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Pulmonary embolism secondary to deep ! The Author(s) 2021
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venous thrombosis: A retrospective and
DOI: 10.1177/0268355521990964
observational study for clinical

characteristics and risk stratification

Xiaoying Chen, Xian Liu, Jinglun Liu and Dan Zhang

Objective: To investigate the risk factors, predilection sites in pulmonary embolism (PE) patients caused by deep
venous thrombosis (DVT) and explore the value of scoring systems in assessing the risk of PE in DVT patients.
Methods: A total of 692 DVT patients were enrolled, and divided into no pulmonary embolism (NPE, 226, 32.66%),
silent pulmonary embolism (SPE, 330, 47.67%) and featuring pulmonary embolism (FPE, 136, 19.65%) groups. For each
group, the differences of clinical data and PE locations were compared, and the risk factors of PE secondary to DVTwere
analyzed. The predictive value of the scoring system for the diagnosis of PE and FPE was evaluated.
Results: PE presented more in the bilateral pulmonary arteries (PAs) (249, 53.43%) and has no significant difference in
PESI scores in different locations. Gender, DVT locations, and previous surgery were the independent risk factors of PE.
DVT locations, previous history of COPD, and previous surgical interventions were the independent risk factors of FPE.
The results for areas under the ROC curves were: AUC(Wells) ¼ 0.675, AUC (Revised Geneva) ¼ 0.601, AUC(D-dimer) ¼ 0.595
in the PE group; AUC(Wells) ¼ 0.722, AUC (Revised Geneva) ¼ 0.643, AUC(D-dimer) ¼ 0.557 in the FPE group.
Conclusions: PE secondary to DVT mostly occurs in the bilateral PAs. Male gender, DVT locations, and previous
surgery increased the risk of PE. The Wells scoring system was more advantageous for evaluating the diagnosis of PE in
patients with DVT.

Deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, risk factors, location

The clinical presentation of DVT and PE varies
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common clinical according to the size of the thrombus and the degree
disease with an incidence of 100–200 cases per 100,000 of embolization. The typical clinical manifestations of
people. It mainly manifests as deep venous thrombosis DVT include swelling, pain, fever, and redness of the
(DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). VTE is the most affected limb. PE lacks typical clinical presentation, the
common cardiovascular disease underlying acute myo- most common signs and symptoms include dyspnea,
cardial infarction and stroke.1,2 PE is a concealed high chest pain, shortness of breath, syncope, and cough.
mortality disease and is generally considered to be the
result of DVT. The risk factors of PE include two main
categories: inherited and acquired. One of the strongest
risk factors for VTE is a history of prior VTE.3
The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing
Approximately 10% of symptomatic acute PE patients 400016, China
die within 1 h of the first presentation of symptoms; the
mortality rate of untreated PE patients is high at 15%.4 Corresponding author:
Dan Zhang, Department of Intensive Care Unit, The First Affiliated
Meanwhile, DVT and PE, which are secondary to
Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, No. 1, Youyi Road, Yuzhong
DVT, also cause a huge economic burden to the District, Chongqing 400016, China.
social medical system. Email:
2 Phlebology 0(0)

