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Impact of COVID-19 on the Salons of Marikina City

A Research Paper Proposal Presented to

The Faculty of Business Administration

Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Marketing Research

Jericho Andrei Pantig

Alexis Prado


The researchers would not have been successful without the support, guidance and help

of the several individuals who are always present from the start until the completion of this

study. The several individuals contributed a big part to the success of this study, without them

the researchers might not have been successful in reaching their objective for this study.The

researchers want to give their appreciation for those individuals who contributed and supported

this study.

First and foremost, to God, the Lord and Saviour, for giving the researchers guidance,

wisdom, support, knowledge in exploring and for giving the researchers strength and

determination to continue this study despite the emotional and physical struggles the

researchers encounter.

To Mr. Gener Ingua for the consistent understanding, support, advice and guidance he

has given the researchers in every step of the research process in order to accomplish this


Last but not the least, to all the respondents who accepted and answered the survey

questionnaire, without them the researchers might not have reached the success of this study

and make it possible.

Table of Contents
Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
Acknowledgement iii

Chapter 1 Background of the study

Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 2
Statement of Objectives 2
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitations of the Study 3

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature

Foreign Studies
COVID-19 4
Economic Effects of Pandemic 4
Safety and Health Precautions 6
Local Studies
New Normal in Salons 7
Salons Under New Normal 9
Synthesis of Related Literature 10

Chapter 3
Theoretical Framework 11
Innovation Theory of Profit 11
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 11
The 7Ps of the Marketing Mix 12

Conceptual Framework 13
Operational Framework 14
Assumptions 14
Hypotheses 15
Operational Definition of Terms 15

Chapter 4 Methodology
Research Design and Approach 16
Research Participants/Respondents 16
Sampling Design 16
Measurement and Instrumentation 17
Research Procedure and Data Collection 17
Research Ethics Approaches 18
Data Analysis 18

Chapter 5 Results and Discussion

Synthesis of Results 30
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendation
Summary of Results 29
Conclusion 29
Recommendation 30
References 31

List of Figures
Figure 1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 11
Figure 2 The 7Ps Marketing Mix 12
Figure 3 Conceptual Framework 13
Figure 4 Operational Framework 14

List of Tables
Table 1 Age of Respondents 20
Table 2 Gender of Respondents 21
Table 3 Health Safety Situation of Salons 21
Table 4 Customer and Workforce Status of Salons 23
Table 5 Financial Situations of Salons 24
Table 6 Recommendation for Salons 25
Table 7 Interview Questions 26

Appendix A Letter Request for Respondents 33
Appendix B Survey Questionnaire 34
Appendix C Curriculum Vitae 37
Chapter I

Background of the study


“When was the last time you went to a salon?” This question is often asked nowadays.

Social media is filled with different attempts of people, of all ages, cutting their hair. Some are

watching YouTube tutorials, some are ordering equipment, and in an attempt to give themselves

decent haircuts during the pandemic. Without the proper skill set of a trained professional

hairstylist, usually found in local hair salons, those who tried to end up with a bad hairdo,

ranging from mildly unsightly bangs to a drastic shaved head. The Covid-19 pandemic has

created new challenges in our life especially in the ways many people work and connect with

others. The routine consumers have been repeating for years was suddenly put on hold, without

warning and alternatives, causing the market to panic and become unstable. It is noticeable how

the pandemic has affected the crowning glory of most salon customers, but the salon’s status in

the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic remains a question. With regulars at the salon staying at

home and avoiding human contact at all times, salons are often left paying bills such as rent and

electricity even though they don’t receive customers, meaning they have no income. Left with no

financial ability, salons are resorting to different options to cope. Everywhere consumers go, it

appears that many establishments, big or small, have been discontinuing their operations in the

pandemic setting but countless establishments have adjusted to the new terms and taken the

opportunity to cater to the new market that has emerged to develop new strategies in order to

stay in the competition.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to identify the impact of Covid-19 on the Salons of Marikina City.

The study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

Demographic profile in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What are the perceived factors that cause salons in Marikina to undergo changes during

the pandemic?

2.1 Safety

2.2 Place

2.3 Finance

2.4 Employment

3. What safety measures do the salons implement during the pandemic?

4. What are the struggles Covid-19 caused to the salon owners in Marikina City?

Statement of Objectives

This study aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. Identify the effect of Covid-19 on the operations of salons of Marikina City.

2. Extract different health and safety changes salons have implemented to continue

operations and keep consumers safe during the pandemic.

3. Provide recommendations to salon owners on how to cope with the unstable flow

of income dreading salons.

Significance of the Study

This study will attempt to identify the effect of Covid-19 on the salons of Marikina City.

These are the following that will benefit from the study:

To the Salon Owners, they may become aware of the effect of Covid-19 to their salon

and learn new ways to cope in order to maintain operations while observing health measures.

To the Salon Customers, they may become aware and understand of the salon and

salon owner’s struggle in continuing salon operations during the pandemic.

To the OLOPSC Community, they may gain more knowledge and resources through

this study.

