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Plant Lay-out Check List

Document Check Items Check

(1) Overall Plot Plan ( rough sketch of area )

(a) Is the plot plan suitable for site conditions?

(b) Make sure pits area arranged on a reclaimed ground and buildings/ large
tanks on a rocky ground.

(c) Regarding safe distance, safe open space, green area and roads, make sure
applicable laws are observed.

(2) General Plot Plan (general view of plant )

(a) Are all plant facilities properly provided?

( Check the types and scales of the facilities )

(b) Are the entrances for materials, utilities and the exits for products properly

(c) For large-scale equipment, make sure its transportation and installation are
well studied.

(d) Eliminate redundant roads or pipe racks.

(e) Make sure fire protection / safety systems are well studied.

(3) Area Plot Plan

(a) Make sure operation, maintenance and safety are well considered in the

(b) Make sure open space is fully used.

(c) Equipment frames should not be too large.

(d) Are machine rooms and control rooms fuctionally arranged? (Check the
shapes and sizes.)

(e) Is the arrangement of material handling equipment functional enough?

(f) Is the wind direction taken into consideration ( e.g. cooling towers)?

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B. Piping Check List

Document Check Items Check

(1) Piping Specifications

(a) Do the piping specifications comply with applicable laws, codes and

(b) Isn’t there any problem on the splitting of the procurement and the delivery

(c) Aren’t there too many kinds of specifications?

(d) Is the item of cost reduction taken into consideration?

(2) Piping Design Job Instruction

(a) Does the piping design reflect fully the special features of the plant?

(b) Have adjustments been made with other departments concerning following
items of Design Job Instruction?

 Process design
 Equipment design
 Electrical and instrumentation design
 Structural design
 Construction design

(3) Main Routing Study Drawings

(a) Have there been through adjustments between piping and

electrical/instrumentation ducts and others?

(b) Are the routes of high class piping, thick-wall pipes and large-sized pipes
made as shortest as possible?

(c) Have safety checks for operators been executed ?

(4) Grade Leveling and Paving Plan

(a) Are the surface conditions and others of the site satisfactory?

(b) Is there a plan to pave the areas around chemicals and oil systems?

(c) Isn’t there any useless parts?

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Document Check Items Check

(5) Entering & Leaving Line of B.L.

(a) Are the tie-in conditions and others of piping satisfactory?

(b) Is the approval by the client obtained?

(6) Critical Piping Route Information

Has there been mutual checking of the important piping with the Process

(7) Vessel Clip Information

Were the clips to support pipes of towers and tanks presented in time for the
schedule of the equipment manufacture?

(8) Civil Information

(a) Is the plan for equipment frames examined from the economical viewpoint?

(b) Is the structure of the pipe rack made to fully reduce the cost? Examination
of horizontal and vertical braces and of a front guard type pipe rack.

(c) Isn’t any floor (wall) opening, insert plate or anything else omitted?

(9) Under Ground Piping Drawings

(a) Are the work procedures thoroughly examined?

(b) Do the drawings comply with the schedule of the field works?

(c) Has a comprehensive checking of the underground installations been


(10) Piping Drawings

(a) Where is the unfixed part and why?

(b) Does the piping comply with P&I?

(c) Isn’t there any inconvenience in operation and maintenance?

(d) Have the measures been taken to analyze vibration?

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Document Check Items Check

(e) Is the piping satisfactory in view of thermal stress analysis?

(f) Are the conditions around the piping of large thermal movement all right?

(g) Have testing and flushing plans been examined from the viewpoint of
construction works?

(h) Have drains and vents been properly attached?

(i) Has the grounding of static electricity been done?

(j) Have the fabrication drawings of special piping like jacket piping been

(k) Are the tie-in conditions with the Vendor satisfactory?

(l) Are the directions of the discharge points of such as safety valves not
hazardous to operators?

(11) Hookup Drawings

Aren’t any sampling piping or small diameter piping around machine omitted in
the drawings?

(12) Trace Piping Drawings

(a) Do the piping drawings meet the tracing conditions (measures against
freezing or process demands) ?

(b) Are the drawings sufficient for field workers to do piping work?

(13) Piping Fabrication Drawings

(a) Is there any piping fabrication plan?

(b) Is the scope of work for the work contractor’s clear?

(14) Piping Materials B/Q Report

(a) Has the take-off of the piping materials been done without any omission,
and ordered?

(b) Do the delivery dates of the materials comply with the schedule of the field

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Document Check Items Check

(15) Design Plan of Skids

(a) Are the loading data and the test load clear for the design of cross section
area of the skid members?

(b) Have the positions of the instruments been fixed and have the operability
and maintenance been planned?

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