It may also manifest as fever, hemoptysis, cyanosis, rather than the researcher. Chest pain, dyspnea, and
hypotension, and shock.5 hemoptysis were defined as the featured clinical presen-
Thrombus can be distributed into two major areas tations of PE. According to CTPA and the clinical pre-
in PE, the central vascular area (the main pulmonary sentation, all of the patients were divided into three
artery (PA) and the left or right PA) and the peripheral groups: no PE group (NPE) where no PE was found
vascular area (segmental or subsegmental PA, not in by CTPA; silent PE group (SPE) where CTPA con-
the main PA).6 Peripheral PE is defined as thrombus firmed the presence of PE but it did not have any of
only in lobar. Clinical manifestations of PE in the the characteristic manifestations of PE; featuring PE
peripheral vascular area are usually mild and atypical; group (FPE) where CTPA diagnosed the presence of
therefore, diagnosis of VTE based only on clinical PE and it presented with one or more of the character-
manifestations and signs has great limitations. istic clinical manifestations of PE.
Currently, the diagnosis of PE mainly depends on pul-
monary angiography and computed tomography pul- Clinical data collection
monary angiography (CTPA). However, the extensive
General data such as age, gender, and survival status
use of pulmonary angiography or CTPA not only
after 30 days was collected, and the previous medical
increases the economic burden, but can also cause
history of all patients was recorded. In addition, elec-
adverse reactions such as unnecessary radiation and
trocardiogram, cardiac enzyme levels, pulmonary arte-
contrast nephropathy.7 Some patients in basic-level
rial systolic pressure (PASP), D-dimer, DVT, and PE
hospitals cannot undergo CTPA examination due to
locations were recorded in all patients. The Wells score,
the limited access in developing countries, so long dis-
Revised Geneva score, and pulmonary embolism sever-
tance travel to a more specialized hospital is needed to
ity index (PESI) were performed on all enrolled
undergo CTPA, however, transportation is risky due to
patients, and these score systems were calculated by
their condition. Therefore, carrying out effective clini-
two attending doctors among the researchers.
cal evaluations of DVT patients as a reliable alternative
to imaging examination for those at high risk of PE is
warranted to avoid unnecessary injury and excessive Statistical analysis
waste of medical resources caused by extensive imaging Statistical analysis and drawings were performed with
diagnosis technology. the SPSS 17.0 statistical package software and
In this study, PE patients with DVT symptoms as GraphPad Prism 5 software. The sample descriptive
the first manifestation, analyzing PE locations, risk fac- statistics data were expressed as means  standard
tors, and the clinical possibility assessments’ score deviation (x  s), and analyzed with the t-test; the chi-
system was studied, then the possible methods of risk square test was used to analyze the count data. Using a
stratification of PE were discussed. binary logistic regression model to analyze risk factors,
an ROC curve was used to evaluate the possibility of
PE. The statistical significance was defined by P < 0.05.
Patients and methods
Study objects and groups Results
This was a retrospective and observational study. The
consecutive patients diagnosed with DVT in the First
General clinical data of the VTE patients
Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University Of the 2470 consecutive DVT patients screened, there
from July 2013 to August 2018 were selected as study were 1770 DVT patients without CTPA examination
objects. The inclusive criteria were: 1) patients had the and eight patients with incomplete clinical data were
clinical manifestations of DVT (swelling, pain, fever, excluded. However, 692 patients met the inclusion cri-
and redness of the affected limb), whether followed teria (Figure 1). The average age of the 692 DVT
by the characteristic clinical manifestations (chest patients was 59.59  15.51 years; the number of males
pain, dyspnea, and hemoptysis) of PE at admission; was 373 (53.90%). Among the 692 patients, 226
2) patients were diagnosed with DVT by Doppler ultra- (32.66%) patients were in the NPE group, 330
sound at admission; 3) CTPA examination was per- (47.69%) cases in the SPE group, and 136 (19.65%)
formed in DVT patients, the cases without CTPA cases in the FPE group. Four patients died within 30
examination were excluded after admission. The color days in the FPE group.
Doppler ultrasound and CTPA examination were con- In this study, there was no significant difference in
ducted and interpreted by the ultrasound doctor and age distribution among the three groups. Male patients
the radiologist, respectively. Whether to conduct accounted for 40.71% (92/226), 60.30% (199/330) and
CTPA examination was decided by the clinician, 60.29% (82/136) in the NPE, SPE and FPE groups,
Chen et al. 3

Figure 1. Patient flow diagram.

DVT: deep venous thrombosis; CTPA: computed tomography pulmonary angiography; PE: pulmonary embolism; SPE: silent pulmonary
embolism; FPE: featuring pulmonary embolism.

