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bob lee (order #7919987)

Managing Editor • Darrin Drader

Adventure Design • Darrin Drader

Editing • Darrin Drader, Robert Blezard
Playtesting * John Hinz, Robert Morris, Alex Friedrich, Eileen Eddy, Thomas Everett Haynes, and Kerry Schell.

Cover Artist • David Arenas

Interior Art • Gary Dupuis, Matt Morrow, Ramon Lucha, Copyright 2014.

Cartography • Darrin Drader

Some map icons from “Dungeonographer Dungeon Map Symbols/Icons” by artists Robert Altbauer & Keith Curtis.
Some map icons from “Fantasy Symbol Set” by Gamer Printshop.
Some map icons from the Dundjinni community and are used with permission.

Endless Vistas Publications is an imprint of Apocalypse games.

Apocalypse Games • Charles Rice
Endless Vistas Publications • Darrin Drader, Robert Blezard, Patric L. Rogers.

“Beyond the Battlements” is an adventure designed for four to five 1st-level characters. By the end of this adventure, characters
should reach 2nd level.

This adventure is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the 5th edition of the world’s most popu-
lar fantasy roleplaying game.

The OGL can be found on the last page of this product.

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots,
storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or
are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)

Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game product are Open
Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material desig-
nated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

Endless Vistas Publishing, an imprint of Apocalypse Games

29D Rolling Green Drive
Fall River, MA 02720

Apocalypse Games
Winter’s Stone© 2015, Endless Vistas Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


bob lee (order #7919987)

price tag does come with a request: please remember

A s you may have noticed, this is the first issue of

a new periodical we’re calling “The Spire.” Ini-
tially, it wasn’t our idea to start an online magazine,
that this is financed by our advertisers, so we would
be very appreciative if you would take a look at the
ads and go check out their awesome products. While
but the more we looked at our product lineup, release you’re at it, please consider supporting this periodi-
schedule, and overall goals, the more it became ap- cal through our Patreon campaign, as this sort of pe-
parent to us that we weren’t really talking about re- riodical is a rapidly vanishing aspect of our hobby.
leasing a series of standalone adventure modules, but Also, keep in mind that without sufficient interest,
rather creating long-term, multi-part narratives that this experiment might crash and burn, which could
would tell complex stories. In other words, we were mean going the other direction with future issues and
talking about a periodical. After kicking the idea scaling back what we offer. In any event, success or
around for a while, we decided that this particular pe- failure of the Patron campaign, we’re committed to
riodical will focus on one campaign at a time, which moving forward with this in one form or another, re-
will be released for both Pathfinder, and the fifth edi- gardless of how our initial business strategy works
tion of the world’s most popular roleplaying game out.
(by the way, if you’re looking for the Pathfinder ver- Now, with that out of the way, welcome to our pre-
sion, you have the wrong issue. But don’t worry, it’s mier issue. Technically, there is also an issue zero,
forthcoming and will be free too). which is coming out simultaneously, and makes this
Now, without going into a whole bunch of infor- not exactly the first, but this is the premier issue with
mation, opinion, and conjecture about today’s RPG adventure content. The “zero issue” contains mate-
market, I will say that RPG publishing has changed rial about the City of Arendan, which you’ll need as
dramatically since the advent of the internet, and this a reference for the entire campaign, so we gave the
has led to some major paradigm shifts within the in- issue a null number. What you can expect here is the
dustry. In our attempts to adjust to the new realities first adventure in an ongoing campaign, and it’s set
of publishing, we decided to get with the times and in a ruined city that you’ll see change and grow over
adjust our publishing model rather than remaining time.
stuck in a past and adhering to a way of doing things Each issue will focus on a single adventure, at least
that almost never exists. Like many publications, we for the time being. Eventually, we might attempt to
are carrying the ads of other publishers, as you’ve no expand the page count, include more than one ad-
doubt noticed by now. We are also making the intro- venture, or maybe even include non-adventure type
ductory issues available free of charge, and we would content, but for now we simply want to focus our ef-
like to extend to you the offer to “subscribe” via our forts on bringing you this one adventure, which will
Patreon campaign at if be followed by the second in the series in issue #2.
you like what you see here. Beyond the Battlements was written by your ever
Why should you consider subscribing? Here are humble Managing Editor, though later installments
just a few benefits: First, you will save money off the will be penned by different authors. Don’t get me
price of buying this through the various online retail wrong, I intend to jump in and create content for The
outlets. Second, subscribing allows us to give you Spire quite often, but we really think the best way to
more magazine. This means bringing in freelancers provide you with quality content is to avoid being
at going industry rates, increasing our art budget, and too homogeneous. For those who don’t know me by
increasing the amount of content we bring you. Our name, I have cover credit on the 3.5 Book of Exalted
publishing efforts wouldn’t be possible without you, Deeds, Forgotten Realms Serpent Kingdoms, For-
and our future is very much in your hands. gotten Realms Mysteries of the Moonsea, and D20
Obviously, this means that we want you to have Apocalypse, all for Wizards of the Coast, as well as
this particular issue as a sample of things to come, about fifty other credits since the turn of the millen-
and we want you to have it for free. But, the nice nium, all for various publishers, from the now de-

bob lee (order #7919987)
funct Bastion Press to Paizo Publishing. I also write now) filled the shoes of Dragon nicely. That currently
novels! leaves us with no analog to my favorite one. Don’t get
I’m currently almost forty-two years of age, and I’ve me wrong, this is in no way a WotC sanctioned rebirth
been playing one version or another of the world’s most of the magazine, which I’m sure you can tell by the
popular roleplaying game since I was eleven years old. name, but it is a periodical with a similar focus that
That’s thirty-one years that I’ve been playing, Given we hope will help scratch that itch for those who miss
the amount of design work I’ve done for various RPG it like we do. I’d like to think of this as the beginning
products, it’s safe to say that this is a little more than of a ‘spiritual successor’.
just a hobby for me. I spent the majority of 2000 to Finally, I’d like to drop a little bit of a teaser… Al-
2004 working in the WotC corporate office, and then I though the adventures we will publish should be fairly
worked as a Narrative Designer, which is a corporate easy to use with any existing campaign setting, these
term for a staff writer, on R.A. Savatore’s Kingdoms will all be set the Endless Vistas Publishing’s very
of Amalur for the now defunct 38 Studios. These days own Winter’s Stone campaign setting. I’d love to tell
I have an exciting day job that I absolutely cannot talk you all about it, but there will be plenty of time to go
about, and I do gaming stuff on the side. into that later. You will find a very brief write-up of it
So, there’s the obvious question of why we’re doing in Issue #0.
this. The answer goes back to the fact that my favorite So, with introductions out of the way, I do hope you
RPG periodical of all time was WotC’s Dungeon Mag- and your players enjoy the adventure, and I look for-
azine, which is now sadly lost to the gray mists of his- ward to chatting at you again in the next issue.
tory, along with it’s elder sister publication, Dragon. I Want to tell us how you felt about the first issue?
feel that these days, Gygax magazine has (at least for Feel free to drop us a line at

