step. Krista
breathed deeply as her eye candy walked past her again carrying
the last two boxes simultaneously. Once he was done, he called her
inside the building, relaxing in the coolness inside. Nikolai looked at
her as if she was… prey.

_Thanks, i guess. -his eyes fixed on hers; Krista's on the other hand
went from his face to his chest to his arms.- So… why're you here?

_Well, i heard you were in punishment because you, um…

_I called Shadis a "charred scrotum face motherfucker".

_Yeah… and you really shouldn't do that! But -she looked at the
floor- i couldn't stand thinking of you here under the sun…
_All hot, sweaty and praying for an angel. -Nikolai cut her, licking his
lips. Krista gulped when he stood up and positioned in front of her,
tilting his head like a curious pup.

Even when almost anyone towered over the blonde, the wild look in
his eyes made Lenz feel even smaller. After a few seconds,
however, the male shrugged and turned around. She stared at him,
not believing he wouldn't do… something, after hearing a few stories
around the camp involving him and… well, several girls. Hushed
discussions about him and Sasha, hurried conversations linking him
with Mina. Even a couple of incredulous boys who believed having
seen him walking into the forest right behind Mikasa, and a wide
eyed girl babbling about him and a misterious figure she thought -
gasp- to be none other than Annie. And it was also…

_Why are you here?

The sudden, sharp phrase cut her trail of thought. Krista had to focus
again in the present, forced herself to hold the calculating gaze of his
grey eyes.

_Sorry? I told you already…

_Not here. Here. -Nikolai made a dramatic gesture with his arm- In
the camp. Someone like you… doesn't belong to this place. You're
not made for this life. I've seen you. You hate this, but you look
terrified every time you think you may screw up and be expelled.
Which means you didn't choose to be here. You just can't be
somewhere else. Right? -Seeing she just stood there he pointed
next to where he sat- C'mon, sit.


_Because -he stated with narrowed eyes and a feral smirk- i want to
see the real Krista. Listen to her. Not the angel you try so hard to
be… you don't fool me. The look in your eyes sometimes when you
help somebody… while you probably just want to kick their groin. It's
funny, yeah. But i feel curious about you. Talk to me. -A heavy
silence followed his speech, until Krista finally stepped forward and
just plopped beside him.

_Fine then. Fuck this. All this shit. -she huffed and stretched her
arms above her head- You want me? Some real me? Fine. The
water bringing was honest though. Well, almost. Now shoot.

_Is Krista your real name? -she eyed him in surprise before shaking
her head- Hmmm. Just needed to check that. So you were forced
here. Someone fucked with the wrong person? -a bitter laugh came
from her.

_Quite literally. I, quoting my mom, am a mistake. -Niko whistled

loudly- Now i'm an orphan mistake. Well, not really orphan, but i'd
stab the fucker of my father in the balls i have if i got the chance.

The male smiled in amusement. He wasn't wrong about her facade.

Now he only had to…

_Want to fuck? -she blurted.

Or maybe not. He raised an eyebrow.

_I said the water thing was almost sincere help. I expected you to…
back your reputation of horny bastard.

_Is that so? -he replied with a husky laugh- And you? Do you have
any idea of what you're asking for?

_R-remember we had some sex ed -she stuttered-. It didn't seem too

complicated. And i've tried some you know. -she finished abruptly,
eyes fixed on the floor. He pat her back.

_I know. -she turned to him quickly- You forget i'm… friends… with

_About that… no, it doesn't matter. So, are we… you know… -she
startled when he leaned, his breath hot against her ear.
_Get on your knees. -he whispered.

Krista doubted for a second before obeying, cheeks red as she

settled on the floor in front of him. Niko slowly undid his belt and
pulled his pants down enough to give Krista a good look at the
rapidly swelling bulge in his trunks.

_Come on. Touch.

Startling at the request, Krista's trembling hand reached forward. Her

palm touched fabric and she felt his member pulsing beneath,
rubbing softly up and down. She looked up to find a strangely quiet
Nikolai, his trademark smile replaced with a calculating expression.
He tilted his head, his hand taking hers and putting it on the hem of
the underwear. Nervous and excited by the prospect, Lenz hooked
her fingers and pulled down, freeing the huge member, which stood
half hard, startling her once more. It was so big, and throbbing and
hot. Krista gripped it with both hands, stroking from base to tip
slowly, feeling every pulsation as it grew harder. Like a curious cat,
she looked at his cock from all angles, shaking it a bit to the sides.
Nikolai suddenly made it "dance", making her eep slightly when it
jumped out of her hands, snorting at her surprise. She eyed him,
then his cock.

_Do… do that again. -she asked, an incredulous smirk on her face

as he obliged. After a few jumps, he decided it was time to move

_Okay, enough dick games. Show me what you've got.

Lenz dragged on her knees, placing herself between his legs. Her
thin fingers brushed his skin, tracing every vein; then she closed her
eyes and gave a single, long lick on it before settling on the tip,
letting his taste fill her mouth. It was… different from pussy of
course. She began suckling like a baby, earning a pleased grunt
from the male cadet. Encouraged, Krista bobbed slightly forward and
got acquainted with her gag reflex, pulling back and taking a deep
breath. There was no way she could fit that in her mouth, at least not
yet. So she settled for licking and kissing all over its length, giving
him the puppy eyes as her tongue covered him in saliva.

_Not bad. -he said with a smirk, patting her head. Krista giggled in
delight; she had always had a thing for praise. Too bad Ymir wasn't
the talkative kind in bed- What about showing some of that body?

Shyly, Krista began unbuttoning her shirt. She let it fall off along her
jacket, cheeks blushing intensely when she got her bra in her hand.
Niko didn't look at her like Ymir. She always watched Krista with
hungry eyes every time they were intimate. But Nikolai, he looked
her like he was fighting the impulse of jumping on her that very
moment, smash her against the wall and…

He cleared his throat, bringing her out of trance. Somehow, he stood

and walked up to her without letting her notice.

_Daydreaming about something? -he didn't wait for an answer

before leaning and kissing her. Well, "kissing" was too vague. He
pushed his tongue in her mouth, holding her in place with a hand as
he exlpored every corner, his other running along her spine and
feeling her silky skin and the hardened zones where her gear straps
usually were. When he broke the kiss to let her breath, he lifted her
in his arms and began sucking on her pink, soft nipples. Moaning,
Krista enveloped him with a hug, enjoying his attentions as Niko put
her on top of a box and kissed a trail down on her abs; they were
visible, yet not as marked as Mikasa's or Annie's. Biting her on a
side, he went back to her lips as his hand slipped in her panties,
rubbing her wet pussy. Her cute moans echoed in his mouth, her
hand joining his as his finger entered her, making her arch her back.
A second finger went in and he stood, his dick resting on her lips.
Getting the hint, Lenz opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out;
Niko let his member rest on her face, feeling her teeth graze his skin
a bit as he fingered her more roughly.

_I think you're ready now. -Standing between her slim legs, he took
her boots off first, then her training pants- Virgin? -he asked, making
her blink and blush.
_N-not exactly. I've had Ymir's toy, but…

_Not the real thing. -he whispered- Good. Here's a taste.

Placing the tip against her warm vagina, he pushed forward, slowly
penetrating her. Krista covered her mouth as his cock stretched her
wider than the toy had. Niko stopped half way in and pulled back,
shoving back in ith a swift motion; her strangled moan music to his
ears as he discarded both jacket and shirt. Panting, Nikolai pushed a
bit deeper, a hand under her back to lift her and allow a better
penetration; his second thrust fiercer than the first, burying himself
even more. Krista panted and swore incoherently, a string of
fuckfuckfuck whispered while he lifted her once more, forcing her to
hold onto his shoulders. With a smile, he pulled out almost
completely. Then he brought her down hard.

_ Motherfucker! -she cried out, biting wildy on his shoulder. Niko

fucked her standing, lifting her and slamming her against him without
mercy, making her grunt and curse, nails digging in his back.

_Come on girl, i thought you wanted this. -he teased.

_Shut the fuck up and fuckingggghh… FUCK! -she shouted on his


Trying to silence her, Nikolai kissed Krista once more. She attacked
back fiercely, nibbling on his lip insistently, sucking hard whenever
they stopped, not ceasing to tighten her pussy around his shaft every
time he went in. His finger suddenly prodded her asshole, and Krista
touched the stars.

_Fuck yes, right there, fuck me good, fuck me hard. My aaass feels
good too, don't stop!

_I shoulda known you're such a… fuck… bitch. With that angelical

face… damn…

_Shut up and fuck me!

_Don't tell me what to do! -he barked. Pulling out he let her fall on
the box. Confused, Lenz looked at him. Did… did i offend him? But
before she could apologize, he turned her around and spread her
legs. -This will teach YOU to command ME!

Grabbing a fistful of hair he pushed in, driving his dick inside her in
one go. Krista's only response was a gurgling noise, eyes rolling
back as he fucked her furiously. A hard slap on her ass made her
scratch the box. She felt so violated by this. And horny as hell. Niko
shoved in and out, ocassionaly holding against her and grinding their
hips together. After a while of having the camp's angel moaning like
a bitch in heat, he felt his orgasm near.

_Where do you want it? Where do you want my cum?

_I-i-i don't know! -she cried.

_Answer properly you slut, or i'm just gonna cum inside you! Good
luck getting knocked up then!

Krista's body stiffened, and image forming clearly in her mind:

herself, with a big round belly, sucking on the very cock that got her
like that, gulping its seed like water in the desert. Her whole being
set ablaze at the thought.

_Yes! YES! -she cried out, taking him by surprise- Cum inside me!
Knock your bitch up!

Niko barely managed to keep pumping.

_I'm not knocking you up Krista! What the fuck is that?

Could she…

_You asked me where i want it! Now you know! FUCKING BREED

Yep, she does.

Niko began to pull out, releasing a stream of curses from the petite

_Don't you fucking dare cum outside! Don't you have the balls? Is
that it? It is! Cum inside you asshole!

Leaning on her, Niko felt his dick rubbing between her bodies before
whispering on her ear.

_I can't do that. You know it. But i can give you something similar.

Straightening, he spread her buttcheeks as much as possible,

placing the tip against her pulsing hole and pushing in, the ring of
muscle tightening around him. He saw Krista tremble and curse,
getting on her tiptoes as he penetrated her anally. Leaning once
more, he put his hand in her mouth, mumbling "bite" as he shoved
the rest in. Wailing against his hand, Lenz bit firecely, feeling the
copperly taste of blood. Niko didn't pay attention, busy pumping
quickly, her tight and hot anus making it impossible to hold back.

_F-fuck -he muttered as he finally got to release all his cum in her
ass. Krsta went still, a sigh of contentedness escaping her nose
since her mouth still was biting his hand. He let go and pulled out
with a sigh, looking with mild surprise at the deep marks she'd left on
his skin.

Krista stood up slowly, her breath ragged as she picked up her

clothes with his help. He watched her redress with a curious

_I didn't know you had a pregnancy kink.

The blonde, just about to finish buttoning her shirt up, turned to face

_I have a… what? -she asked with a confused expression.

_A pregnancy kink. You know, you just got off thinking of me
knocking you up.

_And what's a kink? -Lenz narrowed her eyes when saying the word.

_It's… something you try to include in sex cause it makes you horny.
I mean hornier. Some people have a "tie me and fuck me" kink, for
example. Others have a "i wanna fuck in public spaces" kink. You
seem to have the "knock me the hell up" kink. -he explained, leaning
with his back against the wall.

_Oh… i see. I didn't know i had that though. Today's a first.

_Well duh, it's not like Ymir's got many chances of getting you a
preggy belly, is it? -Krista winced slightly at the mention of the
brunette- Feeling guilty?

_Kinda. -she shrugged- Not much since i know she's been cheating
on me.

_Really? With whom? -Krista looked at him with perplexed eyes.

_With you, stupid! -he made an "oh" gesture- I saw you fucking in
the warehouses a few times.

_A few? -he asked with a smile- Enjoyed the show?

_Enough to want a sample. We're doing this again right? -he made a
bow to the blonde.

_Whenever you want. Not telling Ymir, right? -Lenz smiled deviously.

_Maybe someday… we'll have her watch.

End of chapter.

Yeah i know, she's a slut. Anyways, this episode is an explanation to

her behaviour. Hope you enjoy. Awkward boners, roll out!
Chapter 2
Basterd Dayz 2 yay! This episode can be considered "canon"

Chapter 2: (Not so) Public Affection.

The cadets day began always the same. A regular breakfast -well,
less than regular; but if you wanted to survive, you ate and shut up-
with some chat about whatever happened the day before, be it
accidents, fighting (nine of ten times involving Eren and Jean) of just
gossip. Since Mikasa didn't really care about accidents unless it
happened to Eren or Armin -and it didn't happen recently- or fighting
-since Eren and Jean were dorks when it came to it, and the asian
learned it was better to let them knock each other down- and really
didn't give a shit about gossipping, her mornings were quite ordinary,
at least until she lifted her usual unamused gaze from her food.

Eren was taking the chair in front of her, Armin quickly sitting beside
him. And dragging the chair at her side was Nikolai. She blinked in
confussion. What was he doing there?

_Why are you sitting here? -she asked, managing to hide her alarm.

He smiled, as always. He always smiled. When he spoke to

someone. When he trained with 3DMG. When he fought, or listened
to the others complain or whine or whatever. Only when he touched
her; when he forced her against a wall, when he kissed her, he
sometimes -and only sometimes- stopped smiling. "Knifey
McSmiley" was a nickname people used when they criticized him
when he wasn't around. He didn't care. Up to that day, Mikasa still
didn't know if he cared about anything at all.

_Why wouldn't i? -he replied with a smile, bringing the chair

dangerously close to hers. Mikasa didn't move because she didn't
want Eren or Armin to suppose he bothered her. He did, but they
didn't need to know why.
_Don't you have another sitting place?

_Actually i change seats from time to time. Also, Eren and Armin
were asking me some stuff about taking care of gear. Y'know, useful

_Oh. Sorry then.

While Niko and the others talked, Mikasa did her best to divert her
mind from them, or rather him, by focusing in her food. Then she felt
something brush her knee and started, almost choking on her food.

_Mikasa, are you ok? -Eren asked, surprised as well. She nodded.

_It's nothing, i was clumsy.

They returned to their chat, Nikolai gesturing with his free hand,
while the other crept along her thigh, his fingers feeling her strong
muscles, sneaking to the inner side of her leg. Mikasa did her best
not to let her face betray her emotions. He just talked as his hands
went up, tickling slightly despite her skirt. They didn't change clothes
until past breakfast, and Mikasa was glad; her training pants didn't
shield her from his touch as the fabric of her common clothes. In that
moment, Nikolai stood, followed by the other two towards the
changing rooms. The girl let out a faint sigh of relief. She hoped she
wouldn't have to face him for a long while.

The universe must hate her. It was the only explanation to have him,
from all people, as partner for their teamwork excercise. In couples,
they were told to survey the woods and spot, as well as slay, as
many titan dummies as possible. To make it more challenging, their
trainer decided to give the winning team a reward.

_Those who get the highest amount will be free of stable duty for a
week. -Shadis announced.

And chaos ensued. What was a harder-than-usual excercise turned

into a free-for-all as people launched themselves after the targets.
Mikasa forgot her current concern regarding her teammate and
began searching for targets, Nikolai doing the same about 50 or 60
meters away. Unlike many teams they split almost immediately,
knowing that they'd be more likely to find targets that way. A sudden
whistle made her look towards him; he pointed slightly with his head
to a zone to her right. Mikasa stopped on a wide branch, but saw

_Nikolai, are you sure…?

He made a gesture for her to shut up, then pointed with his finger.
Mikasa followed his gesture, then saw it. A trainer, surveilling the
zone from his post in the upper zone of the trees. That meant there
was a target nearby. She lunged forward, hearing him making his
way parallel to hers, and saw the dummy raise from the ground. Not
even waiting for it to fully stand, she cut deeply in its weak zone.
Then she heard a cheerful laughter, as well as some swearing from
other cadets as she left the zone.

A while later, they had twelve targets: five her, seven him. Despite
her worries about him being with her, Mikasa had to admit he made
an excellent work spotting targets, or rather, the people watching
them. It was as if he could sense them somehow. Stopping to catch
her breath she looked around, not seeing him and suddenly realizing
she was on her own. Where did he go? She felt tempted to call for
him, but she thought it could be a problem since a few teams had
been following them around. Perhaps he was trying to lose them.

She turned to leave and almost had a heart attack. Niko was there
right behind her, a devious smile on his lips. Mikasa opened her
mouth to berate him, but a finger on her lips silenced any protests.

_We don't have much time. - he said, his mouth a few centimetres
from hers. Then he kissed her, roughly and fast, pushing her against
the tree. Ackerman didn't react at first, then dropped her blade
handlers and tried to push him away.
_N-nikolai, wait -she said, yelping when he went to nibble on her
neck- please wait until we're done here.

_Don't worry -he whispered in her ear. Somehow, he always made

her shiver when he did that. She supposed it was something more
related to her than to his voice- we have a lot of advantage.

He kissed along her jaw, his hand squeezing a soft breast.

_I couldn't have much fun with you this morning -he said as he tilted
her head to suck on the ivory skin of her neck- but i need you right

_No, someone will see.

_Don't bet on it -he answered smugly- i took the job of misleading

the teams that were behind us, lunging forward faster to make them
believe i'd found something. When i saw a chance, i got down to the
ground -she frowned at the statement- when some other dude
swung in the distance, and they followed him. By the time they
realized it wasn't me it was late. And from what you've just seen -he
added as she listened incredulously- i can move quite fast and

His hand darted to her crotch, rubbing her hard. Mikasa panted when
he simply slid his hand in her panties and hooked his fingers inside
her. Leaning forward, she held on him, defenseless against his
second kiss, his tongue twirling around her own. Quickly turning her
around, Nikolai pulled her pants and underwear down to her ankles,
the asian blushing in embarrasment when he knelt and placed a
hard bite on her lower cheek; Mikasa bit her lip to avoid making

Chuckling, the male pulled his throbbing erection out, placing it

against her ass. True, they didn't have time to prepare. Instead he
frotted against her, sandwiching his rod between her buttcheeks and
bucking his hips in a fluent, almost circular motion; one hand on her
waist, the other going down her shirt and massaging her breast.
Mikasa held on the tree's surface. lips shut tight as he teased her
nipples playfully, his movements fast and fluid, a spark running on
her spine each time he brushed against her asshole.

Not satisfied, he moved his dick from her butt to between her legs,
grabbing her thighs and pushing them together and grinding his cock
against her pussy, her small yet kind of dense tuft of black hair
tickling him. The girl moaned at the sudden friction coupled with the
guilty feeling of doing something so lewd in the middle of an
excercise and the tension of a possible sighting by the other recruits.
He licked his lips when he heard a slick noise, her vagina beginning
to wet and lube his cock with every thrust; he pushed her down a bit
more and moaned in delight when he felt his member brush against
her hard abs.

_God girl, you may give me a new fetish. -he leaned and placed a
hand on her abdomen- These muscles of yours can drive me crazy. I
wonder if Jean faps thinking about them. You know he likes you
right? He must; i mean, i'm doing you and yet i just have to wank it
thinking about you.

His hand then went down and teased her with nimble movements,
catching her clit between two fingers and pressing. Mikasa let out a
cry and Nikolai thrusted harder, faster.

_Do you still touch tourself? -he whispered on her ear- I wonder who
holds the honor of being in your fantasies?

His other hand squeezed her butt; his rocking now more frantic as he
felt his -and her- orgasm about to explode. Turning her head for a
last, wet kiss, he slammed his hips against her and let out sourt after
spurt of sperm, smearing the bark as Mikasa squirted silently on his
cock. He lifted his upper body, bringing her up in a clumsy hug, his
hands running up and down her abs.

_Fuck, i definitely have an abs fetish now. -he declared as she pulled
her clothes back in place, blushing intensely before leaving.
Grinning, Niko turned and ran to the end of the branch, swinging
towards one of the nearest trees. There he climbed to the upper
zone, amidst the leaves.

_So, enjoyed the show?

Ymir narrowed her eyes, showing her teeth in a semblance of a

smile; one hand squeezing her tits, the other burrowed in her pants.
She cackled at him.

_I wouldn't expect any less from you. Did you really do that just for
me? -she asked mockingly, not stopping her masturbation. He stared
at her with a smirk.

_Anything for my dear friend -he said in a deep, sultry voice-

although you look like you need a few more minutes.

_Then why don't you put that cute mouth to work? -she teased,
pulling her pants down and showing herself to him. With a wince, he
shook her head.

_Don't you have a task to perform? Where's you partner?

She huffed.

_I lost sight of his ugly ass-face a while ago. Besides it's not like
we're gonna beat you or anything. Now will you stop killing the mood
and help me?

He doubted only for a moment before standing crotch in front of her

face and pulling his member out, half hard. It was a bit sensitive, but
it didn't matter. He knew exactly what to do with her.

Holding her head with both hands he uncemeniously pushed his dick
in her mouth to the back of her throat. Ymir's half angry half horny
gaze didn't change, her eyes fixed on his own as he bucked and
pulled, coating in her saliva while she fingered herself feverishly.
When he reached past the back of her mouth and started stretching
her throat, Ymir gave a moan that vibrated on his cock, making him
throw his head back and pump erratically for a few seconds; her
eyes widened when she lost rythm and suffocated a bit.

Realizing that, he pulled out, watching her gasp and take a deep
breath. Before she could complain, he went back to action, this time
placing his balls on he mouth and having her suck obediently, eyes
closed as she hummed on him.

At least he shaves down here.

At least she won't bitch with her mouth full.

Pulling back, he placed his tip on her lips, Ymir sticking her tongue
out and making an O with her mouth; Nikolai resumed his face
fucking with more energy, pulling faster and shoving it deeper in her
mouth as she moaned without care, her body in flames, her throat
would surely be sore from the treatment. The male felt his climax
near and began bucking wildly supporting against the tree with one
hand, the other now pushing her against his crotch, her eyes tearing
and lips pursed, taking his whole cock with every thrust. Suddenly he
gave out a single fuck! and came buckets down her throat, holding
her against him as he emptied his balls; Ymir's legs kicking
frantically as she came from having her face abused mid-excercise.
Panting, he pulled back and watched her cough and spurt a bit, only
to then brush his spit smeared member on the side of her face. She
eyed him with one eye.

_You're an asshole. -she grumbled, voice hoarse.

_Ando you love it. -he teased before putting Niko Jr. back in place
and dartig away, leaving her flushed and dirty.

In the end, Mikasa and Nikolai won by a difference of four against

the second team, Annie and Jean. Exultant, Niko turned to her with a
high-five ready; she rolled her eyes but still did it.
_Are we gonna eat dinner together Mikasa? -he asked innocently,
yet she tensed a bit- You know, to celebrate.

_I… guess it's okay. -she said softly. Jean, in the back, frowned until
his face seemed it was going to burrow in his skull. The asian, busy
leaving to change clothes before dinner, didn't even notice him. As
she always did.

Suddenly, Mikasa wasn't so glad her skirt shielded her better from
his touch.


Eren swung in the forest, closely followed by his partner Sasha.

Without any titan dummies in sight, her decided to stop and check
the surrounding area. However, his eyes caught a strange detail: a
whitish, gooey material on the tree bark. He called Sasha.

_Do you have any idea what this is? -he asked, unable to contain his
curiosity- I mean, i know the tree's sap is amber like in colour. Maybe
this one is sick or something -he said, taking a bit on his finger and
sniffing carefully.

Sasha crouched near the substance, smearing three fingers in it.

She looked, then she smelled. Then she licked them clean.

_S-S-Sasha what the fuck?! -Eren shouted in shock- That could be


_Nah, it's ok, it's completely safe. -she answered, shrugging- I've
tried it before.

_Oh, i see. -Not wishing to look weak, Eren licked the thing coating
his finger. It had a weird flavor, and a creamy, more like gooey
texture, but he couldn't guess for…

_Um, Eren, i was going to point out that's semen.

A few hundred meters away, Jean and Annie heard a horrified shriek
coming from where they had seen Eren and Sasha heading to.

_Do you think we should check? -she asked in a bored tone.

_Not really. Knowing Jaeger, he probably twisted his balls on his

gear or something. -he said, grinning like a devil- I'm not gonna stop
pestering him till i found out though.

End of Chapter.

Yep, i'm a dick. And believe it or not, Jean is my favourite male

character. Mistreating him like this is kinda hard for moi, but eh, i can
endure it.
Chapter 3
Basterd 3. Delayed as hell. Thank you school.

Chapter 3: Sweet punishment, sweeter revenge.

Annie. Ground. Annie's boobs. Sky.

That was Nikolai's view as the blonde threw him above her shoulder.
Again. For some reason, she asked him to take the initiative and
attack the whole sparring session; other than Eren, he was the only
one who trained with Leonhardt alone. But this was different. For
both of them it was an odd way of relationship out of the ordinary.
They both knew how to fight; they both enjoyed it even if she tried to
hide it. But to him, many things were easy to spot. The fast and
anxious beating of her heart, the spark of defiance and cold glee that
sometimes, on unusually fierce exchanges of blows, locks and
throws lit her clear blue eyes.

Before Niko had a chance to stand, her foot was on his throat,
pressing whenever he tried to free himself. She looked from above,
cold fire burning in her icy orbs.

_Are you ready to give up? -she asked monotonely, as if bored by

everything. But he knew her better than she dared to recognize; well
enough to know what her apparent indifference meant.

_Am i ever? - He managed to say in a raspy voice. Annie pressed

harder, but he didn't move. He knew what was coming.

My lioness.

_That attitude will get you killed. -she said calmly raising an eyebrow,
her chest going up and down faster than before.- You're an idiot. -
Her belly felt warmer as she sat on his chest, knees on each side of
his head- Better give you a good use before that happens.
Annie undid her belt and pulled her uniform pants and underwear
down, giving the male a clear view of her moisty womanhood.
Smiling deviously, he licked his lips and gave her an inviting look.
Not changing her blank expression, Leonhardt grabbed him by his
temples and simply shoved his mouth against her. A soft moan
escaped her lips when he pushed his tongue as far as he could,
tasting every part within his reach. Her fingers pressed on his scalp,
earning a grunt from him when she pushed him harder, demanding
his attentions with a single, gasped order.

_Eat me!

Nikolai's hands went to his own belts, unfastening them to aliviate

the tightness around his crotch, but before he could release the
beast thin, nimble fingers caught his wrists, bringing his hands back
to play with Annie's soft, round breasts. Not loosing his focus on her
pussy, he lifted her hoodie and shoved both hands under her plain
bra, massaging the firm tits with glee. Her voice got higher as Niko
pinched her pink nipples and sucked on her down there, eating her
whole as if his life depended on it. Suddenly, a hand landed on his
open pants, clutching his package without much care. He moaned
and threw his head back at the unexpected assault, and heard her
chuckle when she tightened her hold, making him buckle his hips

_Who told you to stop? -she asked, a half smile creeping on her
features, sweat drops glistening on her exposed ivory skin- Lick me
up and down, lick me good and i may let you cum. -she emphasized
her order by fondling his balls. Nikolai sucked air in, his hard
member painfully bent in his trunks. He renewed his servicing with
more energy, biting her clit repeatedly for good measure, making her
squirm above him.

_Good! -she moaned- Good!

Skillfully, Annie got his member out of his clothing and started
stroking with one hand along his length, biting her lower lip as she
rode on his face. Niko buckled his hips, her tight grip making him lick
and suck harder, his hands going to her ass and groping with
strength and bringing her forward to his mouth. Leonhardt rocked her
hips once, twice and then let out a satisfied whimper when her
orgasm shook her on top of Nikolai; letting his cock free and placing
her butt on his abs, taking deep breaths. Under her, the white haired
male cocked an eyebrow.

_Is it my turn yet? -he asked smugly.

Looking at him sharply, Annie pulled her pants up and fastened her
belts. Then she stood up.


_Excuse me? -he questioned frowning. She shrugged. -I made you

cum. Now you do it.

_I said i may let you cum. And i allow you to. I never said i'd do the
job. -Annie couldn't help but to smirk at his confused expression as
she turned to leave.- Have a good time.

Later that day, Leonhardt still thought of her small victory in their
game as she readied to sleep. Even for someone as unattached as
her, beating the talented recruit at anything brought her a good
degree of satisfaction; specially since it was at something so unsual,
so… intimate. A voice brought her out of her contemplation.

_Something good happening?

_Uh, what? -she said sloppily, turning to see Mina looking at her with
a grin- What do you mean?

_You've been sitting on the bed for like five minutes with a smile on
your face staring at nothing. So… any details? -she whispered
leaning forward.