respectively, and there were more male cases than 33.91%), and the least common was unilateral left
female cases. Moreover, the proportion of DVT in PA (59, 12.66%). This distribution pattern appeared
the right lower extremity was higher in the SPE in both the SPE and FPE groups (Figure 2). In the
group than in the FPE and NPE groups (28.79% > SPE group, 174 cases (52.73%) had bilateral embolism,
24.26% > 17.26%); the difference was statistically sig- 118 cases (35.76%) had right embolism, and 38 cases
nificant compared with the NPE group (P < 0.05). In (11.52%) had left embolism. In the FPE group, bilat-
patients with coronary heart disease, chronic obstruc- eral embolism occurred in 75 cases (55.15%). 40 cases
tive pulmonary disease (COPD), arrhythmia, and other (29.41%) had right-sided embolism, and 21 cases
underlying diseases, PE was more likely to manifest (15.44%) had left-sided embolism.
clinical symptoms. The incidence of pulmonary hyper- The accurate locations (central and peripheral PAs)
tension in the FPE group was significantly higher than of PE was further analyzed. Results showed that the
that in the NPE and SPE groups (Table 1). embolized areas were mainly distributed in the inferior
lobe of the left lung (50.22%) and the inferior lobe of
Risk factors analysis of PE in patients with DVT right lung (69.74%) in the PE group. The SPE group
Binary logistic regression analysis was used to identify embolized areas were also more distributed in the
independent risk factors for PE and FPE. The results inferior lobe of lung. However, in the FPE group,
showed that males (odds ratio (OR) 1.977, 95% confi- embolism was in the superior lobe of the left lung
dence interval (CI) 1.404–2.784) with DVT in left lower (42.65%) and the superior lobe of right lung
limbs (OR 2.078, 95% CI 1.171–3.687) and a surgical (53.68%). Compared with the SPE group, the FPE
history (OR 2.100, 95% CI 1.220–3.687) (P < 0.05) group’s emboli occurred more in the pulmonary
were independent risk factors for PE (Table 2). trunk and upper lobe of the lung, and less in the
However, DVT in right lower limbs (OR 1.966, 95% lower lobe; the differences were statistically significant
CI 1.005–3.846) with a surgical history (OR 3.092, 95% (Table 4).
CI 1.553–6.158) and previous history of COPD (OR
0.187, 95% CI 0.085–0.410) were independent risk fac- Severity levels of PE patients with DVT
tors for FPE (P < 0.05) (Table 3).
In this study, PESI was used to assess the severity and
prognosis of PE patients. It was graded into three risk
Analysis of embolism locations in PE patients classes; I–II – low risk, III–IV – moderate risk, and V –
with DVT high-risk. The average PESI scores in all PE
Among all PE patients, embolism occurring in bilateral patients were 76.47  27.64, with a large proportion
pulmonary arteries (PAs) was the most common (249, of low-risk patients (I–II class) (Table 5). PESI scores
53.43%), followed by unilateral right PA (158, for the FPE group were significantly higher than those
4 Phlebology 0(0)

Table 1. Clinical features and outcome of patients with VTE.

Characteristics Total (n ¼ 692) NPE (n ¼ 226) SPE (n ¼ 330) FPE (n ¼ 136)

Age (year) 59.63  15.49 59.58  16.10 59.50  14.93 60.12  16.02
Gender, n of male (%) 373 (53.90%) 92 (40.71%) 199 (60.30%)a 82 (60.29%)a
DVT locations
Left lower limbs, n (%) 438 (63.30%) 168 (74.33%) 189 (57.27%) 81 (59.56%)
Right lower limbs, n (%) 167 (24.13%) 39 (17.26%) 95 (28.79%)a 33 (24.26%)
Bilateral lower limbs, n (%) 87 (12.57%) 19 (8.41%) 46 (13.94%) 22 (16.17%)a
Risk factors
Thrombosis history, n (%) 105 (15.17%) 31 (13.72%) 55 (16.67%) 19 (13.97%)
Hypertension, n (%) 167 (24.13%) 57 (25.22%) 70 (21.21%) 40 (29.41%)
Coronary heart disease, n (%) 54 (7.80%) 17 (7.52%) 20 (6.06%) 17 (12.50%)b
Cancer, n (%) 52 (7.52%) 18 (7.96%) 23 (6.97%) 11 (8.09%)
COPD, n (%) 30 (4.34%) 8 (3.54%) 6 (1.82%) 16 (11.76%)a,b
Previous surgical intervention, n (%) 167 (24.13%) 78 (34.51%) 71 (21.52%)a 18 (13.23%)a
Diabetes, n (%) 79 (11.42%) 27 (11.95%) 36 (10.91%) 16 (11.76%)
Arrhythmia, n (%) 18 (2.60%) 3 (1.33%) 7 (2.12%) 8 (5.88%)a,b
Prolonged bed rest/immobilization, n (%) 241 (34.83%) 94 (41.59%) 106 (32.12%) 41 (30.15%)
Abnormal electrocardiogram 83 (11.99%) 26 (11.50%) 37 (11.21%) 20 (14.71%)
or myocardial enzyme, n (%)
Pulmonary arterial hypertension, n (%) 11 (1.59%) 1 (0.44%) 2 (0.61%) 8 (5.88%)a,b
D-dimer, mg/L 10.38  12.36 9.50  14.82 10.62  10.63 11.28  11.78
Mortality, n (%) 4 (0.58%) 0 (0%) 0 (%) 4 (2.94%)
Represents comparison with NPE group, P < 0.05.
Represents comparison with SPE group, P < 0.05.
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension: echocardiography showed PASP > 35 mmHg.8