To the Marketing Management Department, they may become aware of the new risks

salons are prone to due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

To the Future Researchers, this study can be used as a guide and reference for other

researchers who wish to conduct similar studies in the future.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study will concentrate on the effect of Covid-19 to the salons of Marikina

City, given the limited time and resources that are mentioned within this study.

This study will extract information from beauty salons and salon owners, their safety

precautions, and their customers’ agenda in every salon. The researchers will explore salons in

order to answer questions regarding how customers can be safe and how factors such as the

availability of stylists are connected with the changes salons have changed during the

pandemic. A descriptive type of research will be used in the study. The data gathering will be

held at different selected salons found in Marikina City, specifically in Barangay Calumpang.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter provided the researchers with various ideas, concepts and

knowledge on this study.

Foreign Studies


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus. The symptoms of a COVID-19 infected individual are mild to

moderate respiratory illness but does not require special treatment to recover. But older

people who possess health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic

respiratory disorder and cancer are more prone to develop serious illness (WHO, 2020).

Coronavirus disease is a new health threat to the world that must be recognized and be

wary of in order to prevent its spread.

Economic Effects of Pandemic

The global pandemic has been causing increased unexpected and sudden

unemployment. Many have lost in months what they had to gain in several years. EU

candidate countries are experiencing a strong depreciation due to unemployment in

2020. Lowered employment rates of over 3 percentage points in Albania and Serbia; the

total unemployment rate is expected to increase 2- 3 percentage points in all candidate

countries. Egypt’s unemployment increased by 0.8 percentage points, while Morocco

increased up to 1.4 percentage points, losing achieved points Morocco gained in the last

months of 2019. Tunisia’s unemployment rates increased up to 15.1% during the

lockdown. Sectors such as tourism, restaurants and catering, transportation, ar

manufacturing, retail, fuel production and distribution, and culture were heavily affected.

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought great distraught to oil and gas exporting countries

and countries that rely on international trade (Bosona and Kosovo, 2020). Each country’s

economic status has been greatly affected by the global pandemic.

As reported by ADB Briefs (2020), impact on employment and wage income: A

critical impact of the COVID-19 outbreak is on labor. PRC, estimated 5 million people lost

their jobs in January and February 2020. The urban unemployment rate hit a record 6.2%

in February 2020, up from 5.3% in January 2020 and 5.2% in December 2019. It is a

fascinating fact that the labor impact does not root from health effects and risk of the virus

but from the restrictions the government has implemented in order to fatten the infection

curve. Mobility, travel and border restrictions were mainly the reason for the job losses.

According to Dubey et al. (2020), COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a health

crisis and slowdown of many industries all over the world leading to global economic loss.

Social distancing as a part of health protocol has caused problems especially for

workplaces that require customer-provider interactions or activities that involve a large

group of people. Workplaces that include machinery and equipment may not function

smoothly or may remain unavailable due to shutdown in the lockdown period. Social

distancing is being implemented in the workforce. Insecurity dreads the workforce as they

may be at risk in losing their jobs. With decreased workforce the workload becomes. It is

the manager’s job to keep the balance between production, safety and profit in the

workplace and keep employees stress-free and motivated despite the pandemic. The

workforce is reduced in various industries meaning their productivity is reduced.

Safety and Health Precautions

According to the World Health Organization (2020), the most effective way to

prevent and slow down transmission is to be knowledgeable about the COVID-19 virus,

the disease it causes and how it is spread. Individuals should protect themselves and the

people around them by washing hands or disinfecting using an alcohol-based rub

frequently and avoiding touching one’s face. COVID-19 virus spreads by droplets of

saliva or nasal discharge from an infected person when they cough or sneeze, so it is

important to follow respiratory etiquette (for example, by sneezing or coughing into a

flexed elbow).

Symptomatic people are beckoned by public health authorities to wear masks in

order to reduce transmission risk. Although at the time of this study there was an absence

of a recommendation from organizations for the community to use facemasks for COVID-

19 mitigation (that is, everyone asymptomatic should use a face mask outside of their

home), the World Health Organization strongly recommends symptomatic individuals to

wear them for it is an effective way to prevent transmission risk of COVID-19. However,

the magnitude of the effects has no direct evidence, especially at a population level. (Lyu

&Wehby, 2020).

The COVID-19 outbreak has spread into a global pandemic and countries have

implemented health safety measures such as containment policies, travel bans, and

community lockdowns to flatten the infection curve. Google data analytics have estimated

the direct impact of these health safety precautions over time and geography across

different categories of public places such as retail and recreation, groceries and

pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential areas (ADB Briefs, 2020).

Local Studies

New normal in Salons

Many individuals are thrilled to have a proper haircut soon, but salons have been

going through drastic changes and are not the same as before. Salon owner Jing Monis

said that the pandemic has brought changes in the hairstyling industry. “As we reopen, a

lot of things will change that our clients should expect. We will be strict to follow the

orders to us for the safety of everyone.” The Department of Trade and Industry will allow

haircut establishments to operate on June 7 at 30 percent capacity in areas under

general community quarantine. With the new normal, gone is the scene of crowded

barbershops and salons with customers chit-chatting with one another. Monis, who has

several branches of his salon in Metro Manila, said that customers will have to book their

appointment in his salon. As his salons reopen next week, Monis said that his employees

will have to undergo first rapid testing and the establishments will conduct general

cleaning. ( Vince Ferraras CNN Philippines, 2020)

Beauty salons, barbershops allowed on June 7 but only haircuts are allowed -DTI.