_I don't like gossiping -the blonde answered, getting under the

blankets on their shared bed; her partner sighed in defeat- But if
makes you happy then yes, something good happened.

One thing Annie never confessed to anyone (not that she wanted to)
was that she loved sleeping. If it was her choice, she'd sleep until
midday after every day of exercise; she also slept like a rock, Mina
having to nudge her sometimes so she would wake up. Which
explained why when she woke a while after falling asleep she shot a
killing glare to her bedmate… that then turned into a look of shock.

_A-Annie! -Mina whispered in panic- I-i can explain… i… i didn't

mean to wake you!

Leonhardt could barely believe what she saw. Sitting on the bed,
topless and with only her panties on was Mina, her shirt and bra
aside. And next to her was Nikolai; shirtless as well and with his
pants unbuttoned, legs crossed and a hungry smile on his face that
made the blonde gulp slightly.

_Sorry to interrupt your sweet dreams. But i happened to be in need

of some… relief - he said the word in such a lewd tone that
Carolina's face went red, his eyes looking her up and down- and i
remembered my goo friend here is always willing to give me a
hand… and um, other parts of her body.

To Annie's shock, he leaned and kissed the flushed brunette lustfully,

Mina eeping softly in surprise before giving in to his hand caressing
her belly, the other holding her head in place. The blonde's jaw hung
and she looked at them in disbelief before finally regaining control of
her mouth.

_Wh-what do you think you're doing? -she hissed in a low voice- Are
you mad? You'll be caught!

_Come on. -he whispered smugly, breaking the kiss only for Mina to
start nibbling on his neck, pulling her underwear down her ankles
and throwing it aside- It's not like i'm doing this for the first time. Mina
wasn't ling when she said you sleep like a pro; i thought you'd have
heard me sneak at any of the other times.
Other times? - she thought in panic- He's done this before? Here?

_Although it's my first in your and Miss Carolina's bed -he continued
with a satisfied sigh as the girl went down to his pants, pulling his
erect member out and giving a long, needy lick- this is the ninth time
i snuck around for a night… snack. -he finished with a sharp inhaling
when Mina sucked on his tip, her hand fondling his balls- Ok, enough

_You… you stop right now! -Leonhardt tried not to let her voice
betray her panic, and the fact her body was beginning to heat up- Go
away! Go out and fuck in the bushes!

Snorting, Niko ignored her as he guided a horny Mina under the

blankets. The blonde's view on their bodies was blocked partially
when he pulled the fabric and covered them almost completely; only
the upper part of his torso and her shoulders and head were visible.

Annie looked entranced as he moved forward, noticing how Mina's

eyes were fixed under the blankets as he pushed slowly against her,
taking deep breaths and throwing her head back whimpering when
their hips finally touched each others, Niko's mouth descending on
her open throat and sucking with force. Rustling sounds followed the
up and down of the sheets as his pace caught speed, slowing down
every time her moans began to sound too loud. Suddenly the blonde
heard more rustling and some whispering and realized, mortified,
that it came from other girls' beds. The male didn't show any signs of
worry, slamming against the brunette and putting two fingers in her
mouth that she began to lick and slurp eagerly.

Annie decided she wouldn't be part of this. If they wanted to fuck like
rabbits was their choice; she'd sleep and pretend nothing happened
in the morning. With that in mind she laid down again and turned her
back on them, but in the moment she closed her eyes a grunt from
him came followed by a hearty moan from the girl and Annie curled
on herself by instinct, taking deep breaths to calm down. She heard
movement and thought they were done only to be proved wrong by
Mina's high pitched whine. Unable to control herself, the blonde
turned to scold at them, but the sight of her roommate on all fours as
he drove in and out of her paralyzed Leonhardt. Nikolai's face
showed a look of complete domination, a fierce, satisfied smirk that
contasted with Mina's unfocused expression, her eyes narrowing
and her teeth gritted as she tried not to be noisy and failing
miserably. His hand slapped her butt and she squealed and twitched,
her forearms sliding under her pillow, closing her eyes and biting on
it, surrendering to his assault.

Annie's mind was on fire by this time, her hand buried in her
underwear, fingers sliding inside her, lips shut tightly while her wide
open eyes drank the vision of her comrade fucked into submission.
Her other hand caught the blankets, bringing it up to cover most of
her face, leaving only her eyes to see; a gesture that caught Nikolai's
attention and earnt her a sly look from him. He knew she was excited
and began pumping faster.

On the upper bed, Ymir looked into Krista's eyes only once before
pulling the petite girl's clothes out of the way as well as her own;
Lenz's mouth gaping as she started to rub both of their pussies
together in rythm to the other couples slamming sounds. The blonde
leaned forward and sucked on her tits, moaning loudly when the
other's fingers held her buttcheeks and pressed their lower zones
together before landing a sound kiss on her lips. Damn, if the other
were going to have fun, why not them too?

Leonhardt watched in a feverish frenzy as Niko's thrusting became

harder and faster, a sign his climax was nearing; Mina had stopeed
biting the pillow and moaned openly since a good while ago.
Suddenly he pulled as much as he could and slammed against her
with a loud Fuck! and Mina's body shook as she cried her orgasm,
their bodies still as he shot his load inside her before falling slowly on
top of the brunette, kissing tenderly on her neck and whispering on
her ear, to which she barely answered with a satisfied sigh. Pulling
out and covering the exhausted girl with the blankets, he then turned
to Annie with a spark in his eyes that left no doubt: she was next.
She didn't resist as he pulled the sheets out of the way, revealing her
hand still in her panties. She didn't struggle as he spread her legs
open and leaned to kiss her and have his tongue explore every last
corner in her mouth. She panted when his hands massaged her
breasts and went south, caressing her hard abs with devotion and
pulling her undies down so slowly she felt like swatting his hands
away and doing it herself. Instead she stayed still as a statue as he
leaned once more, pressing their bodies together and rubbing his
length up and down her labia, Annie's hands clenching on the
sheets. He gave a long, slow lick on her neck making her pant in
need, and then whispered on her ear.

_Have a good time.

Before she could process it, he lifted his weight from her and in a
single move got his clothes, swiftly opened the window and left. It
took her about half a minute and three incredulous looks at the
window to realize he wasn't kidding. Her mouth opened, closed,
opened again and then she let out a frustrated cry and fell back on
her pillow. Now that she was calming down, she noticed the sheets
were covered in (now cooling) sweat and gritted her teeth in
righteous wrath when she heard a faint snort from the upper bed.
She looked at Mina, only to feel worse at her peaceful, happy
sleeping face. Thinking about how she could murder Niko brutally
without getting dirty, she finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Annie's face was grumpier than usual; the fact
Ymir didn't dare to mock her said more than words ever could. She
scanned the place, finding the target of her murderous intentions. He
didn't flinch or avoid her gaze; instead, his eyes looked at her the
same way he did whenever they were going to spar and Annie got
the message. She gave the slightest of nods to let him know and
only then he took his sight off of her. His challenge was clear; game
was on.

And Annie was ready for round three.

End of Chapter
Perverts of the world, assemble!
Chapter 4
Bastard Days 4. Somehow, someway.

Chapter 4: Sneaky Snack.

A wolfish grin spread on Nikolai's face as he checked the contents of

a small bag as he walked towards his tactics class. The sweet scent
that came to him was filled with promises, he only needed to find…


Nevermind. Softening his smile to a more casual degree, he turned

to find Sasha looking at the bag he held. Her eyes followed every
move his hand made, while she sniffed the air and she licked her lips
every few seconds.

_Ni-Niko? Is that…?

His fingers went into the rough bag, picking one of the precious
items. He pulled out a single, big, juicy and sweet cherry and
brushed it against his lips. He'd have done it on her lips if he wasn't
sure he'd lose fingers.

_Come closer. -shyly, she obeyed and he put the fruit near her face-
Open your mouth.

Sasha salivated when the cherry entered, its sweet fragance

invading her as it slid on her tongue.

_Not too fast. -he whispered.

Braus worked her jaw slowly, eyes widening when the taste flooded
her mouth and letting out a sound half moan, half pleased squeal.
He pulled the stick out only to have her whimper in need.

_I never tasted anything like that, it's so, so swee…

Niko didn't give her time; he grabbed her by the back of the head
and brought her for a fierce kiss, his tongue brushing on her teeth as
Sasha eeped in surprise. His hand groped her nice butt, pressing her
against him, feeling her leg rub gainst his hardening bulge. They
broke the kiss panting in need.

_Another? -she asked with a goofy smile. He gave a peck on her

lips, smiling mischievously.

_Not yet. Come, follow me to the classroom.

Once there, he chose a seat in the upper row, away from the rest of
the people and beckoned her with a finger. Sasha sat beside him,
pouting at having to wait till the lecture ended to savor another

_Is everyone here? -said the instructor- Well then, let's begin. Today
we'll talk about some manouvers you can execute in teams to
distract titans and allow for a better…

Braus was half disconnected from the class, her mind going back to
the cool feeling and sweet taste of the fruit; she'd never eaten a
cherry before and was aching for another sample. A soft cough from
Niko caught her attention and she turned to see him placing the bag
on his thigh and pulling a red fruit out. Sasha felt the saliva pool in
her mouth.

Smirking impishly Niko took her hand and placed it on his crotch,
pressing on his bulge and watching in amusement as her face turned
as red as the cherry. He made her rub her palm on his groin,
glancing briefly at the still talking instructor before placing a cherry in
her waiting mouth. Sasha got the tip and began brushing and
stroking harder; he took a deep breath as blood rushed to his cock
and his hips bucked by instinct. A bit later he rewarded her with
another piece of fruit and a third one; however, when she pointed at
the bag for another one, he smiled and unzipped his pants, fondling
with his pants until his cock was free. Then he raised an eyebrow at
the flushed brunette before shaking the bag lazily.
Her trembling hand reached for his member, stroking slowly while
giving nervous glances at their instructor, who was busy explaining
techinques and drawing more or less crappy diagrams. Her fingers
settled on the tip, massaging and teasing the opening on Nikolai's
dick; he gave a short hiss when she pressed a bit hard before
starting to stroke more confidently while giving him the puppy eyes
and Niko threw a cherry at her. Sasha caught it mid air and chewed,
content at her prize. He looked at her.

_More -he demanded in a whisper; a second later, his hand held her
by her nape and brought her face down to his crotch.

Sasha gaped in surprise, only to have her mouth take the cock's
head and suck by instinct, her tongue licking around it in fervor. His
low growl incited her to bob her head under the desk, taking as much
as she could in her awkward position. Nikolai looked forward, leaning
on his elbows and assuming a fake concentrated look as Braus blew
him. He rocked his hips, hitting the back of her throat and both
thanked the fact she didn't seem to have a gag reflex. His fingers
went through her hair, humming in satisfaction as she moaned lowly
on his cock…

_Cadet Nikolai!

He focused his eyes on the older man calling him; he felt Sasha
freeze on his lap and slowly move back from his member.

_Wasn't a girl sat at your side? Bries, Brent?

Niko blinked twice before quickly putting on a neutral expression, his

hand on Sasha's neck, holding her on his dick.

_Yes, there was. Braus, sir. You see, she's known among us for her,
um, vast appetite…

Some people chuckled. A grin slowly spread on his face, leaning on

his seat to spare a brief glance at the flushed brunette.
_But today it played against her. She darted for the infirmary not a
minute ago. Quite stealthily, i might add.

_I… see -said the man, frowning in confusion- Maybe i should


_Oh, never mind sir. It's never too serious: she goes, spends a while
there, feels better, comes back for more. Food, i mean. She'll be

The instructor seemed to doubt, all while Braus gave Niko a pleading
look he ignored. Finally, the man sighed and nodded.

_Very well then. But she will have to complete whatever notes she
misses. -he said, turning around to write on the board.

Stil grinning, the white haired man moved to place a hand on her firm
butt, squeezing a earning a shy eep from her. Sasha blushed
intensely, eyes closed as she sucked diligently, a hand running on
his length and the other buried in her own pants. She looked at him
once more and he picked another cherry, letting it fall on her waiting
mouth. Braus chewed it and almost squeaked in delight, resting her
face on his cock as she savored her prize. Then she moved, sliding
to the floor and positioning between his legs. His breath caught in his
throat when she looked at him with eyes half lidded, taking his
member and kissing it from base to top slowly, stroking softly with a
hand while the other worked on her shirt to free her tits, eagerly
pinching her own nipple.

Niko gulped and looked forward, watching everyone to find no one

seemed to notice their current situation. Then he felt his cock being
enveloped in warmth as Sasha forced his whole length down her
throat, squeezing around it and bobbing forward until her nose
brushed his shirt. He let out a hiss and gripped the wooden surface
tightly, a hand on his mouth and his eyes fixed on the board without
really seeing. A head turned to face him: he looked at Jean with
forced boredom in his features, ignoring the throb in his dick as the
girl knelt let her tongue tickle right under the head and her fingers
teased his balls. Her mouth left and Nikolai leaned back to find her
pointing at the bag and then to her mouth; he got a sudden idea.

Smiling impishly, he took a whole handful out of the bag. Sasha's

eyes widened and she licked her lips at the sight of treats. Without
warning, he clenched his fist, crushing the fruits and making her
gape and give him a betrayed look. Winking at her, the male brought
the hand to his cock and smeared the contents on it, the sweet smell
of cherry invading the space under his desk and making the girl
salivate. He then pushed three red-covered fingers on her open
mouth and she suckled eagerly, licking them clean. As soon as he
took them out she lunged forward, taking him in a single thrust. Her
saliva leaked as she went forward, having him fill her throat with a
muffled gurgling, her tongue sitcking out and collecting whatever
juice it found.

Niko send whatever concerns he had to hell and placed both hands
on her head, shoving her back and forth furiously, as the instructor
kept talking and drawing. Her eyes went teary as he used her mouth
as a toy, feeling her teeth brush slightly with each pump on his cock.
Her throat closed on him every time he went in, and her eyes went
blank as his pace increased and his orgasm neared; when he felt
close he leaned forward, resting his forehead on the desk.

_Take it all, you… slut! -he mumbled harshly.

Shoving her against him, Niko held her strongly as his seed was shot
past her throat and she squirmed against him, falling limp as he
pulled back and his cum shot in her mouth as well. He sighed in
satisfaction as he pulled out and put his dick back on his trousers,
Sasha closing her mouth and swallowing while rubbing her sore jaw.
They spent a while catching thei breath, the girl resting her head on
his lap. He carefully guided her so she could retake her seat in
silence without anyone noticing her coming from down his desk.

_That was awesome. -he whispered at her.

Sasha smiled shyly and opened her mouth to reply. And burped,
rather loudly.

_Cadet Braus! -called the instructor as everyone turned and some

snickered- I hope your trip to the infirmary was… pleasant.

The girl, face red as a damn cherry, nodded strongly while avoiding
eye contact.

_Do you feel alright now?


_In that case, i hope you will have your notes complete next class.

Frantic nodding and further eye avoidance.

_Well. Now, to continue…

After the class was over, Sasha hurried to leave the building before
anyone called her to ask anything about her "indisposition". But as
she left, she heard a whistle on her back and, to avoid being rude,
turned to see who it was. A soft flying object hit her chest and she
caught it by instinct; she looked down and gasped at the familiar

_You forgot that. -Nikolai said as he walked past her- Hope you feel
better, Sasha.

He didn't look at her as she began munching on the fruits, more

concerned with the a group a boys chatted hurriedly in a secluded
spot. They saw him near and groaned collectivelly.

_Told you i'd do it.-said Niko, smirking- Now pay up.

_I can't believe you did it. -Reiner grumbled, handing him some
_Yeah, you're a lecherous prick -grumbled Connie, paying as well-
But i didn't think you'd have the nerve…

He chuckled smugly, shoving the money in his pocket and shrugging

before leaving them.

_Who do you think he'll do next? Mina? -Eren whispered, looking


_Maybe. I just hope he doesn't get his dirty hands on Krista -

mumbled Braun.

_Oh man, can you imagine what he'd do to her?

_By the walls Jean, don't make me think about it! That sweet

_Maybe we should dare him to do Ymir! -said Connie, smiling


_Yeah, that would be awesome. I bet he doesn't know she's lesbian.

-said Jean with an evil smile.

In that moment, the white haired male meters away turned to face
them, mouthed "BISEXUAL" slowly and exaggeratedly, and resumed
his walking.

They groaned again.

End of chapter
Chapter 5
Time for some pure. undiluted smut.

Chapter 5: Sensitivity Issues.

Annie let the air out of her lungs in a low, steady breath. Her nails
dug on the fabric of Nikolai's pants when his hand went into her
panties, gently rubbing against her while biting playfully on her neck.
She was sitting on his lap, enjoying his touch but not giving in to it;
she knew he could try something if given the chance.

Instead her hand went behind her and began fiddling with his belt; a
few seconds later she brought his erection out and he moaned when
she slid it under herself, feeling her grab with both hands and stroke
long and slow. She turned her face seeking a kiss, but never closing
her eyes. She always had him under vigilance since his last visit.
Such was their game for dominance.

And now both were there, in one of the many warehouses dotting the
training complex. Their uniform jackets discarded and shirts
unbuttoned; her hips moving forward, frotting hard on him and
making Niko hiss in pleasure. In answer he hooked his fingers inside
her, grinning when she gasped as he drove deeper, stretching and
enjoying the slick noises coming from inside the blonde. Annie
lowered her head, panting when he caught her clit between his
fingers and pressed; she clenched her teeth and focused on his
glans, rubbing her palm on it and then giving it a faint sratch and he
tensed. Leonhardt chuckled and repeated, hearing him mutter a
curse when the sensitive spot was treated roughly once more.


Feeling more confident Annie got a hand working on his balls, not
missing how he breathed erratically when she caressed them.
Suddenly he leaned on her, his hand pushing her against his crotch,
moaning low and needy on her ear, pleading for more. If that wasn't
a surrender, she didn't know what it was.

_Feeling like begging now? -she said teasingly, squeezing the head
gently. He grunted and kissed her cheek shyly.

_Annie… hmmm…

She felt him press more against her body and relaxed a bit; his touch
down there was a bit weaker but still pleasing. Annie was going to
make it last a bit. He whimpered when she pressed on and fell a bit
backwards; her satisfied smirk remarked by a chuckle. Then his
other hand snaked inside her pants brushing her thigh and she
eased a bit on him, planning on keeping him from cumming for a little
while, while he gave up little by little…

The hand rubbing her leg suddenly moved to her rear, a finger
prodding her butthole and making her gasp in surprise. She turned
her face to him, frowning and blushing, and saw his smug grin.
Nikolai slid a finger in her and Annie jerked forward, not used to
being touched there by other than herself.

_I always wondered why you never let me play in the backyard. -he
said lowly, his digit moving inside her- Now i know.

She clenched her teeth and rubbed hard on his cockhead, only for
him to sit back up and hook his fingers mercilessly in both of her
holes. She couldn't help a moan, gritting teeth when he planted a
soft kiss on her jaw.

_Do you want me to do it there? Do you Annie? -he purred and she
huffed when he inserted a second finger in her ass.

Despite her touch and frotting against him he didn't budge and
Leonhardt realized his apparent weakness had been a ruse; he
wanted her confident, with her guard low to take her by surprise.
Otherwise she'd have stopped him from getting anywhere near it.
Annie chose to screw everything and make it quick: she let a strand
of saliva on his cock and began fapping him feverishly.

Without warning, his hand left her moisty front and his arm moved
forward, enveloping hers in the motion and locking both of her arms
against her chest. Annie squirmed angrily.

_What are you doing?! -she hissed lowly- Let go!

_And give you a chance to ruin it? You're not being fair…

_Neither are you!

_True. But this…

He shoved three fingers in. Leonhardt cried and got on her tiptoes,
legs trembling as he moved them in. She clenched her teeth, eyes
wide and mouth drooling.

_… THIS will feel good for both of us.

He got his fingers out of her and pulled her pants down to her ankles
hastily before pushing her down on her belly, his hand squeezing her
buttock lustfully. Without delay he aligned his dick with her entrance.
Annie looked at him worried when his began pushing against her.

_Niko, wait…


Holding her by the waist he thrusted forward, his glans passing her
entrance. Annie stiffened and scratched the floor when he drove in
deeper; she tried to move forward only for him to put a hand on her
shoulder, keeping her still and burying his cock all in. Her ass
clenched around him, enveloping his member tightly as he pumped
brutally. Leonhardt let out a cry half pain, half pleasure as her pussy
spilled her juices on the floor every time he slammed back. Nikolai
leaned on the blonde and bit her neck, grinding his hips on her ass,
feeling her guts acommodate around his meat and grunted in

His hands drove under her, reaching for her pussy and rubbing
insistently, decided to bring her to climax, the blonde moaning and
criying without restraint. He rammed her for a while, and then
straightened, holding her by the waist and changing his pace to
short, feverish thrusts. With a muffled cry he pulled back and
smashed back in, pouring his cum in her. Annie gritted her teeth,
arching her back and slamming both fists on the floor. The man
threw his head back and sighed before looking back at her. She was
a sweaty, panting mess; her tongue out while she tried to regain her
breath. The skilled figher, the ice girl melting under him sent fire right
into his head… and dick. Baring his teeth like a dog, Nikolai loomed
above her.

_More -he breathed on her ear.

Annie laid limp as he licked her cheek and pulled her for a kiss,
tongue tasting her like he would never again. He pulled his member
out and turned her on her back, taking her boots and pants off,
almost ripping the fabric when he pulled them violently. He knelt
between her legs, noting his seed beginning to leak out, and pushed
back in. The blonde tiptoed once more and screamed as he violated
her, holding her by her arms and sucking on her neck. Annie panted
and gurgled with evey thrust, tightening around him as he assaulted
without mercy and moved his mouth on hers, their moans echoing
against each other.

Nikolai felt an animalistic joy when the girl locked her legs around
him while he moved back and forth, impaling her on his length. He
licked the sweat on her throat, both hands groping her ass while her
nails carved red marks on his back. The air filled with their grunts
and moans, the two lost in their fierce embrace.

They kept it or a while, breaking the kiss only to breath and suck and
bite. His fingers entangled in her messy hair while Annie caressed
his, purring into his lips. Then they heard voices, coming from
outside as a small group of cadets walked towards the warehouse.
Not stopping for a second the duo on the floor glanced at the door,
which began to open. Suddenly, Annie grabbed a jacket and threw it
at the entrance, making the others flinch on the other side of the
barely open door.

_WE'RE FUCKING BUSY! -she yelled, and he chuckled without

pausing his thrusts.

Outside, the cadets looked at each other.

_What do we do now? Do we tell the instructor? -said one.

_Are you kidding? That was Annie who shouted! -answered a girl, to
their disbelief- At least she sounded like her. And if it's her, we're
dead meat. I mean, you know how she fights.

_Then what do we do?

_Let's just make a quick run to the nearest warehouse, the supplies
are the same. Come on, before someone comes and screws
everything up!

Inside, the male smiled widely at the blonde, who frowned when he
stopped after the others left.


_Shouldn't you have said "we're busy fucking"? -he said with a snort.
She narrowed her eyes and hit him with her heels on his back.

_Shut up and get busy, idiot.

In reply, he sat up, bringing her along, and the stood up. Annie
crossed her arms behind his neck and he held her by her butt, lifting
her and slamming her down. She threw her head back and moaned,
pierced by his shaft relentlessly. He looked in amusement as a jade
pendant bounced on her tits as he fucked her. Leonhardt looked at
him with lustful eyes as her ass was ravaged, leaning for a kiss when
Nikolai pulled back and rammed brutally, sending a jolt all over her
when she felt him pulse once before his load poured inside her
again; her pussy spilling juices on his abs and crotch when her own
orgasm kicked in.

They stood in silence, kissing as their ecstasy faded slowly. Niko

pulled away, lifting her carefully to let his cock slide out. Annie
winced slightly when her feet touched the ground.

_Can you walk?

_Yeah, i just need a minute. -She answered with a sigh as she laid
against a pile of wooden boxes.

He nodded and finished tidying his clothes before picking hers up

and giving them to the blonde with a smirk. Then he blinked and

_Something wrong? -she asked, raising an eyebrow.

_For some reason, i thought i saw steam coming from your butt for a

At this Leonhardt blushed and cleared her throat.

_Is that your way to say it was hot? Ass steam?

_No, i… forget it. Whatever, do you need help going back? -she

_I don't need people seeing me with you after i yelled at those

morons. I'll be fine, just go.

He hummed in agreement and left without a word. Once he was

gone, she let out a sigh of relief. For a moment she thought he'd
caught her mid-healing. She rested her head against the wooden
surface while thinking of her newfound pleasure. Annie had always
been, well, glad she had regenerating capabilities to deal not only
with injury, but also with pain and to a certain degree, exhaustion.
But, she mused to herself while redressing after cleaning with some
piece of cloth, she'd never been really happy about it.

At least, she thought with a satisfied grin, until now.

End of Chapter.

I know it's shorter than usual, i just didn't want to have much
dialogue cutting the smut. Also, if you spotted the "Annie's into anal"
joke in this chapter, feel free to take a cookie from the tray.
Chapter 6
Smut. Historia. Enough info.

Chapter 6: (Un)bound.

Historia's bulging eyes looked into Nikolai's, the petite girl seemingly
at a loss of words.

_I can do anything i want? -she finally managed to say- Anything ?

The male nodded, smirking at her dumbfounded expression. He'd

told the blonde to meet him at the building at midnight, which she
gladly did; what she didn't know was he'd grant her full control.

_Is this one of your… what, dangerous days? -he asked and she
raised an eyebrow.


He chuckled.

_Then yes.

Reiss considered his words carefully, hands laced in front of her and
eyeing him with slight distrust.

_And how do i know you'll really let me… play as much as i want to?

Grinning, he tossed something at her feet and the girl gasped when
she saw the wide, solid handcuffs. Slowly, she crouched and took
them with trembling hands and when she looked up, she found her
partner holding a key between his index and thumb with a soft smile.

_This, and that -he said pointing at the handcuffs with his chin- are
yours to use. As i am, for tonight. Any more questions?
Historia stood up, frowning. She looked at the side and rubbed the
back of her head.

_Why are you doing this? I mean, i'm glad but you usually just…

_Take you. Just as any bitch in heat is taken. -Historia gulped

blushing and her eyes darted to him- Anyways, i'll tell you once we're

He walked towards the blonde, giving a last look at the key before
slipping it in her pocket. Historia looked at him with big blue eyes full
of a mix of uncertainty, hope and joy. She put a hand on his chest
and gently pushed back; Nikolai let her guide him until his back was
against a wooden column. Reiss felt encouraged by his soft yet
wicked smile and handcuffed his hands behind the pole, her heart
pounding harder when she heard the metallic click; he moved his
arms, testing the binds and found it comfortable enough. He heard a
giggle and found Historia with a hand on her mouth, smiling impishly
before running her palm on his abs.

_Now you're mine. Mine mine mine to have fun. -she intoned as she
undid his shirt's buttons exposing his worked body.

Her fingers traced every muscle and scar, feeling the different
textures with interest, then pressed her body against his, Nikolai's
warmth making her hum pleasingly. The blonde cupped his crotch
while kissing his chest, little pecks contrasting with her hand pushing
hard on his package, clenching softly to feel him through the fabric.
He panted lowly when her tongue played on his chest, then a small
hand went behind him and slid under his pants, groping his
buttcheek while the hand on the front left to tease and pinch a nipple
and next was her thigh frotting, slow and hard, against his swelling

_Historia, please… i need to…

Chuckling she knelt and pulled his pants down slowly, licking her lips
when his member stood erect and giving it a quick peck on the tip
before standing and turn around, pressing herself against him. For a
while, all that could be heard was his slow, hard breathing while
Historia rubbed her butt on his crotch, a hand fondling his balls
gently; she turned her face to give him an alluring look, placing a
finger in her mouth and sucking seductively. Nikolai hissed when the
fabric of her blouse rubbed against his cockhead. The blonde
smirked and stepped away from him, looking pleased at the thin line
of precum coming out of the tip and began undressing, soon
standing nude in front of the tied man, moonlight shining on her pale,
unmarked skin.

_Kneel, love. Show me how much you treasure me. -her voice was
like the softest silk, yet held a subtle forceful and possessive tone.

The man complied, crouching in front of her, with not a single trace
of the defiance he always showed; instead he looked at her with
eyes full of hunger, lust… and devotion. It sent a jolt through the
blonde that she felt to the tip of her toes. Historia's foot lifted and
barely brushed his cockhead, to which he answered by bowing down
and kissing softly on her shin earning a pleased hum from the girl.

She moved forward resting her sole on a side of his waist and
Nikolai licked along her thigh, eagerly approaching her shaved cunt
only to be stopped by her hand on his hair pulling him back; he even
whimpered and she chuckled in delight.

