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Acknowledgements & Credits

Many creative minds and resources contributed to the creation of this material.
The author and publishers would like to thank the following people for their involvement.

Luis Munevar (Co-Author/Sound Editor/Advisor/Recorder)

Your inspiration and guidance through the planning, research and writing phases has been invaluable.
Thank you for the late-night brainstorming sessions, for your innovative concepts and playing a key role
in the completion of this project.
Your support throughout this entire process has been a driving force for everyone involved. Without
you, this wouldn’t be possible.

Justin Anderson (B.A English/Lead Copywriter/Proof-reader)

Thank you for overseeing the curriculum and scaffolding of this project. Your input and constructive
advice has been indispensable.

Sebastian Diaz Restrepo (C.E.O Codyd) and his experienced team.

Thank you to everyone at Codyd for your perseverance and valuable perspectives.

Equipo Académico (Advisors/Contributors/Editors)

Thank you all for your participation in this project. You have all played a major role in the development
and evolution of our training system. Forever grateful.

Arianna Jessica Franco O’Connell (Audio Recorder/Advisor)

Thank you for allowing us to use your beautiful voice for the audios. Your enthusiasm and moral
support throughout this process was encouraging and extremely helpful.
1. JOE LUCK............................................................................................................................................................................7
2. FRESH FISH........................................................................................................................................................................12

STORY 3. FORMULA TO SUCCEED........................................................................................................................................17

4. ALL INCLUSIVE...............................................................................................................................................................22
5. THE CURE..........................................................................................................................................................................27
6. HEAVY WATER...............................................................................................................................................................32
7. DO UNTO OTHERS....................................................................................................................................................37
8. THE FRIENDLY TRAITOR........................................................................................................................................42
9. THE CARELESS BEAR.................................................................................................................................................47
10. RECOGNITION...........................................................................................................................................................52

UNIT 1: SAY vs TELL.........................................................................................................................................................61

UNIT 2: SAID vs TOLD (Past of say / tell)............................................................................... 62

UNIT 3: DIRECT & REPORTED SPEECH.............................................................................................................62

UNIT 4: DIRECT AND INDIRECT QUESTIONS............................................................................................64
UNIT 5: PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS............................................................................................................66
UNIT 6: FUTURE PERFECT..........................................................................................................................................68
UNIT 7: FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS....................................................................................................71
UNIT 8: COMMUNICATIVE GOALS ....................................................................................................................72

UNITS 1 -2: SAY vs TELL.................................................................................................................................................83

UNIT 3: DIRECT AND REPORTED SPEECH....................................................................................................85

UNIT 4: DIRECT AND INDIRECT QUESTIONS............................................................................................89

UNIT 5: PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS............................................................................................................93
UNIT 6: FUTURE PERFECT..........................................................................................................................................95

UNIT 7: FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS....................................................................................................96

UNIT 9: TOP 10 ESSAY WRITING TIPS................................................................................................................97

o nt e n
WORK ANSWER KEY.....................................................................................................................................................102

Boyce Fitzgerald©


Joe Luck was a sensible man who lived a normal life. He lived on a farm with his only
son Christopher.
One day, his prized horse, Goldie escaped from the stable and ran away. Joe searched for her
for days, but she was nowhere to be found. He asked all the neighbors in the town, but no one
had seen the horse.
“Mrs. Doyle, you haven’t seen my horse Goldie, have you? She ran away last night.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Joe, but I haven’t seen your horse. She was a fine horse indeed! That is some
bad luck if I do say so myself.”
“No such thing as bad luck ma’am. Thank you for your time.” said Joe. And off he went
Weeks passed by, and Joe was sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast with his son, and
suddenly, from the window, they could see three horses galloping towards the barn.

Stories 7
“Dad, look! It’s Goldie! She came back!’
“Looks like she brought company!”
They ran outside and tied up all three horses in the barn.
“These horses aren’t just any horses Christopher. These are Purebred Arabian Stallions worth
hundreds of thousands of dollars. Someone must be looking for them. I should go into town and see
if we can find their rightful owners.”
Joe took the two stallions to the sheriff’s station and asked if anyone had reported a missing horse.
“You’re in luck Joe! No one has reported any lost or stolen horses. It looks like you got yourself a
nice new herd. If you register them now, they will legally be yours.” Said the sheriff.
Joe went straight to the registry office and registered his new stallions.
The woman at the counter asked Joe where he found the horses.
He explained that his horse Goldie had brought them with her when she returned home.
“Well aren’t you lucky!” said the woman
“No such thing as being lucky ma’am.” And off he went.
The next day, Christopher was in the barn tending to the herd when he decided to take one of
the new horses out for a ride. At first, the horse was calm and riding beautifully. They galloped
around in the wide-open field for hours. Flocks of birds flew over towards the horizon. It was
a serene moment until a bunny hopped out in front of them. The horse got spooked and
bucked wildly
throwing Christopher into the air and onto the ground. He was severely injured but thankfully
Joe ran over to Christopher, picked him up and rushed him to the hospital where they stitched
up his arm and wrapped his leg up in a cast.
“I’ve never heard of a cute little bunny scaring a stallion! said the nurse. You’re lucky to be alive”.
Months passed by, and Christopher wasn’t recovering as quickly as he would have liked. His
friends would often come over to visit. Timmy was Christopher’s best friend. He came over
almost every day to see if he was well enough to go outside to play.
“You broke your leg just when summer was starting. Now summer is almost over, and you haven’t
been outside once, have you?! Now that’s some serious bad luck.” Exclaimed Timmy.
A couple of weeks passed by and the news broke out that the country was going to war. All the
boys, ages 12-18 had to be recruited for army training and were sent off to military training
camps immediately.
When the military came to get Christopher, they saw the condition he was in and decided it
would be more of a hassle to take him. So thankfully they let him stay home under the care
of his father.
A few days later, there was a knock at the door. This time it was Timmy’s mother.
Joe answered the door. “Come inside Mrs. White. What can I do for you?”

They both sat down at the kitchen table, and Timmy’s mother just put her hands over her face
and wailed. She was devastated.
“It’s terrible! How could they take away my only son? Timmy is too innocent for war. You’re so
lucky they didn’t take your boy.”
Joe was empathetic with Mrs. White. He understood it must have been difficult to have her son
taken away from her. So, he was careful with his words.
“Mrs. White, “LUCK” is all about perspective. If you focus only on the negative aspects of this
situation, you won’t be able to heal. Instead of grieving over your misfortune, you ought to show
gratitude that you can withstand such an event. There are others who might not be able to overcome
what you are going through. Life has highs and lows. Try to find the silver lining in the situation.”
Joe continued. “Just think, when Timmy comes back home, he will be more disciplined, stronger,
and much more responsible than he was before. If our boys are needed in the war and we are
victorious because of their strength, are we lucky then?”
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. It’s not about the event itself, but how
we react to it.”

“Life is 10% the events that happen to us and 90% how we react.”
Charles R. Swindoll

GALLOPING: A horse BUCKED: A vertical jump
racing fast (def ) performed by a horse (def )
HERD: A large group HEAL: To become
of animals (def ) healthy again (def )
FLOCK: A large group HASSLE: Irritating
of birds (def ) inconvenience (def )
SPOOKED: Scared, GRIEVE: To feel intense
Frightened (syn) sorrow (def )
RECRUIT: Enlist, Enrol, Hire (syn)


Silver lining – A difficult situation with a positive aspect to it
Highs and lows – Successful happy moments and unsuccessful
unhappy moments

Stories 9

1. Who are the main characters in this story?

2. Why were the boys removed from their homes?

3. How did Christopher injure himself ?

4. Why did Joe take the stallions to the sheriff ’s office?

5. Who was Christopher’s best friend?

6. How many sons did Joe have?

7. What was the weather like on the day that Christopher fell off the horse?

8. Why was Mrs. White devastated? How was her state of mind?

9. Did Christopher go to military training camp? Why? Why Not?

10. What are your thoughts about “LUCK” Do you think some people are luckier
than others?

11. Have you ever felt lucky or unlucky?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:



Stories 11
Jakub Gojda©


The indigenous people have a strong connection and deep understanding of the
ecology. Their cultural knowledge and respect for the land and waters have been
passed down from generation to generation through storytelling.
This story is about two main indigenous groups called the Inuit and the First Nations and how
their resourcefulness allowed them to adapt to the ever-changing environment.
For thousands of years, these two groups fished the oceans off the shores of Newfoundland
using basic nets, hooks, and traps. They were very fortunate as the rich waters were full of a
variety of marine life.

This abundant flow of fish continued to feed hundreds of indigenous families until the early
1500’s when the European sailboats started to arrive.
At first, the Inuit and First Nations welcomed the newcomers as they believed the lands and
waters should be shared with everyone. But it wasn’t long before much larger European vessels
arrived, and the overfishing started to take a toll on the marine ecosystem.
Entire fish species were becoming depleted and underpopulated. This made fishing for the
Indigenous very difficult and more dangerous as they were forced to venture out farther
from the shore.
Fishing for dinner which used to take a day, now meant going out to sea for weeks and coming
home with frozen fish that wasn’t very tasty.
More and more men started to prefer hunting land animals as opposed to going out to sea
for fish.
But over time, the tribes grew sick of red meat and berries and went to the chief in hopes of
finding a solution.
The wise chief from the Inuit tribe ordered his fishermen to build fish tanks onboard, so the
fish could stay alive until they were ready to be eaten.
Now, the tribes were eating fresh fish, and that was nice, but the texture of the fish was tough,
and the smell was stale. They realized that even though the fish were kept alive, they remained
motionless in the tanks which caused the unfavorable taste.
Once again, the people went to the chief for another solution.
He suggested they put a small shark in the tank to keep the fish swimming.
The fishermen questioned this plan as they thought the shark would eat all the fish and they
would return home without food for their families.
The chief assured the men, that although they will lose some fish to the shark, the ones who
survive will be alive, fresh and tasty. And in the worst-case scenario, if the shark does eat all
the fish, they will have a big, juicy, well-fed shark.

