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1. In this lifting technique, the individual squats in front of the object with feet
and knee shoulder width apart. This is used when lifting small items or when
insufficient space is provided. This lift should be avoided by those with knee
A. Power lift
B. Tripod lift
C. Squat lift
D. Diagonal lift
E. Golfer’s lift

Concept integration: In this lifting technique, the individual squats in front of

the object with feet and knees approximately shoulder width apart. This should
only be used when lifting small, light items or when insufficient space is
provided. This lift should be avoided by those with knee problems. (JACK)
a. Deep squat
b. Golfer’s
c. Tripod
d. Diagonal
e. Power

• GOLFER’S LIFT: This lifting technique is often used by individuals who have knee problems, have
decreased leg length, or must lift where there is a barrier in front of the item: like a boxed crate. For this
technique, place one hand on a fixed object to support the upper body. The individual should arch the
back, bend at the hips and raise one leg behind him. By raising the leg, the upper body weight is
counterbalanced and bending of the lower back is reduced. To pick up the item, the individual should
look up, push off with the free hand and lower the raised leg.
• TRIPOD LIFT: This lifting technique allows the individual to conveniently bring the item close to the
body before completing the lift. One foot is placed behind the front portion of the object, and drop slowly
to the other knee. This should be avoided by those with knee or shoulder problems but should be
encouraged for those who do not have good arm strength. (APK#24)
• DIAGONAL LIFT: This is the most common method for lifting and allows full use of good body
mechanics principles. To perform the lift, the individual should establish a wide base of support and
straddle the object with one foot slightly ahead of the other. (APK AUG 1998 #5)
• POWER LIFT: In this lifting technique the individual establishes a wide, solid base of support with one
foot positioned in front of the other. The body is slightly over the load with the knees bent in half
squatting position. No bending at the waist takes place. In beginning the lift, the head moves first,
followed by the straightening of the legs. APK AUG 1999 #57)
• PARTIAL SQUAT LIFT WITH SUPPORT: This lifting or stooping technique reduces the stress on both
the back and the knees. The feet are positioned shoulder width part with one foot slightly in front of the
other. One hand is placed on the forward thigh or a fixed object as the knees and hips are bent and
then lowers him to pick up the item. The lift is completed by pushing off with the supporting hand as he
stands up. (APK FEB 1999 #86)

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

2. A physical therapist employed in a rehabilitation hospital utilizes the services of

a physical therapy aide. Which variable BEST determines the extent to which physical
therapy aides are involved in patient care activities?
A. The number of years of experience
B. The scope of formal training
C. The discretion of the physical therapist
D. The quantity of continuing education courses

3. Hospital/ rehab is liable for the following except:

A. Patient fell and sustained an injury during gait training with a PT intern
B. A child with his nanny is waiting for the child’s mother in the rehab, child is
playing when suddenly bumped his head on the parallel bars leaving an open wound
C. A 78-year-old man with an HMP over his back forgot to tell his PT that he is burning
and sustained blister
D. A pretty woman, slips on a wet floor without a wet floor sign

4. The CBR Matrix which was developed in 2004 has 5 Key Components. These include the
A. Health, Education, Livelihood, Social, Empowerment
B. Promotion, Prevention, Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Assistive Devices
C. Skill Development, Self-Employment, Wage Employment, Financial Services, Social
D. Advocacy and Communication, Community Mobilization, Political Participation, Self-
Help Group, Disabled People’s Organization
E. Early childhood, Primary, secondary or higher, non formal, life-long learning

5. Code of ethics except:

A. Continue education to improve efficacy
B. Safeguard interest and dignity of other allied professionals
C. A Physical Therapist must give the treatment even without prescription/or
consultation/or referral of a duly registered physician.
D. He should strive to broaden his cultural outlook and deepen his professional interest

Code of Ethics – standard of practice; basis of professional accountability to the


General Responsibility
Duties towards the patient
Duties to other PT
Duties to the public
Duties to other allied professionals
Duties to physician
Duties to the profession

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

6. All of the following are not true regarding record organization and general
principles, except:
A. Only standard abbreviations and acronyms should be used
B. Records must be kept in locked, fireproof storage and accessible only to those
directly involved with the patient
C. Entries cannot be physically removed, completely covered or otherwise made illegible
D. None of these
E. All of these

7. One qualification of an applicant for the Philippine PT and OT Board Examination is

that he should be a citizen of the Philippines. In cases that the applicant is a
foreigner, he must prove that the country of which he is a subject or citizen permits
Filipino physical therapists or occupational therapists to practice within its
territorial jurisdiction on the same basis as the subjects or citizens of such
A. Only the 1st statement is true
B. Only the 2nd statement is true
C. Both statements are true
A. Both statements are false

Work Ergonomics (De Lisa, PM&R 5th Edition, page 854)

▪ The recommended positioning at the desk or computer station is usually prescribed with
approximately _________ of hip, knee, and elbow flexion

▪ Proper distance from the computer monitor is ___________________, which is unique to

each individual.

