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Internal Factors


The most significant issues moving the recruitment
I. Introduction to Recruitment and Selection: process are to expand the size of the organization,
Strategic Human Capital Management Introduction recruitment planning is compulsory for hiring more
• Human resources are valuable assets resources, which will be handling the future operations.
The most significant issues moving the recruitment
• Psychological contract exists in every process are to expand the size of the organization,
employee recruitment planning is compulsory for hiring more
resources, which will be handling the future operations.
• Fulfillment encourages positive outcomes 2. Recruiting Policy
Signing from internal or external bases of group is
• Understanding the psychological contract also a factor in recruitment policy of an organization,
can uncover ways to realign HR policies to which touches the recruitment process. It states the
effectively meet employees' expectations purposes of the recruitment and offers a framework for the
application of recruitment programs.
• Human resource practices can significantly 3. Image of Organization
impact the employment relationship Organizations having a decent positive image in the
The HR Process market can effortlessly entice competent resources.
Keeping up good public relations, given that public
1. Human Resource Planning
services, etc., certainly help an organization in improving
2. Recruitment and Selection its standing in the market, and thereby appeal to the best
3. Orientation and Placement likely resources.
4. Training and Development
4. Image of Job
5. Organizational Development
6. Performance Management Just like the image of the institute, the image of a job
plays a precarious role in employment. Jobs having a
7. Employee Motivation positive brand in terms of better payment, advancements,
8. Labor Relations credit, good work environment with career growth
9. Compensation Administration opportunities are considered to be the characteristics to
entice qualified candidates.
10. Occupational Health and Safety
11. Employee Separation External Factors
1. Demographic Factors
Factors are related to the characteristics of potential
employees such as their age, religion, educational
qualifications, gender, occupation, economic status, and
place of location.
2. Labor market exercises control on the demand
and supply of labor.
For example, if the supply of people having specific
Roles of Recruitment and Selection to Organizational skills and abilities is less than the demand, then the hiring
Success will require more efforts. On the other hand, if the demand
• Recruitment and selection are important is less than the supply, then hiring will be relatively more
operations in human resource management, manageable.
designed to make the best use of employee 3. Unemployment rate
strength to meet the strategic goals and objectives
of the employers and of the organization. If the unemployment rate is high in a specific area,
hiring of human resources will be simple and manageable,
• Good people confer a performance as there will be an increase in the number of applicants.
advantage and there is really nothing that will
make more of an impact than hiring the very best For various job positions in all types of organizations,
talent you can find and afford. large number of applications are received. In contrast, if
the unemployment rate is low, then recruiting tends to be
• When you are running a business, your difficult due to lesser number of resources.
success largely depends on having a team of 4. Labor laws reflect the social and political
employees who know how to get the job done. environment of the market, which are created by
the central and the state governments.
• Selection reduces the number of applicants to a
number that is more manageable and involves These laws dictate the compensation, working
screening out those that are unsuitable for the job. environment, safety and health regulations, and the job
duties of the workforce, for different types of
Factors Affecting Recruitment and Selection employments.
1. Internal Factors As the governments undergo transformations, there
2. External Factors are transformations that come about in the labor laws.
5. Legal considerations II. Workforce Planning
Job reservations for different race, color, gender and
oher considerations the best examples of legal
considerations. These considerations, passed by Nature of Workforce Planning
government, will have a positive or negative impact on
the recruitment policies of the organizations. Human resource planning is both a process and a
6. Competitors collection of plans. It is how organizations measure the
future supply and demand of human resources. In
When organizations in the same industry are addition, an effective human resource plan also provides
competing for the best qualified resources, there is a need systems and strategies to eliminate any gap between
to analyze the competition and make provision of the supply and demand. Thus, HR planning establishes the
resources packages that are finest in terms of the industry numbers and types of employees to be recruited into the
standards. organizations.
7. Equal Opportunity
When recruitment and selection of the employees take Human resource planning also contains linking a
place, then it is vital to take into consideration, equal firm’s human resource management practices to its
employment opportunities for the individuals. strategic business needs, which have been identified by
the strategic planning process. HR planning may be done
Equal opportunity results when all the applicants are on both short-term and long-term basis. Its objective is to
treated on an equal basis and consistently at every stage ensure that manpower will be available with the
of recruitment. appropriate characteristics and skills when the
organization needs them.
There should not be any discrimination against
anybody on the basis of factors, such as, caste, creed, race, It is a process by which an organization ensures
religion, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic that it has the right number and kind of human resources,
background. “Fairness and justness is of principal in the right places at the right time, doing the things for
significance in the recruitment and the selection
which they are economically useful. It is a method for
processes” (Klug, 2017). determining future human capital requirements and
Principles of Recruitment and Selection developing action plans to meet them. It is defined as a
1. A process with a number of key stages, all of strategy for the requisition, utilization, improvement and
which work in cooperation to improve one's retention of an enterprise’s human resource and it
chances of finding the best candidates available incorporates the subject concerned with the developing
for any advertised position. range of manpower policies, including those for
2. It is worth giving indications that in terms of recruitment, development, and retention.
leading, guiding and managing employees, if one
is not recruiting the best people available, then it
is always going to be challenging to manage them
on daily basis.
3. When seeking to fill any job vacancy, one should
always consider the internal candidates that could
be encouraged to the available post and then
recruit externally for the junior position.
4. Too often senior managers pay less attention to
the recruitment process and only become actively
involved when a senior post is being filled, or at
the end of the process for the final interview. Importance of Workforce Planning
5. It is often assumed that interviewing is something
that any experienced manager can carry out and 1. HR planning must be conducted for more
proper training should be acquired. effective and efficient use of human resources.
6. There are many legal issues that are associated 2. Encouragement of proactive rather than reactive
with the recruitment process and it is necessary behavior.
for all the individuals to familiarize oneself with 3. Aids in scheduling recruitment and selecting
the relevant legislation. effectively by providing information that
Benefits of a Recruitment and Selection Process determine how many people are needed and the
1. Save time: an effective hiring process can save kinds of human resources need for job openings.
you time. 4. It can identify the mix of skills it will need in the
2. Save money: using a streamlined recruiting and future.
selection process also saves you money. 5. More satisfied and better developed employees
3. Legal issues: an established recruiting and have better chances of developing and utilizing
selection process can help to ensure the hiring their talents.
process is both fair and transparent. 6. Explicit communication of company goals.
4. Hire the right worker: an efficient recruitment 7. Stimulation of critical thinking and ongoing
and selection process ensures you will hire the examination of assumptions.
right worker more often than not. 8. Encouragement of line manager’s participation.
5. Save time on training: the right type of hiring 9. Identification of human resource constraints and
and selection process also helps the company opportunities.
save time on training.
2. Determine human resource objectives