“It’s not resources, but resourcefulness that ultimately makes the difference.”
Tony Robbins
“The more you learn, the more you earn.”
Warren Buffett
“Rescue yourselves with the power of resourcefulness.” – Unknown
“The motionless are unfavourable.” – Unknown

Stories 13
Comprehension, interpretation (syn) distance (def )
KNOWLEDGE: Information FROZEN: Stored at a very
obtained through education low temperature in order
or experiences (def ) to preserve it (def )
LAND: Soil, terrain (syn) HOOK: A piece of metal bent
STORYTELLING: The specially used to catch fish (def )
activity of telling a story (def ) TRAP: A device used to
RESOURCEFULNESS: The catch animals (def )
ability to find ways to overcome FEED: To give food (def )
difficult situations (def ) SHARE: To have a portion
EVER-CHANGING: Constantly of something, divided (def )
changing or developing (def ) VESSEL: A ship or large boat (def )
ENVIRONMENT: The TASTY: To taste good
conditions in which a person or favorable (def )
or animal live (def )
HUNT: To look for and kill
OVERFISHING: Fishing an animal for food (def )
in excess (def )
SICK: Healthy (ant)
TOLL: Adverse effects
of something (def ) CHIEF: The leader or ruler
of a group of people (def )
Spend, Exhaust (syn) WISE: Smart, Intelligent,
Knowledgeable, Experienced (syn)
Overpopulated (ant) STALE: Not fresh (def )

VENTURE: A risky or ALIVE: Dead (ant)

daring journey (def ) SHARK: Cold blooded marine
animal with very big teeth (def )


Take a toll – After time, it became damaging or harmful
As opposed to – Instead of


1. How did the indigenous ancestors teach their people?

2. Why do you think the indigenous has so much respect for nature?

3. When did the European’s immigrate to North America?

4. Why did the amount of fish decrease?

5. What tools did the indigenous use for fishing?

6. Why did the indigenous have to go out farther to catch their fish?

Stories 15
7. Why didn’t the fish taste good to the indigenous people?

8. What other things did the indigenous people eat besides fish?

9. In your own words, explain the final solution the chief gave his people in order
to eat fresh fish.

10. What other lessons can you get from this story?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:





People love math. You would be surprised, but it is indeed a passion for many that are
not living in the realm of geeks and nerds. Math can amaze you with ways to easily solve
your life problems. It can help you prepare for the future based on simple calculations
that we call formulas.
Some formulas can actually change our lives and our perspective on life. Once a good formula
shows you the path to success, you want to share it with as many people as you can.
I want to talk to you about a formula I learned from a very wise man. A man that inspires the
world with his own story. A testimony worth spreading, for it has given so much power to
people in need. I’m talking about Christopher Paul Gardner. The American businessman and
investor who dedicates his life now as a motivational speaker.

Stories 17
He became more known to the public with the release of the movie The Pursuit of Happyness,
directed by Gabriele Muccino and starring Will Smith.
This movie depicts how this great man, goes from rags to riches. From being a homeless man,
sleeping in subway stations and shelters while raising a toddler on his own, to eventually
opening his own private brokerage firm in Chicago.
I was able to learn a formula that worked for him and any other human being that applies it. I
decided to name it The Tenacity to Succeed Formula, and it is very simple.
One definition of tenacity refers to the quality of being able to grip something firmly. It also
serves as a synonym for being determined. Tenacity to succeed is the ability to set a goal in
your mind and hold onto it. Just lock yourself to that outcome, for there is no other.
Think of yourself as a climber. The higher you go; you attach anchors to the rock that will help
your rope and safety lines. If you have a good grip, you will hold yourself for the next step.
Being determined is to fix your eyes on something and not let it go. Your tenacity will not avoid
storms and difficulties in your path. But it will hold you to your goal and glue you to success.
To develop tenacity, you must have a definite purpose. It’s the only way you can change your
DNA for success. Here is how it works:

Gardner credited his tenacity to succeed to what he calls spiritual genetics and his childrens’
expectations. These two ingredients gave him the stamina and nutrients to develop the
character to become a success and a pretty good asset for humanity.
If you think of a building, the height and the size depends on the foundation. The stronger the
pillars and the base, the more stories the building can have. It happens in nature as well. Trees
need wind to blow against them, which in turn causes their roots to grow deeper into the soil,
which in turn supports the tree as it becomes taller. The wind, in this case, is a challenge for
the tree. The wind confronts the grip of the tree to the soil: The more grip, the more tenacity.
If our roots are based on a powerful belief system, we can grow accordingly.
Spirituality, which is commonly confused with religion, allows a man to find a purpose to live.
Different from a set of rules to follow, it gives a man the ability to look inside and understand
that he can be great if he develops a sense of oneness with his creator and the universe.
Chris inherited this likeness for spirituality from his mother whom he loved deeply. She gave
him enough tools to develop strong roots, so his fruits would manifest.
Chris Gardner attributed his determination and perseverance to his children. The rule applies
to anyone that makes your heart sing. Anyone that moves you to do what you think you can’t
do for yourself.

If the string attaching you to this person feels like love to you, he/she/they can activate enough
dopamine, so you can face the unthinkable and achieve greatness.
Gardner was moved by his son, who at a young age he told him what a great daddy he was.
His sons’ expectations were great and Chris lived up to those expectations.
We should all have a formula for success… What’s yours?

Find the formula that works for you and have the tenacity to follow it until
you get your results.

INDEED: It is used to introduce CHALLENGE:
a stronger point (def ) Confrontation, dispute (syn)
REALM: Field, area, domain (syn) AVOID: To stay away
GEEK: An odd person, nerd (def ) from something (def )

WORTH: Sufficiently ROOT: The part of a plant which

good, important (syn) attaches it to the ground (def )

SPREAD: Extend over DEEPER: Extending very

a large area (def ) far down, profound (def )

TODDLER: A young child that INHERIT: To receive

is beginning to walk (def ) something as the successor of
the previous holder (def )
GRIP: To take and keep a firm
hold of something (def ) UNTHINKABLE:
Unimaginable, incredible (syn)


1. What does Chris Gardner do for a living?

Stories 19
2. What were some of the things he had to endure while living on the streets?

3. Who was the person motivating Chris to succeed?

4. Can you explain the formula in your own words?

5. What does it mean to have ‘Tenacity’?

6. The story uses a building and a tree as a metaphor for having strong roots. Can
you think of something else that needs to have strong roots to sustain life?

7. What is the difference between spirituality and religion?

8. List some of your habits that are helping you achieve your goal of learning English.

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:



Stories 21


There was once a man named Peter who had lived his whole life in a small town. He
had always dreamt about exploring the world, but he was a humble man and lived a
simple life. He only made enough money to keep a roof over his head, food in his belly,
and the small amount he had left over, he put away in his savings.
Peter never splurged and was quite conservative with his spending. – Which could explain
why the guy had been single for so long.
One morning, while Peter was having breakfast, he thought to himself, I have been living in
this town all my life. I’m 56 years old, and I’ve never even had a passport. Wouldn’t it be nice
to leave this town even if it’s just for a short time?

Just then, the mailman pushed an envelope through the mail slot. It was a brochure for a resort
in Mexico. Peter curiously picked up the envelope and opened it. It was a last-minute deal on
an all-inclusive 5-Star resort in Playa del Carmen, and the price was hard to ignore.
“With my savings, I could easily go on this trip.” He thought to himself.
Peter wasn’t used to spending money on himself for entertainment, so he pondered at the
thought before finally caving in. He called the number on the brochure and booked his ticket
for the following week.
Days leading up to the trip, Peter packed his suitcase with a lot of thought. He packed the
usual sunblock, bathing suit, shorts, and shirts. He also packed peanuts, fruit and canned food
in case he got hungry and ran out of money. He packed soap and toilet paper so he wouldn’t
have to buy it at the hotel. Peter wanted to make sure he was prepared.
The big day had come, and Peter arrived at the hotel. The extravagance was overwhelming. He
couldn’t believe where he was. It was like he was in a dream.
He arrived at the concierge desk where the woman received his documents and verified his
information. She asked him, “Sir. Would you prefer the Stateroom with the king size bed or the
double suite with the ocean view balcony?”
“Oh no no. That’s too much. I’ll just take one of the rooms on the first floor. I don’t need a view, and
since I’m here alone, a king size bed would be too big for me.” Replied Peter.
The woman looked puzzled, but she complied to Peter’s request and gave him the room of his
choice. “Ok, Sir. I’ve put you in the single room on the first floor. It’s down the hall and to the right.”
“Thank you very much.” Replied Peter and off he went.
Once Peter got to his room, he started to settle in, and there was a knock at the door. It was the
hotel coordinator inviting him to some of the activities and snacks by the pool.
“Oh no, thank you, I’m fine here. Thank you for the invitation.”
Peter wanted to make sure he didn’t waste all his money on the first day.
It was now time for dinner and Peter got dressed and went to the dining room. He sat at
his designated table and his Maitre D’ immediately approached him with the wine menu.
“Today we have a Pinot Noir that would pair nicely with the Alaskan Salmon. Or if you prefer the
Chardonnay, we can offer you the grilled prawns and risotto.”
“Oh my! No no. I’ll just have a ham and cheese sandwich.” Said Peter.
“Sir. I can assure you, the seafood is fresh and you won’t be disappointed. Perhaps you would like
the Sirloin steak with truffled potatoes? We have many international beers on tap if you are not in
the mood for wine.” Said the Maitre D’ trying to influence Peters’ selection.
“I appreciate your advice, but I’ll be just fine with any sandwich you have back there. And I’ll pair
that with a glass of tap water.” – replied Peter trying to sound fancy.
“Ok, Sir. I’ll be right over with your sandwich and water.”
“I can’t imagine how much those dishes cost. They’re probably very expensive, and that’s why they
don’t have the prices listed in the menu.” Peter thought to himself. “I’m not going to let them trick
me into a huge bill at the end of this trip. Just being in this resort, is good enough for me.”

Stories 23
Throughout the entire trip, Peter avoided all the excursions and shows. He didn’t bother to
look at the menu again and just ate sandwiches, crackers and drank water.
His last day had arrived, and Peter was checking out of his room. The manager approached
Peter and asked him, “I noticed you didn’t take advantage of any of the activities. I didn’t see you
at any of the shows, and your Maitre D’ tells me you didn’t eat any of the items from the menu.
Might I ask why?”
“Well, don’t get me wrong, your hotel is wonderful. Luxury at it’s finest. But, I’m a simple man
who saved for years to pay for this trip. I didn’t have the money to pay for everything this resort
has to offer.”
The manager closed her eyes almost as if she was disappointed, “Your package was an all-
inclusive deal. You could have stayed in the Stateroom, participated in all the activities, ate the best
food and drank to your heart’s content without spending another penny.”

“Don’t deny yourself of the gift’s life has to give.” – Unknown

“Opportunities are wasted to those who don’t value themselves.” – Unknown

HUMBLE: Modest, Reserved (syn). REQUEST: Petition, Demand (syn).
SPLURGE: To spend money SETTLE IN: To become
extravagantly (def ). familiar with a new place (def ).
Expenses (syn). WORD): The manager of a
PONDER: To think about restaurant or hotel (def ).
something (def ). HUGE: Big, Enormous (syn).
SUITCASE: Bag, Backpack (syn). LUXURY: Opulent, Splendid (syn).
WONDER: Think about, AVOID: To stay away
Meditate (syn). from something (def ).
Very strong (def ). Disillusioned (syn).
PUZZLED: Confused, Lost (syn).


Don’t get me wrong – Used to make sure the person you’re talking to
understands what you’re trying to say and doesn’t misinterpret the idea.
Luxury at its finest – Top of the line. Total luxury.

To your heart’s content – To do something that you enjoy for as long
as you want.
Pinch pennies – Being cheap. Reluctant to spend money.


