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in Reading

Part 3

The Guided, Integrated, and Yearning Activities (GIYA) for Reading
Comprehension is made possible by the following individuals and entities who have
become important key players in the reading literacy campaign of the Department of
To Governor Atty. Wilter Yap Palma, for his approval of the incessant request
of the Division of Zamboanga Sibugay to allocate sufficient funds for the reproduction
of reading comprehension materials for the learners who need more attention on
literacy instruction;
To OIC-Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Jeanelyn A. Aleman, CESO VI, for
her indefatigable efforts in promoting and prioritizing reading literacy through the I-
READ Program to the learners in the division;
To the OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendents, Mr. Raymond M.
Salvador, and Mr. Jerry C. Bokingkito for their unwavering support to the division
banner program, the I-READ;
To the OIC-CID chief, Evelyn F. Importante, for leading the teachers in the
training, writing, editing, and consolidating of reading comprehension questions which
realize the reading literacy project;
To the Division Reading Coordinator, Rodolf John T. Rodriguez, for curating and
finalizing the materials to fit in the context and needs of Zamboanga Sibugay learners;
To all the teacher-writers for sharing their writing skills in the art of questioning
following the gradual psychological unfolding strategy;
To the layout and graphic artists for sharing their time and talent in downloading
photos from open educational resources;
To the Almighty God who made all these things possible, we bring back all the
glory to You!



Imelda District Tungawan District


Malangas District Naga District


Siay District Naga District


Siay District Naga District


Kabasalan District Tungawan District


Malangas District Kabasalan District

Cheryl B. Velasco NURIZA M. DAPPIE

Kabasalan District Naga district


Imelda District Tungawan District


Imelda District Tungawan District


Baluyan ES/Imelda District Tungawan District


Siay District Tungawan District


Siay District Tungawan District


Siay District Tungawan District


Kabasalan District Naga District


Kabasalan District Malangas District

Naga District Malngas District


Naga District Malangas District


Malangas District Diplahan District


Malangas District Diplahan District


To the beneficiaries of the

GIYA for Reading Comprehension


of the I-READ Program

this guide to reading literacy

is sincerely dedicated to you.

Table of Contents
The Raven and the Swan 5
The Farmer and the Stork 6
The Donkey and the Lapdog 8
A Happy Ending 9
Small Things Cost Much 11
Have Faith in God 13
My Pet Bird 14
The Fisherman Piping 16
The Cat and the Birds 17
The Boys and the Frogs 18
A New House 20
The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage 21
The King and His Hawk 23
More Fun in the Camp 25
Gulliver’s Travel 27
The Wisest Quail 29
The Northwind and the Sun 30
Jonah and the Big Fish 32
The Very Hungry Caterpillar 34
A Day with the Pigs 36
The Brave Boy and the Multicolored Ghost 38
The Greatest Treasure in the World 40
The Magic Tree 42
The Fox and the Ox 44
The Man and the Little Cat 46
The Old Wise Man 48
The Pumpkin Patch 50
Diamonds Only 52
Nathaniel 54
The Old Hunting Dog 56
The Wolf and the Kid 57
The Hidden Wealth 59
Changed By Love 61
A Medal for Lucky 63
Nilo’s Goat 65
Exercise 43 67


The Raven and the Swan

Taken from Aesop’s Fable

A Raven, which you know is black as coal, was envious of the Swan because her
feathers were as white as the purest snow. The foolish bird got the idea that if he lived like
the Swan, swimming and diving all day long and eating the weeds and plants that in the
water, his feathers would white like the Swan’s.
So he left his home in the woods and fields and flew down to live on the lakes and in
the marshes. But though he washed and washed all day long, almost drowning himself at it,
his feathers remained as black as ever. And as the water weeds he ate did not agree with
him, he got thinner and thinner, and at last he died.

Motive Question: Who is envious of the Swan?

1. Who is envious of the Swan? LITERAL ( The Raven)

2. Why the Raven is envious of the Swan? LITERAL

(The Swan’s feathers were as white as the purest snow)

3. What is the reason of the Raven of wanting for feathers that are as white as the purest
snow? INTERPRETATION (Because having feathers that are white as the purest snow
will make him beautiful.)

4. Do we need to be physically beautiful to be appreciated? Why? EVALUATION

(No, because beauty doesn’t depend only on the physical aspect.)

5. If beauty doesn’t depend only on the physical aspect, what other aspect can contribute
(The other aspect that contributed beauty is your attitude.)

6. How will you show to the Raven that attitude can also contribute beauty to a person?
(By means of doing and dealing well to others)

7. Create a short play that shows that doing and dealing well with other people makes a
person more beautiful. CREATIVE READING

Questions Prepared by


Tungawan District

The Farmer and the Stork

Taken from: Aesop’s Fable

A Stork of a very simple and trusting nature had been asked by a gay party of Cranes
to visit the field that was just newly planted. However, the party ended dismally with all the
birds entangled in the meshes of the Farmer’s net.
The Stork begged the Farmer to spare him.
“Please let me go,” he pleaded. “I belong to the Stork family who you know are honest
and birds of good character. Besides, I did not know the Cranes would steal.”
“You may be a very good bird,” answered the Farmer, “but I caught you with the
thieving Cranes and you will have to share the same punishment with them.”

Motive Question: Who was invited to a gay party of Cranes?

1. Who was invited to a gay party of Cranes? LITERAL (The Stork)

2. What did the Stork feel when all the birds entangled in the meshes of the Farmer’s
net? INTERPRETATION (Nervous, because his life might end.)

3. What did the Stork do when he felt nervous that the farmer might end his life?
LITERAL ( Stork begged the Farmer to spare him)

4. How did the Stork beg to the Farmer? LITERAL (The Stork said that he belongs to a
reputable family who are honest and with good characteristics)

5. Why do you think the Stork included the good characteristics of the family that he
belonged when pleaded for his life? EVALUATION (To convince the farmer to spare
him because he came from a reputable family.)

6. If you were the Farmer, will you spare the Stork because he came from a reputable
family? Why? INTEGRATION
(No, He committed mistakes so he must deal with the punishment.)

7. Create a short reflection about these lines. “You may be a very good bird,” answered
the Farmer, “but I caught you with the thieving Cranes and you will have to share the
same punishment with them.” CREATIVE READING

Questions Prepared by


Tungawan District


The Donkey and the Lapdog

Taken from: Aesop’s Fable

A man had a Donkey, and a Maltese Lapdog, a very great beauty. The donkey was
left in a stable and had a plenty of oats and hay to eat, just as any other Donkey would. The
Lapdog knew many tricks and was a great favorite of his master, who often fondled him and
seldom went out to dine without bringing him home some tidbit to eat. The Donkey, on the
contrary, had much work to do in grinding the corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest
or burdens from the farm. He often lamented his own hard fate and contrasted it with the
luxury and idleness of the Lapdog, till at last one day he broke his cords and halter, and
galloped into his master’s house, kicking up his heels without measure, and frisking and
fawning as well as he could. He next tried to jump about his master as he had seen what the
Lapdog did but he broke the table and smashed all the dishes upon it to atoms. He then
attempted to lick his master, and jumped upon his back. The servants hearing the strange
hubbub and perceiving the danger of their master, quickly relieved him, and drove out the
Donkey to his stable with kicks and clubs and cuffs. The Donkey, as he returned to his stall
thus lamented: “I have brought it all on myself! Why could I have not contented to the labor
with my companions, and not wish to be idle all day like that useless little Lapdog!”

Motive Question: What does a man have?

1. What did a man has? (LITERAL) (A Donkey and a Maltese Lapdog)
2. What were the differences of the Donkey and the Lapdog?(LITERAL)
(The donkey was left in a stable and had a plenty of oats and hay to eat. The Lapdog
knew many tricks and was a great favorite of his master.)
3. What did the Donkey feel upon knowing that the Lapdog is the great favorite of their
master? (INTERPRETATION) (The Donkey felt jealous.)

4. What did the Donkey do out of his jealousy? (LITERAL)

(He tried to follow what the Lapdog was doing to his master.)

5. Why did you think the Donkey follow what the Lapdog was doing to his master?
(EVALUATION)(Because he was thinking that his master would also make him as his
favorite if he could do what the Lapdog could.)
6. If you were the Donkey, what will you do to please your master so that you will become
his favorite?(INTEGRATION)
(I will be myself, perform my duty and show to my master my worth.)
7. Write an insight based on the statement of Donkey, “I have brought it all on myself! Why
could I have not contented to the labor with my companions, and not wish to be idle all
day like that useless little Lapdog!” (CREATIVE)
Questions Prepared by


Tungawan District


Jack took his younger brother camping. It was Seth’s first time sleeping out in the woods.
Seth helped Jack find wood for the fire. Then they went to the river and caught a fish for
dinner. Jack showed Seth how to cook the fish over the fire. Seth was having a great time!
After dinner, it got dark quickly. Jack and Seth sat by the fire. Jack told a scary story
about monsters. Then the boys got out their sleeping bags.
Seth lay in his sleeping bag. He could not stop thinking about monsters. He told Jack
he would never be able to sleep.
Jack was sorry that he had told the story. He wanted to make Seth feel better. So Jack
quickly thought of a new ending.
“I forgot to tell you something,” Jack said. “If you have a lucky stone, the monsters will
not bother you. I brought one for you.”
Jack gave Seth a smooth stone. Seth was not scared anymore. Soon they were both
fast asleep

Motive Question: Who went along with Jack camping?
1. Who went along with Jack camping?(LITERAL) (Seth, his younger brother.)

