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More Than Just A Salesletter… .............................................................................................................. 5
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Product Viability Research ...................................................................................................................... 7
What It Is.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Market Research ................................................................................................................................. 8
Launch ASK Campaign.................................................................................................................... 8
Create Your ASK Campaigns .......................................................................................................... 9
Set Up Your Google Adwords Campaign ........................................................................................ 9
Analyzing Your Findings .................................................................................................................. 9
Creating a Sales-Driven Website .......................................................................................................... 10
What It Is............................................................................................................................................ 10
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Anatomy of a Sales Page .................................................................................................................. 11
The Overview .................................................................................................................................... 12
The Headline ..................................................................................................................................... 13
A few additional pointers for creating great headlines: ..................................................................... 14
The Opening ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Sell Copy ........................................................................................................................................... 16
The Guarantee .................................................................................................................................. 17
Call to Action ..................................................................................................................................... 18
The P.S. ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Additional Must-Have Sections In Your Salesletter .............................................................................. 20
Teach ‗Em Something They Don‘t Know........................................................................................... 20
Newsletter Signup Box ...................................................................................................................... 21
Establish Your Expertise .................................................................................................................. 22
Use Success Stories ......................................................................................................................... 23
Separate Yourself From Your Competition ....................................................................................... 23
Include ―Faster Mover Bonuses‖ ....................................................................................................... 24
So How Much Is All This Worth – The Value Chart! ......................................................................... 25
Create Urgency ................................................................................................................................. 26
Anticipating Objections By Answering Frequently Asked Questions ................................................ 27
Give ‗Em Five Reasons To Buy ........................................................................................................ 28
Be Sure To Signoff ............................................................................................................................ 28
Salesletter FAQs ................................................................................................................................... 28
What Is a USP? ................................................................................................................................. 29
Should I Write about Benefits OR Features? .................................................................................... 29
What Is A ―Story-Centered‖ Salesletter? ........................................................................................... 29
Do I Have to Add All Kind of Formatting to My Salesletter to Make It Effective? .............................. 30
What Is a ―Customer-Centered‖ Salesletter? .................................................................................... 30
Should a Salesletter Be Long or Short? ............................................................................................ 30
Should I Use a Video Salesletter? ..................................................................................................... 31
What Is a Thank You Page?.............................................................................................................. 31
What Is a Download Page? ............................................................................................................... 31
What Is Split Testing?........................................................................................................................ 31
What Is a Personalization Script? ..................................................................................................... 32
What Is a Special Offer Script? ......................................................................................................... 32
Are There Any Audio or Video Tools I Can Use on My Site? ............................................................ 33
What Is an Opt-In or Landing Page ................................................................................................... 33
What Is an Order Page? ................................................................................................................ 34
Examples Of High-Quality Headlines .................................................................................................... 35
Examples of Teaching Your Reader Something They Don‘t Know ...................................................... 47
Examples Of How To Describe The Problem, Or Pain Points, Of Your Prospect ................................... 56
Examples Of Agitating The Problem ...................................................................................................... 57
Examples Of Teaching / Introducing The Solution .................................................................................. 58
Examples of Newsletter Signup Boxes .................................................................................................. 62
Examples Of Establishing Your Expertise ............................................................................................ 67
Examples Of Success Stories ............................................................................................................. 79
Examples Of Mini-Order Boxes ............................................................................................................ 85
Examples Of How To Start The Long-Form Section Of Your Salesletter ............................................ 86
Examples Of Strong Bullet Points To Define Your Product .................................................................. 87
Examples Of How You‘re Different Than The Competition .................................................................. 90
Examples Of Bonuses And Faster Mover Bonuses .............................................................................. 95
Examples Of How The Offering Is Going To Be Delivered ................................................................... 95
Examples Of ―So how much is all this worth?‖ ...................................................................................... 96
Examples Of ―What is the bottom line? ................................................................................................. 98
Examples Of Urgency ......................................................................................................................... 101
Examples of Strong Guarantees ....................................................................................................... 105
Examples Of Full Order Boxes ........................................................................................................... 110
Examples Of Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................... 112
Examples of ―5 Reasons Why You Should Buy xyz Right Now‖ ........................................................ 115
Examples Of Signoffs ........................................................................................................................ 115
Examples Of Agitating The Problem & Finding A Solution ................................................................. 116

Section III - Headlines ....................................................................................................................... 117

More Than Just A Salesletter…
You may have thought that you were here just to learn how to write a great
salesletter (which you still will), but if you want it to be great, the work starts long
before the sales copy is written.


If you are like many online entrepreneurs in the 21st century, you are filled with
groundbreaking ideas, limitless enthusiasm, and a readiness to do whatever it takes
to achieve the online success you so richly desire.

The Billion Dollar Big Idea - The Revolutionary New Product -

The Niche Solution of the Century - The “Can’t Be Beat” Design!
Each of these amazing opportunities is within your grasp and there is no reason why
you can‘t be the person to bring any of number of these successes to the

However, if you are also like many of today‘s potentially successful entrepreneurs
you are at a loss of where to begin, how to proceed, and exactly what it takes to get
the job done right.

Does this sound like you? Don‘t worry; if so, you‘re not alone!

In fact, many great ideas have fallen by the wayside in the digital age – countless
individuals with the ―can‘t be beat‖ idea have watched as they not only didn‘t make it,
but lost big money in the process.

With the unique demands of the online marketplace, navigating the vast expanses of
the Web – from market research, product creation, promotion, sales, and more – not
only seems overwhelming at times, but for many entirely capable people, the
experience can seem downright impossible.

Because bringing a product or offering to the online market requires expertise in a

variety of differing fields, many would-be entrepreneurs give up before they even get

For others, the maze of e-business proves too complicated and they waste time and
money simply because they don‘t know any better.

But, there are people making money on the Web. In fact, there are people making
millions and millions of dollars online every day. And, if other people are doing it, why
can‘t you?

The answer to that question is simple: You Can Do It!

You can make as much money as you desire.

You can be as successful as you want to be.
―But, how do I do it?‖ you ask.

If only there were a map, a handbook, or an instruction manual that showed you
exactly how to take your idea from the point of conception – you know, that moment
when you had an ―AHA!‖ experience and thought, ―I could really do something with
this idea, couldn‘t I?‖ – to the point where you were watching your sales numbers
rack up higher and higher totals with each passing day. Wouldn‘t that be great?

It would be great and, thankfully for you, this is just such a guidebook!

If only there was a complete guidebook that showed you, step-by-step, how to turn
your idea into a viable, money-making online product – a simple-to-follow guide that
spelled out exactly what you needed to do to take your ideas to the top time and time
again. Wouldn‘t you love to get your hands on such a book?

Believe it or not, you‘re reading that very book right now!

In the following pages, you will not find:

 General information that is so broad as to be useless to you.

 Old examples that have no relevance to the Web or your particular project(s).
 Generic tips that you‘ve read a million times before, but that don‘t give you the
clarity you‘re looking for.

In the following pages you will find:

 Comprehensive roadmap of every step that leads up to and through the

salesletter writing process that anybody can follow. From the initiating and
understanding product viability research to developing a sales website… and
even some killer marketing tips thrown in!

 Extensive resources to help walk you confidently through each part of the
process – keeping you on target to intelligently and efficiently reach your financial

 Step-by-step instructions customized especially for you to understand your

market and assess the performance of your sales strategies.

 Detailed checklists keep you focused on your goals and guarantee that you never
get lost along the way – don‘t miss a single important step toward your success.

In the sections that follow, I have assembled cutting-edge, time-tested, and proven
strategies for success that are being used by entrepreneurs just like you.

These are the same sales strategies that the elite in Internet business right now are
using to make millions.
Now, you have the opportunity to discover everything you need to know to equal
(and even surpass) their successes.

If you‘re ready, let‘s get started at…the beginning: Product Viability Research

Product Viability Research

Do you have an idea for a product or offering that you feel just can‘t be beat?

Are you ready to tap into the enormous money-making potential of the Web?

Are you prepared to watch as your ideas transform into profitable commodities
netting you sale after sale?

If so, it‘s time to write that salesletter and start selling right away, right?


If you want to set yourself up for success, there are a number of critical steps you
must take before you even consider going to the marketplace.

It‘s one thing to have an idea; it‘s another altogether to perform the due diligence that
will assure you that your idea is viable in the marketplace, that demand for your
offering exists, and that you can actually turn a profit on your investment.

When you take the time upfront with a few preliminary steps, you can feel confident
that your investment in time and money will be well spent.

What It Is
At its most basic, Product Viability Research (PVR) is a process whereby you ask
your potential consumers what they want.

More specifically, PVR consists of a series of specific research and analysis steps
you will undertake to determine the demand for your offering in the marketplace.

In other words, PVR is used to find out whether or not your product is going to
sell…before you spend money on marketing it.

Yes, although it sounds a bit complicated, it‘s as simple as that: The specific goals of
each PVR program are unique to the product itself and the questions you want
answered, but at its most basic, you‘re simply communicating with your potential
customer-base to get feedback as to what they want to see, how they want to see it,
and how much they‘re willing to pay for it.

The purpose of PVR is:

 To validate demand for your product or offering

 To save you time and money (e.g., to avoid spending time on a product that is not
 To help shape the sales angle so it is more appealing to potential consumers

Imagine how it would feel to go through all the work of getting your offering up online
only to find that nobody wants what you‘re offering. It may have seemed like a great
idea to you, but you might be the only potential consumer.

When it‘s done correctly, PVR actually defines the type, quality, and characteristics
of the benefits you‘ll talk about in your sales copy.

When you take the time to conduct preliminary market research, you are hearing
firsthand from the very people who could be potential customers what they‘re
expecting and looking for.

With the proper analysis, you can take this ―data‖ and produce a sales message that
is custom-designed to respond to the needs of your client. Such a customized
approach assures you of a responsive consumer base.

Market Research

Before you even think about writing your sales copy, you need to find out exactly
what your target market wants before you can really launch successfully.

It‘s time to find specifically what your would-be buyers want from you. How are you
going to do this? By asking them directly, of course!

If you‘re wondering how in the world you‘re going to ask your potential
customers…don‘t worry; you‘re going to take advantage of one of the most under-
utilized gems of the marketing world that exists today.

You‘re going to launch your very own survey campaign to see what your prospective
consumers think.

Launch A Fact-Finding Campaign

To really know what your potential customers think, you need to ask them.

There are numerous free survey tools available online today. Simply type in ―free
survey tools‖ and you‘ll get a ton of returns.

One of the easiest is It‘s free and provides excellent

services for you.

A survey will allow you to collect immediate feedback about your chosen topics from
potential customers and helps to reduce the risk of potentially creating a product that
doesn‘t fly.

In its most simple terms, a fact-finding survey is a way for you to put your ideas on
the web and allow online visitors to comment, ask questions, suggest alternatives,
and basically tell you what they would want to see, how they would want the
information organized, what answers or solutions they‘d like your product to offer.

As you can imagine, this kind of feedback can be one of the most valuable tools in
your arsenal. Because you are going straight to the very people who would be
buying your product, you are assuring yourself that your idea either has or doesn‘t
have merit.

There are no ―yes men‖ in a survey… you are getting pure, unadulterated feedback
from the consumer as to whether your proposed product is worthy and/or what a
worthy product would actually look like within the niche you‘ve suggested.