_Look at you, the big bad guy everyone fears -she whispered-
kneeling and worshipping the camp's sweet innocent Krista.

She let go of his white hair and her fingers brushed their way to his
lips; Nikolai opened is mouth slightly, almost awkwardly and the
blonde slid them in. He sucked on them for a while while the girl
made satisfied sounds. Only when she pulled out he dared to make
eye contact.
_Not… Krista. -he panted in submission, his member throbbing when
her foot rubbed on its upper side- The real one… Historia, my Lady,
my Queen…

Her grip loosened, surprised at his words. Nikolai used the

momentary freedom to lean and lick tenderly her exposed
womanhood before looking up with desire in his eyes.

_… My Godess.

Reiss took a sharp deep breath, both hands grabbing him by his
temples, staring with fevered eyes.

_You… you are… ! -she babbled, and he smiled innocently.

_I'm yours, and nothing else.

Without a word Historia moved her hips forward, making her lower
lips meet his own with a hungry growl, throwing her head back.
Nikolai licked eagerly, tasting her to no end; her weak whimpers
making his heart beat fast and his member pulse while the blonde
held him still, grinding against his face, her juices dripping down his
chin as he ate her up. Historia mewled in pleasure, a hand grabbing
the back of Niko's head and shoving him against her pussy with
violence, nails scratching his scalp while her moans filled the air. His
mouth worked without pause and his tongue delved inside her as
deep as possible, devouring her as if his life depended on it and
suddenly Reiss leaned forward and dug her nails on her back as her
body shivered and an orgasms shot her juices on his face, staying
still as she regained her breath.

The blonde inhaled deeply a few times and then fell on her knees for
a session of hot, humid kisses with her pet; his submission even let
her tongue dominate his, Reiss let out a hungry snarl and broke
away to bite on his neck while stroking his erection. Her lips sucked
on his adam's apple and she flew up to the sky when he gave the
sweetest moan as her nimble fingers worked on his lower head,
bucking his hips with each brush and rub. Her hand then went to her
own sex and collected some of the fluids leaking and she leaned on
his shoulder to whisper in his ear.

_Look how wet i got from playing with you. -she told him, showing
the fingers to the male- And how hard you are.

Her hand went down and squeezed on his cock, making him groan
in need. Nikolai panted, swallowed and spoke with a trembling tone
she never ever heard from him.

_Use me my Lady i beg you, let me please you.

_Oh… and how do you plan to do it?

_Let me fuck you. I want it… i need it.

_Huh, how crass and unrefined of you. But since you made me feel
so good with your mouth, let's see what this bad boy you have down
here has to offer. -she said, patting his hard dick.

A single a peck on his lips and Historia turned and sat on his lap,
hand running up and down his rock hard member and making the
muscular man hiss in anticipation; next was her pussy rubbing on his
length, covering it on liquids before the girl positioned the tip on her
entrance and, with a long and slow move, put it in to the hilt. Historia
moaned in delight and gracefully fell forward, placing herself on fours
and shooting a smug look at the flushed man.

_Come on pet, i don't have all night. Pleasure me.

_Yes, my Queen.

Niko thrusted forward, making the blonde scratch the floor when he
hit her cervix. He pulled back as much as his limited space allowed
and hit once more; Historia whined and moved her butt up once he
took rythm and fucked her knelt on the floor, the chains making a
rattling noise against the wood every time their bodies collided. He
rocked hard against her, the girl panting loudly with each pump and
shoving her ass on his crotch and feeling the lust and thirst for
control clouding her mind. He was on his knees for her, breath
ragged and muscles covered in sweat… and it drove her mad.

_Ho-hold on. -she managed to order.

He sighed loudly in frustration but obeyed and Historia sat up,

hooking an arm around his neck and kissing him tenderly, feeling his
quick heartbeat on her back; they stayed like that for a few minutes,
making out in a loving way contrasting with their lewd thoughts. She
sucked on his lower lip while her cunt squeezed around his hot
member, buried inside her throbbing in need and Nikolai kissed back
fiercely, all his pent up desire put into that action and she giggled
impishly before reaching with a hand to massage his testicles.

_Stand up. Slowly, pet.

He obeyed, rising up while buried in her completely; Historia held

with her arms around his neck, his chest rubbing against her back as
he stood and laid against the wooden pole; then Nikolai pistoned
upwards without warning, making her gasp with his sudden thrusts
and sucked on her earlobe as the blonde tightened her embrace and
her small breasts bounced when he pumped in her, her muscles
gripping his rod every time he penetrated deep into her body. She
demanded he did harder and he complied, hitting upwards with more
strength and making the petite girl scream while he whispered on her

_Historia my queen, you're such a slut and so tight -he hissed and
she melted a bit more- i'm gonna cum any time now into that little
cunt of yours, i'm going to fill you and make you walk back to you
fucking bed leaking all my milk you bitch.

_Yes! -she purred, clenching around him- Fucking cum in me! Shove
it up my fucking womb Nikolai! CUM!

The man thrusted with all his might, grunting against her, and she
screamed in ecstasy when his hot seed sprayed inside her; Niko
rocked his hips in an attempt to bury his meat into her even more
while Reiss's legs straightened, her whole being going stiff as he
poured into her pussy. When their orgasm subsided he slid down,
both panting and the girl brushing her fingers on her stomach as a
feeling of fullness spread all over her and let out a very satisfied sigh
while Niko regained his breath, leaving soft kisses on the back of her
head. After a while she got up to search the key, giggling when she
felt their mixed juices running down her legs before finally freeing his

_Holy fuck that was intense Nikolai.

He smiled absently while stretching his arms above his head and
nodded, then she put a finger on his chest, getting his attention.

_Too bad i lied about it being a safe day, right? -she said with a
impish smile.

He blinked, frozen momentarily in position, then he smiled back and



Historia frowned to his answer, a slight annoyance visible in her eyes

as she began dressing up.

_Aw come on, how did you know?

_You might have a few screws loose, but you're not stupid. You can't
go and screw your chances of graduating; and you don't trust me
enough to let me become the father of you child, i mean please! You
know me.

_Fine, fine, you're a tactical genius whatever. But anyways, answer

my question from earlier: why did you do this for me? -she asked
and he shrugged.
_Well to begin with, to break the routine. But also because since i
took you every time all i saw was you being a submissive bitch, so i
aimed to change that.

_So you wanted to see me being a dominating bitch? -she said

raising an eyebrow.

Instead of answering he neared her towering above the girl; she

didn't break eye contact as he lifted her chin with a finger, with a
predatory half smile creeping on his face.

_I wanted to see the animal hiding under the girl; i wanted to find the
fire burning under your passionate but otherwise passive self. I also
wanted to witness the dominant, selfish streak you show whenever
i'm close and pay attention to another girl, but most importantly… i
wanted to meet the demon living under the angel's mask… is that
enough answer to you?

Reiss gaped slightly at his words, swallowing hard before finally

putting her ideas in order.

_So… did you like what you found tonight? -she said with fake
uninterest. He laughed and crossed his arms.

_Loved every bit of it Hissy, and if you behave i might let you play
like this again sometime. Promise.

She chuckled and jumped on him, locking her arms on his neck and
giving him a sound kiss; the handcuffs made a clinking sound in her

_Then can i keep the 'cuffs? -she asked with a cute and innocent
expression. Niko laughed lowly against her lips.

_I thought you'd never ask.

End of Chapter.
For the record, i gave Historia a pregnancy kink before she got
pregnant in the manga. Sometimes i wonder if Isayama reads this
stuff XD.
Chapter 7
Ok, this is it. The original plot i had intended: ludicrous badassery,
with Nikolai being, well, more of complete bastard. Read at your own
risk or otherwise wait until another lemon chapter shows up; this one
takes place at the recovery mission in Trost.

Chapter 7: The Devil.

Untrustworthy, unwilling to be part of a team and too eager to fight;

unstable. Nikolai's mouth had twitched slightly, slowly turning into a
teeth filled grin as Pixis numbered the reasons of why he would not
be part of the escort mission. Despite Ian's protests, the bald
commander did not reconsider his decision.

_Aren't you a great judge of character, Commander… -he had said,

chuckling at Ian's dumbfounded expression.

_I hold myself as one, young man. Am i wrong in my judgment?

He had laughed, as if the fate of everyone inside the walls was

nothing but a joke. A very amusing, o very bad one.

_Not at all. I'm glad you're in charge; you don't have qualms if you
think you need to change things, no matter what others say. I was
afraid i'd have to babysit.

The man eyed him with something simlar to the cautious admiration
one could hold for a dangerous dog looking behind a thin fence.

_To your post, cadet Nikolai.

_Do you think we could kidnap Eren now, or do we wait? -said


_I think we should wait. If he seals the wall taking him will be a damn
hassle, meanwhile we can get… -he snapped his fingers, trying to
find the exact word.

_Get what?

Both froze at the calm voice; they turned around and found Niko
standing there, with a curious, childish expression. The man
suddenly smiled and pointed a sword at them.

_I must admit, i didn't expect this day to get any more interesting but
now… -he let out a husky laugh- now i understand some things
much, much better.

_Understand? Nikolai, we… we were joking…

Braun shut up when the other clicked his tongue and shook his

_Reiner, Reiner, Reiner… you should try and have some degree of
dignity. The good soldier, the leader guy, the one willing to take the
burden for the team… a facade; you are a joke. And Bertie, so weak
willed and doubtful and nervous, the big frail boy so unlikely to be…
a monster. I am really surprised. -he said almost admiringly, looking
back and forth between the two friends, who shared a look then
glanced back at the cadet.

_And what now, Nikolai? -said the blonde, in a slow, dangerous tone.

_Oh, i believe the question is not "what" since we know how this
ends. It's "when", and maybe also "where". And i see a good spot
where we can end this, over there…

He pointed with a blade somewhere behind the two soldiers, deeper

into Trost.

_Further into the district we won't be bothered or interrupted. We can

have all the fun we want, no people showing up without warning. Or
at least that i hope.
Bertholdt blinked, clearly confused by his behaviour, his complete
lack of nerves.

_Are you not… afraid? -Nikolai stared him down for a few seconds
and then chuckled deeply, almost threateningly.

_What is it Bert, you want me to cry and beg? To buy time in hopes
of tricking you into a smartly devised trap? I don't have time or need
for subtetly; this ends with death… be it yours, or mine. A monster's
blood is just the same as another's.

Reiner and Hoover exchanged a nervous glance while the other man
scratched his chin, uncaring of the threat of titans or the operation
itself; then he looked at the blonde.

_What is it like? To be a titan? The Armored one?

Reiner blinked, surprised by the question; Nikolai's voice had a

child's curiosity, staring quizzically at him. He swallowed and licked
his lips.

_It feels… good. Great, even: i am… invincible, unstoppable.

Nothing can hurt me.

_I see. -Niko answered with slight admiration before turning to

Bertholdt- And you Bertie? What does being a giant dickless asshole
feels like?

Hoover opened his mouth, awkwardly looking for words for a few
seconds until he managed to speak.

_It's… n-not bad at all, i guess? -he said with a weak smile. Nikolai
grinned smugly.

_Oh… so shifting into the Colossal is nothing new, huh? -he said
with a loud laugh.

The brunette frowned until Niko's words made sense; before he

could think of an answer the other lunged forward in a blink and
jumped between them, swinging his way between the houses. Only
a moment later he heard gear working behind him, following him
deeper into the district; however, one of them moved much faster,
more aggressively.

He spun around and his blades clashed with Reiner's; the albino's
smile faced the serious, willing-to-kill expression of Braun as their
steel sung with the impact.

Not gonna wait, huh?

With a laugh he landed on the roof, kicking the blonde in the chest
and making him fall on his back as Hoover got there and quickly
helped his friend up; Bertholdt showed a deeply concerned
expression, barely keeping eye contact with him. Niko clicked his
tongue, eyeing them without care and opened his mouth to speak
when he suddenly stiffened and quickly looked aside with both
shifters following his gaze.

Annie landed on the roof meters away from them, looking surprised
at the way Braun seemed ready to pounce on his comrade; her
chest raised and lowered as she caught her breath from the constant

_Reiner? Bertholdt? What are you… Niko, what's this?

_He's mad -he answered quickly, almost tripping on his own words-
cause i said he and Bertie weren't a good couple.


_A little joke Annie, nothing else. -he assured with a grin- Don't
worry, we'll be leaving to another pla…

_He heard us. He knows. -Reiner cut him, pointing with a sword.

Nikolai stopped mid-talking, hands frozen in gesturing; his awkward

smile faded as he looked at Reiner's serious face, then turned slowly
to watch the girl suddenly going pale.

_Oh. -he said softly.

She blinked in confusion, until Braun's words made sense and her
face turned into a mix of anger and despair.

_What do you mean… !? How were you so stupid!? Why did you
have to fuck it up!? -she shouted, gripping the sword handles tight
until her knuckles turned white.

Her eyes went from Nikolai to the other two; no one was sure to
whom she was yelling and the tall blonde looked around nervously,
fearing someone could show up while they argued. Nikolai didn't
move, studying Leonhardt's anguished look.

_So you too, huh? -he said, frowning and shifting his eyes away from
her- That… explains some things.

Annie stared at him without understanding, but heard -felt- the pity in
his voice, and she cracked slightly.

_Niko, i never… -she mumbled

He turned fast as lightning, raising a sword to block both of Reiner's:

he attacked while he thought Nikolai was distracted. The white
haired soldier swept the blonde's legs and made him fall on his side,
and a punt on his stomach sent him a few meters away, gasping for
air. Bertholdt gaped momentarily at the strength he showed before
lunging forward to cut him down; the other locked his blades back on
his gear and faced him bare-handed, avoiding the first slash by
stepping to a side and throwing a solid, bullet-fast punch to his
temple: Hoover stumbled, disoriented, and Nikolai shoved a knee in
his gut to force him to bend and punched once more; Bertholdt fell
like a puppet whose strings were cut from the roof's border down to
the street with a cracking noise.
A savage howl marked Braun's comeback as he rushed head on
towards the male and Nikolai did the same, grabbing the blonde by
his shoulders, spinning a full circle and throwing him back where he
came from.

_Stop! You two, just… stop! -Annie half cried, half shouted, unable to

Both ignored her and Reiner attacked once more, holding Niko by
the shoulders; however he was shaken off easily and his rage
increased at the other's relaxed expression and threw a brutal punch
Niko stopped with a hand. His shocked face earnt a smile from him
and a moment later Niko's fingers hit his neck, cutting off the air to
his lungs. Reiner held his throat choking and the grey eyed man
positioned behind him. Leonhardt saw his fists move too fast for a
human being and heard a sound akin to dry wood breaking three
times before Braun fell on his knees with the spine in his nape
broken, paralyzed from the neck down. Niko moved once more and
a metallic flash was followed by the blonde's head almost hopping
forward, free from the body's attachement.

A moment later Niko dashed towards the girl who reacted by lifting
both swords, unable to think; Reiner had been killed off like it was
nothing… it was all over without him, no way to go on. Her mind
knew this and didn't bother to fight back, specially knowing what
Niko was capable of: better not to resist as he easily dodged her
clumsy defense and got behind her, locking her arms against her
chest with a hand, the other taking a blade from his back. She hoped
(she knew) he'd be quick about it. She heard him sigh almost in
resignation, almost sadly.

_I wish it didn't have to end like this, Annie.

She closed her eyes.

_Me too, Nikolai.

Bertholdt opened his eyes amidst waves of pain, the world blurring
as he sat on the street. He felt the disturbing way the bones in his
right arm healed and repositioned, rubbing his temple with his left
hand; then the sting of panic made him stand, ignoring the pain in his
leg while looking up. How long had he been unconscious?

_Reiner? Annie? -he shouted- Answer me! Did you…?

He froze with his mouth open when Nikolai showed up, watching
from above without much interest.

_Well, that was disappointing. Hope you fare better than those two.

_Wha-what did you do?! -Berthold asked with fear in his voice-
Reiner! Annie!

Nikolai crouched, then stood up with something in his hand. Hoover

narrowed his eyes… and then screamed.


He tried to use his gear, but all he got was a weak stream of gas
leaking from the canister, the wires linking it to the rest of the 3DMG
broken by his fall. On the roof, Nikolai walked to and fro, without
even glancing at him as he frantically tried to repair the broken

_You know, after knowing Eren had grown back his arm and leg, i
started to wonder if you guys could grow your heads back…

He paused and lifted Reiner's head up, staring into his dead eyes.

_I guess you don't. Neither of them could.

Bertholdt went pale and stood in place, unable to move, to think. He

had to be lying…

_Annie! -he shouted, tears beginning to run down his face-

Nikolai looked back, somewhere in the roof; he fixed his gaze on a
particular point looking disappointed.

_What a waste. Such a strong, perfect girl. But at least -he said
smiling slowly and turning to Hoover- I got to sample the goods back
in camp, get it?


_Oh, i'm not lying Bertie. Do you think we sparred so often just
because? We did it, little soldier. Time and time again we fucked.
Enought times so i can close my eyes… !

He dropped Reiner's head and punted it further inside Trost, while

Bertholdt trembled of rage and agony, a murderous glare Niko didn't
even flinch at.

_And her moans come to my mind before anything else!


_Finally some nerve! -he said mockingly- It only took the death of
your two best, well only friends! Ready to finish our little act? To let
the monster finally out?

_I'LL FUCKING END YOU YOU BASTARD! -he howled, spitting in


_That's how men talk! Let's get this over with Bertie!

Laughing in triumph Nikolai left, making his way towards the wall.
Bertholdt roared when the gear refused to work, and his mind
snapped. He wanted a monster? Then he'd have one.

End of Chapter
Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Fallen Warrior, part 1.

Ian looked anxiously as Eren moved slowly, carrying the stone on his
shoulders towards the breach in Wall Maria. They needed to make
the titans in the vicinity leave if they wanted the smallest chance to

A yellow lightning cut his thoughts, followed by a thunder stronger

than any storm could conjure; the ground shook enough to make him
fall on his knees, eyes and mouth wide open at the Colossal Titan
rising amidst the houses of Trost, facing in the direction of the wall
on which the decoy soldiers were. Towering above the city creature
raised both arms and looked up to the sky, steam filling the air
around it; then it let out a roar of pure, undiluted rage that shook the
windows all over the district; Ian never imagined such sound could
be made.

_Why are you here? -he whispered.

_Ian! -shouted Rico, startling him.

He looked at the woman, confused and terrified as he was. If the

Colossal was inside, then what was the point of retaking Trost?

_Ian, look! The titans! -she shouted again, pointing.

He followed her signs and saw how every titan had turned their back
on them; astonished, he watched as they left in direction to the
gigantic creature still roaring. What the hell was going on?

_Ian! -Mitabi's terrified tone got him out of his contemplation- What
do we do now? If that thing's here, somehow… let's retreat, there's
nothing we can do anymore!
The man in charge, taking deep breaths, looked down the street
where Eren still carried the boulder and in that moment Armin arrived
from the street.

_I told Eren to keep moving until i got back! Commander Ian, will we
continue the operation?

The man looked at the teen, then at the only titan on their side
before glancing at the Colossal and nodding at the boy.

_We keep going. Our chances are better now than ever, if we want
to seal that breach.

_But why? -Rico almost shouted- With the Colossal here, our effort
is usel… !

_Enough, Rico! -Ian roared cutting her off- I know it seems in vain,
but we must trust the higher ups will try and take down that thing,
how it got in here is not our problem! But every second we waste
another titan walks in and follows it, and if we delay a swarm will
enter Trost and then the inner walls! We can't stop that thing but we
can complete our mission! Armin, go with Eren and tell him bring that
rock! Now move out!

He jumped down the roof and soon after his team followed; doubtful
but still willing to obey him. Rico swore and left while Mitabi looked at
the now deserted street and ordered his people to scout the area.

_Just what the fuck is going on? -he muttered to himself, heart

Nikolai was flying above the roofs when the lightning lit behind him a
hundred meters away; he dove down to the street to prepare for the
confrontation with Bertholdt and a moment later the explosion shook
the house he stood against. Surprised he steadied and looked up to
see chunks of stone, debris and clouds of dust fly above the
buildings, and whistled in surprised acknowledgement.
_You're mad, eh Bertie?

He got back on the now damaged roof, drinking the sight of the
Colossal furious call, arms outsretched to the skies and steam
making like small clouds around it; smiling widely he stood on the
rests of the broken chimney and rose his gear's swords, waiting
anxiously for his foe to advance. He didn't bother to shout, it was
impossible for him to be heard; his only hope was that the creature
now beginning to move forward would spot him when his gaze
scanned the place.

And it did: after a few steps towards the wall were soldiers ran from
one side to another, the Colossal stopped on its tracks and fixed its
raging glare on Niko; his eyes glued to him, fists clenching in anger
at seeing him so calm and defiant challenging him from below.

Bertholdt shouted inside the nape, echoing the titan's roar when the
gigantic hand rose, slow and deadly, and went down like a meteorite
tracing a wide arc that hit and destroyed every house on its path;
buildings turned into shrapnel directed towards the grinning soldier,
who jumped down as Hoover began his movement and disappeared
from sight. The noise of stone collapsing and wood breaking filled
the air as row after row of houses took the blunt of Bertholdt's rage
and he stood straight, surveying the destruction; he never had
enjoyed so much his power, never had wished so much to obliterate
someone. His only regret was not being there to see him die face to

_No fucking way! -he yelled: Nikolai stood completely unscathed on

a mostly intact roof in the vicinity of the mainly hit zone, waving at

_That all you've got Bert? -he shouted, despite knowing Hoover
couldn't hear him.

I'll kill you! I'll make you bleed and beg, and i'll cut your fucking dick
off you motherfucker and laugh while i do! Bertholdt's mind was a
vortex of anger; every fiber of his being screamed for Nikolai's blood.
Then he noticed the number of titans gathering at his feet, some of
them walking around, others biting on his flesh, and grinned like a

_Let's see you dodge this, bastard.

Nikolai watched with interest as the titan moved a leg backwards,

ready to kick, and prepared for a new volley of house pieces when
he saw a few smaller titans grabbed on its surface; curious at the
sight he readied for the attack and waited until the huge foot was
mid-way to swing away from the place, avoiding most of the

_Come on, you colossal faggot, come at me yourself! -he said as

stone flew past him; he landed on a house and ducked under a huge
boulder going his way. Bertholdt's attacks, luckily for Nikolai, were
slow and easy to predict; the biggest problem was staying out of the
wide area on which they hit and avoiding or covering from any
incoming objects.

Then he heard strange noises coming from the recently destroyed

houses, as if something dug in the rubble and he stole a glance at
the ruins to find titans getting up or crawling from the battered
buildings; Bertholdt had kicked them towards him, adding more
danger to his situation, and had plenty more to use since the
mindless things had been attracted before by his shouting. He
hissed in frustration when he saw Hoover picking some titans and
then throwing them more or less where he was, smashing the
buildings with their bodies. Nikolai knew he had to bring Bertholdt
closer before his living ammunition destroyed every house he could
make use as platform.

Up on the wall, the soldiers watched in horror how the district was
flattened by the Colossal's attacks while they worked nonstop to
bring the all cannons the middle section. One of them used a
spyglass to watch over Trost, while the rest readied and loaded the
weapon; another turned to look at a cadet passing by checking their
_Hey you! What are we supposed to do now? That thing is too far

_I know -the cadet answered, burshing the sweat off her forehead-
but we have to be patient and wait until it gets close.

_But what if it starts throwing titans at us? -another asked- If it sees

what we're doing…

In that moment, the soldier looking over the district shouted and
pointed at some obliterated houses.

_There! There he is!

Everyone nearby looked where he aimed at, and some managed to

see a lone person standing on a battered roof waving his swords at
the Colossal in challenge, uncaring of the mindless titans nearby.

_Who… who the hell is that? -asked one of the Garrison soldiers to
the girl- Do you know him?

_Every cadet does. -a young boy answered, eyes fixed on him- He's
Nikolai, the original number one! Is he going to face the Colossal all

_Not alone, if we can help it! -said the girl, waving and shouting at
another group- Bring the cannons nearer! We'll only have one

Meanwhile, Nikolai stood on a roof avoiding titans as best as he

could whenever Bertholdt threw them and taunting him with his
nonchalance. The shifter roared in frustration as the grey eyed man
went from ruin to ruin, confusing the creatures and sneaking away
unnoticed to return to an isolated spot. He was now sitting on a
house's roof, legs hanging from the border, an arm outstretched.
Hoover couldn't see him clearly, but he imagined the other grinning
smugly and beckoning him with a finger; he felt his rage making his
body boil and more steam came out of his body.
_Fine. I'll do this myself, as it should be. -he said, bitter and

The Colossal advanced slowly towards the soldier, who stood

immediately and retreated for a better place as Bertholdt crushed
buildings and titans alike without care; absolutely focused on killing
his target he paid no attention to anything else and moved on until
Niko turned around and ran at him, hooking on his leg and beginning
to climb under his unimpressed sight.

How do you expect to defeat me? How could you possibly survive
me, outdo my power, my strength? Attacking from the front is

With a mere thought he sent jets of stream from around his body and
Nikolai almost fell from his spot on his abdomen, moving to a side
and shooting his grappling cables to the underside of his gigantic
arm and hanging there.

_That won't do. Dying from falling is too merciful for a bastard like

Following this Hoover lifted the titan's arm, pulling him along and
then turning the arm upwards to gaze at the soldier; Niko was
sweating from the heat and trying to stay steady. Chuckling evilly
inside the nape the tall eldian released more steam, watching in joy
how the other jumped and covered his face to protect from the
searing jets; he fell on his butt when Bertholdt moved the arm to
clash against the other, forcing him to run towards the hand to avoid
being crushed and falling on all fours; with cold glee he observed
how he jumped to the other arm and ran back and forth as he shot
burning, hot steam at the soldier who fell forward when he raised his
limb once more, dragging the young man along; Niko hooked on the
flesh at last moment, barely hanging from one cable as Hoover had
him oscilate slightly like a pendulum mid air to look at him. His hair
was damp with sweat and moisture, his healthily tanned skin now
showed red marks, when not outright burns from the boiling heat and
he breathed heavily, even his grip on the handle seemed weak; he
looked down, unable to meet his eye apparently. Slowly and
deliberately the titan chuckled and saw Nikolai tremble, he could feel
fear after all.

Come on, show me your face! Let me see your despair or i might
have to force you… and i'm not good at handling people with this

As if hearing his thoughts, the white haired male lifted his head and
Bertholdt felt the rage stir within; the fucker still smiled, then winked
and turned his head a bit to look behind himself. The shifter followed
his look by curiosity.

_Shit. -the former cadet said in a quick breath.

They were about thirty meters away from the wall, which he had
completely forgotten in his anger along with the cannons, which
where stationed one beside the other, aiming at…

What are they aiming for?

The cannons pointed downwards instead of forward, which confused

him even more as he watched all the people standing in wait, looking
at the centre of the formation where a lone person stood with an arm
raised. Bertholdt narrowed his eyes to try and see who it was.


Without realizing it lifted a colossal arm, moving towards the centre

of the formation. The person standing closed her eyes for a moment,
and opened them full of determination ignoring the shouts of the
people nearby to hurry; they only had a moment and couldn't waste


And as she watched the cannons shoot and heard the explosions,
Annie Leonhardt felt alive for the first time in sixteen years.
End of Chapter.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9: Fallen Warrior, part 2.

_I wish it didn't have to end like this, Annie.

_Me too, Nikolai.

She was being honest, he knew that; she didn't want it to be that
way. She actually didn't know how she wanted it to finish, all she had
was the certainty it would end someday… and the deep, dark fear of
not being able to stop it once it came.

Niko knew that fear, oh he did.

_And… if it didn't have to? -he whispered.

_What do you mean? -Annie said immediately.

He managed not to smile when he heard the faint hope in her voice,
hidden by a thick layer of confusion, resignation and sadness; his
hand releasing her arms and slowly moving to her neck until his
fingers felt the simple, silver coloured chain and saw her turn to look
at him. Nikolai leaned to whisper in her ear.

_If i gave you a chance to leave it all behind and begin anew, would
you take it?

_What are talking about? -she replied, shocked into stillness, her
eyes fixed on her what? Enemy? Comrade?

_Exactly what i said. Would you take the opportunity? To get rid of
your chains, free of their weight? Able to choose and forge you own

_Why? Why would you…?

_Risk? -he sighed, soft and lonely, and hugged her closer- Because
you are worth saving to me, Annie. I understand you, i felt your
anger and your suffering; i too dreamed of freedom once, fought for
it and won. Now i offer it to you, but you have to choose, i won't do it
for you.

