Lesson Plan Family Past Present Future

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Lesson Plan Form

Activity Title:__Family Past, Present, Future ______ Age Group:_______4-5____________

Originating Idea
I am choosing to implement this activity to help children understand history through their own life and

Tri folded paper with words “Past, Present, Future” written along the top of each section.

Curriculum Content: Social Studies: History

Each child will receive their own tri folded paper with past, present, and future sections. They will be
asked to draw a picture from something that has already happened in their life, something that is
currently happening in their life, and something they have planned that is coming up in the future.

Students will draw their pictures and an adult will come around to write out their events under their
drawings. The adult will explain how this is a glimpse of the history in their life and that everything has

Earlier: Children who are not ready to learn the complex nature of history in every sense can remain
in just their own past, present, and future to share with the class to show their past and how it has
affected their present.

Later: Making a connection between the history of the student and how everything has a history.
Explaining that the world has been around for a long time, and everything has a past, present, and
future. The adult can make an example such as the school or building they are in and how it has a

I will transition this activity of sharing student’s past, present, and future into a large group time in the
carpet area for everyone to share their past, present, and future.

Follow-up Ideas:
The paper used during this activity can be used in the Language, Literacy, and Communication KDI
for writing as students can write within the 3 sections of the folded paper.

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