Create Your Survey

After you have set up an account with a provider like SurveyMonkey, you will create
a question for each topic you want to collect survey data for.

Each should ask something simple, like ―What is your biggest question about

To help generate response to your survey, promise those who sign up that they will
get a free copy of your offering when it is published or some other bonus or benefit.

Set Up Your Adwords Campaign

To promote your survey – in other words – to get people to the survey itself – run a
variety of text ads to get people to go to your site.

Again, as incentive, promise them a free copy of your offering or some other bonus
or benefit if they answer a simple question.

Run your survey until 50 people have responded to your survey. Stop the survey
when you‘ve reached 50 people.

Analyzing Your Findings

With your topics chosen and the results of your survey in your hands, it‘s time to
analyze your findings. A detailed analysis of your research is critical to make sure
you are responding to the marketplace demands appropriately.

The most important part of this step is hard to define…but can best be explained as
―willingness.‖ In the analysis stage, you need to demonstrate a willingness to listen to
what your research tells you.

Many people who have a strong desire to create a particular messaging platform, or
way of marketing their offering, but don‘t listen to what the findings actually say.

When you are stubborn and are unwilling to adapt your vision to that of the
marketplace, your offering will likely not succeed.

But, when you do your due diligence by conducting the appropriate market research
and then truly listen to and incorporate your findings into the vision of your copy, you
will be assuring yourself of a much greater chance for success.
So, are we now ready to start writing?! We‘re getting closer, but not quite yet.

Let‘s look at what the site where your salesletter will live looks like first…

Creating a Sales-Driven Website

When most people think of selling online, they immediately think of big headlines and
long scrolling salesletters promoting every kind of product from automatic potato
peelers to new fad diets and everything in between.

No matter what your feeling is about these types of salesletter, one thing is for sure:

An effectively written sales page can be even more effective that a person-to-person
sales approach, can bring in a tremendous sales volume, and are relatively simple to
create and maintain.

Although many people think that this type of salesletter is a new Internet-based
marketing device, it has actually been in existence for decades. In fact, some of the
most popular headlines and techniques for today‘s salesletters date back to the

And, do you know what? The salesletter technique is still selling strong!

Because our basic desires have changed little in the past century – health,
happiness, sex, and money – an approach that effectively markets to these desires
works. We‘re going to show you how to make the salesletter or sales-driven website
work for your success!

What It Is
A ―Sales-driven website‖ brings together the best in fundamental, time-tested and
proven sales strategies with the technological advantages that the web offers to
create an opportunity for huge sales of your product.

Through the use of fine-tuned, highly-targeted sales messaging, the salesletter itself
performs a number of important functions:

 draws a visitor in with a engaging headline

 introduces them to your product or service
 compels them to read on and learn more about your product
 encourages them to identify with the product
 allows them to review the features and benefits in a low-pressure environment
 creates a feeling of empowerment as it appeals to emotive desires and behaviors
 generates a sense of ―I must have this product‖ with the visitor
 builds a sense of urgency
 produces a need to buy
 offers a ―call to action‖ so the purchase of the product is simple and quick
Through the use of web technology, your website adds that extra punching power to
your salesletter through the use of such tools as:

 Name Capture Pages – to build your database of potential sales opportunities

 Autoresponders – to automatically generate marketing messages to increase

sales conversions

 Split Testing Software – to allow you to see which of your salesletter headlines
are creating actual sales and which are less effective.

 Personalization Scripts – software and code to allow you to customize your

sales pages and automatic e-mails with a visitor‘s personal information (e.g., their
first name).

 Special Offer Scripts – software and code to allow you to customize special
offers (e.g., discounts, limited time only prices, etc.) for specific visitors based on
their IP information or cookies.

 Audio and Video Tools – software that allows you to add streaming audio and
video messages to bring your sales-driven website to the next level of impact and

When the best of the salesletter and the cutting-edge web technology available
today are brought together, you can create a winning sales package that just can‘t
be beat in the online world today.

The purpose of your sales-driven website is to…yes, you got it: SELL! When you
take a well-crafted salesletter combined with the powerful technologies available to
you today on the web, you‘ll be able to sell for maximum profit.

Additionally, when you learn the ins and outs of Internet Marketing, you will learn the
tricks of the trade on how to get your site in front of the people that matter most: your
target demographic. And, when you can do that – put your product in the hands of
the people you most expect to buy – you can sit back and watch the money start
flooding in!

Anatomy of a Sales Page

Are you ready for an anatomy lesson?

Don‘t worry; there won‘t be a test – but, if you learn it all, you‘re sure to get straight
A‘s when it comes to bringing in the big bucks!

When we‘re talking sales pages, we need to talk anatomy…the anatomy of the sales
pitch. Just like human anatomy, sales pages have heads and bodies, but thankfully
for you, no dissection will be required!
The 12-step salesletter is a standard in the industry – because it works. You can
search anywhere online to get a good overview of this approach. David Frey
popularized it and you can search on ―12-Step Foolproof Salesletter Template‖ and
get a great discussion on a number of sites of what it is and how to use it.

If you‘re not familiar with that approach, I encourage you to check it out right now.
Spend some time with the 12-step outline and do your homework on it.

Why? Because what I‘m going to teach you here are ways to improve upon that
existing formula. I‘ll be talking more specifically about sales psychology and certain
must-haves and not as much about the 1, 2, 3s of creating a salesletter from scratch.

So, if you‘re not familiar with the basic outline of the 12-step approach, you‘re going
to be lost.

The tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics (as well as the countless actual real-world
examples) I‘m going to share with you build upon that 12-step approach and show
you the ways you can really amp up your salesletters and take them to the next level
(and far beyond).

So, again, if you‘re not very familiar with the 12-step approach, go do a search for it
right now and get up to speed. You‘ll be thankful that you did.

Then, come back here and you‘ll really benefit from the little (and not so little) twists
and tweaks I‘m exposing to you.

For now, let‘s take a look at the basic anatomy of a sales page.*

*Note: This will be a very basic anatomy lesson. When it comes to salesletters, there
are countless variations on a theme; but these are the most common elements that
you‘ll find in your basic salesletter.

The Overview
When you get right down to it, your 12-step approach – and, for the
matter, any sales approach that is going to work – needs to do the
following to be successful:

 Identify and Agitate the problem, make sure the prospect understands
why it is urgent

 Make a big promise with the solution, make it interesting and make
them see why your solution is not available elsewhere (ie

 Provide proof – the better the quality of the proof the higher the

 Give them reasons to buy NOW - you don't want your prospects to
think they can come back later, you want them to either decide 'yes' or
'no'. You'll get more yes's this way. Unless you capture their name and
email, maybe's almost always turn into 'no'
 Make it easy for them to buy, easy to justify their decision, and make it
safe (guarantee, trust seals, etc)

 If they try to leave, consider trying to capture their email address

through giving away something for free, or, consider an exit popover
(as opposed to a popup) which loads when the user moves their
mouse away towards the back button, or try to survey customers who
are trying to exit, so as to uncover why they are leaving.

We‘ll be looking at specifics of each of these elements and more

throughout the following pages.

Let‘s get started, shall we?

The Headline
Did you know?

 Only one out of five people get beyond the headline to read the rest of
the Web page

 You have 30 seconds or less to make a positive impression, or your

site visitor will click away

 The right wording in your headline can increase your sales conversion
rate by 1700%

It's true! Studies show the right headline can increase response to an offer
exponentially, which is a good reason to test different headlines until you
find your 'killer'. Once you've got it, it's the key to your success. So spend
the time to make your headline work. Here's how to find the right headline:

Tell your target audience the single most important benefit you are
offering them. That's it.

State a powerful benefit in your headline that clearly enhances THEIR

LIVES, using power words such as: 'Discover'; 'Announcing';
'Breakthrough'; 'Facts'; 'New'; 'Now'; 'Yes'; 'Sale' - all words that are active,
grab the attention of prospects, and promise them something (the two
words of most value to your customers are 'You', and 'Free').

Finally, keep in mind that your customer is never buying a product or

service. They are actually buying a key benefit that will make their life

The headline is made up of:

a. Pre-headline (e.g. Over 62,293 people have used this amazing

information to stop their dogs from shedding hair...)
b. Main Headline (e.g. Who Else Wants to Put a Complete Stop to Their
Dog‘s Shedding of Hair in the House?)
c. Sub Headline – Optional, but can be used to showcase more benefits,
or overcome objectives, in the headline area (e.g. Yes you‘ve come to
the right place, and it doesn‘t matter if you‘re dog is well trained or a
disobedient nightmare. This is based on diet and not training and it is
proven to work...)
d. Signature - This is a new feature that is not common to sales copies,
yet, but in testing has proven to be effective. The theory is that if you
include a signature inside the first fold of a salescopy, it increases
e. Graphics - Optional, there may also be graphics above the headline
for branding.
f. Video – Optional, sometimes there will be a video presentation in the
headline area to boost credibility, showcase benefits and encourage
the person watching to read the entire salescopy.

** I‘ve also learned that it helps conversion rates and readership of your
webpage if you include elements of credibility above your headline. For
example, BBB reliability seal, McAfee Seal, As Seen In The Wall Street
Journal, and so on.

A few additional pointers for creating great headlines:

As you will likely see, there are people who will try to sell you headline generating
software. Using preset formulas, this software asks you for specific information about
your product and then creates a series of headlines for your use.

If you have no other recourse and you are a terrible writer, these software programs
can actually be helpful. However, the reality of headlines is that, since each one is
meant to solve a very specific problem – how to get somebody to buy this product –
formulaic headlines are not always effective.

Your goal with your headline should always be figuring out the absolute best way to
grab the attention of your visitor.

That is the headline‘s single goal. Once the attention has been gotten, it‘s the job of
the following line and the line after that and so on to pull the visitor further down into
your page.

To be able to grab that attention takes creativity and whereas every headline should
be a unique solution for a particular product, there are some pointers that can help
get started on the right foot.

 Don‘t use negatives…like ―Don‘t.‖

 Initial cap all words.

 Consider a different font color choice than black to draw attention.

 Use words like ―Introducing,‖ ―Announcing,‖ ―New,‖ ―Now,‖ ―At Last‖ to broadcast
that this is a new product.

 Feature such things as reduced prices, special offers, payment plans, and free

 Use a testimonial or first-person style.

 Use a question format whereby you pose a question to a reader to create


 Use a story format to create interest in the same way that the first line of a novel

 Use dates or current events to show that the page is topical and relevant.

 Create a headline grouping – including a main headline and taglines to clarify the
initial messaging.

The best at-home, low tech way to test your headlines before you put them up on the
web itself is simply to imagine yourself as the intended demographic…would that
headline make you want to stop and read the rest of the page (or at least the next

If yes, you‘ve probably got a candidate. If no, then try, try, try again!

Later in the book, I‘ll include some examples of high-quality headlines you can learn

For now, let‘s look at a few of the other key components of your sales copy…

The Opening
So, you‘ve pulled in your prospective customer with a winning headline that stopped
her right in her tracks…now what?

That‘s a good question.