1. What type of man was Peter?

2. Would you call Peter cheap or frivolous? Explain your answer.

3. Was Peter married?

4. What made Peter purchase the vacation?

5. How long had Peter lived in his town?

6. What things did Peter pack in his suitcase?

Stories 25
7. What was Peters reaction when he arrived to the resort?

8. Why did Peter prefer to stay in a room on the first floor as opposed to a room
with an ocean view?

9. Why did Peter think the items on the menu were expensive?

10. Have you ever been on an all-inclusive vacation? What did you like or dislike
about it?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:





Hannah looked at her reflection in the pond. Her image was distorted. She saw a hideous
woman looking back at her, and she couldn’t avoid her tears of despair and shame. She
tried to look deep into her own eyes as if she was going to receive a message from
within. She had no idea why life was set up this way for her. She wondered if she was being
punished for something. Was God aware of her troubled life? Maybe He just didn’t care.
Hannah made garments for a living. She was very talented and was able to fend for herself. She
had no family and no one to support her. She was a young 24-year-old woman and yet there were
no men attracted to her despite being in her prime years. She looked older than most women

Stories 27
her age. Her face was tired looking with these piercing sunken eyes and skin so pale in color. She
always wore a veil to cover her face, letting only her dark brown eyes be seen to the world.
The laws and traditions of her community were very strict on women, especially during the
days of their menstrual cycle. Women were considered unsacred for ceremonies during this
time. They couldn’t go near the altar, and anyone who touched her was considered unclean.
Hannah remembered the first day she entered womanhood. Her mother told her it was only
going to last for a few days. But she was wrong. It never stopped.
In seek of a cure, Hannah’s mother took her to multiple physicians just to get the same
response. “There is no cure for your daughter. She will remain unsacred until the bleeding stops.”
It had been 12 years with this curse and Hannah had many restrictions in the community. She
couldn’t get close to the temple, so she learned to praise God in seclusion. She wasn’t allowed
to prepare meals for others, so her social life was nil. No man would even consider being with
her once they discovered her illness.
So, Hannah learned to be independent and live a desolate life isolated from the rest.
She was an outcast.
One morning, Hannah looked at her reflection once again and this time decided not to find a
sorrowful woman with tears and remorse. She washed her face, smiled at herself and got ready
to go to the market.
As she was walking down the street, Hannah saw a large group of people going towards the
hills, and she found herself intrigued by the crowd.
Hannah overheard a man speaking. “These people are just foolish. They don’t even know the
man, and they just follow him!”
“He is Yahshua, the son of God!” Another man was saying in a joyful tone.
Hannah looked ahead in the crowd and saw the man they were talking about. She couldn’t see
his face, and it was hard to spot him with so many people around, but there was something
about his presence…
“If only I could only touch Him, I will be healed.” Hannah thought to herself.
“What if I’m caught in front of all these people? What if they find out I am ill and “unclean?”
Hannah quieted her thoughts and kept saying to herself, ‘he’s the son of God. If I could only
touch His garment, I will be healed.’
She just felt the divine presence and decided to believe that this was going to be her cure.
Hannah decided she would go against every rule in the book and touch this man’s garment.
The supposed ‘Son of God’ no less!
“Stop! Who touched me?” the man shouted.
There was a silence among the crowd.
When nobody spoke up, one of the followers said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing
against you, and you say, who touched me?”
The Master answered, “Somebody has touched me, for I perceive that virtue has gone out of me.”

When Hannah saw that she could not go unnoticed, she came trembling and fell at his feet. In
the presence of all the people, she told him why she had touched him and that she had been
instantly healed from her lifelong curse.
Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Having faith and believing in something can cure any condition.

Sometimes faith is the only cure

POND: Small Lake (def ) CURSE: Malediction, To invoke
DISTORTED: Altered image (def ) a supernatural power (def )

HIDEOUS: Horrible, NIL: Zero, Nothing (syn)

Horrendous (syn) ILLNESS: Sickness, not
TEAR: Drop of water that to be healthy (syn)
goes down your eyes (def ) OUTCAST: Rejected person (def )
without hope (def ) of sadness (def )
SHAME: Remorse, Pity, Sad (syn) REMORSE: To Regret
GARMENT: Piece something (def )
Of clothing (def ) CROWD: Big group
FEND: To take care (def ) of people (def )

PIERCING: Profound (syn) INTRIGUED: Fascinated (syn)

SUNKEN: At a lower level (def ) FOOLISH: Dumb, Stupid (syn)

PALE: Uncolored (syn) HEAL: To recover (syn)

VEIL: Piece of fabric to BELIEVE: To accept as truth (def )

protect the face (def ) AGAINST: Oppose
UNSACRED: Opposite to something (def )
to God (def ) TOUCH: To be in
UNCLEAN: Dirty, not clean (syn). contact with (def )

WOMANHOOD: To be TREMBLE: To shake, to

an adult female (def ) move from side to side (def )

BLEED: To lose blood (def ) FAITH: Confidence,

ALLOW: Permit (syn) belief, trust (syn)

Stories 29
Fend for yourself – To take care of yourself
In seek of… - To look for / Search
Rule book – A set of rules preestablished to be followed / Official rules to life


1. Describe in detail how you think Hannah felt at the beginning of the story when
she would look at herself in the mirror.

2. Describe Hannah’s personal life. (home, job, family, friends, income etc..)

3. Describe Hannah’s appearance.

4. How was Hannah outcasted from her community? Provide examples.

5. How did Hannah cure herself ?

6. Why were women treated unequally back then?

7. Are women still treated unequally in today’s world? How?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:



Stories 31
Michal Bednarek©


The number one health concern in the world today is STRESS. We all have stress. It’s
just a part of life. We stress about everyday issues like bills, relationships, and work.
How you deal with stress is fundamental to your health and well-being.
A young woman named Andrea was starting to experience the mental and physical effects
of stress. She had already tried managing it by exercising, meditation and even prayer, but
nothing seemed to work, so she went to see a therapist for help.
“What’s been troubling you Andrea?” the therapist asked.
“Well, I’ve been suffering from migraines lately. I have trouble concentrating and difficulty sleeping.
My appetite has increased drastically which has made me gain about forty pounds in the last three
months, and my face is breaking out which is making me depressed. HELP!”

“Everything you just described are symptoms of stress. Stress can have adverse impacts on a
person’s health.”
Stress is the body’s’ reaction to negative situations.
The chemical reaction allows us to respond in the most appropriate way according to the
“Now let’s find out what the root of the problem is that’s creating these symptoms.If I were a genie,
and I could grant you one wish, what would it be?” the therapist asked.
“I’d wish for ten million dollars.” Replied Andrea
“Is it fair to say that you’re having some money problems?” The therapist asked.
“Well, I lost my job about four months ago. I’ve been to countless interviews, but I haven’t gotten
any calls back. My bills are adding up, and I’m behind on my mortgage. The anxiety has gotten
the best of me, and I’ve been pretty moody with my loved ones which is adding to my stress levels
because of all the arguing.” She explained.
“Could it be possible that your current employment situation is causing you to act in a way that’s
preventing you from obtaining a job and quite possibly a better opportunity?” asked the therapist.
When a conflict arises, and a person isn’t able to properly cope with the stress that comes
along with it, they tend to allow the negative impacts to take over their bodies which causes
them to act negatively.
“Now that we have found out the root of the problem, and you understand how your body is reacting,
we need to figure out how to manage it.”
The therapist grabbed a glass of water from her desk.
“Do you see this glass of water Andrea?”
“Do you think it’s heavy?”
“No. It doesn’t look very heavy to me,” she replied.
“I want you to hold the glass for a minute.”
“Is it heavy?” The therapist asked.
“Ok, now I want you to keep your arm extended for another five minutes with the glass of water in
your hand.”
When five minutes passed, the therapist asked Andrea “Is it heavy now?”
“Well, yes a little.” She replied.
“Now, keep your arm out like that for one hour.”
“An hour?!”

Stories 33
“Do you want to lose those forty pounds?”
“Then follow the instructions.”
After an hour had passed, the therapist asked Andrea how she was doing.
“What’s going through your mind, Andrea?”
“Well, I’m thinking about how I’m going to pay for that extra hour you just added to our session.”
The therapist laughed and then asked, “How heavy is the glass of water now?”
“I can’t feel my arm. Can I put it down now?”
“Yes. You see Andrea. Stress is much like this glass of water. When you hold onto it for a minute,
it’s easy to handle, after a little while, it becomes more difficult. Now, I only asked you to hold it
for an hour. But imagine holding on to it for three months straight? The longer you focus on your
problems and stress about them, the more difficult it gets.
Eventually, it will start to take a toll on your body which is what has been happening to you.
The weight of the glass never changed, but the longer you held on to it, the heavier it felt.
Let go of your worries. Life always has its way of working itself out. Things happen for a reason you
just need to trust the laws of nature and get out of your own way.”

It’s not about avoiding stress, it’s about learning how to cope with it.
Let go of things you can’t control. Don’t let stress take over and ruin your life.

HEALTH: A person’s MORTGAGE: A bank
medical condition (def ) loan for property (def )
WELL-BEING: A state of MOODY: Unpredictable
being comfortable (def ) changes of mood (def )
PRAYER: A religious ARGUING: Exchange views
service to god (def ) in an angry discussion (def )
GAIN: Obtain, Get, Acquire (syn) COPE: To deal with a
SYMPTOMS: An indication of difficult situation (def )
the presence of a disease (def ) HEAVY: Light (ant)
GRANT: Allow, Permit, Agree (syn) TRUST: Confidence,
Faith, Believe (syn)

Root of the problem – The main cause of the problem
Fair to say – Used when you are confident that what you’re about to say is true
Adding up – Accumulating
Gotten the best of me – When someone or something takes over you /
To get the best of someone – To defeat someone
Take a toll – With time, it becomes damaging or harmful
What’s going through your mind – What are you thinking about


1. Explain how “stress” is the number one health problem.

2. What are some symptoms of stress that aren’t mentioned in this story.

3. What are some forms of stress management?

4. Why was Andrea gaining so much weight?

Stories 35
5. How did the therapist find out that Andrea was having economic issues?

6. What did the therapist mean when he said, “get out of your own way”?

7. How do you cope with stress?

8. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:






Roman Samborskyi©


A frail man in his late eighties had recently lost his wife. He had two sons who had
already married and moved out of the family home.
The eldest son knew his father wasn’t doing well on his own and needed extra care, so he
offered to have his father move in with him and his family.
At first, the new arrangement was comfortable for everyone. But after a while, the burden of
taking care of an old man started to weigh on the son and his wife.
The father would often make a mess at the dinner table. His hands would shake, so it was
difficult to feed himself. If he tried, the food would fall off his fork and onto the table and floor.
When the father would try to help clean the kitchen, he would drop and break the dishes.

