Retail Management - SWOT Analysis - Group

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Retail Management_SWOT Analysis_Group (2)

Name: Berrei, Kristine Date: 9/15/22

Cadisal, Ann Francis
Jurado, Justine
Vargas, Alliah M.

1. The class will be divided into four groups
2. Each group will make a SWOT analysis for O'Kafe
3. For submission, output must be in google docs with a filename Retail Management_SWOT
Analysis_Group (#)
4. For presentation, make a powerpoint presentation and it will be presented to our class next
5. Front page of google docs and PPT must indicate your group number and list of members
6. Attach your file on this task for reference



They have Possess a little O’kafe should provide It’s difficult to

continuous sales audience. Many free coffee, discounts maintain the same
because of students in the school and other incentives cash flow every day
students,not only are loyal to the to win clients' loyalty. in the coffee shop
students but also previous brand or Because once the business. It’s
teachers/professors Cafe. They prefer to customers are because of several
especially if there will be close to the school devoted they will reasons like
be a full face to face, because it is a new continue to purchase weekends, holidays,
they will definitely establishment. goods. strikes, pandemic,
have a lot of etc.
customers since it is
located in OLOPSC.

Also they have a They have many As they have many Costly suppliers.
direct relationship rivals who are close competitors it will be Suppliers know that
with their customers to the school. as the a great opportunity to your business
since it is located in Ayala Mall's stores, utilize their completely relies on
olopsc their 7/11, and Jollibee. technology in O’kafe their support. It gives
customers were to attract more them an upper hand,
almost all students customers not only and they raise the
and teachers, they students and prices of daily
already know their teachers but also supplies whenever
customer other people who they want.
preferences. pass through olopsc
will be attracted also
if the facility of O’kafe
will improve more.

Furthermore, they Not offering online Since they did not Emergence of coffee
have a intimities with ordering have an online shops who are
their clients because delivery it will be a already in business
of their positioning in great opportunity to for a long time and
the olopsc; as a come up with a who already build
result, they are mobile app and clients not to switch
already aware of their delivery just like food to other coffee shop
interests. panda and grab food brands.
for those who cannot
dine in to the store,
also less hassle to
the other customers.

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