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Name: Jefferson, Marileth B.


1. Choose 2 nursing theories or concepts on older adults. Write and describe each nursing
theories that you have chosen.
Chosen Theories: Environmental Theories and Wear and Tear Theories
A. Wear and Tear Theories- this theory is about the aging process of an individual
where it involves how we took care of our body. How we uses our body in our
daily living. It’s thought revolves around the impact of the things we’ve done to
our body to the body’s aging process. The more we uses our body, the more we
abused our body the faster the aging process of a person is. Just like machines and
technologies as well as books, the more we use it, the more we do something with
it the more it looks old and the more it becomes weak or the function is not that
high compared from the very beginning. As time passes by eventually our bodies
“wear out” due to use.
B. Environmental Theory- it is a theory that tackles about how out environment
affect the aging process of a person. There several factors that known to threaten
health and are thought to affect aging process. Living with a not so desirable
environment can contribute to the aging process. Such as when you’re surrounded
with noise, pollution, also ingestion of harmful chemical, smoking and breathing
tobacco. These things have negative impacts towards your body for these are
harmful things where your body reacted to it in a negative way which then causes
the aging of an individual.

Articles: Wear and Tear Theories

The wear and tear theory of aging, one of several theories, asserts that the effects of aging are caused
by progressive damage to cells and body systems over time. Essentially, our bodies “wear out” due to
use. Once they wear out, they can no longer function correctly.
The wear and tear theory is deeply ingrained in our thinking, and it is the theory you will often hear
expressed in conversation and our culture. It was first proposed scientifically by German biologist Dr.
August Weismann in 1882.

We simply expect that the body, as a mechanical system, is going to break down with use over the years.
The wear and tear theory of aging may also be referred to as simple deterioration theory or
fundamental limitation theory.
In considering the different theories of aging, the wear and tear theory may at first appear to be the
most reasonable. It fits with our experience and carries familiar patterns.

Basic Tenets of Wear-and-Tear Theory

The wear and tear theory basically states that our bodies wear out after time. This theory can
easily make sense to us as we watch inanimate objects in our midst—from our cars to our
clothes—wear out and become less functional with time.

Causes of Wear and Tear Damage

A wide range of insults can damage body systems. Exposure to radiation, toxins, and ultraviolet
light can damage our genes. The effects of our body’s own functioning can also cause damage.
When the body metabolizes oxygen, free radicals are produced that can cause damage to cells
and tissues.
There are some cellular systems that don’t replace themselves throughout life, such as the
nerve cells of the brain. As these cells are lost, function eventually will be lost.
Just like a pair of socks, they can only last so long before becoming threadbare or getting a hole.
While they can patch themselves, like socks, they can only be darned so many times before
they just don’t work anymore.
Within cells that continue to divide, the DNA can sustain damage and errors can accumulate.
The simple act of dividing, again and again, shortens the telomeres of the chromosomes,
eventually resulting in a senescent cell that can no longer divide.
Oxidative damage in cells results in cross-linking of proteins, which prevents them from doing
the jobs they are intended to do in the cells. Free radicals inside mitochondria, the
powerhouses of our cells, injures their cell membranes so they can’t function as well.

Evidence For
Matches common perceptions of aging.
Fits law of entropy.
Many bodily processes decline with aging.

Supporting Evidence
The wear and tear theory of aging fits most closely with our perceived sense of how we age. In
fact, regardless of chronological age, we often use the term “aging” to describe the progressive
deterioration of a person or object.
On a broad level, the wear and tear theory fits closely with one of the fundamental laws of
chemistry and physics, that of entropy. This law states that all systems tend toward a state of
increased entropy or progressive disorganization.
Visually, we can find structural changes with age in our skin and bones. On a cellular level, there
are a number of functions which decline with age. Even with a good diet, our cells have a
decreased ability to absorb nutrients with age.
Articles: Environment Theories

How Environment Impacts Aging

Posted in: Senior Health & Wellness

Many older adults believe aging in place in their own home is the key to staying happy and
healthy in later years. But researchers are finding more and more evidence to prove this isn’t
necessarily true, especially for seniors living alone.

From accidents in older homes that aren’t designed for seniors to poor nutrition, successful
aging is directly impacted by where you choose to live in retirement. And physical well-being
isn’t the only thing that suffers when an older adult chooses to live at home alone.

Socialization, friendships and volunteering provide seniors with opportunities to stay engaged
with life and prevent isolation. Research shows that being isolated in retirement years
contributes to health problems ranging from diabetes to cardiovascular disease.

Retirement Communities Promote Health and Wellness

Being part of a community of peers in an environment designed to support the needs of older
adults can help you live a healthier, more vibrant life.

Retirement living communities like the Seattle area Era Living communities promote health and
wellness on a variety of levels including:

Socialization: With life enrichment programs offering residents daily opportunities for
socialization, retirement communities help beat isolation. An added benefit is the interaction
between like-minded adults. You have the chance to connect and bond with seniors who may
be sharing similar joys and struggles.
Wellness: Staying healthy at any point in life, but especially in retirement years, requires a
focus on mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Senior living communities are uniquely
positioned to help with each of these dimensions of wellness. From water aerobics to our
partnerships with some of the leading researchers in active aging, residents in our Seattle area
communities benefit from the latest advances in wellness.
Nutrition: Seniors of all socio-economic backgrounds can fall victim to poor nutrition in
retirement. Many find cooking healthy meals for one person to be too much time and trouble.
Instead, they turn to fast foods or convenience items. Most are high in salt and sodium and low
in nutrition. In a retirement community, the dining experience combines lively discussion and
companionship with well-balanced food choices that meet the changing nutritional needs of
Volunteerism: Take a stroll through a senior living community anywhere in the country and you
are likely to find residents donating their time by volunteering. It might be a project that takes
place right at the community or a group of residents who join together to help a local non-
profit. We know volunteering helps seniors improve their health and happiness.
Safety: With a physical environment designed to support aging, retirement communities help
prevent many of the injuries and accidents older adults who live in a private residence
experience. Grab bars in bathrooms, handrails in long hallways and single floor living decrease
the risk for falls — the leading causes of disabling injuries to adults over the age of 65.
The bottom line is where you choose to live in retirement might play an important role in how
long and healthy your life will be.

2. Then search for a news article / features/ editorial / reports in the newspaper or internet.
It should be related to the theories /concepts you have chosen.

3. Only copy / highlight the portion of the article that is important.

4. If you get it on the internet, please attach a link below the article.

5. Deadline for submission: October 12, 2022

Key Elements 30 20 10 0

Supporting The details in the The details in Most details in The details
Details article is clear and the the the
Supportive of the article is clear article is clear. article is
topic. but Article does not neither
need to be focus on the clear nor
developed topic related to
more. well. the topic.
Some details
not fit in with

Timeliness Able to submit on Able to submit Able to submit 2 Able to

the day of the set 1 day after the days after the submit 5 days
deadline set deadline set deadline after the set
TOTAL 60 points

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