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Tutoring session

Unit 10:
Saving Energy
Session objectives
1. Identify and practice zero
conditional and first
conditional in statements.
2. Practice vocabulary associated
with the topic of saving
3. Use zero conditional and first
conditional and vocabulary in
oral and written production.
Identify samples.
Read the sentences below.
What’s they difference between the two columns?

simple present simple present

If people burn garbage, they pollute the environment.

ZERO facts
When I go to sleep, I always turn off my cellphone.

If you reduce the use of energy, you’ll save some money.

FIRST predictions
If we stop ordering delivery food, we’ll reduce the use of plastic. consequences

simple present future will

See the rules.
We use zero conditionals to talk about an
action that always has the same result. Zero
conditional talks about facts, things that are
true all the time, and not just in one
particular situation.


If people burn garbage, they pollute the

environment. (fact)

When I go to sleep, I always turn off my

cellphone. (always true)

You waste energy if you don’t unplug

appliances at night . (fact)

You help the planet when you use LED light

bulbs. (always true)
A conditional sentence has two clauses:

If people burn things, they pollute the


Clause 1: If people burn things,


If + subject + verb+ complement

Clause 2: they pollute the environment


Subject + verb + complement

We use present simple in both clauses.

You can also say:

People pollute the environment if they burn

things. (It’s not necessary to use a comma.)
We use first conditionals to talk about a
specific action that will most likely happen.

For example:

• If you reduce the use of energy, you’ll

save some money.

• You’ll save some sea animals if you

recycle plastic.

• If we stop ordering delivery food, we’ll

reduce the use of plastic.

• You’ll save water if you take 5-minute

long showers.
A conditional sentence has two clauses:

If you reduce the use of energy, you’ll save some


Clause 1: If you reduce the use of energy,


If + subject + verb+ complement

Clause 2: you’ll save some money.


Subject + will + verb + complement

We use present simple in the condition and we use

future will in the result..

You can also say:

You’ll save some money if you reduce the use of

energy. (it’s not necessary to use the comma)
1. electrical appliance (n): machine in the home that uses electricity
(form of energy) to do a certain job
2. electricity bill (n): statement showing how much money you need to pay for
the electricity you used (electricity - form of energy that powers machines)

3. energy efficient (adj): using less energy to complete a task

4. fossil fuel (n): fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) that is created in the
earth from dead plants or animals, and produces heat or power when it burns
5. lightbulb (n): glass object that creates light when electricity flows
through it
6. renewable energy (n): natural source of power, such as the sun,
wind, or water which does not run out

7. save energy (v): to use less energy

8. thermostat (n): device that controls the temperature in a building

or room
9. unplug (v): remove an electrical appliance from its power supply
by taking the plug out of an electric socket

10. waste (v): use more of something than you need to

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs Exercise 1
in brackets to make sentences using first conditional. IF + SIMPLE PRESENT....WILL + VERB

will save
1. You _________ (save) sea turtles if you _______don't throw plastic to the sea.
(not / throw)
use (use) solar panels, pollution _______
2. If we ________ will decrease
(decrease) a lot.
3. I will teach (teach) my friend how to recycle if she _________
___________ (not/know) how to do it.
doesn't know
turn off
4. If you ___________ will save (save) energy.
(turn off) you lights, you ___________
will save (save) water if we ___________
5. We _____________ take (take) short showers.
will not pollute(not / pollute) the air if we start
6. We _____________ _________ (start) using bikes every day.
7. You will consume (consume) energy unnecessarily if you _________
_____________ don't unplug (not/unplug) your appliances at night.

accept (accept) single-use plastic bags, you _________

8. If you ___________ will make(make) more and more garbage.
9. If your mom ___________ will have
doesn´t know (not / know) how to buy energy-efficient appliances, you ______ (have) to go with
her when she has to buy one.
10. You _______________
will cosume (consume) a lot of energy if you ___________
fall (fall) asleep while the TV on.
isn't (not/be) energy-efficient, ______
11. If your computer __________ will you change
_______ (change) it?
Check your answers: Exercise 1

1. You will save (save) sea turtles if you don’t throw (not / throw) plastic to the sea.
2. If we use (use) solar panels, pollution will decrease (decrease) a lot.
3. I will teach (teach) my friend how to recycle if she doesn’t know (not/know) how to do it.
4. If you turn off (turn off) you lights, you will save (save) energy.
5. We will save (save) water if we take (take) short showers.
6. We won’t pollute (not / pollute) the air if we start (start) using bikes every day.
7. You will consume (consume) energy unnecessarily if you don’t unplug (not/unplug) your appliances at
8. If you accept (accept) single-use plastic bags, you will make (make) more and more garbage.
9. If your mom doesn’t know (not / know) how to buy energy-efficient appliances, you will have (have)
to go with her when she has to buy one.
10. You will consume (consume) a lot of energy if you fall (fall) asleep while the TV on.
11. If your computer isn’t (not/be) energy-efficient, will you change (change) it?
Match the phrases to make complete sentences.
Exercise 2

