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Teachers: Licda. Lucy Serrano De Alfaro.

Elmer Armando Argueta Contreras.

Student: Daniela Michelle Rubio Bustillo.

Students ID: RB21032.

Class of: Basic English.

Homework: E-Summary 4.
The usual actions are those that we carry out on a regular
or daily basis with our friends or family, such as:
-do yoga.
-go dancing.
-see a movie.
-see a play.
These actions are done daily even if we do not realize it, it
is very important that we enjoy our time with fun things
and that they help us to clear our minds and socialize with
other people.
The days when we do the usual actions are
commonly the days that we already know as:
- Tuesday.
- Thursday.
- Saturday.
- Sunday.
It is said that each person has their own interests, ways of
thinking and expressing themselves, of doing and of being.
Often times, our wishes, actions, and ideas are contrary to
those of other people and therefore upsets are generated.
types of emotional interests:
-Ecstasy (emotion)
We are going to define actions as acts that a person
performs, with a specific purpose, in a specific area and
that affects, includes or shares with other people. So, we
can find social actions, when I seek with my action, affect
the behavior of other people.
 Where were you born?
I was born in El Salvador, San Miguel, at the San Juan de
Dios Hospital.
How did you make friends?
I personally do not have many friends, something that is
not very good since you have to socialize a little more with
people, but I am very afraid and I love very quickly and
sometimes they hurt one of them that is why I almost do
not like meeting people but when they speak to me if I like
to converse with others.
What did you like about school?
What I like about school is that I can learn from my
teachers and practice the teaching method they give us.
Were you a good student?
I think so, because I am supportive, honest and above all I
like to help my colleagues if they don't know something.
 Did you enjoy doing your homework?
Yes, I enjoy it, because I learn more things that I did not
know and it is something very important for my
educational development.
Who was your best friend?
my best friend was and is a great person for me.
She went to Asia with her mother. They were going to fly
to Hong Kong. After staying at Hong Kong for three nights,
they would travel on their cruise ship to Shanghai and
Beijing. Anyway, we will see the big wall, Tiananmen
Square and the forbidden city. It's going to be so cool! She
told her neighbor Jane. From China, the cruise ship would
go to Pusan in South Korea and finally in Tokyo. "The trip
will last three weeks. It will only cost $ 2,800 each, if we
control our desire to make purchases," she ri. "I hope your
trip is more fun than mine was," Jane said. They gave us a
reduction that we could use for a future trip. "Mom and I
will wash my hands every 30 minutes and we bring
surgical masks with us."
Presente simple
En este momento, el verbo HAVE tiene dos conjugaciones:
HAVE se usa con los siguientes pronombres personales: I,
You, We, They. Ejemplos:
-Dinner at 8 pm on Saturdays.
-You have the best collection of British music.
-We always have tea after lunch.
-They have a new pool.
HAS is used with the third person singular in English; that
is to say, the pronouns: He, She, It (animal, thing or
place). Examples:
-He has some interesting paintings in his living room.
-She has 4 brothers, 3 sisters and 4 cousins.
-My city has a few tall buildings downtown.
This difference in the present simple only applies
to sentences in the affirmative. It does not apply to
interrogative or negative sentences.
Present perfect simple or continuous
As in the previous explanation, the difference in the use of
HAVE and HAS depends on the pronoun we are using:
HAVE (They, We, You, I) and HAS (It, She, He)
In the present perfect, the translation changes
significantly. This is because in the present simple HAVE
and HAS is a verb that can mean: Have, Possess, among
others. On the other hand, in the present perfect HAVE
and HAS is an auxiliary that means: he, you, he, we, you,
you. Examples:
-Have I have learned 2 languages this year.
-You have improved your dancing skills.
-We have come to visit an old friend.
-They have lived here in Boston since they got married.
Has worked in the factory for 3 months.
You have bought a new pair of red shoes.
It has been snowing for 2 weeks.
In the present perfect simple and present perfect
continuous the difference applies to affirmative sentences
(as in the examples above), interrogative and negative
sentences. Examples:
Have you read 5 books this month?
Have you read 10 books this year?
He hasn't cleaned his old guitar.
The description of a person is not only based on their
physique, but also on what they do or what clothes they
wear on their body.

-We put the adjectives in front of the name.

dark hair -- pelo oscuro
little sister -- hermanita
-The adjectives do not vary in gender or number.
little brother  / little sister
little brothers / little sisters
Two or more adjectives can be used together, but they always
have a certain order. Adjectives for size and length come before
those for color.
long blond hair -- pelo largo rubio
big blue eyes -- ojos grandes azules


Do you have a Facebook account?
if I have a facebook account.

How often do you access it?

I get on my account about 3 hours a day at different times,
not the 3 hours in a row about 4 times a week.

How often do you update it.

I update it a few times a week.

How many friends do you have?

about 2 thousand and some friends added some
acquaintances others just because we only accept them.
Bill wrote this letter to Mary:

We've talked on the phone and in my apartment, and now I'm

writing this letter. Maybe if I put my thoughts and feelings in
writing, you'll understand them better.

I love you. I want to marry you. I want to be with you for the rest
of my life. You are the most wonderful woman I have ever met.
You are not a "load." You are not a "troublemaker."