You will soon be able to get your long-overdue haircut as salons and barbershops reopen

this Sunday, but hair dyes and other treatments may have to wait a bit longer. The task

force leading the country’s coronavirus pandemic response has approved the reopening

of salons and barbershops at 30-percent capacity in areas under general community

quarantine beginning June 7, Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez confirmed Saturday.

Meanwhile, in areas under modified GCQ, the lowest form of quarantine, salons and

barbershops could let half of their workforce report to work from June 7. After three

weeks they could start operating at full capacity, Roque added. Metro Manila and the

cities of Cebu and Mandaue will transition to GCQ from June 1 to June 15 after two

months of enhanced community quarantine, a more stringent form of restriction. The rest

of Central Visayas and the regions of Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon and Calabarzon,

the province of Pangasinan and cities of Zamboanga and Davao will also be under GCQ,

while the rest of the country will be under modified GCQ, the lowest form of quarantine.

What we want is for barbershops and salons to practice our health protocols, practice

their workers as well as customers so that everybody will get accustomed to the new

protocols. Eventually, when we are able to expand the allowable services, they will all

know what to do. Contactless appointments and payments are encouraged. Employees

must also be free of COVID-19 symptoms and have no exposure to patients with the viral

disease being allowed to come to work. They are prohibited from wearing jewelry,

observe proper waste disposal, and wear personal protective equipment. (Catherine A.

Modesto,CNN Philippines,2020 )

Salons under New Normal

Barbershops and beauty salons are expected to reopen as the Inter-Agency Task Force

for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-MEID) has granted permission for

gradual resumption of their operations in areas under general community quarantine (GCQ).

Resolution No. 41 has been granted for barbershops and beauty parlors. If an area is in

Category III, it is under GCQ, and establishments within that area are permitted to operate30

percent capacity starting on June 7 (, 2020).

The Philippines has been under quarantine since mid-March 2020. The government has

been responsible to release guidelines to barbershops and salons so they could operate again.

Barbershops and salons in GCQ areas are allowed to operate at 30 percent quality by June 7

and gradually increase by two weeks. Meanwhile, modified GCQ or MGCQ salons can operate

50 percent and increase at 100 percent by three weeks. Roque stressed that continuation of

operations are only limited for haircut services. Manicures, pedicures, massages and personal

services such as eyebrow fixing and waxing are still prohibited under GCQ ( One News, 2020).

Establishments value their employees just like other establishments, prioritizing

the safety of staff and clients is first priority in these times. The owner Lourd shares a

strong but touching line, "Creations will not operate till there is a vaccine, so I would

rather lose money than lose life!" As serious as this may sound, we truly know where he

is coming from, being an entrepreneur that handles many employees. To ensure that

safety is present for all involved, Lourd's staff undergo constant temperature checks, get

flu shots, take vitamins every day, are encouraged to exercise in the morning, eat

healthily, wear and change PPEs per client, per transaction, complete with face masks,

face shields, and alcohol. I notice In their kit, there aren't just the usual hair tools for this

time they've completed their lineup of tools by including UV lights, air purifiers, and UV

sterilizers, something that they've been using since 2010. And because they want to

take it a step further, and according to this article, the PPEs they wear are all DOH-

certified, as well as CE-certified ABS face shields, gloves, and disposable face masks.

When a client comes in for a cut, each one is given disinfected goggles, gloves, one-

time use capes and face shields for shampooing. ( Metro Style, 2020)

Synthesis of Reviewed Literature

The new disease known as Coronavirus or COVID-19 carries health risks all

over the world, but this disease is none like the diseases that have already existed,

meaning the world is adjusting to the ways it is spread and treated. The cure does not

include special treatment, but it is deadly nevertheless, especially to older people with

underlying health problems. The Coronavirus not only threatens our health aspect, but

also the economic aspect. Establishments are having a hard time coping with the

sudden need of terminating employees, leading to globally large-scale unemployment.

New health protocols are required to be implemented, adding up to expenses for

purchasing facemasks, alcohol and other disinfecting equipment. Salons are under

pressure of paying bills without receiving profit, financially suffering, during this


Chapter III

Theoretical Framework

The researchers will adapt the following theories to support this study.

Innovation Theory of Profit

The Innovation Theory of Profit states that profit is the reward to enterprise and

innovation. The entrepreneur initiates innovation in the business and when he succeeds, he

earns profit as his reward. As salons change their ways of operating, they are awarded profit

from consumers who have recognized their innovations in the salon to keep consumers safe

during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Figure 1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier

model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. From the bottom

of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-

actualization. One of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is defined as safety, it refers to safety from

certain elements and any threat to the safety of one’s health, therefore Covid-19 is valid.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs may explain the significance and reason of the consumers that

badly wanted to get a haircut especially from their favorite salons and it will also show different

behavior that will explain towards it than before the pandemic.