Her breath quickened when he finished speaking, hands trembling

nervously. He wasn't lying, she knew he wasn't, why would he? He
could have killed her when he had the chance and instead… she
saw him put the blade down and take a step away, looking around
Trost; no one was nearby, they had moved too deep into the district
for anyone to follow. Niko held his arms open, as if asking for a hug
and smiled at her.

_You can kill me, and save Bertholdt. I won't resist… Not to you.

She blinked incredulously at the man and raised a shaking sword,

lips trembling as she tried to get her thoughts in order.

_Nikolai… if this, if what you say is true then you are risking your life.
How can i know you won't betray me and take me to the MP, or…?

_Do you think i'd trade someone as amazing as you for a few coins
and a rank? To stay indoors, rotting and decaying? I live to fight, to
challenge; it's what i was made, raised and trained for, and i won't
run from it. I want to save you from falling like Reiner did, like
Bertholdt did so you can finally choose.

_Choose what?

_That is up to you. But you're running out of time; i know i probably

cracked Bertie's skull with that punch but i doubt that will kill him, and
if he lives your chance is gone.

_So you want me to kill him? As a proof of my… -he chuckled deeply
and she couldn't go on.
_Oh no, i don't need any proof because the fact that you are
considering it is proof enough that you want to be out of it. As for
him, i don't have a problem with getting my hands dirty. But you must
choose, now. A new life on your own, or a quick death with your

Annie's breathing quickened. He had to be wrong, she wasn't

considering it just shocked at his words, at those daring lies; they
had to be lies right? But he was close to her, closer than anyone
else, closer than Bertholdt and Reiner, her rival, her lover, her
partner in fight and now her seemingly only beacon of hope, and he
wouldn't judge, he couldn't because he knew already what she had
done, and yet offered an escape and his silence.

Think of your mission! her head ringed.

It's already doomed! We failed! she protested

Think of your people! Your father!

I do! Every damn day, and i'm scared! I'm tired of being scared!

Nikolai is the enemy!

They were never the enemy!

_I'll take it! I want out! -she said hurriedly, clenching her fists.

The voice in her head shut up. Niko stood there without saying
anything, smiling in a strangely soft way and reaching at her; his
strong arms surrounded her in a hug for a few seconds and she
clinged by instinct, heart racing.

_Good. -he said- Bert… he'll be up in no time i guess. Something

tells me he's far from dead.

_Then we must kill him. -she replied, and felt surprised at her own
certainty- Let's do it now we have the advant…
A finger on her lips made her silent, and he whispered in her ear.

_Do you know what's the best way to convince these people you're
on their side?-she shook her head, listening carefully- Actuallly being
on their side. I need you to go, climb the wall and deliver a message
as fast as you can. Will you Annie?

The girl looked at him frowning, but still nodded, without fear or
doubt; she had chosen her path and would hold on to it till the end
like a drowning man to a rock.

_Great. -he said, smiling approvingly- Now listen, an be ready to

become unquestionable to anyone who meets you.

Timeskip .

Jean stood on the verge of Wall Rose, looking down at the titans
roaming the streets and shivered. Once more he had to go down and
be a piece of meat distracting them from going after that psycho; he
was about to jump when the sound of a 3DMG at full speed came
from his left and the sight of a blonde girl out of breath got his

_Everyone, listen to me! -Annie shouted while running, barely

catching her breath- We've got a situation! A Colossal type titan will

People froze in their place, some gaping at the blonde; Kirstein felt
his legs turning into butter and looked behind him, towards the
plains, expecting to see a red giant walking towards them.

_I-i can't see it! Wait, how do you know this?

_It won't come from outside! -she replied, going past him and
checking on the nearest cannon- It's going to appear here, in Trost!

_Wh-what? Are you crazy? -shouted Connie, attracted by the ruckus

and the people beginning to gather- That's bloody impossible! You
gotta have hit your head!

_What is the meaning of this? -said an officer, walking towards the

small crowd- Why aren't you proceeding with the operation?

_She said a Colossal type titan is coming! -said a woman, pointing at

Leonhardt- But that it will appear in here or something!

The officer fixed her cold eyes on the girl, who was trying to move
the cannon into pointing downwards, and grabbed her by the

_What is this nonsense, soldier? Explain yourself before i arrest you

for disobedience and impeding a vital mission.

_I can't! I… we have no time! That thing is going to appear any

moment, he's trying to give us time!

_Who? Who wants to give us time?


The flash of light cut her, her sky blue eyes turning towards the
mushroom cloud signaling Hoover's transformation. Annie barely
glanced at the titan before turning her sight on the paralyzed

_Now, move it! -she screamed at the top of her lungs- Ready the
cannons, and follow my instructions! We'll have only one chance
once it comes nearby!

_Wh-what? -said the woman, barely listening to her. Exasperated,

Leonhardt walked up to her and grabbed her by the collar.

_Listen to me, god fucking damnit. If you want to take that thing
down as much as i do, tell everyone to prepare the cannons and
move them here; we'll attack when it gets closer. -she let go of her,
voice suddenly far- He'll bring it.
_Who? -said the officer in a whisper. Annie ran out of patience.

_Just fucking GO! -she screamed before turning to Jean and

Connie- You two, gather some people and bring cannons ASAP!

After a moment of hesitation both boys shared a look of amazement

and turned to leave; in the last second, Kirstein turned to look at her
and saw the girl command a trio of Garrison soldiers to point the
cannon downwards. What the hell was she doing? And how did she
know it was going to appear?

The next minutes were a mixture of rushed and frantic but almost
orderly work from every group manning the artillery and raw,
spiraling chaos as more and more soldiers poured from the district,
some climbing the walls and helping with the cannons out of despair,
not knowing what to do; others ran about calling for someone to
explain why the Colossal was there wrecking the place so viciously,
and more than a few attempted to convince everyone to let it go and
flee only to be threatened with death if they didn't put their asses to
work. They moved the weapons to the center of the wall, and by her
indication lowered them.

Annie closed her eyes briefly as Hoover kept on destroying the

place, wishing Nikolai survived what he was attempting so far and
hearing his instructions in her head.

_Tell them to bring every damn cannon to the middle section of Wall
Maria. Tell them the Colossal is going to appear. - he said and her
eyes bulged- I know it sounds like madness, but i know i can bring it
to you, and even if i die he will try to kill everyone; use that chance
and follow the plan, i know you're smart enough to know what to do
should i fall.

_But Nikolai, why? Why not just kill him now?

_ Because this way no one will ever think you're a traitor, no one will
ever doubt you. No, never. Now go!
Leonhardt wanted to reply but his eyes showed such determination
she looked down and nodded, only for Niko to held her chin and lift
her up.

_Don't lose hope now you found it Annie, because i'm fighting for us
both here. For you and i to be free and victorious. Oh, and not a
word to anyone until i'm back alright? Now move it, he should be
waking up soon.

The girl looked at the wall an instant, then nodded; her time to
hesitate was over. She turned to leave when he stopped her.

_One last thing, when he's near don't shoot at his face, instead…

_Aim at the knees! At the right one, everyone! -she shouted as

Bertholdt neared, and everyone quickly adjusted their cannon's

The titan stopped at a few (colossal) steps from them. Leonhardt

surveyed the zone carefully and saw the white haired soldier run and
attempt to climb the creature.

_We are in position! Ready to shoot! -informed a soldier.

_Not yet! -Annie answered before any officer spoke- Wait a bit more!

The soldiers exchanged looks of fear but nobody dared disobey; part
of the blonde's mind was amazed at how her serene and
commanding attitude since the beginning of th chaos had won their
obedience, hearing the officers shout the same order at the rest of
the units. But now her eyes were fixed in the fight in front of her, or
more accurately Nikolai's fight not to fall or be boiled to death. Her
heart skipped a beat when he almost fell, until he looked at them for
a second and she saw his smile and knew it was about to happen;
she saw the Colossal -her former comrade, a fellow chosen warrior
of Marley- stare in confusion at them.
_It's watching us! We have to bring it down! -shouted someone and
she clenched her teeth. It was time yes, but…

_Not yet! Not fucking yet! -she yelled back.

The giant's eyes wandered over the people and then found her. She
knew he recognized her, and also saw his surprise, his arm slowly
raised pointing at her; she had done what she wanted, she'd shown
him which side she was on.


The cannon she commanded issued its powder fueled thunder,

echoed by every other one along the wall; a hundred projectiles
thrown with fury mixed with fear that impacted on the Colossal's
knee and shin, a few missing the target and shattering what was left
of the houses. A cloud of steam and smoke formed around the leg
as Annie checked anxiously, mumbling curses as the view cleared…

Bertholdt, inside the titan's body, was unable to react due the shock.
That couldn't have been her, Annie was… she was…

She's dead! She's dead! You're seeing things, you need to snap out
of it! his mind shouted from afar. He managed to unglue his eyes
from the girl on the wall and then felt it: the subtle but unending
moving of his summoned body, despite his intention of remaining
still, slowly leaning to his right as if a million tiny cables pulled him.
The giant looked down and his heart shrinked: his knee was almost
completely destroyed, joined to the shin by a few strands of tissue;
Hoover tried to remain balanced but his falling was inevitable. He
instinctivelly tried to balance, arms outstretched and shaking slowly
as he went down like a rotten tree while hundreds if not thousands of
eyes followed him from atop the walls and the district, soldiers and
titans alike staring at the gargantuan being collapsing on Trost; they
watched as his body hit the houses, the ground, the small gardens
and trees that spotted the place and destroyed them, burnt them with
the heat of his body and even obliterated more buildings with the
sheer force of the impact wave. The members of the military gasped
as one when the small tremor of its fall reached them and gaped as
it began steaming profusely, like a dead, normal titan.

_Is… is it dead? -asked Connie looking at Marco, who stood pale

and completely unaware of his surroundings.

_It died! -repeated an excited cadet- We made it, it's dead!

A chorus of murmuring voices filled the air as they began to realize

their victory, but a sudden shout cut them at once.

_It's not over! -Annie yelled- It's nape is still intact, people! We must
get there and kill it before… !

_Someone is there! -a soldier shouted incredulosuly, using a

spyglass to check the withering body- A… a man is getting out of the
neck! He's running into Trost!

_We have to follow him! He's another monster, like Jaeger! -

someone said, and quite a bit of people nodded in agreement.

_Isn't he on our side? -questioned Jean, of all people.

_He must have let him in! Let's kill them both, to be sure!

_W-we can't, Eren is one of us! -said Mina, who looked about to
have a nervous collapse.

_Hold it! We can't go after him, look! -said the man still watching over
the district, pointing at the huge corpse.

The groups stopped their arguing and followed his finger; some
managed to see the figure running for a few moments before the
steam covered him. Then he appeared once more, climbing some
ruins to avoid the titans on the streets that headed for the Colossal's
body to eat its flesh in a gruesome display, and tried to run further
into Trost when he halted suddenly and looked up. He wasn't alone.

Nikolai had found his prey.

End of chapter.
Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Heroes and Traitors.

Grey eyes stared at Hoover from a higher position; Nikolai stood on

what was left of the roof of a half destroyed house, while his
opponent was on a mess of wooden beams, bricks, broken furniture
and crumbled walls. The white haired man walked down the ramp
made of shattered ruins, his uniform a tattered mess: his jacket
discarded, his gear abandoned long ago; his skin showed slight
burns on his forearms and the right side of his face, while his left
cheek bled thickly due a long cut. His eyes however showed no sign
of fear or concern as he took a blade from his back and traced its
edge with a finger, not even looking at the teenager in front of him.

_I was beginning to think i wouldn't find you; -he said casually- now
we can finally end what we started back there. -he looked behind the
black haired warrior and to the steaming body lying on Trost-
Although i must admit i'm impressed, Annie did a hell of a job guiding
those people.

_You… you're lying! -Bertholdt spat, sweating by the shifting and the
running- It wasn't her! You killed her, fucking monster!

_Denial, Bertie? At this point?. -Nikolai said softly, barely above the
sizzling sound of the colossal corpse fallen some blocks away- I
know you saw her; that shocked look of yours was quite expressive,
even for a skinless titan.

He raised the weapon over his head, watching the cold metal drink
the dying sunlight; then he eyed the shifter with a smug grin.

_Unlike you and your friend Reiner, she has brains and a better
sense of self preservation; all she wanted was a second chance and
i gave it to her, along with my silence.
_Sh-she would never betray Marley! -the teenager shouted.

_Marley? -Niko repeated frowning, and Berholdt flinched- Either a

person, or most likely a country; i guess i'll ask her about it once i'm
done with you.

Bertholdt seemed to crack at his words; his shoulders sagged, his

arms hung limp at his sides while his eyes went up, staring at the

_Why did you do that? -Hoover asked, devastated, and Nikolai

raised an eyebrow- Why did you do that Annie? I… i don't

Not caring about his enemy's dilemma, the soldier stepped forward;
his weapon ready to cut and slash and his eyes fixed on him to
detect the slightest threat.

_Something tells me you do Bertie, and quite well. Why, i can

imagine perfectly what kind of society breeds a child to have them
commit genocide, and you know what? It sucks aplenty; are you
really surprised your girlfriend betrayed you?

_You are wrong, she…

_Yeah my bad, i forgot you never got her laid. -Niko cut him full of
poison- That was me.

The Colossal clenched his fists in fury, but as he took a step towards
his adversary his attention was caught by something ; Nikolai
narrowed his eyes and followed his gaze to find a yellow flare going
up the sky and whistled in surprise.

_Well, look at that! Those basta…

Bertholdt ran at him like a frenzied beast, trying to tackle Niko to the
ground; he answered by holding onto his opponent's back and
steadying on the rubble, stopping his rush at once then shoving a
knee on his chest and pulling violently, throwing him towards the
inside of the ruined house. Hoover rolled on the floor and stood
clumsily, barely avoiding a slash from Nikolai's blade that would have
torn him open; the other approached without hesitation or pause,
each step mirrored in the shifter's cautious retreat.

Niko attempted another slash to which his former comrade dodged

to a side and immediately jumped on him, trying to wrestle the
weapon from his hands; the grey eyed soldier instead pushed
against Bertholdt, shoving him against a wall and headbutting him on
the face, breaking his nose. Despite that, Hoover refused to let go of
the blade's handle and struggled fiercely for a few moments;
suddenly Nikolai jumped backwards, leaving the sword to him. The
warrior blinked in surprise, it was way heavier than he thought and
his enemy knew it by how he smiled as he pulled the second blade
with a sly grin; Hoover wouldn't be able to fight long with such a
heavy weapon in his state, nor could he hope to win without it.

The warrior gulped and decided to go all out, gripping with both
hands and slicing at his enemy's abdomen; the other blocked with
his blade, one handed, and answered with a kick to his gut that got
the air off his lungs, sending him stumbling backwards. Nikolai
relaxed: the fact Bertholdt fought so desperately meant he wasn't in
position to use his power, exhausted as he was; he could just wait
and he'd eventually fall.

But where would be the fun in that?

Thin layers of white began to crawl above and around them; they
paused to check around and saw the wind was blowing the steam of
the Colossal's corpse in their direction, obscuring the sight to and
from the wall and slowly filling the place.

_Good. -said Nikolai- No need to play pretend now.

Dashing forward he deflected Hoover's weak attempt to slash and hit

him with the blade's flat on the face, stunning him; then he put his
hand on his nape and threw him aside: Bertholdt crashed against a
broken table, vision blurry and the pain of his fall spiced by the
splinters digging in his skin as he tried to stand; he was on all fours
when Nikolai got beside him and kicked his elbow with full force. The
cracking sound was drowned almost instantly by Hoover's scream.

_That's for burning me, bitch.

Without delay the albino haired man roughly pulled him up and
kicked him in plain chest, making him fly and collide back first on the
wall, watching him slide whimpering to the floor. The shifter tried to
crawl away, babbling incoherently as he used his only good arm to
slowly flee from his attacker; Nikolai took his blade back, calmly
walked to his side and turned him over with a foot then straddled his
chest, eyeing him unamused while holding his weapon with a hand
on the hilt and another on the sword's back.

_Any last words, Bertie?

Hoover sobbed in pain, and closed his eyes; when he opened them,
his look was full of sorrow and regret. He decided to say it, the only
important thing he could think of, once and for all.

_Tell… tell Annie i… i love her.

Nikolai stared at him for some long, eternal seconds; then lifted the

_Like hell i will, asshole.

As the shifter opened his eyes in fear he smashed the blade on his
neck once, and blood spurted on his hands and the floor. Once
more, and Hoover shook in a feeble attempt to get him off, gasping
when his throat was cut open, his uninjured arm flailing against
Nikolai desperately and his legs kicking in frantic agony. Three times
and it stuck; then he stood up while Bertholdt gurgled and drowned
in his own blood and gave a single brutal stomp on the sword that
made it go through flesh and bone, sticking into the wooden floor
and severing the head. Niko watched as the blood pooled at his feet,
bent down and recovered his blade, picked up his trophy and went
outside, vanishing in the steamy mist like a ghost.

Up on Wall Rose, each soldier who could get a spyglass watched

over Trost, feverishly searching any trace of the two fighters; the rest
waited tensely, unable to go down and help due to the number of
titans gathering on the decaying corpse and the mist coming from it
making it impossible to maneuver.

_Nothing yet? -asked Annie to one of the men, nervously pacing

back and forth.

_No. I doubt we see any of them, even if they didn't kill or injure each
other seriously. -he quit looking over the district and gave her a
resigned look- Not with that amount of…


Everyone stopped whatever they were doing, startled by the sudden

shouting of a female soldier who hopped in place and pointed with a
finger; all eyes following her finger to find a tiny figure standing on a
roof in the section nearest to the inner wall, where buildings were
less damaged.

_Are you sure? -Jean said squinting- Is that him, i mean, one of

_It's Nikolai! He's still alive, and he has… -she suddenly went mute,
a hand covering her mouth.

_What? -Leonhardt asked worried- Is he alright?

In response, the soldier gave her the instrument and the blonde
eagerly watched toward the soldier on the building; she felt a chill
run down her spine and lowered the spyglass.

_He… he has his head. He has Hoover's head. -she gulped and
looked at the woman- He did it.
_He did it? -echoed another cadet.

_He did it! -others began shouting.


People began screaming and hugging, the adrenaline of their victory

rushing through their system; the tension finally eased exploded into
a cacophony of voices excitedly chanting, congratulating, swearing
and breaking into sobs. Leonhardt said nothing, barely feeling as
someone shook her by the shoulders; instead she anxiously looked
at Nikolai once more.

_He's making signs! -she shouted, catching the attention of th

people nearby- He has no gear, and needs people to assist him
quickly! He's telling to pick him on the base of the inner wall.

_Yes, yes, of course. -a soldier agreed, pointing at a few people to

follow him- We need to tell him to move…

In that moment a dull explosion was heard and everyone turned to

find Jean shooting a red flare towards the wall Nikolai was supposed
to go to. Annie blinked in surprise and then checked on her comrade,
to see him drop and kick the head away then jump down the roof to
the streets and leg it towards his target.

_He's on the move, he got the message! Go pick him up! -she
shouted; then the same soldier and his companions hurried towards
their target as everyone went into an excited rush of activity: some
began moving the cannons away from each other in preparation for
the titan extermination operation, others helped tend the injured
while some others ran around doing whatever they could since no
one could stay still.

No one aside from Annie, and the people now near her: Connie,
Jean, Mina and Marco looked at her with a mixture of relief and
_So, Bertholdt… -said Kirstein, hesitating- he was, he was that…

_I can't believe it. -Connie said shaking his head- I just can't, i mean
we knew him! He was our friend, wasn't he? Wasn't he? -he
repeated looking around with a lost expression.

Mina said nothing, instead falling on her knees and covering her
eyes; she took deep breaths and sobbed from time to time, finally
letting the overwhelming pressure out of her system. Bodt instead
turned to Leonhardt with an intrigued look in his eyes.

_Annie, what happened back there? How did you know the C-
Colossal was going to appear?

In her head, the blonde heard once more Niko's warning. Not a word
to anyone until i'm back.

_I-i'm sorry guys, i don't… i can't s-speak right now, this is too, uh,
too much at once. Let's wait for Nikolai, let's hope he's alright.

The boys exchanged a glance and nodded at once, while Carolina

stiffled a few sobs and stood up with a tired look on her face; the
afternoon was a couple hours from ending, a reddish-orange sky
above their heads. They stayed in place completely silent, ignoring
the people coming and going along the wall until someone came by
and told them the team had brought the soldier back and hurried to
see him.

As they neared they had to stop at the border of a big cluster of

people cheering and clapping and Annie decided to try and push her
way in; some people recognized her and let her through, but most
didn't bother to move aside so she ended up standing on her tiptoes,
trying to get a glance of him. Suddenly the people in front of her
moved and she saw him, face partially red from the steam he'd
endured and a cut on his cheek surrounded by dry blood.
_NIKOLAI! -she shouted before her short height made her lose sight
of the man.

Annie mentally cursed her scarce stature and readied to push and
elbow her path onwards when the soldiers in the front stopped their
shouting and moved, freeing space as the soldier returning from
Trost walked right to where she stood and almost crushed her in a
hug before she could say a thing.

_Thank the goddessess you're fine! -he said, not letting her go- I
didn't know if you were alright.

People around them stared curiously at the sudden display of

affection; Annie felt her face beginning to heat up when he pulled
back and looked around.

_I know you've seen me back in Trost, facing and luring the Colossal
to the wall so you could cripple him; you also know i faced him in
combat, and avenged all the deaths he caused!

A roar erupted from the people around him, who celebrated the
shifter's death and clapped, whistled and shouted in pure
excitement. Niko raised both hands asking for silence, and the crowd
awaited for his words in nervous expectation.

_But that is not all my friends, far from it. The Armored Titan -he
announced with a wild smile- is dead as well!

There were a few moments of incredulous silence and then it all

boomed into a chaotic display of yelling and jumping around, of
soldiers hugging each other and swearing in joy at the sudden news.
The male said nothing, instead hugging Annie with an arm and
keeping her close to him; she clinged to his shirt and buried her face
in his chest as she tried to avoid crying under the overwhelming and
contradictory feelings running through her while he asked for silence
one more time.
_But still, there's one more thing to do. We have to, we must
recognize the effort of the one person without whom nothing of this
could be possible, without whom those two would have remained
hidden in our ranks until it was too late.

Slowly, as people began to chatter and whisper with curiosity, the

blonde raised her head to look at him; he let go of her and took a
step backwards so everyone's eyes were on her for a moment
before he raised both hands once more, demanding attention.

_We must tell the world about the true heroine of this tale of struggle
and victory: Annie Leonhardt.

End of chapter.
Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Liar's Truth, part 1.

_Annie? -Jean said, glancing at Connie; the boy returned the same
confused look.

She was out of their sight, hidden behind the crowd now whispering
in surprise after Nikolai's words; then his voice, clear and imposing,
came to them from the center of the group.

_As you hear: what happened today wouldn't have been possible
without Annie; it was her who made the first move in the fight and
uncovered them both. It was by chance that i happened to found the
three of them in Trost, Annie yelling like a madwoman at them;
shouting about those two being liars and murderers when i arrived,
and i knew something was really wrong the moment i saw her,
because nothing ever managed to upset her that badly.

The people in the crowd shifted while the blonde, completely still,
kept staring into the void; unable to think with this sudden turn of
events. Helping her become free of her former comrades and cruel
mission was one thing, but making her the key figure of all the thing?
She didn't see that coming.

Be ready to become unquestionable to anyone who meets you.

She suddenly understood what he meant; Nikolai wasn't just getting

rid of the two people ho knew of her true intentions: he was erasing
any and all traces of her being anything else than a damn heroine by
giving her more credit than she thought possible. She looked at him
again with bright eyes as he spoke.

_The moment i got there she told me she'd heard them talk about
how Eren had spoiled their extermination plan, and how they
intended to kidnap him to do who knows what; they didn't notice her
until it was too late and had said more than enough to condemn
themselves. When i first saw them, they were all on guard despite
not a single titan was nearby; it turns they were ready to assault and
kill Leonhardt before she could warn any of us.

Annie suddenly looked down, a bit ashamed at her old teammates

being used as a facade to divert attention and put her on a pedestal;
yet her relief for the now severed ties was more than enough to
compensate, or at least match the guilt.

_As soon as i saw their faces i knew Annie was telling the truth; few
times people have looked more scared of being caught admitting
their crimes, not to mention faced with judgment from a furious top
ten fighter. I was still trying to digest the news when Braun attacked
me when my guard was still down and i would have died if not for
her, -he said pointing at the girl- she leapt behind him and cut his
friggin head off!

A group of people whistled and clapped at his words, while others

cheered at their comrade's "bravery". Annie, finally getting the hint,
looked around with a forced smile that earnt her another round of
praising; it made her slightly sick, but that was replaced by the
adrenaline of knowing she had escaped her punishment with the
help of none other than the person she thought would be the
executioner, the same man who now was telling the "story" of what
happened in Trost.

_Bertholdt, the Colossal, just stood there blinking like an idiot before
darting off to the deeper zone of the district; i was about to chase
him down when she got my arm and stopped me. "Wait a bit" she
said "One of us must warn them about this, before he tries
something. He's the Colossal." When she told me that i think my
brain actually stopped working for a few moments, but she shook me
back into the situation. "He might try something, and i need you to
lure him to us!" those were her words if memory serves; i was still a
bit shaken by the revelation when she told me what to do while she
went to warn you people, right here.
The man turned to look at Trost waving an arm above the battered
houses, some of which had caught fire and were turning into
smoking husks, and spoke as everyone glanced at the desolation
brought upon the zone they fought the shifter on.

_Hoover had fled and i was hoping to reach him before he escaped
when he decided to use his power; apparently he decided at some
point that escaping was not an option anymore. The fucker almost
got me in the blast, it was a fortune he had some time from our chat
to run ahead or he'd have certainly killed me. Although i didn't
escape unharmed -he said, turning around and pointing at the cut on
his cheek- it was a small price to pay for being able to face the titan
guilty of destroying the gate.

A murmur was heard from the crowd and some nodded at his words;
the vision of the white haired cadet defying the gargantuan monster
was seared in their minds and he took plenty advantage from it.

_As i was hoping Annie had reached you and convinced you to
move i saw it rise above the district, roaring to the heavens -he said
amidst their anxious silence-; in that moment i felt scared, truly and
absolutely terrified and yet i knew he had to be brought here
somehow. I let myself be seen, challenged the bastard in hopes of
him answering and by a miracle he did after which he began his
attack on Trost, and i must tell you i saw myself dead a couple times
but didn't give up. Not even when it… he tried to burn me alive i
faltered because i knew not mine but yours, everyone's survival
depended on bringing the Colossal here where Annie would execute
her plan, which i admit was clever because it wouldn't give Bertholdt
a chance to counterattack if he was down and vulnerable; the rest
you've seen it more or less: he ran away again, i found him, we
fought and i won. Humanity -he shouted rising a fist- has won!

The crowd erupted into cheering once more with Nikolai and Annie
finding themselves target of a massive attack of back patting and
hair ruffling. He took a few steps towards her, now limping clearly
and shielded her a bit by leaning on her shoulder.
_If you don't mind -he explained at the nearest people- now i'll take
my ass down to the doctors down there before i fall apart; i hope
you'll let me borrow miss Leonhardt along, she too deserves a bit of
a rest while you get the cannons prepared and take care of the

They made their way among running soldiers, some briefly stopping
to congratulate them once more or cheering at "the heroes of Trost";
Nikolai smiled tiredly while the girl looked away, blushing intensely
by a mix of euphoria, relief and some shame, combined with the
strange joy of fooling everyone, which she didn't know could be so
enjoyable despite being a spy all along. They were alone when they
got to the elevator and shared a brief moment of solitude as it went
down, which the blonde used to finally speak to him.

_Thank you i guess. -she said in a tired tone.

_You're welcome i guess. -he replied and she huffed, yet also smiled
a bit.

_Are you really content with me taking the credit of it?

_I'm content with you being as free as you can possibly be, Annie.
The fame is not that important to me although the "getting laid soon"
bonus is more than fine; it's nice to be a hero. -he said with a laugh.

_Hero… i don't think i really like that word.

_No hero does in my opinion but anyways, it's not like we are right?
Not really.

_You killed both shifters. -she reminded him with a sharp look-
Doesn't that make you one?

Nikolai let out a sarcastic laugh that sounded more like a bark, his
hand squeezing her shoulder while his arm pressed her against his
_I think it means a good chance of early retirement with good pay, if i
ever get bored of the military.

Annie said nothing, her hope of understanding what went around in

that head of his given up long ago; instead she shot him a sharp

_And now? What's the price of this? Of my freedom? -she asked


_Oh, right to business. -he said amusedly, eyeing her as the lift was
nearing the ground- But i'm afraid you'll have to wait until we're alone
once more my dear; right now -he said with fake pain in his voice-
i'm in deep need of medical attention.

