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1 Higher Purpose - As per LotN. (pg. 50) You gain 2 traits on any challenges involving this merit. You cannot have flaw: driving goal. The specified purpose must be written and submitted to an ST 1 Natural Leader - As per LotN:R. (pg. 118) You cannot have this with the Noble Bearing merit. You gain a 2 trait bonus on tests of leadership. You must have at least 6 social traits to take this. 1 Noble Bearing - As per LotR. (pg. 104) You gain 1 bonus trait in all social challenges involving your personality. You cannot have this with the Natural Leader merit. 2 Berserker - As per LotN (pg. 50) You may enter frenzy at will and are able to ignore wound penalties until torpor. 2 Broken Rack - This merit allows the character to resist the grueling implements of torture. She is immune to interrogation through torture unless the aggressor has at least level three in the Torture ability. 2 Code of Honor - As per LotN:R. (pg. 116) The code must be specified in writing and submitted to an ST. You gain 1 free retest whenever facing a mental or social situation that might cause you to violate your code. This includes frenzy. 2 Fascinating Gaze - As per LotR (pg. 104) Your eyes may be a different color, have an unnatural shine, etc. You gain 2 traits on all social challenges involving eye contact. 3 Quiet Heart - Allows a free retest vs. Presence or other emotion altering social challenges. 5 One Bad Dude - As per tSH (pg. 114/60) You receive 1 free Intimidating trait, this trait may take you above your Generational limit. You are also up 2 traits on any social challenges involving sheer bad attitude (Intimidation challenges). 5 Loyal Heart - As per tSH - (pg. 114/67) You are loyal to a cause. This merit offers two additional willpower instead of one. 5 Natural Peacemaker - As per LotW (pg. 142/75) You are proposed to diplomacy. You begin with the additional traits Diplomatic x2 which cannot be lost and can go above max. 5 Untamable - As per LotW (pg. 144) You refuse to bow to anyone. You are 6 traits up on any defensive mental or social challenges that involve Intimidation, Subterfuge, or Stealth as a retest to control you. However, this does not apply to emotional control. 5 Warrior's Heart - As per LotW (pg. 144/78) You are able to take considerable damage and gain an additional health level. Health level treated as healthy. 2 Bearing of Kings (Brujah) - As per Libellus Sanguinius 2 (pg. 101) You are up two traits against Presence Challenges.

3 Compassionate (Brujah) (pg. 68) - When you fail Conscience, but not Conviction, tests, you can gain a free retest by expending a Willpower. The violation is treated as one level higher in the Hierarchy of Sins, however, and you must accept the results. You must have and keep a Morality of at least three to acquire and to use this Merit. 3 Fury's Focus (Brujah) (pg.) - This merit allows the Brujah to act in a way that mirrors the Sabbat ability to "ride the wave". By spending a willpower and winning a simple test the Brujah may control her frenzy and direct it as she wishes. 1 Controllable Thirst (Toreador) (pg. 40) - In order to promote your social graces, you are required to be surrounded by a multitude of mortals. One slip would be your most disastrous mistake. Whenever you are resisting frenzy due to the sight, smell or taste of blood, you gain a free retest. 2 Refined (Toreador) (pg. 40) - You are invited to all the high society gatherings and have a higher success rate concerning any interactions with High Society Influence. 3 Blas (Toreador) (pg. 40) - You are not easily impressed. You gain one free retest against all Presence related challenges or attempts to impress you.

1 Coldly Logical - As per LotN:CG (pg. 25) You are 1 trait up when comparing ties on any challenges attempting to persuade you through emotions. 1 Common Sense - As per LotN:R (pg. 116) ST or Narrator can give advice when you you're about to do something that runs counter to common sense. 1 Concentration - As per LotN:R (pg. 116) This merit allows the character to ignore any penalties due to distracting circumstances. 1 Lightning Calculator - As per PG. (pg. 35) You have a natural affinity for numbers and mental arithmetic. You are up two additional traits involving numeric problems or calculations. 1 Time Sense - As per LotN:R (pg. 116) You can estimate time accurately to the nearest 1 or 2 minutes. 2 Eidetic Memory - As per LotN:R. (pg. 116) This should be represented by an OOC notebook. If you are distracted or in combat you must make a static test with 6 trait difficulty to memorize contents of your scrutiny. 2 Light Sleeper - As per LotN:R (pg. 116) You suffer no trait penalties due to sleepiness during the day regardless of morality trait total. 2 Natural Linguist - As per LotN:R. (pg 116) You may purchase two, separate languages for the XP cost of one. You may also learn two languages in a month rather than only one. Gain 3 trait bonus on challenges related to language.

