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Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022


KMJ 22601



Students’ Name:
KIEW YAN QIN (201141651)
TANUSHAA GAIL (201141717)
Group Number: A5
Lecturers & PLV’S Name:
Date of Experiment: 14th April 2022 Date of Submission: 22nd April 2022

Lecturers & PLV’S Name:

Date of Experiment: Date of Submission:

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022

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Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022


To determine the quality of steam exiting a pressurized vessel with throttling calorimeter.


In this experiment, a throttling calorimeter was used to determine the quality of steam exiting
a pressurized vessel. The steam quality was calculated using the formula which involves
extracting values from the steam table. It also involves values such as the enthalpy of
superheated steam at atmospheric pressure, the enthalpy of saturated liquid in the boiler at high
pressure and also the enthalpy of vaporization at high pressure which were obtained from the
calorimeter. The experiment starts off with releasing excess air from the equipment by opening
the red valve at a 45° angle. Next, the throttling valve was opened at a 45° angle for 15 seconds
after the temperature in T1 returned to its original set temperature which was 100°C and the
highest values of T2 and the pressure was recorded. The temperature of T 1 was increased by
5°C until 140°C and the previous steps were repeated throughout the experiment. The
superheated steam produced is usually supplied to turbines causing the blade to turn and in turn
resulting in the conversion of steam to electricity. It was concluded that with the increase in
temperature, there was a decrease in the steam quality.

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022


1. Both the upper and lower of the valves were fully shut.
2. The system temperature of the heater was set at 100°C and the air has been released
3. The upper valve was opened slowly once the unit had reached 100°C for 10 seconds
to remove air deposit and close it back.
4. A small amount of steam flowed once the unit was stable to flow through the
throttling calorimeter for 15 seconds.
5. The temperature and pressure of the system was observed and were able to be
maintained within the controlled values. The opening of the upper value can be
6. The corresponding temperature has been recorded after the throttling calorimeter.
7. The above procedure was repeated by increasing the system temperature by 5°C per
step. The corresponding value has been recorded of saturation pressure from the
digital pressure meter until the temperature at 140°C is achieved.
8. The heater was turned off.
9. The steam has been recorded.
10. The equipment was shut down when the pressure reading was low.

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022


Temperature, T1 (̊C) Temperature, T2 (˚C) Pressure (bar) Steam Quality , X

100 97.4 0.1 0.9674

105 99.5 0.2 0.9338

110 101.2 0.4 0.8979

115 108.1 0.6 0.9225

120 112.1 0.9 0.9206

125 113.6 1.2 0.8800

130 117.8 1.5 0.8753

135 120.7 1.8 0.8581

140 125.1 2.2 0.8669

Table 1.0 shows the initial temperature, pressure, and steam quality.

Figure 1 shows The steam quality vs Vessel Temperature.

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022


Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022


The purpose of this experiment is to determine the quality of steam exiting a pressurized vessel
by a throttling calorimeter. Steam quality is defined as the proportion of saturated steam in a
saturated condensate. Besides that, a steam quality of 0 indicates 100%liquid. In contrast, steam
quality of 100 determines 100% steam. Steam acts as the gas formed when it passes from the
liquid to the gaseous state. Moreover, boiling point or evaporating water will form the steam.
Furthermore, a throttling calorimeter was used in this experiment for determining the steam
quality within a pressure range of 20-25 bar. Throttling calorimeter is used to throttle saturated
steam from its original vapor pressure to the atmosphere. Under such circumstances, this
situation is known as superheated. Other than that, a small quantity of the two phase liquid-
vapor mixture in the line is steadily diverted through the throttling calorimeter to examine the

Based on table 1 examines that increasing the temperature will increase the pressure.
This is because the particles in the water will move faster during increasing the temperature.
Under such circumstances, it leads to increased pressure. This is because the particles in water
move faster when increasing the temperature. Under such a situation, speed will be greater with
greater momentum and a greater force when the walls lead to rise in pressure. Therefore, the
higher the pressure of a boiler, the more heat should be applied to form steam.

Furthermore, table 2 illustrates that the highest steam quality is 0.9674 at 0.1 bar. In contrast,
steam quality is the lowest at 120.7̊ C at 1.8 bar (0.8581). In fact, steam quality is the percentage
of steam that exists in a mixture of steam and moisture. 99% contains steam quality while 1%
contains liquid water. On the other hand, ensure the steam quality within a band to ensure that
steam isn’t too hot or too wet in an autoclave or sterilizer application.