She rolled her eyes and helped him limp across the street, where a
few groups of soldiers left to help the wounded into the improvised
hospitals went back and forth between small tents where the doctors
worked and a number of houses turned into temporary residences
for the injured who were out of immediate danger or already working
to recover; as they scanned the place a young woman in nurse
uniform approached them.

_You must be the two everyone's talking about! -she said with a tired
smile; her gloves showed some blood- Come, we'll treat your
wounds right away.

_No need. -Nikolai said, shaking his head- Mine are a few minor
burns and little cuts and bruises… all i need is a place to rest for a
while and i'll be fine.

_Once you're checked. -answered the nurse with a slight nod- We

can't risk any unattended injuries, no matter how good you feel. If
you die on us the higher ups will have our heads; there are rumours
already of both of you being rewarded with good positions in the MP
and such.
The man raised an eyebrow but said nothing and let himself be
guided into a tent while Annie followed sheepishly; once inside she
looked around, wondering if she should stay outside but no one said
a thing so the girl plopped on a chair and let out an exhausted sigh.
The nurse glanced at her with understanding eyes before turning to

_Alright, shirt off. Any particularly acute pain?

_Not really. -he answered as he took it off.

The woman couldn't avoid a gasp and Annie's head poked from
behind her with a slightly worried face; she saw a few bruises and
red burns, some small cuts not even bleeding and nothing else.

_Something wrong? Is he going to be alright? -the girl asked, and

the nurse turned to her with surprise on her features.

_Well, i don't see any serious injuries but… but… where have you
been and what have you been doing?

The male blinked in confusion before eyeing Leonhardt, who

shrugged and watched the other two not really getting it; the woman
pointed at the shirtless soldier.

_His scars! How didn't you notice them? -she said eyes bulging, and
Annie made an "oh" face, while Nikolai finally understood and

_She's used to them; we've trained together for years, most people
have seen me like this. As for how i got them, not your business. Are
we done?

The nurse shook her head, in both a negative and to clear her mind.

_Hmph. J-just let me see the rest of your injuries…

Once she checked and applied some bandages on him, she took the
duo to one of the houses nearby; there she told them they'd be left
alone as a special treatment while asking Annie to watch closely in
case any of Niko's injuries didn't heal as expected, then left. The
soldier stretched his arms above his head and sighed, satisfied.

_Guess we're done for today. -he announced cheerfully- Gonna lay
down a bit.

With that he searched for the bedrooms on the second floor, leaving
her standing there; Annie tried to speak a few times before going
after him and staying on the room's doorframe as he dropped on the
marital bed and relaxed.

_We're not done, Nikolai; we'll finish our talk now. What do you want
in exchange for all you did back there? My cooperation?
Information? Or just me like back in the camp, only that more…

He eyed her, sat on the bed's border, looking away as if in deep

thought; moments later he stood with a wide smile on his face and
walked up to the blonde, towering above her with bright eyes. Annie
somehow didn't flinch when his hand went up to her cheek, brushing
slightly on her skin as he seemed to consider what he'd say and
keeping eye contact until he finally spoke.

_I want… nothing.

End of Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Liar's Truth, Part 2.

Annie Leonhardt stood in place, trying to understand what Nikolai

had just said without succeding; she had to ask despite he used
three simple words.

_What? What do you mean nothing? -she questioned, eyebrows so

furrowed they almost touched.

He took a step back, crossing his arms while looking at the girl; he
clicked his tongue and shrugged uncaringly.

_Exactly that, nothing. I don't need anything in exchange because i

got what i wanted the moment you said yes; i got you to fight to be
free from whatever held you back, and now you are finally able to
choose whatever you want to do.

_Just like that? -she said incredulously- You won't take advantage of
it? Won't ask anything from me to remain silent?

He chuckled and fell on the bed, staring at the ceiling while his
companion looked at him completely lost.

_I don't need to, Annie; all i've ever wanted from you so far you gave
it to me back in the training camp without conditions: wild sparring
sessions, acid humor -he eyed her with a big wink- and great sex.
There's nothing else i'd ask so why ruin your fun now?

_But don't you want to know? Why am i here? What were we trying
to do? What i am? - she said almost shrieking in shocked disbelief.

He took his time to consider her questions, apparently unfazed at the

girl's confusion before nodding, not getting up from the bed.
_Well i'd be lying if i said i don't want to, but -he stopped for a
moment, scratching his chin- if you think i need to know, you'll tell me
and that's it; if not you won't, simple as that. But meanwhile, we
should polish your story.

_My… story? -she repeated and he drummed his fingers on his


_Yep. Sooner or later some guys from the MP or the Garrison will
come and ask us to report what the hell happened in Trost, and we
need to make up something to convince them; we can start from the
basis i gave in my tale to shape yours, and go on from there. -he
straightened on the bed and patted at his side- Come on, i hope we'll
have a good deal of time before they come.

She gave a hesitant step towards him, then another; her mind, while
still not trusting him completely, felt strangely at ease near the
unpredictable man: part of it was the fact he'd pretty much been the
only one who stood on her side, without need of a common cause or
bonds of patriotism or race or whatever. Nikolai had chosen to fight
for her because…

_Why? Why did you help me back there? Why didn't you try to
convince them? -she asked suddenly and he raised an eyebrow, a
smirk threatening to appear.

_Heh, i see you can still think after all; that's an important question,
yes. To be fair, i knew Reiner wouldn't change sides because i've
seen that look he gave me when he realized i had him and he was
determined; he wouldn't even contemplate the possibility. And
Hoover was out of the question as well, wether he considered my
offer or not… unlike you.

_Unlike me? -she said curiously, finally choosing to sit beside him;
Niko nodded slowly, looking at her approvingly.

_You were the only one worth helping from my perspective because
you showed me you loathed your mission; you barely moved back
there, you were utterly devastated when the others and i fought
and… and so resigned when you were at my mercy. Almost glad.

Perhaps a bit more than "almost" she thought sadly, remembering

how she wasn't going to struggle in Trost when she thought he'd end
it right then and there.

_So you… -she couldn't find the words, so changed the subject-
What do you mean Bertholdt wasn't an option? Why was i then?

He didn't answer immediately; instead his hand moved slowly, as if

he feared scaring her, and gently brushed against the necklace she

_This. The gift i gave you; do you remember how i knew about your

Leonhardt looked at him surprised then frowned, trying to get her

memory to work about that day and blushing a bit a the more
intimate details before nodding.

_You said you sneaked into the camp's archives. What of it?

_Your file mentioned you came from a village within Wall Maria. A
different one from Reiner and Bertholdt, for some reason.

At this she gaped a bit, surprised by his words: it was true! How
could she forget about it?

_I… when we were coming to Wall Rose, we met a man from a

village we chose as a false home. But once we arrived to Wall Rose i
asked around where people came from and picked a different
village, Varnas.

_May i know why? -he asked, and she blinked at his politeness- If
you want to tell me, of course.

_I… i thought we had had enough bad luck as a unit. Marcel… -she
stopped and eyed Nikolai- There were four of us, and one died
before we even arrived here; i realized so many things could go
wrong so i chose a different home to build my facade because i was
afraid if one of us fell, the rest would get caught too. I told those two
idiots to do the same, but Reiner was so sure nothing would happen,
and Bert… he would do whatever that idiot said.

_And that was their problem. As friends coming from the same
village, one would expose the other in a case like that; i had no way
to convince just one of them if i had ever intended to and therefore
had to kill them both.

_But not me.

_Not you -he said reassuringly- because i knew you'd take the offer
and could get out of that mess without arising suspicions.

_And if i had said no? What then? What if we had failed?-He

chuckled and pat her back.

_I knew since the moment i heard you speak so honestly that you
wouldn't say no. As for failing… believe it or not, i can choose my
battles; Bertholdt was dangerous because of his power but not
invincible if you fought the right way, and damn we did. Any more

Annie had many, but then thought about the higher ups future
request of a report and shook her head.

_No. I mean yes but we have, you know.

_A report to make, right. Let's see…

They spent the rest of their time creating an alibi based on Nikolai's
story, deciding on how she'd tell about her meeting with the other two
and his chance arrival, as well as what she had "heard" Reiner and
Bertholdt speak about; the male said their lies didn't need to be
perfectly complementary of each other's: after all they were
supposed to speak about a time of tension and adrenaline, and a
few things off on each version would actually make them more

_If anything, too many correct details could make some people
suspect about our veracity if only about you being that important in
everything or it being just me acting in your favour.

_Why would you do it to then? What would you get from it?

_Sex, a contact in the MP owing me great time, things like those.

_Oh, i see. Ironically, this is pretty much what you're getting for it…

She shut up suddenly, turning crimson red at her own words while he
eyed her impishly.

_Is that so? -he said with a deep, sultry voice- Oh my dear Annie, i
am so, so very grateful for you generosity.

_Sh-shut it. What's next?

_Make sure to say they planned to kidnap Jaeger, i'm going to

mention it in your "rushed speech of righteous anger" at least


_I could bet my dick the MP will want Eren in jail forever or dead,
whichever hurts most and our report could ease some pressure on
him and make him look less suspicious to the authorities; besides
they were planning to do it, so at least we won't be lying.

_What do you gain from helping him?

_I like the boy. He may be a short tempered dork, but he's

passionate in his fight and that has earnt him my respect; that and i
hate the higher ups out of no particular reason other than my
despise for authority. I want to give him a hand, and also i think you
will want him alive, after all he has the… thing you were looking for,

_Maybe, i don't know. To think he, of all people… -she put her hands
on her eyes, mentally exhausted- I don't know what i'm doing right

_You're acting, all by yourself for the first time. -he said, looking
forward with no trace of humor- It's so simple yet so confusing, and
there's so much freedom in it it's…

_Terrifying -she whispered, finally looking at him and he nodded.

_Annie, -Niko wet his lips before proceeding- i won't lie to you. Once
we're done here, as soon as you have a moment alone and all the
voices around you are gone, the ones in your head will come with
the might of a thousands thunders. You will doubt, you will tremble,
you will hesitate; you may even come to regret it all, to hate me and
yourself. I hope, i really hope it's not the latter because self loathing
and pity is one of the worst things you can sink into; if you end up
hating me well, i don't really mind. I prefer my foes to be in that
category due their own choice; i've seen too many a mindless drone
back in my days.

_What days were those? -she asked, curiosity visible in her eyes.

_Ones i won't ever talk if i can help it. -he glanced at her and
shrugged- Sorry but that's how it is; besides it won't affect our
situation… right now. All i can tell you is that my past weighed
heavily in my actions today, and you can tell because any other
person you know who wasn't on your side by then would have
reacted quite differently and, to hazard a guess, would have ended
murdered by you three. -he paused and added- In the best possible

Annie stared at him in silence, assimilating all he said. It was true:

anyone else would have tried something against them, fought and
bled and died with a curse in their mouths either stabbed by their
blades or… she felt her heart shrink at the thought of leaving
someone to be devoured, sacrificed like an animal just because they
were in the wrong place at the worst of times. And instead whom
they ( she ) met was the only one who chose to fight by her side, for
her right to be on her own; the one who put his life on the line
because he apparently wanted her to have as much freedom as one
could in this rotten world out of sympathy, without demanding
anything except her will to fight and to choose her own path
wherever it led her.

_And once we're done here? What will we do?

_I think it's "what should I do" -he said with a smirk- because my
path was chosen a while ago.

_Are you still joining the Legion? Why?

_I live for conflict. -he answered as if apologizing- I can't go on

without a challenge, i can't settle down and just keep going the
same; or at least i don't think i can. You on the other hand seem to
be tired of it, so you can join the MP and relax for once.

She thought about it, then about her other comrades still on the
continent; another wild factor in her future which made her shiver
slightly and shook her head.

_I can't relax too much: there are still things at stake i can't check
from here. What if…? -she fell silent and then turned to him- Would
you help me again if i asked you?

_Is it going to be dangerous? -he said with a hesitant look; Annie

didn't fall for it.

_Oh yes. Oh fuck yes. -she answered raising her eyebrows and he

_Alright, deal then. Whenever you need me, try to contact me and
send me some details; until then, enjoy your freedom.
In that moment, a loud male voice could be heard from the first floor.

_Cadet Nikolai? Cadet Leonhardt? Are you here?

_Up here! -he answered instantly- Just resting a bit! Do you need

_No, it's alright. I just wanted to congratulate you both first, and tell
you to rest second. The people from the MP won't be here until
tomorrow afternoon and Commander Pixis decided to relieve you
from duty until then. He'll visit you in the morning to have a chat with

_Got it!

With that the soldier left, and Nikolai turned to to the blonde with a
soft smile.

_I guess we can finally relax. Don't worry, just remember what we

talked about and it'll be fine. It's getting dark though, so we should
get some sleep. -he laid down on the matress and squirmed, sighing
in satisfaction- There are other beds around for you.

_Other beds? Can't i sleep here? -she asked frowning, and he

looked away.

_Well, if it doesn't bother you…

_After all we've done, and you think THIS would bother me? -she
said laughing for the first time, and pushed him away as she took her
boots off- No sex though; i really need to sleep.

He chuckled in response and readied to sleep, with both soon

comfortable under the sheets; yet while he snored a little while later,
Leonhardt couldn't ease her mind; while he slept, she kept thinking
on how he so easily stood by her without conditions or demands,
without asking anything except that she chose for herself what she
wanted and to hell the rest of the world. And so she chose once
more: as soon as they were alone again she'd face the man who
asked for nothing.

And tell him everything.

End of Chapter.

This one was a trip. Easy to see how different it is from the other
one; you'll need to endure a few more of Annie-kind of-centric
episodes, but do not despair, lemon comes in the next one! And no,
despite what you may think NikoAnnie (Annieko?) is not a ship, they
are fuckbuddies at least and allies at most.
Chapter 13
Chapter 13: Wood Morning.

Annie woke up suddenly, sitting on the bed with her eyes wide open;
her mind felt confused at first when she SAW the still unfamliar room
she was in and looking around found out it was early in the morning:
she could see the sun's light slowly creeping over the buildings and
from far away came the noise of cannons, busy destroying whatever
titans still roamed in Trost. Something stirred beside her: she eyed
Nikolai still asleep, shirtless and relaxed, and remembered all that
had happened so fast the stream of clashing feelings made her
cover her eyes and take deep breaths to relax, fighting the guilt and
burying it all under the relief of freedom; partial and still endangered,
but freedom still. Her companion yawned and opened an eye,
watching her as she lowered her hands on the sheets.



Leonhardt looked at her hands, feeling the fabric of the blanket

against her skin since all she had on was her bra and panties, heard
the rustling made by him when he stood up and left the room with
only his underwear on… and couldn't help but to steal a glance of his
firm buttocks before he left the bedroom. As the sound of water
came from the bathroom the girl fell back on the pillow, not really
wishing to leave the bed so instead reminded herself the most
important details of their made up story for later.


His voice brought her out of contemplation, and she turned to see
him leaving a small basin on the nighttable and holding a glass in her
direction; she took it and the faint smell of mint got to her nose.
Annie washed her mouth while Nikolai stretched his arms and back,
the cracking of bones followed by a satisfied sigh.

_Thanks. -she said, putting the glass on the table as he sat on the

_How are you? -he asked after a moment of silence- How do you

Annie bit her lower lip and looked at the ceiling, trying to calm her
mind and silence the voices attempting to fill her head with whispers;
she partially succeeded, her gratefulness at being alive and mostly
free of her former ties relieving part of her burden, and turned to look
at him with tired eyes.

_I've felt better.

_That's for sure. But more important is… have you felt worse? -the
girl frowned at that, then nodded without hesitation- Good. It means
there is a good chance this will work.

_Not that i'm exactly joyous right now.

_I doubt it… the first days are the worst. You know you have to avoid
thinking too much, but it's almost impossible without help.

She looked down, curling up on the bed while considering his words
and glanced at him without moving.

_And how do you avoid thinking? -she asked and he sat on the bed,
facing her.

_Doing things… anything that needs you to focus and keep your
mind on it; then, once you've spent some energies, you'll find out you
have an easier time ignoring your own head.

_When should i start? -Annie whispered.

_Whenever you feel the need. -he said honestly.

The girl fell silent for a few moments and then let go of the blanket,
instead kneeling in front of him; Nikolai didn't move or change his
expression, just stayed there waiting until Annie finally acted and
cupped his face with her hands, placing a long kiss on his lips. His
hand went up immediately, gently caressing her thigh up and down
while letting the girl's tongue play at her leisure until she broke the
kiss, blushed and ready.

_Lay down on the bed, now. -she ordered and Nikolai complied

Annie was on him as soon as he got on the pillows, her fingers

running along his torso while she nibbled and sucked on his neck;
Niko hummed pleasantly and his hands went inside her underwear
to grope her ass, his middle finger brushing against her hole and
earning a soft sigh of pleasure from her.

_Don't rush. -he whispered on her ear- Take your time, focus.

The girl relaxed on top of him, her breathing becoming more steady
as she positioned to stradle Nikolai, her firm butt pressing on his
growing bulge; Leonhardt eyed him calmly and let her hands brush
and touch every scar on his skin, studying him: she memorized
every texture, checked every reaction when she moved from scarred
tissue to normal skin. Unlike most, Niko hadn't lost any sensitivity on
the hardened scars; it was just… different for him.

Satisfied, Annie leaned to suck on his nipple, earning a surprised but

pleased look from him; then she began to grind her crotch on his
throbbing member, making him hiss in need when the fabric of his
underwear became oppressive. The blonde moved to lie on her side,
still kissing and sucking while her hand crept into his boxers and
massaged his hot member; He threw his head back and sighed
when Annie pulled his cock out and jerked him off slowly, feeling
every vein as she went up, teasing the glans's slit with her slim finger
and smiling when he rocked his hips upwards.
After a while of masturbating him Leonhardt decided it was time to
move on and left his dick alone momentarily, which made him look at
her expectantly while she removed her underwear; Niko did the
same hurriedly and laid down again, waiting her next move, and
hummed with interest when Annie turned around, sliding on him until
her pussy was in front of his face. The soldier licked his lips,
appreciating the sight of her moisty pussy and firm, pale buttocks;
his hands groped her cheeks as he leaned forward and gave a long,
hungry lick on her labia.

She grumbled in pleasure and bobbed up and down on him until his
length touched the back of her throat; her hand massaged his balls
and Niko gave a playful slap on her butt making her jump and getting
a soft glare. Annie decided to repay him with a gentle bite on the
head of his cock that made him stiffen and hiss, then chuckle; his
fingers prodded both holes while kissing the inside of her thigh and
Leonhardt hummed in pleasure, stroking him slowly with a tight grip
as she slid on him like a snake, rubbing her wet cunt on his

_Turn around. -he said suddenly- Face me.

The girl hesitated only for a moment, before doing as he said and
shift on the bed, holding his length as she squatted slowly, taking
him in to the root; she stayed on that position breathing deeply,
feeling his cock throb inside her and she clenched around Niko when
he moved his hips. Annie leaned on him, her hands pressing on his
chest while her lips brushed his and let out an almost imperceptible
sigh; he put a hand on her nape and brought her for a slow kiss that
began to increase in heat until Leonhardt pulled back, her nails
scratching his skin when she began grinding on Nikolai.

He relaxed and let her set the rythm, enjoying the sight of Annie with
her eyes closed and sweat beginning to cover her body as she
increased her speed; the girl bit her lower lip to hold her voice until a
sudden slap on her butt made her yelp, opening her eyes wide and
fixing them on his smiling face.
_Don't hold back on me Annie. -he said slowly, with a fierce smirk-
Come on, time to fuck me like you mean it.

She eyed him from above with a cold face that belied her lust before
rising and slamming against him, getting the soldier to grunt under
her; once more and Annie finally let a loud moan out when his cock
pierced her. Taking deep breaths the blonde squatted on top of him
and began moving up and down at a fast pace, her panting and half
muttered curses filling the air as Nikolai straightened supporting on
his elbows and sucked on her breast; she chuckled briefly and held
him there with a hand while moving her hips in circles, his dick
completely buried in her.

Suddenly the girl pushed him away and used her hands to support
herself, now moving back and forth to give him a full view of her
body, drops of sweat making their way down to her pussy making
him lick his lips in anticipation; Annie kept the show up for a short
while and then fell forward, caging Niko's head between her arms
and giving him a hungry look.

_I'm speeding up. -she said- Okay?

Nikolai ran his hands on her sides, barely touching her skin, and
answered with a quick wink and a smile.

_Do what you want, baby; right now it's all about you.

Closing her eyes, Annie buried her face on the pillow and raised her
hips, smashing them on Nikolai with a loud slap; her moan was
muffled and she hugged him around his neck while his hands helped
her move. She did it again with mor strength and his cock kissed the
entrance of her womb; the blonde made sure he went in as deep as
possible with each hump, panting right on his ear when her hips
went up and marking each penetration with a lewd moan.

_Nikolai, i… -she begged, pausing to bite his lobe- I need more!

Fuck me!
Without a word he sat up, grabbed Annie by the waist and made her
lie on her back; she threw her head back with a hearty cry when he
made her swallow his member to the hilt, pulling out quickly only to
smash more and more brutally with each pump.

_Yes, yes, like that! -she purred, eyes unfocused and a trembling
smile on her face- Shove it deeper, give me more!

Without a word he obliged, speeding his movements while spreading

her legs and kneeling on the bed to thrust as deep and hard as he
could; Annie moaned in ecstasy as he fucked her relentlessly, one
hand cupping her breast while the other went under her and shoved
a finger up her ass, then two. She felt it, the tingling sensation
crawling all over her body when the orgasm was near and this time
didn't try to hold it as her partner rocked against her.

_Yes! -she panted.

Nikolai bent down and bit hard on her shoulder, sending sparks of
pleasure and pain coursing through her; Annie lost all inhibitions left
when he put both hands under her and fucked hard and strong,
pulling out fast and burying himself like a battery ram. They didn't
moan anymore, instead grunting and panting harshly as they mated,
her nails now carving deep in his back; his pumping sped up by the
second while she got tighter and tighter around his erection, legs
locking around his waist to hold him as close as she could.

_M-more… I'm g-gonna…

The blonde felt it nearing, the strongest orgasm she'd ever had as he
pumped into her tirelessly, burying himself violently; fire ran through
her with every thrust and her breath came ragged and irregular until
she felt it explode inside her and came with a loud cry, her eyes and
mouth wide open facing at the ceiling, nails drawing blood from his
back and her legs twitching around her lover. Her body went limp
little by little but Nikolai didn't stop, taking advantage of it to
straighten and fuck Annie while she was still under the effects of her
climax until he felt dangerously near his limit and pulled out, running
his hand fast on his throbbing member and letting out a long,
satisfied sigh when the first cum shot splattered on her chest and
abs, followed by a few more reaching up to her open mouth.

She gave him a tired smile, slowly and deliberatedly sticking her
tongue out to collect some of his cum, while her hands went up and
down her body at a sluggish pace mixing her sweat with his semen;
he eyed her appraisingly and smirked.

_Damn, girl. -he said- We were always intense but that was…
another level.

She shifted on the bed, rubbing her thighs and cupping her own
breasts, licking her lips, and saw with satisfaction how his member
pulsed and began to swell again; Nikolai blinked and bit his lower lip.

_Are you sure you'd be ready for round 2? Remember we'll have
visitors, and it's morning already.

_I know. -she purred- I just want to be lazy a little longer.

_Oh, okay.

_Anyways… -she looked at her nails and saw the blood on them-
How's your back?

He shrugged, taking a piece of cloth and handing it to her to clean


_Stings, but it's alright. How about you?

She sat up and looked through the window, seeing the houses now
lit by the sunlight; soon some officers would be visiting them and
she'd lie once more to survive, but for the first time she didn't feel
that hook of guilt that had been pulling inside her for years.

_I'm better. Thanks for that, i needed it.

_My pleasure -he said winking- now let's get ready before our
visitors arrive.

They shared the only shower, being so used at each other they had
no problem at all; he washed her back, a strange gesture she found
pleasing but more akin to friendly than romantic.

They were finishing breakfast when someone knocked on the door;

Nikolai answered while Annie cleared the table, still munching on a
toast, and Pixis entered followed by his two assistants and three MP
members. After a round of presentations and warm greetings and
congratulations Dot and the representant of the Inner Police, Nile
Dok, asked Annie to stay with them and one of their companions
who'd take note of everything in the dining room to hear her report
while Nikolai waited in the backyard in the company of the other
cohorts. The man smiled impishly and followed the others, spending
the time sitting on the grass, answering a few questions made by the
soldiers about his exploits which no doubt would be informed to their
superiors later and ogling at Anksa's butt until the door opened and
Annie walked out, pointing above her shoulder to send him in.

His took his time to inform them, giving them a more or less similar
version of what Annie had told them minus a few things he could
have easily let slip by in the heat of the moment or adding others she
could have missed to give it a sense of credibility, the feeling of
having two people in the same setting and cirumstances but with
differing emotional states and perceptions; he hesitated and showed
certainty at the right moments, gave them a carefully constructed lie
that he knew they'd find believable, specially Dok. They listened
quietly and interrupted a few times to bring up questions in certain
points, mostly to corroborate if it was true that they wanted to kidnap
Eren and also that they had mentioned nothing more and in the end
praised him for his bravery and called both inside, telling them they'd
be travelling to the capital soon to take part in Jaeger's trial.

_That covers everything then. -Nile announced, letting out a sigh of

relief and standing- I'll be leaving for Wall Sina soon; Commander
Pixis, cadets, i'm looking forward to meeting all of you again to settle
this once and for all.

_I say the same. -answered the older man.

Once Dok left, the old Commander relaxed on his chair and took a
gulp of his liquor.

_Excuse me young cadets, i needed a refreshing sip. -he said with a

small smile- My position and the nature of the current situation
demand i begin my day very early. All too early indeed…

He drank again; Annie watched him with a raised eyebrow, but when
she eyed Nikolai she found him eyeing Pixis carefully, until he leaned
on the table on an elbow and gave the old man a resigned smile.

_Go on, ask; it's not like i can't deny something you already know.

Dot chuckled, swinging his flask slightly and hearing the liquid swirl

_Why young man, won't you even let me have some fun playing

_Not now the MP jerks are gone.

_Nikolai? -Annie asked a bit concerned- What's going on?

He didn't answer right away, instead fixing his eyes on Pixis; after a
few moments he chuckled and looked at her.

_He said his days starts early… you came here in the morning, didn't
you? You heard us.

Leonhardt's eyes widened and she straightened on her chair, looking

at the veteran cautiously.

_Well, you caught me; i wanted to see if i could get some information
before Nile came, and i did! Not the kind i expected though. So let's
go to the point: what kind is the real relationship between you two? -
he suddenly turned to the girl- Miss Leonhardt?

Annie blinked at Pixis, momentarily confused, but quickly regained

her composture.

_We're friends… fuckbuddies is what he calls it. -she added quickly,

pointing at Niko with her thumb and blushing slightly.

_For how long?

_Since training camp, like three months after we started. -she said
and instantly regretted it when Pixis eyebrows rose.

_That's quite a long time, in my opinion. Don't you agree cadet

Nikolai? -the old man questioned, glancing at the younger while
taking a sip; the white haired man shrugged nonchalantly at his

_We were never exclusive Commander: i had other girls to go

around with, our encounters were random depending on our mood or
availability; it actually lasted this long because i never had a real
romantic relationship. In fact, if you ask around you may get others
to confess a similar status of fuckbuddy with me… if they're willing to
admit it of course.

_How many?

_Well… five come to mind right away, not including her; can't give
names though, no matter your suspicions.

Pixis laughed good heartedly, waving a hand dismissively.

_No need young man, i made some quick inquiries with the cadets of
the 104th before coming here; the boys in particular were quick to
talk about your "notable deeds" while training, and some girls seem
to be hoping you'll give them a chance in the romantic sense.

_Well, at least i'm popular. Any other things?

_Not for now. We are almost done eliminating all titans inside Trost,
and soon will have to take care of all the dead; i was told to relieve
you of that duty as you'll soon be taken to the center ring once Dok
arrives and gives his report… i thought he'd take you with him to be
honest. -Dot stood up and made a gesture to his aides- I guess they
want time to prepare a fancy reception; the Heroes of Trost thing
should keep people busy until Eren's fate is decided. Good day
cadets, and once more congratulations; no need for salutes, thank

Once he left Annie sagged on her chair, loosening up completely like

a puppet without strings while Nikolai relaxed and smiled; she put
both hands on her face and sighed.

_Fuck i can't believe that last part, i thought we were fucked. -she

_Meh, not really; from his reaction i think he knew our status and just
wanted to tease us; i mean your face… ! -Niko answered giggling.

_Don't laugh! -she snarled.