— Darrin

Want to drop us a line to let us know how we’re doing? We value your feedback, and we want The
Spire to grow into the premier RPG adventure magazine on the market. Shoot us an email to evpspire@ If we don’t use your letter in an upcoming issue, we’ll at least do our very best to send you
a response.
Also, don’t forget that the best deal for getting The Spire is through a subscription through Patreon.
Doing so will not only result in a better deal for you, but it will also help us make this periodical higher
quality. For more information, go to and subscribe.

bob lee (order #7919987)
bob lee (order #7919987)
B eyond the Battlements is an adventure for first and
second level characters. The XP thresholds are de-
signed for a party of five, but can be easily modified
the civilized portion of the city as raids into New Ar-
endan became increasingly brazen, but excursions into
enemy territory were repulsed with much more ease
for one less, or up to two more player characters. Re- than before. In an attempt to respond to this develop-
ducing or increasing the difficulty of each encounter ing threat, the soldiers launched a number of excur-
to allow for different party sizes can typically be ac- sions beyond the walls, captured several goblins, and
complished by adding or subtracting one creature. Ad- pressed them for information. Although the prisoners
ditionally, some groups are better optimized or have initially refused to speak, and were in obvious fear of
more experienced players than others, which means their master, those with the weakest mental faculties
that some might require a higher or lower degree of were tricked into revealing that their new master was
difficulty than what is presented here. The best rule of a gnoll by the name of G’aard’k Bloodsnout.
thumb is to gauge how the PCs are dealing with the Attempts to gather information about Bloodsnout
challenges of the adventure and adjust the number of proved difficult. The gnoll appeared to avoid the open
monsters as needed. streets, the prisoners were unable to tell their interro-
This adventure is designed so that a party of first level gators where the gnoll could be found, and intelligence
adventurers will reach second level before advancing gathering excursions on the other side of the wall met
to the second floor of the barracks, which would pro- with no success. Hoping to deal with this threat, the
vide too great of a challenge for first level characters, Duke has offered up a commission to capture the gnoll
so it is important to ensure that the PCs play through a this front. Anyone brave enough to scout the uncivi-
fair amount of the ground floor and Uncivilized Aren- lized portion of the city is encouraged to take matters
dan before moving on to the final encounters of this ad- into their own hands and return with G’aard’k Blood-
venture. In the same vein, PCs who employ wit, guile, snout. A bonus reward is offered if they can bring him
and stealth to avoid encounters should receive ad-hoc back alive.
experience awards for doing so in order for them to
reach level two before attempting the second floor.
Beyond the Battlements is the first adventure in the
Retaking Arendan campaign. The tale begins when the
player characters take on a commission to capture the
gnoll, G’aard’k Bloodsnout, who has been given com-
T he adventure begins as the PCs take up the cause
to help the king’s forces liberate Uncivilized Ar-
endan. They may hear the call to action from criers
mand over the goblinoid forces who patrol the streets
throughout the kingdom, they might have ancestral
of Uncivilized Arendan. Bloodsnout is unusually in-
connections to the city, or they might hear about it in
telligent for a gnoll, and possesses a keen mind for
from other adventurers in any given tavern. The ad-
strategy, troop development, and deployment. It is be-
venture begins when the PCs venture beyond the walls
lieved that capturing him will allow the king’s forces
and attempt to learn where the gnoll can be found.
in New Arendan easier access to the uncivilized por-
They may ask around and try to force the creatures
tion of the city, and they will also likely learn impor-
patrolling the streets to talk, or they might simply lay
tant secrets about their enemy’s operations.
low and observe. After employing either method, they
learn that the gnoll spends most of his time at the orig-
Background inal city’s barracks, which lies just beyond the wall.
Entering the barracks, the PCs must fight the gob-

F or the city of Arendan’s background, and this

campaign’s primer, refer to The Spire, issue #0.
Roughly three months ago, the soldiers serving
lins, orcs, and hobgoblins, and other creatures present.
They may also choose to free several captured citizens
from the barracks’ cells, which the current inhabitants
Duke Heridotus in New Arendan became aware of the are using for sport. Finally, they must confront Blood-
fact that the goblins, orcs, and other brutes patrolling snout and try to find a way to bring him back to New
the streets of Uncivilized Arendan had become more Arendan alive.
organized. This not only represented a new threat to

bob lee (order #7919987)
Beginning the
Adventure Adventure Hooks

W hatever brings the PCs to Arendan, they are

granted an audience with Aurea, the head clerk
T he following are some ideas that the GM might
use to entice the PCs to become involved in the
struggle to retake Arendan and seek out G’aard’k
in Duke Heridotus’s manor. Aurea warns them that ef-
Bloodsnout. Any of these, or a combination of them,
forts to retake the city have not been going well, but
may be used. These are considerations the GM can
she can offer a commission of 2,500 gp. to capture
use in addition to the commission offered by the clerk,
the gnoll leader, G’aard’k Bloodsnout, payable upon
or as alternate means of involving characters in the
completion. This amount is reduced to 1,500 gp. if
he is brought back dead. If pressed for more of a re-
ward, she is under strict instructions not to increase
• Quest for Vengeance
the offfer. She is also unwilling to offer any sort of
pre-payment. If the PCs persist in their requests, she In a recent expedition to the other side of the wall, the
tells them that the duke requires the PCs to prove their young warrior Lidonach met a brutal and unfortunate
worth before he is willing to negotiate for any sort of end at the hands of a patrol of orcs. Lidonach might
higher rewards. be the sibling or friend of one of the PCs, or he have

bob lee (order #7919987)
some other connection to the party. • Finding Eclipse
A recent incursion into New Arendan has resulted in
• Reclaiming the Family Prize the theft of a Aresos Maneo’s prized sword, called
One of the characters comes from a family that once Eclipse. He has offered a reward to anyone who re-
owned property in what is now Uncivilized Arendan. covers it. (Note that this is now in the possession
The lure of recovering the family’s lost treasures mo- of Bloodsnout, and can be recovered in room 29).
tivates them to liberate it from the creatures who now
make their lairs there. • Killthe Bloody Gnoll
Before coming to Arendan, G’aard’k Bloodsnout was
• Search for the Prodigal Son involved in a raid that cost the life of someone close to
An adventurer or other notable individual from one of one of the PCs. He or she has been attempting to track
the PCs hometowns’ has disappeared after taking up down the gnoll ever since. They have recently come
the quest to free the city, and hasn’t been heard from by information suggesting that he has come to this city.
since. The PCs seek out information about his fate.