The mistake that many writers make at this critical juncture is to begin talking about
themselves or their company. Why is this a mistake? People don‘t know you and,
frankly, they don‘t want to know you…at least not yet. People are interested in what‘s
in your offer for them. They‘re interested in how what you have can solve a problem
they have.

That said, the first few lines of your pitch, called the opening, should be all about the
1. Lay out what their problem is (e.g., not enough money, tired of their job,
dishwasher doesn‘t work, lawn doesn‘t grow quickly enough, car too old, hair too
thin, hips too big…and on and on)

2. Then, offer them a glimpse at how they can fix, solve, or answer their
problem…with your product or service.

If the problem you present resonates with your reader, there‘s a good chance he‘ll
keep reading.

If your solution seems viable, there‘s a great chance that he‘ll keep reading, too.

Your job, then, is to hone in on exactly who your audience is and then target your
headline and opening to that demographic. Building largely on the results of your
Product Viability Research, you‘ll know exactly to whom you are attempting to sell,
so creating headlines and openers that really hit the mark does not have to be a
difficult process.

Essential in this section is a fine balance between identifying the problem

and hinting that you can solve it.

Sell Copy
And, now, you‘re at the heart of the salesletter anatomy – the Sell Copy. This is
where you get down and dirty and do your real work of selling the product, the offer,
the benefit.

Your goal in this section is stay singularly focused on the benefit to the customer.

Your goal in this section is show the reader time and time again exactly how your
product responds directly to their problem; how your product is THE solution.

You will hammer this point home in as many ways as you see fit.

Indeed, the Sell Copy is the body of your salesletter; it is the place where you want
your reader to start leaning more and more toward becoming a buyer with each word
you put in front of them.

Your Sell Copy will always be unique to the product and demographic to whom you
are marketing, but here are few tips to write copy that creates results.

 Use the AIDA formula throughout your salesletter, but especially in the Sell Copy.

AIDA stands for Attention. Interest. Desire. Action. In other words, you‘ll want to get
the reader‘s Attention (you‘ve done this with your headline and opener), then you‘ll
want to keep their Interest (you‘ve done this with your Offer Preview and will
continue doing it by showing the reader what‘s in it for them again and again
throughout the rest of the letter).
You are constantly trying to pique your reader‘s Desire by showing them all the
reasons they need your product, why it‘s the best decision they could ever make for
themselves or their family, and why they can‘t live without it.

And, ultimately, you‘ll be attempting to compel the reader to action, to sign up, to
buy, to subscribe, to call… whatever is the goal of your sales-driven website.

 Use short sentences and paragraphs. Big blocks of text can be overwhelming.

 Keep your big words to a minimum.

 Use bulleted lists to highlight benefits rather than explaining in long-winded

narrative form.

 Use bolded, colored, bigger subheads to move the pace of the letter along in a
natural progression. Using subheads is also a great way to keep ―skimmers and
scanners‖ – those people who don‘t read every word, but only look for the stuff that
stands out – interested and engaged on your page.

 Highlight your product’s features, but do so by showcasing the benefits (e.g.,

―Standard All Wheel Drive (the feature) keeps you hugging the turns just like you
love (the benefit).

 Write like you talk. In other words, don‘t be as concerned with ―proper‖
grammar…you‘ll want your reader to feel comfortable with your writing style and
showing how erudite you are with big words might not help.

 Mix it up. Think of as many different ways to describe the benefits of your product as
possible, so you can anticipate any potential customer. When it comes to actually
posting to your site, you‘ll be able to test which combinations of benefit descriptions
do the best at converting visitors into sales.

 Be very specific. With scepticism on the web at an all-time high, be sure that you
spell out your offer in very specific terms. Tell your reader exactly what she is going
to get when she purchases your product. The more informed your buyer is up front,
the better your chances of a sale and the less likely for returns.

Even with these quick tips, your Sell Copy will begin to make those sales you‘ve
been dreaming of!

The Guarantee
When it comes to buying on the web or anywhere else, consumers like to know
they‘ll be able to return what they‘ve bought. Whether they have any intention to
return their purchase or not, most people like to know they have that option available
to them. Again, because scepticism is just something you have to deal with in the
online marketplace, offering a guarantee is always a great way to convert your
prospects into buyers.
There are a wide range of guarantees used with online products and yours will
ultimately be specific to your product.

The most commonly used guarantee is the ―money back.‖

30-, 45-, 60-, and 90-Day Money Back Guarantee – seen most frequently with
eBooks, these guarantees usually state that a buyer can ask for a refund for any
reason during the specified time period. The guarantee also typically specifies that
there will be no questions asked.

This type of guarantee helps tentative buyers who are on the fence as to whether or
not they want to spend the money on your product to make the initial purchase.
Because they feel safe that they can return the product at any time (during the
guarantee period), they feel comfortable to take the initial purchase risk.

And, since the laws in many places requires that you process genuine refund
requests up to 30 days, you can turn what you would already have to do into a
benefit of your product!

Tip: Rather than shortening your money back period, try lengthening it. When
consumers feel they have a longer time to return their product, they often will either
forget about it or feel guilty that they‘ve had it for so long without acting – both of
these work in your bottom line favor.

Call to Action
You‘ve sold your heart out, right? You‘ve told your reader every possible benefit of
your product. You‘ve outlined every possible problem they‘ll encounter and why your
product is the only answer they need as a solution. Your readers should be breaking
down the door to buy, right?


It‘s a funny thing about sales…your reader may be convinced that your product is
THE answer, but until you invite him to buy, he won‘t.

In the Call to Action section of your salesletter, you‘ll do just that: You‘ll call your
reader to act upon the offer you‘ve presented him with.

You‘ll ask the reader to do whatever you want him to do (e.g., buy now, sign-up for
your newsletter, call your sales office, and so on).

You will be straightforward and direct with your instructions on how you would like
him to act and you will make sure that you have made it as simple as possible for
him to move forward with your offer.

Typical Calls to Action include:

 The ―click here‖ to buy.

 The ―click here‖ to receive your FREE information packet, or newsletter, or bonus
gift, etc.
 Call us at 1-800-SELL ME! to order now.
 Visit us online at to sign up today.

However you word it and no matter what you are asking your reader to do…make
sure you do ask! Many people feel weird about coming right out and asking directly,
but it‘s the only way to make the sale happen.

You don‘t want your potential client to have to come to you to ask how to buy what
you‘re offering…you want to make buying as simple as is humanly possible, and the
first step in that direction is telling them exactly how to get what you want them to

The P.S.
You‘ve seen them on almost every piece of direct mail you get. You might have
wondered why they‘re always there. You might even think they‘re silly…but you read
them every time, don‘t you?

―They‖ are the P.S. and the P.P.S and sometimes even the P.P.P.S.‘s that show up
at the end of almost every type of direct marketing.

Why does the ―Post Script‖ (PS) show up everywhere?

That‘s a great question, but you‘ve already answered it…

The P.S. shows up at the bottom of most all direct marketing, including salesletters,
because people read it. In fact, research has shown that it is the most read section of
any mailer…with a large majority of people actually scanning down to the P.S. before
they‘ve even made it part way down the page.

We have been conditioned to know that the P.S. is likely going to offer some special
deal and we‘re all curious what that offer is going to be.

That said, it‘s important not to neglect this powerful tool. Make use of the P.S. by:

 Restating your most important benefit

 Restating your call to action
 Offering a limited time or date-sensitive special offer

And, there you have it! Believe it or not, that‘s all there is to a basic salesletter.
You‘ve now learned the fundamental components of the salesletter anatomy.

In the next section, I‘ll answer some of the most frequently asked salesletter
questions so you can be sure to hit the ground running with your sales-driven
website. Then, I‘ve loaded you up with tons of examples of high-conversion
components from salesletters that are live today.
Additional Must-Have Sections In Your Salesletter
So, we‘ve broadly looked at the basic anatomy of a salesletter. When you pair what
you‘ve just learned with the 12-step approach, you‘re starting to get a really powerful

But, there are some additional tip and techniques that you MUST include if you want
to take the tired old 12-step and transform it into a high-conversion monster.

Let‘s take a look at those right now. And, remember, at the end of the book, I‘ve
loaded you up with tons of real-world examples of everything I‘m outlining here.

Teach „Em Something They Don‟t Know

As you‘re building your ―relationship‖ with your prospect, it‘s important teach
them something they don‘t know, but is beneficial to them.

Mention common things that a lot of people do (probably the reader) but
that don‘t work. Bust myths. Use as much proof as you can when you do

Tell the reader what does work (provide proof if you can), by learning from
you and having ‗aha‘ moments, the reader will experience firsthand what it
feels like to learn from you, and that will add to your credibility significantly.

Use The Short Summary Letter Approach

A highly effective approach that many successful marketers used is
called the ―short summary letter.‖

In this technique, instead of launching right into the long-form salesletter,

you create a mini-all-in-one pitch – one that often ―lives‖ entirely above
the fold.

The benefit of this approach is that your visitor can get a total sense of
the problem you a responding to and the solutions you‘re offering all
within seconds of hitting the page.

Key to this approach is including the following


 Establish the problem you are going to solve

 Include a credibility photo if possible

 Teach the reader something they don‘t know.

 Tell the reader what you want them to do (e.g., read the rest of the
webpage, sign up to newsletter, buy product)

 Optional - Mention that thousands have succeeded, and challenge

the reader to be next.

 Optional – Include an audio play button with a voice message

With these elements in place, you can appeal to that segment of your traffic
that doesn‘t want to be taken on the journey or read the entire story. For
these consumers, they just want the down and dirty and they want it right

By offering this opportunity for them (immediately followed by the long-form

salesletter), you‘ve potentially secured a part of your demographic that – due
to their web browsing idiosyncracies – would have otherwise left the page.

Good job!

Newsletter Signup Box

Assuming you haven‘t already collected their name and email address on
a squeeze page, it‘s always a great idea to utilize flying popover script to
encourage signup to your newsletter.

Don‘t have a newsletter? Bite your tongue!

A newsletter is one of the best ways to build a long-lasting relationship

with your customers (or potential customers).

They‘re super simple. There‘s tons of free, high-quality information out

there that you can include. And, there‘s simply no excuse not to do so.

When you send out a newsletter each week – that is filled with useful
(that is critical) information – you will be solidifying your expertise.

People who receive it will begin trusting you and your knowledge more
and more and they‘ll come to you to buy that next product rather than
someone else.

As I mentioned, it is SO important that you put only the highest quality

information in your newsletters.

You know the saying ―garbage in, garbage out‖ – well the same is true
here, too. If you give them garbage, they‘ll think that‘s all you‘ve got and
won‘t buy from you.

However, if you give them great, real-world valuable information they can
use right away, you‘re warming them up, getting them to trust and
respect you and creating a lifelong customer.

For flying popover signups, I recommend that you have it appear 25

seconds after the visitor reaches the page, so as to not annoy them when
they first arrive at the page and give yourself a chance to establish
rapport and credibility with them first (and hence get a valid email

If you don‘t use any flying popovers, then you‘ll want to test moving the
newsletter signup box up the page to near the top so as to maximize opt-

Establish Your Expertise

I can‘t overstate the importance of establishing yourself as an expert.

Why do people buy name brands over generic brands? Because they
trust that the name brand will outperform all others.

That‘s because there is a history, evidence, and trust. That‘s what a

brand is all about – trust.