_Sorry. But it's alright now, all we need to do is wait until Eren's trial; i
know you'll be careful in there, just play your part and smile when

_Whatever… but i can't stand the idea that old geezer came and,
and… ugh! We'll have to be quieter if we do that again.

_We? I wasn't the one screaming mind you. -he said with a smirk
that turned into laughter when she smacked his head.

_Don't laugh!

End of Chapter
Chapter 14
This is an, uh, intermission between chapters. I got the sudden urge
of abusing Ymir _…

Chapter 14: Good ol' days.

The tall girl stumbled slightly upon the other woman's lips, both
anxious and clumsy in part because of the alcohol; the other, a
stunning blonde with long locks, laughed against her and spread her
legs while supporting on the crate and pulling her skirt up to show
her wet sex, and the group cheered.

There was nothing like the threat of annihilation to show the pigs
humans truly were and Ymir had no trouble with that, if anything it
helped her in blending in; like them she had no idea what the fuck
would happen and couldn't care less right now, there were more
pressing matters.

_Press'n matt'rs… -she mumbled, her fingers diving into the wet
pussy before her.

When the older woman (was it right to think of her as older? did it
matter anyways?) kissed her again she felt ready, oh so ready, and
unblucked her belt; her loose pants fell down and another round of
laughter and cheering erupted when she kicked them aside, not
breaking the kiss, and pushed her crotch against the other's. Her
moan drove her wild and rubbed insistently, feeling the blonde's nice
breasts under her blouse; around her people cheered and drank,
some even fucked a few meters away but the shifter knew they were
the main attraction. The woman suddenly grabbed her ass and Ymir
fell on her, both laying upon the wooden surface and grinding without
much rythm; the freckled one straightened and spread the other's
legs, humping the moaning female and making their combined juices
leak down the crate and Ymir's legs.
The tall girl knew she wouldn't last long so she chose to savor as
much as she could, groping her buttcheeks and rubbing up and
down on her while pulling her blouse away and sucking on her pale
breast to the public's delight, until she felt her orgasm near and sped
up her movement until she couldn't hold it anymore and squirted
against the woman, who bit her lip and graced her with a last tongue
kiss; Ymir plopped on her and the people roared. The brunette stood
up, a bit dizzy now the fun was over and decided she had to leave,
so she picked her pants from the floor; when she finished she
glanced at the blonde.

She was laying on her belly, a man thrusting from behind while
another had her suck him; Ymir whistled and left, deaf to most
comments and high fiving ocassionaly. She hoped her room in the
inn wasn't taken, for fuck's sake, and groggily made her way back
bottle in hand.

Once in the old building, she found another group gambling and
fighting over a few women, who looked as tidy and clean as a pig's
pen but beamed when they had their turn with the winner of
whatever they played. Shaking her head the freckled stumbled her
way upstairs, sipping from the booze every few steps until she mad it
to the hallway; she was drunk enough to need to check both ways to
remember where her room was. She stood in front of the door and
tried the handle four times before her mind somehow realized she'd
locked before leaving; Ymir huffed then laughed and spent five
minutes struggling with the lock, unwittingly spilling what little amount
she had in the bottle until she made it.

_'bout fuck'n time…

_You said it.

She barely began to turn around when a hand fell on her mouth,
muffling a curse; others held her hands as she was dragged inside
and pushed onto the bed; the man covering her mouth sat on her
chest and smiled stupidly. There were five in total, more than enough
to hold her still, all reeking of bad beer, sweat and sex.
_Now missy, yer better behave 'n we'll be nice to ya. -the one on top
slurred- Or if yer naughty ah'll bloody that cute face o' yers an' you
won' like't.

He started to grope her breasts, the others laughing and goading

him while Ymir writhed and struggled to free herself; the man
snickered grabbed the collar of her shirt and tore it open, massaging
the perky tits hard.

_Ok boys -he said sluggishly- pull'em down!

The two holding her legs pulled her pants off and threw them aside;
the moment she felt her legs free the girl kicked at them, while the
one straddling her chest loosened his belt and pulled his cock out.

_Don' worry lassie, -he said dragging himself over her- after a while
ye'starting to beg fer more!

He sat on her thighs, rubbing his fingers on her labia clumsily while
stroking himself; the freckled girl squirmed, a muffled scream coming
out as she arched as hard as she could under him, only managing to
make him snicker. She struggled a bit more, then fell flat and closed
her eyes; the men chuckled around her and relaxed.

_Dat's bett'r lassie -he said drooling a bit- be good and ye'll really
enjoy it…

Ymir opened her eyes, giving him a fierce look full of hate and slid a
leg from under the rapist to deliver a kick with all her strength; she
saw through the blur of tears how the man flew back and crashed
against the wall, making a huge dent on the wooden surface. The girl
blinked in surprise and her vision cleared as well as her memory, the
haze of alcohol driven away by adrenaline and letting her remember
what had slipped from her brain earlier: this wasn't only her room.

It was hers… and his.

Nikolai looked at the man without a trace of emotion as he slid down
after throwing him and raised a foot; his boot smashed his penis in a
splatter of blood. His leg raised as a scream began to come out of
his mouth and Niko kicked on his throat: there was a sound of
something soft being crushed and the man fell on his side clutching
his bloodied crotch and destroyed larynx.

While everyone watched the white haired man turned to one of the
men a his side and threw a single, brutal punch at his head; the
other fell limp, his forehead sunk, arms moving clumsily, trying to
touch his wound and shivering as the blood started to pour from his
nose. The third barely moved when Niko jumped at him knee first,
crushing his chest; before he fell the younger held him in a lock, his
arm around his neck, and jerked upwards breaking his spine. The
other two raised their arms in defeat; his answer was to walk up to
the nearest, grab him by the hair and smash his head against the
wall with full force once, twice, three times before releasing him. The
man fell forward, a red stain with parts of his scalp and small bits of
brain on the wooden surface.

The last man made a frenzied attempt to escape, stumbling on the

bodies of his friends; he barely made it past the bed when the
younger was on him, a hand on his mouth and the other on his nape.
On the bed, Ymir stared at him in awed stupor; his back was on her,
but she could hear it: the mix of pained, pitiful and absolutely terrified
whining of the trapped man, struggling against his steel grip. His
arms moved slowly, the muscles visibly working under his clothes
while his prey's desperate noises increased in volume but went
ignored downstairs, where the drunken laughter and cheers drowned
his spine chilling, muffled scream when the snapping began; after a
few seconds his movements went weak, then his whole body went
limp. Nikolai let go and turned around.

She didn't dare to glance around, completely focused on him; his

seriousness scared her more than anything. The man hadn't uttered
a single word or made a sound, he didn't look like someone who had
just killed five pople; Nikolai seemed completely used to the brutality
of the scene, and she felt unnerved when he leaned and lifted her in
his arms, not daring to speak or struggle, paralyzed in fear.

_Our room is the next one. -he muttered without emotion, carrying

They were about to cross the doorframe when she finally got her
guts back, stole a glance back to the last man and saw his horrified
expression, pure terror framed in his last breath; saw it because his
neck was turned to the point his face pointed backwards and made
her feel a slight nausea until he dropped her unceremoniously on
their bed.

He was on top of her immediately, forcing his tongue in her mouth

and working to get the ruined shirt off; Ymir froze in surprise at his
sudden assault, eyes widening while his hands slid under her and
squeezed her butt, pressing her crotch on his. Ymir felt his heat even
through the clothes, his member pulsing through the fabric and
heard his grunt when he pulled back, pure animalistic need.

_W-wait a minute damn, those guys almost… ! -she tried to explain.

He didn't listen, throwing his own shirt away and leaning to suck on
her breast while staring into her eyes; the young woman felt smaller
under his gaze. Nikolai's eyes weren't the eyes of a man, but a
killer's; an animal's ferocity mixed with the coldness of ice looking
right at her without hesitation as he licked and nibbled on her nipple
before bringing a hand up to his mouth and sucking his index and
middle finger, not breaking eye contact. She couldn't take her gaze
from his lips as he sucked slow and deliberatedly, his tongue
appearing from time to time to smear his digit in saliva; then moved
his hand down, barely touching her pussy but instead going lower…
and when she felt him push against her butthole her eyes widened.

_Hold on a second! -Ymir said nervously- I… i never…

He pressed, and the tip of his finger entered her puckered hole; she
tensed when he moved closer, his eyes right in front of hers.
_You will. -he answered, and pushed deeper.

Ymir's brain registered the strange feeling of his finger going in and
out of her, curving inside and moving in circles to stretch her, while
he finally looked down and went back to her breasts; his behaviour
changed to a more gentle pace, his other hand moving carefully
along her back before bringing her for a kiss and the girl let his
tongue take the lead to focus in relaxing her body. He seemed to
sense it because soon two fingers were prodding her entrance,
working to get her insides used to being penetrated; he hummed
satisfied when Ymir finally let out a low moan and closed her eyes.

A third digit made its way inside Ymir making her squirm and rise her
hips, standing on her tiptoes when he hooked his fingers then moved
in and out of her relentlessly for a while before retreating out of the
bed and taking the rest of his clothes off; they looked at each other
intensely, Ymir's glance going between his steel gray eyes and his
erect member while he gazed all over her, licking his lips in

Nikolai knelt on the matress between the girl's legs holding her by
the thighs, and their gazes met: hers feverish, his cold; Ymir spread
her cheeks breathing dep when he teased her anus with his
member, barely penetrating the pink ring with short thrusts. She
huffed in need and crawled on her back to push against his cock and
he stayed still as she engulfed his tip; Niko answered by moving
forward, the corner of his mouth barely twitching as he leaned on
spreading her open with his meat without stopping. She savored the
strange feeling inside her, pumping long and slow; then he
whispered on her ear, and his voice was at the same time gelid ice
and searing heat.

_You really like it, don't you? -he said with a lick on her lobe- Being
taken, used?

Her nails scratched his chest, tightening around him as he shoved

deeper with stronger thrusts; Ymir panted against him with each hit,
moaning in pleasure as he fucked her and locked her legs around
his waist.

_You… bastard. -she growled- Do me like… like you mean it!

He straightened with a chuckle, holding her by the hips to bury

himself completely; Ymir arched upwards with each thrust, feeling
his heat burning her insides and driving a hand down to rub her wet
pussy. She couldn't hold her moans every time he rocked against
her, hearing the noise his cock made when he pulled out and feeling
the warmth spreading from her belly to the rest of her body; she tried
to cover her mouth with a forearm to muffle her ragged panting, but
Nikolai held her wrist and pulled the arm away.

_Don't you dare. -he said showing his teeth- I want to hear you when
i fuck you.

She shut her lips tight and looked away whimpering when he
thrusted violently then felt his lips on her throat, kissing and sucking
on her sweat covered skin; Ymir stiffened under him, pinned but not
struggling against his movement as he grinded on her completely
buried inside. She let out a soft moan when his tongue brushed her
cheek then a surprised eep as he pulled her up, leaving the freckled
girl sitting on her lap impaled by his member; she held to him, their
mouths clashing desperately as he lifted and brought her down
steadily, his hands groping her butt while moving her up and down.

His lips kissed and sucked on her small tits, his breath harsh and
fast and hot on her skin; she held him against her chest moaning
openly. Niko's cock spread her asshole every time she fell on it, a
feeling she never knew before and was quickly becoming a need as
her insides rearranged to allow him a better penetration. Ymir had
played with herself of course, but never imagined having something
like his member ramming her with such force; in that moment a
specially violent thrust send a spike of pleasure mixed with pain
through her body and her nails dug on his back, his only answer a
muffled hum before throwing her on the mattress and pulling out.
Ymir took deep breaths while he stroke his length then rolled her on
her back, leaning behind with his tip on her twitching entrance, and
she felt a slight chill on her spine when his mouth brushed on her

_If you thought that was rough… -he whispered, and she heard it in
his voice: his smile, satisfied, dominating.


_… you better bite the pillow now, slut.

He shoved in without warning in a single thrust, making Ymir cry and

stiffen; he didn't give her time to relax and pumped in and out,
holding her down by her wrists. The girl screamed as he fucked her,
biting on the fabric as her bowels tightened with each hit; she felt the
burning heat of his member push its way inside her, his ragged
panting right on her ear, and pushed back against him as much as
she could while beneath his body. Nikolai straightened so he could
rise higher, and slammed on her; Ymir howled when their bodies
clashed, but instead of trying to escape moved her hips to meet him,
feeling his balls hit against her pussy and her body burn as her
orgasm neared. The man suddenly threw himself even faster and
Ymir felt his cock throb inside her as she was caught by surprise,
clenching around his meat in ecstasy and went still when the first
shot of cum pumped inside her ass; his cock beat as his load poured
out, and the girl fell limp breathing deeply.

Nikolai licked his lips and grabbed her by the hips, pulling out slowly
then ramming against her; Ymir balled her fists on the sheets, toes
curling when he began pumping inside her once more. She felt him
still hard and hot inside her, hissing through his teeth when she
moved trying to straighten up and her ass clenched on him which he
answered by leaning on her; she felt his heartbeat on her back and
one hand going down on her labia, fingers teasing and penetrating
her moisty sex. The man held her against him as he gave short
thrusts making her rise her hips and cling to the pillow, his other
hand on her mouth muffling her howls and feeling the warm tears run
down her cheeks as he pushed deeper inside; Ymir closed her eyes
and whimpered when he hissed roughly on her ear, stiffening as he
came once more.

They remained in position for a short while, trembling against each

other; the male sighed as he pulled out, watching her asshole twitch
and his semen leak one the bed. Ymir didn't move, still catching her
breath, so Niko rolled her carefully: her eyes watched without seeing,
her face red and her whole body glistening with sweat. After a while
she looked at him and he leaned down, licking her slim belly; he
went up, savoring her until her got to the mouth and kissed deep and
wet, her arms holding him tightly. Nikolai pulled back and looked at

_I heard rumours. -he said- They're mounting a big operation to

recover the walls.

She frowned, bringing a finger to trace his lips.

_They can't beat them. You know that.

_Everyone does. -he replied- But there are too many people and not
enough food or place… they'll kill off the excess of people.

Nikolai sat on the bed and Ymir did the same; she felt a chill running
down her spine at the thought.

_When? -she whispered, and he gave her a quick look.

_In a week, more or less… then all expendables will be sent. When it
happens, you should hide.

_Me? -she asked- And you?

Nikolai smiled for the first time since his arrival, a grin that unnerved
the girl.

_I'll go. I can defend myself and…

_And what? -she said when he didn't continue; he shook his head.
_It's what i do best: fighting. But until then…

Leaning forward, he pressed his lips on her throat and sucked; his
hand held her by the nape as he licked and bit his way up, and
stopped to stare into her dark, luscious eyes.

_… i'll make sure you're never able to say you got laid with someone
better than me. -he said, deep and full of intent.

Ymir knew he was serious, despite his nonchalant smile, and gulped
slightly; then looked away and scratched her head.

_Well, i guess we should leave the inn first, before someone finds
the mess you did in the other room. -she said with a bit of a shiver.
Nikolai chuckled and caressed her thigh.

_Yeah, i guess. You need a new shirt too, take one from the dead. -
she stared at him and he shrugged- they won't need them you know.

_Still… forget it, you're right. But Niko?


_If you intend to keep that promise of yours -she said narrowing her
eyes- you better survive and come back, or i'll chop the dick off from
your corpse and use it as a dildo.

He laughed, and soon after she was doing the same; once they
calmed down he got off the bed, dressed and turned to the girl.

_It's a deal. -he finally acknowledged, and offered her a hand- Let's
get the hell outta here.


_The fuck you staring at?

Nikolai blinked and looked at the slim freckled beauty, currently

without her trainee jacket and brushing the sweat from her forehead,
frowning slightly at him; stable duty always got her a bit pissed off.
He half smiled, and sat on a wooden crate.

_Nothing… just remembering the fun times we had.

Ymir looked surprised for a second then relaxed and nodded with a
soft grin, resting on the pitchfork with hand on her hip, playing with
her belt.

_The good old days, huh? -she whispered nostalgically- Yep, i think
of them from time to time.

_I did keep that promise, didn't i? -he said smugly and she showed
her teeth, walking up to him.

_You still have your dick attached, don't you?

Niko narrowed his eyes, a wide smile appearing on as he spread his

legs and laid back resting on his elbows.

_Wanna check?

Ymir raised an eyebrow, then shook her head with a snort and
dropped the pitchfork.

And knelt between his legs.

End of Chapter.
Chapter 15
A wild smut chapter appears!

Chapter 15: What happens in Wall Sina…

Nikolai looked down to the street through the window before turning
around and walking up to the armchair inside the room, mentally
complimenting himself for choosing a place both impossible to
observe from the outside and isolated from the rest of the
government palace, one of the suites normally saved for important
nobles who had some kind of time consuming business with the
higher ups from any military branch or powerful politicians; right now
however, it was one of the two luxurious rooms where the heroes of
Trost took temporary residence while waiting for Eren's trial, delayed
by the continued festivities following the news of victory spreading
like fire in a powder warehouse: the welcome partying alone had
lasted the first three days after their arrival, with a disorganized yet
loud reception greeting both him and the blonde shifter. He was
grateful all they had to do was stick their heads out of the carriage
and wave at the exultant inhabitants of the district, just as they'd
done at every place they passed through; there was no doubt in his
mind other similar displays would take place soon to give people a
couple celebrities to distract them from the trial and its result.

The cheering roar, the noisy fanfare, the excited populace and
unending praise; a spectacle which made any conflict seem worth
the suffering, those five minutes of glory where one had the world at
his feet. But now, with everything over for the time being, Nikolai
withdrew to his private chambers, the place where he could drop the
fake proud smile he gave everyone and show the true one: the
amused and smug grin showing his teeth like a hungry wolf, eyes
wandering on the three people sitting on the long, comfy couch in
front of him.
_You… you want us to what? -Mina whispered in a soft incredulous
tone yet it was clearly heard in the silent room.

_I want you three to have sex -he stated flatly, relaxing on his seat
and crossing his arms behind his head- while i watch; bed or couch,
your choice.

Carolina blinked, gulped slowly and glanced nervously at her left,

where Mikasa sat straight as a marble column; she had no idea
Nikolai could be so daring in calling her of all people to do this.

_And what makes you think i'm taking part in this? -Ymir asked with
bored voice, making the nervous brunette look at her anxiously.

Nikolai's grin abated a little, but not the impish spark in his eyes as
he stared at the freckled girl fixedly before sitting straight, resting his
elbow on the armchair and his face on his palm.

_The fact you're a depraved bitch. -he said deep and slow- I've seen
you look at Mina back in the camp, and know there's nothing in your
mind about her but rubbing that cute face on your cunt.

The taller girl worked her jaw feeling a bit of heat creeping up to her
face, not daring to gaze at Carolina who stared at her wide eyed
briefly before turning to look at the floor; the shifter clicked her
tongue to dismiss it.

_And what about Ackerman? I'm actually surprised she hasn't

murdered you before storming out.

_Ymir please, you must have seen her in the showers… i'd bet my
life you've fingered yourself more than once while thinking of her. -he
replied amusedly, the tanned soldier's nose wrinkling while the
corners of her mouth twitched.

_Maybe, maybe not. But what i mean is… -she paused then turned
to look at Mikasa- why aren't you saying anything? Don't you have a
problem with this?
The asian had remained silent the whole time, her eyes switching
between the two people talking and her hands on her lap without
participating until Ymir adressed her: she frowned in thought for a
few moments and then nodded looking at Niko, blush slowly
appearing on her cheeks.

_There is a problem. -she said at last.

Ymir's eyes narrowed, that wasn't the reaction she expected:

Ackerman sounded not upset at all but mildly confused, with a hint of
hesitation more likely to be found on a student who didn't quite grasp
a concept but feared asking her teacher; Nikolai abandoned his
display of smugness and gave her his attention.

_What is it Mikasa? -he asked with kindness uncommon for him; the
girl looked down and the blush intensified.

_I've never been with another woman Nikolai.

_I know. -he said softly- I quite monopolyzed you.

He stood up, ignoring both the shocked look on Mina's face at his
statement and Ymir's huff as he knelt in front of Mikasa with a gentle
smile. Now the freckled brunette understood her passive behaviour
better, she had underestimated the asian's submission to him.

_I realize you have doubts, but it's alright; I assure you, you'll enjoy
this… she will see to that, won't you Ymir? -he said smugly.

The shifter nodded slightly, more focused in the idea of taking

Ackerman to bed than in being offended at his tone, and saw the girl
relax a bit; Nikolai then turned to look at Carolina.

_What about you? -he asked, although he knew he didn't have to-
Will you do it?

Mina fixed her eyes on the polished wooden floor, lips curled in, and
nodded repeatedly.
_Yes i will, i… -she stopped, eyed Ymir and inhaled- I'm okay with it.

The man's smile grew a bit and he nodded before shifting his
attention to the last girl.

_They're ready if you are. -Ymir was sure he meant 'when'- Bed or

_Bed. -she answered immediately.

She left her seat and walked up to the big bedding, plopping on the
soft mattress and humming at the comfort of the silk covering it;
without paying attention to the rest she began undressing, soon
wearing only her panties.

_What are you waiting for? -she called the other girls- Let's get

Both neared the bed with a bit of hesitation: Mikasa finally took her
jacket and shirt off, revealing her training tank top and solid abs,
while Mina took her boots and socks off before climbing on and
following the asian's lead; she was unbuttoning her shirt when Ymir's
hands were on her thighs, pulling her pants impatiently and making
her eep in surprise. Carolina fell on all fours and the freckled girl
knelt behind, her thin fingers massaging her lower cheeks and a
wide smile on her face.

_My, what a lovely butt. -she purred- I can't wait to take a bite.

The brunette said nothing, her face blushing furiously as Ymir's

hands slid up to her back then to her flat belly and under her
unbuttoned shirt; her deft hands groped her small breasts, itching to
take the bra out of the way, and Mina made a little sound when the
other pressed her crotch against her rear, her lips planting a kiss on
her nape.

Meanwhile Mikasa finished undressing, leaving her clothes neatly

piled on the floor; her cheeks had a visible red tone as she climbed
on the bed and knelt in front of the other two: the shifter's eyes
devoured her naked body while Mina's were fixed on her pussy,
checking the short and straight hair on her bush. Ackerman took a
glance at Nikolai who sat on the armchair not making a sound, to the
point she almost forgot he was there and instead felt like she was
looking at a statue: he was so still she could clearly see his chest
move when he breathed, his face seemed sculpted in granite with
his usual grin gone; his eyes, however… his eyes smiled.

And that was all she needed.

The asian leaned forward with her eyes closed and lips pursed,
feeling Ymir's hot breath as her mouth found hers and her tongue
pushed forward; Ackerman whimpered a bit and hugged the girl by
the neck to steady herself while Mina, losing her inhibitions at their
display, held on her thighs to make a trail of kisses on her hardened
six-pack making the ace cadet gasp and break the kiss for a
moment. Ymir gave a playful bite on her lower lip and backed down
to hastily undo the middle girl's bra and throw it away while pointing
at Mikasa to lay on the pillows; as she did the other two got rid of
their underwear.

Ymir laid on her belly, face centimeters away from Mikasa's pussy
while Mina knelt at her side looking expectantly at the shifter now
licking her lips; the freckled girl eyed Carolina and smiled.

_Pay attention baby, you'll be doing this in a while. -she said with a
wink, while the other looked aside, chukling nervously.

_Well, i… -she mumbled, before shutting her mouth and nodding.

Satisfied Ymir turned her gaze to Mikasa, whose back rested on the
pillows, and began rubbing her labia gently with a finger while using
the tip of her tongue to tease on her clitoris; the asian tensed a bit
then relaxed under her touch, closing her eyes when she gave a
stronger lick and two fingers went a bit inside her, spreading her
softly while her womanhood got wetter.
Mina felt her body begin to heat up when Ymir finally placed her
mouth on Mikasa's sex and pushed her tongue in, one hand sliding
under the ace's butt to squeeze at her leisure while the other went to
her own crotch to touch herself; the chatty cadet brought a hand up
to her breast and pinched on her nipple and the other went down,
eyes trained on Ackerman's flushed face as he was serviced. A low
rustle got her attention: she looked back at Nikolai and swallowed at
seeing his hand go into his underwear to pull his hardening member
out; she got an idea and turned to face him, touching herself more

But he ignored her, looking exclusively at the other two as Ymir crept
upwards to suck on Mikasa's tit, making the asian whimper and
holding her by the butt to grind her pussy on her thigh; the man's
mouth twitched into a slim smile, his hand running on his erection
slowly, and his eyes glanced briefly at Mina before making a tiny
gesture with his head pointing at the loving couple, and she got it: he
didn't want her to put a show alone.

Ymir was giving a soft bite on the pale breast when she felt Mina's
small tits pressing on her back; then the girl's face came over her
shoulder to suck on Ackerman's free nipple while her hands slid
down the freckled's body and slender fingers played on her labia.
Ymir flashed a wolfish grin at the girl behind and placed her hand on
her shaved pussy, hooking two fingers inside while biting on the
asian's nipple briefly before stopping her actions and standing on the
bed, her juice leaking down her thighs as she spread herself in front
of the top cadet.

_Come on Mikasa. -she said circling her clit with a finger- Time for
you to taste pussy.

The girl knelt slowly, placing her hands on Ymir's legs for support
and neared her face to the other's labia; then she glanced upwards
for an instant before closing her eyes and gently sucking on her
lower lips, using her tongue to probe her a bit and recoiling a bit a
the taste. Ymir made a clicking sound and held her by the head,
rubbing insistenly until the asian budged and began licking again
with a bit more of enthusiasm.

_Good girl, good girl. -she purred- Don't worry, you'll love it in no ti…

A sudden gasp cut her words and she looked back in surprise to see
Mina squeezing her buttocks with an impish smile; then the petite
cadet winked at her and leaned forward to give a good lick on her
asshole that made Ymir inhale sharply.

_Oh gods, that felt good! -she whispered.

Her hand moved on her own to shove Mina against her butt,
although she didn't need to: Carolina's tongue wiggled on her
entrance and suddenly went inside, the brunette grunting a bit as her
fingers played with her own sex making slick sounds. In front of her
Mikasa overcame her initial hesitation and licked more intensely all
over Ymir's hairy cunt and the tanned soldier threw her head back in
ecstasy at the attention they gave her. Mina hummed and slurped on
her entrance, slapping her cheeks soundly to make her grunt in
pleasure, her pussy dripping on the sheets when she yelped and
turned around to see Nikolai grinning behind and making a gesture
not to say anything; his hand was on her lower zone, his middle and
ring fingers teasing and entering her pussy while his thumb pressed
on her puckered hole until it gave up and buried inside, making Mina
clench her teeth.

But Niko's fingering didn't hinder the brunette's performance: on the

contrary, knowing he was in the game now made the girl put so
much energy on her rimjob Ymir bucked her hips forward at her
licking and nibbling, rubbing her wet cunt on Mikasa's face; the asian
held her by the waist to keep her still and sucked on her clitoris,
enjoying the muffled whimpering from the usually loud soldier. Ymir
straightened herself somehow and began massaging her breasts,
pinching her nipples and humming in satisfaction.

Without interrupting his attentions on Mina Nikolai climbed and knelt

on the bed, to which the girl's hand searched blindly until she
grasped his cock and sarted stroking; after a few moments she
moved away from Ymir's ass to bend down and suck on his head
before going back to the girl. The man chuckled at her display and
Mikasa's head poked from behind Ymir, face lighting up when she
saw him, and crawled towards Niko; he pat her head gently as she
started bobbing up and down on him on all fours while Ymir turned to
look at them frowning, then stood behind the asian and pulled her
away by the hips making her eep in surprise. The freckled soldier
immediately turned her on her back, kneeling between her legs and
looming over Mikasa, their cunts rubbing together.

_Don't think you can leave me so easily! -she snarled with a wolfish

Not giving the flushed Ackerman a chance to reply Ymir put her
hands under her butt and humped hard against the star recruit,
Mikasa gripping the sheets tightly as the other hit hard against her
and licked on her exposed throat when she threw her head back to
moan only to be shut up by Nikolai's thick member forced inside her
mouth. The man licked his lips, enjoying the view some moments
before pulling back and clearing his throat.

_Let's not forget we're four in this, alright? -he said, and gestured for
Mina to get closer.

He exchanged a brief look with Ymir and she got the message at
once, instructing Mikasa to stay in place while she changed position
to scissor her and Nikolai placed Mina above Ackerman in a sixty
nine leaving Carolina's wet pussy in full view for the asian; then the
male's dick neared and he rubbed his tip on both of the chatty
brunette's entrances.

_Damn, i can't choose which one i'm fucking. -he muttered- You
know what? I'll let Mikasa pick for me.