bob lee (order #7919987)
bob lee (order #7919987)
Beyond the Battlements

U ncivilized Arendan appears very similar to any

other city, the major exception being that the
structures tend to be in poor repair (the result of the
1d6 Roll
2d4 CR 1/4 gob-
majority of the current inhabitants not at all concerned
2 1d4 CR 1/2 orcs
with structural upkeep), and those seen walking the
1d4 CR 1/2 hob-
streets tend to belong to races that are at odds with the 3
civilized races. Instead of humans, dwarves, and elves,
it is common to see goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins. 4 1 CR 2 ogre
In addition to this, the Crimson Council isn’t at all 5 2 CR 1 goblins
opposed to allowing more predatory, unnatural, or 6 1 CR2 orog
powerful creatures to make their lairs within their area
of control, provided that they don’t interfere a great
deal. When deciding whether to run off a new mon-
Finding Bloodsnout

strous arrival, they take into consideration what sort
loodsnout rarely walks the streets of Arendan,
of trouble it happens to be causing. Goblins are com-
though he is not a difficult individual to track
pletely expendable to the council. Orcs are semi-ex-
down. Simply asking one of the inhabitants of Un-
pendable; the loss of a few is excusable, but because
civilized Arendan where Bloodsnout might be found
they are such powerful warriors, the council doesn’t
is unlikely to produce results since most of them are
want to lose too many, and is willing to run off or kill
deathly afraid of his reaction should he learn that they
any creature that makes a habit of preying on them.
have given this information to outsiders. On the other
Because most of the inhabitants of Uncivilized Ar-
hand, if captured and interrogated, some weak-willed
endan are monsters, the civilized races tend to attract
minions might be coerced into betraying Bloodsnout’s
attention. Humans are the enemy, unless they are par-
location. PCs can obtain this information from a cap-
ticularly vile and in league with the Crimson Coun-
tured creature on a successful DC 17 Charisma (In-
cil. They are typically challenged in the streets, as are
timidation) check.
dwarves, elves, halflings, and others. Half-orcs are
Likewise, player characters who employ abili-
sometimes treated with suspicion since they can be
ties or spells that allow them to speak with animals
aligned with either the forces of chaos or civilized be-
find it much easier to obtain this information. Birds,
ings. On the other hand it isn’t uncommon for hooded
cats, dogs, and other rodents roam both sides of the
individuals to roam the streets, so if the PCs disguise
wall, and they can impart some valuable information.
themselves as such, they can pass through the streets
Gnolls are extremely rare in Ucivilized Arendan, so if
unharmed most of the time. A special exception for
one is described to an animal, it can lead them to the
humans is allowed when the arena is in use.
Should the PCs move about Uncivilized Arendan PCs may use stealth and disguise to move about the
without attempting to disguise themselves, they are city. If they simply maintain a low profile, they can
likely to run into trouble quickly. Roll for d% every learn Bloodsnout’s location with a successful DC 20
minute they move openly about the streets, with a 35% Wisdom (Perception) check, or a successful DC 15 In-
chance of a random encounter. If there is a random telligence (Investigation) check.
encounter, roll 1d6 and consult the following table:

The Barracks
The barracks is a large, imposing structure construct-
ed of dark gray basalt blocks. It stands two stories tall,
the top floor twelve feet above the first floor. It also
has a small cellar that sits under the southern half of

bob lee (order #7919987)
the structure. All rooms along the outer walls contain ies. The room has fallen into disrepair, and the debris
windows, though they are barred and require a DC 25 from the rotting ceiling lay in piles of wood on the
Strength check to bend them enough to allow for en- floor.
trance. The glass is in good repair, and is still replaced This room currently serves its original function, in a
by the current occupants when broken. manner of speaking, as three goblins and their leader
The barracks was a fairly new structure when the are having sport with an elven woman. The goblins
Androsan Empire fell. As such, it did not adhere to the stand near the fireplace and have been taking turns
common architectural preferences found throughout shooting arrows at the prisoner, who cowers near
most of the empire. Instead of being inherently deco- the pile of wooden debris in the western side of the
rative, with ornate pillars and artistic sculptures built room.
into the walls, it is austere, spartan, and functional. The PCs may gain surprise when they enter the
When it was built, the idea behind making such an un- room. The goblins are accustomed to other human-
attractive building was to impress upon the empire’s oids coming and going from the building, and pause
enemies that they were deadly serious in their mission a moment to see if the newcomers are supposed to be
to retain order. Ultimately such steps failed, but these there. When it becomes clear that the PCs are not un-
structures did help usher in the current design aesthet- der the command of Bloodsnout, they spring to attack.
ic that is now prevalent throughout the region. The elven prisoner is Thenea, a commoner and is
in a state of shock due to the trauma being inflicted
upon her. Originally captured about a week ago in a
Approaching the Barracks raid against New Arendan, she is not capable of assist-
The barracks are located very near the wall separat- ing the party against the goblins, and she can do little
ing New Arendan from Uncivilized Arendan, and more than sob once they have been dispatched. Fol-
it can be seen from the wall. If the PCs wish to go lowing the fight, and after she has been calmed down,
over the wall toreach the structure, they must first ob- she agrees to wait in this room for the PCs to return,
tain per mission from the City Watch. Failing to get but she will only leave the building in their company.
this permission results in the guards stationed atop If asked if there are any other prisoners, she indicates
the wall demanding that they leave. The PCs might that there are three more in the cells (area 9). If asked
also choose to use the main gate, which is under the about any others, she tells them that prisoners are
control of New Arendan. Once inside, they are like- periodically dragged out here for the goblin’s sport-
ly to be attacked. A better plan is to disguise them- ing pleasure. She has never seen any of them return.
selves as they navigate their way to the barracks. If the PCs search the fireplace a successful DC 17
Four goblins are stationed outside the double door Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a hidden compart-
leading into the barracks. They deny entrance to any- ment behind a removable brick. Within is a small sack
one who isn’t a goblin, orc, or hobgoblin, and they at- of coins that was stashed by someone stationed here
tack anyone attempting to enter who is clearly human, a hundred years ago while Arendan was being over-
elf, dwarf, halfling, or other civilized race. Attempts to taken. Within this sack are 5 cp., 15 sp., and 12 gp.
sneak in without magical assistance automatically fail.
The PCs might try to lure them away with a diversion. Goblins (3): CR 1/4, hp 7, 7, 8; See the 5th Edi-
The doors are locked, but the goblin guards carry the tion rules for the goblins’ complete stat block.
keys to the doors.
Goblin Leader: (CR 1) hp 21; See the 5th Edition
1. Sparring Room rules for the goblin leader’s complete stat block..
This room was once used by the city of Arendan as
a training room for the warriors stationed here. Orna-
mental shields with swords crossed in front of them
decorate the walls. The room still bears the faint white
markings indicating the sparring area’s outer boundar-