3 Calm Heart - As per LotN:R (pg. 116) You are 1 trait up on resolution of self control/instinct and courage tests. Brujah cannot take this merit. 3 Iron Will - As per LotN:R (pg. 116) Allows a free retest vs. Dominate or other mind altering mental challenges. 1 Well Rested (ghoul only) - As per LdG (pg. 61) You need as few as 3 hours out of 24 hours of sleep to be good to go. 1 Weather Sense (Lasombra) (pg. 63) - As per CB: Lasombra. You may request a static mental challenge against 7 traits to detect bad weather coming. 2 Aware of False Love (ghoul only) - As per LdG (pg. 60) You are aware of the nature of the blood bond. Your regnant is 2 traits down on dominate challenges against you. 3 Pelagic Harmony (Lasombra) (pg. 64) - If you are on or within sight of the sea/ocean, you are up one trait in any Self-Control/Instinct challenge and gain a temporary Willpower trait.

1 Ability Aptitude - As per LotH (pg. 76) You are 2 traits up on a non combat ability. This Merit may only be taken once. 1 Computer Aptitude - As per LotN (pg. 53) You are 2 traits up when repairing, constructing, or operating computers. 1 Crack Driver - As per PG. (pg. 37) You are up one additional trait in feats of driving. 1 Eat Food - As per LotN:R (pg. 113) You can stomach solids but must regurgitate them later. 1 Pitiable - As per LotN (pg. 53) You get a retest when someone attempts to harm you. Others treat you as if you had the nature child though some natures may not and demeanors may pretend not to. 1 Home Advantage - As per LotH: PG (pg. 87) You have an affinity to working better with a particular item, in a particular place, or with a particular person. You are up 2 additional ability traits and up 1 attribute trait. Must be noted with ST. 1 Entrepreneur - As per DSBH (pg. 80) Making money comes easy to you. You are up 2 traits in all challenges that would require the finance ability as a retest. 1-2 Animal Affinity - As per DSBH (pg. 80) You have a natural understanding of animals. You are up 1-2 traits in all challenges with animals depending on the merit cost. 3 Daredevil - As per LotN:R (pg. 113) You gain 1 bonus trait in actions involving at least an 8 trait static difficulty and in combats where you are outnumbered or outclassed.

5 Jack-of-all-trades - As per LotN. (pg. 54) This does not allow a retest. It only allows to gain the insight to initiate a challenge based on what could be information learned along the road. This merit does not apply to languages or lores. You do not need to use a willpower to test for an ability you do not possess.

1 Bright Aura - As per LotN:CG (pg. 25) Your aura appears as a mortal aura. 1 Healing Touch - As per LotN:CG. (pg. 25) This will heal wounds caused by any kindred bite. 1 Inoffensive to Animals - As per LotN:CG (pg. 26) Animals will not flee from you though they may not necessarily like you. 1 Loyalty - As per LotH (pg. 87) You are sworn to some group or cause. This merit works like the True Love merit except with an organization. 1 Lunar Influence - The moon has an unusually strong effect on you. During the new moon you are down two physical traits, but during a full moon you are up two physical traits. 1 Magic Sensitivity - You have a supernatural gift that allows you to discern whether or not magic has been used within a ten foot radius of yourself. This includes disciplines. You must win a simple test to gain result. A tie will explain that magic has happened somewhere nearby, whereas a win will reveal where the magic came from. 1 Shivers - As per LotH (pg. 87) You get a creepy feeling whenever wraiths are around. You may make a static social test with a difficulty of 6 to be aware of the presence of a ghost. 1 Silence - As per VtM:SG. (pg. 125) You are able to move silently over dry leaves. This Merit may reduce Surprise counts by one. 1-3 Magical Item - As per LotH (pg. 87) You possess an item of supernatural quality. It's power levels are determined by an ST. 1-5 Faerie Blood (ghoul only) - As per LotH (pg. 86) You must have the merit: kinain. For each trait you possess in this merit you may take a changeling merit or flaw. You have1 trait of Glamour and may take more eventually. Each additional costs 3 XP though you may never have more traits of Glamour than you have traits in this merit. You can learn basic arts and realms. Arts cost 6 traits to learn while Realms cost 4. You also add the level of this merit to the number of days an enchantment lasts on you. 1-7 Enlightened - As per LoE (pg. 31) You are on the path towards Golconda. 1 trait indicates you have heard the word while 7 traits indicate you have spent the better part of your life working towards it.

