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Classroom Arrangement

Classroom Arangement Rationale

My room is set up to be focused on the front where the smart board and white boards are located.
Students will have their desks angled in a way that gives them the best view of the front of the
room. This will make it easier and more comfortable for them to see the instruction being given.

The teacher's desk is in the front of the room. It faces towards the students in order to keep an
eye on them as they are working. The front table is located right next to the teacher desk for easy
access when students may need extra help with assignments. It allows the teacher to sit with
more than one student at a time and assist with any questions.

The student mailboxes are located close by the entrance of the room. The purpose of they
placement is so students are able to easily access their take home work and graded assignments
right before they leave each day.

Students will be grouped in pods of 5. This allows students to interact with one another during
class discussions, group activities, as well as help one another with questions that may have. The
desks are spaced out far enough for each student to have their own space but still be able to
participate with their pod when necessary. When students need extra privacy for things such as
quizzes or test, privacy boards will be provided.

At both sides as well as the back of the room, there will be posters and information posted. At
the back of the room the daily schedule will be posted as well as the students reading goal
monitors. Students will be able to move their monitors as they make progress towards their goal.
The window wall will display posters using the weekly vocab words and provide a picture so
students are able to have a visual representation of the vocab meaning. At the front of the room,
the white board and smart board take up a majority of the space, but there will be a monthly
calendar posted as well as students' birthdays each month. In the front corner, the reading area is
set up for students to use during free read. There is a daily rotation in place so all students have
the opportunity to use the reading corner.
Classroom Management Plan

In my classroom, I will provide my students with a love for learning, encourage them to try new
things, and give them a foundation to build upon.
I am devoted to providing a safe and positive learning environment in which all students are
shown compassion and respect. I will cultivate lifelong learners as well as prepare students to be
contributing citizens of society.
Core Beliefs
● The effort my students give is important.
● Each student should be given an equal opportunity to learn.
● The learning environment should be supportive, safe, and secure.
● Listen to your students’ ideas and opinions.
● Make students feel heard and seen within your classroom.
● Family involvement is a large part of a student's success.
● Expectations should be high, but achievable.
● Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.
● Relationships can be a vital part of a child’s success in the classroom.
Classroom Consequences

Tier 1
● Give non-verbal hand signals
● Use the “teacher” look
● Use the student’s name
● Verbal redirect
● Use student’s who are on task as an example of what you want to see.

Tier 2
● Private Conversation
● Temporary seat change (closer to teacher)
● Change of color card (green, yellow, red)
● Separate student from peers temporarily
● Contact parent if necessary

Tier 3
● Small privilege (recess, treat, fun activities) temporarily revoked
● Timeout in another teacher’s room with a worksheet
● Reflection sheet on behavior
● Permanent seat change
● Points or prizes withheld.
● Contact parents if necessary

Tier 4
● Meeting with parents
● Removal of preferred activity
● School community service assigned
● Referal to admin/office
● Behavior contract
● Essay on appropriate behavior

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