bob lee (order #7919987)
2. Hobgoblin Sleeping Tools) check. Within each are the following items
(roll d100 for each item listed per chest):
This room serves as a sleeping quarters for the
hobgoblin warriors stationed in the barracks. 10% 1d4 gems worth 3d8
There are currently three hobgoblins in this room, gp.
which are awake due to the sadistic game in prog- 75% 6d10 cp.
ress. The PCs receive surprise unless they make 60% 2d10 sp.
noise fumbling about the door before entering. 20% 1d10 gp.
Once the the hobgoblins are able to act, they roll off 20% Potion of healing.
their beds, grab their weapons, and engage the PCs as
quickly as possible. The floor is cluttered with straw
Hobgoblins (3): CR 1/2, hp 11, 11, 13; See the 5th
beds covered with furs. Should the PCs enter the room
Edition rules for the hobgoblins’ complete stat block
quickly and fill the available floor space, the beds can
be used to move, and are considered difficult terrain.
Chests sit at the foot of each bed, each of which is 3. Trapped Stairs
locked. The hobgoblins present in the room each car- This room contain the moldering remains of numer-
ry the key to their own chest. The other three can be ous pieces of furniture that predate the fall of Aren-
opened with a successful DC 16 Dexterity (Thieves dan. Now, after a century of neglect and abuse by ran-

bob lee (order #7919987)
dom vermin, the only thing that remains are pieces of This room is also inhabited by several giant insects
the wooden structure and shreds of fabric and other that made their way here through the ground and en-
materials. Also in this room is a spiral stairway lead- tered through cracks in the building’s foundation.
ing down.
Below, the barracks cellar is filled with dangerous Giant Fire Beetles (4): hp 4, 4, 4, 5; See the 5th
vermin that pose a small threat to the current inhab- Edition rules for the giant fire beetles’ complete stat
itants. Attempts to eradicate them have been tempo- block.
rarily successful, but more vermin come in through
cracks in the building’s foundation. Rather than post- Giant Centipedes (3): hp 4, 4, 6; See the 5th Edition
ing a guard to deal with any creatures that wander too rules for the giant centipedes’ complete stat block.
far up the stairs, they set a scythe pendulum trap to
deal with them. The trap is triggered by the third stair
down, a pressure plate, which releases a scythe shaped 5. Wine barrel storage
pendulum from the ceiling. The trap requires a DC 12 This room serves as a storage area for the barracks’
Wisdom (perception) check to spot, and a DC 15 Dex- current inhabitants. Aside from two small piles of trash
terity (Thieves Tools) check to disable. If triggered, the that has been dumped here, there are three barrels filled
affected creature may make a DC 12 Dexterity check with low quality wine that was watered down by the dis-
or sustain 1d8 points of damage. The trap automatical- reputable half-orcs who sold it to them. Despite its poor
ly resets via a mechanical apparatus two rounds after quality, it serves its purpose and is worth 30 sp. each.
it is triggered. Creatures who cannot move from their Also within this room are three orcs who
location after the trap is triggered may take damage are heavily under the influence of alcohol.
from the trap during the second round before it resets. Their inebriated state gives them disadvantage.

4. Cellar Orcs (3): CR 1/2, hp 15, 17, 19; intoxicated (suffer

The items in the barracks cellar predate the fall of Ar- disadvantage on all attacks); See the 5th Edition rules
endan. Most of them have long since moldered and for the orcs’ complete stat block.
decayed to nothingness, however there are a few items
of note. 6. Alchemist’s Lab
There are five bookshelves along the walls in this This room is used by an eccentric goblin alchemist,
room, which are badly rotted but still holding to- who is currently not at the barracks. A table with spell
gether. Several books dating back to the Androsan components on it occupies the northwest corner of the
Empire line the shelves and include topics dealing room, and holds a gas burner, several glass vials, and
with history, drama, and military tactics. These books three small cube-shaped pieces of lead. The lab equip-
became damp and rotted in the cellar, though charac- ment is worth 30 gp., and the cubes of lead are worth
ters who are careful about preserving them (DC 15 15 sp.
Intelligence check plus a week of careful restorative
work) may recover 2d10 volumes, each of which
are worth 1d10 gp each. There are also seven bar- 7. Stairway Up
rels full of ancient, rancid ale (creatures drinking the This room contains a stairway that ascends to room
ale must make a DC 10 Constitution check or suffer 16 on level 2. It is bare of furnishings, but is occu-
1d6 points of damage). There are two bags full of the pied by six unruly goblins who serve as guards and are
bread which crumbles when touched, and a locked their commander, a well-disciplined hobgoblin with a
chest. The chest requires a successful DC 15 Dexter- heavy hand. Their orders are to attack anyone enter-
ity (Thieves Tools) check to open, and contains 35 ing this room, including others who are normally sta-
cp., 27 sp., 20 gp., and two rubies worth 65 gp. each. tioned in these barracks unless they have already been
cleared by Bloodsnout. The hobgoblin commander
receives a daily list of welcome guests. All others

bob lee (order #7919987)
If the PCs choose to fight, Lugar calls out for
help and, if they have not yet been killed, the
goblins from area 7 rush to his aid. If the gob-
lins in area 7 have not yet been dealt with, this
encounter likely proves more difficult than the
average first level party can handle. Should
they retreat, the orog and the goblins return to
their original areas after an hour’s time.

Lugar, Orog Jailer: CR 2, hp 42; See the

5th Edition rules for the orog’s complete stat

9. Jail Cells
The jail cells in this area are constructed from
steel bars set into the concrete floor. They are
locked, requiring the jailer’s key from room 8,
or a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves Tools) check to
open. Locked away within are several prison-
The beds in these rooms are made of straw
and are uncomfortable. They can, however, be
used for a short rest.

a. This room is empty, save for a straw bed.

