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Workbook answer key

1 Good memories
Exercise 1 4. False. He directed a movie called Déficit.
5. False. He plays a conductor.
A 6. False. He works in films in many different languages.
Verb Past tense Verb Past tense
be was/were hide hid Exercise 5
become became laugh laughed 2. My favorite pet was a cat called Felix.
do did lose lost 3. We used to go to summer camp for two weeks during
email emailed move moved our summer vacations. It was really fun.
get got open opened 4. There was a great playground on my street. We used to
have had scream screamed go there every afternoon to play.
B Exercise 6
My best friend in school was Michael. He and I were in 2. They also used to ride bikes. Their dog Bruno always
Mrs. Gilbert’s third-grade class, and we were friends. We used to follow them.
often did crazy things in class, but I don’t think Mrs. Gilbert 3. Allie used to go to the beach every weekend during
ever really got mad at us. For example, Michael had a pet summer vacation. She hardly ever goes now.
lizard named Peanut. Sometimes he hid it in Mrs. Gilbert’s 4. Robert used to collect comic books. Now they’re worth a
desk drawer. Later, when she opened the drawer, she lot of money.
always screamed loudly, and the class laughed. After two 5. They used to have a rabbit. They don’t have any pets now.
years, Michael’s family moved to another town. We emailed
each other for a few years, but then we lost contact. I often Exercise 7
wonder what he’s doing now. 2. A: Did you collect shells?
B: No, we didn’t collect shells. We used to build sand
Exercise 2 castles.
Sarah: Welcome to the building. My name’s Sarah Walker. 3. A: Did you use to swim?
Benedito: Hello. I’m Benedito Peres. It’s nice to meet you. B: Yes, we did. We used to swim for hours. Then we
Sarah: Nice to meet you, too. Are you from around here? played all kinds of sports.
Benedito: No, I’m from Brazil. 4. A: Really? What did you use to play?
Sarah: Oh, really? Were you born in Brazil? B: Well, we used to play beach volleyball with some
Benedito: No, I wasn’t born there, actually. I’m originally from other kids.
Portugal. 5. A: Did you use to lose?
Sarah: That’s interesting. So, when did you move to Brazil? B: No, we didn’t. We used to win!
Benedito: I moved to Brazil when I was in elementary school.
Sarah: Where did you live? Exercise 8
Benedito: We lived in Recife. It’s a beautiful city in northeast Answers will vary. Examples:
Brazil. Then I went to college. 1. I used to ride my bike.
Sarah: Did you go to school in Recife? Now I swim.
Benedito: No, I went to school in São Paulo. 2. I used to like pop music.
Sarah: And what did you study? Now I like rock music.
Benedito: Oh, I studied engineering. But I’m here to go to 3. I used to wear casual clothes.
graduate school. Now I wear work clothes.
Sarah: Great! When did you arrive? Exercise 9
Benedito: I arrived last week. I start school in three days. Paola: I’m an immigrant here. I was born in Chile and grew
Sarah: Well, good luck. And sorry for all the questions! up there. I came here in 2011. I wasn’t very happy at first.
Exercise 3 Things were difficult for me. I didn’t speak English, so I
Answers will vary. Examples: went to a community college and studied English there. My
1. I was born in Seoul, Korea. English got better, and I found this job. What about you?
2. No, we didn’t move. Exercise 10
3. Yes, my favorite teacher was Miss Kim. 1. A: Are you from Toronto:
4. I played tennis when I was a kid. B: No, I’m originally from Morocco.
5. I began to study English when I was six years old. 2. A: Tell me a little about yourself.
Exercise 4 B: What do you want to know?
3. A: How old were you when you moved here?
B: About 16.
He is from Guadalajara, Mexico. He is an actor.
4. A: Did you learn English here?
B B: No, I studied it in Morocco.
1. True 5. A: By the way, I’m Lucy.
2. False. The director was Mexican. B: Glad to meet you.
3. True

T-350 Workbook answer key

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