2. Why did Seth tell Jack that he won’t be able to sleep? (LITERAL)
(He could not stop thinking about monsters in the scary stories Jack told him earlier that

3. What did Jack feel when Seth told him he could not stop thinking about monsters in the
scary stories? (LITERAL) (Jack felt sorry that he had told the story and wanted to make
Seth feel better.)

4. What might happen if Jack was not able to think of a way to make Seth feel better?
(INTERPRETATION) (Seth might not end up crying and both of them will not be able to
sleep the whole night.)

5. If you were Seth, what will you bring to help you sleep tight in the woods the whole
night? (INTEGRATION) (I’ll bring a companion, a tent and other beddings so I’ll be
comfortable during night time and be able to sleep tight.)

6. What do you think is Jack’s purpose of bringing Seth to be his companion out in the
woods? (EVALUATION) (He wanted Seth to experience and enjoys the activities during

7. Make a map to serve as route to guide your team when you will have camping activities.

Questions Prepared by:

Tungawan District



C.B. International-Androids Apps on Google Play>apps>developer
One day, while walking down the road, a father said to his son, "Look, a horseshoe is
lying in the mud. Pick it up."
The son said, "I hate to pick up things from mud."
The father picked up the horseshoe and kept it in his pocket. On reaching the village,
he sold the horseshoe and bought some cherries.
Father understood the desire of his son and dropped a cherry on the ground. The son
picked it up, washed it and ate it up.
Then the father said to him, "Sometimes even small things cost much. These cherries
are because of that horseshoe that you refused to pick up from the mud."
The son understood what his father meant.

Motive Question: What did father tell his son to pick up in the mud?
1. What did father tell his son to pick up in the mud?(LITERAL)
(A horseshoe lying in the mud.)

2. Where did father bring the horseshoe? (LITERAL) (Father sold the horseshoe upon
reaching the village and bought some cherries.)

3. Why do you think father dropped a cherry on the ground? (INTERPRETATION)

(He wanted his son to pick it up and later teach him a lesson.)

4. What lesson did the father tell his son? (LITERAL)
(The father told his son that sometimes, even small things cost much.)

5. Would you agree with the father’s line "Sometimes even small things cost much.”?
Why?(EVALUATION) (Yes. Because things, though they may be small, still has value. So
we should not ignore the presence of a thing in our surroundings ‘coz we might need it
one day.)

6. If you were the son, how will you show that you value the presence of your father in your
life? (INTEGRATION) (I will obey, show my love and make him feel that he is important to
me through simple acts.)

7. Write a letter to your father telling the how important he is in your life. (CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared by:


Tungawan District



C.B. International-Androids Apps on Google Play>apps>developer

Once, a teacher had a disciple who used to live in a hermitage. One day, the
disciple was going somewhere. He hadn't gone too far when suddenly it started
raining cats and dogs. He returned and told this problem to his teacher. The teacher
said, "You should have faith in god. He will save you from all problems."
The disciple obeyed and resumed his journey. He kept reciting the name of
god and cleared all the hurdles.
Next day, the teacher had to go on the same route. When he reached a deep
drain, he doubted whether god would save him or not. The teacher got drowned.
Thus, doubt drowns you and faith saves you.

Motive Question: Who has a disciple who used to live in a hermitage?

1. Who has a disciple who used to live in a hermitage? (LITERAL)
(The teacher.)

2. What happened to the teacher when he also encountered a problem? (LITERAL)

(The teacher doubted whether god would save him or not. The teacher got drowned.)

3. What would happened if the teacher never doubted that god would save him?
(INTERPRETATION) (The teacher might have also overcome the hurdles in his

4. If you were the disciple, would you listen to the advice of the teacher so that you will
overcome any problem in your life? Why? (INTEGRATION)
(Yes. I will listen and make my faith to god firmer so I’ll be able to overcome the
problems.) (Answers may vary)

5. How will you explain the line, “doubt drowns you and faith saves you.”? (EVALUATION)
(If your faith on God is not firm and you keep on doubting about something, you might
end up miserable.)

6. Dramatize a scenario that depicts having strong faith in god amidst challenges.

Questions Prepared by:

Tungawan District

By: John Rickey

I take my green pet bird everywhere I go. I got her when I was four. I don’t know if it
was right for a kid that is four to have a bird, but as all kids know, a bird is a cool pet! My bird
and I walk around my room. My bird can jump over four books. Any day now, he will talk too.
He is about as tall as a pen. I don’t want any other pet, just my bird.

Motive Question: What is the pet of the girl?
1. What is the pet of the girl? (LITERAL)

2. What is the color of the bird? (LITERAL)


3. How tall is the green bird? (LITERAL)

(The bird is as tall as a pen.)

4. What do you think the girl feels of having a pet bird as tall as a pen?
(She is happy and proud.)

5. Why do you think the girlr is happy and proud of having a pet bird? (LITERAL)
(The girl is happy and proud because her bird can walk around the room, can jump over
four books and in any day, he will talk too.)

6. Is it right for a four year-old kid to have a pet bird that can walk around the room,
jump over four books and talk? Why? (EVALUATION)
(Yes. So he will develop kindness towards pets or animals.) (Answers may vary.)

7. If you were the four year old girl, how will you show kindness to your pet?

8. Draw your favorite pet. (CREATION)

Questions Prepared by:

Tungawan District



Aesop’s Fable

A fisherman skilled in music took his flute and his nets to the seashore. Standing on
a projecting rock, he played several tunes, in the hope that the fish, attracted by his melody,
would off their own accord dance into his net, which he had placed below. At last, having
long waited in vain, he laid aside his flute, and casting his net into the sea, made an excellent

Motive Question: Who was skilled in music in the story?

1. Who was skilled in music story? (LITERAL) ( a fisherman)
2. What musical instrument was used by the fisherman? (LITERAL) ( flute)
3. Where did a fisherman play his flute? LITERAL) (to the seashore)
4. What did you think a fisherman was doing in the seashore? (INTERPRETATION)
( he went fishing)
5. Why did he play several tunes in fishing? (LITERAL) (hoping to catch fish)
6. How will you show concern to the sea creatures that are destroyed due to illegal
catching of fish? (INTEGRATION) (Use nets instead of using dynamites.)
7. What do you think will happen if the fisherman uses dynamites to catch fish? ( small
fishes will also die )(EVALUATION)
8. What would you do if you haul small fishes?
(I will return it to the sea for them to grow instead of selling them in the market.)
9. Dramatize a fisherman selling fish in the market. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District



Aesop’s Fable

A cat was growing very thin. As you have guessed, he did not get enough to eat. One
day, he heard that some birds in the neighborhood were ailing and needing a doctor. So he
put on a pair of spectacles, and with a leather box in his hand, knocked at the door of the
bird’s home. The birds peeped out, and Dr. Cat, with much solicitude, asked how they were.
He would be very happy to give them some medicine. “Tweet, Tweet,” laughed the birds.
“Very smart, aren’t you? We are very well, thank you, and more so, if you only keep away
from here.”

Motive Question: Who was growing very thin?

1. Who was growing very thin? (LITERAL)
(A cat)
2. Why did the cat grow very thin? (LITERAL)
(He did not get enough to eat.)

3. What will you do if you can’t get enough to eat? (INTERPRETATION)

(I will work hard to get enough. I will ask from my parents.)

4. Whom will you consult to if you get sick after working hard? (INTERPRETATION)
(to a doctor)
5. How did the cat pretend to be a doctor? (LITERAL)
(She put on her spectacles with a box on her hand and knocked at the bird’s home.)

6. What was the birds’ reaction when he saw Dr. Cat with spectacles
and a box on her hand and asked how they are?(LITERAL)

(The birds laughed.)

7. Why did the birds laugh?(INTERPRETATION)

(Because they knew that the cat was pretending to be a doctor)

8. What do you think would be the reaction of the birds if they knew that the cat was not
pretending? (EVALUATION)
(The birds will fly away/afraid.)

9. If you were the birds, will you be afraid of the cat? (INTEGRATION)

10. Act out the most liked part of the story. (CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared By:

` Tungawan District

Some boys were playing one day at the edge of a pond where lived a family of frogs.
The boys amused themselves by throwing stones into the pond so as to make them skip on
the top of the water. The stones were flying thick and fast and the boys were enjoying
themselves very much; but the poor frogs in the pond were trembling with fear. At last, one
of the frogs, the oldest and bravest, put his head out of the water, and said, “Oh, please, dear
children, stop your cruel play! Though it may be fun for you, it means death to us!”