If searched, the PCs find a note made out to
someone named Edora. The note reads:
are expected to stay off the second floor upon penalty of death.
Dear Edora,
Goblins (4): CR 1/4, hp 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10; See the 5th Edition rules This is the start of my second week in cap-
for the goblins’ complete stat block. tivity. I hope to one day escape this place, but
hope is growing dim. This morning, they took
Hobgoblin: CR 1/2, hp 11; See the 5th Edition rules for the hob- Helianar from his cell. After that, he didn’t re-
goblins’ complete stat block. turn. I asked the jailer what happened to him
and he smiled and told me that I’d find out
soon enough. I sensed that he was dead, so
8. Jail Keeper I asked him if he would be buried. He sim-
This room serves as the access room for the jail cell in area 9, and ply replied that his body would be given to the
contains nothing other than a wooden table surrounded by four necromancer. This sent chills down my spine.
chairs. Within is a lone orog jailer named Lugar, who carries the I recently found a couple of very thin,
keys to the cells in area 9. When the PCs enter, he first attempts straight, pieces of wood under the bed, and I
to engage them in conversation. Obviously overconfident in his think I might be able to use them to get at the
fighting abilities, he gives them the option to surrender or be lock. I intend to try and make good some sort
killed. of escape. Wish me luck.
Whether the PCs choose to fight or surrender, if they end up
in Lugar’s custody, they are arrested and locked up in room 9f. -L

bob lee (order #7919987)
There is no sign of the pieces of wood he mentions with the party.
in his note, and it is not clear whether he managed to
escape or not. f. This cell’s one inhabitant was left too long without
food, and expired several years ago. All that remains of
b. This cell is empty, save for an uncomfortable straw him now is the skeleton, which Lugar jokingly refers
bed. to as ‘Smiley’. This cell is devoid of valuables, save a
pile of rags that has been overlooked all these years.
c. This cell is inhabited by a male prisoner named
Olydes. A butcher by trade, he has been locked up
here for several days; ever since he was caught out- 10. Goblin Sleeping Quarters
side the city gates transporting a cart full of fresh- This room is occupied by fur-draped straw beds with
ly slain cow carcasses. As a newcomer to the jail, chests at their feet. The goblins currently present in the
he has only witnessed the elf (currently in room 1) barracks who use this room are in rooms 1 and 7. The
taken and used for sport. If freed, Olydes seeks out chests are locked 50% of the time, requiring a successful
Thenea, if she still lives, and will wait to leave the DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves Tools) check to open. Each
barracks until they are accompanied by the PCs. chest has a 50% chance of being protected by a blade trap.
The blade trap is a mechanical mechanism that causes
a blade to jut out from an interior compartment to-
d. This cell is inhabited by a human woman named
ward anyone attempting to open the chest without first
Eunis, who was caught walking too close to the gates
disarming it. It acts as though it has an attack bonus
at the start of a hobgoblin raid. She has been here for
of +5. Struck creatures suffer 1d6 points of damage.
three weeks, and has seen a number of other prisoners
The trap is triggered upon opening or unsuccessfully
come and go. If asked about her experiences, she tells
attempting to pick the lock. A DC 20 Intelligence (In-
the PCs about the ones who have been taken out by the
vestigation) check allows creatures to detect the trap,
jailer and never seen again. If asked what is done with
and a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves Tools)
the bodies of the slain, she says that the jailer made no
check disarms it.
secret that they were to be gifts for the necromancer.
Each chest may contain the following items:
If freed, Eunis insists on exiting the barracks immedi-
ately, even without an escort. After the length of time
she has been in this cell, she would rather chance it on 10% 1d4 gems worth 3d6
streets inhabited by goblins than take the risk of being gp. each.
recaptured and sent back here. 85% 10d10 cp.
50% 2d10 sp
e. This cell is occupied by a Heodoro, a young, fop- 10% 1d10 gp.
pish, human male, who has been locked away in this 10% Potion of healing.
cell for about a week. He foolishly believed he had
what it took to battle the monsters inhabiting Uncivi-
lized Arendan. He also thought playing the hero would 11. Kitchen
increase his chances of attracting the attention of Lady This room serves as the kitchen and is inhabited by
Mophea of Sendalden. His illusions quickly dissipat- a sea hag and a pair of goblins. The hag, Esmeralda,
ed when he was taken prisoner by the first group of is currently making a stew out of broth, noodles, and
goblins he encountered. He wears fine clothing that meats of questionable origin, which are pulled from
now bears the stench of having soiled himself several one of the barrels in this room. She is assisted by the
times since his capture, and he breaks down in tears two goblins.
and hysterics when the PCs attempt to speak to him. If the PCs instigate a fight, the goblins and the hag
He is too afraid to move about the barracks freely, so are more than happy to rise to the challenge. The gob-
must either be left in his cell, moved to another loca- lins close to melee range while the sea hag attempts to
tion until he can be escorted to freedom later, or kept use her Horrific Appearance ability to frighten any of

bob lee (order #7919987)
the PCs who see her and fail their saves. The PCs may fall and are in extremely poor condition.
attempt to use the pot of hot soup as a weapon. Doing
so requires a DC 10 Strength check to lift the pot, and 14. Hobgoblin Post
the boiling liquid can be thrown at a single creature, Three hobgoblins are meeting in this room and await-
requiring a normal attack roll. If struck, the creature ing further orders. They are gathered around a small
suffers 1d6 points of damage and suffers disadvantage fire, which has burned away the wood flooring, expos-
for 1 minute or until the damage is healed. ing the concrete foundation beneath it. The smoke is
If the PCs instead attempt to parlay with the hag, she thick in this room, but slowly venting through an open
is willing to talk. The goblins likewise hold off their window in the north wall.
attacks on her command. Esmeralda enjoys the oppor- The hobgoblins attack when the PCs enter the room
tunity to share her cooking with those in the barracks, and immediately close to melee range to take on the
but has very little loyalty toward them. If questioned front line fighters.
about G’aard’k Bloodsnout, she reveals that he spends
most of his time commanding his forces from the sec- Hobgoblins (3): CR 1/2, hp 12, 12, 13; See the 5th
ond floor. She can provide the PCs with a quick over- Edition rules for the hobgoblins’ complete stat block.
view of the various creatures found in the barracks,
though she doesn’t recall their exact numbers, and she
tends to forget about some of the more unusual crea- 15. Armory
tures here. Esmeralda is willing to share some of her The door to this room is locked and requires a DC 20
stew with the PCs, but she is protective over the ingre- Dexterity (Thieves Tools) check to open. Within is the
dients she keeps in the barrels and warns them away if barracks armory. A goblin boss waits inside to issue
they attempt to pilfer through them. weapons and armor to those who need it. He carries
The barrels contain meats of questionable origin, the key to the door lock, and he opens the door for
oats, dry pasta, sauces, and various other foodstuff. anyone who gives him the password, “Sharp things”
The sacks contain vegetables, potatoes, celery, and in goblin.
carrots. All of the food is half rotten and is valueless This room contains 3 suits of medium size plate
to any potential buyers. armor, 5 small suits of leather armor, 5 shields, and
a weapon rack with 1 greatsword, 5 long swords, 5
Sea Hag: CR 2, hp 55; See the 5th Edition rules for greataxes, 15 daggers, 5 small shortbows, and 30 arrows.
the sea hag’s complete stat block.
Goblin Armory Chief: CR 1, hp 22; See the 5th
Goblins (2): CR 1/4, hp 7, 7; See the 5th Edition rules Edition rules for the goblin’s complete stat block.
for the goblins’ complete stat block.
16. Stairs Down
12. Storage This room contains the spiral staircase that leads to
This room serves as a storage area for wooden plates, room 7 on level 1. This room is used as storage for
bowls, cups, and low-quality eating-utensils made of much of the unwanted furnishing and junk that was
tin. A careful search of the room reveals a small ce- found when the goblinoids took over the building,
ramic jar hidden in an out-of-the-way corner where including a threadbare couch, several painted por-
the sea hag stores her treasure that holds 25 sp. and traits with the paint peeling off, and various other
15 gp. pieces of furniture in various states of disrepair.