Figure 2 The 7Ps Marketing Mix

The 7Ps of The Marketing Mix are Product, Place, Price, Promotion, Physical

Evidence, People, and Processes. Salons possess the 7Ps of the Marketing Mix which

are product, place, people, process and physical evidence. Salons require physical

contact for the service to be received. An individual visits a salon, a place, to acquire the

product or service from people who are hairstylists. The process of going to the salon

and receiving the service is heavily affected during the pandemic.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual model presented below shows the use of variables and process in this


Input Process Output

● Demographic profile ● Qualitative Research ● Identify the effect of

of Respondents in Covid-19 on the
terms of ● Survey operations of salons
- Gender Questionnaires of Marikina City.
- Age
● Statistical Tools ● Give ideas why they
● Safety badly want a haircut.
● Health
● Place ● Give awareness of the
● Product risk they’re taking
● People every time going to
● Physical Evidence salons and give
● Innovation recommendations on
● Profit how to stay safe.

Figure 3 Conceptual Framework

Figure 3 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein input is consisting of

the following: Age, Sex, Convenience, Safety and Place. On the other side, the process being

used is through descriptive research, survey questionnaires, interview and statistical tools. The

output of this study will be (1) Identify the effect of Covid-19 on the operations of salons of

Marikina City, (2) Give ideas why they badly want a haircut and (3) Give awareness of the risk

they’re taking every time going to salons and give recommendations on how to stay safe.

Operational Framework

7Ps of the
Marketing Mix People


Physical evidence
The Effect of
Covid-19 on the
Innovation Theory Innovation Salons in Marikina
of Profit
Maslow’s Hierarchy Safety
of Needs

Figure 4 Operational Framework

Figure 4 describes the operational framework of the study variables extracted from the

theories that are used in the study: 7Ps of the Marketing Mix, Innovation Theory of Profit and

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The variables are product, place, people, process, physical

evidence, innovation, profit, safety and health. This leads to discovering the effect of Covid-19

on the salons of Marikina City.


The researchers assume the following in this study:

1. In the next 6 months, the cases of Covid-19 will be lesser and some business

salons will reopen.

2. The variables have a direct effect on Salons in Marikina City.


Is there a significant relationship between Covid-19 and the current operating

status of the salons in Marikina City?

Is there a significant relationship of Covid-19 and the current operating status

of the salons in Marikina City?

Operational Definition of Terms

Covid-19 is an infectious disease, causing citizens to avoid going outdoors and making contact

with other people.

Qualitative research- Researchers do not go into detail about how it will be measured except

to define how the research will be conducted, sampling methods, the time and place it will be

conducted. We may however place some structure on how we collect data for example a set of

survey questions will be developed.

Product refers to the tangible object that is available to the market.

Place pertains to any place, whether physical or online, where there is an exchange of goods


Promotion empowers the products and services to be effectively sold.

Physical Evidence proves that a certain product or service is valid and exists.

People are all the manpower involved in selling a product or service.

Processes describe as all the operations in delivering the product or service

Chapter IV


Research Design and Approach

The researchers will use a descriptive design for this study. A Descriptive type of

research is a kind of study that describes the nature of a situation as it exists at the time of the

study and explores the cause of a particular phenomenon. It is concerned with determining the

present condition or characteristics of a research subject. It describes words, analyzes and

interprets what it is (Alisay, 2014).

Descriptive studies play an important role in educational research. Gall (n.d) explained

that the descriptive approach is the most widely used research in behavioral science. It

produces findings, which are both in the preliminary and final stages of an experimental study.

This study will explore and describe the relationship of Covid-19 and its effects on

business salons around Barangay Calumpang, Marikina City.

Research Participants/Respondents

The respondents of this study will select nineteen (19) salon owners around

Marikina City, specifically nineteen (19) salons in Barangay Calumpang, Marikina City. The

researchers will make sure that the respondents will qualify the following conditions: 1) The

respondents are operating a salon during the pandemic o before the pandemic and 2) the

respondents are willing to answer the survey and/or interview questions.

Sampling Design

This study will use purposive sampling, this type of sampling involves the researcher

using their judgment to select a sample that is most useful to the purposes of the research. After

discovering the population of salons in Barangay Calumpang In order to gather relevant

information about the effect of Covid-19 on salons of Marikina City, the salons must be

operating during the pandemic and have witnessed or implemented changes within the past


Measurement and Instrumentation

The researchers will use survey questionnaires in a checklist format to gather data

from the respondents. A questionnaire according to Merriam Webster Dictionary (n.d) is a

written set of questions that are given to people in order to collect facts and opinions

about something.

The questionnaire has different sections. First, the demographic profile of the

respondents and their essential data. The second part is categorized into safety, people and


The questionnaire is structured in a modified Likert fashion, on a five-point scale,

ranging and labeled from 5 as “Strongly Agree”, 4 as “Agree”, 3 as “Fair”, 2 as “Disagree”

and 1 as “Strongly Disagree”.