Motive Question: Who were playing in the pond?
1. Who were playing in the story?(LITERAL)
(Some boys)

2. Where did some boys play? (LITERAL)

(At the edge of a pond)

3. Who lived at the edge of the pond? (LITERAL)

(A family of frogs)

4. What did the boys feel seeing a family of frogs? (INTERPRETATION)

(The boys feel disgusted.)

5. What did the boys do to the frogs when they feel disgusted? (LITERAL)
(throw them with stones)

6. Will it be good to throw stones to the frogs? Why? (EVALUATION)

(No, because it is not good to hurt them.)

7. How will you express your concern to the frogs who were hurt after the boys threw
them with stones? (INTEGRATION)
(Do not seek for your own pleasure while others are suffering.)

8. Write a short dialog of a frog complaining to the boys that they are hurt in their
natural habitat.(CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared By:

Tungawan District


(Dorothy White- Christian And Ruth Wheeler)

A new house is on the street where Benie and Marie live. Some men come everyday.
The men are building a new house. Who will live in the new house? Benie and Marie look
everyday. Will they get some new friends? “I want a boy to live in the house,” said Benie. “I
want to play ball with the new boy.” One day a truck came. Some men took things into the
house. Now who will live next door to Benie and Marie and Sonny? That day a boy and his
father came to the new house. Two girls and their mother come to the new house. Now,
Benie and Marie and Sonny have three new friends.

Motive Question: Where did Benie and Marie live?

1. Where does Benie and Marie live?(INTERPRETATION)
(in a new house)

2. Who come/s to the house everyday?(LITERAL)

(some men)

3. Why do some men come to the new house?(LITERAL)

(because they are building a new house)

4. How do Benie and Marie feel when they know that some men are building a
new house on the street? (INTERPRETATION)
(happy / excited)

5. When Benie is happy, who does he want to play with? (LITERAL)

(He wants to play with the new boy.)

6. How will you show to the new boy your feelings if you he is your new neighbor?
(Show to him that you are happy to have new neighbors)

7. Do you believe that happiness can be gained only with friends? Why? Why
(Yes, because friends are always around every time you need them. /No,
because we can be happy with our own family too.)

8. Make possible solutions to a problem concerning children who want to stay

with their friends instead with their family?(CREATION)
(keep the family ties, pray and eat together, establish family bonding)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District

The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage

Aesop’s Fable
A bird, a mouse and a sausage live together. The bird is in charge of getting wood in
the forest every day. The mouse had to get water and make the fire. The sausage is in charge
of cooking.
They lived happily until one day, the bird met another bird who told him that his work
was the most difficult while his other friends had easy jobs.
When he heard the message, the bird refused to go to the forest the next day and
demanded that they should exchange their work. The mouse and the sausage were against
this proposal but were forced to agree to the bird’s wish.
Alas! Everything went wrong. They experienced problems. When the sausage went
to cut wood, it slipped down from the tree and was eaten up by a dog. The mouse burnt itself
and perished. Finally the bird too fell into the well and died!!!

Motive Question: Who lived together in the story?
1. Who lived together in the story?( LITERAL)
(A bird, a mouse and a sausage)

2. What happened to the bird one day? (LITERAL)

(The bird met another bird.)

3. What did the other bird tell him?( LITERAL)

(His work was the most difficult while his other friends had easy jobs.)

4. What did the bird do when he heard that his work was the most difficult while his other
friends had easy jobs? ( LITERAL)
(The bird refused to go to the forest the next day.)

5. Why do you think the bird refuse to go to the forest the next day? (INTERPRETATION.)
(The bird thought that the other bird said to him was true)

6. What did the bird do to the mouse and the sausage when he thought that the other bird
said to him was true? (LITERAL)
(He demanded that they should exchange their work)

7. Did the mouse and the sausage in favour to the idea of the bird that they should
exchange their work? Why? (LITERAL)
(No, but they are forced to follow.)

8. What happened to the lives of the mouse, the bird and the sausage as they forced to
follow the idea of the bird? (LITERAL)
(They experienced problems)

9. Why do you think they experienced problem in doing their work?

(because they exchange their work as they do not know how to do it)

10. If you were the mouse/bird/sausage, what would you do to overcome the problem with
their new work? (INTEGRATION)
(Think an effective strategy and used it to solve the problem.)

11. Dramatized a certain situation where in you used an effective strategy to solve the
problem. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District


The King and his Hawk

Aesop’s Fable

Once, a king was crossing a desert, his hawk perched on his shoulders. The hot sun
made him thirsty and he went to look for a stream. Luckily, he chanced upon a stream not
very far. He knelt down and was about to drink the water, when suddenly the hawk swooped
down and pecked his hand.
He stooped down to drink the water again but the hawk pecked his hand again. The
thirsty king screamed angrily at the hawk. When he stooped down, something glistened in
the water. It was a fierce poisonous snake.
The king knew that a single sip of water would have killed him. He felt terrible for
screaming and apologized to his hawk, petting it lovingly. The hawk too, forgave his master.

Motive Question: Who crossed a desert?

1. Who crossed a dessert? (LITERAL)

2. What happened to the king as he crossed a desert under the heat of the sun?(
LITERAL) (The king became thirsty.)

3. What did the king do when he was thirsty? (LITERAL) (He looked for a stream).

4. What did the king do when he found a stream? (LITERAL)

(He knelt down and was about to drink the water when the hawk swooped and pecked
his hand.)

5. What is the reaction of the king when the hawk swooped down and pecked his hand?
(LITERAL) (The king screamed angrily at the hawk)

6. What glistened in the water when he screamed angrily at the hawk? (LITERAL)
(It was a fierce poisonous snake)

7. Why do you think the fierce poisonous snake glistened in the water?
(INTERPRETATION) (The poisonous snake glistened in the water because he was
disturbed from his sleep)

8. What was his realization when he saw the fierce poisonous snake awaked from slept?
(LITERAL ) (He felt terrible for screaming and apologized to the hawk, petting it

9. Why do think the king asked an apology to the hawk? (EVALUATION/CRITICAL)

(The king asked an apology to the hawk because he knew that he is wrong)

10. If you were the king, would you asked an apology to the one you have done wrong?

11. Write a letter of apology to the one you hurt or you have done wrong. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District


More Fun in the Camp

Authored by: Leah N. Bautista

Mr. Bien Morales’ daughters have always been quiet. Matt and Jay invited them to
join their weekend camp at the forest. Ana and Ivy were glad to join the company of Matt and
Jay. The girls were excited to reach the camp with them.
In the afternoon, when they reached the camp, they started to hike. They saw huge
old trees. They saw small birds and insects. They even followed a deer.
Anna tripped on a broken branch. The grass was damp. She hurt her knee. Ivy was
sad. “Don’t worry it’s just a scratch,” she said that made Anna smiled.

Motive Question: Who have always been quiet?

1. Who have always been quiet? (LITERAL)
(Mr. Bien Morales’ daughters)

2. Who are Mr. Bien Morales’ daughters? (LITERAL)

(Anna and Ivy)

3. What was the feeling of Anna and Ivy in the company of Matt and Jay? (LITERAL)
(They felt glad to join the company of Matt and Jay)

4. Why were they glad to join the company of Matt and Jay?( LITERAL )
(They were excited to reach the camp.)

5. What did they do when they reached the camp?( LITERAL)

(They started to hike and saw huge birds, trees, and insects.)

6. What happened to Anna as they started to hike? (LITERAL)
(Anna tripped on a broken branch)

7. What were Ivy’s feelings when Anna tripped off on a broken branch and hurt her knee?(
(Ivy felt sad and said don’t worry, it’s just a scratch.)

8. What does the line “Don’t worry, it’s just a scratch” suggest to the attitude of Ivy?
(Ana will not be sad because it is just a small scratch and they can still go on in the camp.)

9. Does having a small scratch in a camp at the forest be a reason not to continue the
(No. I have a friend who can comfort me.)

10. If you have a friend who gets hurt, what will you do to comfort her/him?? (INTEGRATION)

11. Draw your favorite place for camping. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District


Gulliver’s Travel
Excerpt from The Book of Jonathan Swift

Gulliver was a doctor who did a lot of travel. One time, a huge typhoon caught him at
the sea and destroyed his boat. He woke up one morning. Gulliver was shocked to see little
people surrounding him. Dwarf soldiers guarded him. The king of Liliput came. Gulliver
realized that he was in the kingdom of Liliputians. The king asked his men to feed the doctor.
The soldiers fed him until he was full....They wanted him to be their friend.
One night, while Gulliver was sleeping, the small soldiers dragged him into a big
castle. The big castle served as his house. But because he was too big, he needed to crawl
and lie down all day. The king asked his blacksmith to make a huge metal chain for Gulliver.
The doctor could not walk but he was still not free. The palace tailors sewed him a new large
suit. The educators of Liliput taught him how to speak their language.
Gulliver became a good friend to the Liliputians. They often danced on his palm and
played on his hair. One time, Gulliver saw a damaged boat. The king allowed him to leave
on board the boat. The Liliputians helped him fixed the boat. Gulliver parted happily with his
new friends - the Liliputians.