Stories 37
If he cooked something, he would often forget to turn off the stove.
The son and his wife were losing their patience, and the father knew it.
They didn’t allow him to eat at the table with the rest of the family. His food was served in
plastic containers so that he couldn’t break any more dishes, and he was prohibited from
entering the kitchen for any reason.
The poor old man was losing the little independence he had and felt like a child who was
constantly walking on thin ice.
One day, the son and his wife were throwing a party at their house. His younger brother and
many influential people from the community were going to attend.
To avoid any embarrassment, the son asked the father to stay upstairs in his room during
the party.
Heartbroken and sad, the father went up to his room and stayed there while the party went on
After a couple of hours, the father heard someone coming up the stairs. It was one of the
guests’ children. The little boy was looking for the bathroom when he opened the door of the
old man’s room.
“Hi! Do you know where the potty is?” Asked the little boy.
“It’s down the hall to the right.” Replied the old man.
“What are you doing here all by yourself?” The boy asked.
“I’m not supposed to be downstairs. My son thinks it’s best if I stay up here.”
“But why?”
“My son is worried I’ll make a mess and embarrass him.”
“But that’s not nice! I always make a mess, and sometimes I misbehave.” Said the boy.
Just then, another child wandered upstairs. When she found her friend in the room with the
old man, she called the others and eventually all the children were upstairs in the room.
A while had passed when one of the mothers realized she hadn’t seen her son in a while. This
caused some panic amongst the parents when they noticed none of the kids were downstairs.
It wasn’t long before they found them all upstairs laughing, listening to stories and having a
great time.
“What are you all doing up here?” Asked one of the mothers
“I hope they’re not bothering you.” Said another parent.
“Not at all. I have been enjoying the company.” Replied the old man.
“Why don’t you all come downstairs and play in the backyard?” Asked the son.
Then, one of the little boys stood up, put his hands on his hips, raised his chin and replied,
“He’s not allowed to be at the party because he will embarrass you. We want to play up here.”
Everyone’s eyes widened, jaws dropped in shock, and the room grew silent.

The son’s face was flushed with shame. “Nonsense! Everyone is welcome to the party. Especially
my father. Now, who wants ice-cream?”
All the kids shrieked in excitement when they heard there was ice-cream.
Everyone headed down towards the kitchen. The son took his father’s hand and helped him
down the stairs, sat him at the kitchen table, and placed a big glass bowl of ice cream in front
of him. All the children gathered around the old man at the table and they all enjoyed the rest
of the party being silly and making a huge mess!
Both brothers watched their father at the table with the other children. The younger brother
turned to his older brother and said “It’s funny how the tables have turned. It seems like just
yesterday our father was running around cleaning up after us boys. Just think, in thirty years, we
are going to be in that same position, and our kids are going to be taking care of us.”

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

FRAIL: Fragile, Decrepit (syn) GUEST: Person who is
BURDEN: Difficulty, Stress (syn) invited to someone’s house
or social event (syn)
WEIGH: Become heavy (def )
BOTHER: Aggravate, Disturb (syn)
SHAKE: Tremble, Agitate (syn)
WIDEN: Enlarge, Expand (syn)
POTTY: Restroom, Bathroom (syn)
JAWS: Bones of the
ATTEND: To be present chin, Mandible (def )
at an event (def )
SHAME: Embarrassment,
AVOID: Prevent, Evade (syn) Humiliation (syn)
RAISE: Lift, Elevate (syn)


Walking on thin ice – to be in a situation where you’re going to suffer a
consequence if you make another mistake
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you – treat others
how you want to be treated
How the tables have turned – when the situation changes so the other
party now has the advantage

Stories 39

1. Approximately how old was the father?

2. Why did the father move into his sons’ house?

3. Was the son happy to have his father living with him?

4. Why did the father make a mess at the dinner table?

5. Why did the son make the father eat out of plastic containers?

6. Why did the son ask the father to stay upstairs in his room during the party?

7. Why were the parents worried about the children?

8. Was the old man happy to have the children in his room? Why?

9. Describe the shocking moment when the boy revealed something to the adults.

10. How did the son recuperate from that awkward moment?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:



Stories 41
Cathy Yeulet©


Two high school kids by the names of Timmy and Joel had been friends for years. They
did everything together. Their parents were very close, and they often traveled as one
family. Some would say Timmy and Joel were like brothers.
One day the two boys were hanging out during lunch listening to music on new Timmy’s new
MP3 player when the school’s bully approached them.
“Give me all your money punk!” said the bully.
Timmy explained that he did not have any money left because he had spent it on his lunch.
“We don’t have any money. We spent it on lunch” said Timmy as his voice quivered with fear.
“Meet me in front of the school tomorrow morning. Make sure both of you bring your lunch money,
or I’m going to introduce my fists to your face” the bully angrily replied. “Do you understand?”
“Yes” the boys replied, and the bully turned away.

“I’m sick of that guy! He’s always bugging us. What are we going to do?” asked Timmy.
Joel assured Timmy he would take care of the problem, “Don’t worry, tomorrow I’ll talk to him
and tell him to leave us alone.”
“How are you going to manage that?” asked Timmy.
“Don’t worry about it. I have my ways,” Joel responded.
The next day, Joel and Timmy were in front of the school waiting for the bully. Once he got
there, Joel told Timmy to stay behind while he went to talk to him.
“Where’s my money punk?” asked the bully.
“Listen, I don’t have any money, but Timmy and his parents are going away next week. I know
where they hide the spare key. If I get the key for you, you can go in while they’re away and take
what you want. If I do that will you leave me alone for the rest of the year?” asked Joel.
“If you do that, I won’t bother you anymore. But if you ever tell anyone about this, you’ll regret it,”
the bully replied.
Joel walked back towards his friend and told him the news. “He said he’ll leave us alone from
now on if we stay out of his way.”
“Well I don’t have a problem with that,” said Timmy.
The following week, Timmy was packing up for his vacation. Joel went by the house to make
sure they were really leaving.
“Should I take my MP3 Player?” Timmy asked Joel.
“Nah, I wouldn’t take it. You’ll probably lose it,” Joel replied.
“Yeah, you’re right,” said Timmy.
“So, how long are you going to be away?” asked Joel.
“Just a week.”
“Well, have fun. I’ll see you when you get back.” said Joel, and off he went.
The next day, Joel went to Timmy’s house to get the key. It was hidden under a rock in the
garden. He wasn’t sure which rock it was hidden under, so he had to go digging around for a
while before he finally found it.
Joel brought the key to the bully.
“What is this? asked the bully. We are going to the house together. How do you expect me to know
where the things are?”
Joel felt his nerves take over his body, but he knew he had to go through with this.
So, later that night, the two boys went to Timmy’s house and entered through the backdoor.
Once they were inside, Joel took the bully to Timmy’s room. The bully filled his backpack with
collectibles, CD’s, a laptop, and the MP3 player.
Once they ransacked Timmy’s room. The bully asked Joel to show him where the parent’s
room was. They went across the hall to the parent’s room, and the bully went straight to the
jewelry box. He emptied it into his bag then left the room.

Stories 43
The two boys left the house, put the key back in its spot and started walking casually down
the street.
The bully turned to Joel and said, “That was a good hit. Here, take this MP3 player. You deserve it.”
Joel accepted the MP3 player and the two boys went their separate ways towards their home.
The following week when Timmy returned home, the family realized they had been robbed.
Timmy called Joel crying because all his prized possessions were gone.
Joel tried to console Timmy, but never mentioned what really happened.
“My mom is so upset. All her gold is gone.” cried Timmy.
“Oh, my that’s terrible! Who could have done this?” Joel asked in a concerning tone.
“Well, they’re going through the security cameras, so we’ll find out soon.” Replied Timmy. “The
police are on their way now.”
“Ohhh you have cameras? Well, that’s good to know,” Joel replied. His hands immediately started
to shake, and his voice trembled. He knew he was in big trouble and will probably lose the only
friend he had.
Just then, the doorbell rang at Joel’s house. He looked outside, and it was a police officer.

“Choose your friends wisely.” - Everyone’s Mom

“Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.” - Vanny Angel
“Difficult times will reveal true friends.” - Unknown
“Allow your circle of friends to decrease in size but increase in value.” - Unknown

TRAVEL: To move from HIDDEN: Keep secret,
one point to another (def ) put out of view (syn)
PUNK: Disrespectful person (def ) ROCK: Stone (syn)
QUIVER: Shake, Tremble (syn) DIGGING: Make a hole (syn)
BUG: Molest, Bother (syn) RANSACK: Search carefully,
ASSURE: Reconfirm, Swear (syn) Look for something (syn)

SPARE KEY: An extra key (def ). JEWELRY: Accessories (syn)

BOTHER: Molest, Bug (syn) ROB: Steal, take away (syn)

REGRET: To repent, CONSOLE: Control unit (syn)

To be sorry (syn) TREMBLE: Shake, quiver (syn)
PACK: Wrap, put in a luggage (syn)

Hanging out – To spend time somewhere
Sick of it – Used to express when you’re tired of something or don’t like it
I have my ways – Used when you’re being questioned on your ability to do
something and you don’t go into detail about how. You have your own method
of getting something accomplished.
Nah – No
Good to know – Useful information


1. Describe the friendship between Timmy and Joel.

2. What does the bully mean when he says “I’ll introduce my fists to your face.”

3. Why did Joel betray his friend?

4. What items were stolen from Timmy’s house?

Stories 45
5. Why did the bully give Joel the MP3 player?

6. Have you ever been robbed? Explain.

7. What do you think the punishment should be for Joel and the bully?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:



Andrea Marzorati©


Betsy the Bear was fun, playful and at times a little careless. She loved summertime
when she could lay in the forest amongst the tall trees, splash in the rivers and steal
honey from the bees. She would wander near and far, and dance under the stars. She
would sing with the birds, to any tune she preferred.
All summer long, Betsy played while the others were hard at work gathering and storing food
for the cold winter ahead.
Betsy didn’t seem to have a care in the world.
One day, Pila the Porcupine went over to Betsy’s cave for a visit and noticed that Betsy didn’t
have any food stored.
“Betsy,” she asked, “why is your fridge empty and your cupboards bare? You know that winter is
just around the corner, don’t you?”
“Winter splinter! I don’t care. It’s summertime! Can’t you feel the air?”
Shocked at her response, Pila the Porcupine asked “But Betsy. What will you eat during the cold
winter if the river waters are frozen and the berries are gone?”
“There’s plenty of time to prepare for that! Come outside. Grab your ball and bat.” Replied Betsy.
“Summer is coming to an end very soon. You would be wise to start preparing for winter. If you
don’t, you will go hungry,” warned Pila, and off she went.