A large firm with a well-developed human

resource plan would have many human resource
objectives spelled out at the corporate level and each
division would have a list of its own sub-objectives.

3. Examine job design and structure

Companies should not take the configuration of job

that exist at a particular point in time as unchangeable.
There are factors to consider in analyzing job design and
structure such as new technological change, aspiration,
and skills level of employees (motivation, work ethic,
Organizational Life Cycle expectations, and job skills) and shortage of trained
The organizational life cycle is referred to as a
model that has linked business organizations with living 4. Estimate future skill requirement by
organisms and proposed that it passes through predictable occupation or job category
sequences of various development and growth stages.
Occupational skills change over time. It is important
It is believed that like human beings, at this stage that organization should have a complete
organizations also are born, they grow and mature with listing of all occupational categories in the organization
time and there comes a stage when they start declining with explanatory job descriptions that specify the duties,
and like any other human being die. Some of the skills and qualifications required for each job. Estimation
organizations have a long shelf life, whereas others are of how these skills will change need to be built into the
unable to cope with the demands and have a short life. human resource plan.
Still, it is a fact that every life follows a pattern, and this
seems predictable for every organization. 5. Rightsizing

It is up to the management to realize and If a surplus is predicted for an occupational category,

understand all the phases of the organizational life cycle the human resource plan needs to consider if these
so that they can understand the priorities of that stage and individuals will be discharged, temporary laid off,
make decisions accordingly that will work best for that transferred, or provided severance pay or given early
period. retirement.

