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Name: Elida Cristiana S.

Eduarte Course/Year/Block: BSA 1-B

Reel Time: Salat

At the very beginning of the documentary, it breaks my heart

already as it states that “One child dies every 15 seconds due to
starvation”. The documentary focuses primarily on Vina Navarro,
43 years old, a widowed mother in Parola Compound Tondo,
Manila who struggles to feed herself and her six small children.
Her husband died as he was shot by a gun. She peeled garlic
cloves, their old house that is rented out for 700 pesos a month
and also sometimes she sell items like chairs, blankets etc. as
their source of income. But it wasn't enough because she has
many children and they are all malnourished because they weren't
able to eat atleast three times a day. They tend to sleep or watch
television at their neighbor's house if they were not able to eat.
They also borrow basic needs like soap for bathing to their
neighbor Aling Reggie Perucho because they really cannot afford
to buy it. The documentary also focuses to Mary Rose. For
education, she gave a 20 peso allowance to Mary Rose, her 10
years old kid that is severely malnourished, it is calculated that the
child spends 10 pesos for a back and forth transportation and the
remaining on her food. And as I watched the documentary I cannot
stop thinking what happened to them during the extreme surge of
Covid 19, are they all alive? Or another child died because of
tubercolosis or hunger? All of these questions are running on my
mind because their life was surely more harder during the
lockdown. And it makes me realized more that there are so many
Filipino families that also experiencing the same situation and I can
say that sufficient knowledge about family planning should be
really embedded to Filipino families so that they cannot experience
extreme poverty and hunger. Most specially to Filipino families
who live in an area where it is unsuited for raising a physically,
mentally and morally healthy children. I also felt mad to Aling Vina
because she said that she sleep at the roof of their roof of their
house because she don't want to be disturb by her children. I also
cried at the last part of the documentary as different people show a
banner like “Kakain na sa tamang oras”, “Magdodonate ako sa
feeding program”, “Hindi na ako magtitira ng kanin sa aking
pinggan” and “Iinom na ako ng gatas” because you can really say
and realized that you are lucky and blessed enough because you
can eat more than 3 times a day upon watching it. So why we
should complain about our lives? There are people who are really
starving and praying for a food to eat. I realized that I'm truly
blessed because I was able to eat breakfast before attending my
classes and I was able to buy my cravings which are not really
important. There are also times that I'm choosy to my food and I do
not eat if I don't want the food on the table which is not really good
and I can eat fried chicken whenever I want wherein it is just a
dream of someone who is starving like Mary Rose.

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