Yes, you have problems. So do I. And together, we can solve these

problems more easily than if we were apart. Problems are a part of
life. But so is happiness. Let's share our problems and happiness
instead of experiencing them alone.

We are not a bad "fit." We are a perfect match. I do not look down
on you. I look up to you. I admire you. I think you are smart,
brave, and independent. Don't tell me to go find another woman. I
don't want another woman. I have found the perfect woman.

Every day, I think about your beautiful smile, your happy laugh. I
think about the long walks we used to take, holding hands all the
way. Remember how we used to sit on the grass in the park and
watch the parrots?

We were going to get married, and now you want to be "just

friends." Whatever I did or said that was wrong, please tell me so
we can work this out. I don't want to lose you.
What's the difference between the Present Simple /
Present Continuous and how to use them.
We use the present simple tense when we want to talk
about fixed habits or routines – things that don’t change.
We use the present continuous to talk about actions
which are happening at the present moment, but will
soon finish.
With the present simple we say:
I play tennis
Do you play tennis
We play tennis
They play tennis
Plays tennis.
With the present continuous we say:
I'm playing tennis.
You are playing tennis.
We are playing tennis.
He / she is playing tennis.
Adverbs of frequency that we use with the
present simple:
With the present simple we use these adverbs of
(Note that the adverb comes before the main verb in the
Always: 'I always read before going to bed.'
Often: "Her sister often comes shopping with us."
Frequently: "Michael visits his family frequently."
Sometimes: 'Sometimes you go to the gym, right?'
Occasionally: "From time to time it rains in summer."
Rarely: "They rarely ask for help."
Rarely: "You rarely go out without his backpack."
Almost never: 'Almost never eat pizza'.
Never: 'The Japanese never wear shoes indoors.'
Adverbs of frequency that we use with the present simple
With the present simple we use these adverbs of
(Note that the adverb comes before the main verb in the
Always: 'I always read before going to bed.'
Often: "Her sister often comes shopping with us."
Frequently: "Michael visits his family frequently."
Sometimes: 'Sometimes you go to the gym, right?'
Occasionally: "From time to time it rains in summer."
Rarely: "They rarely ask for help."
Rarely: "You rarely go out without his backpack."
Almost never: 'Almost never eat pizza'.
Never: 'The Japanese never wear shoes indoors.'
Have To
The verb "to have" means to have. However, "to have to"
means "to have to". In other words, "have to" implies the
obligation or need to do something.
 You have to read this book.
 They have to repair the roof.
 We have to take the next flight.
Can is a modal verb.
Can is used to express ability or to say that something is
Can is the same for all subjects. We don't add an 'S' in the
third person (like other verbs). The verb that comes after
Can is in the infinitive without to:
 I can speak Spanish. (= it is possible for me to speak
Spanish = I have the ability to speak Spanish)
 He can swim well.
To form the negative, we add "not" after can to form one
word: cannot.
We can also contract the negative to form can't. (can't =
 I cannot play the piano. 
 We can't go to the cinema tonight.

Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?

It has been called one of the most difficult languages to
learn. Both for learners and native speakers alike –
largely due to its unpredictable spelling and tricky to
master grammar.

 What is the most difficult thing about English?

I think is being scared to make mistakes. English is an
easy language to speak badly. I encounter difficulties in the
nasals, accent, grammar, proper pronunciation, spelling,
subject-verb agreements, proper paralinguistics and extra-
linguistics, proper tenses and word formations.

Why are you learning English?

I am learning English because it is an extremely important
language and it also attracts my attention to learn a
language other than my native one.

How often do you practice your English?

3 hours a day every day of the week.
Gary and Alma were having problems, again.

"But you told me it was okay to call up Carol," said Gary. "I asked
you if it was okay to talk to her, because it was her birthday and
I've wished her a happy birthday every year for the last 10 years."

"But you had already promised me that you would never call her
again. You promised me that. So, you lied to me."

"But I had forgotten that I told you that. You know that I forget
things. I'm not going to argue with you; you have a memory like
an elephant. But you've got to believe me, I completely forgot. And
more important, Carol is just a friend."

"No, she isn't. She's still in love with you."

"But I'm not in love with her. She can love me all she wants, but
I'm not in love with her. I never was!"

"Well, you say that. Maybe it's true. Maybe it isn't. But the
important thing is that you never know what the future will bring.
You say that nothing will happen between you and her, but you
don't know that for sure, because you don't know the future."

"Yes, you're right. No one knows the future. I could fall in love
with her again, and she and I might run off and get married and
have nine or ten kids."

"Again? What do you mean 'again'?"


The day we went to the university to vote, I was able to

meet my fellow students, it was something very pleasant
and also safe with masks and gel, I had the joy of having
some great colleagues who little by little we have become
friends, in addition to the votes were somewhat full. It was
our first experience as students of said university, that day
was incredible and I hope to return to the university with
my new friends.
In conclusion, learning little by little is very useful so
that our development is easier and the topics to see
are easier for us too, I learned many things now such
as the continuous present topic or the simple present
in addition to describing a person and that not only
can be described physically if not their strengths and
that kind of thing.

I also realize that each conversation is very important

so we memorize the words that we do not understand,
for me it is very important to take into account each
lesson we see as it helps me better understand and
facilitate my speech or my grammar.

So yes, each lesson is very important and I also

explained a little about what was my moment in
college, thank you.

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