13. Closet 17. Ancient Logs

This room serves as the barracks closet and contains This room contains a desk with a log book on it.
various cleaning tools such as brooms, rags, mops, Though the pages are in poor condition, the origi-
and dustpans. All of these items date back to the city’s nal writing is still legible if examined carefully. The

bob lee (order #7919987)
information on the last several pages paint a picture check to force. Within is the orc traitor called Rish-
of relative peace, followed by a period of vicious at- nag, who was once a commander in Uncivilized Ar-
tacks by hostile creatures, a slowly dwindling num- endan’s forces, but killed his commander, an orc by
ber of defenders, and the eventual fall of the city. the name of Grax, following a dispute over a game
Although this sheds no new information on the fall of chance. Unfortunately for him, Grax was an ef-
of Arendan, it is valuable as a historical document. fective commander, and highly regarded, so Rishnag
This book is worth 100 gp. to Duke Heridotus. was held for punnishment. Numerous small wounds
are visible on his face, hands, and other parts of his
body - evidence of the torture he has experienced at
18. Dishonored Guest the hands of G’aard’k Bloodsnout and his minions.
This room is locked and requires a DC 15 Dexterity
If attacked, Rishnag immediately surrenders and
(Thieves Tools) check to open, or a DC 20 Strength
begs to be taken to New Arendan, promising to pro-

bob lee (order #7919987)
vide them with valuable information. If questioned, he Bugbears (3): CR 1, hp 28, 30, 32; See the 5th Edi-
tells the PCs that he knows his kind isn’t liked by them tion rules for the bugbears’ complete stat block.
and that he will only deliver this information to the
Duke himself. If asked who is in charge of Uncivilized
Arendan, he states only that there are powerful forces
21. Guest of Honor
The door to this room is locked and requires a DC 15
with big plans, but does not know the Crimson Coun-
Dexterity (Thieves Tools) check to open, or a DC 20
cil by name. He is willing to reveal the existence of a
Strength check to force. Locked up in this room is the
powerful necromancer in charge of the city’s undead,
halfling rogue, Hildo. He is an adventurer who was
though he does not give them his name, saying simply
caught nearby after attempting to pick the pocket of
that doing so would sign his own death warrant.
a hobgoblin soldier, then brought back here for pun-
If released from the barracks, he briefly visits the
nishment. Bloodsnout is convinced that the halfling
Duke’s manor to attempt to sell information. He finds
is part of a larger plot against him and is holding him
out, too late, that the duke is not interested in discuss-
here in hopes of torturing vital information out of him.
ing this information with him, and he is executed by
The truth of the matter is Hildo often sneaks into Un-
the city guards.
civilized Arendan and tries to loot valuables, and has
nothing to do with any sort of plot against Bloodsnout.
Rishnag - Orc: CR 1/2, hp 15; See the 5th Edition
Hildo is guarded by five orcs, who attack anyone
rules for the orc’s complete stat block.
entering the room without authorization. The orcs’
plan of attack is straightforward, pressing in on the
19. Ancient Living Quarters melee fighters, and attempting to cut them down be-
This room was once used as the sleeping chambers for fore moving on to the remainder of the party. If PCs
the barracks clerk. The bed and other furniture have at the back of the group use spells against them, two
fallen apart due to a leak in the roof above this room. A of the orcs break away from the others and try to push
careful search uncovers a leather pouch in poor condi- their way to the back of the party so they can take on
tion containing 25 gp. any spellcasters or PCs using ranged weapons.
Hildo has developed a serious dislike for Bloods-
nout. If the party is is lacking a rogue, Hildo offers to
20. Bugbears join them, at least until they leave the barracks. Once
The door to this room is locked and requires a DC 15
free of the barracks, he leaves Arendan, wanting noth-
Dexterity (Thieves Tools) check to open, or a DC 20
ing more than to put this place far behind him.
Strength check to force. This room is used by a trio
of bugbears that G’aard’k Bloodsnout calls upon pe-
riodically whenever an unruly faction within the city Orcs (5) : CR 1/2, hp 15, 16, 17, 19, 20; See the 5th
needs their heads cracked. The PCs may immediately Edition rules for the orcs’ complete stat
attack upon entry, or they might try to convince the block.
bugbears that they are here at the behest of the boss. If
the PCs attempt the latter tactic, the bugbears pretend
to be interested in whatever story they are telling, but
then spring to attack once the PCs have become com-
fortable with them, granting them a Surprise Attack
(see monster description). If possible, two of the bug-
bears engage the front line melee fighters while the
third one tries to force his way past them and engage
any characters at the back of the party.

bob lee (order #7919987)
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bob lee (order #7919987)

