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The Crew Goblin Crew • goblincraft clothing [alters to suit; merges with Gobo]
Maria, Maurice, Coby, Cody • all-the-belts [each belt & pouch merges w/ Gobo to

Vulnerability: Cold Iron: You suffer +1 harm from cold iron become a single belt w/ 4 pouches (and a wicked knife)]
which ignores all armor. Merely touching it causes +1 harm • belt pouch (Maria): pretty pointy rocks
per turn. • belt pouch (Maurice): rusty nails
• belt pouch (Coby): metallic d4 dice
MOVES • belt pouch (Cody): treasure! (actually lead slugs)
• Manipulate Someone
-1 CHARM • Rapport Glamour: On a successful use magic roll, The Crew can • wicked knife [Maurice] (2-harm hand messy intimidating)
• folded picture of Morris w/ the four of them
collectively create masterful visual & audible illusions in an
area up to 20 cu-ft. (on a 7+ requires concentration, on a
-1 COOL • Act Under Pressure
• Help Out 10+, 10 minute duration, 12+ semi-permanent or timed). LEVELING UP

Group Think§: When unmerged, the Crew is in constant Improvements

0 SHARP • Investigate a Mystery
• Read a Bad Situation
telepathic contact with each other. If one knows a piece of
information, they all know it. They cannot be separated,
 Get +1 Charm, max +2
 Get +1 Cool, max +2
deceived, or turned around in the dark.  Get +1 Sharp, max +2
2 TOUGH • Kick Some Ass
• Protect Someone
• Together or Not at All: For every turn the Crew are out
of sight or separated by more than 30’, each takes +1
 Get +1 Tough, max +2
 Take another Monstrous move
harm and will start to panic. The only powers available  Take another Monstrous move
2 WEIRD • Use Magic during the panic is Group Think and The Sight.
Immortal: Goblins do not age or sicken, and whenever they
 Gain a haven with two options
 Take a natural attacks pick
Luck suffer harm you suffer 1-harm less (except vs cold iron).  Take a move from another playbook
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from an injury. Poltergeists§: The Crew can energetically move tiny objects  Take a custom move
Okay  Doomed under 2# (throw, pull, or tip; but not hold).  Take a custom move
Preternatural Speed§: Goblins don’t run, they scamper.
Advanced Improvements
Harm When the Crew chases, flees, or runs take +1 ongoing.
Swarm§: Goblins can be a bit bitey & scratchy, especially if  Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable.
they swarm their foes (2-harm intimate overbearing).  Change this hunter to a new type.
Okay | Dying || Unstable   Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) Telekinetic Shotgun§: When acting in concert, the Crew can
unleash a hail of projectiles (2-harm close messy area)  Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
The Sight: You can see the invisible, especially spirits and  Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
magical influences. You can recognize fey on sight.  Immunity to cold iron, but you lose 1 Weird.
Experience: 
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move or the  Get back one used Luck point.
storyteller tells you to, mark an experience box.
§ These powers are not available to the Super-Gobo.
SUPER GOBO!: In order to be "more grown-up", the crew can stack & merge into a single goblinoid no bigger than 4' & 100#, This adding 1 to the group Ratings pool. Rating are reassigned
(except Weird) based on who’s “at the wheel.”

Who is at the Wheel?: When combined, the goblin in control determines the appearance & powers of the new form.
Sweetness (Maria at the Wheel) [Charm: 2 / Cool: -2 / Sharp: 1 / Tough: 0]
• Bat My Lashes: Sweetness can manipulate other to make herself look unthreatening & unworthy of attack. On 7+,
lasts 1 turn, on 10+ lasts the scene or until she takes an offensive action.
• I Can Kill You With My Brain: Sweetness’ telepathic assaults are so cute, you almost don’t mind (1-harm close magic)
• Limitation: Sweetness will not fight in melee. If attacked, she curls up into a ball and whimpers (same effect as Bat My

Wicked (Maurice at the Wheel) [Charm: -1 / Cool: 1 / Sharp: -1 / Tough: 2]

• That’s Not a Knife, This is a Knife: Maurice is the only one who can use his wicked knife (2-harm hand intimidating)
• Bogeyman: Wicked may substitute +Tough for +Charm when rolling to manipulating other to intimidate.
• Limitation: Maurice can only stay at the wheel for 5 minutes. After that, the other gobos rebel against Maurice’s dark nature and
split apart.

Brainy (Coby at the Wheel) [Charm: 1 / Cool: -2 / Sharp: 2 / Tough: 0]

• From the Back of the Class: If there is information that can be derived from what is already known, Brainy can attempt a +Sharp roll to put it together. On a 10+, he
gets a +1 ongoing if the information is useful.
• Discombobulate: Brainy can issue forth a torrent of inanities, shower wisdom, pseudo-intellect, and simple nonsense with such force that the listeners is forced to make
a +Cool roll or do nothing for the round.
• Limitation: Brainy is a thinker, not a fighter. If confronted, he will try to run away. If forced into melee, Brainy will berserk, he closes his eyes, windmills his arms,
issues an ear-splitting scream, & charges; automatic 1-harm to Brainy & his foe. Only a 7+ manipulate other or 5 mins after combat ends will calm him down. All allied
rolls attempted in the din is -1 ongoing.

Chill (Cody at the Wheel) [Charm: 0 / Cool: 2 / Sharp: -2 / Tough: 1]

• Totally Chill: If Chill is required to make a +Cool, he may always treat the roll as 10+.
• Tricky Trickster: If Chill is caught making mischief, he can smooth it over with a +Weird roll. On a 7+, he’s still in
trouble, but the severity is downgraded, on 10+, he could get away with murder.
• Limitations: Chill brings new heights to the term “Lazy”. If not directly ordered to act in a specific manner, he will sit
down on the floor and fidget until told to act or the Crew get fed up and split apart.

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