2 Burning Aura - As per LotH (pg. 87) You have a brilliant aura of someone with power. Those who sense aura give you a wide berth and those who cannot still get an odd feeling about you. You cannot have the merit: pale aura. 2 Danger Sense - As per LotN (pg 54) When in a situation that would surprise you, you have 4 seconds to react rather than the normal 2 seconds. 2 Dual Nature - As per tLN (pg. 83) You have 2 separate natures and may gain willpower by adhering to either. You still only have 1 demeanor. 2 Faerie Affinity - As per LotN (pg. 54) Your presence does not frighten fairies. Instead, it attracts them. Lowers Banality rating by 2 2 Magic Resistance - As per LotN:R (pg. 119) In the event that no challenge is involved for the Magic, a simple test is made. You gain 2 traits when testing against any form of magic. You can never learn Thaumaturgy while having this merit. 2 Medium - As per LotN:R (pg 120) You cannot normally see wraiths but you can always hear them and communicate with them for favors or information. They can want something in return. 2 Mystic Ability - As per VtM:SG (pg. 125) You have visions into the future that come in the form of symbolism. This is ST control. 2 Sanctity - You are seen as the most innocent and pure. You are trusted even if not trustworthy. When punished for a crime you will receive the lightest sentence. 2 Soothing Voice - As per LotH (pg. 88) You are 2 traits up on any challenges involving your voice. You cannot have this with the Enchanting Voice merit. 2 Animal Friendship (ghoul only) - As per LdG (pg.61) Animals like you a lot. 2 Pale Aura (ghoul only) - As per LotH (pg. 88) You have an undead aura. Individuals capable of reading auras may make a follow up static mental challenge with a difficulty of 10 traits to see through this. You may not have the merit: burning aura. 3 Ghostsight - As per LotH (pg. 88) By succeeding in a static mental challenge against 7 traits, you may see wraiths and glimpses into the land of the dead. 3 Lucky - As per LotN:R (pg. 120) You're just plain lucky. You get 3 retests per story. 3 Oracular Ability - As per LotN:R (pg. 120) Once per session you may attempt to read a particular omen by making a static mental challenge with a difficulty of 8 or more traits. Success grants insight into the situation allowing you to claim 1 retest during the night. 3 Spirit Mentor - As per LotN:R (pg. 120) A wraith companion travels with you and can act on your behalf. Often provides company and advice. ST decides powers.

3 Symbol Independence - As per LotH (pg. 89) You do not need a holy symbol to use True Faith with this merit. 3 Unbondable - As per LotN:R. (pg. 120) Does not effect the Vaulderie. You cannot be blood bound. 3 Blood Flaw Immunity - As per Ghouls: Fatal Addiction (pg. 83) - You are resistant to the flaws of the blood associated with the clan of your Regnant. You also do not suffer any blood flaws associated with other clans when drinking their blood. 3 Kinain (ghoul only) - As per LotH (pg. 88) You are able to have up to 9 attribute traits. You have 5 banality traits and are more accepted in changeling life. You belong to one of the faerie races and are more immune to the amnesiac qualities of the Mists. 3 Kinfolk (ghoul only) - As per LotH (pg. 89) You are related to one of the tribes of the Garou. You are able to have up to 9 attribute traits. You may learn basic homid gifts at a cost of 6 XP (or 8 XP outside of tribe) without the use of rage or gnosis. You are also immune to the delirium. 3 Learn Other Disciplines (ghoul only) - As per LdG (pg. 62) You are able to learn other disciplines at out of clan cost. However, you may not purchase Protean or Thaumaturgy. 3 Psychic Awareness (ghoul only) - As per LotH (pg. 89) You have a supernatural gift that allows you to discern whether or not magic has been used within a ten foot radius of yourself. This includes disciplines. You must win a simple mental test to gain result (difficulty of 8 traits). A tie will explain that magic has happened somewhere nearby, whereas a win will reveal where the magic came from. You must have the appropriate lores to gain the knowledge on a win. 4 Destiny - As per LotN (pg. 55) ST played merit. You may gain visions and prophecies that dictate your destiny in the chronicle. 4 Easy Consort - As per LotH (pg. 90) It is easier for wraiths to possess you though they may offer you favors in exchange for doing so. Possession attempts gain a 2 trait bonus and you are aware of everything while being possessed. 4 Precognition - As per VtM:SG (pg. 125) You get visions of the future that are direct and without fault. An ST controls this. 4 True Love - As per LotN:R (pg. 120) You gain 1 additional willpower trait to be used when faced with adversity. 4 Sorcerous Awareness (ghoul only) - As per LotH (pg. 89) May work in conjunction with the merit: Psychic Awareness. You have a supernatural gift that allows you to discern whether or not magic has been used within a ten foot radius of yourself. This merit causes a distinct tingle to run up your spine whenever such things are used.