Motive Question: Who was the doctor who did a lot of travel?
1. What was the name of the doctor who did a lot of travel? ( LITERAL)

2. What happened to Gulliver’s boat? (LITERAL) (It was destroyed by the huge

3. What was Gulliver’s reaction after the huge typhoon destroyed his
boat?(LITERAL) (He was shocked because there were little people surrounded

4. Who were the little people surrounded Gulliver? (LITERAL)

(The Dwarf Soldiers /Liliputians)

5. Why did the dwarf soldiers/ Liliputians guard Gulliver? (LITERAL)

(Because they wanted him to be their friend)

6. What did Gulliver feel when he found out that he had new friends?
(INTERPRETATION) (He felt happy because he was taken good care of the

7. Why do you think the dwarf soldiers/ Liliputians take good care of Gulliver and treat
him like a family?(EVALUATION/ CRITICAL)
(because Lilliputians don’t want him to leave)

8. What gift will you give to the Liliputians as your symbol of gratitude before you
leave? Why? (INTEGRATION)

9. Perform an interpretative dance about your experience being left by a friend.


Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District


The Wisest Quail

From the Book: “Across Boarders Through Reading,” p. 222

The quail had a problem. They lived in great fear of a quail-catcher who would throw
a net over them, then stuff them into a basket.
One day, the wisest of the quail said, “Listen Brothers, I have a plan. When the quail-
catcher throws this net over us, let us put our heads through a mesh in the net. Then let’s lift
up the net together and fly away with it. When we have flown some distance away, let’s drop
the net on a thorn bush and escape from under it.”
All agreed and so when the quail-catcher come the next day, the quails did as the
wise quail had told them to do. The quail-catcher had a hard time taking the net from the
thorn bush.

Motive Questions: Who had a problem?

1. Who had a problem? (LITERAL) (The quail)
2. What was the quail’s problem? (LITERAL) (Fear of a quail-catcher)
3. Is the plan of the wisest quail enough to overcome their fear of the quail-catcher?
(EVALUATION) (Yes, because he was able to come up with a bright idea on how
to get away from the quail-catcher)
4. Is the bright idea of the wisest quail successful? (EVALUATION) (Yes, because the
quail-catcher had a hard time taking the net from the bush.)

5. What do you think the quail-catcher feel when he had the hard time taking the net
from the thorn bush? (INTERPRETATION) (Outrageous )
6. If you were the quail-catcher, would you also feel outrageous? (INTEGRATION)
(Yes, because I could not only have a hard time taking the net out from the thorn
bush I could also get hurt.)
7. Write another ending for this story. (CREATING)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District

The Northwind and the Sun

From the Book: “Interactive Language 4,” p. 130

One morning,the Northwind and the Sun saw a man walking down a country road.
He was wearing a new coat.
“That young man looks very pleased with his new coat,” said the Northwind. “But I
could easily blow it off his back if I wanted to.”
“I don’t think you could,” said the sun. “But let us see who of us can take off the
coat.” The Northwind began to blow hard. People had to chase after their hats. Leaves
were blown helplessly from the trees. The Northwind blew so mightily, but it was no use.
The man just pulled his coat more tightly about him.
“My turn now,” cried the Sun. And he gave out his heat gently at first. Insects
hummed happily and flowers bloomed beautifully. The birds began to sing cheerfully. Then,
the sun shone more strongly. Soon, the man began to feel very hot. “How hot it is!” he
exclaimed, and he quickly took off his coat.

Motive Questions:Who saw a man walking down the country road?
1. Who saw a man walking down the country road? (LITERAL) (The Northwind and the
2. What did the Northwind and the Sun argue about? (LITERAL) (About whom could take
off the coat that the man was wearing)
3. Who successfully took off the coat that the man was wearing? (LITERAL)
(The Sun)
4. Do you think the sun find it difficult taking off the man’s coat? Why?
(INTERPRETATION) (No. Because he did it gently and gradually)
5. What was the disposition of the insects, the plants and the birds when the sun started
giving off heat gently and gradually? (LITERAL) (Happy and cheerful)
6. Why were the leaves not happy and cheerful when the Northwind started to blow?
(LITERAL) (Because they were blown away.)
7. Was the Northwind satisfied when the leaves were blown away? Why? (LITERAL) (No.
Because he even blew harder)
8. What did the man do when the Northwind blow harder? (LITERAL) (He just pulled his
coat more tightly about him.)
9. Why did the Northwind stop blowing when the man pulled his coat more tightly?
(LITERAL) (Because it was already the Sun’s turn.)
10. Why did the insects hum, the flowers bloom and the birds sing when it was already the
Sun’s turn to give off heat? (EVALUATION) (Because they liked the gentle heat the sun
is giving off.)
11. If you were the sun, how would you give off your gentle heat? (INTEGRATION) (By
blowing gently and moderately so that people will not feel very hot)
12. Write a reflection about the story. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District

Jonah And The Big Fish
(An adaptation)
Holy Bible –Revised Standard Version
Jonah 1-3

There was a man named Jonah, the son of Amittai. God said to him, “Arise and go to
Nineveh for their wickedness has come up before me.”
But instead of obeying God, he went the other way. He boarded a ship, paid a fare
and went away. But God hurled a great wind upon the sea, and there was a mighty tempest
on the sea and the ship threatened to break up. The Mariners were afraid and each cried to
his god.
Jonah had gone down into the inner part of the ship and had lain down, and was
asleep. The captain of the ship and the rest of the crew knew that Jonah is fleeing from God
because he has told them, so the captain ask “What shall we do to you, that the sea may
quiet down for us?” And he replied, “Throw me into the sea, then the sea will quiet down for
you; for I know it is because of me that this great tempest has come upon you?”
So they took up Jonah and threw him into the sea; and the sea ceased from its raging.
Then the men feared God exceedingly.
Then God appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of
the fish three days and three nights. Jonah realized he disobeyed God so he asked for
forgiveness and prayed to Him from the belly of the fish.
And the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land. Then
Jonah fixed himself and decided to go to Nineveh and preach the Gospel of the Lord. Now
Nineveh was an exceedingly great city again.

Motive Questions: Who was the man told by God to go to Nineveh?

1. Who was the man told by God to go to Nineveh? (Jonah) (LITERAL)

2. Is Jonah obedient to God? Why? (No. Because he did not obey God.) (LITERAL)
3. What did Jonah do when he disobeyed God? (He boarded a ship and went the other
way) (LITERAL)
4. What did Jonah encounter when he boarded a ship and went the other way? (There was
a mighty tempest sent by God) (LITERAL)
5. Did the mighty tempest sent by God made Jonah realize how disobedient he is? Why?
(Yes. Because he instructed the ship crew to throw him into the sea)
6. What happened to him after he was thrown into the sea? (He was swallowed by a great
fish.) (LITERAL)
7. Do you think Jonah fret for disobeying God when he was swallowed by a great fish?
Why? (Yes. Because he asked for forgiveness and prayed to God.) (EVALUATION)
8. If you were Jonah, how would you ask for forgiveness and pray to God? (If I were Jonah
I would fast for a day asking for forgiveness and praying to God.) (INTEGRATION)
9. Draw a big fish with Jonah inside its tummy. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Authored by Eric Carle
(An adaptation)

In the light of the moon a little egg lays on a leaf. One Sunday morning the warm sun
comes up and –pop! Out of the egg comes a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.
He starts to look for some food. On Monday he eats one apple, but he was still hungry.
On Tuesday he eats two pears, but he was still very hungry. On Wednesday he eats three
plums, but he was still hungry. On Thursday he ate thru four strawberries, but he was still
hungry. On Friday he ate thru five oranges, but he was still hungry. On Sunday he ate thru
long piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of cheese, one slice
of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of
That night he has stomachache!
On Sunday the caterpillar eats one nice green leaf, and he feels much better. Now he
wasn’t hungry- and he wasn’t a little caterpillar anymore. He is a big, fat, caterpillar.
He builds a small house, called a cocoon around himself. He stays in the cocoon for
more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, push his way out and he was a
beautiful butterfly.

Motive Questions: What lays on a leaf?

