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Arizona State University

Risk Management: Project Roles and Responsibilities

Andrew Hittinger
OGL 421
Professor Matthew Rodgers
March 25, 2022
Tyrell Corporation has entrusted us to manage their important project of updating their

web site. They recently launched a new product, the Nexus-6 replicant, which will be our main

focal point of the website. Along with their new product, we want to showcase their flagship

products and offer their clients a clean and simple description of what Tyrell Corporation is. For

this project we will put together a team of various expertise to deliver a new, state of the art

website, that will meet the customers expectations. I (Andrew Hittinger) will be managing the

project. The experts I am looking for will include, but no limited to; web developers, web

experts, content experts, sales executives and a marketing team. To start, I will meet with our

sales executives and primary stake holder, Eldon Tyrell (Rachel; Tyrell’s assistant in his absence)

to fully understand specifically their ideas of a finished product. This will include an overview of

specific topics, products and resources that they want included on the site. With this rough

template in hand, I will then speak to the sales executives. They will provide me with the in-

depth specifications on all products and resources that are requested to be featured on the

site. Next, I will meet with the content developers, to design and go over how we want to

specifically lay out the information provided to us by the sales team. This will ensure that we

are accurately listing and detailing the proper specifications for the featured products. The

content developers will work directly with the sales executives during this phase to make sure

the content and outline we are building is accurate to all Tyrell Corporation specifications. It is

vital to this project that we have a very clean, well thought out outline of products as we want

to keep this website simple yet educational. After we develop a solid outline, we will work with

the marketing team and web developers to create a very easy to use site that focuses has a

focal point on Nexus-6 Radiant, while also providing excellent and accurate details on all other
Tyrell Corporation products and services. During this time, we will meet with Eldon Tyrell to

show our rough draft website. From here we will be able to show our various webpages and

receive his feed back on the specific layout of the site. After receiving his feedback, I will

continue to work with the Web Developers to create a final project. After our beta site is

finished, we will send it off for Sales executive review and make sure that all our product

information and specifications are correct. We will also test the responsiveness and ease of use

of the site with a small group of test users. Once we receive their feedback, we will make the

necessary adjustments and retest. After this is complete, we will present our final page to Eldon

for final approval and initiate the launch of the new website on the expected date of April 1,


During this project we will need to be aware of various risk that we may encounter

during the development of our site as well as after our final launch. To begin, we much make

sure our content and information is correct. We need to verify that the portfolio we received

from Tyrell is accurate and complete. There may be products past of future that are no long

being provided or will be provided in that future that we will need to adjust our site for. Next,

we want to strive for individualism. After our beta site is prepared, we will need to submit it for

approval as to assure we are not violating any copyright laws. After our final launch site is

published, we need to be aware of the issues that may arise. Some browsers may not support

our site in which we will need to track, log and adjust after our users begin the use of our site.

Finally, we will need to adjust to the absence of flash player and determine the proper

processing tool for our site to run. The Web Developers will be solely responsible for this;
however, I will be the main contact between them and Eldon to communicate functionality and

ease of use.

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