5 Busy Helper - As per tSH (pg. 103/51) You can create crafts in 1/3 of the normal time as long as you are not disturbed. You start with an additional level of Crafts that can never be lost. 5 Clear Sighted - As per LotH (pg. 91) A successful mental challenge allows you to penetrate basic uses of concealment powers. You need only risk 1 trait in mass challenges and may lose only 1 trait. 5 Innate Magical Ability - As per PG:S. (pg. 126) You have some sort of ability that makes you unique. It should not be the same as any vampiric discipline, though the power level should be about equal to an intermediate discipline. This merit requires consultation with an ST. 5 Speaker with the Dead - As per LotH (pg. 91) You are able to purchase Wraith Lore without a mentor (1 level). You constantly see across the Shroud and hear the dead. You may be possessed with this merit. 5 Lifegiver (ghoul only) - As per LotH (pg. 91) You are able to heal non aggravated damage quicker. Those under your care are also able to heal quicker. You gain the flaw: potent blood as your blood is desired by vampires. 6 Guardian Angel - As per LotN (pg. 55) Someone watches over you and protects you though you may not know what it is. ST discretion. 6 Mysterious Guardian - As per LotH:PG (pg. 99) Something watches over you and can keep you from harm. The ST decides on the limits of this merit. 6 Nine Lives - As per LotN:R (pg. 120) Any time that a lost challenge would result in your death, you get a retest. You have 9 chances and they can all be used on a single situation. 7 Fist of God - As per LotH:PG (pg. 99) You are able to focus your faith through a weapon to inflict aggravated damage to supernatural creatures. You may only use this merit while having a morality rating of at least 4 though it may not be lost should you fall below that. 7 True Faith - As per LotN:R (pg. 120) True Faith can be used as a willpower trait. You can repel vampires with a social challenge, saying In the name of ________, and brandishing a holy symbol. On a lose. The vampire must still remain 10 feet from you unless he overbids you in a willpower vs. willpower retest. You may also gain one retest on any challenge per night. You must have 5 morality to have this. 7 Virulent Strike (Ghoul) - As per Ghouls: Fatal Addiction (pg. 84) For some reason, of which there are few, you are able to cause aggravated damage whenever you strike in a hand-to-hand situation. The supernatural flows strongly within you. 1 Consanguineous Resistance (Giovanni)(pg. 77) - As per CB: Giovanni. You cannot be blood bound to anyone of your mortal family lineage.