Said girl opened her eyes wide at such "honor" before grasping him
with one hand while the other three awaited her decision; she
considered her two options carefully and then…
_Here! -she said, placing his cock on Mina's pussy.

_You sure? -he asked, and the asian nodded before realizing he
couldn't see her.

_Yes. I want to l-lick your b-balls while you do it. -she muttered,
blushing furiously but still sounding decided.

The one about to be penetrated swallowed when he chuckled deeply

at Ackerman's phrase and grabbed her by the hips, his knees on
each side of Mikasa's head as he pushed in making Mina huff as his
cock spread her, stopping at half way and nodding at Ymir, who
began to grind on Mikasa with force and at the same time pushed
the other girl down to have her mouth on their cunts. He pushed
forward more, making Mina whimper but despite that she kept licking
on the two cadets's exposed labia as they frotted feverishly, panting
at the slick contact between their sexes.

The man thrusted forward, burying to the hilt inside Mina and staying
still a few moments enjoying Mikasa's soft lips barely touching his
testicles, her mouth open to let out quick and short panting as Ymir
rubbed their pussies together and Mina serviced as best as she
could now he wasn't moving; then the asian stuck her tongue out
and licked him, taking her time to play with both of his balls and
sucking one in her mouth at a time until he moved and began
pumping into Carolina with short but powerful thrusts, his cock filling
her to the brim and making her moan cutely. Ackerman let her
tongue out to try and lick him as he moved above, using her hands
to hold him by the hips from time to time and play for a bit before
letting him fuck the brunette again; Mikasa then focused on grinding
her cunt on Ymir's as hard as she could, the feeling of the freckled
girl's labia on her making Ackerman feel a jolt run through her body
as her first female partner made her near orgasm.

Ymir was in heaven as Mikasa's strong pussy twitched against hers

and Mina sucked and whimpered as Nikolai drilled her from behind,
making the poor girl rub her face on their crotches while showing an
unfocused look; the tanned soldier felt her body going hotter by the
minute and her sex tremble in anticipation at the thought of marking
both girls with her juice and eyed the man slamming against the
petite girl and letting a guttural moan escape from time to time,
sweat sticking his shirt to his skin showing his muscular body
beneath as he plowed the whimpering mess Carolina as turning into
as she felt his cock ram up to her womb relentlessly yet didn't stop
licking both Ymir and Mikasa with enthusiasm.

Mina's toes curled and her legs shook with each thrust he gave and
each moan the other two made threatening to break both her body
and her sanity, until his hand came down on her head and pushed
her on the wetness of Ymir and Mikasa's cunts when he crouched
behind and went for fast, full long thrusts that made the girl scream
against the other two and barely felt both the freckled girl's hands on
her temples and Ackerman's leg locking on behind her neck and
holding her as both reached a simultaneous orgasm: the shifter
managed to move back and squirted on Mikasa's quivering pussy
and all over Mina's mouth and chin. Nikolai went to grip her by the
hips hard enough to leave marks and fucked her without mercy
before slamming against her to the hilt, his cock pulsing as he shot
his load inside the girl gritting his teeth to hold back a curse and
staying still until the last drop was in her. He then settled back in
position right above Mikasa, who kissed his balls before he pulled
out and simply let his member rub on her face and hissing when she
began licking his tingling shaft; he said nothing and proceeded to
use two fingers to spread Mina's pussy and waiting until he saw his
cum begin to leak out before sighing in satisfaction and getting off
the bed.

_Your lunch. -he said with a smile, patting the raven haired warrior
when she began sucking on the sore pussy to drink his seed.

Ymir looked at him with harsh eyes still catching her breath as he
walked around the bed to stand beside her and Mina.

_You trained her well. -she said tiredly, pointing at the slurping asian
with her chin, and he chuckled.
_Both i trained well. -he answered, leaning towards the other
graduate and kissing her deeply.

Mina perked up a bit, moaning shyly when both Mikasa's and his
tongue wiggled in her two spots; when Niko broked the kiss he gave
her a smug smirk.

_You taste a bit like both of them. -he pointed, and she blushed and

_You… taste a bit like Annie. -she informed.

His smile vanished to be replaced by a surprised look that made the

girl feel proud: it was one of the few times he'd been caught off ward.

_And how do you know that? -he asked and she glanced away but
still smiled.

_Back in training camp you once told me to… to go and fool around
to see what i could learn. -she said resting on Mikasa's legs- And i
once asked Annie if she wanted to try something new and, well, we
had fun quite a few times: that's how i learned to eat pussy, and
some other things.

Nikolai whistled in recognition, placing his hands on his hips and

shaking his head while grinning.

_Huh. I had a hunch Annie had a girl lover by how she began to look
a with more… interest at her female comrades, but i never expected
you to be her. -he said with a chuckle- Maybe you could show me
what you've been doing when i'm not around.

_So you were with her before being with us? -Ymir asked slightly
annoyed- Are you constantly in heat?

_She asked me for some oral sex. -he explained- But Annie was
called for interrogation before she could return the favor, so i had to
find another way to release my pent up hornyness. Good thing you
were around.

Mikasa, not showing any discomfort from being still under Mina,
gave the man a questioning look.

_So are you going to include Annie in future… activities?

_Maybe. -he said impishly- Or maybe someone else…

_Can't you be a bit more perverted? -Ymit asked half mocking, half
praising him; Nikolai hummed, smiling openly at the trio.

_Let's find out, shall we?

End of Chapter.
Chapter 16
Back after a long while, to visit a sexy if also grumpy lady… second
half may trigger some people.

Chapter 16: The Silver Rose.

_ So you'll be here all day on your own?

The question made Nikolai eye the woman speaking while walking
around the sand bag hanging from the ceiling. Along with most of the
work offices, the main training room was the perfect place to go to if
one wanted to be alone; unfortunately the offices were now busy
with the two titan's deaths and Eren's trial and of course had nothing
for Niko to entertain himself with.

_I wasn't expecting company. -he said shrugging- Although i

welcome it, in your case at least. I wanted to meet you properly.

_And by properly you mean…

He chuckled and gave a fierce kick to the bag that echoed in the big,
empty room. Rico's eyebrows rose at the strength of his attack while
the man, wearing his uniform from the waist down and a simple
black tank top neared her: his toned body covered in a thin layer of
sweat but otherwise showing no signs of being tired. Niko extended
a hand at her smiling confidently and after a momentary confusion
she took it, giving him a seizing look.

_Nikolai, future member of the Survey Corps. -he mentioned the

branch with genuine pride- At your service.

_Rico Brzenska, squad leader of the Inner Garrison forces. -her eyes
narrowed, as if not trusting what he said- You said you're joining the
Corps? Despite what the MP is offering you?
_The Legion gives me what i want. -he answered with a shrug-
Action, purpose, a chance to put my skills to use… nothing of which i
can find in here.

_Well, it's nice to know you won't be part of them. -she said with a
slightly relieved tone he didn't miss.

_Bad blood with the center's authorities, huh? -he commented with
an agreeing nod- I knew from way back they're a buch of useless
pricks, and that's at their best.

_The only thing they do is pile work upon us, telling us to solve
problems they make. -Rico grumbled bitterly- Several are connected
with smuggling groups, drug dealing rings and who knows what else
and some don't even bother to hide it!

He smirked at her despctive tone, which made the silver haired

woman look aside with slight embarrasment; Rico cleared her throat
and turned back to him.

_Sorry, forget about that. And what about Leonhardt? Is she going
with you? -she asked trying to sound neutral.

Niko crossed his arms and shook his head, feeling a bit amused at
her resigned frown at the news.

_She aimed for the MP since the beginning. -he told her, waving a
hand dismisively- But don't worry, she's a cautious one; you can't
catch Annie off guard very often, and i bet she'll try to keep a low
profile until she settles in her post.

_Given her status as a celebrity, a low profile doesn't seem like an


Nikolai laughed, deep and long, and Rico felt her face getting a little
hotter when he looked at her with cunning eyes.
_You don't know her. No one's going to make her do anything
against her will once this small circus is over, she's not going to bow
at requests or bribes… she's strong, trust me. They'll learn to leave
her alone the easy way or the hard way.

_A tough girl you say?

_Barring me and maybe Ackerman, she's the best hand-to-hand

fighter you'll find within the walls. She'll probably kick someone's ass
in her first week, given whom she's going to work with. But…

He strode up to the soldier, halting a step away from her with a

calculating look.

_You're not here to talk about her, are you?

Rico eyed him up and down, thinking her next move; Nikolai was as
straightforward as she'd been told.

_No, that's true. I came here for you, i've wanted to meet you for a

_And what is it you want from me? -he asked almost purring, tilting
his head with a soft yet unnerving smile; Rico inhaled through her

_I wanted to find out if at least half the things they say are true. -she
took her glasses off to clean them, giving herself an excuse to avoid
his piercing gaze- If so, then the visit's worth it.

_And what did they tell you about me? The girls i mean. -He asked
casually; Brzenska almost dropped her glasses, shooting a surprised
look at the man.

_How…? -she began, stopped and frowned- Did anyone come to

see you?

_No, not really but you just confirmed my suspicions; you said you
wanted to know if what they said was true, which means you heard
something that's not in the reports. Something less battle related yet
more… personal, right?

Rico knew by the heat on her face she was beginning to blush…
intensely. She worked her jaws, giving the man a warning glare in
case he felt like laughing at her, but Nikolai had no trace of mockery
on his features; on the contrary, he know looked quite interested.

_How did you find out? -he asked.

_I just found it strange to bring someone all the way from Trost given
we could simply ask for reports, not to mention none of them were in
your squad. I didn't piece it together until i overheard some MP
mooks talking about your… adventures back in training.

_And you talked to some of them?

_Two of them. -he raised an eyebrow and she sighed- Braus and

_Alright, now i must know what they said. -he said chuckling and she

_It wasn't really hard. Braus thought it was another interrogation

when i asked her for a word in private, and wasn't shy about the
details in your arrangement. Never spoke of what you did though.

_And what about Krista?

Brzenska looked away, breathing slowly through her mouth as their

conversation replayed in her mind.

_She used a… very different approach. Lenz began to tell me about

you adventures back in camp wihout much hesitation, and wasn't
shy about the details; on the contrary, i think she even made some
things up. She even… even suggested we could have a threesome,
not very subtly. It's as if she knew i wasn't speaking of this just to
_She's adventurous and way smarter than you think. -Niko said, face
softening with a fond smile as he looked at nothing- I really
appreciate that girl.

_The feeling's mutual, if her way of adressing you is any sign.

He nodded in agreement, not saying a word about it, and suddenly

eyed the woman a bit suspiciously.

_I have one more question, Rico. -his voice had a subtle note of
mischief, something that made the woman focus on him more than

_What is it now?

_That noise i heard when you entered. Did you by any chance… lock
the door? -he asked softly.

She swallowed, caught off guard by the question since she didn't
expect him to have such a sharp sense of hearing. The man's smile
went wider as his eyes emptied from any caution.


Without giving her a chance to react he closed the distance in one

step, grabbing the woman by the collar with a hand and lifting her for
a harsh kiss, biting on her lip while his other hand buried between
her buttcheeks, digging hard enough for Rico to feel the fabric
pushing a bit inside her. The woman yelped in surprise while kissed
and tried to push him away, but he hugged her harder to grind the
quickly growing bulge on her crotch as his hand left her shirt to go to
her nape, holding her mouth to mouth while Niko carried her towards
one of the columns in the huge room.

Rico felt the cold stone against her back and his grip eased on her
as he broke the kiss to let her breathe. In those first moments,
Nikolai had been so agressive and forward she'd actually felt fear
upon remembering the physicall prowess from the reports and
knowing herself at his mercy; that's why she didn't move when he
eyed her, his chest going up and down against hers, and then went
for a softer smooch on her neck.

_Scared you? -he mumbled on her ear, making her seethe.

_A-as if. -she cursed internally at her stutter- You surprised me, idiot.

_And you locked yourself with an animal. -he replied, using a hungry
tone that made her lower zone twitch- But i'll play nice… for now.

He let go, hands caressing her thighs as he undid her belts and
pulled her pants and underwear down to her knees, showing a
carefully shaved vagina with just the right amount of moist.

_For me? -he asked innocently and she bared her teeth.

_For comfort.

_Fair enough.

He placed his face on her pussy, tongue running up and down her
entrance before entering the woman; Rico closed her eyes, resting
her head against the stone and sighing in satisfaction as he lapped
on her sex, fluids leaking down his chin as her lube flowed from the
stimulation. Then Niko used his thumbs to spread her open and
place his mouth directly on her, his tongue pushing and wiggling
inside and earning a surprised and long moan from the soldier,
whose hands held him in place as he serviced her. He backed away
to insert his middle and index inside her pussy, scissoring inside the
woman who hummed pleasingly and eyed him when he pulled her
clothes further down.

_That was a good licking. -she admitted- It's hard to find guys so
eager to eat cunt these days even if you shave.

_It's a matter of good taste.

_Mine or yours? -she joked and he chuckled as he stood up.

With deliberate slowness he unzipped his pants, showing off his
strained boxers before pulling his meat out; RIco's eyes went wide at
his size as he stroke himself without hurry, ready to go.

_Any comments Rico? -he whispered and she eyed him a bit unsure.

_Lenz wasn't making that part up i guess. Did she really… take it all?

_Fit like a fucking glove. -he replied smugly, placing his tip on her

They stood facing each other, pants down to their ankles; his hands
held her waist firmly as he pushed into the woman, easily shoving
half his cock inside until she tightened, scratching the column behind
her and sticking her hips forward. Without a word he moved further,
taking small steps as his erection opened its way deeper and Rico
quickly took off and pocketed her glasses. The woman kept her
mouth shut but the strangled moans coming from her throat betrayed
her and the man smiled smugly when their crotches touched, moving
his hips in a small circle while both admired the small bulge visible
on her lower belly; panting and with an incredulous look Rico placed
her hand on the potrusion, which he answered by moving back and
forth letting her feel it move against her palm.

Nikolai bit down a laugh and pulled back further before shoving his
hips against the soldier who opened her mouth with a loud moan,
taking deep breaths as he readied once more; his next ram was
harder enough to push her into her tiptoes, literally feeling him
pushing inside her womb.

_Holy… fuck! -she panted- Slow down a… bit!

His only answer was to bring a hand up to unbutton her shirt, which
didn't hinder his movements; however he listened and settled for a
shorter pull followed by a slower thrust, still having her clenching
hard on him. He finished the buttons and didn't waste a second in
shoving his hand under her bra, fondling her tits with enthusiasm.
Brzenska tried placing a hand behind her head to prevent a
headache from being pushed against the stone but he suddenly
pulled out, clicking his tongue.

_Let's change the panorama. -he said fiercely.

Without warning he went down and lifted her legs, making the
surprised woman eep and support on the column; he ignored the
shocked glare and placed her knees against her chest, pulling her
clothes off without delay: pants, underwear and boots were thrown
carelessly on the floor while he kicked his own off and away. Not
giving her chance to protest, Niko pointed his cock's head against
her entrance and glanced at the woman with a smile before shoving
himself to the hilt in one go.

Rico's legs went stiff against her body when he pierced her innards
crying in half agony and half pleasure, scratching the stone; Niko
then grabbed her butt and backed away from the column, forcing the
woman to hold on him as he lifted her and let her fall on his erection,
impaling her even deeper. He fucked without mercy, enjoying her
half-curses when she wasn't busy sucking his tongue as they kissed,
their bodies covered in sweat. Rico felt a slight sting on the base of
her back but didn't pay attention as he pounded her mindless until he
raised her higher than before and slammed on her once making her
cry, twice and she screamed and a third time as both orgasms hit,
Niko hugging her tightly as his cum sprayed inside and her juices
leaked on the floor.

She relaxed, still held by him as her climax subsided and the man
carefully let one leg down then the other but didn't let go; she was
thankful for that because she felt numb from the thighs down and
didn't want to ruin it by falling on her butt.

_Alright, i concede. -she panted- That… was awesome.


Brzenska looked at him still trying to regain her breath when he

began walking and she held to his neck.
_Wh… what are you doing? -she asked surprised.

He didn't answer but instead gave her a quick glance with a devious
grin, and only then Rico noticed it: he was still hard and inside of her.

_Wait a minute, let me rest! I can't…

Nikolai kissed her. It was harsh and full of tongue while his hands
groped her ass tight and the woman whimpered; when he broke
away he looked at her the way a starving wolf looks at a lone lamb.

_I said i'd be nice… for now. And the "now" part is over.

He stood in front of the boxing bag and lifted the woman until his
member was out then effortlessly turned her around, letting Rico fall
forward and watching amusedly when she held to it to avoid falling
on the floor; he positioned behind, his cock pushing against her with
his glans already inside holding her by the hips. The woman looked
back with a spark of fear mixed with anxiety, bent over and barely
standing on her tiptoes as he stroked his length, ready to go.

_Oh god, oh god… Niko please, i beg you, give me a minute! -she
mumbled entranced by his domination, his predatory smile.

He didn't seem to hear, his hands going to her front and down to
spread her legs as he got ready; at the last moment however he
leaned over her, his member sliding little by little as he reached and
grabbed her by the throat, pulling her back to whisper in her ear.

_Do you know who beg? -he replied casually.

A hand pressed on her sex and she tightened around him, breathing
quickly when he stopped half way in; he inhaled, savoring her sweat,
the smell of her hair, feeling her pulse quick on his fingers as he
whispered one last word.

He rammed into her and Rico screamed against the bag as he
straightened to thrust with all his strength, slamming hard enough to
mak it sound all over the empty room; Brzenska gritted her teeth,
snarling when his cock pushed all the way in and hearing his fierce,
victorious grunts. His fingers grabbed Rico's waist strongly enough
to leave marks on her skin, enjoying the view of the woman
desperately holding to the punching bag when he lifted her a bit
more to pierce her more comfortably; she felt her feet hanging in the
air as he fucked her fast and violently, scraping her innards and
making the usually serious and collected woman moan, toes curling
every time he penetrated and pushed against her womb's entrance
to the point it began to stretch under his assault. Nikolai fucked her
hard, stopping from time to time to bury in her and grind his hips
against her own while teasing her labia and clitoris with his fingers.

_Feel that? -he said ramming her so hard she actually shouted and
scratched the bag- That's your little baby room, about to be opened
wide. Has anyone reached this far?

Rico bawled incoherently which he answered by slapping her butt

swiftly, and her pussy clenched on him almost painfully yet Niko
didn't seem bothered by it.

_I asked you a question. -he said, and marked every next word with
a brutal thrust- Has… someone… fucked… you… like… this?!

_N-no! -she gurgled, legs trembling- Never has… no one… fuck!

_I didn't get the last part, little slut! -he said with another slap- Speak

Rico her face to him, and Niko licked his lips at the sight: sweat and
tears ran down her face, her mouth was open and drooling and she
fought to focus her eyes on him.

_N-o one fu-u-cked me like thiiis! -she cried- You're g-gonna tear me
in half!
He laughed and suddenly pulled her away from the bag, kneeling on
the ground along the woman and pulling out; Rico barely had time to
take a breath when he pushed her on her belly then turned her
around, spreading her legs wide. She eyed him lustfully and threw
her head back when Nikolai shoved his cock in easily after the
relentless fucking he'd given the soldier, hugging her tight to kiss
hungrily while his hips moved up and down at a faster and faster
pace. Rico moaned and whimpered on his lips, barely managing to
breathe as her strongest orgasm ever came closer and closer until
her body suddenly stiffened and she clung to him with all her
strength, scratching his sking through the tank top while he kept
ramming, cock twitching and about to burst. Then, when Brzenska
thought she was going insane he broke the kiss with a muffled curse,
thrusting one last time and finally bursting into her womb as his cum
poured inside. He pulled out with a relieved sigh, a string of juice and
cum joining their sexes, and watched as Rico's consciousness
slipped away in a lust filled bliss.

Brzenska opened her eyes wide all of a sudden, staring at the

room's ceiling and being hit by the unpleasant feeling of her sweaty
clothes sticking to her body; she tried to sit up, only for a fiery sting
to shoot from her groin, making her cover her mouth with a hand
while the other went to massage the mistreated zone. Only then she
noticed she was half naked, with only her top covered, and felt

_You alive honey?

Nikolai appeared into her view sporting a cocky smile she didn't
bother in feel disgusted at due both the exhaustion and the
memories, so she settled for closing her eyes and sighing tiredly.

_How long was i out? -she asked weakly.

_About twenty minutes. -she heard a soft thud beside her- Yout
clothes. Do you want me to, um, help you?
Any other person on any other day would have been given a glare or
even a smack on the head, but the woman knew from the feeling it
would be a fight only to get dressed so she simply nodded and he
got to work; in his defense he was really delicate and caring, only
making her feel a slight discomfort. Once he was done, Rico have
him a piercing look.

_You came inside, twice, and i have no idea if it was even safe. If…

_I've got some "begone baby" stuff in my room, came as part of a

bunch of presents. I'll walk you there as soon as you can stand,
which shouldn't be long.

_They gave you contraceptives as a present?

_They are doing all they can to keep me within Wall Sina… even
providing me with means to fuck merrily ever after. -he chuckled- I'm
definitely taking all that with me, not that i really need it but better be
safe than dad.

Brzenska couldn't help a snort, and only then noticed Niko's jacket
under her head as a pillow; making some effort she sat up, wincing a
bit, and handed it to him.

_Alright, i owe Lenz a drink. -she grunted, and rubbed her back- She
said you'd be the best lay i could ask for and she wasn't wrong, i
admit it. But if this is how you deal, i'm going to have to back off for
my health.

_Oh, i can be gentle. -he said with a wink- I was just showing off.

Rico eyed him with narrowed eyes, working her jaw before speaking.

_Did you know the three branches meet at least three times per
month? -she asked, and he nodded.

_Ian told me when i had a chat with him. He also said you never
looked forward to the meetings.
He looked at her with a sly smirk, and Rico rolled her eyes but still
smiled back.

_Well… maybe now i will.

End of chapter.

Yep, i'm still alive. And yep, i'm working on most of the other stories,
i'm just buried up to my neck in exams and stuff.
Chapter 17
Warning: Asphyxia play.

Chapter 17: Choking point.

Nikolai didn't consider himself a charmer of women: he didn't have

the inclination to court, flatter, play nice and put on a show to get a
fancy lady to drop her panties; whenever they tried to play hard he
found himself quitting the chase faster than a bullet. He dashed,
overwhelmed, took, conquered: he knew his greatest weapons were
his confidence, his physique and his bold, almost reckless nature
coupled with a good dose of wit, daring and not so slight
manipulation and/or provocation.

Oh, and pheromones. A tricky gift from the more prominent species
conforming his otherwise mostly human DNA.

They weren't mind blowing or specially powerful, but given enough

time and in proper amount could get women to be welcoming of his
presence; only after that the "horny factor" kicked in and they
became more and more susceptible, yet NIko was aware he couldn't
go too far: whatever they did with him was ultimately their choice and
he was glad of it, since that meant they were as naughty as they
showed… all he did was give them a push in the right -or wrong-

As any humanoid produced pheromone it worked on a single

species unless harvested and distilled, which he wouldn't do, and
only if they weren't aware of their existence. And since he was
mostly human, it worked only on them; another reason for him to be
happy of reaching a human populated planet and getting into military
training, with groups of girls who after a while didn't seem to be
bothered by him when he approached after working, covered in
sweat and sporting a smug grin…
However, now he was in the Corps and things were quite different
from training camp. No big numbers, no girls clutching together, no
real chance to be sweaty and around the right people since showers
were a must after the day's chores, as a way to avoid bothering
fellow scouts and mostly to keep Ackerman from going insane. Yet
despite that he felt glad he chose that branch, and for a simple

There were no couples in the Legion, there was no place for

romance or love. The people in that group knew what they faced and
how it would eventually end unless they retired, either by fear on
injury (he noticed the first was actually a rare case; they were as
crazy as people thought apparently). Some, like Erwin, had turned
that void into a strong commitment for their cause bordering zealotry;
others, while also commited, had chosen a different approach to that

Niko wasn't sure if word of his behaviour reached the Corps or

Nanaba simply had a great eye for sex partners: all the man knew
was she didn't waste a second in small talk and the moment they
were alone on the corridors her slim hand was on his groin, feeling
his package briefly before nodding with an approving hum.

_My room, after dinner? -she asked while he stared blankly before

_It's a date, i guess. -he finally said and she smirked.

_Not really. -she replied with a giggle- But close enough.

He waited with anticipation until sunlight began to fade, hiding his

excitement under his cocky smile and taking a stroll towards her
bedroom; he grinned when the woman, sporting only a tank top and
briefs, pulled him by the shirt as soon as he stepped inside and
kissed him furiously. Her hands went straight to his waist, groping
and feeling through the fabric of his pants roughly enough to make
him groan into the kiss and buck forward, seeking to frot against her;
Nanaba's tongue played with his as she undid belts and slid under
his underwear, breaking away only when her fingers got a grip on his
swelling cock and looking at him a bit wide eyed.

_Damn. -she mumbled- I'm definitely not letting you go for tonight.

_Won't your neighbours complain about the noise? -he asked.

_I've told them beforehand, they'll use earplugs.

He snorted and took his jacket and shirt off, taking a small vial from a
pocket he gave it to the woman: it contained a faint red colored
liquid, and she nodded approvingly.

_Just in case, not that i should worry much. -he said.

It was true: due his genes, he'd have a harder time breeding with
pure-blooded humans the traditional way; despite that he didn't want
to take chances if he could avoid it. Nanaba took the vial, uncorked it
and smelled its contents.

_Berry flavored. -she whispered and drank- Not bad… or cheap.

_Considering the reward i was given, not buying the best before
coming would have been a crime.

WIth a wide grin the woman turned around, throwing her tank top
aside, and walked towards the bed with a nice sway of her hips:
Nikolai had to admit for someone with a tomboyish look Nanaba's
ass was lovely, plump enough to make her underwear tighten around
it, and make his own tighten in turn. Without a word she climbed on
the matress, resting on all fours then lowering her head on the pillow
while looking at him with feline playfulness.

Niko was on his boxers when he crawled behind her, pressing his
bulge on her rear and laying on the woman's back; his hands ran up
and down her sides, caressing her breasts, her abs and reaching to
her thin lips. Nanaba hummed pleasantly when he pushed harder,
feeling his heat through the fabric and his soft nibble on her shoulder
and with a swift movement of her hands pulled her underwear down
to reveal her wet entrance. The man straightened and used his
thumbs to tease and spread her a bit before moving backwards to
get enough space and leaned down.

The woman gasped softly when something wet and wiggly touched
her asshole, moving around the puckered hole in a playful manner; it
tickled a bit yet felt so good and dirty. While his fingers teased her
pussy his mouth worked on her back entrance stopping only fot a
quick bite on her cheeks. Two digits suddenly sunk inside her,
scissoring and spreading the moisty walls of her womahood; Nanaba
moaned and gripped on the pillow tight when his tongue entered her
a bit, his hand holding her in place as he ate her butt like his life
depended on it.

After a while of servicing her and wIth a satisfied growl Nikolai

straightened and grinned at her panting, looking at her leaking and
twitching cunt. His underwear was getting decidedly uncomfortable
so he got rid of it and aligned his throbbing erection against her and
pushed: there had been enough foreplay, and he enjoyed her
stranled cry when his meat buried almost to the hilt, finding
resistance on the deepest part of her insides.

Nanaba bit the pillow and snarled like a rabid cat when he shoved
himself in without warning, her walls stretching a bit painfully to
welcome his cock, and curled her toes when he started pumping
away at a fast pace; his fingers would surely leave marks on her
waist where he held her as his member pierced through her. The wet
slap of her bodies echoed in the room as he pulled back and
rammed fiercely.

_I'm gonna… fucking carve your pussy with my dick! -he barked as
he slammed on her.

She scratched the matress, unable to speak as he fucked her hard

when she felt his chest on her back and a hand on her throat; Niko
was mounting her like a dog, his hot breath on her ear, and then his
fingers closed around her neck. Nanaba's eyes bulged when the air
was cut from her, pussy clenching around his meat tighter than
before; he chuckled almost cruelly and released.

_I think you liked that, you naughty bitch.

He thrusted relentlessly and pressed again to the point her vision

turned blurry and let go; Nanaba swallowed air desperately, half
panting and half coughing as he pushed in as deep as he could.
Niko rocked against her furiously, his rythm increasing with each
second as his orgasm neared, choking the woman at refular intervals
until he suddenly clasped her throat hard and clenched his teeth as
he slammed his body on her and remained still, pouring his load
while her pussy gave him a death grip as her neck was squeezed.
Nikolai didn't free her until his cock stopped twitching; once he did
she collapsed gasping for air, convulsing slightly in a simultaneous
and silent climax.