If a shortage is predicted, the organization must hire

from the outside labor market if it expects to fill the
resulting job vacancies.

Categories/Phases of Human Resource Planning

1. Determine organizational growth or

retrenchment objectives

Growth or retrenchment objective drive the human

Employee Shortage
resource plan. If the company grows rapidly with little
retrenchment, employment will expand. Growth
objectives are a key part in an organization’s overall When there is an employee shortage, it means that
strategic plan. Almost all strategic plans deal with the size companies are having trouble finding qualified applicants
for open positions. There are not enough individuals to fill
the company wishes to be in the future. Growth or
retrenchment objectives may be expressed in terms of the positions they are looking for, and the few that are
sales, market share, asset size, return on investment, available are difficult to come by. Labor or employee
development of new products and services or selling off shortages, on the other hand, can be more problematic.
product lines and development of new markets or Some positions are more difficult to fill than others, and
some industries have a harder problem attracting and
abandonment of markets.
retaining personnel than others.
The employee shortage risk relates to the shortage III. Recruitment
of human resources resulting from increased absenteeism,
aging workforce, disability management practices, Nature of Recruitment
inconsistent assignment of staffing levels and inability to
recruit and retain competent resources. This risk can lead The recruitment process is a significant part of
to negative outcomes such as, staff burnout, decreased human resource management (HRM). It is not done
staff morale, increased workplace injuries, inadequate without proper strategic planning. Recruitment is defined
quality of service, reputation loss, financial loss due to as a process that supports the organization with a pool of
increased overtime/utilization of consultants, longer qualified job candidates from which to choose. Before
patient/client wait time and potential patient/client harm. companies recruit, they must implement proper staffing
plans and forecasting to determine how many people they
will need. The basis of the forecast will be the annual
budget of the organization and the short- to long-term
plans of the organization—for example, the possibility of

Forecasting is centered on both internal and external


Internal factors include the following:

a) Budget constraints
b) Expected or trend of employee separations
c) Production levels
d) Sales increases or decreases
e) Global expansion plans

External factors might include the following:

Employee Surplus a) Changes in technology

b) Changes in laws
Employee surplus is the situation when the supply c) Unemployment rates
of required human resources is greater than the demand d) Shifts in population
for required human resources by an organization. In other e) Shifts in urban, suburban, and rural areas
words, skills surplus takes place when the supply of f) Competition
required human resources surpasses the demand of
required human resources in an organization. Once the forecasting data are collected and analyzed,
the HR professional can see where gaps exist and then
An organization can deal with this skills surplus in the begin to recruit individuals with the right skills, education,
following ways: and backgrounds.

1. Attrition: It is the process of decreasing a skills Recruitment Strategy

surplus by naturally, letting the workforce size to
decline. An understanding of the labor market and the
2. Job sharing: Job sharing takes place when 2 or factors determining the relevant aspects of the labor
more employees do the duties of a single full-time market is key to being strategic about your recruiting
position. processes.
3. Hiring freeze: Hiring freeze is a prohibition on
all types of external recruiting functions. Here are the aspects of developing a recruitment

1. Refer to a staffing plan.

2. Confirm the job analysis is correct through
3. Write the job description and job specifications.
4. Have a bidding system to recruit and evaluate
internal candidate qualifications for possible
5. Determine the best recruitment strategies for the
6. Implement a recruiting strategy.

The first step in the recruitment process is acceptance

of a job opening. Currently, the manager and/or the HRM
look at the job description for the job opening.
Internal candidates are already working for the
company. If an internal candidate meets the
qualifications, this person might be persuaded to apply for
the job, and the job opening may not be published. Many
organizations have formal job posting procedures and
bidding systems in place for internal candidates.