Respondents will be instructed to answer according to their degree of agreement with

each statement included in the instrument.

There will be a separate checklist portion for recommendations regarding safety and

four (4) interview questions for the respondents to answer for a more detailed response.

Research Procedure and Data Collection

The first step in the data gathering procedure is to make a request letter and submit it to

the email address of the chosen salon establishments. The letter is addressed to the salon

owner of the establishment or the person with the highest position present in the establishment

at that time. The researchers will then ask 10 minutes from the salon owner or person with the

highest position available to answer the questionnaire and interview questions. The interview

questions will be indicated and responses will be recorded via Google forms to ensure minimal

physical contact. After the data gathering, the researcher will collect the survey questionnaires,

record responses and tally results to apply statistical treatment to be used in the study.

Research Ethics Approaches

The researchers will observe the following research ethics approaches during the

research process:

1. Legality. Identify and obey relevant laws and institutional and governmental

policies. Such as policies concerning the social distancing during the pandemic.

2. Social Responsibility. Strive to promote social good and prevent or mitigate

social harms through research, public education, and advocacy.

3. Confidentiality. Protect confidential communications, such as papers or grants

submitted for publication, personnel records, trade or military secrets, and patient


4. Honesty. Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication

status. Do not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data.

5. Carefulness. Avoid careless errors and negligence; carefully and critically

examine your own work and the work of your peers. Keep good records of

research activities.

6. Respect for Intellectual Property. Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms

of intellectual property. Do not use unpublished data, methods, or results without

permission. Give credit where credit is due. Never plagiarize.

Data Analysis

The data will be collected through survey questionnaires and interviews. To give an

absolute construction from data that will be gathered, the researchers used fundamental

statistical formulas for data analysis. The formulas that will aid this study are the following given


Weighted Mean. Since the respondents of groups are assigned points, the weighted mean will

be used as a measure of central tendency.

∑ ¿ 1 wiXi


W= weighted average

n= number of terms to be averaged

wi = corresponding weight

Xi = the value of any particular observations or measurement.

Frequency and Percentage. This will be used to determine the size of the population that

agrees with each of the choices given in the survey questionnaire.

P= x 100%


P= percentage

f = frequency of selected choice

n= total number of respondents

Chapter V

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered for the

respondents which answer the problems stated in Chapter 1.

This section includes the summary of the gathered data (e.g., the actual answers of

individuals ). A result section includes tables, figures and explanations of statistical results.

Table 1. Age of Respondents

Age No. of Respondents Percentage

18 and below 0 0%

19- 28 7 36.8%

29-38 5 26.3%

39-48 7 36.8%

48 and above 0 0%

TOTAL 19 100%

Table 1 shows the age of respondents 36.8% of respondents are salon owners or

authorized staff that are 19-28 years of age.

36.8% of the respondents are salon owners or authorized staff that are 39-48 years of


26.3% of the respondents are salon owners or authorized staff that are 29-38 years of


Table 2 Gender of Respondents

Gender No. of Respondents Percentage

Male 4 21.1%

Female 15 78.9%

Prefer not to say 0 0

TOTAL 19 100%

Table 2 shows that 78.9% of the respondents are female and 21.1% of respondents are


Table 3 Health Safety Situation of Salons

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal


1. The operations (example: opening hours, work

ethic, etc.) of the salon you work in change 4.52 Strongly Agree
during the pandemic.

2. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the salon

reduced the workforce of the salon to avoid 4.21 Strongly Agree
spreading the virus.

3. Employees observe health and sanitary 4.36 Strongly Agree

policies during the pandemic.

4.The salon changed or modified the mode of 4.57 Strongly Agree

payment to reduce contact with consumers.

5. You take serious precautions (ex. sanitizing 4.47 Strongly Agree

with alcohol, wearing face masks, etc.) in the
salon before and after you entertain a customer.

Total 4.43 Strongly Agree

Table 3 shows the weighted mean of the health safety situations of selected salons,

wherein “The salon changed or modified the mode of payment to reduce contact with

consumers.” gained a mean score of 4.57, which is the highest mean score among the five

questions, verbally interpreting to strongly agree. The second is “The operations (example:

opening hours, work ethic, etc.) of the salon you work in change during the pandemic.” with a

mean score of 4.52 which interprets to strongly agree. “ You take serious precautions (ex.

sanitizing with alcohol, wearing face masks, etc.) in the salon before and after you entertain a

customer.” gained a mean of 4.47, interpreted as strongly agree, while “Employees observe

health and sanitary policies during the pandemic.” gained a mean of 4.36 earning an

interpretation of strongly agree. Lastly, “Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the salon reduced the

workforce of the salon to avoid spreading the virus.” gained a weighted mean of 4.21 earning an

interpretation of strongly agree as well.

The COVID-19 outbreak has spread into a global pandemic and countries have

implemented health safety measures such as containment policies, travel bans, and community

lockdowns to flatten the infection curve. Google data analytics have estimated the direct impact

of these health safety precautions over time and geography across different categories of public

places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations,

workplaces, and residential areas (ADB Briefs, 2020). The results extracted means the

following: (1) work hours have changed in salons to avoid spread of the virus, (2) workforce is

reduced so it will be less cramped in the establishment and (3) employees observe social

distancing and sanitation during hours of work. The results total in 4.43 which interprets as

strongly agree. This shows that safety has surely made an effect on the operations of salons in

Marikina City, specifically in Barangay Kalumpang.