If you‘re new to the game, you don‘t have a ―brand.‖

So, it‘s vital that you tell people straight up what makes you an expert.

You‘ve seen it in countless salesletters – those sections that say ―What

Makes Me An Expert?‖ or ―Who Is Author Name?‖

Establishing your expertise can take a variety of different approaches.

Critical to your success is:

 Providing backstory
 Showing screeshots that prove your claims
 Including third person testimonials and photos of people making
comments about you

As the representative and public-facing spokesperson of your ―brand,‖

you need to create a story and a relationship with your prospects that is
both engaging and personal, intimate and relatable.

When you can do this, you can begin to earn their trust and help them
see, ―Hey, he‘s just like us… but he figured out how to solve our

That‘s your ideal. Make it happen by figuring out what really does make
you the expert and then sharing it in the copy!

Use Success Stories

It‘s common knowledge that people trust third-party recommendations,
reviews and testimonials more than the person doing the selling.

The psychology, of course, is that the person doing the selling will say
anything to sell – including making false or exaggerated claims.

However, when a third party comes in and independently validates the

claims of the seller, the result is pure gold.

Having testimonials and expert reviews is a must.

These can all be displayed down the side, but often they will come in
nicely right in the body of the salescopy.

Usually it‘s best to include at least five.

A terrific lead-in to set these testimonials up is something like ―Don‘t just

take my word for it, here‘s what my customers are saying...‖ or ―You‘re
not going to believe what the experts are saying about my product…‖

Optional – A powerful technique is to separate out your ―success stories‖

by month (e.g., Have a header that reads ―Top 10 Success Stories for
September‖ and then include a set of testimonials underneath)

Optional – A strong sales technique is to put a link to the order page

and/or newsletter between each testimonial.

See, your prospect is driven by emotion when they hear other people‘s
successes with your offering. Capitalize on this while they‘re still very hot
with a call to action.

Separate Yourself From Your Competition

This step is something that so few people really do… and even fewer do
well: spelling out what makes you different from your competitors.

In the online marketplace, it‘s a pretty sure bet that there‘ll be lots of people
offering similar products and services as you.

The challenge, then, becomes making sure people understand why your
offering is superior.

I highly recommend putting together a table that compares and contrasts

the benefits of yours and the shortcomings of ―theirs.‖

You can set it up with copy like the following example:

You Need To Know —

Not All Toilet Brushes Are Created Equal
Right about now you might be asking yourself: ―Aren‘t all toilet brushes the same?‖

The short and definitive answer is NO.

There are hundreds of different types of brushes – each using slightly different ways to do (or no do,
as the case may be) the job. Over five years ago, my team and I started checking out countless
numbers of toilet brushes.

We wanted to find one that not only lived up to all of its claims, but actually performed better than it
advertised. It took us a long, long time, but with the SuperBrust, we finally found the only one that
really worked.

I understand that you need to be able to evaluate for yourself, so to help you make sense of the
different options, I‘ve put together a chart so you can compare the SuperBrush to the other products
out there.

Looking at this, I‘m sure you‘ll see why SuperBrush has been moved up to #1 on my recommended

Compare Toilet Brushes for Yourself

Benefits You Want SuperBrush Other Brands

Remove stains YES – removes 90% of stains Many either don‘t remove stains at
immediately and keeps all or remove much less -- and the
cleaning long after you‘ve results last for months not years
brushed. like with SuperBrush.

See how in this example, you‘re empowering your consumer. Telling them
that you understand their need to evaluate the facts. Then, you‘re giving
them the facts and putting it in terms that are beneficial to your product.

List out 10-12 desired benefits and show how your offering is superior to
all others.

Important: Your claims about your offering must be valid and what you say
about others products must be as well. If you say a competitor doesn‘t do
something that they actually do, your customer will lose trust in you.

Include “Faster Mover Bonuses”

As you know, every sales site on the web offers bonuses with their main
product offerings. It‘s pretty much a given that if you buy online, you‘re
going to get a bonus, too.
But, very few marketers utilize the ―faster mover‖ bonuses.

You will and you‘ll see huge benefits from it.

What is a faster mover bonus?

Think of the early bird special… where you get a discounted meal rate if
you come outside of the dinner rush. It‘s the exact same thing.

You offer your prospect a special extra added discount or even more
bonuses if they act by a certain time / date.

Using a clock script, you can literally say, ―Order by midnight tonight and
you‘ll also receive a whopping 30% more off your order… plus, we‘ll throw
in expedited shipping and two extra bonuses worth $500! But you must act
now! If you don‘t order by midnight tonight, this offer will no longer be

If you do offer a time-specific faster mover bonus, be sure you actually

enforce it with the proper code. A person who comes back at 12:01 and
still sees the same offer up will feel like you were trying to scam them.

However, if they come back to discover the offer is gone, but that they still
have a chance to get a discount, they‘ll be more inclined to act.

If setting up a clock script is outside your comfort zone, you can do much
the same thing by saying ―Act now and you‘ll also receive,‖ or ―Be sure to
order today so you can take advantage of these extra bonuses… they
won‘t be available for long, so don‘t miss out.‖

In other words, you can create a sense of urgency and extra benefits if the
prospect acts sooner rather than later. And, since you‘re not making
specific claims about times or dates, you don‘t lose face if the prospect
comes back a couple-few days later.

So How Much Is All This Worth – The Value Chart!

You must, must, must include a table that has every component of your
offering, including all the bonuses, listed with their retail value and what
you‘re going to charge them for it.

Why? When a person sees everything you‘re offering all in one place and
then sees a tally of how much it‘s all worth AND then sees how little
you‘re asking them to pay for it… well, it‘s a very compelling visual.

Make sure you do all the math for them and be bold in highlighting the
retail value compared to the actual price.

For example:
What You Get Retail Price Your Price

Product $599 $97

Bonus 1 $127 FREE
Bonus 2 $127 FREE
Bonus 3 $127 FREE
Total $980 Only $97
That‘s a savings of over $883 or over 90% off!!!

I know, I know – it’s a pretty amazing deal! You can thank me later!

However, I can’t extend the discount for too much longer, but I‘m happy to offer it to you

Don‘t take a shortcut here… add the table… add up the value and make
the savings, discounts and value offering bold, bold, bold!

Create Urgency
You‘ll want to add a sense of urgency for immediate sales.

Now that your readers know where to find you on the Web, they may
decide to surf around some more, think things over, and come back later.

This means you lose the momentum you've created so far in your
salescopy, and chances are that once your visitors leave your site, they
won't be back.

You need to give your visitors a good reason to buy NOW rather than

Offering a limited quantity of products or offering them only for a limited

time can give them the nudge they need to pull out their credit cards.

Coupons or discounts that expire also motivate potential customers.

Another option is to offer a special bonus item for a limited time.

For example: "This special bonus is available ONLY to the first 200 people
who order!"

However you create urgency, just do it. You‘ve heated them up throughout
the copy, now is the time to really apply the pressure and get them to act.
Anticipating Objections By Answering Frequently Asked Questions

It‘s important you do your best to overcome objections before they


It‘s believed by many that if they don‘t bring up an objection in their copy,
a prospect won‘t be thinking it. That is wrong!!

As you're making your case for your product or service – if there is a

common objective about it – you'd better bring it up and resolve it
because they're thinking it anyway. A nice way to handle this is by putting
questions and answers inside the copy like this:

Here‘s an example of how to include FAQs in your salesletter:

"Before we go on, I'm sure you probably have some unanswered

questions and concerns. So here are some of the most common:

Q. "My practice is driven by word-of-mouth, all this "marketing" stuff isn't

for me"

A. Yes, a great deal of your practice comes from word-of-mouth and it will
continue to. One major focus of the system is to generate and help control
word-of-mouth and referrals. There are many strategies and techniques in
the system that you've never considered before that will accelerate your
current referral sources. Unless you shape word-of-mouth you have no
control over what patients are saying. They could be talking about the
great restaurant down the block from you or anything else. With this
system you will get a true system for referrals and generating word-of-

Q. "Will all of this work for me in my part of the country? My patients are

A. People are people and they all respond to emotionally charged

marketing, it just doesn't matter if you're practicing in a major city or out in
the country. These marketing systems will work anywhere – guaranteed.
The key factor is, you'll be using proven methods that work no matter

You should write down all the possible objections a prospect would have
and try to resolve them inside the copy. Once you get really good at
copywriting, you'll be able to place the answers in right spot as people
would be thinking about it.

See how you take control of the conversation and turn potential questions
you know your readers have into pure power for your product?
Give „Em Five Reasons To Buy

Placed immediately above the order box, the tactic of giving five solid
reasons why your prospect should by has been shown to increase
conversions in split tests.

The psychology behind it is simple: people like to justify to themselves

their reasons for buying, before making their final decision.

Why not make it easier for them by telling them exactly what their
reasons should be?

If you know the biggest USPs for your offering, writing this section will be
super simple. Just outline the top five selling points of your offering and
turn them into reasons.

You‘ll be amazed at the results!

Be Sure To Signoff
In the end, you‘re writing a ―letter,‖ right?

Well, what do you typically do when closing a letter or email to a friend?

That‘s right – you ―signoff.‖

In other words, you say a little something that lets your reader know the
letter is coming to a close.

You‘ll want to do that exact same thing here. You‘ll want to thank them
for their time, encourage them to take advantage of this opportunity, to
say you enjoyed chatting with them today.

Then, you‘ll want to include your signature and byline.

It adds credibility, closure and an intimacy to the entire letter.

For some reason, many marketers forget this step, but you won‘t!

Salesletter FAQs
In this section, we‘ll take a brief, yet informative look at some of the most frequently
asked salesletter questions. When you‘re first getting started it seems like there is a
never-ending list of questions that keep piling up. Hopefully, these answers will help
keep your questions to a minimum.
What Is a USP?
A Unique Selling Proposition, or USP, is what separates your offering from all others
on the market; literally, the USP is what makes your offering unique as it stands on
its own and as it compares to other similar products in the marketplace.

The USP of your offering may be found in the features or in the benefits of your
product, but when it comes to the sales copy, the USP is almost always
communicated in terms of the benefit to the consumer.

In other words, the USP of a tire might be that it‘s made of a special type of new
rubber. But, to the consumer, the USP is that this new type of rubber helps the tires
grab the road for better handling. Do you see the difference?

When compared to other products, the USP can be used to show your product‘s
superiority and to differentiate your offering from the rest of the field. For example,
using the tire example, you could note that no other tires on the market today have
this type of rubber, so your product is leading the new tire revolution…or something
similar to highlight something your product has that no others do.

This is the value of the USP. And, your product will live and die by your ability to
identify and describe its USPs. With so much competition across the online
marketplace being able to distinguish yourself from others becomes job one!

Should I Write about Benefits OR Features?

The quick and dirty answer is: BOTH!

You should write about features and benefits. But, there‘s more to the answer than
that…when you remember that you should always be thinking about what your
customer wants, you should write your features in the form of benefits.

As we saw earlier, you can highlight a feature like a new type of tire rubber. In and of
itself, new tire rubber will not be meaningful or compelling to too many potential

However, if you turn that feature into a benefit like ―new, high-tech rubber allows you
take those turns as tight as you want for enhanced control and more fun around
every corner…‖ then, you are really speaking to the ―what‘s in it for me?‖ question
that every buyer comes to your product with.