The recruitment function of the organizations is

affected and governed by a mix of many internal and
external forces. The internal forces or factors are the
factors that can be controlled by the organization. And the
external factors are those factors which cannot be
External Factors Affecting Recruitment
monitored by the organization.
1. Supply and Demand
Internal Factors Affecting Recruitment
If the company has a demand for more professionals
1. Recruitment Policy
and there is limited supply in the market for the
professionals demanded by the company, then the
The recruitment policy of an organization indicates
company will have to depend upon internal sources by
the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework
providing them special training and development
for implementation of recruitment program. It may
involve organizational system to be developed for
implementing recruitment program and procedure by
2. Labor Market
filling up vacancies with best qualified people.
If there is surplus of manpower at the time of
Factors affecting recruitment policy
recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of
recruiting like notice boards display of the requisition or
✓ Organizational objectives
announcement in the meeting etc. will attract more than
✓ Personnel policies of the organization and its
enough applicants.
✓ Government policies on reservations.
✓ Preferred sources of recruitment. 3. Image/Goodwill
✓ Need of the organization.
✓ Recruitment costs and financial implications. Image of the employer can work as a possible
constraint for recruitment. An organization with positive
image and support as an employer finds it easier to attract
2. Human Resource Planning
and retain employees than an organization with negative
image. Image of a company is based on what organization
Effective human resource planning supports in
does and affected by industry.
determining the gaps present in the existing manpower of
the organization. It also helps in determining the number
of employees to be recruited and what qualification they 4. Political-Social-legal Environment
must possess.
This limits management freedom to select those
individuals who it believes would be the best performers.
3. Size of the Firm
If the candidate cannot meet criteria stipulated by the
union but union regulations can restrict recruitment
The size of the firm is an important element in
recruitment process. If the organization is planning to
increase its operations and grow its business, it will think
5. Unemployment Rate
of hiring more personnel, which will handle its operations.
When the company is not creating new jobs, there is
4. Cost
often oversupply of qualified labor which in turn leads to
Recruitment incur cost to the employer; therefore,
businesses try to employ that source of recruitment which
will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organization 6. Competitors
for each candidate.
To face the competition, many a times the
organizations must change their recruitment policies
5. Growth and Expansion
according to the policies being followed by the
Organization will employ or think of employing
more personnel if it is expanding its operations.
Sources of recruitment d) Temporary help Services

1. Internal Sources of Recruitment Temporary employees are particularly valuable in

meeting short term fluctuations in personnel needs.
Whenever any vacancy arises, someone from within
the organization is upgraded, transferred, promoted, or e) Campus Recruitment
even demoted. Retrenched employees, retired employees,
dependents deceased employees may also constitute the Some recruiters visit education institutions with a
internal sources. The major internal sources of view to pick up job aspirants having requisite technical or
recruitment are as under. professional skills. If campus recruiting is used, steps
should be taken by the Human Resource Department to
a) Promotion and Transfer ensure that the recruiters are knowledgeable about the
jobs that are to be filled and can employ effective
A transfer is a lateral change within the same interviewing skills.
grade, from one job to another. Promotion, on the other
hand, requires movement of employees from a lower- f) Professional Organization
level position to a higher-level position accompanied by
(usually) changes in authority, duties, responsibilities, It is also common practice to provide placement
status, and remuneration. facilities at regional and national meetings where
individuals looking for employment and companies
b) Job posting looking for employees can find each other.

In job posting, the organization advertises job

openings on bulletin boards, electronic media, and
similar, outlets.

c) Employee referrals

Employee referral means using personal contacts

to find job opportunities. It is a recommendation from a
present employee regarding a job applicant. The logic
behind employee referral is that “it takes one to know