Table 2. Risk factors for PE in patients with DVT by binary


Risk factors OR 95% CI P value

Gender 1.977 1.404–2.784 0.000

Left lower limbs DVT 2.078 1.171–3.687 0.012
Surgical operation 2.100 1.220–3.613 0.007
OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; DVT: deep venous thrombosis.

Table 3. Risk factors for FPE in patients with DVT by binary


Risk factors OR 95% CI P value

Left lower limbs DVT 1.736 0.961–3.138 0.068 Figure 2. The number of PE locations in different group.
L: left pulmonary artery; R: right pulmonary artery; D: double
Right lower limbs DVT 1.966 1.005–3.846 0.048
pulmonary artery; PA: pulmonary artery; PE: pulmonary embo-
Surgical operation 3.092 1.553–6.158 0.001
lism; SPE: silent pulmonary embolism; FPE: featuring pulmonary
Arrhythmia 0.367 0.124–1.082 0.069
COPD 0.187 0.085–0.410 0.000
Thrombosis history 1.689 0.928–3.072 0.086
CI: confidence interval; OR: odds ratio; COPD: chronic obstructive statistically significant difference in all PE patients,
pulmonary disease. regardless of whether the embolization location
was unilateral or bilateral. Although the PESI of
of the SPE group (86.10  37.20 vs. 70.33  19.82, right PE was higher in the SPE group than the bilateral
P ¼ 0.000). PE (71.88  17.77 vs 69.77  19.57, P ¼ 0.029), they
We further analysis of the relationship between PE were all low risk (class II). There was no statistically
locations and PESI showed that PESI scoring had no significant difference in PESI scores in the FPE group
Chen et al. 5

Table 4. The locations of PE in different groups.

Locations PE (n ¼ 466) SPE (n ¼ 330) FPE (n ¼ 136) P value (FPE vs SPE)

Central PA Main left PA 91 (19.53%) 51 (15.46%) 40 (29.41%) 0.001

Main right PA 128 (27.47%) 82 (24.85%) 46 (33.82%) 0.048
Peripheral PA Left upper lobar PA 124 (26.61%) 66 (20.00%) 58 (42.65%) 0.000
Left inferior lobar PA 234 (50.22%) 182 (55.15%) 52 (38.24%) 0.000
Right upper lobar PA 160 (34.34%) 87 (26.36%) 73 (53.68%) 0.000
Right middle PA 105 (22.53%) 73 (22.12%) 32 (23.53%) 0.741
Right inferior lobar PA 325 (69.74%) 253 (76.67%) 72 (52.94%) 0.000
PA: pulmonary artery; PE: pulmonary embolism; NPE: no pulmonary embolism; SPE: silent pulmonary embolism; FPE: featuring pulmonary embolism;
DVT: deep venous thrombosis.

Table 5. The PESI class of PE in different groups.

PESI class PE (n ¼ 466) SPE (n ¼ 330) FPE (n ¼ 136) P value (SPE vs FPE)

I (65 points) 160 (34.33%) 122 (36.97%) 38 (27.94%) 0.062

II (66–85 points) 193 (41.42%) 152 (46.06%) 41 (30.15%) 0.002
III (86–105 points) 72 (15.45%) 44 (13.34%) 28 (20.59%) 0.049
IV (106–125 points) 21 (4.51%) 11 (3.33%) 10 (7.35%) 0.057
V (>125 points) 20 (4.29%) 1 (0.30%) 19 (13.97%) 0.000
PESI: pulmonary embolism severity index; PA: pulmonary artery; PE: pulmonary embolism; NPE: no pulmonary embolism; SPE: silent pulmonary
embolism; FPE: featuring pulmonary embolism; DVT: deep venous thrombosis.