Write the features up! But, write them as benefits!

What Is A “Story-Centered” Salesletter?

Everybody loves a good story. When you read or hear a good story, you forget
everything around you; you‘re transported to a different place, a different time. A
well-written story has great organization, proper flow, and a logical beginning,
middle, and end.

A well-written salesletter can have this same effect. In fact, when you think of your
salesletter as a mini-story – with a Title (Headlines), an Introduction (The Opening),
a Body (The Offer Preview and Sell Copy), and a Conclusion (Call to Action) – you
can create a masterful sales story that sucks the reader in and finally lets him go
after he‘s done fulfilling your call to action.

In other words, a ―story-centered‖ salesletter is simply a sales approach that realizes

the value of creating a good story around your product to generate interest and to
keep your prospect wholly focused on what you‘re saying. If you can do this – create
a good story – you‘ll have a much better chance of converting your prospect than if
you just have a bunch of disconnected facts and figures spread out on the page.

Do I Have to Add All Kind of Formatting to My Salesletter to Make It

Again, the short answer is ―Yes‖…and ―No.‖

You‘ll find in many online salesletters that copywriters use lots of formatting
techniques to create impact. By using such formatting strategies as bolding,
underlining, italicizing, changing font and color, and highlighting, writers can
break up the text, emphasize points of importance, and appeal to the various reading
styles of the letter (e.g., people who simply scan the letter).

Yes = A controlled use of formatting techniques can really help your salesletter.
When you use such techniques to truly highlight important elements or draw
attention to specific selling points, your overall conversions can really benefit.

No = When you highlight, bold, italicize every other line – like many writers will do –
the actual points of your message become so buried in formatting that they are no
longer compelling.

Be intelligent about your use of formatting. It can make or break your sales page.

What Is a “Customer-Centered” Salesletter?

As you have seen, your salesletter needs to always be about the customer and
needs to constantly be responding to the ―what‘s in it for me?‖ question. A customer-
centered salesletter is simply a salesletter that recognizes the value in keeping the
customer (or potential customer) as the focus at all times.

Should a Salesletter Be Long or Short?

This is the age-old copywriting question. The short-and-sweet answer is that your
salesletter needs to be as long as it has to be to say everything you need to say to
convince your potential customer that he needs to buy your product and not a word

And, do you know what? That is genius advice and advice that we won‘t expand
much further here.

Basically, the job of your salesletter is to introduce a need/problem to a reader, offer

a solution (in the form of your product) to turn the reader into a potential buyer,
expand upon the solution to such a point that the potential buyer becomes an actual
buyer, and say thank you. Take as many words as it takes to accomplish this goal
and don‘t say any more.

Should I Use a Video Salesletter?

More and more research is coming out to show the effectiveness and power of video

Should you use one? Yes. AND, you should continue using written salesletters, too.

The proof is in the testing. Test, test, test and then test some more. Split test
between the two modalities and see which one performs the best. If there is a clear
winner, start working on another version in that modality (e.g., video) to split test
between two videos.

The short answer here is that both types of salesletters have their merits and until
you test on your specific product or offering, you‘re not going to know which one
works best for your unique needs.

What Is a Thank You Page?

A Thank You page is exactly what it sounds like: a page that thanks a visitor or a
buyer. Typically found either after a visitor signs up for a free offer (e.g., newsletter,
bonus materials, mailing list, etc.) or after someone has purchased your product.

What Is a Download Page?

Many online products are advertised, marketed, sold, and received all online. In fact,
this is one of the major selling points of such products as eBooks. Since it can be
bought and accessed immediately – eBooks as well as many forms of downloadable
software – have great appeal to our ―instant gratification‖ world.

If you will distribute your product online, a Download Page is the destination a buyer
will access after they have purchased your online product.

For example, if you are selling an eBook, the buyer would complete the payment part
of the transaction and then be directed to a URL where she could download the
eBook she has just purchased. Often password protected, Download pages are the
venue from which your products will be distributed to buyers after verification of their
purchase has been made.

What Is Split Testing?

In the ―olden‖ days when direct mail marketing was done solely using snail mail,
marketing firms would send out a number of variations of their sales copy for a given
ad campaign. By creating 2-3 different versions of an ad and then sending one to
small test segments of their demographic, the marketers were able to see which ads
had the highest response rates. Each mailer might contain just one difference (e.g.,
a different headline, call to action, or list of benefits), but that difference was enough
to persuade a potential buyer in one direction or another. The marketing firm would
collect its response data and send out the winning ads to their larger demographic all
the while assuring themselves of a much higher response rate than if they had just
sent out the ads untested.
This form of marketing as known as split testing.

In the web world, you can have this same ability to test how effective your sales
page is. By using split testing software such as Google Website Optimizer, you can
quickly and efficiently test elements of your sales page to see what is converting and
what is not. For example, you can split test which headlines are pulling in more sales
and which are flunking out.

A science unto itself, analyzing the results of your split testing takes patience and an
ability to grapple with numbers. If you have such a skill set, split testing is going to
help you take the guesswork out of your sales pages.

Just like split testing, you must be able to view reports about how well your ad
campaigns are doing. Using tools like Google‘s conversion scripts will make sure you
know exactly how your ads compare, and which keywords are most effective. Great
news about Google is that it now allows you to create cross-channel tracking, so you
can now track all your ads in one Google AdWords. Track your email,
Overture, and every other kind of ad campaigns from one place now.

What Is a Personalization Script?

Have you ever visited a site that seems to know your name? For example, if you do
online banking (or any other transaction where you have to log in), you will often see
that you are greeted by name wherever you go through the site.

A personalization script is simply ―logic‖ that is written into the code of a page that
allows the site you are on to address you by name.

Did you know that ―Dear Susan‖ outpulls ―Dear Friend?‖ and converts more sales?
You should have this in place or you‘re leaving money on the table. Connect it to
your gateway or subscription page and you will dramatically increase sales. Include
the visitor‘s name in strategic locations throughout your sales page content and test
how much it can increase your sales.

When it comes to sales, being able to say, ―Hi John,‖ rather than ―Hey You!‖ can go
a long way toward making a sale. Personalization puts your prospect at ease and
adds a human dimension to the faceless web.

What Is a Special Offer Script?

Have you ever visited a site where there is a message that says something like,
―Special Offer, For Only 3 Hours Receive This Gadget For 50% Off‖? If you‘re like
many people, you think that this is just a gimmick…and, you go back 3 hours later
only to see the same message still showing 3 hours left! But, on some sites, have
you noticed that when you go back the clock has actually been ticking?

On these sites…sites that use ―Special Offer Scripts‖…the code has been written
such that is takes notice of who you are and starts the clock ticking just as the
message says it will. Often, after 3 hours, you will see a refreshed message that
says something like, ―I‘m sorry you were able to take advantage of the 50% off, but if
you act within the next 3 hours, you can still save 40% off the regular price.‖ This
time around, you‘re definitely more likely to buy because you don‘t want to have to
lose any more discount by waiting.

Special offer scripts can be coded to include all kinds of offers to your visitors –
discounts, limited time only benefits, extra bonuses, etc.

As with Personalization scripts, Special offer scripts can really add that something
extra to your site that encourages visitors to buy.

Are There Any Audio or Video Tools I Can Use on My Site?

The next generation of web-based sales-driven websites are filled with latest in web
technology. Two of the most exciting types of technology being used today are
streaming audio and video.

Streaming audio and video can bring your site to the next level with professional
quality digital content that speaks directly to your potential customer. For example,
two of the most accessible and easy to use – even if you‘re not a techie – streaming
products available today, Audio Generator and Instant Video Generator, can allow
you to set up streaming video with full audio (or just audio) that will make your site
more dynamic, allow you to speak directly to your customer, and add a level of
quality to your site that will put you head and shoulders above your competitors.

What Is an Opt-In or Landing Page

When talking about salesletters, you may have heard people discussing opt-in or
landing pages. Did what they were saying confuse you? Don‘t worry; if it did, you‘re
not alone.

Opt-in and landing pages are basically two names for the same thing – a ―name
capture‖ page.

If you‘re scratching your head in confusion again, asking yourself ―What‘s a name
capture page?‖ we‘ve got your answer.

A name capture page is a page that does what it the title says, it captures names.
More specifically, people come to your opt-in or landing page because they‘ve been
given an incentive, such as a free report, sign-up for a newsletter series, have a
chance to win a prize, etc. From this page, they have the opportunity to submit their
personal information – usually just an e-mail address and name – so you can send
them their prize or report or other incentive.

The benefit to you is, of course, that for every person that submits their information
to you, you now have a name and address with which to make contact again…and
again and again! Research shows that it often takes as many as 7 contacts before a
person is willing to consider buying a new product. Because you now have the
names and contact information of everybody that has signed up on your opt-in and
landing pages, you have the chance to contact them a number of times via e-mail
and Autoresponders to market your product to them.
Creating a highly-compelling opt-in page with a ―can‘t be beat‖ incentive (such as
free trials, free reports, or free products) is a great way to both promote your product
and to build your database of contact information for this and all future products.

What Is an Order Page?

Again, just like the name says, an Order Page is the very page upon which your
potential customer becomes an actual customer by purchasing your product.

But, your Order Page can be more than that, too. Indeed, your Order Page (as well
as your Thank You page) can be the place where you promote additional products,
offer additional incentives (e.g., for buying in bulk), or promote your affiliate

While you still have your visitor on your site, it‘s a great time to maximize your
messaging and keep him focused on your products and offerings.
Examples Of High-Quality Headlines
Examples of Teaching Your Reader Something They Don’t Know

Below is a long example from David DeAngelo (Eban Pagan), it is long, but effective:

Dear Friend,

What if I were to tell you that there was a "secret" language that men and women used to
communicate "sexual interest" to each other…

And what if I were to tell you that if you KNEW that language you would be able to start making
women feel ATTRACTION for you INSTANTLY… but if you DIDN'T know that language (as most men
don't), women would instantly "turn off" and never give you a second chance?

What if I further told you that I could teach you this "secret language" of SEXUAL
COMMUNICATION, and it would INSTANTLY change your success level with women for the better?

As you know, truth is often stranger than fiction…

But after more than five years of carefully studying guys who are successful with women and
dating (and going from clueless to very successful with women myself) I've figured something out that
has gone UNDETECTED (or at least UNDISCLOSED) by almost every man that has ever lived.

An Important Discovery I Made

Before I tell you what the secret is, and how it works, I want to share a very interesting story with

This is the story of how I came to discover "Sexual Communication" the HARD way.

About five years ago, when I first started learning how to "meet women", I decided that it would be
a good idea to read everything I could find about the topic.

So I went to bookstores, got on the internet, and bought all the books I could find on the subject. I
also went to seminars, listened to audio tapes, and found just about every other source in existence to
gather more information.

Here are a few examples of what I found:

"If a woman plays with her hair while she's talking to you, she's signaling that she's interested."

"If a woman sways her hips while she's walking, it means that she's signaling sexual availability."

"If a woman makes and keeps eye contact with you three times in a row, it means that she wants
you to approach her and start a conversation."

I'm sure you've heard things like this yourself.