2. External Sources of Recruitment

a) Advertisements

When an organization desires to communicate to

the public that it has a vacancy, advertisement is one of
the most popular methods used. However, the media of
Proactive recruitment is the anticipative process
advertisement preferred is often determined by the type of
of attempting to locate and encourage potential applicants
job. Internet ads, Newspaper ads, Tv and radio ads
to apply for future job openings.
b) Employment agencies
Cost of Poor Recruitment Decisions
There are three types of employment agencies –
There are many impacts of employee turnover,
public employment agencies- public agencies tend to
one being the time and financial cost of a recruitment.
attract and list individuals who are unskilled or have had
High costs are one of the more considered negatives of
minimum training this, of course, does not reflect on the
high turnover. The opportunity cost of work not being
competence of the agency; private employment
done, this includes- delayed projects, reduced activity and
agencies- private agencies are believed to offer positions
customers being neglected. This can decrease efficiency
to applicants of a higher caliber. Private agencies also
and productivity.
provide a more complete line of services; and
management consulting firms- they specialize in
middle-level and top-level executive placements. In How to handle recruitment effectively?
addition to the level at which they recruit, the features that
distinguish executive search agencies from most private ✓ Manage your company’s image.
employment agencies are their fees, their nationwide ✓ Employer branding – the perception of the public
contacts, and the thoroughness of their investigations. with the way you treat employees
✓ Treat candidates as VIP’s by keeping them
c) Unsolicited Applicants / Walk – ins informed of their status, scheduling interview at a
time convenient to them, etc.
✓ Establish clear-cut recruiting responsibilities.
Companies generally receive unsolicited
✓ Strengthen communication between managers
applications from job applicants at various points of time.
and internal recruiting staff.
✓ Involve your entire staff in the search.
Recruitment Tips from Professionals 4. Setting up of standards.

• Understand the job Standard means minimum standard qualities, results,

• Hire for today’s need and tomorrow’s vision. performance, or incentives regarding a particular job. Job
• Be legal analysis provides information about the job, and each
• Build a standardized hiring process and follow it. standard can be established using this information.
• Hiring top talent means more profit.
• A bad hire is worse than you think. 5. Support for personnel activities
• Interviewing doesn’t work all the time.
• Match people to jobs. Job analysis supports various worker and employees’
• Create a strong employer brand. activities like recruitment, selection, placement, training
• Consider outsourcing of the recruitment process. and development, wage administration, performance
appraisal, etc.
• Look inside.
• Practice functional rotations.
6. Job description
• Train, coach, and educate recruiters.
• Recognize your limits.
Job description differentiates one job from another by
• Respect your clients.
presenting distinctive characteristics of each job.
7. Job specification
IV. Systematic Approach to Recruitment
The job specification statement identifies the
Job Analysis knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed to perform
that task effectively.
Job analysis sets a job under the microscope to
reveal key details about it. Specifically, it recognizes the
8. Job classification system
tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a specific job.
Without job analysis report, it is difficult to determine
A task is a basic element of a work that is a the relationships among jobs in an organization reliably.
logical and essential step in performing a job duty.
9. Job evaluation and compensation
A duty consists of one or more tasks that
comprise a significant activity performed in a job.
Valuable in helping executives identify the kinds of
personnel they should recruit, select, develop, and provide
A responsibility is one or several duties that guidance for decisions about training and career
identify and explain the major purpose or reason for the development, performance appraisal, and compensation
job’s existence.
Who Performs Job Analysis? Components of Job Analysis
Job analysis is performed either by a member of
the Human Resource department, a job analyst or by the
job incumbent. In some businesses a manager may
perform the job analysis.

Uses of Job Analysis

1. Organizational structure and design

1. Element - the smallest functional unit into which
any work activity can be subdivided.
By clarifying job requirements and interrelationships 2. Task - an identifiable unit of work activity is
among jobs, obligations at all stages can be specified,
produced by applying a Composite of methods,
promoting efficiency, and minimizing overlap or procedures, and techniques.
duplication of duties. 3. Duty - an individual makes several distinct tasks
to complete a work activity for which he or she is
2. Human resource planning responsible.
4. Position - the mixture of all the responsibilities
Job analysis data is incorporated into a human required of one person performed a job.
resource information system. 5. Job - a group of positions that are the same or
necessary in their job components tasks and
3. Work simplification others to be covered by the same job analysis.
6. Occupation - jobs are combined across
Work simplification involves dividing the job into companies based upon the skills, exhaustion, and
small parts, i.e., different product lines or process responsibilities required by the jobs.
operations, improving production or job performance. 7. Job Family - a category in which similar cocoons
are grouped.
Job Analysis Methods Different Recruitment Platforms

