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SBCC CHIN102 Culture Project (40 points)

________________ 年 ________ 月 _______日 姓名 ______________________

Choose a topic of your interest from the list provided, and give a 10 minutes
presentation in class on the date you were assigned.

Start your presentation in Chinese by introducing yourself (1-9), followed by the five
sentences you have written down. The rest will be in English. Bring at least three
pictures (if you are not powerpointing) and teach three Chinese words. You may play a
video clip for no more than 1 minute. Provide three references and turn in this form at
least one class before your presentation.

Self-introduction should include most of the following:

1. 你叫什么名字?是哪国⼈? _________________________________________
2. 你是在哪⼉出⽣、长⼤的?__________________________________________
3. 你今年多⼤,属什么? ______________________________________________
4. 你家有⼏⼝⼈? 有什么⼈?你是老⼏?________________________________
5. 你是学⽣吗? 上⼏年级?____________________________________________
6. 在哪⼉学中⽂? 中⽂说得怎么样?____________________________________
7. 你都去过什么地⽅? 还想去哪⼉? ____________________________________
8. 你将来想当什么? __________________________________________________

Three new words to introduce (relate to your topic)

Chinese Characters

English meaning
Pinyin with tones

State five facts, in Chinese sentences, regarding your topic:

我今天要介绍 “topic”.
1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

Five facts regarding this topic (in English, more in detail than in Chinese):

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

Three references you used for this project:

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

Rubrics _________/40
40 Yours Comments
Timeliness (on the due date, within 10-12 min) 4
In Chinese:
Self-introduction 5
Teaching 3 vocabulary 3
5 sentences 5
In English:
Content (correct, educational, and interesting) 10
Confident (know it well, not reading from script) 3
Media (photos, video, Power Point etc.) 3
Clarity (easy to understand) 3
This Report (hand-written) 5

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