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Laws of the Nine Days

From the beginning of the month of Av, our simcha ( joyfulness) is diminished. The Gemara tells us that During the Month of Adar we Enhance our Simcha, while in the month of Av we diminish our Simcha. From Rosh Chodesh all forms of rejoicing are suspended. For Sefardim these restrictions only begin during the week of Tisha BAv. Throughout Jewish history the Nine Days have been replete with tragedy and misfortune for the Jewish people as a whole. Due to the inauspicious mazal for the Jews during this time, lawsuits should be postponed until after Tisha BAv. In order for us to experience this sense of mourning, certain actions are prohibited during this time.

Eating Meat and Drinking wine

1. The custom is to refrain from eating meat and poultry or drinking wine and grape juice during the Nine Days. This also pertains to children. 2. The prohibition of meat includes foods cooked with meat or meat fat. However, foods cooked in a clean vessel used for meat may be eaten. 3. Eating meat and drinking wine is permitted for Shabbos. Even one who has ushered in the Shabbat on Friday afternoon before sunset may eat meat and drink wine. 4. For Havdalah, some have the custom to give the wine to a child of 6-9 years old. If one cannot find a child of that age, one may drink the wine of Havdalah. 5. A person who requires meat because of weakness or illness, including small children and pregnant or nursing women who have difficulty eating dairy, may eat meat. However, whenever possible poultry is preferable to meat.

Laundry and Dry Cleaning

1. Laundering is prohibited even for use after Tisha BAv. One may not even give clothing to a non-Jewish cleaner during the Nine Days. One may give dry cleaning to a non-Jew before the Nine Days. 2. The prohibition of laundering includes linens, tablecloths, and towels. 3. A person who has no clean clothes may wash what he needs until the Shabbos before Tisha BAv. 4. Wearing freshly laundered clothing is prohibited. If one wants to wear clothing which was laundered, one must remove the freshness from the clothing by: 1. Wearing each garment for a short time period (a few minutes). One can wear many at one time, such as putting on 5 shirts at once for a few minutes. 2. If one forgot to do this before the Nine Days, some are of the opinion that one can put the garments on the floor and trample them to remove the freshness. 5. Undergarments including socks and pajamas, which are worn directly on the body, may be changed during the Nine Days where irritation or discomfort will develop. 6. One cannot purchase or make new garments, even if they are not needed until after Tisha BAv. 7. Childrens diapers and clothing that constantly get dirty may be washed as needed even during the week of Tisha BAv, in private. 8. One may polish shoes with liquid or wax polish, but should avoid shining shoes.

Other Prohibitions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. One may not swim nor may one bathe for pleasure. If one is dirty or perspired, he may wash or bathe to remove the dirt or perspiration. Purchasing objects of Simcha (joy), such as cars, silver, and major appliances is prohibited. Cutting nails with a nail clipper is prohibited during the week in which Tisha BAv occurs. Building, painting or repairing a home (unless to prevent additional damage) is prohibited.

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