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Address: Ul.

Chemików 7 Płock, Mazowieckie, 09-411 Poland

Contact Phone Number: +48732100545




Employee’s Name: __________________________________________________

Nationality: _______________ Passport Number: _____________________

Sex: ______________ Age: _________________ Religion: ______________

Position Applied: _________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

Telephone: ____________________ Email: ____________________________


The employer is a lawfully established business, licensed incorporated and operating with the laws of
Poland. It is the belief of the employer that the employee possesses those skills, qualification and
abilities to contribute to and further the aims and aspirations of PKN Orlen Oil and Natural Gas

The Employee should agree to work PKN Orlen Oil and Natural Gas Company with good moral
attitude for a basic monthly salary of 42,800.00 Polish Zloty.

*Sick Leave: Such notice shall be given within the first four (4) hours of the working day. In a case of
emergency situation, an employee will be flown to any country suitable for the best medical attention.

Holidays: All government gazette public holiday will be observed depending on the exigencies of
work, the management may decide to operate on a holiday on overtime paid hours.
Description Rate Monthly Total

Basic Salary PZ39,000 PZ 39,000 PZ 39,000

CNYE PZ 1,800 PZ 1,800 PZ 1,800

HRA PZ 800 PZ 800 PZ 800

Allowances PZ 1,200 PZ 1,200 PZ 1,200

NET PAY: 42,800.00 Polish Zloty.

-ACCOMMODATION: Employer’s responsibility

-FEEDINGS: Employer’s responsibility

-AIR-TICKETS: Employer’s responsibility

-WORKING HOURS: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm


-ALLOWANCE: Paid by the Employer

-ANNUAL LEAVE: One month leave per year with leave allowance of 42,800.00 Polish Zloty payment

This Letter of Contract shall be governed in accordance to the law of Poland.

Sign the Contract Agreement if you accept the terms and conditions and if you are eligible to come to
work here in Poland.

Employee Signature:_______________________ Date:________________________

Yours Sincerely
Shel Silverstein
Chief Employment Director
PKN Orlen Oil and Natural Gas Company
Phone: +48732231444, +48732100545

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