Stories 47
Betsy sat in her chair and thought to herself, “That Pila is wasting her summer. Work! Work!
Work! What a bummer! She thinks she’s smarter because she works harder. She works day and
night. That can’t be right!”
The months flew by and the days grew shorter. Winter was looming.
One morning Betsy woke up and went outside. She noticed something was different. There was
a crisp feeling in the air. The ground was a little harder. It was quieter than usual. She didn’t see
the other animals. Pila the Porcupine wasn’t working away as she normally would be.
“What’s going on?” Betsy thought to herself.
“Where could everyone be? There’s no snow on the ground. It’s not winter yet!”
It was at that moment when Betsy had a sudden sense of urgency. She grabbed her basket and
went out to collect food.
She walked to the strawberry field, only to discover all the strawberries had been picked.
She hurried over to the apple orchard to get some apples, but they too were all gone.
She raced to the river to catch some fish, but the Salmon had already migrated upstream.
Then, just as Betsy thought it couldn’t get any worse, a little white speck fell from the sky. She
watched as it fell slowly towards her face and landed right onto her nose.
It was the first snowflake. Winter had arrived.
Betsy slowly walked back towards her cave thinking about what to do, what to eat, and most
importantly, how to survive.
She finally reached her cave and huddled in for the winter.
Each day that passed, became more difficult for Betsy to hibernate. She was skinny, hungry
and unable to fall into a deep slumber.
Eventually, Betsy couldn’t stand it any longer, and she decided to go outside and try to find
food. When she got out of the cave, she saw the forest was completely covered in snow.
So, she knocked on Pila the Porcupines door. She knocked and knocked. But no one answered.
Suddenly, Pila appeared from around the corner.
“Betsy! What are you doing out in the cold?”
“I’m afraid I won’t make it through the winter. Do you have any extra food you can spare? I’m very
hungry, and there’s still six more weeks of winter.” sobbed Betsy.
“Well, I stored just enough food for my family and I, but I might have some leftovers from last
night that I can give you. If you portion it carefully, it might last you until the end of the winter.”
Replied Pila.
“Yes! Thank you. Anything will help.” Cried Betsy.
The next six weeks of winter were difficult for Betsy. But that winter taught her a valuable lesson.
The careless bear goes hungry.

Planning for the future is more important than just living for today.
Work hard now, play hard later.
The pain you feel today, will be the strength you feel tomorrow.

CARELESS: Irresponsible (syn) HUNGRY: To feel the
SUMMER: Hot season (def ) need to eat (def )

WANDER: To walk around LOOM: The eventual presence

without a definite objective (def ) of something (def )

DANCE: To move your body SNOW: Soft white particles

to music with rhythm (def ) of ice that fall from the
sky in the winter (def )
STAR: Burning balls of
gas in space (def ) SLUMBER: Sleep, repose (syn)

PLAY: To do something SOB: To cry, to lament (syn)

recreational that creates STRAWBERRY: Sweet red fruit
amusement and fun (def ) with tiny seeds covering it and a
FOOD: What we eat green sprout at the top (def )
to stay alive (def ) LEFTOVERS: Remaining
STORE: To save for later, To food left behind after everyone
accumulate for future use (def ) has eaten, Residue (syn)

EMPTY: Full (ant) SPARE: Additional to what is

required for ordinary use (def )
BARE: Without content (def )
FISH: Aquatic animals with scales
WINTER: A cold season on the body, gills to breathe oxygen
where snow falls (def ) from the water and fins (def )
FROZEN: To harden into APPLE: Round crunchy fruit
a solid due to the extremely that grows on trees during the
low temperature (def ) fall season. Types: Macintosh,
WISE: Astute, experienced (syn) Granny Smith, Red Delicious …


What a bummer – Expression used for depressing or frustrating situations
What’s going on? – 1. Informal greeting 2. Expression of preoccupation
(what’s happening?)

Stories 49
It is around the corner – Use this expression when an event is imminent
or happening soon
Not a care in the world – To not have any worries


1. Describe the characters in the story.

2. Where did this story take place? (setting)

3. How was Betsy careless?

4. What type of home did Betsy live in?

5. What things did Betsy like to do in the summer?

6. What did Pila the Porcupine notice when she got to Betsy’s cave?

7. Why was it difficult for Betsy to hibernate?

8. How did Betsy feel about Pila’s advice?

9. What did Betsy find when she finally went out to look for food?

10. Why couldn’t Betsy catch any fish?

11. How did Pila help Betsy?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:



Stories 51


Being an employee at L&A Corp. was considered one of the greatest achievements.
L&A Corp. treated their employees like family. They cared about each individual and
in turn, every employee treated the company as if it was their own.
The bosses at L&A Corp. were practically the creators of “Employee of the Month” as they
found it quite necessary to give recognition to their hard workers. They understood that an
employee who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.
To win employee of the month meant you earned a small monetary bonus and a Friday off.
However, if you worked in the sales department, the incentives were much more extravagant.
They motivated the sales team with luxurious prizes that could be earned if they reached certain
monthly goals. Trips to the Caribbean, European tours, Cruises, you name it. The list goes on.
It’s easy to see why everyone wanted to work at L&A Corp.
This month, the bosses wanted to give the opportunity for anyone in the company to earn a
prize. Not only the sales team.
The idea was to boost morale, get the workers excited and motivate them to do their best so
they could see the true potential of the company.
Scott Stucky was a single guy who had been working as the janitor for L&A Corp. for years. He
wasn’t the most attractive man. He had black hair and bulging dark brown eyes. He was light
skinned and had acne scars on his cheeks and forehead. His nose was large and crooked. He had
a beautiful smile when his mouth was closed. When people would tell jokes, he struggled to
use his tongue and lips to hide his teeth while laughing. His motto was: “If dentists made their
money from people with bad teeth, why should I use toothpaste that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend?”

Now, Scott’s Personal hygiene and appearance aside, he was a great worker. Some would argue
he might be the best! He often won employee of the month, which only motivated him to do
even better. He was easy-going and pleasant to be around. He knew everyone in the company,
and everyone loved him. Bottom line, Scott was a valued employee, and L&A Corp. wanted to
acknowledge that in front of everyone.
The morning of the big announcement had arrived, and everyone gathered in the boardroom
to find out who was going to win the all-inclusive trip to The Bahamas. Everyone sat in their
chairs patiently waiting for the bosses to arrive and deliver the news. When they announced
that Scott Stucky was the winner, the crowd cheered in delight.
“Good for you Stucky” said Jen from accounting. “Monica said you would probably win. You’re
going to have a wonderful time.”
“Thank you” replied Scott. “I’ve never been out of the country before. I have to get my passport ASAP!”
“You should go to the passport office on King Street. They hardly ever have long lines. I usually go
there.” Said Jen. “But you must go today if you want your passport to be ready in time for the trip.”
Even though Scott was used to being recognized for his hard work, he was still in shock. He
couldn’t believe he was going to The Bahamas! He thanked everyone and ran out the door as
fast as he could. He ran down the hall towards the elevators. Once he got in the elevator, he
frantically pressed the lobby button, as if the more he pressed it, the faster he would get there.
The ride down seemed like an eternity! He finally made it to the lobby, jumped in a cab and
went straight to the passport office. Just as Jen had said, there was hardly a line up. Once he
got to the counter, the lady gave him some forms to fill out and told him to stand up against
the white backdrop, so she could take a picture. “Say Cheese!” she said in a cheerful tone. Scott
smiled with the biggest grin he could showing all 8 of his teeth, without a care in the world
what anyone might think. She handed Scott his passport and off he went.
Scott got home and started packing for the trip. He packed four pairs of shorts, four t-shirts,
one bathing suit, three pairs of sunglasses, a baseball cap, a pair of pants and a pair of socks
just in case it got chilly at night. He packed his sunscreen, a bar of soap, deodorant, and a
comb. All he was missing was his toothbrush and toothpaste.
The next day he woke up early, made a big breakfast for himself and went to the airport. The
line- ups were massive! Luckily, he was early for his flight so there was no need to panic. The
process at the airport was easier than he had imagined. He checked in his luggage, got his
boarding pass and paraded happily towards his gate. He was on cloud nine.
Scott boarded the plane and sat in his designated seat. Put on his seatbelt and sat upright with
the most perfect posture. His hands were folded in his lap like a child. He was the happiest
passenger on the plane.
As the crew members prepared everyone for take-off, Scott noticed a magazine with a
beautiful model on the cover. He took out the magazine from the seat in front of him and
started flipping through the pages. Gorgeous women from all over the world. “That’s what’s
missing. A beautiful girl to join me on this vacation.” He thought, “I might need this magazine for
later.” And he put it in his bag.
The flight was long, and Scott was nodding off. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the plane
started experiencing major turbulence. The oxygen masks fell from above and people started
screaming. Suddenly, he heard a voice yell “PREPARE FOR IMPACT!”

Stories 53
It all happened in an instant. The plane had crashed onto a deserted island in the middle of the
Bermuda triangle. Miraculously, good ol’ Stucky had survived the crash but he was unconscious.
Almost a full day had passed before Scott finally awoke. He was covered in grease and sand.
Surprisingly, he had only suffered a bruised rib and some scratches to his legs and arms.
Frazzled and disoriented, Scott couldn’t believe he was the sole survivor of this crash.
Months passed by, and Scott had lost a lot of weight. His beard had grown long and curly, his
white complexion was now more of a reddish tone, and he was now just down to seven teeth.
Scott managed to beat the odds and was living comfortably on his very own island. He taught
himself how to catch fish, open coconuts and climb trees. He built a cozy shelter for himself
that looked like it was professionally made. Scott had created a little paradise. He often said
to himself “Man! If only the folks back at the office could see this!”
One day, while Scott was collecting wood and leaves for his fire, he heard a loud sound and ran
to the shore to see what it was. A plane! “OMG they’ve come to rescue me!” He hollered.
The plane seemed to be coming closer and closer to the island. “How on earth will they be able
to land?” he thought to himself. “That is a very big rescue plane” His excitement quickly turned
to dismay as he realized this probably wasn’t a rescue mission. It became obvious the plane
wasn’t flying. It was falling.
CRASH! The Boeing 747 slammed into the water. It was horrific. He jumped in the ocean and
started swimming towards the scene. It was a very dangerous thing to do, but he knew he had
to get close in case someone needed help.
Scott noticed an orange life vest in the distance, so he swam towards it. When he reached it,
he saw that it wasn’t only a life vest. There she was. The woman from the magazine. “Was this
a dream?” he thought. “America’s top model, Cindy Crocker in distress and I’m here to rescue
her.” This was the most wanted model in the world. All the fashion designers, movie producers
and photographers wanted a piece of her. She was at the pinnacle of her career. She had some
serious injuries, but thankfully she was alive.
Scott carried Cindy to his humble abode. He laid her down on his makeshift bed of large
plantain leaves and straw. When she came to, she looked around at the cabin she was in and
she turned to Scott and asked one question after another. “Where am i? What happened? Who
are you? Is this your home?”
“Well, you’re on an island. Your plane crashed into the ocean. My name is Scott and this has been
my home for the last 9 months. I built it from the ground up.” Scott boasted.
“It’s absolutely incredible.” Whispered Cindy. And she drifted back to sleep.
“Ahhh! Finally, someone else to appreciate all my hard work.”
Fast forward five months later and life had changed in Scott’s little paradise. For starters,
he wasn’t lonely. Cindy had made a full recovery thanks to the 24-hour care Scott tirelessly
provided. Cindy found in Scott the man she needed. He saved her from the accident, he gave
her shelter, fed her, and best of all, loved her. - and Cindy was deeply in love with Scott.
It was another beautiful sunrise on the island, but Cindy noticed something was wrong with
Scott. He had been acting strange for days now. It was as if he was bored. Living in a paradise
island with the most beautiful woman in the world, eating healthy, no cameras, no paparazzi,
and most importantly, no competition! Who could get bored of this? Nevertheless, his attitude
was worrying her. Was he getting tired of her? She decided to confront him.