1. What lays on a leaf? (an egg) (LITERAL)
2. What comes out from that egg? (a very hungry caterpillar) (LITERAL)

3. What did the very hungry caterpillar do? (he ate too much) LITERAL)
4. Why did you say that he ate too much? (Because he ate plenty of fruits, candies, and
chocolates) (LITERAL)
5. Do you think eating plenty of fruits, candies, and chocolates is good? Why? (No.
Because you will get a stomachache ) (INTERPRETATION)
6. Did the caterpillar had a stomachache still when he ate a nice green leaf? Why? (No.
Because the leaf that he ate is medicinal.) (INTERPRETATION)
7. Is the medicinal leaf that the caterpillar ate makes him into a beautiful butterfly? Why?
(No. Because this is definitely how a caterpillar become a butterfly.)
8. What do you think is the author’s purpose in showing us how a caterpillar become a
butterfly? (For us to know the life cycle of a butterfly) (EVALUATION)
9. If you were the butterfly how will you show to the next generation the importance of your
life cycle? (INTEGRATION)
10. Sketch the life cycle of a butterfly. ( CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Tungawan District

A Day With The Pigs
Pedro Pablo Sacristan

There was once a boy who would never get dressed when his parents told him to, nor
would he put on what they wanted him to after his bath. He preferred to dress in a much
stranger manner, but above all, he liked to take his time. His parents were always in a rush,
and wanted him to be a lot quicker, but the boy didn't like this, and he would slow down even
One day, his parents were in their usual hurry, and they got so angry when he refused
to dress, that they told him that he would have to go out naked. The boy didn't mind this in
the least. So out they went.
While the boy was standing naked outside his house, waiting for his parents to bring
the car, along came the local pig farmer. The pig farmer was hard of hearing and had poor
eyesight. Not only that, but he'd also forgotten to put his glasses on that day. When he saw
the little boy's pink skin, he thought it was one of his pigs. And, with a bit of shouting, prodding,
and pushing, the farmer managed to get the boy safely back to a pigsty.
The boy protested the whole way there, but as the farmer was almost deaf, his
complaints didn't help him. And there he was for the whole day, living amongst the pigs,
thought to be a pig, and sharing their food and home.
Finally, though, his parents found him. The boy had had such a regrettable day that
never again did he want to be mistaken for anything other than a human being. Nowadays
he's the first to get dressed, and look perfectly neat and tidy, just like those children in the
clothes catalogues.

Motive Questions: Who never wanted to get dressed when his parents told him?
1. Who never wanted to get dressed when his parents told him?(LITERAL) (a boy)

2. How did the boy prefer to dress? (LITERAL) (dress in a strange manner)

3. Did his parents get angry when he dressed like a stranger? Why? (LITERAL)
(Yes, because he looked like a strange boy.)
4. What kind of parents did the strange boy has? (INTERPRETATION)
(busy, always in a hurry)

5. Who came along in their house everytime his busy parents left him? (LITERAL)
(a local pig farmer)

6. How do you describe the local pig farmer’s condition ?(LITERAL)

(was almost deaf, had poor eyesight)

7. How did the local pig farmer’s condition think about the little boy’s pink skin? (LITERAL)
(one of his pigs)

8. What did the farmer do about the mistaken pig? (LITERAL) (managed to get to the pigsty)

9. Was the boy able to escape out of the pigsty that day? Why? (INTERPRETATION)
(no, because it is difficult to be out in the pigsty so he stayed there for the whole day)

10. What was the boy’s feeling upon staying there for the whole day? (INTERPRETATION)

11. What made the boy realized his regrettable doings? (LITERAL)
(He never wanted to be mistaken again for anything other than being a human)
12. Write a letter of advice to the boy. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Naga District

The Brave Boy and the Multicolored Ghost
Pedro Pablo Sacristan

Once upon a time, a boy went on his holidays to a great castle. He ran through all the
rooms and corridors, apart from one wing, which he never entered for fear of the darkness
In that part of the castle lived a frightened multicolored ghost. He had never left that
area because he was afraid of the light.
Both the boy and the ghost tried to overcome their fear several times, but without
success. That was, until one day when the boy summoned up all his courage, and started
crossing the dark corridor. He managed to do this by imagining that his friends had
organized a surprise party for him, and were waiting in the darkness. The boy and the ghost
met there, and soon became great friends. So friendly did they become that the boy helped
the ghost overcome his fear of the light.

Motive Questions: Who went on his holidays to a great castle? (a boy )

1. Who went to the great castle on a holiday? (LITERAL) (a boy)
2. What was the one thing that the boy feared of in the castle? (LITERAL)
(Fear of darkness)
3. Why did the boy fear in the darkness? (LITERAL)
(because there’s a multicolored ghost living in it)
4. What did the multicolored ghost and the boy have in common? (INTERPRETATION)
5. How did the boy overcome his fear?(LITERAL)

(imagined that his friends had organized a surprised party for him who were waiting in
the darkness)
6. What was the boy’s feeling when he imagined that his friends had organized a surprised
party for him?(INTERPRETATION (happy)
7. Whom did the happy boy meet in the dark room? (LITERAL)
(the ghost which became his friend)
8. How did the ghost and the boy become friends? (LITERAL) (the boy helped the ghost
overcome his fear of the light, and the ghost helped the boy overcome his fear of the
9. What values did the writer try to convey to overcome fear in the story? (EVALUATION)
(to have courage)
10. If you were the boy in the story, would you also befriend a ghost? Why? Why not?
11. Write a friendly letter to the boy telling him of his bravery. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Naga District

The Greatest Treasure in the World
Pedro Pablo Sacristan

Once upon a time, the greatest treasure in the world was hidden in a chest. The
chest was locked and was inside a cave that could only be found with the help of a map.
A monkey found the key to the chest in a tree, an elephant managed to move a
boulder which stood in the way, and a snake found the map under some stones. All of them
tried to find the chest on their own, without success. An owl realized this and gathered the
animals together to work as a team. The animals took his advice and, after many
adventures and difficulties, they managed to find the chest.
When they opened it, there was just one single piece of parchment inside. It said that
if they had gotten this far then they had already found the greatest treasure in the world:
that of friendship.
The animals realized this was true, and they happily remained friends for life

Motive Questions: Where can one find the greatest treasure before?
1. Where can one find the greatest treasure before? (LITERAL) (in a chest)
2. How can one get the chest?(LITERAL) (find the map, get the lock that was inside the
3. When the animals found the map and got the key, were they able to get the chest?
Why?(INTERPRETATION) (no, they failed because they don’t have teamwork)
4. What was their feeling when they failed and did not succeed in doing their work?
5. Did they stop in searching for the chest even if they are sad? Why? (LITERAL)

(no, because the owl realized that they need to work as a team)
6. What had happened when the animals worked as a team? (LITERAL) (they found the
7. What was inside the chest?(LITERAL) (a single piece of parchment)
8. What was written in the parchment? (LITERAL)
(it is said that if they had gotten that far they had already found the greatest treasure in
the world: that is friendship)
9. Define friendship in two words. (EVALUATION) (closeness, companionship)
10. If you were one of the animals in the story, what other means will you do to build
closeness to your friend? (INTEGRATION) (helping each other in times of trouble can
foster a strong friendship)
11. Draw a triangle. In each side, write the characteristics of a friend that you wanted to.

Questions prepared by:

Naga District

The Magic Tree
Pedro Pablo Sacristan

A long, long time ago a little boy was walking through a park. In the middle of the
park there was a tree with a sign on it. The sign said “I am a magic tree. Say the magic
word and you will see.”
The boy tried to guess the magic words. He tried abracadabra,
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, tantara and many more… but none of them worked.
Exhausted, he threw himself on the floor, saying: “Please, dear tree!” and suddenly,
a big door opened in the trunk. Inside everything was dark, except for a sign which said
“Carry on with your magic.” Then the boy said “Thank you, dear tree!” With this, the inside
of the tree lit up brightly and revealed a pathway leading to a great big pile of toys and
The little boy brought all his friends to the magic tree, and they had the best party
ever. This is why people always say that “please” and “thank you” are the magic words.

Motive Question: Who is walking through a park?

1. Who is walking through a park? (LITERAL)
(a little boy)
2. What did the little boy find in the middle of the park? (LITERAL)
(a magic tree)
3. What do you think that the magic tree has for it to open? (LITERAL) (magic words)

4. What are the magic words? (LITERAL)
(please and thank you)
5. What had happened when the boy said “please” and “thank you”? (LITERAL)
(When the boy said “please” the door opened, and when he said s “thank you” the inside
of the tree lit up and revealed a pathway leading to a great pile of toys and chocolate)
6. What do you think the boy feels when the door opened and there were toys and
chocolate in it? (INTERPRETATION)
7. If you were the boy in the story, would you feel happy when someone says “please” and
“thank you”? Why? (INTEGRATION)
(yes, because that is a sign of having good manners)
8. How would you feel if a child has a good manner? (EVALUATION)
9. Make a ribbon and give it to the child who shows good manners. (CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Naga District



By: Aesop

An Ox came down to a reedy pool to drink. As he splashed heavily into the

water, he crushed a young Frog into the mud. The old Frog soon missed the little
one and asked his brothers and sisters what had become of him.
"A great big monster," said one of them, "stepped on little brother with one of his
huge feet!"
"Big, was he!" said the old Frog, puffing herself up. "Was he as big as this?"
"Oh, much bigger!" they cried. The Frog puffed up still more.
"He could not have been
bigger than this," she said. But the little Frogs all declared that the monster
was much, much bigger and the old Frog kept puffing herself out more and
more until, all at once, she burst
Do not attempt the impossible.

MOTIVE QUESTION: Who came down to a reedy pool to drink?