Table 4 Customer and Workforce Status of Salons

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal


1. There were fewer customers during the 4.47 Strongly Agree

pandemic than before the pandemic occurred.

2. Consumers were exhibiting different habits 4.21 Strongly Agree

such as asking if the salon was sanitized

3. Consumers start acquiring salon services 4.31 Strongly Agree

more frequently when they recognize the
sanitary precautions.

4. The salon experienced a change in the 4.47 Strongly Agree

number of customers acquiring salon services
during the pandemic.

Total 4.37 Strongly Agree

Table 4 shows the weighted mean of the customer and workforce situations of selected

salons, wherein “There were fewer customers during the pandemic than before the pandemic

occurred” as well as “The salon experienced a change in the number of customers acquiring

salon services during the pandemic.” gained a weighted mean of 4.47, which verbally interprets

to strongly agree. “ Consumers start acquiring salon services more frequently when they

recognize the sanitary precautions.” gained a mean of 4.31, also interpreted as strongly agree

and lastly

“Consumers were exhibiting different habits such as asking if the salon was sanitized

regularly.” gained a mean of 4.21. As reported by ADB Briefs (2020), impact on employment

and wage income: A critical impact of the COVID-19 outbreak is on labor. PRC, estimated 5

million people lost their jobs in January and February 2020. The urban unemployment rate hit a

record 6.2% in February 2020, up from 5.3% in January 2020 and 5.2% in December 2019. It is

a fascinating fact that the labor impact does not root from health effects and risk of the virus but

from the restrictions the government has implemented in order to fatten the infection curve.

Mobility, travel and border restrictions were mainly the reason for the job losses.

The total mean which is 4.37, concludes that the customer and workforce of salons has

changed the salon’s operations during the Covid- 19 pandemic.

Table 5 Financial Situation of Salons

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal


1.The salon was financially stable during the 3.21 Fair


2. The salon underwent expense-cutting 4.42 Strongly Agree

changes in how they handle their salon during
the pandemic.

3.The workforce of the salon was reduced to 4.36 Strongly Agree

continue operations of the salon.

4. You observed changes from the salon before 4.42 Strongly Agree
the pandemic.

5. You conserve resources such as electricity, 4.31 Strongly Agree

water, and grooming materials to lessen
expenses during the pandemic.

Total 4.21 Strongly Agree

Table 5 shows the weighted mean of the financial situations of salons. “You observed

changes from the salon before the pandemic.” has the highest mean of 4.42 along with “The

salon underwent expense-cutting changes in how they handle their salon during the pandemic.,

both interpreting strongly agree. “The workforce of the salon was reduced to continue

operations of the salon.” gained a mean of 4.36, interpreting to strongly agree. “ You conserve

resources such as electricity, water, and grooming materials to lessen expenses during the

pandemic.” gained a mean of 4.31, which interprets to strongly agree, while “The salon was

financially stable during the pandemic.” gained a weight of 3.21 which interprets to fair. The total

weighted mean is 4.21 which interprets to strongly agree, which means the respondents

strongly agree that the financial situation has truly changed the operations of salons during the


Unfortunately, all of these costs don’t disappear just because a pandemic has decimated

income. Jessica Wall-Innella, who owns the Renaissance Salon in Ronkonkoma, New York (a

suburb of New York City), says her landlord is “working with” her, but she has heard from her

peers that other landlords are threatening legal action if salon owners don’t pay and there are

accounts of landlords refusing to waive rent for retailers, according to a March 29 report by

CNBC. As some owners struggle to pay rent, digging deeper into minimal cash reserves

available, the effect has been felt by every assistant, receptionist, colorist, stylist, and janitor

(Wishhover, 2020).

Table 6 Recommendations for Salons

Questions Agree Disagree

1. Place automatic thermal scanners at the 68.42% 31.58%

entrance of the salon.

2. Place sanitizer at every corner of the salon for 94.73% 5.27%

immediate use.

3. Avoid small talk and keep the conversation 89.47% 10.53%


4. Wear gloves while handling customers. 78.94% 21.06%

5. Place posters reminding customers and 100% 0%

employees to observe health precautions at all

Table 6 shows the percentage of respondents that agreed and disagreed to recommend

certain salon modifications. 68.42 percent of respondents agreed to “Place automatic thermal

scanners at the entrance of the salon.”, while 31.58% disagreed. 94.73% agreed to “Place

sanitizer at every corner of the salon for immediate use.”, while 5.27% disagreed. 89.47%

agreed to “Avoid small talk and keep the conversation minimal.”, while 10.53% disagreed.

78.94% agreed to “Wear gloves while handling customers.”, while 21.06% disagreed. Lastly,

100% of respondents agreed to “Place posters reminding customers and employees to observe

health precautions at all times.”. The results showing a majority on the agreeing side means that

the majority of the respondents value the safety precautions that are implemented in other

salons and as well as theirs.