“If there is anything I can do to make you feel better, just let me know.” Cindy said.
“Anything?” answered Scott in a suspicious tone.
“Yes. I would do anything for the man who saved me!”
“Ok, listen carefully. Remember the luggage I grabbed the day I pulled you out of the water?”
“Yes, I do.” answered Cindy.
“Great, so this is the plan: you are going to wear the man’s suit and you are going to pretend to be
an old friend. When I say hi to you just play along.” Said Scott with light shining in his eyes. This
was going to be good he thought.
“All you want is to talk to a friend? You can talk to me, my love!” Cindy replied.
“I need a male friend Cindy! You said you would do anything for me, can you play along?”
Cindy put on the man’s suit and her face was marked with dirt to emulate a mustache. She
went far away from Scott as instructed. She just had to wait for his cue.
Scott waved his hand at her. “Hi, there!”
“Hi” answered Cindy with a strong, masculine voice. After multiple corrections from Scott, she
had perfected her manly voice.
Scott approached his old friend with a big smile on his face. “Oh my God man! It’s so nice to see
you! It’s been a while!”
“Yes, indeed! It is very nice to see you too. How’s it been?” Cindy replied in her deepest manly
voice. Before she could say anything else, Scott continued, “I have something very important to
tell you. You won’t be able to believe a word I say, but I assure you it is true!”
“Is that so? Please tell me, I want to know!” Cindy answered. She was eager to hear what he was
going to say, but nervous at the same time.
Scott continued with excitement in his tone, “You’re never going to believe who I’m dating
now…. Cindy freakin’ Crocker!”
Shocked at the spectacle Scott had displayed, Cindy shouted - “Scott freakin’ Stucky! What is
the matter with you? Does your happiness really depend on others acceptance? Satisfaction should
come from within and not measured by those around you. Never stop giving me your best just
because there isn’t an award waiting for you. The true award is found within your abilities. Look
around at all you have accomplished. Was all this for a cause or applause? Would you rather a
trophy instead?!” Cindy was furious! And Scott was stunned. All his life he had been taught to
work for recognition. But today, he understood the valuable lesson. All that he had achieved
was worth far more than any award, bonus or a Friday off.

For some people, recognition could be the fuel they need to enjoy things a little
more. But if your happiness depends on the praise from others, you will never
have control over your own happiness.

Stories 55
ACHIEVEMENT: CHILLY: A little cold (def )
Accomplishment/Success (def ) MASSIVE: Very big, huge (def )
JANITOR: Caretaker FRAZZLED: Completely
of a building (def ) exhausted, tired (def )
MOTTO: Present, proverb (syn) FOLKS: People, individuals (syn)
BOTTOM LINE: The deciding DISMAY: Horror, panic (syn)
or crucial factor (def )
PINNACLE: The most
GRIN: Slight smile (def ) successful point (def )
ACKNOWLEDGE: ABODE: Habitat, home (syn)
Accept, recognize (syn)
MAKESHIFT: Temporary (syn)


Cloud nine: A feeling of extreme happiness, euphoria
Say cheese: Phrase said before taking a picture
From the ground up: From the first step to completion, completely
ASAP: Initial letters of “As Soon As Possible”
OMG: Initial letters of “Oh My God” used to express surprise
To beat the odds: To overcome improbability


1. Why did everyone want to work for L&A Corp?

2. Why were the employees of L&A Corp. so loyal to the company?

3. What was the main reason that L&A Corp. decided to give everyone in the
company the opportunity to win the trip to The Bahamas?

4. Why did Scott pack pants and socks for the Bahamas?

5. What was Scott keeping the magazine for?

6. How many days was this trip supposed to be for initially?

7. Why did Cindy confront Scott?

8. Why was Cindy nervous to hear what Scott wanted to tell his male friend?

9. What materials were used to make Scotts house?

10. How long had Scott been living on the island when Cindy’s plane crashed?

11. Why did Scott ask Cindy to dress like a man?

Stories 57
12. What things did Scott do for Cindy?

13. Why was Cindy upset with Scott at the end of the story?

14. How likely is it for 2 planes to crash in the same vicinity? Provide your own theory.

15. What are your opinions about giving or receiving recognition?

Desarrolla las unidades gramaticales en la seccion WORK, o

diviértete con la seccion PLAY y tu INTERACTIVE-X.

Encuentras las siguientes temas gramaticales en la historia, y su explicación en la

sección TOOL:



Section 4.1:

With a little imagination and proper use of these short moral

stories, you will expand your vocabulary and learn to express
ideas in English through THE POWER OF STORYTELLING.

You SAY something and you TELL someone something.

1.1 Say or tell? Choose the correct answer.

1. Can you tell her the answer to this question?

2. She didn’t ____________ anything to her parents before she left.
3. Can you ____________ me your name please?
4. He’s crying. What did you ____________ to him?
5. I asked her why she did it, but she wouldn’t ____________ us.
6. She will not ____________ a word to anyone.
7. I’m on the phone with her now and she is ____________ me what happened.
8. You should ____________ them the truth.
9. I will ____________ you everything I know.
10. They are ____________ us they don’t know anything.
11. I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you. Did you ____________ something?
12. She was ____________ everyone how we met.
13. I have nothing to ____________ to you. It’s over!
14. Boys will ____________ anything to make you go out with them.
15. He won’t ____________ the doctor what’s wrong with him.
16. Could you ____________ me how to get to Lincoln Street?
17. I can’t ____________ you how to do that.
18. Are you ____________ me you can’t come?
19. What are you trying to ____________ me?
20. Why won’t you ____________ what’s on your mind?

Exercises 61
SAID vs TOLD (Past of say / tell)

2.1 Complete the sentences below.

1. I told him to meet me at the train station at 1:00, but he said he might be a
little late.
2. They _________ the food was good at this restaurant.
3. My sister is angry with me. She _________ I took her shirt from her room.
4. He _________ me how to turn on the tv, but I forgot.
5. They _________ everyone to get out of the building.
6. John _________ Samantha that he was feeling sick.
7. I never _________ my parents I had a boyfriend.
8. They _________ goodbye to everyone when they left the party.
9. Do you know what my boss _________ to me?
10. I _________ the electrician what was wrong with the lights.


3.1 The following are some statements that Timothy made. Tell your friend what
Timothy said using reported speech.

1. “I go horseback riding at my farm on weekends.”

He said that he goes horseback riding at his farm on weekends.
2. “I went to the movies last night.”
He _____________________________________________________________.
3. “I’m going to write a book one day.”
She ____________________________________________________________.

4. “I’ve never traveled overseas.”
They ____________________________________________________________.
5. “When will we see each other again?”
My boyfriend _____________________________________________________.
6. “Have you seen my new puppy?”
He _____________________________________________________________.
7. “Do you know who Luis is?”
The girl __________________________________________________________.
8. “Will you be available on Monday afternoon?”
She _____________________________________________________________.
9. “Are you going to dinner with us tonight?”
He _____________________________________________________________.
10. “Where do you live?”
She _____________________________________________________________.

3.2 Rewrite these sentences into reported speech

1. “Is it raining?”
Paul asked if it was raining.
2. “Sammy hasn’t sent me the email.”
Lilly said _________________________________________________________.
3. “Don’t call the house after 10:00 pm.”
She told me ______________________________________________________.
4. “Why didn’t you come to the party last weekend?”
She asked me _____________________________________________________.
5. “How often do you go out partying?”
He wanted to know ________________________________________________.

To acquire knowledge
NRELA - __ __ __ __ __

Exercises 63
3.3 Match direct and reported speech.

1 2

2 2

3 2

4 2

5 1

6 2

7 2


4.1 Connect the arrows to make indirect questions.

1 5

2 5

3 5

4 5

5 5

4.2 Are these sentences correct? (Y) or (N) Correct the incorrect ones.

1. Does she know what time is the dinner party? ( N )

Does she know what time the dinner party is?
2. Who can tell me where Juliana is? ( )
3. Do you know why the dog is barking? ( )
4. Can you tell me when you started working here? ( )
5. Do you know how tall is Michael Brown? ( )
6. Can you tell me where you were born? ( )
7. Could you tell me how do you say ‘mesa’? ( )
8. Can you ask her if she likes me? ( )
9. Does he know when is her birthday? ( )
10. Do you remember when the party is? ( )

4.3 Choose the appropriate letter to complete the sentence.

1. Do you know how far ____?

a. Is the gas station.
b. The gas station is.
c. The gas station be.

Can you tell me ____?

a. If this t-shirt is on sale
b. Is this t-shirt on sale
c. this t-shirt is on sale

Exercises 65
Who can tell me ____?
a. How old is she
b. How old are you
c. How old she is

4. I wonder why ____?

a. She won’t talk to me
b. Won’t she talk to me
c. She don’t talk to me

Do you know why ____?

a. The lights are on
b. Are the lights on
c. The light are on


I / you / we / they / he / she / it I / you / we / they / he / she / it I / you / we / they / he

had been being had been having she / it
had been doing

5.1 Complete the sentences below using the words in brackets.

1. He had been dancing (dance) with Jenny in every competition until last January.
2. I noticed I ________________ (focus) on my work lately, so I ______________
(decide) to take a vacation with my family.
3. I ______________________ (work) there for 3 months before anybody had
___________________ (speak) to me.
4. She __________________ (use) your office while you had been away.
5. They _____________________ (celebrate) all night.

5.2 Rearrange the words to form proper sentences.

1. swimming / been / all / day / the children / had

2. the girls / the / class / whole / been / talking / had
3. turkey / oven / had / the / been / in / the / afternoon / all

5.3 Read the following scenarios and rewrite it using past perfect continuous.

1. The boys came home after playing outside all day.

The boys had been playing outside all day.
2. Michael Anthony performed for his fans since he was a child.
3. The dog slept in his bed until his owner came home.
4. It rained throughout my entire wedding ceremony.
5. The elephant performed at the circus for years until he eventually passed away.
6. Jennifer got a job at a veterinary clinic but two months later, they shut down.
7. When we arrived at the party. The guests were already tired from dancing.
8. I was waiting at the wrong bus stop.
9. The car engine overheated because it was running all day.
10. Angela accidentally overdosed on a drug that she wasn’t supposed to be taking.
11. Christian was drinking from 6:00 pm until the next morning.

Exercises 67
5.4 Read the short story below then answer the comprehension questions.