Hildo the Rogue 23. Weak Floor
small neutral halfling The floor in this room is in poor repair, and a pile of
Armor Class 14 (padded armor) boards that have pulled up litter the western half of the
Hit Points 13 room. There is nothing of value to be found in the debris.
Speed 25 ft. PCs wandering into the weakened portion of the floor
Str 9 (-1), Dex 17 (+3) , Con 11 (+0), Int 8 (-1), Wis must make a DC 15 Dexterity check or fall through
13 (+1), Cha 15 (+2) and into room 2, suffering 2d6 points of damage.
Skills Deception +4, Perception +3, Insight +3, Sleight
of Hand +5
24. Illusory Chamber of the An-
Senses Passive perception 13
Languages Common cient Warlord
Challenge 2 The inhabitant of this room is a shadow that has
frightened away all attempts by the barracks’ current
Actions inhabitants to chase it out. The room appears as it did
Short Sword: Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 over one hundred years ago, when it was the primary
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage. headquarters of a very foul tempered fighter named
Short Bow: Ranged weapon attack: +5 to hit, range Harusos. When the PCs enter, they see a desk with
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) official papers on it, a weapon rack, and a standing
Attack: +5 Short Sword (1d6+3), +5 short bow (1d6). suit of gleaming plate armor. In front of that is a burly
Equipment: Thieves tools, silk rope 50’. armored man demanding why they have interrupted
him. This is an illusion, and PCs making a DC 16 In-
telligence (Investigation) check discover that the room
22. Torture Chamber is empty, save for a forlorn shadow.
This room is currently devoid of occupants and is used
Assuming the PCs do not see through the illusion,
primarily for torturing information out of prisoners.
the shadow does his best to convince the PCs that
Within is a table with wrist, ankle, and neck restraints.
he is stationed in the barracks, and that it’s his job
The puddle of semi-dried blood indicates that it has
to keep rabble like them out. His story sounds plau-
been used recently, the victim being Rishnag, the orc
sible enough, but if questioned, he insists he works
traitor in area 18. A repository of implements, includ-
for the proud city of Arendan. His story further falls
ing blades of various sizes, a prod, and a screw, is
apart if they ask him why he allows goblins and other
mounted on the wall. Standing in the southwest corner
such creatures to exist here, to which he insists that no
is an iron maiden.
such thing is possible. He insists that all mention of
The iron maiden is an sarcophagus shaped cabinet
the city’s current state are simply absurd, and his ire
with spikes inside, and a hinged locking door. It weighs
raises with every new piece of information the PCs try
150 lbs. and is large enough for medium sized crea-
to give him. If his true form is discovered or deduced,
tures and contains spikes, which are designed to slow-
he reverts to shadow form and attacks the party. If the
ly impale anyone locked within. The door to the iron
PCs simply take defense actions rather than fight back
maiden locks automatically once the door is closed,
while assuring him that they meant no harm, he halts
and it requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity (thieves
his attacks and allows them to leave in peace.
tools) check to open from the outside. It is impossible
to escape an iron maiden once placed inside, short of
teleportation, or magic that changes a creature to an 25. Baths
insubstantial form. The iron maiden deals 2d6 points Before the fall of Arendan, this room served as the
of damage the first round, and an additional 1d4 points baths for the barracks. A ceramic pipe runs through the
of damage for every additional round spent within. building’s outer wall to a reservoir of heated springs
beneath the city. Given that this room hasn’t been
cleaned in over a century, it has become horribly pol-
luted and infested by a gelatinous cube, which attacks

bob lee (order #7919987)
1d4 rounds after the party enters the room. If the PCs against Bloodsnout. If the spellcasters or ranged at-
leave the room immediately, the ooze squeezes into tackers in the party fall in combat, the goblins close
the hallway to follow, eating through the door with to melee and switch to their scimitars.
its acid if necessary. The commission offered by the Duke’s clerk is to
take Bloodsnout alive. To this end, the PCs may at-
Gelatinous Cube: hp 90; See the 5th Edition rules tempt to hold damage down to the point where they
for the gelatinous cube’s complete stat block. drop him just below zero hit points, stabilize him,
and bring him back. Similarly, spells that success-
26. Captain’s Dining Room fully require him to follow a command to disarm,
grovel, etc. effectively end the combat and force his
G’aard’k Bloodsnout can be found in this room. He
surrender. A PC who deals enough damage to kill
is accompanied by a pair of dire wolves, and two
him may choose to pull the punch. This involves
goblins, all of whom serve as his personal guard. If
declaring, before damage is dealt, that the PC is at-
the PCs came to the barracks but were forced to leave
tempting to deal enough damage to incapacitate the
before reaching this point, he is aware of their ex-
target but not kill it. The PC must then make a suc-
istence, as well as the havoc they have wreaked on
cessful DC 10 Dexterity check before rolling dam-
his forces. If they stayed the entire time, and have
age. If the Dexterity check succeeds, and damage ex-
been stealthy about their approach, he remains bliss-
ceeds Bloodsnout’s hit pints, the target drops to zero
fully ignorant of the toll they are taking. If the PCs
hit points and becomes unconscious but stable. If the
hesitate before attacking, Bloodsnout takes that op-
check fails, the attack does normal damage.
portunity to goad the PCs. He is overly confident in
his abilities, and he isn’t above taunting them with If Bloodsnout drops before the other combat-
the fact that they aren’t the first party of adventur- ants, any of them with more than an animalintel-
ers to track him down and challenge him. He boasts ligence must make an immediate morale check.
about defeating them, then having their heads deliv- Failure results in the combatants fleeing or sur-
ered to the Duke in New Arendan. If the PCs still rendering, whichever is the most expedient option.
don’t attack, he offers them the opportunity to sur-
render to him, with the promise that he won’t kill G’aard’k Bloodsnout (CR 2 gnoll): hp 55; AC 17
them, at least not immediately. If the PCs accept his (half-plate), Int 13; See stats for G’Aard’k Bloods-
terms, they are taken to the jail cells in area 9 and nout on page 21.
locked up without their equipment (a new orc jailer
is brought in to replace the old one if he has already Goblins, CR 1/4 (2): hp 8, 8, See the 5th Edition
been slain). Assuming that the PCs refuse his offer, he rules for the goblins’ complete stat block.
decides that there has been enough talk and attacks.
Dire Wolves (2): hp 38, 40; See the 5th Edition rules
Bloodsnout is a fierce warrior, so he immediately
for the dire wolves’ complete stat block.
closes to melee range, and is joined by his two dire
wolves. As a free action, G’aard’k Bloodsnout calls
out for help. If areas 20 and 21 have not been cleared 27. Abandoned Library
out, the inhabitants within leave those rooms, move to This room contains five bookshelves, each packed
join the fight, and close in as fast as possible. Blood- with tomes that date back to before the fall of Ar-
snout is a more formidable foe than most gnolls due endan and cover a range of topics, from history, to
to the fact that he wears half-plate armor. He is also theater, poetry, and epic narratives. Like most of the
more intelligent than the typical gnoll, so he is more books that remain in Uncivilized Arendan, these are
likely to detect any weaknesses in the party and ex- in poor condition and are likely to fall apart upon
ploit them. examination. If steps to preserve them are taken,
While Bloodsnout takes on the PCs directly, the 3d6 books can be salvaged, and are worth 2d100 gp.
goblins remain behind the lines of combat and fire ar- each.
rows at any opponents using spells or ranged attacks

