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House Rules

Acing Damages

All damage rolls are open-ended. That means that when you roll the highest number possible on
a die (a 6 on a d6, an 8 on a d8, and so on), you get to roll that die again and again and add it to
the total. Any modifiers to the damage roll is added on after adding up all aced rolls.

Active vs. Passive Perception Checks

A player’s Perception check roll may not yield a result lower than their Passive Perception score.
If a player rolls a “1”, then his Passive Perception score is also reduced by 5.

Sometimes, it benefits the player to roll for Perception checks depending on the situation.

Coup de Grace Rule

When a foe has fallen unconscious, you have a chance to slay the helpless creature outright. You
can use your action to perform a coup de grace against an unconscious or helpless (e.g., bound)
creature adjacent to you. The target is considered to be Restrained for attack purposes. On a hit,
the attack is considered to have scored a critical hit.

Critical Damage

On a natural 20 on an attack roll, all damages totaled are doubled.

Sleeping in Armor

A character may sleep or take an Extended Rest comfortably in armor, provided the character is
wearing light armor.

If a character sleeps or takes an Extended Rest while wearing Medium Armor, he or she suffers
from Level 1 Exhaustion (PHB, p.291). If a character sleeps or takes an Extended Rest while
wearing Heavy Armor, he or she suffers from both Level 1 and Level 2 Exhaustion (PHB,

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