▪ The upper third of the computer screen should be situated at _________________.

Seated Computer Work Station: (De Lisa, PM&R, 5th Edition, page 957)

▪ Telephone headsets could be used if extensive or frequent telephone calls are expected.

▪ The top of the computer monitor should be in line with the worker’s eyes, allowing for
a natural downward gaze angle of 15 degrees toward the middle of the screen.

▪ The optimum distance from the monitor is ____________.

▪ While seated, the worker’s feet should rest on the floor with the knee flexion maintained
between _________. If the feet are not resting on the ground, a footrest should be used.

▪ The ideal seat depth should allow 1 to 4 in. between the popliteal fossa and the front
edge of the seat. A shorter depth seat will require the buttocks and upper thighs to
sustain excessive pressures, whereas a longer seat depth may impede circulation behind
the knees.

▪ The back rest should support the lumbar curve while maintaining the thoracic spine in
contact with the chair back. It may be necessary to add a rolled towel or lumbar support
if the back rest does not sufficiently support the natural lordosis of the lumbar spine.

▪ Adjust keyboard and mouse height so that elbows can be flexed at a ____________ and
forearms are ____________ to the ground.

8. Ergonomic design in office settings has become increasingly important, particularly

because of the increased use of computers. The following are acceptable
recommendations, EXCEPT:
A. Feet flat on the floor or footrest to provide stability
B. Top of monitor placed at eye level to allow proper head and neck position
C. Padded wrist rest to reduce arm and shoulder discomfort
D. Keyboard placed at 15 degree from elbow height with a slight incline
E. Hard copy holder close to monitor to reduce eye motions and discomfort and allow
proper neck posture

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

9. Anatomical, physiological, mental or emotional abnormalities or loss

A. Impairments
B. Functional Limitation
C. Disability
D. Handicap

(a) _______________ umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and

participation restrictions.

(b) ________________are disturbances at the level of the organ which include defects in or
loss of a limb, organ or other body structure, as well as defects in or loss of a mental

(c) __________________ is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task,

function or action

(d) _______________________ is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in

life situations.

(e) _____________________ is a disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an

impairment or disability, that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is normal
(depending on age, sex and social and cultural factors) for that individual.


10. Member of the community health task force evaluate a proposal for a new adolescent
screening programs. Several members of the task force raise questions as to the
validity examine the instrument’s ability to identify diseased persons by comparing
true positives?
A. Sensitivity
B. Adaptability
C. Specificity – true negatives
D. Selectivity

11. This type of statistical error is made when the data leads us to conclude that the
null hypothesis is true when, in fact, it is not:
A. Type I c. Type III
B. Type IV d. Type II

HO - No significant effect Accept Reject

TRUE Correct Type 1 – false (+)
FALSE Type 2- false (-) Correct

12. A non-parametric statistical procedure used to compare 2 independent samples with

ordinal level data
A. Mann-Whitney
B. Chi-Square
C. T-test
D. Kruskal-Wallis


Level of Measurement Statistical
No. of Data Variable
N Marc

DR O Wilson

I/R Corny
N Cheesy

O Mother

I/R Traded

N Coke
3 DR
O 2

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

I/R Receive

N Cheesy

O Kisses



13. A study of local population was necessary to determine the need for a new fitness
center in this area. The therapists performing the study divided the population by
sex and selected a random sample from each group. This is an example of what type of
random sample?
A. Systematic random sample
B. Random cluster sample
C. Two-stage cluster sample
D. Stratified random sample


14. Which among the following products has the highest source of calcium?
A. Cheesy pizza
B. Cow’s milk
C. Plain yoghurt
D. Tofu
E. Citrus juice

15. An elderly patient is being examined by the PT. The therapist notes and irregularly
dark pigmented ulcer over the medial malleolus. The patient states that it is not
painful. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Arterial ulcer
B. Venous ulcer
C. Diabetic ulcer
D. Arterial insufficiency

16. Balance testing among patients with vestibular disorder is an integral part of
examination. The following are tests that are positive for a patient with Benign
Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, EXCEPT:
A. Romberg
B. Tandem Romberg
C. One-leg Stand
D. All of these are negative

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.


