EmploymentlawACCAF4 210117 182535

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ACCA FY- Chagter -4 E mploymunt Law. TWRes 8 wromang Cetdronsits @ Enafloy ce > Works under an emfloyer. Gs calery yoo em floger (>) Sey -emfloyad 2 works under contraer ‘) SEHUIL, Ger Commi S6ron o fees Prom tee Gerson a) contract (TESTS TS DEERME ENPESVHENT(wndtur Comeger ov sey emmy ed) @) Tr contsol_test 2 cle tells employ ee how, what (whe te do dhe usoek. This best is wot aggro peiate for Skithes ernglog cer debs ecw 'st chit) imo hespiter. () Tu _imtyrahon test 9 Ge) —_ inkearad Qos y business nok (neg vel povr Sey emfloy of) Cannot De qed as Sole Criterion Yo $e whether co cont ed of wot. 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