Jesse had been lifting weights for about two years. Her fellow peers had been
encouraging her to compete in the Olympics because she had demonstrated a
natural talent for the sport. One day at the gym, an onlooker had noticed Jesse
practicing tirelessly and he wanted to sponsor her. He left his phone number
and told her that if she was interested to call him. Jesse was a little skeptical
because there had been many others who had made false promises in the past.
To make a long story short, Jesse called the man and for the next five years
trained every day until she qualified for the Olympics. During her career, Jesse
won nine gold medals and four bronze. Last year was her final year competing,
but unfortunately, she wasn’t able to take home any medals. If she had won
gold, it would have been her tenth gold medal.

1. How long had Jesse been lifting weights by the time she had won her 9th gold
2. Why had Jesse’s friends been encouraging her to compete professionally?
3. How many years did Jesse train for the Olympics before she qualified?


I / you / we / they / he / she / it I / you / we / they / he / she /it I / you / we / they / he

will have been will have had she / it
will have done

6.1 Complete using the verb in the right form.

1. I started working at the water plant in 2015, so In January 2018,

I will have worked there for 3 years.

2. I met Sandra on my 20th birthday. Tomorrow is my 35th birthday, so I ________

____________________________________________. (know / her / 15 years)

3. Joanna and I have been running for hours. By the time we finish the race, ______
___________________________________________________. (run/10 miles)

4. When we finally get married next year, ________________________________

________________________________. (know / my husband) for half of my life.

5. By the time I’m 27 years old, I will have ________________________________

_____________________________________________. (graduate / law school)

6. In one hour, we __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________. (travel / 90km)

7. By the time Susan arrives, we ________________________________________

___________________________________. (finish / decorate / Christmas Tree).

8. The movie finishes at 8. If Julian arrives at 8:30, __________________________

___________________________________________________. (movie / finish)

9. If we leave too late, the game __________________________________ (finish)

________________________________________________________. (arrive)

10. Dinner reservations are at 7:00 pm. __________________________________

____________________________________________. (eat / dinner / 9:00 pm)

Exercises 69
6.2 Fill in the chart below

6.3 Complete the sentences below using Future Perfect.

1. When my mother arrives to the party, we will have finished all the decoration.

2. He _________________________ (paint) the house by the time we move there.

3. By 7:00 pm, ____________________________________________ do project.

4. They _______________________________ (travel) around the world by 2020.

5. The poles __________________________ (melt) by 2040 if greenhouse effects

continue increasing.

6. If you continue studying, _______________________ (finish/course) by the end

of the year.

7. You will _____________________________________ (not earn) your masters

degree by next year.

8. The basketball players _____________________________________________
(improve) after practice.

9. My brother ___________________________ (complete) his scuba diving course

by September.

10. Cell phones _________________________________ (drastically / change) their

technology five years from today.

6.4 Make questions for the following statements.

1. Jerry will have planted more than 20 trees before winter.

How many trees will Jerry have planted before winter?
2. I will have finished my show before she arrives.
3. Sea levels will have increased significantly in 10 years.
4. You will have sailed to America by then.
5. An average person will have laughed 15 times by the end of the day.


7.1 Rearrange the words below to form sentences using Future Perfect Continuous.

1. By the end of the month I will have been practicing piano for a year.
For a year / practicing piano / by the end / I will have / of the month / been

2. ______________________________________________________________.
will have been / by the time / the bear / hibernating / spring arrives / all winter

Exercises 71
3. ______________________________________________________________.
drinking / century and a half / by 2080 / Coca Cola / people will have / been /
for a
4. ______________________________________________________________.
for / By 2020 / living / Mexico / i will have been / in / twenty-five years

5. ______________________________________________________________.
end of the session / The therapist / for / by / the / 8 hours / will have been /
listening / to his patient

6. ______________________________________________________________.
eating / BBQ / at the / won’t / have been / i / be hungry / will / so i

7. ______________________________________________________________?
she / will / by then / have / professional athlete / been / considered / a

8. ______________________________________________________________.
have / patient / recovering / the / been / won’t / then / by

9. ______________________________________________________________?
singing / she / all / will / have / day / been



Choose one of the following articles and give your opinion answering the questions
you find at end of each one.

1. Crochet Program to be Eliminated

College officials announced yesterday that the advanced crochet program, a division
of the arts department, will be discontinued. “The main reason is a lack of student
interest,” reported one official. “Although the number of art students has increased, we
are seeing a decline in the crochet classes.” In addition, it wouldn’t be viable to hire a
full-time professor to teach a handful of students.
What would you do if you were the person in charge?

Exercises 73
2. Summer Jobs

From the age of 16, a young person can legally enter the work force. Early work experience
is an important tool to boost career aspirations and enhance future employment prospects.
According to a book by Jeylan T. Mortimer, high school students who work, even as much
as part-time, are better off than students who sit out of the work force.

Even after someone goes to university, a summer job can continue to provide important
life-skills training. For example, jobs often require workers to improve their critical thinking
and problem-solving skills which can be applied to everyday life. Employment experiences
can also improve a persons financial skills and could even land a permanent job placement.

What do you think about high-school students picking up summer jobs? Do you agree
with the legal age? Share your opinion.

3. Benefits of volunteering

The benefits of volunteering can be enormous! One of the most well-known benefits
of volunteering is the positive impact it has on communities. For example, when you
give back to others, you inspire happiness and joy in others and this can start a string of
positive events. You can volunteer at community libraries, parks, senior centers, youth
organizations, sports teams and after-school programs.

Helping others can provide you with a sense of purpose and keep you mentally stimulated.
The benefits of contributing to the well-being of others can be even greater for you. How
you ask? For starters, volunteering can be a big “plus” on your resume. Not only can it
help you advance your career, it can also help you learn new skills and meet new people.

In short, volunteering is the fundamental building block of civil society, and it’s benefits are

Exercises 75


A. Choose either say or tell to complete each sentence.

1. I will _______ her what you said.

2. What did she _______?
3. Did he ______ you the truth?
4. He _______ that he will come over after he finishes his work.
5. You need to _______ me what happened yesterday.
6. If you are hurt, then you need to _______ it out loud.
7. ________ me what happened with Alice yesterday.
8. What did he ________ you about his time in the army?
9. When did you ________ them about the surprise?
10. What did your lawyer _______ about that problem you had with the police?


B. Choose either said or told to complete each sentence.

1. I ________ him to do that.

2. She ________ that she had been insulted.
3. They ________ what they had to say and they left.
4. He ________ the truth even though it cost him his job.
5. Tell me what they ________ about her.
6. He ________ you what you want to know, so let him leave.
7. I don’t care what he ________, his actions are what matters to me.
8. I can’t believe they ________ you about your surprise party, they ruined it.
9. I don’t know why you are screaming at me. You ________ it was ok
if I used your car.
10. Where were you when I ________ you to come to my house?


C. Make each of the following examples of direct speech into reported speech.

1. John said, “Mom, I want to move out on my own.

2. “Leave me alone,” Scoop screamed.
3. He said, “I cannot allow you to go inside.
4. The new guest asked “where am I supposed to go now?”

D. Make each of the following examples of reported speech into direct speech.

1. He told us he wanted to be left alone.

2. Juancho said that he was feeling somewhat sick.
3. Alice told everyone that they could come inside her house and eat.
4. Margarita said that she didn’t want to eat her vegetables.
5. The chef told us the dinner would be ready in the next 30 minutes.


E. Make each of these direct question into an indirect question.

1. Where are my keys?

2. What time is the show tonight?

Exercises 77
3. Who is that guy?
4. Why did your brother take my shoes?
5. How can I get to the post office from here?

F. Make each of these indirect questions into a direct question.

1. Do you know who those people in green shirts are?

2. I don’t know if they are actually going to come.
3. I would like to know if your mother really cooked that from scratch.
4. I wonder if there is anything that I can help you with
5. Do you know why the streets look so empty today?


G. Unscramble each of the following sentences to make a past perfect continuous


1. fell / running / apart / long / his / had / for / so / that / he / shoes / been

2. we / eat / trying / game / had / long / the / been / that / win / forgotten /
to / to / for / so / we / had

3. the / hour / projector / for / movie / been / broke / the / when /

playing / had / an

4. five / for / minutes / when / had / it / singer / started / singing / been / only
/ the / raining

5. been / had / barking / night / the / all / dogs


6. she / for / an / found / been / keys / when / had / her / hour / them /
looking / for /she


H. Fill in each sentence with the Future Perfect form of the verb in parentheses.

1. I _________________ (to beat) this video game before you even beat the first
2. By the time the movie comes out, I _____________ (to finish) the whole trilogy
of books.
3. My mom __________________ (to clean) the whole house by the time we get
back home.
4. By the year 2100, the sea ____________________ (to rise) almost a meter.
5. The party __________________ (to end) before you get done putting on your
6. They ____________________ (to wait) for 2 hours before they leave on the
7. She ___________________ (to eat) her whole meal by the time you arrive so
hurry up!
8. The mechanics ______________________ (to fix) your car by tomorrow
9. The singer _______________________ (to sing) 3 song before playing
your favorite song.
10. Before the big race the team _________________ (to go) through 12
weeks of training.

Exercises 79

I. Fill in each sentence with the Future Perfect Continuous form of the verb in

1. By the time we reach the monument, we ________________________ (to

drive) for 9 hours.
2. In July, I ______________________________________ (to teach) for four
3. By 2020, she __________________________________ (to sail) the open seas
for 30 years.
4. Rodrigo ______________________________ (to work) at the factory for 17
years come July.
5. Alice ____________________________ (to fly) for over 30 hours by the time
she arrives in Antarctica.
6. The dish is really elaborate; by the time the guests arrive I _________________
_____________________ (to cook) for 5 hours.
7. I _____________________________ (to drink) with my friend all night long
before the sun rises in the morning
8. I think _________________________ (to cry) for over a million years before
you forgive me.
9. By the time the month finishes I ___________________________ (to work)
extra hours for more than 10 days in a row
10. He __________________________ (to work) since we opened and by the time
we close, he _________________________________ (to practice) more than
10 hours.

Section 4.2:

With some hard WORK and discipline, you will develop the
necessary skills needed to effectively communicate in English.

Use the TOOL section to help guide you through the topics
and make sure to check your answers using the ANSWER KEY.
UNITS 1 -2

Usamos SAY cuando nos queremos enfocar en el mensaje que queremos

trasmitir y lo podemos hacer de 2 maneras:

Repitiendo textualmente lo que la persona dijo.

Explicando con nuestras propias palabras lo que la otra persona dijo.

También podemos usar SAY + TO para expresar a quien se le está dando el


Guide 83
Usamos TELL cuando nos queremos enfocar en la persona que recibe el

También podemos usar TELL para dar ordenes o instrucciones.

Para darle información a alguien.


Los usamos para reportar lo que otras personas han dicho. Responden a la
pregunta WHAT DID HE SAY?

Guide 85

Guide 87


Las preguntas DIRECTAS son una manera informal de averiguar algo que

Las preguntas INDIRECTAS son una manera formal de averiguar algo que

Guide 89

Usamos preguntas indirectas para pedir información en una manera formal o para
preguntar sobre cosas personales.
Están normalmente incluidas dentro de una oración o dentro de otra pregunta.
Algunas de las frases introductorias más comunes son las siguientes:


Si la pregunta indirecta está dentro de una oración, la debemos terminar con un

punto no con un signo de interrogación. Observemos:

Do you know where your boss is?