1 Immaculate Aura (Malkavian) (pg. 64) - Whether because of your iron control or small fluke of chance, your aura does not give away your insanity. The aura doesn't shift or swirl at all, even when you're confused, frenzied or in a psychotic fit. 1 Benevolent Blood (Malkavian) (pg. 64) - Your blood still carries the Curse of Malkav, but its effects have been lessened just a little bit. Any ghouls you create suffer none of the usual deranging side effects of drinking Malkavian blood - they can be loaded to the gills with your blood and not come one step nearer to gaining a derangement. (They might still be driven insane by life with you, though, depending on how demanding your reality is.) Of course, any childer you Embrace will still gain a derangement after the Embrace as usual - although your vitae is easily diluted by mortal blood, the pure stuff carries the Curse as one would expect. 1-3 Gift of Proteus (Gangrel) (pg. 37) - 1 pt: Allows small variations in Protean; i.e. eye color change etc. 2 pts: May have an extra animal form. 3 pts: May have two (2) extra animal forms. 2 Attuned Taste (Tremere) (pg. 66) - As per CB: Tremere. When characters with this ability taste even the smallest amount of blood, they can learn one fact about the source without the risk of blood bond. There is no test or blood cost, they simply gain the information as if by a successful test. The Path of Blood 1st Basic - A Taste for Blood may still be employed to gain more specific information, with the rules applied for that discipline. 2 Controllable Night Sight (Lasombra) (pg. 63) - As per CB: Lasombra. Spend a turn in concentration, plus on turn for each level of damage currently felt, and she may invert her perception of light and dark. This allows the pitch of night to be as light as day, and bright rooms will be darkened chambers. This does not allow her to see in Obtenebration, which appears as pure white light. 2 Haven Affinity (Tzimisce) - As per CB: Tzimisce. 2 Ruse of the Wolf's Clothing (Gangrel) (pg. 37) - While in animal form you have a form of "baby face" that allows you to fully pass as the living form of that animal. Other animals will accept you as just another one of them and Garou are unable to detect the Wyrm in you unless you have less than three morality traits. 2 Spectral Image (Lasombra) (pg.) - Instead of no reflection you cast a ghost like image as a reflection. 3 Greater Colors (Toreador) (pg. 40) - You can see colors in a light unlike any others. You are up five traits in any aura perception test against any target. You may only use this merit against a specific target once per night but may do it to as many targets as you deem necessary. 3 Revenant Disciplines (Tzimisce) - As per CB: Tzimisce. You may take the in-clan powers of one of the Revenant Families if such a history is approved by the ST. These powers remain as in-clan and normal Tzimisce powers are considered out-of-clan to purchase and requires a teacher.

4 Proxy Kissed (Giovanni) (pg. 77) - As per CB: Giovanni. You may start your character with the first Intermediate level of Potence, as you were proficient in it as a ghoul. You may also buy the merit a second time to have the first level of Fortitude at character creation. 4 Strength of Shadows (Lasombra) (pg. 34) - You may maintain any form of Obtenebration without concentration. It continues to exist or function until you stop it or it is hit by the light of the sun. 5 Sympathetic Bond (Malkavian) (pg. 66) - For whatever reason, you unconsciously cause a peculiar supernatural form of feedback through the links of the blood bond. Although you're not immune to being blood bound (and cannot take the Merit: Unbondable), if you do become bound to someone, your regnant also becomes blood bound to you to and equal extent. Even if she was already blood bound to another, she now has the unenviable position of being regnant to two vampires at once. This can obviously lead to some unplanned and quite twisted co-dependent relationships. 5 Natural Vicissitude (Tremere) (pg.) - Somehow you have inherited some of your clan's stolen Tzimisce blood that contains Vicissitude. You have Vicissitude in clan instead of Dominate. 7 New Blood Line (Caitiff) - The random disciplines you carry as a Caitiff will carry on to all of your children and to theirs as well. Essentially you have created your own bloodline.

Kindred Ties
1 Prestigious Sire - As per LotN:R (pg. 118) You are treated as though you have 1 status more than you actually have. 1-3 Special Gift - As per LotN (pg. 57) Your sire gave you a valuable gift after the embrace. ST discretion. 2 Well Traveled - As per DSBH. (pg. 82) The effects of this merit are Sect specific. You have traveled all over the globe, seen many different cities and met a great number of Kindred. There is a chance you will know of a vampire from another city when you hear his name. You must make a static mental test against ten (10) minus the kindred's Status traits to know of the vampire. This is sect specific only. If you are Camarilla, then you may make tests only in reference to Camarilla vampires. If you are Sabbat, then you may make tests only in reference to Sabbat vampires and so on. 2 Reputation - As per LotN (pg. 57) You have a good reputation with kindred of your city. You are treated as if you are one status higher than you actually are. You cannot have flaw: notoriety with this merit. 2 Special Rapport - As per VtM:SG (pg. 126) You have a special bond with another vampire that extends beyond the blood bond. You know when they are in pain, in love, etc. They will know the same of you.