1. Who came down to a reedy pool to drink? (LITERAL) ( The Ox)

2. Who was crushed in the mud when the ox splashed in the water? (LITERAL)
(The young frogs)

3. Who looked for the young frogs? (LITERAL) (The Old Frog)

4. What did the old frog want for her young frogs? (INTERPRETATION)
(He wanted them to be happy)

5. What should the old Frog do for the young frogs to be happy? (LITERAL)
(To let them play in the pool)

6. What happened to the young frogs in the pool? (LITERAL)
(Someone big stepped on them)

7. How did the brothers describe the one who stepped on the young frogs? (LITERAL)
(They described it as a great big monster.)

8. What did the old frog do when he found out about the Great big Monster? (LITERAL)
( He tried to puffed herself as big as he could.)

9. What happened to the Old frog when he puffed herself much bigger? (LITERAL)
(All at once she burst)

10. If you were the Old Frog, would you compare yourself to others? Why and why not?
(INTEGRATION) ( No,because It’s impossible to look for somebody who is exactly the same as
11. What did the author want to convey when he said that “Do not attempt the impossible.”
(EVALUATION) (Be contented of what you have.)

12.Write a composition entitled, “Things that make me happy?” (CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared By:

Malangas District


Submitted By: Camilla Tala, Tunisia

One day, an old man was having a roam in the forest when he suddenly saw
a little cat stuck in a hole. The poor animal was struggling to get out. So, he gave him
his hand to get him out. But the cat scratched his hand with fear. The man pulled his
hand screaming with pain. But he did not stop; he tried to give a hand to the cat again
and again..
Another man was watching the scene, screamed with surprise, “For god
sakes! Stop helping this cat! He’s going to get himself out of there”.
The other man did not care about him , he just continued saving that animal
until he finally succeeded, And then he walked to that man and said , “Son, it is cat’s
Instincts that makes him scratch and to hurt, and it is my job to love and care”.
Moral: Treat everyone around you with your ethics, not with theirs. Treat the
people the way you want to be treated by them.

Motive Question: Who was roaming in the forest?

1. Who was roaming in the forest? (LITERAL) ( The old man)

2. What did the old man see in a hole? (LITERAL) (a little cat)

3. Why was the little cat stuck in the hole? (INTERPRETATION) (because he fell
inside the hole and he can’t get out)

4. How did the old man get the cat in the hole? (LITERAL) (he gave him his hand to
get him out)

5. What did the cat do to his hand? (LITERAL) (the cat scratch his hand with fear)

6. Why do you think the cat did it? (INTERPRETATION) (because the cat was
afraid of being hurt by the old man)

7. What happened to the old man? (LITERAL) (the old man screamed with pain)

8. What did he do when he feel the pain? (LITERAL) (he did not stop and tried to
give his hand again and again)

9. Why did he not stop giving his hands to the cat? (INTERPRETATION) (because
he wanted to help the cat)

10. Who saw the old man while he was helping the cat? (LITERAL) (another man)

11. What did the other man do? (LITERAL) ( the other man screamed with surprise
and told him not to help the cat )

12. What made the old man help the act? (LITERAL) ( his concern for the cat)

13. How did the old man show his concern for the cat? (LITERAL) ( He continued
saving the animal until he finally succeeded)

14. What was the feeling of the old man when he finally succeeded in saving the cat?
(INTERPRETATION) (he was relieved)

15. What did he do after he was relieved? (LITERAL) (he walked to the man and
said, “Son, it is cats instincts that makes him scratch and to hurt, and it is my job
to love and care.”

16. What other ways can you do to show your love and care to your cat?
(INTEGRATION) ( always feed them and keep them safe from harm)

17. What part of the story did you like best? (EVALUATION) (when the old man
finally succeeded to save the cat) (answers may vary)

18. Role play the best part of the story. (CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared By:

Malangas District



A wealthy man requested a young scholar to wean his son away from his
habits. The old man took the youth for a stroll through a garden. Stopping suddenly
he asked the boy to pull out a tiny plant growing there. The youth held the plant
between his thumb and forefinger and pulled it out. The old man then asked him to
pull out a slightly bigger plant. The youth pulled hard and the plant came out, roots
and all. “Now pull out that one,” said the old man pointing to a bush. The boy had to
use all his strength to pull it out.
“Now take this one out,” said the old man, indicating a guava tree. The young
grasped the trunk and tried to pull it out. But it would not budge.
“I – It’s impossible,” said the boy, panting with the effort. “so it is with bad
habits,” said the sage. “when they are young it is easy to pull them out but when they
take hold they cannot be unrooted.”
The session with the old man change the boy’s life.

Motive Question: What was the request of the wealthy man to a young scholar?

1. What was the request of the wealthy man to the young man? (LITERAL)
(The wealthy man requested an old scholar to wean his son way from his habits.)
2. What was the purpose of the wealthy man of his request? (LITERAL)
( He wanted to wean his son away from his habit)

3. How did the wealthy man wean his son away from his habit? (LITERAL)
( He took the young scholar for a stroll through a garden. )

4. What was the instruction of the old man to the boy during their stroll in the garden?
(LITERAL) ( The old man asked the boy to pull a tiny plant growing there. )

5. How did the boy pull the tiny plant? (LITERAL) (he held the plant between his thumb and
forefinger and pulled it out)

6. What was the next plant that he pulled out? (LITERAL) ( a slightly bigger plant)

7. What happened to the slightly bigger plant? (LITERAL) (the plant come out, roots and all)

8. How did the boy pull out the roots of the bush? (LITERAL) (He put all his strength to pull
it out)

9. What may happen if he will pull the guava tree with same strength? (INTERPRETATION)
(he may have pulled the guava tree)

10. Why did the old man ask him to pull the guava tree? (LITERAL) (To teach the young man
that it is the same with the bad habits, when they are young it is easy to pull them out but
when they take hold they cannot be unrooted.)

11. What did the author want to convey when he said the line “when Bad habits are young it
is easy to pull them out but when they take hold they cannot be unrooted”.?
(EVALUATION) ( To train a child while they were young so that they can still be
straightened not to do bad habits.)

12. What do you think was the realization of the young scholar upon hearing about bad habits?
(INTERPRETATION) ( he realized that since he was still young he will change his bad
habits to good.)

13. If you were the young man, what will you do to change your life? (INTEGRATION) ( to
train myself to be good as young as I am than to regret my deeds when I’m already old.)

14. Write a friendly letter to someone who has a bad habit. (CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared By:

Malangas District



Zack went on a trip with his class. He got on a yellow bus. It took them to the
pumpkin patch. When he got off the bus, he got to pick out a pumpkin. He looked
and looked. He picked one but it was too big. He had to pick a little one. He got
back on the bus and went back to his class. He wished he had a big pumpkin

MOTIVE QUESTIONS: Who went on a trip with his class?

1. Who went on a trip with his class? (LITERAL)

2. Where did Zack ride? (LITERAL)

(Zack ride on a bus)

3. What was the color of the bus? (LITERAL)


4. Why did Zack ride on a yellow bus? (LITERAL)

(because it is the bus that will take them to the pumpkin patch)

5. Why did Zack need to go to a pumpkin patch? (LITERAL) (because, he got to pick out a

6. What size of pumpkin did he first pick? (LITERAL)
( a big pumpkin)

7. Why do you think he chose the big pumpkin first? (INTERPRETATION)

(because he thought he could carry it)

8. What was his realization when he could not carry the big pumpkin? (LITERAL)
(He needs to pick a little one)

9. What was the purpose of the author in letting Zack get the little one? (EVALUATION)
(Be contented of what you have. )

10. If you were Zack, what size of pumpkin would you choose? And why? (INTEGRATION)
(Answers may vary)

11. Grouping (Collaborative) (CREATIVE)

Make a pumpkin within your group with the use of a clay

Questions Prepared By:


Malangas District

Taken from: Developing Reading Power 5

A traveler once lost his way in a desert. The sun was so hot and he was very thirsty.
He was very tired and hungry.
Soon he came to an oasis. An oasis is a low fertile place in the desert where there is
“Water at last” the weary traveler exclaimed. “I guess I’m just too lucky.”
As the traveler came to the water, he saw lying upon the bank a sack half-filled with
something. “Oh God”, he said as he knelt beside the sack opening it with both hands. “May
there be some fruits or coconuts inside so that I may have something
to eat as well as water to drink.” With this thought, he got his knife and hurriedly cut open
the sack. When he saw what was inside the sack, he said in a sad, disappointed way, “Poor
me! These are diamonds only.”

Motive Question: Who lost his way in a desert?

