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Lesson Simplification and Extensions

#1  A gifted child who needs enrichment- will

be allotted independent practice that is
more advanced for them. 
 For a student with ADHD- allow for short
brain breaks to help them refocus before
completing the group and independent
 ELL student- the night before the lesson I
will provide them with a sheet of the
keywords that will also include their
native language, so they have prior
knowledge before the academic lesson. 

#2  Gifted/Enrichment Student- Challenge

them to research a measurement tool of
their choice prior to class to explain to
the students in the class
 Exceptional child- Provide extra support
to these students to make sure they
understand the concept. 
 English language learners- Provide them
with a list of the English measurement
tools and the translated word in their
native language.

#3  Enrichment- more advanced questions

will be asked to these students during
classroom discussions so that they feel
 A student that has trouble hearing-
During the video that will be played at
the beginning of the lesson, I will make
sure that the closed captions are on and I
will do periodic check-ins to see if they
are grasping the concept.
 ELL- if they are struggling to spell or
make complete sentences on the Venn
diagram rather than them getting
frustrated I will allow them to work with
a partner or draw their understanding of
the two systems on the Venn diagram.
#4  Gifted/ Enrichment students- will have
the opportunity to measure additional
items and design their own unit of
measurement for this worksheet
 A student with tactile/ kinesthetic
exceptionalities- will have the
opportunity to complete the worksheet
with a partner or assistance from myself
 ELL learners- be provided with the lesson
prior to class that way if they have any
questions or are confused with directions
they are able to ask beforehand to get
more detailed information. 

#5  Enrichment- students will have the

opportunity to compare reading a ruler in
inches to reading a ruler in metric. Their
worksheet will also have a variety of
 A student who is slightly impaired
visually- I will provide them with a
worksheet that texts and problems that
are larger in size so that it is easier to
read. I will also keep them near the board
so that it is easier to understand and
grasp the lesson. 
 ELL students- will have a small sheet of
paper that shows the U.S. ruler in their
native language, extra practice may take
place if grasping the concept with inches
is more difficult since it is only used in the

#6  Enrichment students- have the option to

complete the worksheet by themselves
or with a partner
 A student with exceptionality- may need
extra support so allow them to work in a
small group rather than individually or
with one other student. 
 English language learners- provide them
with a sheet that explains what body part
they are to measure in their native
language. The teacher will also
encourage this student to work with a
student that understands measurement.

#7  For a gifted child who needs enrichment-

Allow them to use the worksheet and
measure to the nearest ⅛ of inch if they
want more of a challenge 
 For a student who has a visual
impairment- Provide this child with a
ruler that has thicker and easier-to-read
tic marks and numbers. 
 For an English language learner- allow
them to work with a seat neighbor if they
want to. And provide extra support
during independent work time

#8  Enrichment- During the card game

partner up with Enrichment students to
go head-to-head to provide more
challenging conversion questions. 
 For a student with autism who doesn’t
like to be in the spotlight- allow this child
to have the choice to complete this
round for the game from their own desk
rather than coming 
 English Language Learners- make sure
that they understand the directions and
what the procedure in the game will look
like before giving them and the other
team’s player the cue to begin. 

#9  Gifted/ Enrichment Students- allow them

the opportunity to come up with their
own word problem to share with the
entire class to use as an example to go
 A student with sensory issues (dislikes
using marker boards) -- Allow them to
complete the whole group examples on a
normal piece of paper and pencil. 
 English language learner- Provide extra
assistance to the child when they are
completing the practice problems

#10  For a gifted child who needs enrichment-

challenge them to create their own
review questions to present to the class
to help the class understand the concept
and challenge the enrichment students 
 For a student with assignment anxiety-
on the unit review eliminate some
multiple choice answers and provide
more time for them to complete the
 ELL- allow extra time for the Unit Review
assignment and help on reading
questions when necessary & provide
them a sheet to understand the word
list/ concepts for bingo. 

Culminating Experience  Gifted or Enrichment Students- will have

an alternative task to complete that is a
bit more challenging for them. They will
also have the role of crew leaders.
 For a student with autism or an
exceptionality- allow them to decide
what group of students they would like
to work with due to these students
working better with certain students.
 English language learner- make sure
these students are assigned to students
who work well with others and
understand the material

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