score 0.675 > D-dimer 0.601 > Revised Geneva score

0.595 > age 0.506; Cut-off values were: Wells score 5,
D-dimer 7.5, Revised Geneva score 10.5, and the age
52.50. The AUC of FPE were: Wells score
0.722 > Revised Geneva score 0.643 > D-dimer
0.557 > age 0.514; Cut-off value were: Wells score 5,
Revised Geneva score 11.5, D-dimer 8.5 and the age

VTE, including DVT and PE, causes many cases, and
Figure 3. PESI score in different groups. even deaths, every year. It can occur in all races, ages,
L: left pulmonary artery; R: right pulmonary artery; D: double and genders, and is an important and increasingly seri-
pulmonary artery; PE: pulmonary embolism; SPE: silent pulmo- ous medical problem.9 Because PE often lacks a typical
nary embolism; FPE: featuring pulmonary embolism. clinical manifestations and occurs in the peripheral PAs
in most cases,10 patients can have no clinical symptoms
or signs, therefore, it is difficult to make a diagnosis
when PE occurred on the left, right, or both sides based on clinical manifestations alone. Once misdiag-
(Figure 3). nosed, PE patients have some potentially serious con-
sequences. The three-month all-cause mortality rate of
acute PE can reach up to 5.4–17%.11,12 Currently,
The ability of various scoring systems to predict PE in
CTPA is one of the best gold standard tests for the
patients with DVT diagnosis of PE, which can clearly display multistage
A relative operating characteristic curve was used to and small branches of PA, further improving the diag-
analyze the predictable values of Wells score, Revised nostic accuracy of PE. However, patients with severe
Geneva score, D-dimer, and age for PE and FPE renal insufficiency, those with allergies to contrast
groups (Table 6, Figure 4). The results showed that agents, and pregnant females13,14 should be careful
the Area Under The Curve (AUC) of PE were: Wells when tested with CTPA. Access limitations of primary
6 Phlebology 0(0)

Table 6. Wells and revised Geneva scores in different groups.

Clinical scoring system Total (n ¼ 692) NPE (n ¼ 226) SPE (n ¼ 330) FPE (n ¼ 136)

Wells score (low/moderate/high) 4/444/244 4/167/55 0/215/115 0/62/74

Revised Geneva score (low/ moderate/high) 7/310/375 6/124/96 1/147/182 0/39/97
NPE: no pulmonary embolism; SPE: silent pulmonary embolism; FPE: featuring pulmonary embolism.

Figure 4. Receiver-operating characteristic curve of PE(a) and FPE(b).

hospitals in many developing countries requires long- arrhythmia, and other basic diseases were more
distance transportation for CTPA examination, which likely to develop the characteristic clinical symptoms.
may further aggravate the disease. Therefore, screening These results indicated that FPE was more likely
DVT patients with a high PE risk by using risk factors to occur in male patients, right unilateral or bilateral
or scoring systems can reduce the adverse reactions and DVT patients, and therefore, may require close obser-
socio-economic burdens caused by generalized CTPA vation and further examination to determine the pres-
examination. ence of PE.
In this study, the clinical features of PE patients There are few studies on the distribution of PE sites
caused by DVT were specifically studied. Exclude and whether the embolization sites increase the severity
active bleeding, malignant hypertension and other con- of PE, so the relationship between embolism location
ditions, all DVT patients received anticoagulant thera- and severity in PE was focused on in this study. The
py, limb elevation and local immobilization, and PE results showed that PE secondary to DVT occurred
patients also accepted anticoagulant therapy under more in bilateral PAs, followed by the right side, and
the condition of stable respiration and circulation.1,12 then the left side. It was speculated that the cause of
692 DVT patients were enrolled where approximately this phenomenon might be due to the initiation of
2/3 (67.34%) were diagnosed with PE by CTPA; the coagulation, by shedding procoagulant lipid micropar-
frequency was higher to the data of Prandoni, P. who ticles, or by impairing blood flow in patients with
conducted a study to investigate the prevalence of PE DVT. It is a process of multiple shedding, and the
among patients hospitalized for syncope.15 The ratio of caducous thrombosis may be randomly drifted to dif-
FPE to SPE was 1:2.44, and the overall mortality ratio ferent PAs on both sides. Because of the heart’s loca-
at 30 days was 0.57%. The ratio of male patients with tion in the left chest cavity, it leads to the anatomical
PE was higher than female patients, and the incidence position of the left PA becoming higher than the right
of PE was associated with DVT locations. Moreover, PA at the PA bifurcation. When the thrombus
PE patients with coronary heart disease, COPD, detached from a deep vein in the lower extremity and
Chen et al. 7