The problem is that the books didn't mention HOW TO GET A WOMAN TO DO THESE THINGS

In other words, how do you get a woman to MAKE eye contact with you three times in a row? How
do you get a woman to play with her hair while she's talking to you? This stuff sounded all well and
good… except for the fact that women NEVER did these things around me!

Further, the books I was reading and other sources recommended things like:

"When a woman has a problem, she just wants a man to listen, not to try to fix it."

"If a woman gets upset with something or doesn't like something you've done, you should say “I'm
Sorry.” That's how to fix it."

"Women like honest, sensitive men who can communicate their feelings."

And what happened when I did things like this?

Of course…

When I just "listened" to women's problems, they became "friends" and said things like "I really
don't want to mess up our friendship, so let's just keep this as friends".

When I said "I'm sorry" to women, they looked at me as if to say "You should be."

When I was "honest" and "sensitive" and told women how I "felt" about them, they disappeared,
and it seemed as if this was the WORST thing I could have done.

Before long, I came to realize the painful truth:

The "Relationship Experts" Don't Know What's Going On When It Comes To


In short, not only was the advice that I found useless because it didn't teach HOW to make women
feel attracted to me, even WORSE I was learning things that were clearly HURTING me and reducing
my chances of success.

It didn't seem possible.

But it was.

I later found out that two of the biggest "relationship" experts had been married to EACH OTHER,
and got DIVORCED… and that one of them was on her fourth or fifth husband.

The more I read and learned from the "experts", the more I couldn't help but realize two things:

1. Most of what I was learning just wasn't right, and it didn't work.

2. Most of the "experts" were NOT successful themselves at attracting women.

Now, I don't want to make it sound like there's NOTHING available to teach a guy how to be
successful with women, and that nothing that anyone says works.

Some of the things I tried DID work. The problem was that:
1. The things that were "good" and that "worked" were few and far between.

2. I had to learn about 10 things that DIDN'T work to get to something that DID

In other words, it was a frustrating, confusing road to find the gems in the huge mountain of

There had to be a better way.

Well, the answer to my situation, it turned out, was an unusually simple and obvious one.

Learning From The “Naturals”

I went out and started making friends with guys who were "naturally" good with women.

Instead of listening to what the "experts" CLAIMED was the right thing to do, I started actually
watching with my own two eyes.

I went out and watched, listened, and took careful notes… as I personally observed some very
successful guys approaching women, getting phone numbers, and in many cases KISSING, MAKING
OUT WITH, and even TAKING HOME women they had just met.

And what I saw CONFUSED THE HELL out of me.

These guys were do things like making fun of women they didn't know, behaving like arrogant
jerks, and in some cases being almost abusive. I just couldn't believe that these behaviors had
anything to do with their success.

I discounted all of it, and chalked it up to something else. Maybe these guys were really
"attractive" or good-looking to women. Maybe they had some other advantage I didn't know about. Or
maybe they were so persistent that they overcame these "mistakes" they were making.

In fact, it took me several MONTHS of thinking about what was happening before the light bulb
came on in my head, and I realized that what I was learning from the so-called "experts" was NOT
what actually worked.


One of my friends who was (and still is) particularly good with women and making them feel
ATTRACTION for him once tried to explain what he was doing for me.

He said "I take an attitude with women that is a combination of being arrogant while at the same
time being funny… and women love it… they eat it up." Sometimes he used the word "cocky" to
describe his communication and behavior with women.

He told me this same thing over the next few months.

Every time he said it, I became confused.

I just couldn't imagine how being "cocky & funny" could possibly be the thing that made women
like him. It made no sense to me, and I always discounted that particular thing, and looked for
OTHER things he was doing that were probably the REAL reasons he was successful.

Well, after watching him interact with women on many occasions, and making friends with other
guys who were really good with women, I started to realize something VERY profound.

I realized that when THESE guys started conversations with women, the women they were talking
to were talking to them in a way that was very DIFFERENT from the way they were talking to other

One night I went out with a different friend, and we met up with two beautiful girls.

From the INSTANT the conversation started, they were happy and animated when talking to him.

But every time I got into the conversation, they just looked at me with a bored stare.

It was bizarre.

Here I was with a guy friend and two women, and it was like they were changing IDENTITY when
talking to my friend.

For some damn unexplainable reason, he was having a MAGICAL effect on them.

We all decided to go to the dance floor of the club where we met.

The girl he was dancing with was smiling, flirting, and dancing sexy with him, and her friend was
dancing with me in a way that said "I wish I wasn't even here."

Of course, when my friend would look at the girl I was dancing with, or reach over and touch her,
she'd become happy and excited again.

The IRONIC part of this story is that my friend loves to TEASE women, bust their balls, and make
fun of them to the EXTREME. He is about as far from a "nice guy" as they get.

I, on the other hand, was VERY "nice" and polite. A perfect gentleman, really.

As you can probably tell, this moment had a big impact on me.

Here I was being the model of a nice, respectful guy… and my friend was being an arrogant
bastard… and the women loved HIM.

Let me ask you… have you ever had something like this happen? Have you ever had a woman act
"coldly" to you, and then turn around and hang all over another guy?

It sucks, doesn't it? And the worst part is not understanding WHY it's happening… and feeling like
there's nothing you can DO about it.

My Big Realization...
Shortly after that, I had the "Ah Ha!" moment that I mentioned earlier.

It struck me in a "blinding flash of the obvious" that MAYBE WOMEN INTERPRETED THE WAY

In other words, I realized that maybe there was some sort of "code language" being used. And
because I didn't know it, I couldn't understand it.

Have you ever seen one of those code books that has a paragraph of "normal sentences", but if you
take every third letter of each word it spelled out an entirely different message? And if you didn't know
that there was a "code", you'd never see the other message?

Well, that was the big realization for me.

Shortly after having this insight, I went out with my other friend - the first one I told you about
who tried to explain his attitude with women to me. We actually went out to a topless club on this
particular night (Shhhhh).

On the way, I was having him explain his "method" to me again.

But THIS time I was listening to EXACTLY what he was saying, and treating the conversation like
I was trying to learn a new "code."

Well, we walked into the club, and within about an hour I had a girl who would not get off my lap,
and who gave me her phone number right on the spot (and later went out with me several times).
Keep in mind, this was a topless club, and I had not "purchased" any dances from this girl or given her
any money.

What REALLY "tripped me out" about this was the way I was BEHAVING when I was in the club
talking to her.

I was doing and saying things to her that I NEVER would have said or done before. I was actually
behaving in a way that I had previously assumed could NEVER be the way to attract women.

And yet it worked.

I was confused and excited all at the same time.

I had been difficult, stand-offish, brash, and NON-complimentary (translation: anything but
"nice")… and yet she liked me enough to give me her real name and phone number on the spot.

Well, over the next couple of years I was able to put the entire "puzzle" together.

I have to say, it was like trying to put a huge puzzle together in a dimly lit room, without knowing
what the picture on the cover looked like… but I did it.

And here are some of the amazing things I figured out:

· There is a "secret language" that is as real as the English language… and this language is the
KEY to communicating on a "sexual" level with women. I call this language "Sexual

· In the land of Sexual Communication, nothing "means" what it should. Just like the sound of
the word "see" means to "perceive using your vision" in English and it means "yes" in Spanish,
the language of Sexual Communication required a completely different understanding of

· Women are VERY "fluent" in the language of Sexual Communication, but most men are NOT.
And those men that ARE fluent in this language have incredible success with women. I've met
men who have been with literally hundreds and hundreds of women… and I've met men who
have been with ZERO women. Those that have been with more women know this language
well, and those that haven't been successful with women universally do not.

· A woman can tell almost INSTANTLY if you know the language of Sexual Communication. If
you do NOT know it, the door "slams shut" and she will not send or receive messages on this
level with you… in most cases EVER.
· If you DO know this language, and signal to a woman that you know it at the very
BEGINNING of your first interactions with her, you will enjoy a very different kind of
communication and relationship with that woman from all the other guys she knows.

· "Attraction" is a topic that very little is known about, yet it is a KEY to success with women
and dating. If you don't understand what Attraction is, how to trigger it, and how to amplify it,
you will always have trouble with women.

· Many of the things that "trigger" Attraction in women are not what our moms taught us to do
with women. They must be LEARNED. A woman will NEVER say "Hey, you're doing the
wrong thing here. You're not making me feel Attraction for you right now with what you're
doing and saying. Here, let me show you how to make me feel Attraction for you…". Never.

It has taken me several YEARS of careful study, testing, refining, interviewing, etc. to figure this
language of Sexual Communication out… and to figure out how to explain it in plain, everyday
language. It is VERY unlikely that most guys will ever figure it out by accident… and most men will go
to their graves still wondering what the secret to success with women is.

Now, let me ask you a few questions…

What if you knew how to start conversations with women in a way that made them INSTANTLY
respond to you with ELECTRICITY? In other words, what if you could SPARK conversations with
women in a way that made them respond to YOU by flirting, smiling, and becoming attracted?

How would your life be different if you understood the way to MAGNETICALLY attract women?
Instead of tricking them or trying to "buy" their affections with food, gifts, and compliments (which
never works that well anyway), what if you were a guy that women wanted to be around just because
your PERSONALITY attracted them?

Have you always wondered what that "magic ingredient" was that made women warm up to some
guys, but not others? Would you love to have a behind-the-scenes look into how it works?

Another great example from David D is here (I haven‘t pasted it in here in the
interests of space, it is long too, but very effective):

Here‘s another example from Ryan Deiss:

Here's How Forex Point & Figure

Trading Works...

Most trading methodologies use "time-related" indicators that lag behind the market.
These indicators can cause even experienced traders to jump into "false moves" and chase
sideways markets.

But what if there was a trading strategy that wasn't based on TIME, and instead focused
solely on PRICE (the only indicator that DOESN'T LAG) and the movement of the markets?

Fortunately there is, and it's called Point & Figure!

“Point & Figure” is a charting method that follows changes in prices rather than time. Most
charting systems (including candlesticks, line charts and bar charts) track values based on
specific timeframes, so you can look at how values change over the course of minutes, hours,
days, weeks, etc.

Point & Figure charts are very different, however, in that any column can represent any
amount of time. In fact, time is completely irrelevant! If the price of the security, commodity
or currency doesn’t change, then no new markings appear on the chart.

Now I realize that this may sound strange at first, especially if all you've ever dealt with are
time-based charting methods. But consider this:

If you think about it, isn't time a somewhat arbitrary way to track market movement?

Last I checked, we as traders only make money when PRICES move. The fact that an hour,
day or even week has gone by is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is PRICE

When It Comes To Market Data,

Sometimes LESS Is MORE...

Part of the original appeal of the point & figure method was that it made it easy for traders
(before the age of computers) to maintain a large collection of data without becoming

And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense…

Since point & figure charts only tracked the major movements rather than specific closing
prices at specific times, data could be condensed into much more manageable sizes.

Just try to imagine what it would be like to track even one stock on a minute or even 30-
minute basis before computers. It would be almost impossible!

Now try to imagine tracking 50 stocks over the same period of time…

…that truly is impossible!

