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eS eee CeCe (Ty ee ee bela @) |. Listening Exercises 22-1 Listen to the passage. Then choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 1, How long has he been in Shanghai? a. A week. (&) Four weeks. c. Two months. d. Four months. 2. When does class start every day? d. 9:00 a.m. 3. What does he do every Wednesday morning? a. Takes Chinese class. b. Works in an American company. c. Goes to a friend’s house. @) Visits some places in Shanghai. 4, What will he do next week? a. He will go sightseeing with friends. b. He will go out to eat with friends. @ He will intern at a company. d, He will learn how to drive in Shanghai, Lesson 22 @ Artsand Culture 61 Scanned with CamScanner 22-2 Listen to the challenge dialogue, Though there may be some words and phrases @ that are unfamiliar to you, see if you can understand the general meaning by using what you have learned, Then choose whether the following statements are true or false. 1, She has had lots of homework recently. ‘True 2. He tried to find good food, but didn’t have much luck. True als) 3. She is looking for a new apartment. True Falsg) 22-3 Listen to the challenge dialogue again and choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 1, Where is he now? a. At home, b. In the South. c. In Europe. Im China. 2. How long has he been there? a, Two days. G)Two weeks. c. Amonth, d. Two months. 3. When will he come back? lext month. b. Next week. c. In three days. d, Next Tuesday. 62 Lesson 22 Arts and Culture Scanned with CamScanner Name: Ei 46 B Date: Il, Character Exercises 22-4 Look at this lesson’s Language in Use reading again. Find five words in the reading for each of the following categories and write down the characters next to each category. 1. People or things [@] 3+, % #yh AGE, FB 2. acion &, 21, 1%, 4 2B ; ~ 4, 22-5 Choose the correct traditional form for each of the following characters. 1. i ak b&b OR 2. Bl @e be « # 3.8 afi QR « @ 4% 6 Oe « 2 Qt bob « a8 @R « ak b&b CG ” EAR Re x = Lesson 22 @ Artsand Culture 63 Scanned with CamScanner I. Grammar Exercises @ 22-6 Rewrite the following sentences using [2 ......JF VA...... 0 give a reason for the event mentioned in the sentences. Examples ty P XH FARR AWA SED), pps LS A LRRELE. c 2. RAB KE. 3. RAT AA ORAT CB A RORABIS S. ROKR RARE 22-7 Answer the questions below, using [t, 40 to give examples. 64 1. Which classes do you like? ARE BER veto: PRR UR, GH UR a ® 2. Whar places would you like to travel to? AERA KG tke! PEL AB, A A. 3. What kinds of food do you like to eat? : AEE TEE cto OREN FREE B ° Lesson 22 Ants and Culture Scanned with CamScanner Name: TAN ae Date IV. Comprehensive Exercises 22-8 You are now studying Chinese in a summer program in Beijing. You have a room of your own at the dorm for foreign students. This is the third day after your arrival there. You are writing an email to your parents about your life and studies there. Because this is the first time you have traveled abroad, your parents are very concerned about you. Therefore, you should try to provide as many details as possible in your email! BB, iia: ASAROBERT AARNE, REA. re) ee RA Beno 7 ia SHB. ACR R-AZ Gah on 2 Ar 69 RAE, BACH UA, AE BAR AAA AALS — Ee eno s — Eh a RA 5 Pt SS, oo é BA AoA A Bio ova 0 eH Suing RRR APH, EPRRERRRER (f ESR rH Brine AL / : Lesson 22 m Antsand Culture 65 Scanned with CamScanner Progress Checklist After this lesson, you should be able to use Chinese to: (J) describe your current situation and ask others about what they have been doing lately, (“) give examples, (V) describe causes and effects, (v) ask someone to write to you often, (Y ) send your regards and wish someone well. 66 Lesson 22 @ Arts and Culture Scanned with CamScanner

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