entered the left ventricle from the inferior vena cava, it than the Geneva score, however, the sensitivity was
is more likely to enter the right PA first. Since the right higher.27,28 In this study, ROC curve showed that the
lung is divided into three lobes while the left lung is Wells score, Revised Geneva score and D-dimer all
divided into two lobes, the blood flow in the right lung played certain roles in predicting PE occurrence in
is higher than that in the left lung. All of the above patients with DVT, and that the Wells score has a cer-
reasons cause embolism to occur more frequently in tain advantage.
the right PA than in the left PA. According to the analysis of the cut off value, when
The study also showed that FPE occurred more fre- the Wells score was higher than five (5) points, there
quently in the upper lobe of the lung, while SPE was was a high probability of PE, and the patients should
mainly in the lower lobe of the lung, which is consid- consider further examination (CTPA) to confirm the
ered to be related to the anatomy and functional struc- presence or absence of PE. Therefore, the use of the
ture of the lung.16,17 Ventilation in the upper lobe of Wells score system for PE screening in DVT patients
the lung is higher than the lower lobe, and blood flow is can avoid unnecessary advanced imaging techniques to
lower in the lower lobe, therefore, embolism occurs some extent, thereby reducing the economic burden
more frequently in the lower lobes of the lung. When and adverse reactions caused by it. The expected
embolism occurs in the upper lobe of the lung, the ven- value of D-dimer showed no expected value in this
tilation function is greatly affected which manifests as study, which may be related to the lack of age adjust-
dyspnea as well as other clinical symptoms. However, ment or because that D-dimer is already increased in
the specific reasons need to be further studied. patients with DVT.
PESI is a new tool for PE risk and prognosis assess-
ment, and its effectiveness has been widely verified.17,18
Limitations and strengths
Therefore, PESI was chosen as the tool to evaluate the
severity of PE patients in this study. In this research, This was a retrospective and single center study rather
the FPE group had more distribution at PESI class III– than a prospective cohort multicenter study. The study
IV. In addition, the study results showed that no sig- objects were hospital admitted DVT patients due to
nificant difference in PESI score was observed whether symptoms of lower limbs, which may have an element
the PE locations were bilateral or unilateral; this is of bias. An age adjustment for the predictive value
consistent with the research results conducted by analysis of D-dimer was not carried out. In addition,
Valle et al.19 of 269 patients with PE. The result also the treatment status, including anticoagulation, was
reflects the severity assessment of PE requires compre- not analyzed after admission.
hensive consideration of the size, number, location of
emboli, and the presence of underlying diseases in the
heart, lungs, and other organs.
Due to the variability and complexity of clinical A high incidence of PE in DVT patients who have
symptoms and signs of PE, clinical diagnosis is still undergone CTPA examination was found. Male
an important issue for clinicians, especially for medical patients, patients with coronary heart disease, COPD,
institutions without advanced imaging equipment such right or bilateral DVT, and a previous surgical history
as CTPA, or patients with examination risks. are more likely to have PE. In particular, PE occurred
Therefore, an effective clinical score for patients sus- in more bilateral PAs than unilateral PA; unilateral PE
pected of PE is an important basis for PE diagnosis is more common in the right PA than the left PA. For
strategy.19 Currently, the clinical tools commonly patients with adverse pulmonary angiography risk, it
used to predict the risk of PE include the Wells score, was valuable to evaluate the possibility of PE in using
Revised Geneva score and D-dimer. Although evalua- the Wells score.
tion methods have limitation on diagnosing or exclud-
ing PE, the application of these clinical prediction Declaration of Conflicting Interests
methods can make CTPA examination more The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
targeted.20,21 respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The Wells score and Revised Geneva score are the article.
most commonly used scoring systems for PE clinical
probability, which classifies the probability of PE Funding
according to clinical criteria.22–24 Currently, the predic- The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
tive value of the Wells score and Revised Geneva score port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
systems for inpatient, emergency, or ICU patients is article: The authors gratefully acknowledge the National
highly controversial.25,26 Research has found that the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No.
specificity of the Wells score in predicting PE was lower 81071531, No. 81372102) and the Key projects of the
8 Phlebology 0(0)

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