2 Garou Ally (ghoul only) - As per LdG (pg. 64) You are friends with a Garou and have the right to call upon them for help as they do you. 2-6 Prestation Gifts - As per LoE (pg. 32) Some kindred owes you assistance (depending on the level of this merit) as you have done a favor for them in the past. Point cost is based on the level of the Boon. 3 Clan Friendship - As per LotN (pg. 57) You are 1 trait up on all social challenges when dealing with the particular clan you have this merit with. 3 Loyal Childe - As per LoE (pg. 32) Your childe has a love for you beyond the blood bond. They would seek to avenge your death. You can trust your childe implicitly. 3 Pawn - As per LotN (pg. 57) You hold manipulation of a weaker generation vampire possibly through blood bond. ST discretion. 3-5 Paramour - As per LoE (pg. 32) You have had a long term relationship with a kindred (75 year minimum). The two of you care a great deal for one another. The level of this merit determines the standing of the kindred in age, power, society, etc. 1-4 Charmed Smadji (Ravnos) (pg. 44) - You possess an heirloom bestowed on you by your sire and is expected to be passed on to your own childe. This item has some mystical effect much like Special Gift or Magical Item. Discuss this item with an ST before purchasing it. 2 Family Allegiance (Ravnos) (pg. 44) - You are allied with the Gypsy family. They will shelter you and support you so long as it is not abused. 2 Pack Distinction (Sabbat) - You are held with high esteem by your pack due to some great deed you have performed. You are seen with a recognition (status) two points higher. 3 Personal Masquerade (Caitiff) - You have convinced a clan that you are one of them. They have already accepted you, but you need to be sure that they never know the truth. You guard that secret with your life.

Most physical merits can only be purchased at character creation. 1 Acute Sense - As per LotN:R (pg. 112) In all tests with selected sense you are 2 traits up. 1 Ambidextrous - As per LotN:R. (pg. 113) Can only be purchased at character creation.. You do not suffer the 2 trait penalty when using either hand. 1 Bruiser - As per LotN:CG (pg. 24) You are 1 trait up when comparing ties in matters if intimidation.

1 Catlike Balance - As per LotN:R (pg. 113) You are 2 traits up on challenges involving balance. 1 Double-jointed - As per LotN (pg. 59) You are 1 trait up on any physical challenges involving flexibility. 1 Friendly Face - As per LotN:CG (pg. 24) You are 1 trait up on all attempts to persuade, seduce, or beguile a stranger. 1 Damned Visage (ghoul only) - As per LdG (pg. 64) You have the ability to appear as one of the undead. You can slow your heart rate to where it is almost indiscernible. 2 Blush of Health - As per LotN:R (pg. 113) but also encompasses all benefits of "Babyface" (LotN: pg 59. you never stopped breathing, your skin is still pink, and you can make your heart beat as long as you have 1 blood trait. Nosferatu cannot have this). Your appearance seems healthy and you are slightly cooler to the touch. 2 Enchanting Voice - As per LotN:R. (pg. 113) You cannot have this with the Soothing Voice merit. All uses of voice give 2 bonus traits. 2 Misplaced Heart - As per LotN (pg. 59) Your heart is moved yet still no farther than 2 feet from your chest. Additional staking test is necessary when someone is trying to stake you. 2 Lack of Scent - As per LotW (pg. 145) You have no scent. Anyone attempting to track you are 2 traits down. 2 Sexy - As per LotRec. (pg. 158) You are up two traits on all non-confrontational Social challenges with the opposite sex or members of your own sex who find you attractive, and should you choose to focus the full power of your charms at a target, you are considered three traits up on all relevant Social challenges. However, this magnetism can irritate others of your own sexual persuasion - you are considered one trait down on Social challenges with such individuals in any situation where you may be perceived as a rival. 3 Poisonous Blood (ghoul only) - As per LotH (pg. 79) Your blood is poisonous to vampires. They suffer one health level of damage per trait they drink from you. 3 Efficient Digestion (ghoul only) - As per LdG (pg. 65) You can go 2 months without being bound. You also gain 3 blood traits for every 2 you take from your regnant. 3 Efficient Digestion (Kindred only) - As per LotN:R (pg. 113) You gain 3 blood traits for every 2 traits you drain from a mortal. 3 High Pain Tolerance - As per LotR (pg. 103) You are able to shrug off injuries easier than most. You have an additional bruised health level. 4 Huge Size - As per LotN:R (pg. 113) At least 7 feet tall. You have one extra bruised level.