Table 7 Interview Questions


1.What is the salon’s experience in balancing the newly recognized profit and expense of
the establishment?.

2. What are the other changes the salon underwent during the pandemic?

3. Do you ever think to just close the business because of the pandemic?

4. Are there certain new policies that customers encouraged to follow before entering the

Table 7 shows the interview questions that were included in the last portion of the

survey questionnaire, this was included to gather a more detailed response from the


The respondents answered “What is the salon’s experience in balancing the newly

recognized profit and expense of the establishment?.” with the following statements: we went

bankrupt, we had bad experiences, there were no customers, fewer employees, it was

manageable, hard experience, no income, avoiding getting sick, having a hard time adjusting

with new changes and accepting that closing down the salon is an option.

The respondents answered “.What is the salon’s experience in balancing the newly

recognized profit and expense of the establishment?.” with the following statements:

temporary shutting down, fewer customers, Covid laws, no employees, no customers,

closing and no budget for electricity.

The respondents answered “Do you ever think to just close the business because of

the pandemic?” with “yes” and “yes we did”.

The respondents answered “Are there certain new policies that customers are

encouraged to follow before entering the salon?” with the following: “Covid policies, new

Covid policies, Covid safety policies, Covid safety RITF, yes, no and Covid safety guidelines.

People stated there’s a lot of customers coming in but the pandemic changed that, shop

these days are nearly empty, the noise became silent and the few people that coming in are

in no mood for small talk. Owners and staff used to have customers lined up and they would

be very excited but now they are afraid because they can be infected too.

Covid-19 has forced many changes unto salons. Changes that the salon has suffered

during the pandemic, but these changes are what keeps the salons operating: fewer

expenses and retrenchment have been proved to be effective in maintaining the salon in the

long run.

Moratto (2020) stated that “The health and well-being of both the professional salon

industry and its clientele is a top priority, and the best way to help ensure that is to practice

great salon and personal hygiene always -- not just during this public health emergency, but

always. This is a great example of why beauty professionals are licensed and that salons are

regulated, inspected and have oversight by a state-level regulatory body. It’s all there to

ensure that the health and safety of everyone in the salon environment and their public

customers are protected.”

Synthesis of results

The questionnaire has served its purpose in gathering data. Data needed to answer

the problem indicated in chapter 1.

Salons are in the industry of touch and with the Covid-19 pandemic preventing

physical contact salons have suffered financial losses, workforce and customer amounts.

During the pandemic, they have tried numerous changes and modifications to keep their

establishment operating such as reducing the workforce, conserving electricity and even

temporarily shutting down.

The results of the questionnaire proved the following: (1) safety has been prioritized

in salons during the Covid-19 pandemic., (2) The customer and workforce of the salon have

been affected, reduced and weakened during the Covid-19 pandemic, (3) safety, place,

finance and employment are proven to be factors that affect salons in Barangay Calumpang

during the Covid-19 pandemic and (4) salons have suffered during the pandemic due to the

sudden changes and health policies they must abide.

Chapter VI

Conclusion and Recommendation References

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations

derived from the study.

Summary of Findings

● 78.9% of the respondents were female.

● The weighted mean result regarding health safety situations of salons is 4.43.

● The weighted mean result regarding customer and workforce situation of salons is


● The weighted mean result regarding financial situations of salons is 4.21.


From the light of the findings and related literature gatherers, these are the

conclusions the researchers identified that are necessary for this study:

● The gathered data from the survey shows that COVID-19 has affected the operations

of salons.

● The health safety situation of salons were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

● The customer and workforce situation of salons were affected by the COVID-19


● The financial situation of salons were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

● The variables such as safety, health, innovation, profit and people gathered from

related literature were connected and show a significant relationship to the changes

the salons underwent


From the findings, conclusions and related literature gathered these are the

recommendations intended fo the following who will benefit from the study:

To the Salon Owners, follow necessary health restrictions, be innovative in operating

salons even with unstable and unpredictable income or switch to home or private appointments.

Remember that the pandemic is temporary and profit will soon rise up again to normal levels.

To the Salon Customers, follow necessary health restrictions, appreciate the changes

salons underwent to accommodate customers once again and help salons in gaining profit.

To the OLOPSC Community, learn from this study, observe health restrictions

wherever one may go, become more aware of the changes and salons underwent during this


To the Marketing Management Department, become aware of the new risks salons

are prone to due to the Covid-19 pandemic, learn to apply marketing strategies such as

advertising to assure customers that they are safe in an establishment such as salons.

To the Future Researchers, use this study as a guide and reference to conduct similar

studies in the future.


Hallare, K. (2020,May 30 ) CNN Philippines. Barbershops, salons to gradually reopen in GCQ

areas. Retrieved from


Modesto, C. (2020, May 30) CNN Philippines. Beauty salons, barbershops allowed on June 7,

but only haircuts allowed. Retrieved from


Ferreras, V. (2020, June 1) CNN Philippines. What’s the new normal in salons, barber shops?.

