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For the following sentences, is the grammar in orange correct or

incorrect? If incorrect, write the correct version in the space below:

I never wake up late. I’m always waking up early. correct / incorrect

I never wake up late. I always wake up early.

It takes me 30 minutes to get to school every day. correct / incorrect

Do you hear that? Somebody is cutting their grass correct / incorrect
c. outside.

Every day, it becomes warmer and warmer. Soon, it correct / incorrect

will be hot outside.
Every day, it is becoming warmer and warmer. Soon, it will be hot outside.
Someone sits in the jacuzzi right now. correct / incorrect
Someone is sitting in the jacuzzi right now.

Suzanne stays with her friend Jenny until she finds a correct / incorrect
new place.
Suzanne is staying with her friend Jenny until she finds a new place.
This city is really changing. It looks very different correct / incorrect
g. compared to when I was here last time.

What do you do this weekend? correct / incorrect

h. What are you doing this weekend?
I should go. I’m getting tired. correct / incorrect

The train leaves at 6:35 AM tomorrow morning. correct / incorrect

My son is taking karate lessons this summer. He correct / incorrect
k. finds it very interesting.

Look at that car. What does the driver do? correct / incorrect
Look at that car. What is the driver doing?
2. Choose either the Present Simple or Present Continuous to
complete the following sentences:

(she / do) her laundry now.

She is doing her laundry now.


(I / live) with a great roommate these days but (she / move out) next
I am living with a great roommate these days but she is moving out next

(she / not / use) the dishwasher at the moment.

She is not using the dishwasher at the moment.


What’s all that noise? (the landlord / fix the sink)?

What is all that noise? Is the landlord fixing the sink?


(who / pay) the utility bills every month? You or your roommate?

Who pays the utility bills every month? You or your roommate?


(he / not / live) in my neighbourhood right now.

He is not living in my neighbourhood right now.


(they / paint) the ceiling this weekend?

Are they painting the ceiling this weekend?


Where (she / go) now?

Where is she going now?

(we / look) for an apartment after work.

We are looking for an apartment after work.


(they / use) the washer every day.

They use the washer every day.

When (he / pay) the cable bill every month?

When does he pay the cable bill every month?


(you / look) at apartment ads on Craigslist right now?

Are you looking at apartment ads online right now?

3. Put the adverbs in parentheses in the correct place in the sentence:

a. I never sleep in my living room. (never)

b. Do your eyes ever water? (ever)

c. I sometimes cook with a gas stove. (sometimes)

d. Does your mother usually do your laundry? (usually)

e. She is still smoking. (still)

f. The refrigerator often makes a strange noise. (often)

g. He never comes late. (never)

h. She doesn’t usually drive. (usually)

i. He rarely plays the piano. (rarely)

j. We are not using the dishwasher. (currently)

k. She is definitely coming at 7 PM. (definitely)

l. The bus never comes on time. (never)

m. I always eat dinner on my balcony. (always)

4. Complete the sentences about the future in either the Present
Simple or Present Continuous:

What time (the movie / start)?

What time does the movie start?

Where (you / go) tonight?

b. Where are you going tonight?

(class / finish) at 12 PM.

The classes finishes at 12 PM.

I’m sorry. I can’t study with you after school

because (I / see) my doctor.
I am sorry. I can not study with you after school
because I am seeing my doctor.

(the plane / leave) at 11:35 AM tomorrow

The plane leaves at 11:35 AM tomorrow
On Friday night, (we / go) to Ron’s party.
On Friday night, we are going to Ron's party.

(we / not / have) school on Monday next week

because of the holiday.
We do not have school on Monday next week
because of the holiday.

(you / study) with us tonight?

Are you studying with us tonight?

(my real estate agent / take) me around to look

at houses tomorrow.
i. My real estate agent is taking me around to look
at houses tomorrow.

(the factory / close) this evening at 6 PM.

The factory closes this evening at 6 PM.
I have decided that (I / cancel) our cable service
next month.
k. I have decided that I am cancelling our cable
service next month.

(my neighbour / come) for dinner tonight.

l. My neighbour is coming for dinner tonight.

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