1. Observation method A recruitment platform is an online software that

allows companies, organizations, and recruiters to source
The observer examines a worker or a group of qualified job candidates and control the recruitment
workers doing a job. Observations alone may show little process for open positions within their company.
useful information if the work in question is primarily Recruitment platforms often incorporate various or
mental. different recruitment tools such as ATS, CRM, CMS, and
other software.
2. Job performance
The company's success is often based on finding
With this method, there is exposure to actual job tasks the right candidate to fill roles in your organization. Using
and the jobs’ physical, environmental, and social an online recruitment platform in combination with
demands. It is suitable for jobs that can be learned quickly. recruitment software can help the organization to achieve
Its main limitation is that the employee becomes your hiring goals and position yourself as an attractive
conscious when the employee’s work is observed. destination for highly qualified job candidates.

3. Work sampling Recruiting Software

Under this method, a supervisor can determine the Recruiting software is a software tool that may
content and speed of a typical workday through a assist an employer find future or potential employees or
statistical sampling of certain activities rather than talents. It can also be called applicant tracking software,
through continuous observation and timing of all actions. but the two are not the same thing exactly.

4. Individual interview This type of software can handle all the low-level
administrative tasks like screening resumes, creating a
This method can provide information about standard shortlist, and even interviewing applicants for all kinds
and non-standard activities and physical and mental work. and sizes of businesses and enterprises.
Its main limitation is that workers may be suspicious of
interviewers and their motives.; interviewers may ask Advantages of Recruiting Platforms/Software
ambiguous questions.
1. It speeds up the screening process.
5. Structured questionnaire 2. It improves productivity.
3. It expands your database.
The main advantage of this method is that information 4. It creates a pleasant candidate experience.
on many jobs can be collected inexpensively in a brief 5. There is reduced unconscious bias.
time. This method is usually not expensive and quicker to 6. There is better communication.
administer than other methods. Its main limitation is that 7. Recruiting becomes a tactical talent advisor role.
it is time consuming and expensive to develop.
Disadvantages of Recruiting Platforms/Software\
6. Critical incident method
1. Possible technical difficulties.
The critical incident method gives an idea about the 2. It may filter out good candidates.
job and its importance. 3. It may intensify instinctive biases.

7. Diary method Sample use of Recruiting Platform/Software

In this method, the worker does the work himself, and Recruiting software and platforms can bring on
the idea of the skill required, the difficulty level of the job, different tasks, depending on what your recruitment team
and the efforts required can be known easily. needs. It can do the following functions for you:

Job Advertisement 1. Sourcing

A job advertisement is a statement of an open Sourcing pertains to promoting and mass-sharing job
job position. vacancies through career websites, talent communities,
job postings, and social media.
The main purpose and objective of a job
advertisement or advertising is to inform potential job 2. Applicant tracking
candidates about a new opening and attract them to
apply. Recruitment software can hold a vast amount of data
and allows users to filter these data for quick searches.
It is composed in an engaging tone, and it This filtering method makes the hiring procedure a
includes information and data not only about the job speedier process altogether. This kind of software may
position, but also about your company and the benefits also alert the candidates of any progress on their
you can offer to talents. As a result, you will save time application process. It may notify applicants of scheduled
and money! interviews or the results of their assessments and tests.
3. Onboarding

Onboarding makes the transitions for new hires a

smoother process and makes the hiring manager’s job a
smoother process altogether.

4. Recruiting analytics

Recruitment supervisors can analyze statistics like

time-to-hire, applicant-to-interview ratios, and the source
of hires. Analyzing this data can allow teams to pinpoint
what areas are lacking or need improvement for them to
improve upon.

5. Pre-hire assessment and background checking

Background checks are also mandatory whenever

recruiting new hires. These kinds of recruitment software
are even able to run reference tests and background
checks on each applicant.

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