1. Who lost his way in a desert? (LITERAL) (traveler)
2. What did the traveler feel when the sun was so hot? (LITERAL) (He was very thirsty,
tired and hungry)
3. What was the place that made the traveler satisfy his thirst? (LITERAL) (oasis)
4. What was his reaction when he saw an oasis? (INTERPRETATION) (He was so happy
and excited)

5. Why was the traveler so happy and excited to see a sack half-filled with something?
(LITERAL) (because he’s hopeful that it would be fruits or coconuts to eat)

6. What was his realization when he found out that the sack was not filled with fruits or
(INTERPRETATION) (He was so frustrated)

7. What is the author’s intention in making the traveler frustrated as read in the line, “Poor
me! These are diamonds only!? (EVALUATION/CRITICAL) (that food is more important than
diamonds in satisfying a
hungry stomach)

8 Which is more important to you, food or diamond? (INTEGRATION) (Yes, because I’m
so hungry.)

9. Write a letter to God thanking Him for all the blessings. (CREATION)

Questions prepared by:

Malangas District

Taken from: “Developing Reading Power 5”

Nathaniel had shot a neighbor’s cow. Eskiah, his friend told him to keep the
incident from his father. He would surely be whipped for it.
Nathaniel! Nathaniel! Come here! His father called angrily. Nathaniel
approached his father who was holding a big stick. “Did you shot our neighbor’s
cow with your arrow? Asked his father. “Father”, he said, “to tell a lie is more than
shameful. I shot our neighbor’s cow by accident. I did not mean to do it”.
His father could not talk for a while. Then he threw away the stick and said,
“My boy, I’m proud of you. You have the courage to tell the truth”.

Motive Question: Who had shot a neighbor’s cow?

1. Who had shot a neighbor’s cow? (LITERAL) (Nathaniel)
2. Who told Nathaniel to keep the incident from his father? (LITERAL) (Eskiah, his
3. Why did Eskiah tell Nathaniel to keep the incident? (LITERAL) (He would surely be
whipped by his father)

4. What was Nathaniel’s reaction when his father brought a whip and asked about the
incident? (INTERPRETATIVE) (He was so nervous but he told the truth)

5. What happened when he told the truth? (INTERPRETATIVE) (His father was happy)
6. Which part of the story made his father happy? (LITERAL) (where he had the
courage to tell the truth)
7. What was Nathaniel’s realization when you have the courage to tell the truth?
(INTERPRETATIVE) (You will be forgiven... They become proud of you)
8. Why did the author express this line, “you have the courage to tell the truth, I’m proud
of you?” (EVALUATIVE) (Honesty makes someone happy.)
9. How will you make your father happy? (INTEGRATIVE) (answers may vary)
10. Write a slogan about hobesty. (CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared by:

Cerelina V. Daraman MT – I
Malangas District

By: Aesop

A hunting dog had served its master for many years. It had helped its
master to catch many animals at its young age. Now it became old, it could not run
as fast as before. Day by day it is getting weaker.
One day, in the forest its master came across a wild boar. He asked the
dog to run after the wild boar.
The old dog caught the wild boar but it was not strong enough to hold the
animal. The wild boar ran off into the forest.
The master was very angry. He scolded the dog. “Get out of here. You
are useless,” he shouted at the old dog.
“I am old. I have lived with you all these years. I have no place to go,
“begged the dog. “There is no work here for an old dog. You must leave my place,”
said the cruel master.
The dog walked away in tears.
Motive Question: Who served its master for many years?
1. Who served its master for many years? (LITERAL) (old hunting dog)
2. What did the old hunting dog do to help its master? (LITERAL) (catch many animals at its
young age)
3. Why can’t the old dog catch many animals? (LITERAL) (it could not run as fast
as before and it was weak and old)

4. What was the reaction of the old and weak hunting dog when he was sent by his master
(INTERPRETATION) (The old hunting dog was so sad.)

5. What message does the author want to express about the feeling of the old, weak dog?
(EVALUATION) (Don’t expect any reward from people who are ungrateful.)

6. How will you reward your dog who served you for many years? (INTEGRATION)

8. Compose a poem entitled, “My Dog”. (CREATION)

Questions prepared by:

Malangas District

The Wolf And The Kid

By: Aesop

There was once a little Kid whose growing horns made him think he was a
grown-up Billy Goat and able to take care of himself. So one evening when the flock
started home from the pasture and his mother called, the Kid paid no heed and kept
right on nibbling the tender grass. A little later when he lifted his head, the flock was
He was all alone. The sun was sinking. Long shadows came creeping over
the ground. A chilly little wind came creeping with them making scary noises in the
grass. The Kid shivered as he thought of the terrible Wolf. Then he started wildly over
the field, bleating for his mother. But not half-way, near a clump of trees, there was
the Wolf!
The Kid knew there was little hope for him.
"Please, Mr. Wolf," he said trembling," I know you are going to eat me. But
first please pipe me a tune, for I want to dance and be merry as long as I can."
The Wolf liked the idea of a little music before eating, so he struck up a merry
tune and the Kid leaped and frisked gaily.
Motive Question: Who thought as a grown-up Billy Goat? (Kid)
1. Who thought as a grown-up Billy Goat? (LITERAL) (Kid)
2. What happened when the kid did not listen his mother’s call? (LITERAL) (The flock was
gone. He was all alone)
3. What was his reaction when he was all alone? (INTERPRETATION) (He was scared)
4. Why was the kid scared? (INTERPRETATION) (He might be eaten by the terrible wolf?
5. What did the kid do to save himself from the terrible wolf? (LITERAL) (He let the wolf piped
a tune?
6. What happened when the wolf piped a tune? (INTERPRETATION) (The Kid had the chance
to escape.)
7. What do you think is the purpose of the author in giving the Kid the chance to escape?
(INTERPRETATION) (for him to think of ways to save himself)
8. If you were the kid, what will you do to save yourself? (INTEGRATION) (I will trick the wolf/ I
will make some alibis)
9. Which part of the story do you like best?
10. Act like a goat while singing “Goaty-Goaty-Meh”.

Questions prepared by:

Malangas District



(Taken from New Pathways to Reading Skills, pages 50-51)

Elmer and Edwin were brothers. When their father died, he gave each of his
son a piece of land . “You find hidden wealth in that land if you work on it, their father said.
After weeks and months of digging, the brothers didn’t find any hidden wealth. So Edwin
sold his piece of land and travelled to other lands enjoying himself while his elder brother,
Elmer, tilled his farm. Soon it was yielding rice until such time that he could buy more land.
He was able to build a nice house, get married and have two children, a boy and a girl.
One day a beggar came to Elmer’s house asking for food. How surprised Elmer was
when he saw that the beggar was his younger brother, Edwin. “So you found the hidden
wealth our father told us, “ Edwin said.

Motive Question: Who were brothers in the story?

1. Who were brothers in the story?(LITERAL)
( Elmer and Edwin)

2. What did the father give to Elmer and Edwin?(LITERAL)

( Their father gave each of his son a piece of land.)

3. What did their father say about the land?(LITERAL)

( He said that they will find a hidden wealth.)

4. What did the brothers do to find out that there was a hidden wealth? (LITERAL) (
The brothers were digging the land. )

5. What did Elmer do after digging the land?(LITERAL)
( He tilled it until it yielded rice and find the hidden wealth)

6. How did Edwin lose his hidden wealth?(INTERPRETATION)

( He sold his land and travelled to other lands enjoying himself.)

7. What made Elmer enjoyed himself?(INTERPRETATION)

(He was able to build a nice house)

8. Who came asking for food to Elmer’s nice house? (LITERAL)

( Beggar)

9. Who was the beggar? (LITERAL)

( Edwin was the beggar, Elmer’s younger brother.)

10. If you were to choose between Edwin and Elmer, whose character do you
prefer? Why? (INTEGRATION)
(Elmer’s, because he was able to manage well the wealth their father gave to

11. If you were Edwin, what could you have done to improve your living?
( I will spend my money wisely.)

12. What event do you think is the highest point of the story?(EVALUATION)
( When Elmer was surprised to know the beggar was his brother, Edwin.)

13. Act out the best part of the story. (CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared By:

Malangas District


(Taken from Developing Reading Power, pages 250-251)

About eight o’ clock one Saturday night, two hardened criminals stepped into the
bedroom of a shocked Mr. Reno, a wealthy, respectable man.
Don’t move or shout. This is a holdup. Give us your treasure box, “one of the
criminals said in a low voice.
Just as Mr. Reno was giving the box, the telephone rang. When he got the receiver
and tried to answer, the criminals jumped at him and beat him brutally. They kicked and
slapped him. When they have finished punishing him, he was unconscious and bloody. One
of his eyes was gouge out.
A housemaid who came out of her room to check if the doors were locked, stepped on
a pool of warm blood and slipped. Frightened, she screamed. The other family came and
unconscious Mr. Reno was found.
The case was reported to the police and the criminals were apprehended. In the
meantime, Mr. Reno had been in the hospital hovering between life and death. One eye
had been totally destroyed and there was doubt whether the other could be saved. As soon
as Mr. Reno could write, he sent a message to the court that the criminals be paroled under
his supervision.
Mr. Reno treated them like sons. One did not respond to Mr. Reno’s love but the other
made good. He attended college and graduated. Later, he attended a medical school. The
young man said, “I want to become a doctor, an eye surgeon.”
Completely changed, the eye surgeon became very famous. Whenever he began an
operation he remembered Mr. Reno, the kind old man who changed his life with his love.

Motive Question: Who stepped into the bedroom of Mr. Reno?