But by filtering out the insignificant moves, traders could now analyze over 50 charts in a day
with just a few pages of graph paper and a pencil! And as a side benefit, the picks they made
were actually MORE ACCURATE and MORE PROFITABLE because they weren’t
distracted by the “false reversals” or enticed to jump into “sideways markets”.

Thanks to the beauty and simplicity of the Point & Figure system, all this “noise” was filtered
out automatically!

For example, look at these two charts for the exact same currency pair
during the exact same block of time...

GPB/USD on a Standard Candlestick Chart: 9/24/07 - 10/22/07

GPB/USD on a Point & Figure Chart: 9/24/07 - 10/22/07

Yes, believe it or not these charts are reflecting the exact same time period for the exact same
currency pair, but as you can see the Point & Figure chart has significantly less data.

That’s because there is no set amount of time for each “box”. If nothing major happens on a
trading day (which was the case in the example above), then Point & Figure charting filters
out the “noise” and only records the larger moves.

Also, once you understand the sixteen (16) Point & Figure box patterns (and don't worry...I'll
teach you what they are), you’ll be able to tell at a glance that this is NOT a time you would
want to be trading. On the standard candlestick chart, however, this is far less clear, which
could lead even experienced traders to chase false breakouts and reversals.

I’ll discuss the “boxes” and “patterns” in greater depth later on in this report, but for now just
know that they only appear when the price moves a pre-determined amount. If the value of
the currency pair doesn’t change (or if it only changes a very small amount), no new
markings, or “noise” appears on the chart like they would with other charting methods.

There are several unique aspects to a Point & Figure chart that also makes it a very beneficial
system to use. Three of the main ones are:

· They have simple, easy to understand, and well-defined trading rules. This
removes the “human element” to a large degree, which helps to eliminate bad

· They eliminate the clutter and “noise” of price changes that are so small they
don’t affect the big picture. This allows the trader to filter all the small moves that
might otherwise distract them, and focus instead on the larger trends and trend

· The chart only follows price patterns which is one of the few indicators that
DOES NOT lag. This means you get to base your trading decisions on what the
market is doing RIGHT NOW, not what it did in the past.

Now don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying that lagging indicators can’t also be
incredibly helpful, but when compared to actual price movement there’s really no

This makes trading extremely easy since the chart’s rules are simple, which means even
novice traders can learn very quickly when they should buy and when they should sell. In
fact, it’s probably one of the least complex systems out there, which is part of the reason it’s
so effective…and profitable!
Examples Of How To Describe The Problem, Or Pain
Points, Of Your Prospect
Examples Of Agitating The Problem
Examples Of Teaching / Introducing The Solution
Examples of Newsletter Signup Boxes
Examples Of Establishing Your Expertise
This example is much longer, but it shows a very effective ‗back story‘ to build the
credibility of the author:
“Here’s How To Meet And Date
The Kind Of Women
You’ve Always Wanted”
I’ll show you the exact steps and specific directions to help you be more
successful with women and dating—and you don't have to be rich or
handsome to do it...

Dear Friend,

Recently I was out with some friends at a local club. I looked over and saw a very attractive
woman. I decided that I'd like to meet her and get her number so I could get a date with her later.

I walked over and said a few words to her. Within about 3 minutes she was writing her name and
phone number down for me. Keep in mind, this was at a popular club where she was being hit on all
night. And I was the one who got her number.

Other guys buy drinks, dance, and try for hours— and usually wind up with nothing in these types
of situations. But I was able to talk to her and get her number almost instantly.

The question is: What did I say to her? How did I do it?

If you would have asked me if this was even possible a few years ago, I would have said "No way."
But now I do it ALL THE TIME.

It's not uncommon for me to go out for an afternoon or evening and come home with 3 or 4 phone
numbers from attractive, interesting women.

And it doesn't matter where I am. I can go shopping at a mall, out to a nightclub, or even shopping
at the super market, and still meet one woman after another. As a matter of fact, my techniques work
EVEN BETTER in coffee shops and other 'normal' places.

I have to mention one more thing: I'm a regular guy. I'm 33 years old, I'm only 5'10" tall (short?),
and I'm not athletic. I'm a mixture of nationalities, but most people think that I'm Middle Eastern
when they first meet me—and I've never been the kind of guy that women approach or ask out.

So how did I go from not even being able to TALK to women to now being able to get phone
numbers in 3 minutes and as many dates as I want?

Unfortunately, Most Men

Will Never Have This Kind Of
Success With Women

I know that you want to be more successful with women. Every guy does. But what do most guys
do about it?


They sit back and take whatever they can get—which is usually nothing. Sure, once in awhile most
guys have a little luck and meet a girl that will go out with them. But this usually doesn't happen very

And just about every guy I've ever talked to would like to have more skills and success when it
comes to women. But here's the interesting part: Most guys won't go out and learn how to be
successful with women. They just won't do it.

It's as if they had someone say to them when they were young: "You're a loser if you have to learn
how to meet women" or "If you're not just acting natural and being yourself then there's something
wrong with you."

Well I'm here to tell you that these ideas are B.S.!

You weren't born knowing other skills like how to walk, how to speak English, or how to drive a
car. These are basic skills that you LEARNED when you needed them. Success with women is just
another skill, and any man can learn it if he wants to.

One night a few years ago, I got sick and tired of not knowing how to meet women. I was sick and
tired of being sick and tired. I couldn't stand the idea that I was going to spend the rest of my life not
knowing how to date the kind of women that I wanted.

I went on a personal mission, and spent years reading and studying all of the books, tapes, and
seminars on how to be successful with women and relationships. But the frustrating part was that
most of what I learned was WRONG—most of it simply didn't work when I tried it!

Have you ever looked at some of the 'relationship' books like “Men are from Mars, Women are
from Venus?” Those books would be great—EXCEPT THAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU HOW TO MEET

All most books talk about is what to do after you're already dating a woman. They don't tell you
ANYTHING about how to meet and attract women. These books only work if you've already got a
girlfriend - they do almost nothing to teach you HOW TO GET ONE IN THE FIRST PLACE! And the
books that do teach you how to meet women are mostly old, outdated, or just plain bizarre.

Even worse, there are books out there like "The Rules" that teach women exactly how to
manipulate men in order to get them to buy women expensive gifts and marry them by playing mind

The sad truth is that most men give up and never have the kind of success that they want with
women—they give up and settle for a woman that isn't what they REALLY want—or worse—they settle
for no women at all.

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way!

This is where I come in.

I've spent the last few years learning everything there is to know about MEETING women and
about what causes them to feel attracted to men.

For a long time my friends have been watching me date all of these amazing women and saying
"You have to write a book... You have to write a book..."

So that's what I've done. I've taken the time to write down everything that I've learned and
discovered in my new book in plain, easy-to-understand language. A good friend of mine showed me
how to publish the book online and make it available to you for instant download.

The book is called “Double Your Dating: What Every Man Should Know About How To Be
More Successful With Women”.

I've learned that most men do exactly the WRONG things in most situations with women. In my
book, I'll teach you the RIGHT things to do.

If you don't know anything about meeting women, and would like to get this part of your life
handled, this book will help you.

If you're already good with women, this book will make you better.

You might want to become a Don Juan who meets new women all the time. You might be looking
to meet one special woman. Or attract a particular woman that you've had your eye on. That's fine.
Whatever your situation, this book will help you.

By the way, this isn't some repackaged book from the 1970s that's filled with ridiculous ideas and
cheesy out-of-date pick-up lines. This book is full of fresh, original ideas all backed by years of my own
personal psychological research and my own real world experience learning from scratch. I'm not
kidding around with you - I learned all this stuff the hard way. You won't find this kind of information
in any other book - I guarantee it.

I've decided to publish this manual only as an 'eBook'... which means that you can download it and
start learning these secrets immediately— right from the privacy and comfort of your computer...
Continued over the
...Continued from previous
Examples Of Success Stories
Examples Of Mini-Order Boxes
Examples Of How To Start The Long-Form Section Of Your
Examples Of Strong Bullet Points To Define Your Product
Examples Of How You’re Different Than The Competition
How Mass Control Is Different
From Anything You've Ever Seen
This Is NOT Just About Product Launches: Obviously, Mass Control works like
crazy when you're doing a launch ...but that's not all it's used for.

Mass Control is a system of communication that causes a crowd of people to magnetically

be drawn to you ...and to come under your influence and happily give you money.

The amazing thing about it is it's totally under the radar.

While your competition is trying hard to pressure people into buying, Mass Control lets you
influence the crowd in a more subtle way. You're perceived to be more of a freind than a

This results in people wanting to buy from you repeatedly ...not just in a "launch"

So if you have a list, want to build one, or want to leverage other people's subscribers ...Mass
Control is the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to turn that into money.

Here's an example that proves my point. I sell products in a niche market that has nothing
to do with "marketing".

My business only has ONE product and it's less than $50.

I have no back end, and I've never done a launch in that business.

Plus, I have close to 20 competitors ...some of whom are copying my product and salesletter
almost verbatim.

You'd think the business I'm telling you about wouldn't be doing too well, right?

Think again.

Thanks to Mass Control, it's brought in over $1.6 MILLION DOLLARS in the last 22

Here's a screenshot from my Clickbank account proving this:

The reason why this dumb little business rakes in so much money is because I use Mass
Control tactics to make the market buy from me ...alot.

This Is NOT Just About Copywriting: When you think about copywriting, you think
about salesletters. I'd like you to consider something for a minute.


The reason I say this is because all of the copywriting "strategies" you've ever been taught are
based on communication techniques that were used before the Internet.

They're based on direct mail, print ads, and so forth.

And you and I both know this to be true: Times have changed. The Internet is completely
different than direct mail or other old fashioned ways marketers once used to reach their

The reason why is simple: FRAME OF MIND.

An Internet user is in a totally different frame of mind than someone who's reading a piece of
direct mail, looking at an ad in a newspaper, or doing some other offiline activity.

And right now is the first time in marketing history that you've had the opportunity to
communicate as often as you want with your prospects ...and as frequently as you want.

So the bottom line is this: Mass Control is all about influencing people over the Internet ...not
just through salesletters or email, but by taking advantage of the brand new opportunities we
have today such as podcasting, blogging, and online video.

And nobody else on the planet can offer you these brand new (but proven) strategies for
doing it.

This Is NOT Just About Email: Think about the ways you can communicate with your
prospects online.

There's so much more for you than just email.

You can use video, blogs, podcasts, pdf reports, audio downloads, screencams, and more.

Mass Control puts ALL of these to work for you.

...And if you're not using them ALL, you should be.

The reason why is simple: HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY.

Here's a fact you already know, but aren't using to make money.

The more you communicate with your prospects, the more money you'll make.

Obvious, right?

Well here's a little something about the way your prospect's mind is hard-wired.

When you communicate through multiple mediums, you'll make even more money.

When I say "multiple mediums", I mean that you use video, audio, AND the written word.

The reason this exponentially increases your sales is because of the way the human mind

See, when we absorb information we use different mediums (also called modalities) to do so.

The most common modality used on the Internet is the written word. (Such as salesletters,
email, and so forth.)

But when you rely on just that single mode of communication, you're selling yourself
way short.

This diagram shows you how it works:

But just because everybody else does this doesn't mean it's right!

The fact is, people are conditioned to respond to multiple modalities. This means that your
prospects are naturally conditioned to be more responsive when they not only read your
message, but they hear it and see it as well.