17. Which of the following statements apply to Stage III cancer?

A. There is metastasis to other organs
B. There is spread of cancer cells among near lymph nodes
C. There is no metastasis; cancer cells are localized in one area
D. There is no metastasis; only growth of cancer cells; risk for spread

SIMPLIFIED: (Goodman and Fuller, Pathology. P. 368)

▪ Stage 0: Carcinoma in situ (premalignant, pre-invasive)
▪ Stage I: Early stage, cancer is usually localized to primary organ.
▪ Stage II: Increased risk of regional spread because of tumor size or grade.
▪ Stage III: Local cancer has spread regionally but may not be disseminated to distant
▪ Stage IV: Cancer has spread and disseminated to distant sites.

Stage 3 Breast Cancer Except:

A. Lymph node involvement in armpit
B. Spread to other body parts
C. Does not involve any part beyond the armpit
D. Tumor of any size

18. A patient with cancer cares for his self but is unable to perform normal activity or
to do active work. What Karnofsky stage is the patient in?
A. Scale 6
B. Scale 7
C. Scale 8
D. Scale 9

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

19. A patient with asthma is taking a drug from the sympathomimetic group, albuterol
(Ventolin). what is the most important effect of this medication?
A. Increases airway resistance and decreases secretion production
B. Reduces airway resistance by reducing bronchospasm
C. Increases HR and BP to enhance training effect during aerobic exercises
D. Reduces bronchial constriction and high blood pressure that accompanies exercises

Because it is a bronchodilator, which would have an increased effect on heart rate and
blood pressure during an exercise test

Medications for Spasticity except: Benadryl is what type of medication

A. Captopril A. Anti-rheumatic
B. Baclofen B. Antihistamine
C. Diazepam C. Vasomotor drug
D. Dantrolene D. None of these

20. Controls sexual desire

A. Ego
B. SuperEgo
C. Id

A condition following a massive lesion in the frontal lobe of the brain,

characterized by apathy, indifference, and loss of initiative but no real
experience of depression. = __________________

What artery is affected in Pseudo depression? ______________________

Which part of the brain is affected? ________________________________________

21. If you are rubbing salt to stimulate the taste receptors and the rub sugar over the
same area, you increase the sensitivity of the receptors for sweetness.
A. Simultaneous contrast
B. Accommodation
C. Successive contrast
D. Compensation

22. Putting pressure on eyeballs stimulates sensory nerves with touch generating the
sensation of light. This happens because the receptors in the eye will always transmit
a message about light, no matter what type of stimulus is experienced. What principle
does the statement follows?
A. Doctrine of Specific Nerve Energies
B. Wolf’s Law
C. Cosine Law – Lambert Cosine Law – 90 degrees, effective application; Inverse Square
Law – intensity of IRR

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

23. Which of the following medications block receptors of the sinoatrial node and
myocardial cells, thereby decreasing the force of contraction of the heart as well
as the heart rate?
A. Alpha-blockers - arteries
B. Beta-blockers
C. Calcium channel blockers
D. ACE-inhibitors
E. Thiaziede diuretics

Action Beta-Blocker Beta-Agonist

Heart – Beta 1 Increase Decrease increase
Lungs – Beta 2 Bronchodilation Bronchoconstriction Bronchodilation

24. (+) Superficial Ulcer with abrasion, blister or shallow crater:

a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4

Stage Characteristics
temperature (warm or cool); tissue consistency (firm or boggy), and/or
sensation (pain, itching)
II PATIAL THICKNESS SKIN LOSS: involves epidermis, dermis, or both. Ulcer is
superficial. Presents clinically as an abrasion, blister or shallow crater
III FULL THICKNESS: involves damage to or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue. May
extend down to but not through, underlying fascia. Presents clinically as
a deep crater.
IV FULL THICKNESS: involves extensive destruction, tissue necrosis, or damage to
muscle, bone, or supporting structures. Undermining and sinus tracts may
be present

UNSTAGEABLE – obscured full thickness skin and tissue loss

– Eschar and Slough

DEEP TISSUE INJURY – intact with dark discoloration

-persistent non-blanchable deep, red, maroon, purple blood filled blister or dark wound
-intact/ non intact

25. Patient suffered full thickness burn in his entire Right LE and groin. Based on the
depth of burn acquired by the patient, what will be the expected appearance of the
affected areas?
A. Charred with neurological involvement
B. Broken blisters with mixed red and waxy white appearance
C. Ischemic, parchment-like appearance
D. Erythematous pink in color
E. Mottled red with intact blisters

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.





Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

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