1. Who stepped into the bedroom of Mr. Reno? (LITERAL)

( Two hardened criminals.)

2. What did the two hardened criminals ask from Mr. Reno? (LITERAL)
(Treasure box.)

3. What happened when Mr. Reno was just giving his treasure box? (LITERAL)
(The telephone rang.)

4. What was the reaction of the criminals when the telephone rang? (LITERAL)
( The criminals beat Mr. Reno brutally.)

5. Why did the criminals beat Mr. Reno brutally? (INTERPRETATION)

( The criminals thought Mr. Reno contacted the police.)

6. What was the reaction of Mr. Reno when the police caught the criminals?
( He sent a message that the criminals be paroled under his supervision.)
7. How did Mr. Reno treat the criminals? (LITERAL)
( He treated the criminals like his own sons.)

8. What was one of the criminals’ realization on Mr. Reno’s love and kindness?
(He still has the chance to change his life.(LITERAL)

9. Why did the author allow Mr. Reno to change the life of a criminal to a surgeon?
( To inspire the hopeless and the needy.)

10. If you were Mr. Reno, how will you give the criminals the hope to change their
( Yes, I will give them the chance. No, they have to pay for their mistake.)

11. Write a motto about love and kindness. (CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared By:

Malangas District



(Taken from New Pathways to Reading Skills, pages 94-95)

Gina and Dely were picking ferns near the pond. They will use the
ferns for their science class. Hand in hand they tried to pick a beautiful fern
imbedded in a rock. Dely’s foot slipped dragging Gina with her. Soon the two girls
were splashing in the deep pond for they didn’t know how to swim. Quickly, Lucky,
Gina’s dog, saw what was happening. He barked frantically and quickly swam
towards the girls. Lucky’s barking attracted two men who
were cutting wood. The men hurried to help Lucky bring the girls safely to
the edge of the pond. The hero simple said “ Bow- wow” when they fastened
a medal on his collar. Lucky wanted to tell them that they were being very
good to him. He felt any other dog would have done just the same as he
for he adored children.
Motive Question: Who were picking ferns near the pond?
1. Who were picking ferns near the pond? (LITERAL)
( Gina and Dely were picking ferns.)

2. Where were Gina and Dely picking ferns? (LITERAL)

(They were picking ferns near the pond)

3. How did the girls picked the ferns near the pond? (LITERAL)
(Hand in hand they tried to pick a beautiful ferns imbedded in the rock.)

4. What happened to them after trying to pick a beautiful ferns imbedded in the
rock? (LITERAL)

( Dely’s foot slipped dragging Gina with her and splashing in the deep pond.)

5. Who saw them while they were splashing in the pond? LITERAL
( Lucky, Gina’s dog. )

6. What was the reaction of Lucky upon seeing them splashing in the pond?
( He barked frantically and quickly swam towards the girls that attracted to men.)

7. How did the barking helped the girls.

( Lucky’s barking attracted two men who were cutting wood and helped Lucky
saved the

8. Who do you think really saved the girls? ( INTERPRETATION)

(Lucky saved the girls)

9. What other ways could you suggest to save the girls? (INTEGRATION)
( I will shout at the top of my voice and I will throw a branch of a tree to save the

10. What part of the story that made Lucky feel appreciated?(EVALUATION)
( When they fastened a medal on his collar)

11. Write a composition entitled “ The Good Deeds I’ve Done”. ( CREATIVE)

Questions Prepared By:

Malangas District


(Taken from New Pathways to Reading Skills, pages 56-57)

The rainy days are coming. Whenever rains come the meadows at the
foot of the hill are usually flooded. Nilo has about twenty five goats he herds at
the foot of the hill. Before the rains really come, Nilo’s father would advise him to
keep the goats in the barn at the back of their house to be sure the goats are safe
when the floods come.
Nilo was sleeping one night when the hard rains came. He only knew
of it the next morning. He jumped out of the bed and rushed out at the feet of the
hill. Could his goats find their way to the old barn by themselves? But there were no
goats around. Nilo asked for help so the men, together with his father, looked for
the goats. They found some of the goats cold and hungry. Nilo learned quite a
lesson that time.

Motive Question: What happened to the meadows at the foot of the hill when the rainy
days come?
1. What happened to the meadows at the foot of the hill when the rainy days
come?(LITERAL) ( It usually flooded.)

2. How should Nilo do before the flood come according to father? (LITERAL)
( To keep the goats in the barn to be sure the goats are safe.)

3. Why do you think the father of Nilo wants the goat to be
safe?(INTERPRETATION) ( So that the goats will not be hurt, drowned or carried
away when the hard rain comes.)

4. What did Nilo do when the hard rain come? (LITERAL)

( Nilo was sleeping and only knew of it the next morning.)

5. What was Nilo’s reaction when he knew it the next morning? ( LITERAL)
( He jumped out of bed and rushed out at the foot of the hill.)

6. What happened to the goats when Nilo arrived at the foot of the hill?(LITERAL)
(There were no goats around to be find.)

7. What did Nilo do to find the goats? (LITERAL)

( Nilo asked for help, so the men, together with his father find the goats that were

8. If you were Nilo, what will you feel if you lose some of the goats?
(Answers may vary: sad, scared, worried, and frustrated)

9. What lesson did Nilo learn? (EVALUATION)

( To do what his father told him to do and should obey his father.

10. Write a sorry letter to your father. (CREATIVE)

*Questions Prepared By:

Malangas District


Exercise 43
(Developing Reading Power 6)

Once a bull cart driver was passing through a muddy road. The wheels sank deep in
the mud. Though the bulls pulled with all their strength, they could go no farther.

The driver did not do anything to help his bulls but instead went down on his knees.
He prayed to Hercules, god of strength. He prayed to him to help him pull his cart out of the

But Hercules said, “Put your arms on the wheel, you lazy fellow. Help the bulls pull
the wheels out from the mud. The gods help those who help themselves.”

Motive Questions: Who was passing through a muddy road? (LITERAL)

1. Who was passing through a muddy road? (LITERAL)
(bull cart driver)

2. What happened when the bull cart driver was passing through the muddy road?
(The wheels of his cart sank deep in the mud)

3. Why did the wheels sink? (INTERPRETATION)

(The cart was heavy and the road was soft.)

4. What did the driver do to get the cart out from the mud? (LITERAL)
(He went down on his knees and prayed to Hercules)

5. What did he pray? (LITERAL)
(He prayed that Hercules will help him pull his cart.)

6. What did Hercules tell him? (LITERAL)

( Hercules told him to help the bulls pull his cart, and that the gods help those who help

7. What do you think is the purpose of the author of including the line, “ The gods help those
who help themselves,” (EVALUATION)
(to let the readers realize that success comes to those who pray and exert effort in
accomplishing things)

8. What would you do in order to be successful in accomplishing things?

(varied answer) (INTEGRATION)

9. Write another ending of the story. ( CREATIVE)

Questions prepared by:

Malangas District

Across Borders Through Reading, Integration Across the Curriculum, pp.24-26
Anayao, N. (n.d.). The Tortoise That Wanted to Fly: Folktales of Types 225 and 225A.
Adapted from Children’s Treasury of Moral Stories
Developing Reading Power 3
Duper Maldita. (2014, January 20). Eng.2 lm unit 3 v.1.
English 4 Learners’ Manual
English LM G4, pp. 110
Grade 2 LM, pp. 422-423
Grade V Teacher’s Guide, Quarter 1 Week 7 Day 4
Grade IV English LM p109
Grade 2 LM p34
Grade IV English TG. page 108
Grade III English TG Unit 1 week
Kate Castaños. (2014, October 11). English 3 lm quarter 3.
Learn English Through Stories. (n.d.). Www.Facebook.Com. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from
Learning Material-English 2
Let’s Begin Reading in English LM, pp. 77
Let’s Begin Reading in English LM, pp. 17
Lesson Plan in English V Q1, Wk 10
Lesson Guides in Elementary English 6 p. 18
Lesson Guides in Elementary English 6 p. 31

Lesson Plan in English V Q2, Wk. 6

Library of Congress Aesop Fables. (2019). Read.Gov.

Mark Manny. (n.d.). Www.Facebook.Com. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from

Moral Stories. (n.d.). Moral Stories. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from

The Dirty Cat | - Juan Tamad. (n.d.). Retrieved August 12, 2020, from

The Enormous Carrot. (n.d.). Www.Goodreads.Com. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from

The Milkmaid and Her Pail. (2016, July 5). Fables of Aesop.

The Monkey and the Dolphin – Short Story with Moral on Lie and Boast. (n.d.).
Www.Kidsworldfun.Com. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from

The Patient Little Girl– Short Story. (2012, April 19). PreserveArticles.Com: Preserving Your
Articles for Eternity.

The Sick Lion | EnglishClub. (n.d.). Retrieved August 12, 2020, from

Tina the Lost Bird | Copyright | Cognition. (n.d.). Scribd. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from

2020, from

Wordsworth, G. (2020). Coursehero.Com.


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