Empieza con una pregunta, termina con
signo de interrogación.

I don’t know where my boss is.

Empieza con una oración, termina con un punto.

Si la pregunta indirecta está en presente o pasado debemos omitir los auxiliares

DO-DOES-DID y debemos cambiar el verbo como corresponda.

Guide 91
Si el verbo principal de la pregunta indirecta es el verbo To Be, debemos
intercambiar la posición del pronombre y el verbo.

En las preguntas indirectas no se puede hacer contracciones al final de la oración.


Lo usamos para hablar de situaciones que se estaban desarrollando por un periodo

de tiempo específico en el pasado.

Guide 93
El pasado continuo también se podría usar para este tipo de situaciones. Miremos
el siguiente ejemplo:


Lo usamos para hablar de actividades que se habrán completado en algún

momento en el futuro y normalmente van acompañadas de una expresión de

Guide 95

Lo usamos para hablar de acciones que se habrán estado desarrollando por un

periodo de tiempo específico en el futuro.

El futuro continuo también podría usarse en este tipo de oraciones si no vamos a

especificar la duración de la acción. Miremos el siguiente ejemplo.


1. Have a clear INTRODUCTION (paraphrase the question, give your opinion),

BODY (main points/arguments with its reasoning and example for each point)
and CONCLUSION (paraphrase the question and summarize your arguments).
2. Think about the topic and plan your essay before writing.
3. Make sure you answer the question clearly. Provide an explanation and an
example for each point.
4. Do not repeat the same words. Use synonyms to demonstrate your vocabulary
5. Use formal language (passive voice) and never use contractions.
6. Use complex grammar and vocabulary.
7. Use linking words (secondly, finally, currently, such as, furthermore, hence,
therefore, consequently, for example, for instance, nevertheless)
8. State your opinion at the beginning and at the end of the essay (Which is why I
strongly believe that…)
9. Summarize your main points in the conclusion. (in conclusion, with that said, last
but not least, to sum up, lastly)
10. Don’t forget to proofread and check for typos.

Guide 97

In regard to … About, Regarding,

As a matter of fact, … In fact,
Which is located in … Where
On one occasion Once
On two/three separate occasions Twice/Three times
On the day of … When
At this moment in time … In today’s world … Today
For the sole purpose of … For
Due to the fact that … Because, Since
The majority of … Most
At all times Always
In order to … To
A sufficient amount of … Enough
A large amount of … A lot
Has the capacity to / Is able to … Can



(1 PT) (2 PTS) (3 PTS) (4 PTS)

User was difficult to User was able to User was able to User was able to
understand and had a express their ideas and express their ideas and express their ideas
hard time responses adequately responses fairly well and responses with
GRAMMAR communicating their but often displayed but makes mistakes ease in proper
ideas and responses inconsistencies with with their tenses, sentence structure and
because of grammar their sentence however, is able to tenses.
mistakes. structure and tenses. correct themselves.

User was difficult to User was slightly User was good and did User was very clear
understand, quiet in unclear with not interfere with and easy to
PRONUNCIATION speaking, unclear in pronunciation at times, communication understand.
pronunciation. but generally is fair.

User had inadequate User was able to use User used the words Rich, precise and
vocabulary words to broad vocabulary learned in practices, in impressive usage of
express his/her ideas words but was lacking, an accurate manner for vocabulary words
VOCABULARY properly, which making him/her the situation given. learned in and beyond
hindered the students repetitive and cannot of practices.
in responding. expand on his/her

User had difficulty User fairly grasped User was able to User was able to
understanding the some of the questions comprehend and comprehend and
questions and topics and topics that were respond to most of the respond to all of the
that were being being discussed. questions and topics questions and the
discussed. that were being topics that were being
discussed. discussed with ease.

User was lacking in User showed decent User displayed well User presented
background knowledge background knowledge knowledge of practice excellent background
BACKGROUND which hindered his/her of practice material, information and topics. knowledge from
KNOWLEDGE responses to the making his/her practice topics and was
questions regarding the responses incomplete. able to add more
EVOLVE material. information in their

Speech is very slow, Speech is slow and Speech is mostly Speech is effortless and
stumbling, nervous, and often hesitant and smooth but with some smooth with speed that
uncertain with irregular. Sentences hesitation and comes close to that of a
response, except for may be left unevenness caused native speaker.
short or memorized uncompleted, but the primarily by rephrasing
expressions. Difficult user is able to continue. and groping for words.
for a listener to
Section 4.3:

This guide will give you all the necessary TOOLS to understand
complex grammar topics and be able to complete the
exercises in the WORK section of this book.

1.1 3.1
1. Tell 1. He said that he goes horseback riding at
2. Say his farm on weekends.
3. Tell 2. He said that he went to the movies last
4. Say night.
5. Tell 3. She said that she’s going to write a book
6. Say one day.
7. Telling 4. They said they’ve never traveled overseas.
8. Tell 5. My boyfriend asked when we were going
9. Tell to see each other again.
10. Telling 6. He asked if I had seen his new puppy.
11. Say 7. The girl asked if I knew who Luis was.
12. Telling 8. She asked if I would be available on
13. Say Monday afternoon.
14. Say 9. He asked if we were going to dinner with
15. Tell them tonight.
16. Tell 10. She asked me where I lived.
17. Tell
18. Telling 3.2
19. Tell 1. Paul asked if it was raining.
20. Say 2. Lilly said he (Sammy) hasn’t sent her the
UNIT 2 3. She told me not to call the house after
2.1 10pm.
1. Told / Said 4. She asked me why I didn’t go to the party
2. Said last weekend.
3. Said 5. He wanted to know how often I go
4. Told partying.
5. Told
6. Told 3.3
7. Told 1. She said, “I drink coffee.” = She said that
8. Said she drinks coffee.
9. Said 2. She said, “I’m drinking coffee.” = She said
10. Told that she was drinking coffee.
3. She said, “I have drunk coffee.” = She
said that she had drunk coffee.
4. She said, “I’m going to drink coffee.” = UNIT 5
She said that she was going to drink coffee 5.1
5. She said, “I was drinking coffee.” = She 1. Had been dancing
said that she had been drinking coffee. 2. Had been focusing / decided
6. She asked, “are you drinking coffee?” = 3. Had been working / spoken
She was wondering if I was drinking coffee. 4. Had been using
7. She asked, “have you been drinking 5. Had been celebrating
coffee?” = She wanted to know if I had been
drinking 5.2
coffee. 1. The children had been swimming all day.
2. The girls had been talking the whole class.
UNIT 4 3. The turkey had been in the oven all
4.1 afternoon.
1. Do you know what time it is?
2. I was wondering if you would like to go 5.3
out with me. 1. The boys had been playing outside all day.
3. Would you mind telling me how to get to 2. Michael Anthony had been performing for
the library from here? his fans since he was a child
4. Do you remember when we met? 3. The dog had been sleeping in its bed until
5. Who knows when the movie starts? the owner came home.
4. It had been raining throughout my entire
4.2 wedding ceremony.
1. N – Does she know what time the dinner 5. The elephant had been performing at the
party is? circus for years until he eventually passed
2. Y away.
3. Y 6. Jennifer had been working at the
4. Y veterinary clinic for two months when they
5. N – Do you know how tall Michael Brown shut down.
is? 7. The guests had been dancing when we
6. Y arrived.
7. N – Could you tell me how to say ‘Mesa’? 8. I had been waiting at the wrong bus stop.
8. Y 9. The car engine had been running all day
9. N – Does she know when her birthday is? when it overheated.
10. Y 10. Angela had been taking the wrong
medication when she overdosed.
4.3 11. Christian had been drinking from 6pm
1. B until the next morning.
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. A
UNIT 6 7. You will not have earned
6.1 8. Will have improved
1. I will have worked there for 3 years. 9. Will have completed his scuba diving
2. I will have known Sandra for 15 years. course by September
3. We will have run for 10 miles by the time 10. Will have drastically changed
we finish the race.
4. I will have known my husband for half of 6.4
my life. 1. How many plants will Jerry have planted
5. I will have graduated from law school. before winter?
6. We will have traveled 90km. 2. Will you have finished your show before
7. We will have finished decorating the she arrives?
Christmas tree. 3. How much will sea levels have increased
8. I will have finished the movie. in ten years?
9. The game will have finished by the time 4. Will you have sailed to America by then?
we arrive. 5. How many times will an average person
10. We will have eaten dinner by 9pm. have laughed by the end of the day?

6.2 UNIT 7
1. By the end of the month I will have been
practicing piano for a year.
2. The bear will have been hibernating all
winter by the time spring arrives.
3. By 2080, people will have been drinking
Coca-Cola for a century and a half.
4. By 2020, I will have been living in Mexico
for twenty-five years.
5. The therapist will have been listening to
his patient for 8 hours by the end of the
6. I won’t have been eating at the BBQ, so I
will she.
7. She will have been considered a
professional athlete by then?
8. The patient won’t have been recovering by
6.3 9. Will she have been singing all day?
1. We will have finished all the decoration.
2. He will have painted
3. We will have done our project
4. They will have traveled
5. Will have melted
6. You will have finished the course
Research and Citation Resources
The author and publisher would like to thank the following authors for their work. Their stories
have allowed us to draw inspiration and valuable content for our material.

1. Joe Luck
I. Creation inspired by Carlos G. Valles. (1995). “Ligero de Equipaje”. Sal Terrae
Image source: Boyce Fitzgerald©
2. Fresh Fish
I. This is an original story created by Stephanie O’Connell for Editora Tree. (2019)
Image source: Jakub Gojda©
3. Formula to Succeed
I. Creation inspired by Will Smith. (Producer) Gabriele Muccino. (Director). (2006). The Pursuit of
Happyness (Motion Picture). United States: Columbia Pictures.
Image source: choreograph©
4. All Inclusive
I. Creation inspired by Joel Osteen. (2004) “Your Best Life Now.” New York, NY: Hachette Book
Image source: mackoflower©
5. The Cure
I. Creation inspired by The Holy Bible. (Luke.8).
Image source: maridav©
6. Heavy Water
I. Creation inspired by On Word. (N.D). “How Heavy is this Glass of Water”. Retrieved from
Image source: Michal Bednarek©
7. Do Unto Others
I. Creation inspired by Moral Stories. (2019). “Grandpa’s Table”. Retrieved from https://www.
Image source: Roman Samborskyi©
8. The Friendly Traitor
I. This is an original story created by Stephanie O’Connell for Editora Tree. (2019)
Image source: Cathy Yeulet©
9. The Careless Bear
I. This is an original story created by Stephanie O’Connell for Editora Tree. (2019)
Image source: Andrea Marzorati©
10. Recognition
I. This is an original story created by Stephanie O’Connell for Editora Tree. (2019)
Image source: belchonock©
Special thanks to the following websites from
which we drew material, ideas,
inspiration and information:

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