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International Conference on Islamic Civilization

Pascasarjana UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, 19-21th October 2021
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Analysis of Students Ability in Solving Physics Description

Problems Based on John Dewey’s Theory

Anisa Noviza Nilda, Yusrizal, Nurhayati

Physics Education at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Learning Physics with mathematics, because the theory of physics can be solved
mathematically. This is what causes the lack of students' ability to complete
physics, especially about descriptions. Students tend not to pay attention to the
steps in solving problems and students also memorize every step in solving
problems, to work on other questions. So that when given editorial questions,
different questions such as examples, students are not able to solve them.
Therefore, steps are needed to solve the problem. One of the theory of problem
solving that can be used to find the theory of problem solving is John Dewey.
Based on these problems, the researcher analyzed the students ability to complete
the description based on John Dewey's theory. The method used is descriptive
quantitative. The results showed that students of class VIII-2 SMP N 1 Tapaktuan
mastered the stages of defining the problem with a total score of 491, recognizing
problems with a total score of 383, the stage of formulating a hypothesis with a
total score of 271, and students lacking mastery of the stage of testing the
hypothesis with a total score of 161 , and the stages of choosing the best hypothesis
with a total score of 94. Based on the categories there are 10 students with high
ability in solving problems (40%), 6 students with moderate abilities (24%), 8
students with low abilities (32%), 1 student with very low ability (4%), and no
student with very high ability (0%). Thus, it can be said that the ability of class
VIII-2 students of SMP N 1 Tapaktuan is high which is based on the problem of
John Dewey's theory

Keywords: Student Ability, Problem Solving, Theory John Dewey, Substance

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