Retrieved from


Zapata, Andy Jr. (2020,June 8) One news. New look of Barber shops,Salons under new normal.

Retrieved from


Santiago, P. (2020,June 20) Metro Style

The future of salons in the new world. Retrieved from




Letter Request for Respondents

To the Salon owners and Authorized personnel of salons,

Dear Sir/Madam,


In partial fulfillment of the requirements of Marketing Management students in Consumer

Behavior, we are conducting a research entitled, “The Effect of COVID-19 on the Salons in
Marikina City”.

We are in the process of gathering data through surveys that will be used in our study.
Regarding this issue, we would like to ask your permission and help distribute and answer our
survey questionnaires to this class to help us obtain the information we need concerning our

We would greatly appreciate your consent at our request.

Thank you for your time and positive action.

Respectfully yours, Noted by:

Jericho Andrei Pantig ____________________________




Survey Questionnaire


Age(optional): □ 18 and below

□ 19 – 28

□ 39 – 48

□ 49 and above

Gender: □ Male □ Female □ Prefer not to say

Directions: Kindly check the box of your

corresponding answer to each question.

Question Strongly Agree Fair Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
5 4 3 2 1


1. The operations (example: opening hours, work

ethic, etc.) of the salon you work in change during the

2. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the salon reduced

the workforce of the salon to avoid spreading the virus.

3. Employees observe health and sanitary policies

during the pandemic.

4.The salon changed or modified the mode of payment

to reduce contact with consumers.

5. You take serious precautions (ex. sanitizing with

alcohol, wearing face masks, etc.) in the salon before
and after you entertain a customer.


1. There were fewer customers during the pandemic

than before the pandemic occurred.

2. Consumers were exhibiting different habits such as
asking if the salon was sanitized regularly.

3. Consumers start acquiring salon services more

frequently when they recognize the sanitary

4. The salon experienced a change in the number of

customers acquiring salon services during the


1.The salon was financially stable during the


2. The salon underwent expense-cutting changes in

how they handle their salon during the pandemic.

3.The workforce of the salon was reduced to continue

operations of the salon.

4. You observed changes from the salon before the


5. You conserve resources such as electricity, water,

and grooming materials to lessen expenses during the

6. You increased the charge for your service because

of sanitation expenses.

IV. Recommendation/Suggestion of the Respondents.

Instruction: Please check ( ∕ ) the recommendations/suggestions that will further improve other salons
during the pandemic.


1. Place automatic thermal scanners at

the entrance of the salon.

2. Place sanitizer at every corner of the

salon for immediate use.

3. Avoid small talk and keep the

conversation minimal.

4. Wear gloves while handling


5. Place posters reminding customers

and employees to observe health
precautions at all times.

Interview questions:

1. What is the salon’s experience in balancing the newly recognized profit and expense of
the establishment?
2. What are the other changes the salon underwent during the pandemic?
3. Do you ever think to just close the business because of the pandemic?
4. Are there certain new policies that customers encouraged to follow before entering the



Jericho Andrei Pantig
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 18, 2001
Address: Phase 1 Buntong Palay Kuntador St. Modesta. Vill. San Mateo Rizal
Contact no.: 09553013608
Religion: Roman Catholic
Languages: Filipino and English

Valeriano E. Fugoso Memorial School 2006 - 2012
276 Molave St, Marikina, 1800 Metro Manila

Junior Highschool
Valeriano E. Fugoso Memorial School 2014 - 2017
Gil Fernando, Cor Mt Everest, Marikina, 1800 Metro Manila

Senior Highschool
APEC Schools 2018 - 2019
M. H. del Pilar St, Marikina, 1800 Metro Manila
Microsoft Office: Proficient in Word, Excel and
Powerpoint Computer Software and Application
Negotiation Teamwork
Data Analysis


Reynaldo Acejo
Managerial Accounting Professor
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College
General Ordonez St., Marikina Heights,
Marikina City (02) 8942 36

I hereby certify that the above mentioned information is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.


Alexis P. Prado

Gender: Female
Date of Birth: September 14,1999
Address: #2 Perpetual St. Malanday, Marikina City
Contact no.: 09399365356
Religion: Roman Catholic
Languages: Filipino and English

Majestic Learning Center 2004 - 2008
18 Majestic 1 St, Marikina, 1811 Metro Manila
Nuestra Senora De Guia Academy of Marikina City 2008 - 2011
14 Washington St. Greenland Subd., Ph1 Nangka Marikina City

Junior Highschool
Nuestra Senora De Guia Academy of Marikina City 2011 - 2015
14 Washington St. Greenland Subd., Ph1 Nangka Marikina City
Senior Highschool
Nuestra Senora De Guia Academy of Marikina City 2015 - 2018
14 Washington St. Greenland Subd., Ph1 Nangka Marikina City

Microsoft Office: Proficient in Word, Excel and Powerpoint
Critical Thinking
Project Management


Guia B. Urrutia
School Directress
Nuestra Senora De Guia Academy
14 Washington St. Greenland Subd., Ph1 Nangka Marikina City
997-8198/ 933-7729

I hereby certify that the above mentioned information is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.



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