The soldier didn't give her a second to rest: he pulled out, still erect,
and turned her around while spreading her legs wide open before
burying his dick in one go; as soon as Nanaba opened her mouth his
hand was once more on her throat, turning her moan into choking
gasps while his other hand held her in place by the waist. He had a
wicked expression half smile and half snarl, teeth showing as he
pumped in her; the woman's fingers gripped his choking arm with
strength but without making an effort to free herself as he went in
and out of her slick cunt.

He kept playing with her throat, squeezing a few seconds to enjoy

the feeling of her walls wrapping on his cock while watching her eyes
grow teary; Nanaba inhaled loudly after he released her, tongue out
and chest rising fast as her lungs despaired for air between the
stimulation of his beastly, brutal thrusts and the asphyxia every time
he pressed her windpipe. She'd tried it before but no man or woman
had done it on their own initiative, much less with such force and
enthusiasm; Niko took her to the edge, keeping her just on the verge
of fainting as he fucked without rest.
Suddenly he quickened his pace, a sign he was going to cum soon,
and planted both hands on the pillow at each side of her head;
Nanaba moaned as his shaft pierced her relentlessly and gave him a
meek look while showing her reddened throat, offering herself to
him. Niko growled and leant forward, giving her a long suck on the
exposed neck then licking his way up to her lips… the mixture of the
contraceptive's berries and the bitterness of her ass on his tongue
when he kissed her excited the woman even more and her thin,
nimble fingers moved to touch and caress every muscle and scar
until he broke the kiss and straightened without slowing the pace,
looming above her. Nanaba needed only a brief glance to see the
dangerous spark on his eyes, something made her feel both
anxious, nervous and even a bit concerned.


Both hands shot towards her throat, cutting her mid word; the man
smiled when her eyes went wider than ever and her pussy closed
around him with such strength he found himself forced to use shorter
thrusts; her nails dug into his forearms's skin as he choked-fucked
her, lowering the pressure to let her breathe a bit every few pumps,
Nanaba's mouth open to let out strangled gasps until he felt about to
explode, when he muttered a single question.

_Want me to stop?

She barely shook her head and he grinned then pressed, leaving her
without air as he slammed into her pussy savagely, not even
showing mercy when her nails sunk into his arms to the point of
drawing blood. Nikolai let out a deep cry and rammed his cock as
deep as possible when his climax arrived while Nanaba kicked
frantically, shaking as she struggled between the need for air and an
overwhelming orgasm as her sight began to grow darker and darker,
only noticing his arms and his white, big smile…

The scout gasped loudly when she regained consciousness and

cried weakly when she felt him going in and out; Niko hadn't stopped
for a second after she fainted, still hard and pumping, and was now
standing holding her by the shins to thrust downwards into her,
burying his dick up to her very womb. Nanaba was impressed but
couldn't speak because of her abused throat, so she let him do as he
pleased: her legs were weak after the ordeal and her pussy felt quite
sensitive. She knew it was going to hurt in the morning.

_I saw your face when you began to faint. -he said with a wide smile-
You loved it.

The woman said nothing, instead balling her fists into the sheets
while Niko moved up and down, his balls hitting on her butt as he
dominated from above licking his lips.

_We could do this again soon, don't you think? -he asked softly yet
she heard the poison in his voice, alluring- Letting me squeeze this
tender throat of yours while i fuck you till you drop.

He pulled out almost completely and shoved himself in, Nanaba

gritting her teeth at the spark of pain it brought; Nikolai grinded on
her, his smile growing more and more wicked.

_But not here darling, no… i'll fuck you somewhere else. Maybe in
the warehouse or even better the very corridors, just a moment to
hold you and i'll be balls deep while you struggle to breathe.

The woman felt the heat go to her face and looked aside in an effort
to prevent him from controlling the whole thing. He simply pulled out
and let her fall only to be on her quickly, his abs against hers as he
aligned his cock on her entrance and slid in easily once more; he
placed his lips on her ear to whisper further.

_Or perhaps you'd like it if i just choked you until you faint, and then
had my way with you… -he said with a silky, sultry voice and her
heart raced even faster- Yes, i could strangle you out cold and then
ram it in; after tasting your butt i'm dying to try it, fucking tear you in
half while you're out cold on the floor.
He licked on her cheek while his hands went down to hold her by the
ass, hips moving in quick short thrusts; both were covered in sweat,
but unlike her Niko was calm despite his aggressive fucking. He
drank the image of Nanaba whimpering with her eyes closed every
time he pushed in, and his mind created more images to whisper in
her ear just to feel her clench at the depravity he conjured.

_They'll know what we're doing tomorrow, when they see the marks.
-he told her, and a searing heat bursted through her- They'll see the
bitch in heat you are, yearning to be taken with brute force; they'll
drag you out in the open and fuck you, all of them… you hear me?
Even the rookies will take turns, horny teenagers putting it wherever
they can.

She opened her mouth to moan loudly as he described the scene,

stoking the fire in her groin to the point she had trouble to breathe
properly even without his fingers on her neck; Nanaba was burning
when he stopped talking and began thrashing against her violently
as if his next load was the last one he'd ever shoot. The woman
echoed his frenzied grunts with her sharp cries and locked her arms
and legs around him as the bed shook under them until Nikolai
slammed against the woman once more with a long, pillow-muffled
groan and went stiff as his semen poured inside her once more.

They remained like that for a short while then separated slowly:
Nanaba took deep and satisfied breaths while her lover rolled to a
side, an arm over his eyes, and chuckled in a good mood.

_Well, that was intense. -he said and gave her a lazy look- Shower?

_Good idea. -she answered hoarsely, then rubbed her throat- Aw,

He laughed, earning a glare and a soft smack on the chest. Nanaba

swallowed and continued, a bit more clearly than before.

_Shut up. I have a private bathroom… we can wash there. -he

nodded and stood slowly- Carry me.
_Can't walk princess? -he asked innocently, shaking his head- Too
tired after the ride?

_Fuck you.

_You just did that. Fine, let's cut the crap and clean ourselves. -he
waslked around the bed and carefully took her in his arms- Aaaaand

Niko washed her without asking if she wanted to, humming happily
as he did; for her part Nanaba wanted no more than going back to
bed and falling asleep so she didn't complain, waiting until he was
clean as well. She felt so tired she started snoring softly almost
immediately after he put her on the pillows, so she didn't hear his
soft goodnight nor did she feel his small kiss on her forehead.

She woke up hours later at the knocking on the door. Looking around
she saw it was quite bright which meant she'd overslept past her
planned oversleeping and groaned, rubbing her eyes; then she
stopped and looked around again. She was alone, and while it didn't
bother her much she thought Niko would stay after the ordeal; a
second knock cut her contemplation.

_One minute! -she said, relieved at the almost normal tone of her
voice, and hurried to get ready.

In her bathroom she grimaced a bit at the clear marks he'd left on
her skin and clicked her tongue in slight annoyance: she knew they'd
be there but still believed they were a bit too much, he must have
pressed stronger than she thought.

Although being fair, i didn't stop him… and really enjoyed it she
thought with a shrug while washing her mouth.

When she opened the door, a small sigh of gratefulness escaped

through her lips at seeing Moblit on the entrance: the man was so
used at dealing with Hange he'd mastered the art of the poker face
after so many times of pretty much babysitting her and a small
widening of his eyes aside, showed no sign of surprise at her slightly
dizzy look or the red on her neck's fair skin. She followed him
sheepishly, relieved at the emptiness of the corridors since everyone
was working on their assigned tasks; she knew she'd have to deal
with the knowing looks, rising eyebrows and witty jokes but wanted it
to be after…

_Oh fuck. -she mumbled- The meeting.

Nanaba entered the room staring forward until she got to her seat
amidst the general silence, looking anywhere but at the others; still
she got brief glances of Erwin barely noticeable smirk, Mike's eyes
darting away from hers and Hange's hardly contained grin. Levi was
the only one who didn't show any kind of emotion, aside from a slight
annoyance at his comrades.

_Sorry about the delay. -Nanaba said mechanically- I overslept.

_Oh don't worry, we were just revising details in the upcoming

expedition. -Smith assured her- On Hange's advice we started a bit

He spoke politely, but the woman knew her Commander enough to

detect the faint spark of amusement in his voice.

_Advice? -she asked slowly, glancing at Zoe, who now was biting
her knuckles- What did you tell them?

The excitable scout straightened on her chair and cleared her throat
a couple times, trying and failing to keep eye contact.

_I might have, ahem, noticed a couple glances you gave him during
dinner last night so i decided to make a preemptive check on his, uh,

Nanaba frowned, completely at a loss at her words, and looked at

the others one by one before staring at Hange once more.
_"Preemptive check"? What the hell does that mean?

_Well, we all heard of his performance at Trost, not to mention his

remarkable records during training so i was curious to test him in
whatever way possible, and thought your… extracurricular activites
could be a good start…

_You listened to us fucking?

Hange bursted in giggling and covered her mouth instantly while

Mike and Levi groaned; Erwin's face didn't change at all… which
meant he was laughing his ass off in his mind.

_Sorry, sorry! -Zoe managed to say- It's just it sounded so… intense!
I got some notes on it, but the door didn't let me hear clearly. Well
not when you spoke, i mean when you two…

_Oh god shut up! -Nanaba said covering her eyes.

And only then Smith laughed.

End of Chapter.
Chapter 18
Warning: Some gore. Next chapter will be raepy.

Chapter 18: The Beast.

Nikolai jumped down from his horse, narrowing his eyes slightly at
the sight of the expensive looking cart on the HQ's entrance and the
two men talking on the entrance: Smith and the driver, a man from
the MP, the latter trying to explain something to the blonde judging
by his body language. Erwin nodded at Niko when he was nearby
and the soldier made a quick salute before pointing the the vehicle
with his chin.

_What's the matter? -he asked slightly annoyed and eyeing the
outsider- Why did you call me back from training?

_This gentleman came a while ago asking for you, Nikolai. -the
Commander explained calmly- Apparently, your presence is required
within Wall Sina.

_Yes, i was given orders to get you to the inner wall ASAP. -the man
said nodding- The higher ups want to meet you personally.

_What for?

_I wasn't told the motive, just that it was urgent. -he answered and
pointed at the vehicle- Please, i need you to come with me.

_Just me? -Nikolai questioned- Not Erwin or anyone else?

_No, i'm afraid this call is for you only… and one you can't refuse
without consecuences.

The white haired soldier stared at the MP officer expressionlessly,

then shrugged and headed for the entrance to HQ.
_Whatever. But you'll have to wait a little more, i need a quick
shower and get this gear off if i'm gonna make a long trip to the inner

_Of course. -the other said, relaxing at his acceptance and readying
to drive- We'll depart as soon as you are ready sir.

A while later Niko sat alone inside the cart, humming and drumming
on the seats with his fingers as they left HQ and the nearby forest
behind; they made their way towards the nearest village to rest and
change horses. The MP driver told him they were expected to arrive
at sundawn or later so the trip would not tax the animals too much.

_If you wish to rest, a few hours at an inn would…

_Nah, i'm fine. -he replied- Didn't get too into training to be honest,
just enough to demand a shower. So we arrive at night huh? Any
chance we stop by a brothel while in SIna?

_Unfortunately your presence is needed by the higher ups. -the man

answered with a half smile shaking his head- But i guess you'll be
free to do so once you're done. Although being one of the "Heroes of
Trost" i doubt you'll have to resort to prostitutes for company once
people find out about your visit.

Nikolai barked a laugh and got back on the vehicle, but as he was
about to step inside he turned to the other man.

_Excuse me, but have we met before? -he asked the MP member- I
don't think i know your name.

_What? -the man replied- No, certainly not. I'm Rowan, and this is
my first time meeting you sir.

_Oh. Alright then.

The legionnaire relaxed inside, resting his feet on the seats in front
and crossing his arms behind his head. Rowan sat on his spot and
they resumed the journey without remarkable events, at least until
they reached one of Sina's outer districts. The guards in charge of
the gates showed clear excitement when they found out whom the
passenger was, and Nikolai spent a few minutes shaking hands and
getting some compliments; he even signed three permits to enter
when he'd normally had to do it once, and smiled in amusement
when he spotted the guards keeping one of such documents each
for themselves. The second thing was when Rowan knocked on the
small window on the front of the cart and opened it to speak with

_I didn't tell you this before because i didn't know if you'd like it, but
the meeting won't be in the MP's main office building. -he told the
soldier- The higher ups want to meet in a less crowded place, across
the warehouse district.

Niko held his gaze a moment then looked away and nodded slowly
in agreement, to which Rowan smiled in relief.

_I understand, no biggie. By the way, i hope it doesn't bother you if i

get a little chatty with the guards on the inner gate.

_Oh no, not at all! -Rowan answered more animated- You have the
right to enjoy your popularity sir.

The grey eyed man chuckled.

_Oh, i intend to enjoy all it brings to me. -he said slowly, grinning
widely; Rowan's smile faded a little and the man closed the window.

And not only the sex.

Once they were past the gates toward the inner ring the MP officer
sped up a bit, taking Nikolai through the now mostly deserted
streets; the sunlight was almost gone and people hurried to their
homes or waited until later hours to visit the bars and brothels. The
chart moved deeper within, taking the route towards the now empty
warehouse district, where the big, tall buildings were used to store
supplies and goods to exchange with the outer zones or within the
district itself. Rowan slowed down as they passed through, the
horses's steps echoing in the darkened streets.

_We'll be there soon. -he announced loudly, without looking at his


The thunder of guns filling the air as the cart was shot with high
caliber bullets from above riddling it with holes was preceded by the
loud crash of the vehicle's door when Nikolai threw himself against it,
tearing it from its hinges to avoid the lethal barrage. He landed on it
and in a fluid movement rolled and stood up, gripping the wooden
object as he made a full rotation and threw it at Rowan, who could
barely let go of the reins to take a gun on his belt before it impacted
on his face with a sickening crunch; the man fell backwards as the
horses finally ran amok, and Nikolai glanced up and around, his eyes
noticing the strange guns his attackers had. His lips twisted into a
feral snarl and he jumped to a side when they fired, darting towards
the nearest building while checking them as they reloaded.

One shot, one reloa. he noted Good.

He zigzagged under the rain of lead, his training helping him draw in
his mind the time pattern in which they'd shoot to avoid the bullets,
but the close shots made him suspect they were well trained and
realized he needed to get some distance and time before they saw
through his moves and anticipated him.

He moved left near a building's wall, narrowing his own options to

dodge their attack and knowing they'd aim in front and right of him to
prevent him from evading the next wave; as soon as he bent his
knees to create impulse they pulled the triggers. But instead of
moving were they expected Niko jumped towards the wall, planted
his feet on it and bounced backwards while his right hand took one
of the thin knives he had on a belt on his back under the jacket. As
he moved in the air, his eyes noticed the surprise in the momentarily
immobile soldiers; his hand moved mid-jump and the blade flew
straight. He smiled before landing on a crouched position and a
man's pained shout reached his ears when the weapon pierced his
hand, using the moment of distraction while the injured one's
partners briefly checked on him to sprint towards the nearest alley,
where he spotted a closed door he kicked savagely, breaking it

Two bullets hit the ground behind him a second after he darted
inside the darkened building where the piles of wooden crates made
a small labyrinth he felt grateful for until his attention was caught by
a familiar yet not identical sound: that of a modified 3DMG. His foes
were far from unprepared. But so was he.

Outside the building a tall and lean man with beard and a hat looked
the door his target had escaped through with interest while his
subordinates moved around the building.

_Oi you! -he barked at some soldiers- Get in there through both this
and the other side's door and open some of the shutters so we can
burst in! We'll need moonlight to catch that son of a bitch!

In that moment a blonde woman landed next to him, also looking at

the entrance although her expression showed mild annoyance

_Eikel's wound isn't serious. -she said- He screamed out of surprise

mostly, the blade didn't sink too deep. But still to hit such a small
target, in the dark and mid air, that's…

_You read the reports, idiot. -Kenny grumbled- This kiddo here
survived the recovery expedition, killed titans without gear and faced
the damn Colossal on on one and lived to brag about it. To tell the
truth i had doubts our little ambush would be enough… guess i was

_This is different. -she said as four soldiers cautiously entered the

warehouse- We have him cornered and outnumbered. We're smarter
than titans, and better equipped; he can't slip out of this one. What
bothers me is how and when did he realize it was a trap.
Unknown to the woman, Traute Carven, Nikolai was thinking about
that as he listened to the others move in the darkness. His
suspicions didn't spark when Rowan told Erwin and him the cause of
his visit, nor when he informed Niko about the supposed place for
the meeting, as those could be understandable: higher ups would try
to get Niko to defect towards the MP and use him as a poster boy,
his popularity becoming a useful tool at their disposition, and such a
meeting wasn't going to be in a commonly visited place as their HQ.
Instead, what sounded the alarm was how his driver reacted when
the white haired soldier asked if they'd met before.

Nikolai had good memory due to his training, where he and others
were put through courses full of traps of varying lethality after being
briefly shown a map of the place. After countless sessions he
became adept at memorizing details to a great degree, a trait he
applied also with people by remembering their faces, jobs and
whatever information he deemed useful to identify them in the future.
Niko had seen Rowan within Sina: the man had been one of the
many assigned to guard/provide him and Annie but always seemed
distant and avoided contact with either of them, something he took
notice of. Any other member of the MP would have used their short
time in their service to curry any favor, but he remained out of their
reach; he was there to watch them, along with a few others. The
moment he pretended not to know him Nikolai knew something was
off, his carefree behaviour a mere facade as he searched all around
for anything suspicious. The moment his driver spoke loudly while in
the warehouse district, Niko was sure it was a trap.

He'd counted ten people during the attack and didn't believe they
had reinforcements. Such ambush suggested they expected a quick
job, even if they bothered to bring that modified gear, and wanted to
finish it quickly and leave: their haste in opening the shutters was all
the proof he needed. He was four meters below them right under the
runway when he spotted a soldier combing the place with his eyes to
try and spot him and a moment later a knife flew and sunk in his
throat, the man holding his neck as blood sprayed from the severed
arthery and another ambusher ran towards him.
_Adam! -he shouted while the rest remained still where they were-
Hold on i'll get you out of here!

Adam was bent on the rail gurgling as the blood kept spilling when
his teammate reached him; in that moment a hand appeared from
under the runway, caught the helper's ankle and pulled with
unexpected strength. The man shouted when Nikolai dragged him
under the railing before he could try holding anywhere, the grey eyed
soldier having swiftly jumped from a middle sized pile of boxes like a
cat to catch him. His prey fell on his face on the hard floor while he
landed on his feet and didn't waste a second in putting a knife on his
neck before bolting to avoid the shots from his enraged companions.

_Check on Adam! -a bald man told a younger woman, who gave a

nervous glance at the boxes before running to the other man as
more soldiers entered crashing through the windows- We'll spread
and search him while the rest comes in!

He and the three left jumped and used their gear to cling to the
ceiling; the lack of structures to use limited and slowed their
movement and opening only a couple of shutters left the place quite
darkened, but they only needed to be able to see their target before
they could surround and blast him to oblivion. They relaxed as the
rest of the team entered in a rush, the whizzle of 3DMG filling the air.

All except their leader began searching the huge warehouse either
hanging from the ceiling or standing on the tallest groups of crates;
the man walked up to where his subordinate knelt aside her fallen

_Adam's dead. -the young woman said, looking at the older man
with a grim look on her face- Bled out in seconds. He knows where
to throw those knives.

Kenny rose an eyebrow and looked over the place as his group
moved, when suddenly one of them aimed and shot.

_Over there! -he shouted- He's going for the exit!

As if on cue, the loud crash of boxes and an even louder curse
reached their ears; the woman next to Kenny, a brunette with a
ponytail, jumped over the rail and hurried to join them while
Ackerman stood back watching as they swung closer to the spot.

_Keep your distance from each other you idiots! -he shouted- He's
not as stupid as you-!

A scream cut him mid phrase and they stopped to look at one soldier
lean backwards mid air, screaming in pain, and fall hard on the
wooden boxes with a loud crash before Nikolai appeared, moving at
full speed on top of them jumping on all fours like an animal from
crate to crate while bullets passed above or behind him. He took
advantage of having all but two attackers hanging from the ceiling,
which meant they had a harder time aiming and reloading. The
legionnaire zigzagged his way towards a woman standing on the
boxes on a spot further into the warehouse and behind all his
teammates, who shot in a hurried panic when Niko approached: the
other dodged her two shots while moving around to leave her
between himself and the line of sight of comrades, already
compromised by the darkness, and lunged at her as she reloaded.

The soldiers watched as their quarry clashed against the helpless

female and both fell on top of a smaller pile of boxes, Nikolai holding
her by the arms to prevent her from using the guns; then he bowed
his head down and she let out a terrifying scream that died suddenly
when he pulled back with a loud squelch and dashed back into the
labyrinth, hiding in the darkest section of the warehouse. A couple
late shots were his foes' only answer as Kenny,Traute and a
redhaired man swung towards the fallen woman.

She kicked and shook still on the boxes, and the ginger couldn't help
a strangled gasp when he got near. Her hands were on her throat, or
rather what used to be her throat: now there was a big, bleeding hole
she desperately covered as life left her, unable to breath and stop
the hemorrhage: Nikolai had bitten her larynx off.
_Son of a bitch… -Carven mumbled, eyes wide, while Kenny simply
glanced at the agonizing soldier and gave her a mercy shot.

_Mo-Motherfucker! -shouted the other male, gagging a bit at the

sight- I'm going to kill that monster!

_No you won't you whiny asshole. -Ackerman said flatly- Not if you
scream like that. Let's fall back and check on Cameron.


_I'm not asking you stupid! -he yelled- Fall back!

The other obeyed, not daring to look at the now head-splattered

woman again while Kenny looked at the zone where the scout
awaited, working his jaw as if chewing the words.

_I never thought him capable of doing… this… to a person. -Carven

said, and Kenny chuckled earrning a confused glare.

_He did it to send a message. -he pointed at the corpse- This is how
he says he's done playing games; otherwise he'd have stabbed her
as he's known for his skill with blades. You just saw it.

They moved back to where the two MP members helped the injured
Cameron while the three left checked the surroundings from the
railway. The man whined and sobbed, laying on a couple boxes
they'd placed as makeshift bed with a big wooden splinter lodged in
his eye. Kenny let out a soft whistle from atop a tall pile of crates and
one of the men helping looked at him.

_There's no doubt he threw it. -the soldier said- The damn bastard
must have pretended to fall while breaking a box to use the splinters
as improvised weaponry. But to hit him square in the eye with such
dim light… just who is this guy?

_Cameron's eye is almost lost, we have to pull the splinter out but
he's got a concussion and a few broken ribs from the fall. -said the
man Niko threw a blade at during the ambush, Einkel- To extract the
splinter we need two people to hold him to make sure he doesn't hurt
himself while it's done.

_Carven will pull it out. -Kenny said jumping up some crates and
pointing at two of the three watchers- You go open the shutters left
while she does it, we need all the light we can muster against this
animal. Hugh and i will cover you.

The soldiers, one a man with goggles and the brunette woman who
tried to aid Adam, shared a glance before swinging their way to the
other side of the building while Kenny and Hugh, the redhair, hooked
up to the ceiling and pulled themselves upwards to have a better
view. The two men on each side of Cameron held him by the arms
while Carven placed a hand on his face and with the other gripped
the splinter; the man whimpered.

_There, you two!

The blonde woman felt her pulse rush when Kenny shouted and both
men shot: it could only mean one thing.

The other two were a few meters from the railway when their boss
yelled and heard the blast; when they turned their heads they saw
Nikolai jump backward to avoid the bullets then immediately forward
towards the nearest soldier, the woman, knife in hand. The young
brunette felt her blood freeze at his savage grin covered in blood and
aimed by instinct, not hearing her comrade's warning to move out of
his line of shooting. The white haired murderer instead leaped like a
frog, easily reaching the railway despite being at least two meters
below and impulsed towards the surprised woman. She didn't feel
pain next, only shock as the world slowed down and every sound
died replaced by an unending beep. She didn't feel his hand taking
hers as they spun together in the air as if dancing, only saw him
point her gun at her friend; his eyes widened a bit under the
goggles… then eyes, goggles and face were gone when the grey
eyed man pulled the trigger.
Niko felt the splinters fly around him when Kenny's second shot hit a
box milimeters away from his head as he fell on top the woman; he
pulled both his blade from the base of her skull and her unused gun,
breaking the cord joining it with her gear and dashing through the
piles of wooden crates ready to shoot. He thought on how he'd deal
with the man with the hat, at least once the rest were out of the way;
he was their leader, and he wanted to face him one on one
regardless of how it went then.

Carven was finishing pulling the splinter out of Cameron's eye while
he screamed held by his teammates when she heard a shot from
each of the two in watch then a second from Kenny; she gritted her
teeth and finally took the object out, slightly shocked at the size of
the thing as Einkel and the other man helped their comrade to stand
on wobbly legs and supported him. In that moment a third shot
reached them, followed by a loud crashing noise and the sound of
gear speeding up.

_Joshua, you help Cameron out of here. -she ordered- Einkel, we'll
go after Nikolai and the boss.

Traute's hook hit the ceiling and she raised, gun ready to blast her
target the moment he appeared; a moment later Einkel was at her
side. Both scanned the place in search of any sign of him, but the
dim light coming from the open windows proved insufficient: most of
the warehouse, which was a huge building to begin with, was
engulfed in darkness. Apparently this fact was irrelevant for their
target, given how quickly and ruthlessly he'd thinned their numbers.

A sudden scream coming from the warehouse's front broke their

concentration and the two rushed back to Joshua's position, knowing
the man and his injured companion were most likely doomed; Traute
took a more direct route while Einkel moved on an ample radius to
cover her from an attack since Nikolai would probably hang nearby,
intent on using the opportunity. The man's eyes sighted a body
laying face down on top of some broken boxes: it was Hugh, the one
who'd tried to kill their prey along Kenny; a bloody stain caused by a
gear's gun made clear how he'd died. It was the last thing Einkel saw
before his head exploded when Niko shot him.

Carven heard the shot and saw her teammate fall a second after
reaching the other two men, both dead on the building's cold floor
with their throats slit; a mere glance was enough to see Joshua's
guns were missing, ripped from his gear. Knowing she had no time
to lose she jumped down the boxes, knowing moving in the air would
be almost certainly lethal. The woman inhaled deeply to calm
herself, she needed her mind focused if she wanted a chance
against this monster.

_Alright, bastard. -she whispered readying her guns- Let's finish this
once and for all.

She moved cautiously trying to catch the slightest noise that could
tell his position, fingers gripping her guns tightly; sweat running down
her features beginning to cool down as she sneaked between the
wooden labyrinth, the silence feeling more oppressing than ever
after the short yet brutal fight. Traute needed to catch him in the
open, she knew he'd probably have the upper hand in a physical
match; she wondered briefly where the hell Kenny was, then a noise
came from a few meters behind her. The woman spun instantly with
both guns ready and saw the source of it: a lone gun discarded on
the floor.

A soft grunt was all warning before a pile of boxes fell, a couple
shattered by Nikolai's violent lunge; Carven jumped to the side,
raising both guns at him and firing; like a frog he leaped out of the
way and above her head, falling behind her. The blonde turned to
smash her weapon on him but he dodged with ease and countered
with a single blow on her stomach, fast like a snake, leaving her
without air before pushing her against the boxes. Traute fell on her
knees gasping for oxygen when the noise of gear reached her ears
and she turned to see Kenny raise up to the ceiling, finally appearing
after their short fight. Ackerman aiming his gun was the last thing
she saw; then blackness took her like the rest of her team.
With a groan and a grimace, Traute returned to the land of the living:
the first thing she noticed was pain throbbing on the side of her
head, then the cold hard floor of the warehouse; disoriented, she
tried to roll on her stomach to lift herself up, find her boss and leave
to get other people to recover the bodies… and realized her arms
were tied.

That shook her enough to awake from her blow-induced stupor and
tried to free her limbs in vain until she was stopped by a deep
chuckle and squirmed until she sat down, staring at Nikolai calmly
walk towards her.

_You're finally up, sweetie. -he said with a hungry smirk- Good. I was
tiring from the wait.

_Wait? What…?

_Most people would have booked it once the fight had finished. -he
said calmly, standing in front of her- But i'm not done yet cupcake.

He pushed her down on her back with his boot and threw himself on
top of the struggling woman; Traute tried to kick him but he rested
his weight on her thighs, preventing her from using them and holding
her by the mouth as she arched her back, attempting to free from his
grip. The man reached her shirt and pulled, tearing it open, and as
her eyes fixed on his full of hatred his mouth turned into a wolfish

_Quite far from it.

End of Chapter.

WoooooH! It's nice to be back.

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