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Language Teaching Media

Course Code: PBI-602034

Topic: Designing Instructional Media

Student’s Name : Ariani Khairunnisya’

Student’s Number/NIM : 2103046170
Class : PBI 3-ICP

Jenjang pendidikan/Kelas SMA/ Senior High School ( XI )

Kompetensi Dasar 3.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal

lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyapa, berpamitan, mengucapkan terimakasih, dan

meminta maaf, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

(Identifying social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of texts of oral and written

interpersonal interactions that involve the act of greeting, saying goodbye, saying thank you, and

apologizing, and responding to them, according to the context in which they are used)

Tujuan Pembelajaran : To make students understand what kind of text structure from linguistic element, interpersonal

interaction, and saying good bye by responding contextually.


Jenis Media (digital/non In the class, I used YouTube to teach student because YouTube has provided a lot conversation such as
digital) dan Deskripsi Media
greeting, thanks giving, and etc. YouTube is one of the well-known Platform every single person used it to

learn something and also to get information, so that why I used YouTube to teach my student in teaching

learning time.

Persiapan Pemanfaatan Media -Preparing the media in the class.

-Checking the student that is familiar to the media.

-Making sure that student has a media.

-Asking student to bring media in the class.

Langkah-langkah Pemanfaatan 1. The teacher provides the material using PPT

(penjelasanya harus lebih 2. The teacher plays video material from YouTube
detail) 3. The teacher asks students to mention the material related to the subject.
4. The teacher gives some questions from You Tube related to the materials as an indicator of
learning success
5. The teacher gives an appreciation to students who can answer the questions given previously
6. The teacher asks some students to explain the material they got in that day from You Tube.
7. The teacher closes the class by praying
Kelebihan a. Students are able to access this media 24 hours and able to study in whatever cost.

b. This media has so many variations including the content and contextual learning

c. Student can search different kind of material to further knowing other material.

Kekurangan a. This media can be access in bad signal and need good signal.

b. YouTube has many bad contents it needs teacher controlling

Saran Perbaikan To use YouTube needed teacher controlling, good signal, and etc. Techer who is teaching by using

this media need to give a limitation what should be accessed to the student of that learning process.

Student who has bad behaviour will search something unpredictable can be veered into the lesson.

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