1. When you change your habits, … ___ a) they decrease pollution of fossil fuels.
2. When you use biodegradable bags, … ___ b) you lower your electricity bill.
3. When more and more people use solar panels, … ___ c) you help the whole world.
4. When you buy energy-efficient appliances, … ___ d) you help others to recycle.
5. When you separate your garbage, … ___ e) you help sea animals that eat the normal ones and die.
6. Students make people aware of pollution … ___ f) when you take short showers.
7. You help to improve education about the ___ g) when you teach other people about it.
environment… ___ h) when you stop buying bottled water.
8. You save a lot of water … ___ i) when you don’t print documents unnecessarily.
9. You stop the production of more plastic … ___ j) when they make campaigns about it.
10. You save trees…
Check your answers: Exercise 2

1. When you change your habits, you help the whole world.
1. c
2. When you use biodegradable bags, you help sea animals that eat the normal ones and die.
2. e
3. When more and more people use solar panels, they decrease pollution of fossil fuels.
3. a
4. When you buy energy-efficient appliances, you lower your electricity bill. 4. b
5. When you separate your garbage, you help others to recycle. 5. d
6. Students make people aware of pollution when they make campaigns about it. 6. j

7. You help to improve education about the environment when you teach other people about it. 7. g
8. f
8. You save a lot of water when you take short showers.
9. h
9. You stop the production of more plastic when you stop buying bottled water.
10. i
10. You save trees when you don’t print documents unnecessarily.
Complete these short conversations with words from
the box.
Exercise 3

unplug electrical appliance

1. A: Hey! You should always ______ your mobile phone before you go to sleep.
electricity bill
B: I know! I’m sorry. I promise I won’t _________ any more energy.
waste energy efficient
fosil fuel pollutes the environment a lot.
2. A: The use of _________ fossil fuel
B: That’s right! That’s why _________________ is the best option to produce energy. lightbulb
renewvable energy
renewable energy
3. A: You have to buy _______________
energy efficient appliances for your home.
light bulbs save energy
B: Yes. Also, we have to use LED _________________.
electricity bill
4. A:Oh no! The _________________________ is very high this month. unplug
B: I knew it! The ___________
thermostat is not working well. It is consuming too much energy. waste

save energy
5. A: When you ________________, you help all the world.
B: That’s true. We have to do it for the planet, not only for our economy.

6. A: If you want to buy anelectrical appliance I can help you choose a good one.
B: Thank you. I know that you care a lot about the environment and I want to do it too.
Check your answers: Exercise 3

1. A: Hey! You should always unplug your mobile phone before you go to sleep.
B: I know! I’m sorry. I promise I won’t waste any more energy.

2. A: The use of fossil fuel pollutes the environment a lot.

B: That’s right! That’s why renewable energy is the best option to produce energy.

3. A: You have to buy energy efficient appliances for your home.

B: Yes. Also, we have to use LED light bulbs.

4. A:Oh no! The electricity bill is very high this month.

B: I knew it! The thermostat is not working well. It is consuming too much energy.

5. A: When you save energy, you help all the world.

B: That’s true. We have to do it for the planet, not only for our economy.

6. A: If you want to buy an electrical appliance, I can help you choose a good one.
B: Thank you. I know that you care a lot about the environment and I want to do it too.
Use and produce.
Complete the sentences using the Word bank.
Include extra information.
Exercise 4

1. If you use an energy efficient dishwasher,… you save water.

2. If you use both sides of sheets of paper,…you protect trees

3. We will save a lot of energy if…we use LED light bulbs. 1. If you use an energy
efficient dishwasher, you
4. Our seas will be cleaner if… help the environment
and save money at the
5. If you want to reduce the electricity bill,… same time.

6. Sea animals will be safer if…

7. If you unplug electronic devices you are not using,…

8. If you reduce the consumption of take-aways,…

9. If you shorten your hot showers,…

10. During the summer, using a fan instead of turning on the air conditioner…
Do your quiz.
English 3 Quiz Unit 10
Questions: 5
Timing: 10 minutes
Attempts: 01
next class

Study unit 11.

Attend Speaking lessons.

Sources & Credits
● English Discoveries Student platform


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