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Narrative Writing

-Focuses on a telling story,could be true or made up.

-Can be form of essay.
-Different way of telling story, bur still telling story.
-Need to be creative
-Real life story

-It can deliver the moral of the story by telling the reader what character learned from the
- can make prediction or revelation about future actions that will happen as a result of the event
in the story
Elements of the story

-Setting,Theme, Mood,Characters, Plot

Effective narrative essay includes;

Thesis- that sets up the action in the introduction
Transition- sentences that connect events and guide the reader to follow the story
Conclusion- that ends the story action and provides a moral, prediction, or revelation

Parts of Essays;

Introduction- The beginning of the story

The thesis- express the main idea of essay, introduces the action or hint/clue of possible action
that will encounter

The body- contains supporting information which is the plot

The conclusion-brief statement of the main point/ short/ concise/ specific.

Transition words that use are;

- Moreover
-In addition
- Furthermore, etc.

Descriptive Writing
-Applies five sense to audience mind smell, sight, touch, taste, and sound
-Use Clear description
-Indicate their attitude towards the subject through the choice of words.
-Can be objective and subjective;
Objective aims to present word pictures of person, a scene, or an object, can be formative and
factual and appeals to intellect (existing) Ex; Science book,Tourism brochures,Police record
Subjective blended with exposition or narration as in creative.Being artistic, appeals to the
emotions and give pleasures , feelings, moods, like, judgments, and interpretation.
Exemplification Essay

- Making use of example to illustrate,Explain general statement

-Means more narrowed details of specific example
-Need implies a variety of examples which relate to readers and help them understand your
main point.
Transitional expression that use are;

Classification Essay

-Organize or To short ideas (person, places, things, events)

-To understand larger concepts by breaking down an idea into smaller concept.
Transitional expression that use are;

Comparison and Contrast

- analyze the differences and/or the similarities of two distinct subjects and can be accurately evaluated.
-must first know the significant points of similarity and difference.

Basic comparison-pointing out the characteristics that the two components or topics or common point
of reference, you can justify their similarities and differences.
Alternating method-it allows you take turns in discussing the characteristics of the first topic ,followed by
the second one.

Block method- developing your ideas in chunk, The first paragraph will only contain the characteristics
of the first topic.

Combination Method-more structured comparison and contrast essay.With alternating method

and then eventually use the block method

Cause and Effect

Method of paragraph development is to explain to your readers (a) why a certain situation happened
(b) the consequences connected to that particular situation or event
or (c) a discussion of both.

Persuasion as Pattern of Paragraph Development

Properties of Well Written Text

Paragraph coherence means that every sentences in the paragraph sticks,together, linking together in
a continuous line of thought that is establishing Unity of ideas.

The paragraph is about ONLY ONE main topic: the topic sentence, the supporting details ,and the
concluding sentence should focus on only one idea.

All the ideas in the paragraph flow smoothly from one sentence to the next sentence.
-All the supporting sentences connect to each other and to the topic sentence.
-proper grammar and spelling are important, paragraph transitions are also important
-Transitional words and phrases connect sentences and paragraphs to each other and
suggest a particular relationship between one idea and the next.

Cohesive Device
-It is sometimes called linking words, linkers, connectors, discourse markers, or transitional words.
-It shows the relationship between paragraphs or sections of a text or speech.

-Adverbs may be used at the beginning of sentences to show how the sentence which
-follows relates to the rest of the text. Many of them reveal the writer's attitude to the idea
they are expressing and so can be used as an important tool in evaluative writing.

- refers to the rules of the written language, such as capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

State or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

Explicit claim
-It is directly, precisely and clearly stated, analyzing what a writer or speaker is trying to
explain based on what he or she actually says.
-It can be easily identified by linking it to the claim by the word or concept “because.”
For example, if I claim that Johnny is “guilty of murder,”the first explicit reason is probably something like,
because “he killed Jose”.

Implicit claim
-not directly stated and it is assertions that can be retrieved by reading between the lines.
-normally found in key assumptions and context: when, where, why, who, what.
-Assumptions often infer values, and values are often dependent on context.

Proving an Explicit Claim is easy and can be done with references to facts, but proving Implicit
Claim requires context. Note also how it generates its own argument.

Type of Claims

Claim of Fact -It is a statement that has existed (past), exists (present) or will exist (future).
-It is used to support factual evidence that is sufficient, reliable and appropriate.

Claim of Policy- provide a solution or another series of questions in response to the claims of
fact. They are often procedural, organized plans.

Claim of Value - It usually leads to essays that evaluate. Examine your topic in terms of the
phrases, “it is better to..., it is unethical that..., it is wrong to..., it is more beautiful than...”
-involve “taste” in art, literature, music, film, food, etc.
-involve judgments, appraisals and evaluations. Have a bias of sorts and often embedded in
social, religious, and/or cultural values.

Hypertext and Hyperlink

Hypertext - a text in which the reader may navigate related information through
embedded hyperlinks.
-It is prepared and published in such a way that it is linked in a non-sequential web of
associations that allows the user to navigate through related topics from one document to
-hypertext literacy as “the ability to process hyperlinks appropriately and to use hyperlinks
effectively to enhance a document or artifact”.

hyperlink-can be a word, a phrase, or an image that the readers can click on to jump to a new
document or a new category within the present document. Most of the time text hyperlinks are
blue and underlined.

The process of interaction needs a set of skills that is a “way different from traditional
print-based literacy”.
- Non-sequential reading
- Critical reading
- Reader-centered encounter with the text
- Collaboration with the author
- Manipulation skills

Text navigation skills.Three sets of skills are needed to effectively navigate through a
hypertextual environment (Natalya Sinistkaya):
- Accessing information
- Browsing
- Orientation in the cyberspace
is a way that inspires one text. This can lead to direct borrowing such as a quotation, or
indirectly such as allusion,parody, translation, or pastiche. The use of the text can depend on
the learner’s understanding before reading the secondary text.

-an imitation of narrative or film,this is similar to parody however it is a little more gentle and
respectful to original, ex.romeo and juliet movie and the music of taylor swifts for love story

Pop Culture Intertextuality

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