5 Cat Senses - As per tSH (pg. 104/65) You suffer no penalties from lightless situations and can see across the Shroud but cannot speak to wraiths. You do not suffer the Sluagh negatives. 6 Former Ghoul - Before your embrace, you were loved/enslaved by a Vampire. Perhaps it was your eventual sire, perhaps it was another Cainite. In any respect, with proper history and ST approval this merit allows you at Character Generation (and *only* at Character Generation) to expend freebie and/or banked experience points to purchase two of the following Disciplines as in-clan disciplines: Fortitude, Celerity, Potence. After character generation, you will retain these disciplines but they are considered out-of-clan. As always, these disciplines may not be bought higher than Basic level at Character generation. 7 Regeneration - As per Changeling: The Player's Guide (pg. 24) C:tPG Your supernatural healing ability is especially potent and will often regenerate on its own. You recover one level of health inflicted by a normal wound per hour and may heal two aggravated wounds per cost of one. 1 Lizard Limbs (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu pg. 23) - By spending a blood point, you may shed a limb. This makes it possable to escape almost any bonds, but your escape may be slow with no legs. Nosferatu with this Merit often use it for practical jokes (lets shake on it...). 1 Long Fingers (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu pg. 23) - Your fingers are long and spidery. You gain the Physical Trait Dexterous at creation, and also a 1 Trait bonus on all challenges involving manual dexterity. 1 Oversized Fangs (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu pg. 24) - You've got some way honking teeth there, buddy. They're not far off from a set of tusks. Your bite does and extra wound and gives a +2 trait bonus with that attack. Also this merit gives +1 Social Trait in Intimidation challenges when unmasked. However, this is obviously a two-sided merit, as these teeth are enormous and make many daily activities difficult. 1 Piscine (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu: R pg. 71) - You gain a bonus Trait for any challenge related to swimming or movement through water at least chest-deep. 1 Slimy (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu pg. 24) - Your body is covered in a thin layer of slime. This merit gives an extra Health Level to resist fire damage, and two bonus Traits in grappling challenges. 2 Disgusting (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu pg. 24) - You have become something of master in the arts of grossing out others. In fact, you can take it so far as to include extreme physical contortions such as pulling your tongue three feet out of your mouth, plucking out your eyes or spontaneously bursting boils all over your body. When you show some descriptive form of disgust to another character, they are down one trait in any challenge during the next round due to being too disgusted to react properly. 2 Gaping Maw - (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu: R pg. 71) You can drain a victim of 4 blood traits in a turn instead of 3.

2 Patagia (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatupg. 24) - You have large flaps of skin under your arms that function like the "wings" of flying squirrels. You are not able to fly with these, per se, but you may glide short distances. You cannot carry passengers or anything except personal items (at ST discretion). 2 Projectile Vomiting - (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu: R pg. 71) Make a Physical Challenge against your victim. The attack does no damage (except to their pride), but is useful for blinding, distracting, and humiliating, especially humiliating. 2 Sleep Unseen - (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu: R pg. 71) Expend extra blood Trait to keep hidden during the day. This can be detected with Auspex and like powers. Only Unseen Presence can be used with this merit. 2 Swarm Attractor (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu pg. 24) - You must have The Beckoning to fully utilize this merit. Before then the only effect is that insects ranging from flies and gnats to bees and other flying insects hang around you. Once the Beckoning is mastered, you may use this swarm to distract your foes up to 20 feet away. They will not actually do any damage, but the target will suffer a -1 penalty due to distraction. 2 Tough Hide (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu pg. 24) - This merit offers you an additional Health Level of Bruised. 3 Foul Blood (Nosferatu) (CB: Nosferatu pg. 24) - If someone is unfortunate enough to put the bite on you, they must make a Simple Test to avoid becoming extremely nauseous for a full scene. If they lose, they suffer a -1 Trait penalty on Physical Challenges for the rest of the evening. Willpower may not be used to negate this. On the plus side, it makes diablerie difficult at best, forcing a Simple Test for every blood trait taken. On the downside, blood bonding, Embracing, or taking ghouls is made torturous if not nigh impossible. 2 Pain Tolerance (Tzimisce) - As per CB: Tzimisce. 2 Drug Resistance (Setite) (pg. 39) - You are unusually resistant to drugs. The many forms of them have little to no effect on you. 2 Poisonous Bite (Setite) (pg. 39) - You have poison glands in your mouth. This only effect's a mortal victim, but it is a lethal poison that is passed on with your bite. 3 Addictive Blood (Setite) (pg. 39) - Once others, kindred or kine, have consumed your blood they fell that they must drink it again. If they are in need of blood they will come to you looking for it. They must spend a willpower to resist drinking it if they have the chance. Once they have gained the addiction they will do almost anything to drink it again. 5 Rugged Bad Looks (Nosferatu) (pg. 72) - You are the attractive Nos. To the rest of the world you're still pretty darn ugly, but you can at least walk amongst mortals without instantly becoming a breach of the Masquerade. You still suffer all the negative penalties for Social Traits, and the other vampires give you hell for not being a "real" Nosferatu.

