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Neumann University 2022

Making Content Meaningful
"The teacher understands the central concepts, tools
of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she
teaches and creates learning experiences that make
these aspects of subject matter meaningful for

The lesson gives reinforcement of skills for students

to understand and retain provided information they
are being taught. I made sure that state standards
are incorporated into each lesson to make sure
students are reaching Pennsylvania goals in an
enthusiastic manner.
Child Development and Learning Theory

"The teacher understands how children

learn and develop and can provide learning
opportunities that support their intellectual,
social, and personal development."

There are various levels of learning that

support independent and group work
ethics so to promote social and personal
growth. With this in mind, I created as
During this lesson, students were tasked with reading their chosen books and then discussing what
they read with reading partners. Students also made predictions about their stories and spoke on many opportunities as possible to help
why the like the book so far.
promote student relationships with peers
and accountability of work ethic.
More Evidence of Social and Personal
Growth within Lessons
Learning Styles/Diversity
"The teacher understands how students differ in
their approaches to learning and create
instructional opportunities that are adapted to
diverse learners."

As each student learns in different ways, lessons

should cater to an array of students and their
capabilities to best meet the needs of students
in the classroom. The lessons I created included
options for modification, accommodations, and
differentiation for all students in the classroom.
"The teacher understands and uses a variety
of instructional strategies to encourage
student’s development of critical thinking,
problem-solving, and performance skills."

The teacher uses recollection by asking

students to retell what was learned, as well
as hands-on activities to build on learning.
Students were able to use manipulatives
to demonstrate learning of the material,
completed partnered tasks to help scaffold
one another, and were also able to answer
questions that were on the board.
INTASC 5: Motivation and Behavior
"The teacher uses an understanding of individual and
group motivation and behavior to create a learning
environment that encourages positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation."
During the beginning of the school year, there was an effort
to create classroom by-laws that help facilitate an
environment conducive to everyone's learning. There was
an emphasis on how our choices could positively or
negatively affect the entire group. This was exhibited by
students earning more time during recess, receiving Bobcat
brags (school-wide tokens for awards) as positive effects, or
losing recess time and potentially brain breaks as negative
enforcement. Parents and the school as a whole through
News on the Lane (school morning news) were also able to
recognize students' positive behaviors when students
received bobcat brags which helped foster a community
relationship and effort.
"The teacher uses knowledge of effective
verbal, nonverbal, and media communication
techniques to foster active inquiry,
collaboration, and supportive interaction in
the classroom."

The lesson plan gives multiple modal learning

powerpoints, images, and verbal instructions/
teaching. Students were able to demonstrate
learning through various means such as raising
hands to answer a question, thumbs up/down to
show whether they are following the lesson,
passing the ball to a friend for help, discussion,
and other ways.
Planning for Instruction
"The teacher plans instruction based upon
knowledge of the subject matter, students, the
community, and curriculum goals."

The lesson builds upon the knowledge that is

learned from the previous day so as to follow the
scope and sequence that is in the curriculum. There
are various planning meetings with the grade level
as a whole and with the teacher mentor. Lessons
are submitted ahead of time for review and
preparation of materials.
INTASC 8: Assessment

"The teacher understands and uses formal and

informal assessment strategies to evaluate and
ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and
physical development of the learner."

Assessments provide an outline for teachers to see

whether students are grasping the knowledge and if
the pacing is aligned with students' needs. There are
formative and summative assessment opportunities in
which students can display their grasp of the concepts.
After summative assessments, as a class we would go
over them. For formative assessments, students will
have a one on one conference where we discuss and
support room for growth. During this time, students are
given an opportunity to learn from their mistakes as I
work with them regarding the errors that were made.
"The teacher is a reflective practitioner who
continually evaluates the effects of his or her
choices and actions on others (students,
parents, and other professionals in the learning
community) and who actively seeks out
opportunities to grow professionally."

On a daily and weekly basis, there is a

breakdown of the events of the week. This
would happen on the team level and on a one
on one level. Things such as what worked and
might need tweaking are discussed to create
room for improvement - both for students and
teachers. Constantly I asked my mentor if there
was anything they felt could be improved upon.
"The teacher fosters relationships with
school colleagues, parents, and agencies
in the larger community to support
students’ learning and well-being."

There is constant communication with

parents via email, in-person meetings,
phone call and home folders to
communicate all that is occurring in the
school day and any concerns that might
arise. Parents are involved in the process to
foster a relationship between the school
and the community.

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