The graph shows that the value of the stream quality is decreasing, and start increasing
at 101.2˚C and reducing at 113.6̊ C. There are 5 values of steam quality is lower than 0.9 due
to several factors during the experiment. Several ways must take attention to prevent errors
from occurring during the experiment. Firstly, lowering the temperature (T2) by shortening the
time to let the steam flow through the throttling calorimeter. Other than that, ensure the valve
is opened and closed in the correct time duration to allow less of steam flow through the
throttling calorimeter. Besides that, ensure that do not release excess steam or too less. This is
because releasing too much steam by opening the valve leads to increasing the temperature, T2.

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022

In contrast, temperature T1 will reduce drastically. Other than that, the distance of the gap is
short from the boiler and the throttling calorimeter can influence the steam quality. Fourthly,
increase the distance from the boiler to the throttling calorimeter to avoid a small amount of
liquid escaping from the boiler to the throttling calorimeter with the steam. Fifthly, Ganapathy's
steam plant calculation to replace the throttling calorimeter. Furthermore, another way to
visually measure steam quality is by relying on the basics of steam. For instance, opening the
valves to allow the steam to be released into the atmosphere to apply an estimate of the steam
quality in the system.

Figure 3.0 shows the pressure vs Temperature

Based on figure 3 and table 1.0 illustrate that the higher the pressure, the higher the
temperature. The pressure is increasing directly to the temperature. This relationship between
temperature and pressure at a saturated condition is known as the vapor pressure curve. Besides
that, the conditions of pressure and temperature fall on the curve when the vapor or liquid
mixture is at saturation.

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022

Figure 4.0 shows the Isothermals for a vapour plotted on a P-V diagram

Based on Figure 4.0 illustrate the lines of the constant temperature curve from the upper
left to the lower right. Under such circumstances, this phenomenon known as isothermal
process. Based on this figure 4.0 determine that the pressure will increase until there is saturated
vapor at point B. Other than that, the temperature remains constant when the temperature is
constant continuously. In shortly, all points at which the liquid is saturated will lie on liquid
saturation curve. Moreover, all of the points will represent saturated vapour lie on the vapour
saturation curve. Both saturation curve can denote by dotted lines meet at the critical point.
Furthermore, above the critical point the isotherms are continuous curves.

Figure 5.0 shows the Relationship Between Saturation Pressure and Temperature.

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022

One of the relationships between the saturated pressure and temperature is saturation
pressure rising more rapidly as temperature rising. Other than that, the relationship between
temperature and saturation vapour is not linear. Under such a situation illustrate that increasing
temperature leads to saturation vapour pressure will increase is not a constant rate.

Last but not least, one of the safety precautions is avoid touching the boiler and pipe
due to the surface of the boiler is very hot and high temperature. Besides that, do not stand
behind the machine during the experiment.

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022


In this experiment, a throttling calorimeter was used to investigate the quality of steam exiting a
pressurized vessel. The steam quality was calculated using the formula which involves extracting
values according to the steam table. Besides that, a small quantity of the two phase liquid-vapor
mixture in the line is steadily diverted through the throttling calorimeter to determine the quality.
Based on Figure 4.0 shows that this experiment undergoes isothermal process. The relationships
between the saturated pressure and temperature is saturation pressure rising more rapidly as
temperature rising. According to Table 1 illustrate that increasing the temperature will increase the
pressure. This is because the particles in the water will move faster during increasing the
temperature. the result of this experiment determine that there are 5 values of steam quality is lower
than 0.9 due to several factors during the experiment. Several suggestions have been listed in the
discussion to present a standard steam quality. One of the safety precautions from thus experiment
is avoid touching the boiler and pipe due to the surface of the boiler is very hot and high temperature
and do not stand behind the machine during the experiment.

Laboratory Report Template Semester IV 2021/2022


Carey, M. (2015). Steam Quality. Retrieved 20, 2022 from

Frank A. R. (2003). Quantifying Steam Quality. Retrieved 17, 2022 from

Jim, C. (2014). An Introduction to Saturated Vapour Pressure. Retrieved on 22 April, 2022 from

Kelly, P. (2022). The Importance of Steam Quality for Steam-System Process Operation.
Retrieved on April 20, 2022 from

Tyler, A. (2020). Steam Quality vs Steam Purity. Retrieved on April 18, 2022 from


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