bob lee (order #7919987)
28. Team Sparring Room Concluding the
This room was once used for team sparring. Before
the fall of Arendan, the warriors stationed here would Adventure
divide into teams and fight as a means of training. This If the PCs bring Bloodsnout back to New Arendan
room has since been stripped of all items of value, and alive, they are paid the 2,500 gp. they were promised.
is in poor repair. If searched, the PCs find 5 practice If Bloodsnout was killed in the attempt, the clerk is
long swords, which deal half damage if used. In addi- disappointed, but still gives the party 1,500 gp. as a
tion to this, there are 3 green and 6 red tabards, each reward for their efforts. If taken alive, Bloodsnout is
decorated with the gold embroidered acanthus leaves. turned over to the city watch, where he is held and in-
terrogated. Of interest to them are the number of gob-
lins, hobgoblins, and orcs that were in his service.
29. G’aard’k Bloodsnout’s Bed- The city’s interrogators are also interested in learn-
room ing who runs Uncivilized Arendan. Bloodsnout is in
This room serves as Bloodsnout’s bedroom. Although possession of M’Zhair’s identity, but not the others.
it is spacious, he spends very little of his time here, Even so, he is unwilling, even upon pain of death, to
and he leaves it open so that his goblin guards can go reveal the denizen of Leng’s identity or to name the
into the room to fetch various items for him. The chest Crimson Council. Whether he was brought back dead
in this room is unlocked, and contains personal items or alive, the city clerk is pleased with their accom-
including the trophies he won in the arena, as well as plishment and suggests that they check back with her
furs and various other items of clothing. A long sword in the near future for their next commission.
is mounted on a weapon’s rack on the north wall. Close If the PCs give up on the job and fail to bring Blood-
inspection reveals a name engraved upon the sword: snout back to New Arenda, the gnoll goes into hiding
Eclipse. This sword belongs to Aresos Maneo, a mer- and moves his headquarters deeper into the uncivi-
chant in New Arendan. Eclipse is a magical sword, with lized portion of the city. The clerk congratulates them
a +2 bonus, but it carries a high personal value with on making it back to New Arendan alive, but suggests
Maneo, and he is willing to offer a reward of 2,000 gp. that they become more skilled before attempting to aid
With successful negotiations, Maneo is willing to go the city again in the future.
up to 3,500 gp., but no higher. Should the PCs insist on Assuming they were successful in their mission to
keeping the sword despite the reward, Maneo becomes defeat Bloodsnout, the PCs gain notoriety. They are
irate and reports the new owner to the city watch. recognized by most people they encounter, the thugs
and bullies in town are less likely to give them a hard
time, tavern-goers cluster around them to hear tales of
30. G’aard’k Bloodsnout’s Trea- their deed, and shop owners are likely to offer them
sure small discounts on whatever goods they might need.
Granted, there is a long way to go to drive out the threat
This small room contains Bloodsnout’s collected trea-
from the other side of the city, but they have offered
sures. The chest is locked, requiring a DC 20 Dex-
the people hope, and for that, they are celebrated.
terity (Thieves Tools) check to open. Within are the
following items: 20 cp, 900 sp, 290 gp, Azurite (10
gp), Banded agate (10 gp), Lapis lazuli (10 gp), Rho-
dochrosite (10 gp), Tiger eye (10 gp), Turquoise (10
gp), Bag of Holding.

bob lee (order #7919987)
G’aard’k Bloodsnout
Medium neutral evil humanoid
Armor Class 17 (half-plate)
Hit Points 55
Speed 30 ft.
Str 17 (+3), Dex 15 (+2) , Con 12 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 10
(+0), Cha 12 (+1)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 10
Languages Gnoll
Challenge 2 (450 xp)
Ferocious Rage: When G’aard’k Bloodsnout drops an op-
ponent during his turn, he may make a bonus action to spring
up to 15 ft. in a straight line and bite another opponent.

Dual Attack: G’aard’k Bloodsnout makes two attacks per
round. He must use the same weapon for both attacks.
Bite: Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage.
Long Bow: Ranged weapon attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3).

Greataxe: Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit 9 (1d12+3) slashing damage.

Incite Confidence (Recharge 5-6): One of Bloodsnout’s

allies that can see or hear him receives a +3 confidence bo-
nus on attack rolls and damage for one turn.

G’aard’k Bloodsnout is one of only a handful of gnolls in

the employ of the Crimson Council. Generally speaking,
gnolls are too chaotic and self centered for them to be of
use to the council, but Bloodsnout is an exception. More
intelligent and charismatic than most of his kind, he is a
natural leader of the rank and file. He commands from the
front, and inspires the confidence and loyalty of those who
serve beneath him. Even the orcs respect his leadership,
though to a lesser extent. There is always grumbling among
their kind that one of their own should replace Bloodsnout.
Bloodsnout is far from his people. Abducted by a sadistic
slave trading human at a tender age, he was trained in com-
bat and leadership, then brought to the arena in Uncivilized

bob lee (order #7919987)
Arendan. Here, he was often put in team competitions fines of civilization, along with a group of underlings,
where he was eventually made the leader. In time, his to raid the nearby settlements. In his mind, in becom-
successes in the arena drew the attention of the Crim- ing the leader of Uncivilized Arendan’s forces at the
son Council. M’Zhair himself paid to procure his re- street level, he has simply traded one form of slavery
lease and offered him the prestigious position within for another. Should the opportunity arise to leave all
the city that he now enjoys. Despite the fact that his du- of this behind and rejoin his original pack, he would
ties are in the city, Bloodsnout feels the call of theopen do so without hesitation. He would not, however, will-
wilderness in his blood. He often leaves the con ingly betray his current masters to take advantage of
such an opportunity.

Next up…
The Retaking Arendan campaign continues with the level 3-4 adventure called The Arcane Acade-
my’s Haunts.

bob lee (order #7919987)
bob lee (order #7919987)

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material”
means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction,
addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted;
(c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content”
means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Iden-
tity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any
work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product
Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, stories, storylines,
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graph-
ic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas,
likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or
graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to
identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means
to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means
the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted
from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using
this License.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-
exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions
are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright
holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in
another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability
with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
permission from the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Con-
tent due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


bob lee (order #7919987)

Heed the Call to
For a century, the city of
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bob lee (order #7919987)

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