And when you communicate with them through audio, video, and text creates a sense on
instant trust and bonding.

The feel like they know you better because you've accessed different parts of their brain.

And of course, this means you make more sales ...and therefore you make more money.

Here's a diagram to help you see how this actually happens:

This is actually very easy.

I guarantee you've never been taught this before, and once I show you how to do it'll never go back to the "old way" again.
Examples Of Bonuses And Faster Mover Bonuses

Examples Of How The Offering Is Going To Be Delivered

Examples Of “So how much is all this worth?”
Examples Of “What is the bottom line? (reasons
why we want you to have this for a lower price)”
Examples Of Urgency
Examples of Strong Guarantees
Examples Of Full Order Boxes

Examples Of Frequently Asked Questions
Examples of “5 Reasons Why You Should Buy xyz Right Now”

Examples Of Signoffs
Examples Of Agitating The Problem & Finding A Solution
Section II - Headlines
These headlines have been used before and listed as proven winners by other
copywriters. Good for ideas.

1. What Never…Ever To Eat On An Airplane!

2. HEADS UP! Your Fate Is In The Hands Of Drunks, Drug Addicts, Black
Mailers, Sex Addicts, And Imbeciles…

3. Read This or Go Broke! You‘re Being Fattened Up For The Kill!

4. The FORBIDDEN Investing Secret that Can Make You RICH!

5. How Modern Chinese Medicine Helps Both Men and Women BURN
DISEASE OUT OF YOUR BODY Lying Flat On Your Back, Using Nothing
More Than The Palm of Your Hand!

6. Do You Make These Mistakes In English?

7. They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano But When I Started to Play!

8. The Lazy Man‘s Way to Riches! Most People Are Too Busy Earning A
Living to Make Any Money!

9. At 60 Miles An Hour The Loudest Noise In This New Rolls-Royce Comes

From The Clock

10. The Plague of The Black Debt! How to Survive The Coming Depression

11. Speak Spanish Like A Diplomat

12. How to Beat The 7 Biggest Threats to Your Health After You Pass Age 50

13. LIES, LIES, LIES! Why We Investors Are Fed Up With Everyone Lying to
Us! But Getting Rich Is The Best Revenge…Smartest Ways to Do It In

14. Should Any Man Be Given So Much Sexual Power Over Women?
15. Announcing A Direct Response Advertising Agency That Will Guarantee
to Outpull Your Best Ad


17. The Case Against Alternative Medicine

18. The Real Reason Women Outlive Men

19. If You‘ve Got 20 Minutes A Month, I Guarantee to Work A Financial

Miracle In Your Life

20. How Safe Is Your Bottled Water? Reader Digest Special Report

21. Inspire Your Kids! 7 Things They Need to Hear You Say

22. Headless Body In Topless Bar

23. HOLY SHIITE! Newsweek Retracts It‘s Deadly Toilet Tale

24. Lust In Space! Astro-Nut Faces Slay-Bid Rap

25. Deadly Artery Plaque Dissolved! Read How to Clean Out Your Blood
Vessels to Erase Your Risk of Heart Attack And Stroke

26. How Doctors Stay Well While Treating Sick People All Day

27. Amazing Secret Discovered By One-Legged Golfer Adds 50 Yards to Your

Drives, Eliminates Hooks And Slices…And Can Slash Up to 10 Strokes
From Your Game Almost Overnight!

28. Free Report Reveals Little Known Secrets Overweight Women Use to
Look 15 Pound Slimmer Than They Really Are!

29. How to Burn Off Body Fat Hour-By-Hour!

30. Do You Have What It Takes to Be A Day Trader In The Hottest Financial
Market In The World?

31. How Any Man Can Get Non-Stop Sex…While…He Is Waiting to Meet His
Dream Lover!

32. Russian Scientists Discover Simple Secret to Younger, Healthier,

Beautiful Skin!

33. What Were They SMOKING? How The Best Minds On Wall Street Lost

34. How to Get The Heart of 370 Business Magazines In Just 30 Minutes A

35. The Astonishing Sex Secrets Of The Most Satisfied…Most

Knowledgeable…And Most Respected Lovers In The World!

36. How Does An Out-Of-Shape 55 Year-Old Golfer, Crippled By Arthritis &

71 Lbs. Overweight, Still Consistently Humiliate PGA Pros In Head-To-
Head Matches By Hitting Every Tee Shot Further And Straighter Down
The Fairway?

37. Mysterious Arizona ―Human Computer‖ Humiliates Wall Street

―Experts‖ For 21st Consecutive Year!

38. In Just 22 Minutes And 17 Seconds, You Can Learn For FREE What 400
Privileged ―Elite‖ Golfers Will Pay Thousands Of Dollars To See This
Year…And NO Other Golfers Will Ever Hear About!

39. Why Are Bigger, Stronger, Taller And Meaner Multiple-Black Belt Bad
Asses Absolutely Terrified Of Challenging This Mild, Middle-Aged (And
Undefeated) No-Rules Cage Fighter From Arizona?

40. The Amazing Seduction Secrets Of A Skinny, Ugly 6 Foot Geek From
Culver City California That could Get You All The Girls You Want—No
Matter What Your Looks Or Age!

41. EXPOSED. Small Town Carpet Cleaner Speaks Out And Reveals The
Truth About That Marketing Guy, Joe Polish.

42. An Open Letter From A Once-Flat-Broke Nebraska Housewife Who

―Stumbled Across‖ A Business That Made Her Rich, One That You Can
Start Too For As Little As $15.00

43. Death Threats For Joe Polish! An Open Letter To The Carpet Cleaning
Industry About Being On 20/20, Taking On Bait-N-Switchers, Death
Threats, Success, Failure, Life, Death, Happiness…

44. All Your Fancy Fighting Skills Won‘t Earn You An Extra Second Against
This Devastating New Natural Streetfighting System!

45. New Lure Out-Fishes Live Bait 3 to 1; Could Be Banned From


46. 100 Women Tell You What Really Turns Them On!

47. The IRS Owes You $10,470! Here‘s How to Get Your Money In As Little
As 90 Days!

48. How to Win Friends And Influence People

49. Who Else Wants A Screen Star Figure?

50. Why Some Foods ―Explode‖ In Your Stomach

51. When Doctors ―Feel Rotten‖ This Is What They Do

52. Five Familiar Skin Troubles—Which Do You Want to Overcome?

53. Who Ever Heard Of A Woman Losing Weight—And Enjoying 3 Delicious

Meals At The Same Time?

54. How A ―Fool Stunt‖ Made Me A Star Salesperson

55. ―You Kill That Story—Or I‘ll Run You Out Of The State!‖

56. What Everybody Ought to Know About The Stock And Bond Business

57. If You‘ve Purchased A New Car In The Past 12 Months…Don‘t Read This.
It‘ll Break Your Heart!
58. The Amazing Diet Secret Of A Frustrated Cleveland Housewife

59. The Amazing Facelift In A Jar Used By Hollywood Starts Who Don‘t Want
Plastic Surgery

60. The Amazing Beverly Hills Wrinkly Eraser Discovered By Top Oriental

61. What Do Women Secretly Say Behind Their Lover‘s Back?

62. Thousands Now Play Even Though They Have ―Clumsy Fingers‖

63. Warning: Two-Thirds Of The Middle Managers In Your Industry Will Lose
Their Jobs in The Next 36 Months

64. What Financial Planners Don‘t Want You To Know Will Cost You Millions
During Your Lifetime

65. The New Rules Of Car Buying

66. How A Bald-Headed Barber Saved My Hair

67. Again She Orders—―A Chicken Salad, Please‖

68. Is It Immoral To Make Money This Easily?

69. You Are Twice As Smart As You Think

70. Give Me 5 Minutes…And Answer 5 Questions…And I Can Predict With

90% Accuracy If You Will Finish Rich

71. Vision Breakthrough! When I Put On The Pair Of Glasses What I Saw I
Could Not Believe. Nor Will You.

72. HOT! A New Consumer Concept Lets You Buy Stolen Merchandise If
You‘re Willing to Take A Risk

73. Magic Baloney! You‘ll Love The Way We Hated The Magic Stat
Thermostat Until An Amazing Thing Happened
74. Lingerie For Men. How A Group Of Very Special Men Made It All Possible

75. How to Literally Write Any Size Paycheck You Like, As Often As You Like

76. The One-Page Typewritten Letter That Brought In 7 Million Orders And
Built An Empire

77. She Fled The Hospital When The Doctor Said ―Cut Her Open‖

78. FREE: How to Rub Your Stomach Away

79. What Credit Card Companies Don‘t Tell You

80. IMAGINE ME…Holding An Audience Spellbound For 30 Minutes

81. Today‘s Real Estate Market Sucks! It Sucks If You Don‘t Know What
Strategies To Use—But If You Do…There Has Never Been A Better Time
to Make Money In Real Estate

82. Rude & Rowdy! True Tales Of Out-Of-Control Wedding Guests

83. Why Some People Always Seem to Get Ahead

84. On Live TV I Promised The World I Would Make $24,000 In 24 Hours,

And…I Failed…Instead I ―Cracked The Code‖ And Made $94,532 In 24

85. How to Transform Your Debts Into Wealth. Your Debts Disappear—Even
Your Mortgage—In 5-7 Years!

86. Eat NO White At Night! How The World‘s Simplest Diet Helped A Top
Cardiologist lose 45 Pounds At Last!

87. Lose Your Gut! See Results In Just 9 Days!

88. Proven! He‘s Healing The World‘s Most ―Incurable‖ Conditions…In As

Little As 2 Minutes!

89. Heart Disease Cured In Just 14 Days! Famed Doctor‘s Discovery Works,
Say Experts, So Why Is It Being Hushed Up?
90. Your Most Stubborn Bell Fat GONE! The Secret? Eat This Food To Lose

81 Percent More Belly Fat

91. Meet The GREATEST Medical Team Ever Assembled. More Than 450 Of
The World‘s Most Famous Alternative And Traditional Doctors, Together
At Last, Making Medical History!
A note on sales copy formatting:

Have you read every word of this report? I doubt it.

The Internet has changed the way people read. In fact, when it comes to web pages,
they don't!

They scan. Only 16% read word by word, according to a study by Jakob Nielsen.

Long essay-style paragraphs simply look like too much work to read, and they're a
surefire way to turn visitors off and sink sales. Your visitors should never have to
work to find out what your product or service is about!

Even though your potential customers probably won't read every word of your
salescopy, you CAN encourage them to go through it from top to bottom by making it

Break up your text with these techniques:

· Use bulleted lists and subheads

· Make the subheadings tell a story in of themselves
· Make short, chunky paragraphs of one to four lines -- and mix them up
· Emphasize important points with bolding highlighting, or italics
· Use a plain font like Arial or Verdana
· Use only relevant graphics and images
· Put your text on an unpatterned, white or light background

Finally, here is the progression people actually follow when they read:

a. The Headline

b. Any Captions for Photos or Drawings

c. Any Large Text Subheads

d. The PS e. Ordering Information and Price

f. (Finally!), the Actual Text itself

Which means, spend the time to buff and polish each of these elements for your
target audience.

The better you know these people and 'how badly they hurt', the more sales you will

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