(details must be provided concerning these merits) 1 Arcane Heritage - As per LotH (pg. 84) Due to a family member being a witch, you have an amount of prestige with the Arcanum. 1-3 Blackmail Material - As per LdG (pg. 63) You have material on a kindred of indeterminate status. His status and the details to the blackmail depend on the point taken in this merit. 1-3 Ecclesiastical Rank - As per LotH (pg. 84) You have the benefits of gaining knowledge and access to the church. You also hold a position within the church depending on the level this merit is taken at. 1 trait indicates a local priest where a 3 trait may indicate a bishop. 1-5 Holdings - As per LoE (pg. 31) You own a number of properties. For each point you take in this merit, you gain 2 properties. 2-5 Institutional Control - As per tLN (pg. 76) You have complete control over a mortal institution. The cost of this merit reflects the size and occupation of the insititution. 2 License to Kill - As per LotH (pg. 84) A national agency has afforded you the ability to kill as necessary. You may still be arrested, but it is likely that this organization will get you off the hook. 2 Mansion - As per tSH (pg. 106) You own a large mansion with at least 25 rooms. It may be as nice or decrepit as you wish. 2 Nightclub - As per tSH (pg. 107) You own a nightclub of a moderate size that grants you an additional $1,000 a month. 2 Research Grant - As per LotH (pg. 84) You gain an additional $1,000 a month and have access to rare libraries that may grant you knowledge in the arts and lores of numinae. 2 Spy Network - As per tLN (pg. 76) You have a group of mortals that frequently bring you information. They still need something in exchange to sustain them but they often offer you information for little to nothing. 2 Top Secret Access - As per LotH (pg. 85) You are granted government access and top secret information. You must make a simple test in order to attempt to gain this information. A success means you gain access, a tie, you get partial, and a loss gets you nothing. 3 Double Identity - As per LotH (pg. 85) You have arranged through your espionage contacts to secure an alternate identity.

5 Corporation CEO - As per PG. (pg. 44) This merit allows five (5) influences that may only be used to satisfy the corporation. These influences must reflect the nature of the corporation. 2 Mortal Double (Toreador) (pg. 40) - You have a twin or long lost sister who is in cahoots with you to preserve your presence during the day. She is aware of your personnel life fully in order to portray the part and may accomplish many things for you as you sleep the day away. 3 Reptile Buddy (Nosferatu) (pg. 71) - You've ghouled the legendary sewer gator and trained it as a highly intelligent killing machine/loyal pet. About as intelligent as a 5 year old, it understands spoken commands and can even carry out somewhat complex orders. And with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth and speeds reaching around 35mph, who wouldn't want a Fluffy? It has the following stats: Physical 7 - Social 6 - Mental 4 Fortitude (Endurance, Mettle), Potence (Prowess, Might) Blood Pool 12 - Willpower 3 5 Dynamic Personality (Brujah) (pg. 68) - You can buy Fame and Herd at a two for one cost. You gain an extra level of Allies when you buy two levels of Allies.

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